HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-14, Page 7 (2)_eseeeeestipsstesite,
They ring the gar
igenee that two petrel*
nted. police hetee been loot
thc vicinity of Churchill and
tlkzton. One of the miseing
?ties, was in charge of levee
Peltier of the R.N.W.M.P.,
the other was , in charge of
eitaldson. Inspector Fol-
tert, itecompanied by * party of
)141 Athabasca. Landing
annual patrol trip, $
Luad .i4 Wirt
:• iiterPretf
, it- mit-,
0 o ti I ..it? '
hetigh .. , 4114 c
is.0 Psis. e, 44*Y.
-potitt.- out - 0 -Fort
Churchill. oriember ZIA) -
Moody to search for the toke-
n* euttid, They are titivelliut ht
do tiain, , and will ,go north to,
Fe torten. ' "Iluelson , Bs lc al.
waya -open," said .Mr. orrier,
when asked about navigation on
the Bay. At Churchill the ice left
iin July 10, and it froze over again
on November 10. The Hudson Bee!'
teiatter loeheep., t Cher
setie ti
twelve day
Wet, et Factory o
and in search of =song Geologte on aceount of icein ,themouth
1 -Stove or Caldwell, who Ilea tamer/vett, The only Place whet'
lost for two. ,years in the • serious trouble would be eneount-
or h. Iii August &mgt. Do ' red would be at the Steal '
nhe '
welt inert
white me
in he an open c auto
*o ea d
11001, Glit0ENDS.
Thar Improvement k.
orage Battery Which Wi1l.&12:
teat ,ha recently iued a neat
little booklet- on the "Improvement
of School Grounds winch should
prove * timely aid • in bringing
out * better condition of tame 1
turwundings. The publication is;
*utifully illustrated and furnish -1
.ed withans showing how grounds
tif °us eizes and shapes, may
be id ,out to the ibest, advantage.
Conce, practice! directions are
gien for the making of lawns,
Iwaks and drives, and for the
pl*ntine of trees,'shrubs vines,
And flower. . 'hordere. The "holiklet
sts been prepared by Prof.' If. L.
Hutt, of the Ontario Agricultural
-College, Guelph, and School
, and Insitectors- desiring
furtherassistance on the isubiect
of Scliool Ground Improvement are
uked communicate- with him.
It hoped that thitt may result
in a =Joked improvement in the
condition and appearance of school
grounds all over the country. The,
hoot i next to the home in ite
on the rising generation,
beautiful school sur -
have ite, reflex- in-
ufne&iu the itaptovement of the
• 'hies Spread' in Pennsylvania
• Towns Through Kiesteg.
A despatch from Pittsburg, Pa.,
Atquarantine to lest 100 days
been placed over .Spetegboro„
notetville, Meadowville, Brook-
Linesville and other small
towus. in Crawford and adjoining
beeause of the prevalence
drophnhia intithe westernpart
• the state and the presence of
ors saiki to beaffected with
rabies. Dogs are being• shot on
he etreets as thy are seen, and
try precatition is heipee taken by
the residents of the community to
pre%ent the disease from spreading,
than it already "has. One
•h has already occurred, and
little Pasteur Institute at
Pittburg is overcrowded with ix -
teen eloaagerous patients, and about
;stwentsystre- waiting to come in.
° More thin one hundred persons- in
ibe dog infected • counties have
Men in the last ten.day,
o than Ave hundreddogs
()unties have been killed
that many persons ar
ing rabiesthrough having
WI o isets.affectedi•
ak of Orders for Iron Goods
Ston of Gold Tip.
spateb, frok Torobto rays:
* big• fouLdries 'And' fastories
re reating their Pay rolls in
'naeque:i&s ot the• rush of orders
* els. Managers of every
sIrsitant oncern tbe icily a
te sery busyseason, and
to have their shops runt
ng to'the fullest capacity in a
eeks. The relations.betweett
oe 'workers and moulders un -
d the employers is meet
cordial Taliezi snakes the catleok
for the men exeeediegly bright.
lit** Steamer Sank in Collis.
-- Only Four Ssved.
/teh from °acne sate
tn tteateer Stiateti•tav
of tee te"littled near
i. ttI tht Gtet,ti reeaint t
Thomas A. Edison, in hie labora-
tory in West Orange, N. 1., on
Wednesday expressed confidence in
the success of his latest invention,
practical storage battery for
power -propelled cars, which is de -
reined to solve the'traffic problem
in large cities. His scheme is to
place these batteries under the
seats of ears, and he says they can
be sufficiently obarged at the ex-
isting power house to run lin en-
tire day continuously. "No addi-
tional tracks, poles or power
houses will be required," added.
Mr. Edison, "and the needs of fu-
ture transit facilities can be eco-
nomically eared for by the new
battery ear& 'They will run one
bemired melee without reeharging
and will even utilize the roachinery
which -brings the ear to a stop for
the recharging. The oars will run
on any rail, the present street car
tracks or steam rails, and if they
sump the tracks can get back on
the rails with their own power."
Peter Peterson Killed in Mine, at
Giroux Lake.
A despatch from Cobalt says:
On Wednesday night another fatal
accident took place at the Davis
mine, Giroux Lake. Four men
were engaged in a shaft down six-
ty-five feet; three had gone down
the ladderwity. Peter Peterson, a
Finlander, magic, aged 32, called
down to his partners below that
he was corning clown a rope used
on the whim for hoisting. Peter-
son started down the rope, which
gave- vray-,spreeipitatinglthis to t
bottom •of the• shaft sixty-fisse- feet
and killing him instantly. Peter-
son fell upon Mat Nearmee below.
Oil in -in -ries are flOLCOUs
sidered fatal unless complications
sot in.
ar fr.
Thirty Million Dollars Required
This ear.
A despatch nom Winnipeg says:
Thirty million dollars Vag mention-,
ed on Thursday at the loeal offices
of the Canadian Paeifi,e as the sum
which Seeond Viceiltresident Whyte
ill. ask from the treasury of the
tompany to be expended on -west.
rit lines during the season of
1909. Mr. Whyte will leeve for the
east on Friday and will spend the
follosang week in Montreal. He
will he accoinpanied by the chief
engineer for 'western iines, itti E.
Schwitieri ) who felk. several luieeks
p.ast has been det4otiug bilk entire
to a ettiesideratirott el the work
to bp done not year itt eoneec-
t n with the building of addition«
track mid betterment and main.
anee of existin "Wet,
Wife of Manitoba Farmer Victim
ot Hired Man.
A despatch- from Brandon, Mari-
oba, _says: Mrs. Ifunter ttooper,
fe of a well kit wn farmer liv-
g near Eradwardine, hiIc drive
g home eri Stetheetthey, wae at
eked be the hired nate ea ed
faery S'e41,11r. inEnglithman; 18
aro .ef age, Ateecti with a lititn-
tor. eters' etreek *Mrs Coeper
timen otteit Vie 'wad,
be Ire thee went
yerdinc. acti meeting Mr.
teerete retehire ,
1( d
e - est„,
siste tete.
0 • le
• 10
• 4014\
to t rie-ta, es
I O k
UZ tteetit
.00 :!rtithiour. sofsc MentetWIlett. 0,41'014477
The -
drow the hslf-rate R. wili:PiLffteetrutit)(1124-ig7ta.TI:ilieelth""--
it 7
to ministers in pert* of the wet.
.The Iteuenger Agents' Aeeocia-
tion heiterefueed to grant excur-
sion .tieteet to the Montreal Winter'
Caravel. •
Recorder Dupuis of lioetreal se-
iterete criticizes Rev. Arthur
French's methods of fighting the
eociel evil. in that cit
r •••
a million
Oilers for the construction of a
rnunieipal power plant.
teem amount of 'money will be
spent iu improvement to the plant
uf e Lakc Superior corporation
rgu o 4 g
;ttsrvetlcne fmdrowninglThroffS'aWelia4dinaglri'mvfoaste
•• gallant manner by Donald MeElv.
, ride, after she had broken through
the ice -while skating. .
It was stated at the minuet 'meet-
ittit of the Eaeteru Ontario Dewy-
be kept through the winter at a
cost of two dollen' a month.
The O. N. R. is said to have made
an agreement to build five hundred
miles of new railway iu Alberta,
under Provincial bond guarantee of
fifteen. thousand dollars &
* 1ifl
Mr. Henniker Heaton says
Lemieux's visit to England has giv-
en.the movement for permy-a-word
cables & deeided impetus.
The New York State Chamber of
Commerce passed a resolution fav-
oring reciprocity with Canada:
Four cattle rustlers were killed
in a niecbed battle with members
of a vigilance committee near San
• Diego,Cal.
Pretident, Roosevelt has iefused
to allow Attorney -General Bona-
parte to answer a question asked
him by the Senate.
Eight night -riders accused at
Union City, Tenn., of lynching
Capt. _Rankin were .sonvieted of
Murder, six in the first degree,
two in theetecond.
Fifteenpersons lost their lives
in flood s n Costa Rica.
The Shah of Persia has issued
a manifesto revoking the constitu-
The Kaiser has. decided to travel
le.ss and to live more simply this
Sixteen British sailors were
drowned at Sydney, N.S.W., when
their pinnace was sunk in a col-
lision: r
Australia -will probably send a
representative to the conference
of the Governments interested i
It ieenreleretoodtthatethe Sultan
of Turkey will use his influence to
keep the Mohammedans of Wit&
loyal to British rule.
The French election's have re-
sulted in a Government victory,
the-Radieal-Socialist bloc =liking a
net gain' of fifteO, seals.
Kang Yu Wei, the Chinese re-
form -leeder, tittle declared that,
Yuan Shi Kat britied_stephye
to poison the late Emperor.
The Queen of Italy has organized
a Sewing Society in the •QUirinal
at. Bottles_ andnoble ladiess, And
workgirls toil together there, mak-
ing clothes for earthquake suffer-
• .4
• •
tort Maui
.st • e tae ,
Wheat es -
SLOW for No 1 No
2 Northern,• *
41.04 for No. 3 Northern, ore
sitin• Bay ports, No. 1 Northern is
quoted at $1.13, all rail, and No.
2 Northern at $1.10, all oil.
Ontario Wheat -N. * *hitt", .94
to 94teie* entside; No. red Winter
at etec outside, antrtio. Siinitted at
94e putside.
Oats -Ontario No. 2,white, 39 to
see -M-Cteist
n track, Toronto; No, "e ern
Canada oats, 4I3tc, lake ports, and
No. 1 feed, 42e, •lake ports.
Rye -NQ. ** quoted at 70c out-
Barley -No. 2 at 55c outside; No.
3 extra at 530 and No. 3 at 51c.
ea -s-414. q�tc ou
Corn -No. 2 American yellow
nominal at 674 to 68c on track,
Toronto, sseel No. 3 yellow at $0e
Bran -Cars, $19.50 in bulk out-
side. Shertss--$21-
Apples -Winter -stock $3' to $4
per barrel for good qualities, and
at $2 to $2*.50 for cooking apples.
Beans -Prime, 41.70 to $1.75,
ana hand-picked, $1.60 to $1.85 per
bush. • ,
Roney -Combs, $2 to $2.75 per
dozen, and strained, 10 to tee per
Efay-No. I timothy, $10 to $10.-
50 per ton on track here, and No.
2 at V to St- -
Straw -$7 to $7.80 on track.
Potatoes-Ontarios efee per bag.
Delawares, 75 to 80c per bag on
Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 10 to
e2c per pound; fowl, 7 to De; ducks,
10 to 12e; geese, 10 to tic per
pound; turkeys, 16 to Mc per
V •
Butter -Pound. prints. 25,to 21res
tubs, .22 to 24e; suferior, 20 to 21e.
Creamery rolls, 28 to 20e, and sol-
id*. We. - -
--Eggs-Case lets of cold storage,
20 to 27e per dozen; selections,: 30
to 31c, and new laid 40c per doz-
Cheese -Large cheese, 1334c ,per
pound, and twins, 13t4e.
Bacon-s-liking-elear, 10%. to 11c
per pound in ease bots; mess pork;
410 to $19.50; short cut, $22.56,
Hams -Light to, medium, 13 to
13%c; do., heavy, 12e; rolls, 10%
to 10;ie; shoulders, 10 to iteeic;
backs, 16 to 163e; breakfast ba-
con, 14% to i5e,
pails, 12%e. • 4'
tresrli Jan. 12.-Orain-Ca.
resdian Western No. 2 white oats
at 46%c;', extra No. 1 feed oats at
454c; and No.:2 feed at 45c per
bushel: in car lots, e* store. Flour
-Manitoba Spring wheat patents
firsts at $6, seconde at- 45.50; Win-
ter wheat patents, $5 to $5.25;
straight roller'$4.00 to $4.10; do.
in baps 42.15 t,$) $2.25k extra, $1.-
7 to $1.85. Feed -Manitoba bra,14,
gee shorts, _ $244- -Ontario- -bran
$21 to $21.50; middlings, $24.50 to
$245.00;,' shorts, $24.50 to $25 per
ton, including bago. pure groin
ntouille, $30 td432-;.milled sriatik„
$25 to 42$ per tpn.. Cheese -West -
erne, 12,4' to 12%0, and Eastern*
The Government of Italy ,sticet 1.!litdtosep,ltectn liorllismttatkr:-250%*tuo
c.:.liggs-Nesr-lead at alk, se-
eeied stock at 2134 to 28e, and lsiciL
stock at gig Ito re per 'dozen.
ITEDHAT-ir ti4
poses to Meet •the 'financial. COP4
.quences a the earthquake by iev,s.
ing i special land tox ,of five per
tent., dnd Aari :of .0:06 „tent op,
cach railway/ ticket sold." '
* •
Dynetilte TratireetThttee
Menial Itallwey einiee*
A desPatch from Xeriora saYs
ilhtffslo, Jan. 120.-10efitsL,Ppring
wheats highet; No. Northern;
eeloide, store, $1.14%; ' Winter,
rta. Corite-Strong. Oats -Firm.
Barley -Feed mititing, 432 te 70,e
Itinneepolie, Jan. 12.e:0/heat--
& $1.00% to $1.001; t3uly $1 -
Another tragedy involving the 00,8; eash No. 1 herd, ' $1.11 t
death ttf one mom and the fatal in.103ifAill; o, I Northern, $1.10 t
jury of another frotti an explosion, $1.3or; No. 2 Northern, $1.07,,,
of dynamite ecaurted ln 3feerea to $1.04: No. 3 Northern, $1.01tt
Courtney'e construction camp' to $1.0eti. Thaw *19.00. Hour -
on the Natiiciiiti Tranecontinentel tint patents, $5.40 to• $54C3;
last Monday. The dead mats wits,reeil patent s $5 30 to $k) 40 -first'
141,Telmitzeksont.n; Stteciet.an,t1 !TIP ill' 1 4rti et CO to *4.10; ecesed
. c e ,4 •
',./r)rci.) man it; narnett anttetton. visas's, tte ee, to
xvete $110011irig OUt •tt 1101011 Milwattiee. Jan.h lete-Wheitt
whioh had beenSprnng.rt 41,,ys tee, xorteeee. itiaita. Nee
4t, preti;esely, whcet the leen strttek Norte -ere, $tro to eittee $
p e art of an It < tied • tql " ed,. c_ eel
erel terrEfls C!C!,CiOn folletveti *ekrt v 1.4essy-
tThe teite tt tlieltee relent:
here. 4 P,
W,131 Oa.
• /14
LOU* cs°'
. s and
onese tornbs o kjnp
All ar ruined. Th condition 0?
(JaI&barst P YnKeilt j 4104
desolate. They tole an immense
silent necrepeliss'stretebing from
the Dirties* to the Tyrrheetien Se*.
Esther Alfari, direetor of the
'Florence Observe/dory, is of the
opinion thatesrtliquakes will cone
tinue two or three years, being
violent. at the beginning and gradu-
ally ruin. .Iiijthe foflpw
s -
felt at Measins and lleggio.
of frequent occurrence they will be
alight, if infrequent, they will be
violent. Hence Father Alfari
warns the rescuers ittelifesitins and
Reggio to be ciottiotie.
1arthqua1cez cotoenue et, emus) .
Wet of the *hocks are slight, but
several have been rather violent,
causing the collapse of several
houses that remanied standlitg af-
ter the shock of Dec. 18.
Ten persons • eocuedeativie
. +4
.%."'Itt,„ • 44
.4 4& Ir
s .
comma e e*r▪ thqu&k zrea,
has telegraphed to reetnier Gioe •
lett* that the securittee ., of the
Rime& di Italia, the titinch'Cotet
inerciale, the Nevigszione Gener-
ale It -slime and the Societe- Vet -
*lite, have. been recovered from the
rum* of the huildingo oteupied by
' seeing% e
commonest firms in searching for
their securities. ° •
owager Queen Ilargherita will
;donate 4200,000 to build and etti-
dow An orpleaneete for 100 children
whom, parents were killed in the
recent earthquake.
Sicily, on Vednesday.
houses were demolished
persons were
The Bishop of Tropes, Calabria,
reports that 000 churches in his
ractically --Everithing
wait cleared out before the, market
closed. A few extra choicc cattle
sold at good prices, but the export
trade was only moderate, owing to
the limited space available, on yes -
eels sailing next week, Good steers
sold at $5.35. Butcliere-Business
setive; prices steady at last week's
quotations, viz.: $4 to $4.50 for
good cattle, and $4.50 to, 44.00 for
extra, choice. Sheep -Firmer.
Lambs -Steady. Hogs Firm and
His Interest la Instrumental Music
• Chiefly Curiosity,
, Napoleon has been desiribed as
almost a nattoic hater. A recent
writer put hinLat the very foot of
the list of modern rulers se far AS
appreciation or even toleration of
music was concerned.
Now comes an -English denial of
Turkish Grand Pasha's Way
Playing a Barrel.Organ on
the Stairs.
At the best of times the lot, of the
debt -collector is tot a happy one,
but there have been some *cessions,
however, when collectors have ez-
ercised both ingenuity and humor
to niake the debtor pay up. An ex-
traordinary case of this nature came
to light recently in Palestine. One
of the Turkish Greed Pashas had
reason to press /or salary duo to
him. A new tax' was consequently
imposed on the people which was
not approved by one of the towns,
the inhabitants refusing to pay. Up-
• on hearing this, the governor or -
the slander. In the Gentlewoman
dered a ten days' quarantine, say -
it i's admitted thatthe musical 1 ing that there was a case of cholera
tastes of "the Corsican ogre" were1 isi the place. The military were
not elevated.- But for all that he 'tested .round the town and AI
loved singing so much that many a trade came to'anend. The real
time after a. concert he erdered the
sittig before hitt and th-
vocalists to come to thltpalskee anti 0, she eakssef the
6 -Empress! 80011..paid up.
cause of the boycotpt,eophoier,evsenrd, ctahmue__
• Equally; as ingenious was the'
dodge tried by an Italian house -
owner at,Saffron Rill some few
months ago. One floor was let to
a tenant, who for several weeks
had not found his rent. On being
entered. Nis Maw .y nodded his ordered to leave the house, be re -
head Approvingly and when the !fused. This exasperated the Rai -
piece was finished "mid to Duport :tian, who thereupon brought a bare
"Row the deuce' d it -manes
to -it, enstruraent so mot-
ionless V' and taking up the 'cello
he tried- to -line it between his)
liPtilioorTedr Dbu"potniti nearly-faluted-whens-the--musicalstle nonstration-dist-not
' out or force into to pay up. Rut
he taw his treasure treated like a accomplish its bject, for the neigh -
war horse. For several minutes bora had the house -owner arrested,
he looked on, trembling front _head and he was fined by the magistrate
to foot. At last, however, he dart- next day. '
_ed forward and tailed out ""Sir l" Another landlord in the East -end
in such- pathetic tones that the Em- of London, when he wants to get
t handed- binx 'back the instru« zyiodu no; manyb
tn oatagitger4nnatiiictsp,.reompoptlystoiont
ebnutpo* thereupon showed -how bo tattier -their abodes *nil -Wows
the instrument was held, but every Witst on a hugs whistle,
thiimsetmlinisd , to sitastoterdoexittenhdimed.
wtokilighrinig8 generally quite sufficient
the debtors out with all
self Esuppit threw beetieir beck aendsmssoltil:clurge they canlay. their
Aim, till Bully Josephine w
ig '
pered, somethtng , to ',her In Atistria debt-colli.etnAgent
cy it run in ._eonnection. ,with,tho
who burst out loughirig and"plit a
post-ofilees.. Thn plan. has 'worka
end to the 'cello. lesson
admirably, end 'Inge stims,are
lotted yearly by the Anstria.w po'ste
VER men. • .
* tradesman wishes Ite (toilet*/
debt from a custonicr reoiding in
distant town, all he has to do is
send the bill to the post.otlice.
is then transmitted to tlw town
ia Id& the 41ebtor lives. The post-
* calls on OW roan', collects the
y, told remits, it to the pitist,t •
froni iwberice the,, hill was
trenstritted. It is then delivered
ti) the tradesman by peter. If pay -
went h Mused the tradesman is
atquaiated the fat,t, and 'valuable,
time is thus e3ved. •
PublisaesL1 rssise Issrtq
tut keop a list ef debtors, 491111,*
ling it anaissesst, thezesslses. WLen
eiit is sistased• the etett every-
where, cane, to o5:402' VISa Uri
cht2 ftss E.1.1sass?,
Issktstes, lase a ttinter teleene.
Tter-, etc -rare tint '"! °vtlIC1(1-11:iat."' •
,-,sitqprss-sisitters ish 41,Vek
A curious anecdote is Wld of his
brusque manner of dealing with
artists. One night at a. concert at
the Tulle -ries -while Duport,- the
famoue violoncellist, was perform-
ing & solo, the Emperor suddenly
1-orgaifinto-atelfoilic?;-plaeed il
on the stairs, and played its dole-
ful tunes. for over four hours, hop-
ing bydoing to drive ttletteoant
Guyiktt Sfethir)', Aged titive
despatch from Waterford says
On ituretley .AftertioOtt witile
±')katers were on the
ordon MeGary, about elet
years old, skated onthin ice
although plankwere thrqwn
In' *eat down in about
vet) feet of "'Ater and was
thwe1. The beds' WM recover.
re alma twenty esintitee, anti
,althottgli 1)r. 1.4otil vOrked4 otoer
him for some thite life was extbet.
IiILLEDflT IlItOTIllifts
t tirnt4 M 'Ilatiblt
• •-•