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The Exeter Times, 1880-6-24, Page 3
toe lit 944' 433 *'. •. •• 8:I91G11i''S• OF KINGS. !fifty years ege, or thereabouts; All• top effuse Oona, tldIte aft, the kap vh 9 it broke down the Walt of r i . tette]. the eruption r1i Illi This crusted mirth X wri" in Cullllu1;rt,]!d of 0ua of seats of the cutter is black, and l�)oks his inkiestyi Wipe R1t1r le , Ntadit':►-r{a lunch lisle ala ; from fl ttll'il:Lilco bat in neat] ettLtloi). lot) always WOrfe 1Ln tLl]- this carie it 1H extremely heft a'!I(l slttlok. per titl're rin,g of rare tvurkrllitrltllhip and ing, and it re'lIllrell great care in the rcr, ;{rest valilait ivti "0aLino uf'y 11ef ermet to int ye. •tth,le. boots burnt, alt S revel w,lh li,eabic nr 111 lltian alar- Or"'tole 0lothod set on 'fire, both of wbash itctt.•r,(e, ring that ilfllttiily i d'e/tonI(il)r teeitletits often ha),.pen. 1 wallitt 0r}g,1tt ly mistake).O ti (1,►y t►1..1311 3331 'deo,. ti couali'ierable. i stance ',Oil the urtia` , irl ; it'iilr; .+,t11ti Oriit.ir; holif1:13.1 1111 h•tii'.1 n'hieb ' i;itvt3 fui tot milli 'us., 110111).1 amt his rout; .lipped di his finger and minds in response to u];' to"tstrl'1H and ;ft 11 overboard. Uf ceiivse ht* oonelnll• .strol(1'b'frotrt my stick. here and there L..Tnllertni or -: OULD BAY T() ,,111191 41.1, alto Lut:11k1 1i&A.,•l' tet oto cu brunt the manufacturer. 'rite dealer who h(iys t' a"ll again- roust • utco+;Nt'rilr 14Nk1111iNw. .` 14.41! ...,. ,.e: to !jive ha 1 troll coolers tad benefit, whicli onnuut tail 1 Ci .,,Vialycl.facturer� 1 Z'V:O ULI) eels specialattontior to ourundortelciug dola.rt olent,wll oli iH /tiara U )11. plot° titan e vor, as w 11ave added seval'nl naw (lesit nr orb ot of late 'rho bait unglue .tasketa.447'0u4sr:end Yeti anent ro(juili'te at '171( - lowest prices, aur new cisme IA''flneunoed'b) ettinkae+tnift:JullreN to tn. second to not0 in ,the WO Wit/ 110111.31i0L31JUX. provinces ,�l.r�° vi e,iT t filo ,t 'lt , , r ' w,:, •.".e. li-1'l fel' (•JRl r1,010IIAdA , 1 are less than i of'•� ata ((.1 1 l � •,c alit 'elft '> .icni A -( �, maim loft ] C Cllt per e.i t float h1' hal :teen the leo. of his fay su1(leu'puffs of Hti3�l.ti'1 tv.11h1 throw opie Emblems 5' f all theni�a�.� i, oritt3 rine ' bet t ft w ae,fast l after -yank 3 ' 1 ...._. ' ! SI 'Of ,uultti.0 olive and Sprinkle kle l)• o- „„„ oleo tett. ,tv ti .x It tter r•',rtl n �ri uti`. (.'i,1- pie who b Lplrei, to be 11 .are Ono lady who A':L.i ++I+LL1.3 :31. at, liil)la1• I•ot' ITlj' 1LC(l'1 onteIIee 11:11, had her lolls• \ tar, and who 1311 iv-a:;i of lei l ;�. br3113L bilrt,t up, while iL gentl• Hiatt had leliltl:; hint the tolyl fel flood tho fi-1g 1'' i lite elol.hes vet all fi-e, another 1 at the the 1'.th"wi'1 g H111 'illltLr11113'111df. 11 sole1 Off. son 1)O•tt't I)yy, walking ill the• 1101 "':t) b raft' i:ntle lf,i3.:.lyllen, ail 11,:1 o, net, ac1't1 a lady 8131 V the colo -t dotal) ventlOr n )gor 103 t11.v t1.03 1111;(,.. w3110... I ride 33)1 just at hRr font and the rn,,lte)l 11e at 000(3 re.81r.',(tiZ,il (as I •)'1(1. b1ful'C masa 11 .tY 131'wly Over. Of (30nr1e u it wi3i 3)'10 i..npus.e'il)lo to ilil'it:l•ke). li• htL,,ty retrbat is the thiLI3. in saoh eases. iogi fled ui' tho Wotn.LO stow 81112 t, 't i6. C11,3 molten mass ll lw:) to the surface when she (t3.r'Crly1111`'wh'retl,," ill'', 31 t aC Vat"Olid paints, ati1 (lopping it (11) On very odes, awl pmrhal,s yu11 11131 11H.' 1-)7 aati(:k;'I imbedded w 1lurub01' of coinbelieve min, but 1. ferind it inside a lief) in 11 IiLtls irr)t4y of it. Ai I walked wits cleaning." 1need 1Oarli•ly ntid. ell) Illi In alit+' h()t'woo-inhere the con - that, (J131tai11 (l-- b;•n>;ht 11*d ring and v1)111.0 gli](111 ))l} •1at1'etl upon in e that returned it to lots 11111 friend, 1t'ho, vf}u thtl crater :,f Veenvins tans a- hollowmid may be surf', w1111 more careful (13.1' .deceptive mockery, and au t'x0ollelit aafter this ativl'ittLlte,. baying gi%31U a dace t11 ';et away from. It +mine (l as it dabble elal'ln I'.•r It. 1 W(3(O lit•i'ra11y 81111nlh)g over t.lie jaws When holt. a,td Mrs. CI-- 'were of ptr,litioe, 11ud1 w'i111iu a at „p of 80, spending their honeymoon ,as I--, iu tering, the 1)88 IIirlg realms of inferunl L:111e1Llllire, 1111's. ('1—, 01:0 d.ty, when t3pllit1 Awl as 31104 0011V1011'0 011)(41 sitting 1.)y 131e seaside (i'1 taking oft 11e1' ! strer)gF'.i 1101•ne11 Anel retraced my steps t glove) dropped her wedding riot ; they and Its I dill so I found .Lu open seam 11)1(11ti fur it itnmed18tely, 3lnt ire O')(lid about a foot wide in the cruet behind )(1` be founts. . Twelve )(e1L1') litter, se. 'u.', 11!111 as 1 wit` 13.1)1)Itt stepping over v Trial years after this laly's death, lir. alis, on loollitn.; dim) ward, 1 saw the U-- was sitting in the saltie plaice with white slot mass, 11{ hie about th'ee filet his second wife, when. rememb.11I11' of the eurfaep, and direectly beneath my feet.' I quickly regained the smoking 13.133es 03 the cone at the side of the lava and ilnluedh3tety felt safer, and here I vitt dawn to make further observe. too 1ti. the ring, be told her the story Of its loos. As he wits speaking, he put the euil of his stick into a !hole, aildiug. " Slenl ayi) 831. here," when, extritordinery and almost in)- pcS'iblo as it m'ty ai)r'sar, he (irew the ring. out on the end of the stick. WILY. HE DID IT, A'good "alive" was perpetrated up' on a (;,iuneo'iout a few days age. A luau boarded the train ata Way station :anis paid his fare to 1L point it few utiles distant. Ott reaching lois destination uv a•meltule3d to proceed to a further station, and finally continued on until he reached 1Vto110'l. B.teh time he 11:Li(l.11i4 fare in cash to the conductor, itis ..11.,1 of buying a. ticket at the et11- t11111, although by this lnean1 the p113• 1'.3'e cost hila considerably more. Al. last the 0011(113Ot0r spoke to hien of this, and sllgge:+e( (1 that it would ba economy for 1 iso to buy e. ticket, and asked him why' lie (fi(h1l't. ('Wel!," said the passenger, "I'll tell yeti. S. ine time Net Hummer I go'. int' a little trouble with this enrupltlly, and they used me mighty meanly, s9 .I just (laid to myself, 'that 00111i'citient Western Company won't get another owl of my melte? if I live a hundred years;' and they won't, and that's why 1 pay my fare to the coutlector,' The conductor dropped the eouvereetiou at that point." TR1tATbI13NT 0L Teo NEW SWAR:I. It iy moat importilr t that swarms sil•)111d i)a as strop; ast>,1a.:itlta. If tt'')' happen to issue, as is often the C'Lne, two or three 8war1113 in the SO top (lay, it would be bettor to utrite two or tui;re of theta together, lertaiuly the weakest. The 0)11.00 to easily e-{ticted its follows ;—First, Illiee '31c)1 swarm in separate kips; this (lone, tied when the bees are gait, (1.1'.11 them uta'to- gether on the ,}•anon uy a 1.lna.rt blow on each hive. Sat pear them the hive they are to 0 0(31py for tIloul to creep luluit, and its dote as Stettlt►1 put tlicu1 ill Iosco t;f o,lo of L110 old hiv0H out of which either of the fo.var]it4 issue(1. 131 by chance there 33hotl:d b, any signs of i1;n.Lrreli'l;; epriel:l,; flus 101+630 of 3trug- witl;g boas with 0 il:`Lle evigar3(l water or tlliu sy1'll;).If only one weak er"')tt'in has t0 be dosIt•with, it were better. to ret4ru it at ogee to t11+3 hive silt of tvii: 11 it 011)1113. DJ title 131 80011 33:3 (0erobl.3 atter you have caught it.. A. simplep11L0 is to 'Treed )1 cloth oro the ground hi front of the old hive ; dash the bees out open it, and if 3)00 seethe pits 11 civet./ aid d.s:roy her. 1'1 13 few minutes they will all have re' tinted to the old. hive. In this ease 0Iu)tller %w111'n1 must be expected, but probably not for a day t).1' tw", t►l:d it will be 11111011 stronger, ,,ON VESUVIUS.. t�11 hnler and it half of this interest• ing walking brings us to the top,.where we 13a3t it 1i11•)n?ent to look into the ora- tor, thinking that .tolls' hi the e)1(1 0g,001' jolirnsy blit the guide 1001f011 118 over and f•'llllwing olio).clown tite side of't11e ar.11.er, Ivo •800!1 find ourselveit at ia: level with the crusted lava, which -env. er8 nearly the whole erlrf3LOe of the cra- ter, .about 150 or 250 feet, beloW; the BRAIN FAR1IING, Some people imagine that farming requires but little outlay of brain pow- er to Blake it successful. But as scone one has tt•ntlif,tlty said, "Brains matte 111e best fertilizer it Ulan 0131) 3)81) " Take two men, Ono of totem with half the physical strength of the other the weak- er of the two will acienlnplish more than t11e other if he exceeds the latter iu braiu power. We have known large, stout, !healthy men who were harts workers,. 033(1 yet always on a "stere chase" with tlieir work ; they were 111- w 350 in slot water, always poor, from the :dimple fact that their bodies were b,:t.ter than their brains. Such 11 man, if he -is doing as simple work as piokiolt up stones uu (t I1111si:1t1, will get his stone boat on the upper side of a large t)owlder, and then by stress of mind and mu"ele roil it on the ante, while the weaker, but wiser man, w(mtd place the boat 014 the lower title of the stone, unhitch his tealn,plaoe the chain (/.Hove it. and in a twinkling have it loaded, and save his own strength for some 111(08 important 000081nu. And so it gi.es to the end t.f the chapter with the elan who dues not •'10iu13 ;" and this law applies to indoor a:1 well es outdoor wu• lc. If men and women would take time t) plan their work they ) would secure better re•ults than . to burro(' scurry about without thought or system. We honestly believe that if (ivory fa:111er would have a study and library, like any professional matt, with 1t. flow good agriculture' pap031$, and spend an ]lour or two each (lay 133 read• i.1g and planning his work, the would s00(l1'e better re4111ts than to spend twice: that amount of active tabor on the farm. This is the time aua the hour fur lebor•saviog inventions in every (lirectino, and no fanner can en- tirely ignore tine increased ko1)wholge, and compete with those who have their eyes and ears (Ten. BRUTAL OUTRAGE. A e^tse e,<tint3 ander nor notice where inbnlnitn father of a 1107.1 p101001• nig chill, suffering from violent attack of croup, which threatened every mo- ment to terminate fetidly, actually re - fumed to spend 25 cents upon a bottle of Wilson'H Compound Syrup of Wild CJherry,althnugh assnred by a neighbor that she kno.v it would give the little sufferer immediate relief and effect a r3pee(ly cure. Wilson's Wild Cherry never fade it is pleasent to take, and equally effica- ciong for 0hilclreu :0r (1(111118. In General Debility, Chronic, Bron- chitis, or Weak. IllUGAR, the totiic pro- perties of Wild Cherry Bark at e•brnnght pito play, a 1(1.3ts .continued 0se will be found to iucreese the appetite, improve the dige3)tion, .831(1 give tone a.viLOr to the whole systetn.. The'larger sizes hold more in pro- pinrtion than the steep, and .anise who etu(y eeommmy.will purchase either the 50 pent Or $1 -lee. 301t1.by oil droggiste,,. Societies.; ICKARD aro now showing full lines in New Dress Goods, Prints' Wiiite Cottons Grey, ,Cottons Dgnj ms Ducks. Shirtings Tweeds, Worsteds, &C. .ASO AN EXTRA ASSORTMENT a,F Gents' °' ,it Hats u iuuludiug the Latest Novelties. onz mn R 131 :, Y MAIM CLOTI-Irffel Boots Shoes in Great Variety. A'Choice Line of Wall Papers, Our New FIELD (F.7 GAR,DEN SEEDS are now in. No Worthless.k;f;ock. Your Patrona;e Solicited, . SA1ISi ELL ttt PICKAIRD. JUST RECEIVED .T TEE ETER dem vOC;did RY AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN,' JAPAN, 11OUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURD NTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES CANED FII.UIT, SARDINES, ' LUBSTEii5, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AN1) PICKLES, I3TW DIT'lS, GINS. WINES ANT) SYRUPS, RYE, MALT St)U'1ton, IRISH A'iD COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND (CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. illain Street,Exeter. a43a43L I Imo' M pY. ViTGIIIAv ;n: DUIRING- the Wool Swoon 1 offer All Heavy Woollens, including Blankets, Tweeds, Grey and lloute-lnatle Flannels at Old !Prices. This is a rare offer. as the goods have ad- vanced fully 50 per cont. To pren)tre for Stook•takin,;, All Eui er Goods will to Cleared Ott at an I utncnse S11Ori6ee, positively for ONE ),I()NTII ONLY. The Millinery Department is m 1ua„cd bta tiist-cla7s Milliner, and is frilled with all the latc,t novelties. 3:1© T`''' ffihmuld to Se 2,1 The ORDE!til',O CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is more a(tire than ever.. A 1erfcct fiat guaranteed. TO K 'Ff.i.ViCD.,-r i A Larne Stook of Barbed and Plain Fence Wire, Seed Corn Hungarian Grass Seed, Harvest Mitts and Tools. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Farmer's Produce. Remember the Old Established House. JAMES PICKA.BD TILE CANADA COMPANY'S rainedLan tif.z; 4r GENTLEMEN, F1 E. HATCH,. ---IS OFFERING---- G-RE A T B°t 1,a.A 1:rf fits, it �1 -111--• "R �1, B E 'X 1( A fie' ti•1r1.tall Do not fell to Bali and Bee his Large stock be. fore you buy elsewhere i. A:VIZtd.'i1:CA° CUT . NA.i'! cheap fox•.Gasll at the S.xtuwe1,1tb i?it:karci'sDlo-lt,Idaiu St.3 x, ter. ,•,.. •HQ'!' FOR MAN1TO1At Ifnrii,b theiOtnttidiatorthe season '3r 7880, 31 Manitoba Pa.rthe , M Will leave on f t The FiRST TUESDAY of Every MOO,. Next partron dth 'dray. For particulars apply to G.W. . It, Aarmt, 0.44714 .04 R. H. CADDY,. BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, doe.. Office, Fnusan's Work Exeter. MEDICAL. flFt. HUTCI:IINSON, Member of . the College of Physicians' and Surgeons o; Ontario. &C., &c.. Piece next door to I. earrings, 31ain Street Exeter �/11. HYNDMAN.—CORMIERR FOP• the County of Miran. ('f0oe,next door to .1r.T. Carling'sstore, Exeter. W. .B±IOWNIN(x M. D.,: C. M. P • P. 8, Graduate VictoriaUniver'sity' OfSto and residence, Doe. Ilion l,aboratoi v. Exeter. C.110011E, IML D. O. M. • Graduate of Al0GilltTniversity, 31ontree1 . Unice anaresidence,lxeter,0nt. Ofrxce 1 ours-- Htolea. In kind 7to10a.rn f'R. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0..P. S. O., Vrotoria S'. Crnditen, Ont. Oillet heart 3oo30tolOa,ur.: 3to5I,u. ,CI LU'1'Z, M. D. • 01ice at his residence. Exciter. f)RR IRVINE, GRRADUAT1'1: (l NI- Pl SITY Trinity College tint"1,ereottege t'nvsic1ane.14nd surl'.e0n1 011,.. (31,106Rirkton. NEW 13 U .i.' C.111'+ Il, a�� I.I; OP Tr he undersigned Wonldintorm the inIlna.9- _7.. tants of Exeter and vieinityehat llehas OPENED A NEW BUTCHER. SHOP one loot south of8is 331100 arnit)rshnp enc br7't s slt:dameliberal patronage that has bean 3. corded to him in the 111 (111AMITTI AND WAGON 'tonne ltuewil)hesxtendelltoMtn inhis uewbrancl, n euainesl., Rix 'neatwng' n wiI1ca11 attiit, reei- touts of the villagethreetimeseaclweeka) 3 It E. S IEI 1 ��.' �� '.•F all kinds. !cert can1tantl)oxl !laud at hie babobelsnop. Rlact(smithir)! and wagon makiugcarried as nail in all its bra):ci, 1 R. DAVIS. Just, Received CHOICE HAMS, BREAKFAST BACONT, AND LAD.D, FRESH STRAWBERRIES, ORANGES c LEMONS, —AT T:'iE— i vice Family' Grocery. C. kr I• F O ,�.�d1.b+ 3 EXT. WILT Strawberry In order to meet the present (l+pression,the ennsda C.o npany offer for salt or lease; on easy terms and in 313rttlin oases AT RIEDU'C +'D PR..IC.ES:y, A11' (hof, TA Ada re-claimed onbenoatte(t by the " Lake 13nrwe11 Drains a Works, in the TOwnshi:p of Ifosancyuet, Stopllon tutdAteGillivray,Iti the Cottntioe.ot Latnbtnits Flu) oxo and lelid(llosex reapec- ively. Lists of Lands may be obtained, and plans of the Leta may be, sot n, o31 application to lvlr, Jelin Spr Orman, Exeter, ,'ire ()e ergo W. Flolwell, of the Siotwoll 11:0080,” Wilder Station, (i. Railway, or to Hr.Tuhu lronside, of4el non Bond. rot. Lists,.Prtces,'Perm, or other inforn.iiat(on, apply to the Oom:nis+3Ouers, (ianadn.(lompany,'rorontot. G. W. ALLAN K. I,1. A3Orn'ATT, UWal111t sione (ianada.1.ionrl)nny'(0d1ce$, May 20, 181)0, . A Specific Remedy for all xb1)nmer Complaints such as Dinrr111ea: 1)y - sentry, Canada 01101ein, Choler Morbus, Cho1,a•a yufauttnn, 3o:lr Stomach,• Griping Pains, anal an derangements of tho bowels, cam— by using improper food, suell raw veoetebles, unripe or xo,ir fruit, bad milk, impure water or change of water, changes. of tale seasons, exposure. No matter from what cause or in what form you are subject to any of the above 0001- ' plaints, .Un,': LoWI.lsn's I°,rro,lcr sic: Wti.o iT1AWl3IinnY Will relieve you, 11n(1 a speedy cure will be effected without Injury to the system. It is 10&110 actured from the \Vit:! Strawboray .Plant, and freefrt.m conopitun .and 'other injurious drape'. For. sate byall ("feelers, at 1s. 100. ao or ,$1..00 rui1'Att11) }tY MILI3U.It'T. Bh)N'1l,EY ,1t PI'1ARSON., rIR(,.nr'r0. i. 4