HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-28, Page 2 (2)11,
t ,d
1mji1 break the erigg
'went. hall vainlyendeavo
to f.rgt Ethel litothersteszli.
felt - thankful that -rate MLA net
thrown them together vino -their
het interview. -
A few•days quiet in the country
- " enabled :Rebekah to tome to a de-
. She determined to set her
mit(' at -rest; for once and fOr iiIL
wrote to Mareeitetle tO meet,
Ler at• their house in Park Lane and
1er withaforebothng
o e pned. One was iront Ethel
Fetherstote• and her Mentor
'baek to the rumor which ell
beard of the engagement betwee
her and flereestialte 1.116
was lueknigher- utterly Miser
e. and she lo • ed to be ableto
irrisirtni 4.• ti-4Lon,a,
stle sees eatordshed at the
Ite ;wive ee, He
iseted- ank;'-`blitin 10-6k. the
Icoming-smilei- and he wondered
at had poised the alteration.
"CVO," she began quickl
t to *4 you a question. Do
ot answer without. thought, dear-
est. implore you .to he frank
• mewl, .
lways try to be, Rebekah."
know that. X have been very
able Seenetimen I fear
t you 'do not really love me,"
ihe aid sadly. '
Should he accept 11/3 liberty I. The
tight leapt at him, for herewasnee. He had but to eitY that
_he did not lovo- her, atnd he would
. be free. The temptation was 4011fet
anti for a moment he wavered..Bat
then he remembered ...all that de-
pended on .this marriage.. 4061
wontel never *believe but that he
himeelf had caused the. rupture...Me
-inuit-Tie, ilia lie firmly.
"Do you. love •me, Cyril?" she
sked pleadingly, "Don't hesitate
tu site me pain..., Speak the truth.
It will be kinder. I 'emikl bear it
but to discover latexe-se"
She broke off and looked at hi
appealingly. •
"I love you," he said in. a boa
settitee,- ee, did not mel;
hers, and she sighed deeply.
Be trent on to speak of the ar-
angemente for the marriage, and
he affected anintereet 0* deceive
ed her into believing, for the mo-
ment,. that he evoke the truth -,*But
then it was her desire toed° oe-, n
eit is eaey to persuasie oneself that
)441,4 *tate or atfatrs when it
toincidee with one's paeeionate
wish. '
With on effort Barceastie redo
bled -his attentions, and in ,the end
succeeded in smothering., her Sit.
. . '
1 dY;
PaEed. .them, 0 : •a t!iey
icneed to nit4 ' agiu. he [Coked
etie and bolted. •,4faee
ied, and he titrnI &wi but
not before Rebekah observ
his tonfusion.
"Who _was , Abet d•
"Miss Fetherston," he replied,
• She made no comment, but this
occidental eneountee onee, more
*roused her euspietens•
During the afternoon she elnetteed
to call upon Miss- Stanton, the
friend who had 'told- her of Ifore-
aetle's engagoinenti to Xis* fet
AU% Third Me.,
have been suffering from eas
tzrrb the heed for thot past t*o
oaths and tried innumerable *0,
remetlitte without avail. X0
one blows how X have suffered, not
only from the disease iteelf, but
▪ '
not lop,* to tst, opa !tv
the .vaS
furui;bed 3ibtairee
Oa. the: *ritinktalile
.0 e:
nugiped -'
e'iu 1i0 1*
baif an 111,ur
nd ,1 .
4 lit.
14 flc(l, but rto
4 as
ttx luxury 'which b
loyed for .71.11e," litst1.14sW °
*4'-beconie a peceSeity to
lie thonehtthat lie might
return to his former pin-,
ekter or to. hi
r s hcart.
h delay was intentional -Joel
g astutely, for sells mo -
e., t rendered Akroyd len fit
.rent*,11,Y., for the battle twitich he
1,0101V KO wool have to ;_tVise, Bit
at last a termination was
it suspense, for Joel entered
•briskly. - • - -
"A surprise vie, it, Mr. AekrOyel.
11, asked
r- - ,,,.;• . 0, ,K1 d.: '
h 4 t 4 ,entgr tho to uponTo a li e
/fee t • re'f SP, Mi.
. Mike Ine known b
ett vet, the ratan, ''' she* said to h o a urned. .$ e gt°enle°orot111114y. Isvilft8tixi:p'iliAedekait°114o'ttest.'
ess, aid the introduction was e cmot emphati I that, WAS p1iZz1/11g tile."
feeted. ' ' rune to all is c .•
Tit -i -Oil r- Curiosity is
"We paesed you in Bond Street t iaso.,,, • tI04 ' int said arvaatia1ly.
this in ' ." ---
., efBut toot*, ha-zteothedown
„ , 11-irarthifel-----4*
i -0 o
Wetly.. w you, II replied r, start ••
ne0, 1 it/hen I " o entirely, atr. Ioeephs. in
:,are 1 of ae,.....i began sour treatment my ,twes. *few l'ioeutrImensre.y.h.o. to throw toyed
__,_,,e-,,, „.„ iinflamed, eese' Ittife stopped vp half
areuntv w,44,w344 '-Thatl'intr,-*EfaArains•biricilyza,---iicilizr---...mearirmore---trion-ey.---11,111:
44T0_11.._1101,kiavt_lcogion ori_e_attotster,aw. ouire not .ret...,14._rlight-orrsderstaild-you'vabeenstitalcingstetool
or years,"- Ethel answered ritther; account of continual hamtlar Audi of yourself by investing largely In
coldly- :spitting'. • ''' i topper mines. You should have
"I wish so much that his frienstl I should have
aliciuld.ho my friends.," Rebekah arid vi -a,3 ab t t ' e ei. told
"I have tried several remedies tatked my *dyke.
you to leave them alone."
ou o give up„ u , .,isaid pleading y. "Y,Ou know that.thoutazt e seouta try reruns. 1 i am in a tight corner, Ack-
T do not really' belong to your. "Alter I had' taken' about on_' rod toad srieklY.
world.P . • !third of a bottle I noticed * flit." '7tou must remain there then
Ethel looked at her eurieueltrs and_Jereace. -T.-- ant now tohipletely' that itii-irttl-Are-rebi g upon al
Was agretablY surprised at the re-; eared." after suffering .with eittarrh' helptoget out of it. have had f
ned beauty of the daughter of the for oightton. yowl,. 1 our little business tr action to -3
ewisti millionaire. She felt no -1' tti think if thoxo who are aetiet.!gether. That is terminated, and I
hing but contempt, for the way ebe,:ed with catarrh w ulid try pe us, take' no further interest in you
n& tooeg, treated by liereeastle„ t, they -would never regret it." i
lit this girl was not to blame, for ,1 kenos, is manitfactiArta bit the 1 Mr":BAutekyror. Ackroyd."
an advantage of
he eould not have known of their, Peruna Drug Mfg. co., coirttono, me. If I had known • that, Lord f,
. g gement, She would, have tor, --,0040„, • . - ' „Violverholint's treachery interested '
VOA anything,- save that he shouldi year Druggist for crreo yOtt so pertonally, you. would have t
o sitraight from having jilted her - rasa 'Altaatate or IRO. ' &had to pay a, mud* larger sum be -
"Will you eoine to' see me 'at enee over to you, I asked you to
O., 'mid iiiinself to another. • fore I should have handed the evi- h
01. 411.
104444 '44+4444
e Ay
1, - C ,
A ii itik
preea and to 4 readers, as those ,
eereing ailing pigs, It is hard 'su Ilg the ateuding
enough to ditgnose ri., ,..,,„„,,a,,t,i, i transportation . Itelow-• the
* ""--"'"'"'' I the e,•-airon
when one has ait opportunity tor,„ ____.
mike * personal examina'aon„ end
doubly.'hard" *Sir - 4is•i;iti-1
x rt orate e
rouble is
surroundings, Atm ekine
a1aiya to have the vehicle it is, car
d in, also the erates, jars
(:ean and got fontalt,ungft
1,•14‘,,telititittitvbecteice:ai,esthey -
bide ar
e redacts of the. faro in the
f;en, iet those he disposed
of re the c omer s ate serve
To 4',..s$1i.,04t
er -
often very
rrectly diagnose
ti tory.
ritth--01-the-old-rateXtrti,-**Ati ounce
of worth pound of
cute". was never better illustrated
Barely Without a___Conera_and-Jfas'
Taken 10,t00 Photographs.
--iss-no eizi-ggeration to say that
9neen Alexandra's premier hobby
• IS photogra-phy. 'deed her Majesty .
than in the ease et tag dieease. I is without quest on. one of the most
There is no need of arguing. the de- enthusiastio,amateur photographers
sirability of keeping the pig heal- it is possible to meet. Silo 13aid
thy and thrifty. 'All readers will now to possess albums vontainiag
agree with us- on this point, but over 10;000 photographs„ all taker'
'angularly 'enough-it.is difficult to lw her own bends, represeating
royal and important . personages,
laces and festivals in all parts of
Urope, .UW33 London Tit -Bits.
For a period of sixteen years
now the Queen has been a devotee
the -camera.. She possesses five
cameras. It was, of courr3e,
Princes sof Wales that hor Majesty
made her first snapshot.
Although to -day the queen real!" "
does very little developing,, she has
pa thoroughly mastered its techni.
ealitiet, that 2he is fully 'tornrietent
to enter the dark room which was
speeielli built on the new royal
yaeht, the Victoria and Albert, at
ber inotigetion and Wrralblr' her
Aims. Wherever the queen goes—
be it a cruise n' the royal yacht to
her home hi Denmark or ride.
across country in the fligliands
she is •ne-er without -ss eareera.
That she uses it is evident when it
"s gated that during one of her
Mediterranean erttises ehe eeeured
0100 photographs in cix*eeks.
In her way of.going to work she
.most methodical. Thr photo-
* hs: many *Awns Ana lxnaer
getthem to act upon their own be-
lief. Take, rays Wallace's Farmer,
the disease known as prrtial para-
lysis, which has become quite com-
mon, comparatively speaking. dr -
ng the last two or three years. We
are convinced that if due care were
xercised in the Matter of feeding
he pigs and very common proven-
ive measures taken, this disease
would not .he at an troublesome;
Leighton Mellor.? Ma
-ear for youl",,' Rebeka
ly. "Any day this w
Inc.T day is Tuesday
say Thursdayr
- Ethel was posses
desire to know mor
that Cyril was 411014 to
she decided to ixecett the
I send th sing
de* .g1" MO the' lielance,"•
asked ta,
k will suit,
Shall w•e' t
as re
a. natural a I e
the UWE/.
marry, and that
invitation tI te
t re tiSa
reatemng let
Lrncd to him,
vidently does
ot back the letters. ha 1.11get,1„Ate,, ti
o e co nixed.)
ut-notwithstanding the frequency
with which we have emphasized the
mportanee of preventives during.,
reply ,Aokros,d,), Joe sam rweity, the past two Or -:three Smart* not
ote a your onporttelerto appreaehis the 011,6 out of ten of our friends who'
this thlime. I have every mind to asked for help in this particular
in' telephone to the police station and matter have made an effort to Pre -
sire you in chute for ignekmail vent it, /ri, addition te providing
not know your punisbnleht, "mai not clean* *ell -ventilated eleepragetuar.
MI" Aekroyi rtiatitiated. b
lie 'cemented to . o oa the 'Rut erhepe be is acting under
uroarty.. :eel's advice. I think I had better Windmills were ,invented and
ebekith returned at once. to deal with the Jew." used by the Sar44,4T1s.
Leighton ?tremor. She did not quite
know. why she had asked Ethel
otherston tO visit her, htit ct
in her heart there was an iutentioii
f trying to aseertain it there was
any_,-tr nth her _suspici
Jlarecastle eared for her.
When Aekrovil received Jo s
eond theque Ise had folly det
not to invest the proceeds and
to retire into the country, where he
old& live OA theinterest in come
sion, especially In al
diseases of a pu1monar
tore. It bAs saved man
Fives that ott
have ykkted to e rri
tion• we keep Sears
ilia, the house all
O I 8, Wash
tattled and cficn
1'ed It * weraletf
to easy t.
i' t1iit the yotureest child .
ralult an
i; fyou ceitg,fiesit
1. • c,,r- any
la •t-:,etrres
It 1 ttop the.'
et•al then the
re 10 'get SCO:
This course. was not at all to his
liking', for he held Joel in profound
speet. If he coult1 have seen any
other - alternative . he would have
vided the interview. He had the
ste-fearsofsgetting himself -4n- ,
his chitches, and he sats tufnei-
t of a laWyer to. know- that he
would he rendering himself liable
to -4,-,„„long., term of unprieozanent if
ey thould .dare to have him st
tett.. .
That -was the crux of the matter
y e Joel was just
*bent' ti ally himself with the
• ...But -xpoculatt4, with d nothing shculd
fever gaintlinkand his good 1116 made et would reflee
Mug of his extravagant 1041112 TesIfs wouldtake the 44,-, and
of living, and he revelled in luxtir beard Joel.
les, The City onte more -engaged At tOOti, 'as be had tome. to tide'
is attelition, and be launched forth d°eition he drove in' his ear to. his
tato speeulatioe. At the outset cliamberis in- St. James'. By 'the
iittniied to be 154 411 would have -that Joel %so at present staying at
uid the der
k I
i US'
upon his . .
s .ftairly• catttiou$,, Antt if he LAti, use of tite telephone be Ascertained
' been well, It Iniett bavo• been I Leightoo lianor, and he decided to
thought; that he would have learitt,',Igo there to see hirii.
a -tee -eon from his „former expert t• ,Resvent to his pile and -tee nut:
tl#0, but suet) nature e are not eas .1) a largo envelope, which he opene,d
1 y taught even by such a bard tsek, ha.nd frotti whieh lie .took 801110 11h0.
, aster,. •
(Alper .minin hares , wee liey-!liVere -copies of
, he rage, and be •desided i i \e, *hie)* fii'l,' had Ina t
rgely„.•_. 'Their- valixe, ett once ire .•irt -bad- handed tliti o
etesed, and,' 'in. Contequeriee over to 3'oel,,_ '
ir.tiCe41 a deeire for an expetielv • i so Aek,rosd .0111 posLestd
turing,titr. tOr tt.'while.e.,terYthi ,e ix able'. evuleeco, of the ;kart
iteettleal,.and.i.'it his dreams be $ t erIthnY-
,seit •Itiv*,)!yoo.$ ,J4.4e 4oee.,tili
\ , •
1 tifter,Ititieh ,41i. i ''
11. I But' thite,ipiti of ill • , eer tor Lersido I et
At had' pursued limit all hit li e a Tiossessea of the AO -c
,deterrnined to have a say in the' d -e twit, sust$Inea hint upon his
i atter. Down can,te tlie• shares like,,li tiraes. to btaelisnail the riiii
• rottet. Paper that . had re- :fur in libel lie realized that he was
nteil forty thousand Doan 4it 'dealing with es. man . of dit!erent
seen worth but tent, then o calibre,
tit finally ten tiIsaiid. puurt Ile boa /. a
t thiis wits net Alt t*r,tbete was a stl'e's eugageme to ' oe
liability a.ttachcd whieji would morel daughter tiit!i. great ntr4.
a swamp all tli, moiley that he ev.p!ained. li-liat theft
ses,setl. , that
pultled 'him, ristme,ly t
b *as confident that *li would bs,d *Rimmed loel i the
, io, right if lie, wilt- Iota $officient cipher, tetteee for 8 11M.
kitati to tkle, over tide ball tiirt.,„ Sorturally he heti ie. 2 the
Wrie teeve iestied and jeagatiente loitters bad been, used a L,' vet to
rips Itteeunts *ere signedi force Lord ;1!fareciestle to marry the
, him. Then e4r300 tbr44t4 Of •Iew's daughter. • He ' merely
to raphs. •
. lite6 And he beam' to re*.e-thought that the engagement *as
, t be wee in * tight. t,arner.i'ort, thof tapit and that jot , had
, hausand, Pounds would tide thought it advitable to destroy ,evi.,
r 114 'Pre,sent -tlifilcultiel*Aence thet might brute the family
,lt Oat' iti. * few months' with which his ,dong ter ***About'
, d 0 ' to el herself:
At least * tellgram are
ent over tie _ world's wires daily.
he horns eed fershoeing
.Cniegaortefli)olt...........,,,,alian Soldier.
of the daily a -
fox an seent danger $,
er of a mile ,ott if the vei.nd
vorahle dimtion.
.A.11 of Mrs. HO
dreiri Oikillitieilte-zratter.-
niee to see such affeetionl
• "Thot -istetaffeetion
in marrying •off h.
i*.years, and they fill
because they, thinkshe
earned the title."
r -
petite an
en. for
.1E DOE. Mrs: L
;Notre Dame
d this, for she
rut for what, Psye
et the
uld t
createz: a
boon t
FE e
for toe. X wee loid • p
est'. Oh, how I suffere
to was very poor
h wits greatly dieortlered. T
ri strollsand well, for P,v-
brought me permanent
feol like 044 iteW 1PCOnta*
*bat I tii(1 before tekin
I fettthe vigor of ait
me veins once more,"
ter s and a retion which contains,
tome musele-making fooil ad
that to the corn it will pay to feed
the Oovernment recipe to all 11
which show any signs of disease.
This recipe, which we have pub-
liehed many tinies before, is as fol.
Wood chat= 1 •
• • photogreph her Majesty ha*
Sulphur .... 1, written a deeeription of the pietukt
Sodium chloride......... . the, date when, taken. They
Sodium bicarbonate 2 nelude ai great variety Jot subjeets,
8_0diunt hyposulphite . the Xing's stud horees. taken
?dot/blot sulithate .. I - 212 the Old days at the annual sale
Antitnaituoonny.:0),.$!.4:111!.4:e. (.111,,!kws,a, asrtpanlitia'oelhitareenn oton tipinatrwanitstttoalluder.
Thete ingredients should. be emu- linghatn And the (4 the rat-
rtipLediy,,viriteor,ilz41 „ of the nruiteix
h,oThroliigtabloly thellon. The PliototfrObe of her
lids' 'weight et hogs te
before the hog* a, box of. wood asit-
tliitresial, in which a,Iittle ea
een mixed. .This °newt() b
wher the hogs-ean have StetttSti
it at alt tinies. If they will txdopt
theeeimple preeitutions and -then
excesonir' care in feeding, xt,
d. raticia, the number oet oni-
plai,its of pig diseases of -ono sort
er another will be QU't itt half within months;
XOTES. • -
The agineer
or ,, 'less sti
cn(y. .., - ntononnt i
cwholtnosee, Tbe
in i 4 ' '
.. , iis . really ,
ex ntekes every
.grku1tuie now take tt its 0400 as
illits operetions,
and i ,t InsnnfLctnring midi.
I ising., is no longer is,i'
*P-H!:t4_. ropmition in whichl
- -_iP
!!'_; thO, naAt prominent
e t e • now as muert t
t d cost of productiortf
of pig iron or of nails.'
alit they do thet therein
lies the t1.e',00eret of preAt. "
'it mzysrt <Iowa tis & !general li
ruk i sill"plants base certain!,
which they thrive beq„ lr
a obserred. Mit plar,t4
ted said brainching, moreil
olistge,. and their leito-ss,
,n seesaies brighter toter?,
-he nearer hey reachtheir neirtie-•
'in JJoundar3r of,sueeesefel ealtiea
:'n. It ha ak., beets notieed that
a th4' nurthtrn hntit.,lant is
i, ire
g4iirttufctlezhiidtro,, ,1.1..,i:itet,
6114211 They
O' depict -•-_,salooles---.-
* 1 n -Oat IL4°1whe'i he $ein)vwtritaitt14' - '
and e King
roar 'iugh-t two cli-flot ungcr
the. Prime of Wale**. no
vorhig _to:. exert his rtg
rtielatoy by .thie triee nee'
(1nc i not surproed to hear that
Lh * sty 'has frortuentiy-, fallen
to' the ever alert orner*f the .
queen. Wili4 ,he :regards as •
eat"kePlibd6Fe!Iplerttlilm'at'ait. -•
. , .
rd Suffiii m the grounds
- Then the
his Majesty rnu-
Ti&te very muelt
t he .it4aidt
for on
'e tilifllc,rr,us twc-,
Then Qttieeci hae OtIt. her hob-
by to a. ZIOVe use. She has had ter-
tahr photographs repeoducca (iD
ehinie.. This aertiee is kept at
AVintisor and only used le • the
9ueeti entertitinirat her olott
intimate ftiende, Ettplt tap coti-
tains a'rlietcgraptit'e te„predtictien
and t!...es,,, are ell tif the hiantireee
his Majcsty run-
ross the rrret a
sr4 '
145 Majesty dr4)tt in to tea
stlien t!os rerezet 144-i:fig used be
Ii-rgets thi (tip, becanse It.
ascidentelly drop it.
p**n be taken fopEk
o have it srrtie in the
dittos& so hr se toattiro Sit
• ,
goingsto meet: