HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-28, Page 4 (2)sr'
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•!•,e) • 'r4y 0..re in. „ taWa ,Ot
.Kak.z' or'itfe, W t4nktbey
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4.44:o41;. to*`" ,
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'>Itu0p0,." gen;
• S. :-P4141140: Mr 'Thomas- 'finatightiestiY)
'One Sandford •*VittnintiJi. `1,4 AX/otes-
-----The-Venfan• Veleransenof.4001 of -this
district -Ita,ve fOrwardedpetition to
thePoroluton GOVetranqut asking for
Teleran land grants sitelic a* were given
the Singh African vetemne. Prom malty
-Plats- of- the -country sittillax'Petitkorts
*re being 'Preleatedo Alitt it is confident.
• ea'peeted that the prat,er of the met-
be- granted, ",rhese veteran*.
eiltlititOi they did no all go to the trent,
are dteperving of land grant*, much more
than Douicobors and other foreigners.
• .4:fret-titan
the peat week's Wcather Is a reeoul
lOntor- ontrfartiters were
Plowing On isfaiagy- and Tuesday. ;art-
. Uary 1909 will be a eteinorable one for
U. Perhaade-
• - ,•.!..01.11Y -40411C-40., AAP dftcoupo
• special song service given by the 'choir
in the Evangelical church last Sunday
• • by Miss Clara, Bidet, the duett by Mise
• ,Ckrtee1e Brown -and- Albert tiforloelr. and
the quartette by Miss Brown. Miss Wind
• Albert idorimk and ilerb. =Aber. Ps,tett
erai of the old hYmns were suss and
• theirtistorx othOW they were eempeeetl,
was 1rint:1y explained, by the pastor. --
Mrs. Gottfried Gaiser and MathevvOin-
- ter left for Elkton, Mich., on Monday' to
attend Atte funeral of their ;mother-In-
Margurieto Jame. W110 has
been visiting liter aunt, Mrs. Dora
• tor some time, returned to her home in
Exeter on Monday. ---Ira Brown and Ed.
; Ifanort spent last Sunday in Dashwood
wAllt irlends.-Tho teacher's liteetings,
.whieh have been organized in connection
with the Sunday school ot the Evangeln-
,cal church, are proving a illUCeetfill. The
next' meeting will take place at the name
of Mr. Christian Pinner. MI interested
In. Teacher's work, are .requeitod to at-
- tend. --On Ifonday corenIng it number of
friend* called Oil Ilre. Nary Buyer and
gavo her a pleasant aurlirise reinem.
bronco of her birthday. The awning wits
• go. haia-07 one for Itlitnr...t.t. P. P.,
h as been kept busy this week forward-
• ing the, calendars and report* at the
Hay Toimship Par -mere *Insurance Co
to the different policy' 1101der11,-T1te
ival meetings 1» - -the Methodist church
being well attended. Although so far the
number, who have taken the step, is
email. the Interest In the work is itse•bst'
ed and we trust that many will taitelhe
opportunity to change thdlr mode of liv-
Ing.-Last TueidaY evening,' the 10th
inst. about 50 young .people called at
the home of John V. Smith and /SVC
,daughter. Miss Pella, a Pleasant our -
prise pertIn' honor ot her birthday..
Mr. John Wein on behalf of those Ores,.
„ent gime Miss Smith a beautiful gold
watch and chain as a token or their
friendship. ter Which she made a neat
re-pl* and thanked them for their kind -
nese.' liuneit was 0erved and arter hs,v
ing ii olly good ilmelei`Ipitrty. broke up
tne-aU-hour. 01 the rnorn.,'-Last
Wednesday *vetting the alintial eleetion
of officers of the Evangelical Y. P. A.(
was. -held. The following officers were
etected.-Pres., Mies ChrissY Brown
Vice., Mee Ada "E6rver; Treasu.'er, D.
Brown; Sec..' Ga.rnet Sweltaer ; Organ-
ists, Miss Olivia Roltzmartn and Miss
Bgar..ha_Wind-;----Llbrarians: *lob Le -
Welt fiRild Frank Finkbetner.,*-Our but-
chers and hotelmen are uneasy about the
lee trOP.--See-TAT-itotie Itate"b&tt tar -vest --
ed. -Last prtday , evening Mr. ChrIsto,
Eflberceletnitied hls 79111-hirtitdai
In, the evening' his relatives called on
Lift and Atpcut, a nIcanant evening with
the fandlY- Mr. Either Ij still In good
health, and.'we trust he will live to see
ManY more years ot 'hcaltn.
ii"(14114.-The hall* Or Mr. and Mrs..
Michael IZIOmppt was the scene of
4 pretty orient on Wednesday, the 27th,
when at the hot* or three in the atter
noon !heir daukhter. Miss Ltivina Was
1,1,111tOd 111 the Intly Wilde et rn*ttiMOiWto
Mr. Ernest OuAtllager. Vie knot was
tied by the Rev. E. IL 13ein in the prem..
once of the relatives of the contracting
Oartieet kuld a largo nuninzror inyiteil
gu 1,1thi1t-: the , *turn* of Uralic!,
*aim.* wedding *toren was tieing pared
hy Miss Myrtle CI**. the Wide entered
the pAelOr dressed in White Nflkajd cor.
" nit* hoalu4t of white taniathnui,
)410, Ahtelile Viler* Of Da14144004-acied
*Ws:WO sodl was Alressed white
• land bouratt �f pink' Ilaefta.
tIpns Mr. Thoma. InOtpio,. *other al
40. ' the bride agitated groom. Ltetie
%Mimi Airnac ItiWth tiieellower
,After tfke marriage eeremeny taken
tl=e and c4.43'.w.u7ationot t4tMCC011,the
b-a01f Cota,,tlet and •Ifuesitio sat dooma to
the "Vattlitittg *;IgirsalAtiLgt,. pretonts
wereAttraittoui 'Vol costly- and wore
• !token ot the .it,spect, and esteem in *Wit
Xt. -'and Miiii.'0Oettinttr are held in the'
' itIllsge and Vicinity.. in the everdng the
Bra** BOA thilittell arthe heti* and fur..
lashed misI whtth Was gOoktlY
" elated. The toittpy cdtole win, keg* to
Crediton anit We take thL mein* Or er
tending to 'theat our hearty tooiratuts,
tons and lest wishos ter * Vett 1$1141
**Weil lib.
*Sr. Thee, Outer, has notion's, tram *'`'
ocuric of weeks Viltil to friends In the
. of Little triteitt,
itlesee rtetro4burn art4 Vera' MatIerlf
have tetiorneit hein an tate1144 "hat to
Twallattort.',..,)tr. Bleb. Indks le risottos*
to !,',.txrtt with 4. severe told and an
stLt, etailithrla.-Our Outer* eileir to
• stertiotitir tor ete 'Attu AhlattereAtryto
hea teitt sit. -141.0 end the totiowing
To,114.0 tho Iltirort#th, U°010
Moo Uettrie,Anitorson :ei‘r C, Coltititthet
was tore till* Week the ;met or
01,1440 istrgt 44440,, 1iehkitri4',3Sttillo-
ttYi WS*a teller on . relatives
tias $41*.rtturteu -eta 4k.
•,dz-Ar-l'esdir.ot tait*ejle. TOrtItito tare,:
dov:77 *f•;14.44"4";".,,,i0t4mt;
trisndtedt the, ffertior",44.
„;,,t '
ist 141040,****
, :the, yearocp1ii.:,.iiiii ". 11
„ . •
•r,,ot- Peeeevatil; • n
,4, epeat•• ,
44 nt ItirltiCt'w''01:40'.'r:retall'i''' ,•,' t 1 *M*n7''
. „ .
2ijut Of' AteViart6 i'.1 : " week
viiscitalle: Y.tviair of 'Mttielleit and' Uiee,
go.h4 04,ther 'of Oaf* Were t1* ;neater
'or Ate*. Uat4d. 9ittfn.. On. Mondy.
. `'.
oto)aclit -D14TRIftr.5? .•
Every family novo Quint to keen sops
•Dispepitip in the bons*. as any one og
you inay have an attack of Indigestion
or Stenreeh lire*** at KV time. dsr or
This harmless preparatio*
gest anything you eat and Overcome a
acur *Weimer; five minutes afterwards.
It yenr mows don't tempt you. Or what
httle Yon do cat seems to fill you, or:
laY0A like a inniP of lead, in your stom-
ach, ox it y.ou have inartburnthat is
sgan o& ind1eetion,
Aeit youi Pharmacist roe& 50 -cent
-liaterr-441)*s.'4' ti-nhathr. Tiers
win be no sour risiuge, � beiehing of
undigested foot inized with *cid, no
intestinal griping. This will all go,
andbesides, there will bc no *our
`,PaiiesililiapeiTtini' is a certain cure for
StOfnaelt Inieery, because at will
take hold �t yew food and digest It
tne same as. If your stomach
wallet- there.
-74.11-113L--Pmerw-reiler Ter' 411 fink'
oitOniliOti 04'04 -to at your IThattoacket,
\vatting for you.
Theme large 50-eunt come* contain
more tnan sufficient to cure a casa of,
Dyspepsia or Indigesizon;
' .
• Messrs. Statton Mitehell gut down a
deep well for Mr, D. Poster In which
they had to drill 58 feet in the rock. the
well being about 21.0 feet deep and the
water came within 60 feet or toe top.
Mr. roster has placed an order with
W. J. Wilson for a Toronto wind mill,
40 It. tower. -Miss D. Halter spent, sev-
eral' days visitingt2ss Melte/ Foster
last weelt.-Iter. Eennedy ot Ansa.
Crahr will preach. In -Boston, Methodist
churche neat Sunday in conrtection with
the Edueational work. -The Partners
Institute meeting Win be held in Wit -
sores Hall Saturday, rob. fith Woren°
wilt meet al the refill:tome of Mrs. W
Wilson...The members 'of Tent No -48.
Knight* of the Mitecabses gave a publle
installation ot their officers Monday ev.,
ening, when the tollowIng were irlstAllell
Com., W. 3. 'Prance;
• miaowXtetord 'teener, A. M. Wilson:
Map.. Jits. Young; Sericant,11. Eggert ;
11 Smitn: 1.st IL ctOW
13rowrit Itind 'IL of 0., P. Nicb.ols;
Sentinel, Jas. roster; Pleket, II. Wick-
-at. After this Part they Calve it veryintcreating concert, J. Brown acting as
chairman. The program was it long 'one,
addresses being given by A.
Rev. T. A. SteadMark, JOhn Slierritt and
several others. The music by the'string
bahd and' the singing by tne male court.
ette and other local talent was delight.
'1 •
• r ; z,„
, Lie MIes A., Sviann$
- MN) Wi!vitti -*SO Y. 3111 Vett r
VAtra, ****Wr 4;, Ith Vies, Mrs., V. lict,'"is:
We* lAst's Putt; ttriosso, 'MI** Vitra 1,
• G:sx..tilso. fest*
• Cf.
,; 114.4.11,' ,•",t«
• •
Tito farmers of Canada are tO have a
representative in the house of Connuons
tu-ing this session.' The rand*/ Het-.
lid and WccItly Star, or Montreal, h1a
ielgarscl a practical 'farmer _to att
---i-",1-4s:ofi end write :s weekly letter to
that paper, telting the farmers of Can-
ada Dow.Psrusistent-ts-stonductiddr-is-
sec* Tha ettgesU . stet
onty precttrat tarraerrbutlirzyreftabl
write neclk tryst., said to be amen
absolutely free from politica) 'PreNdiees
and. no doubt, hierweekly
of great interest to all•Canadlan farm.
era. ' • -
The -Family ,Herald and WeeklY *tar
roots only one dollar a year or will lie
r.40,,e4r.1 trial ttkitow .subeeril;ers for the
seselort (about- *IX months) for OMIT
entr.fire tent*.
1 * -
• Day* of DIzzlitteast
are dsiya etoinses;.ipielle tit
droweitnese, headotthe, WOO beck..
eche. .• • •
'Sometimes rheumatic pen", titer Vor17);
ilooth ',Baikal cure ait
Mo.. • •
Mr. the*. - lirOPk` /of ,iturOn street,•
eter, Oa; lato: Iliciath"or sumo' kill
ite,V1i given matter ntore teller* thou
the other **impales sit* him* rs,toti.1•
trletv AO* hatii "tottered Ortettirttly.
*Oh * Wilakrie** afld tenderness. Oro**
her beck and at:time* ehe rota *tar.
tily oitees .,ever said streightto berdiett,
Itoadicheot and dttaineee were tie,'
Olent .and *Sot* WOuld **sir wore
her ersis, nothing eragars her Misr
unlit ette Prottirtkt BOOlh'te litidneY Pint
'''001*** PhartrieeY *ha ii-cetherierKet
ritatritent. S1te.te0041 began to fol. beta
'lot end sttWitger Iri every way, the Sok
ono bad gees sud, Moods* Ow heel.'
Oche and SSW* et itlealiWes: 1 eart On*
etuttoitely rec,onmett4. Duette* Irt*net
KU* as 1 knOw them to to *
,ototoott0n*1 toetita."
Sola by Arotter,, title* 30e,i The
ttott ett*.* Unitteit, Vert ttrit,
Soo fosnssuan At'40004
Witty tcild that the Itidueis
. . _„.
Ilox box sortel
vie -14*r1, y. witi b
tje4- 1* Tel* Utia "whim
ttrie rIvirrikto wifl. tat given, ari4 ft.
eshitton* A'41.0at* etIotclutene wilt
as addreas ow"
.ntsk* .
erCul• t,
' L
1.4 •
• .r McO�nnell of
Ttenton wersguasts at 3. V. Millsonti
on yo.,,,l`tirfilrtOrt MUh.oc. 11,40 ties
.boortliare for * fuv 4a
by. to hie roomy . °oder
for Vithitelliver, on the main line of
theft P.- 1t.. where Ire is to be plated
AS etatioromester.-4he funerals of
Mrs.-1ohn•Whalen sindlire. John Me.
Laughlin were held last week. -Mr.
and Sim Archie cbfttiek were In the
vieinity_en.Satorlay'.-Itey.1). P., Wells
of Menton preached here an Sunday
In theinterests of the MisskinerySoci-
ety and Bev. Mr. Veal of Rirkton
will preach here next Sunday. -Mr.
and Mn. Y. V. Matson were visitors at
t • ,-- `•••
acisa Icro • of 111 th 1. dit_pregen
41,„ - • -
day evening will be of a missionary
character. A good program has been
arranged for and no doubt will be
tiered in it very pleasing manner. -
Lest Wednesday eveningatthe•Luth-
erlim Parsonage Mr. Wilibun Becker
was quietly -nutrifeZ to Mies Clara
Worm. They will reside on the farm
of the groom on the Bronson Line.
We extend Congratulations and wish
Untob joy and happiness. -Rev. Bean
of etriton occupied the pulpit in the
Evangelical Church several nights
during the week. -We are -sorry to
hear of Miss Lily Ehlers net being *0
well this week. -Mr. Q. P. Finkbeiner
sold a good team of heavy horses last
week for whicts he received] it good fig.
ure.-Mrs. Sachs doep not seem to
make 'much Improvement and at euth
an Advanced age as she has attained it
seem difficult to determine how
thin,* may ,result. Her friends are
however. -We bear there is
to wedding this week, of which
we will give you more particulars next
0. A.
The T.M.O.A. now meets regularly
three alights; a week -Monde" Wed.
nesday and &birders -from TAO to 10
o'clock in their room In Sersiori Hall.
That there Is much 44004 belt) -
nosusifosated in 'this Christian esisocists
tion of young men Is evidences/ 4' the
fact that the ball was crowded on
Monday night lest, When God trulybles.d
blessed the assembly. After opening
the nesting with prayer, the Bible
study being dispensed with on account
of Mr. Flentinies absence, the interest
centered in tbe,, nomination speeches
of the nominees for Reeve. Ootincillots
and School Trustees of the Villege of
Exeter, the boys holding a mock Mu-
nicipal -election Se the first effort in
literary dimusernent,. In addition to
other games, While in the . case of
the great unsionty it Was their. Initial
appearance Wore an audience and
maiden speech, uitted them-
selves creditably, log as God
prompted theta, aging forth ap-
plause and yet withal, touching' the
hearts as well as the minds; of their
dresses being humerous and serious.
causing much merriment. Time and
*woe -wilt notrperrnit-ustovvinte-d
tell-olthe speeches, bat we will an
younce-the winners Inthefight ties
week. That God may _hies* and
protect and use this body et line
yon en In the building up . of His
Kin . or should be, the prayer
of 1 Men, join the Y. IL A.
Hibbert °
WEDDING---ano. of the
ost.njcyabLe fuaotloestbtjt
correspondent's Vi -
re to attend wads
heated on Wednesday last.- 30th Inst..
at "Illibilde," the beautiful home of
Mr. and lit*. john Idtaudeossi ot tk�
l*tis cost. We refer to'
"vs* " •'",. • 1,4&„Vi.,•01T1*. 00*It 00464.0.640 .11,449*
daughter.' life*
* ,
* •
the two pretLy
theIr-dsloty costune�or.w
sin 5 cenacfty Or ill/
, •
0* s SOPoottlrely
cont., bridesmaid
Itominiti,'Exeter and gr*ce!uILy
took !;407, on :4'44 lest., but notleasi tgebernitui,..of the oe,
motion, thaboantirnt bride eloot*bittul,
somely and ruthir attired in 'white
and leaning on the arm of her .1..
ter, *Ilse Edith, by whom she was
tended. in readineae, the - roar"
risge_ ceremony was ably 'performed
by Rev. It, 0, McKay of th,onsart]r•
Congratulations from more than one
hundred guests dispensed wIth, all re -
pitied to the dining room, *Wolk was
so prettily and tastefully- decorated
tbata close observer was heard to re-
mark on entering: "This retninde one
• IreirYlastd."
7 at
ad agreeable feature* of.tb
castor*, reflected great credit on the
.hostem, and her numerous asidstant**
After_viewing tbe beautiful and wetly
hitrittor presenti-to the In-Rtle, --th
• 41**4
a 44 " aft&oe
-various social amuse -
inept* The guests then dispersed to
their -ref • tive homes, after within
- , •,
, 3 .
Wit 04.4441 *
at smell ces4 and.ay toObtiir
, Exeter Brauc0* W*11
Manager. Branch ado* at orecutoo T,
The following Verses were written by°
while travelling In Canada.,
So good to the ears of the wind and
Itea. was the speech wnich qur fath.
• er's used .
That its notes with the farthest breeze
were rused.ixed, andt he uttermost tide
• were
And better than sight _of Britain** flag
from thotfaand bastions flung
linked coasts of the conquering Eng.
Is tiiiimehsteounnilduelthe gates on her quay -
For many a year, on zany a sea, and
on many an alien land,
Wherever Is need of 'A fearless brain
,and a happening hefty hand,
Vella and Ertountaltr, prairie and plain,
forest and shore have rung
With the pluck wtecti mounts to our Brit
ish blood and sings in the English
The Mother may chicle with the
ter Lands', and the Daughter Lands
But peace shall be made In the golden
• speech that Elltaketipeare used as a
spell. n •
And the strife shall be who tan boldest
sing the song that our race has sung
Since it warned to quarrel and fight,
and bufld and love In the English
Surely it is to this English song that
India's morning breaks,
4ux•e1y1t Is to this English eons that
Egypt's soul awakes,
And these with the younger peop1ea4
grow vigorous, glad and young
As they learn to speak with the ,fact
of things in the strength of tho
lish tongu3.
We shall go down to the great white
dead, down from the light ot the sun
When our wives have kissed us our fast
good -night, and our vtbrk far the
weans 10 done. •
flu foreVer our soul* shall her lite
• song of *Citation with fibres strUng
Who march to the 00d of the English
heart.% _to theynini at the English
• .riRsT RAD OUR
TUN Podia el the Beakess
istor Weesetrinterestin‘
illistrated FREE CATALOGUE In
fintan-u reelly ewe it tototet
a copy and re41
shot the Butinesa
This Catalogue explains alt eLoutour
whoa% our f.cuIty,our :lama
Tells whir we hones* Lsllsv.our Co
-lege to be the hest, for you. After :twang the hank
you to .144.fer " Senang far top, phcesyouun&rno
ahligeron.Just mai your name and sakirese on a pastor&
student* 4.1*ted aro hew SPeqat elettiage &Piaster *ea
The Forest City 13usirmi5i "an& Shorthand College
Lonnon„ ortrasio'
. JVtrPvLr. Prmtpid, Net.SITaVa,r. Jr. C.A.. "• ,
liolsons a
Incxtrporated 1855
Capital (paid-up) -e3i5q0s00.0
Hest Fund POO
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in *lithe
Principal Oitiessla the World. •
sinnisttait. 1011141KIN* OUSI/0113,5 litens*ptise. •
f I Si
esa thebit
prod% 47,.....matte
istratillit. •04mmou
1" •
11 1
will be offeml 'inthe foflowinglines
UU Or big
tutus GOO
•LADIES' 114111%10 GIRLS' COATS AND 11011tItts
warn , .cmizcomaire WUITE mum ot,,A
tairnewstsuin OF A144 KINDS -
I ;
0A8. J*41801, ;OW*. iiiggit
• 44 .11311I11323
1011 UNE OF ME24111 13148TEItS
" e° '14 poor IlLSTERS k Etta
un_rit altAmr.ire. liVAltir SUITS
Boys. I* 4* 44 44.
1.0 '
t 4
" .
„. „ ,, , - '',"" r,',-.. •-•'`.***",,,,.
* ", ••,,v'..444tis.'s -• -
...• ... ':' ,....) 4 imp,$444.
' 'ilaitits-sti 'of
..,f,!_.....,.. , +4,•;„.,‘,,,,,,,
_ ..
& ;
the t
*, •
Brimeherr- allowedatbighestturrent rate. —
E)t-ETER .-1311A01011
. Agents at:Exeter for the DOirdnion Ooverinnent.
Drogues' dt Castrirsoi Soheitors. If. D IIUXDQ1 31tatisier, •
k, *the man who want* an
politics,, tbs stem* aupp
wtbout"c*ut or
Will " g
ThStas is not tied to any, int:ft," ostnY
* It hat definite opiniotis of its Own on
and mord questiona-but It *cora1'14t
others to bold optvealte-
1bebgacossn4rels ort
. keen od
eita Slake theti, and al
This Star Ls ploginitkeit for hire
• people who lake at iwthit Interest
woad. Ce*iw*tfr k L1 Mo
*iv Other
• •
• 0, ,
n • •
- •••