HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-14, Page 3 (2)skit' °'! ict'wis,rian •grey • , Ikea rreaaerut fa s e "ass let. *.t.. 37.2 para;" s would ak t . ' wraaas aldtrrlc & i ' ur ti epi ° ;!blast na Drugs Co.., Co rebus Ohio. aaitleeii , � can +rheelrfully xe ;. tffective ld ;�►� ; coughs •arud. sr. • - are authorised to use my j—• t ! ,y��, yq "-Chaase. Tenth St., \'asbingtan,,, D.0 ould. Not Smell Nor Hear. bra , 1023 Ohio St. rrrr+e . aute; writes t' hen I began to take your me. irnc couldnet smell, nor hear l en s reaaman cad w'as terrible. " ad 'buz- and e:Iiirping: noises in •my followed, your advice faithful - took.. e na as you told 'rue,, igl},t' say I am well-. war go and visit my mo- ther see the doctor who said yti >as not lontt longfor this. 'world. 1 wilt tell him it was Perune that a ,.m c." ,retia ,is manufactured by The rruns>sa Drug Mfg. Co., Columbus, no. ask : your . Druggist tor a Free Aruna Almanac .• for 1009. :cover if gra left e, vs re ,*rdinaai*'i as c 'table. uslatioit-Vsilver 'candle« sieved on the Liable arta • The ; re stick* are unusual brilliattee streaming . from, muter :their dainty rshades,,,and the unatiatcd may wonder how candles cans produce such rt daaullin light. Olt -there is more in it than►meets the eye, e, for- running down -.the sides of each candlestick r sera almost' in. i axllo wire with tiny pronged end. ` This prong fasteris itself in-. ,to the t*.ble .elot,h and .as it 'touebe [ties cloth the capdles are lighted. r..W� . r. he" --i ndlestfeh. s Are l it s4on ass the Pronga , rs the eeletrie *loth-sktbrilliant light Eaaal cot can an°ty be -a r ::s ' en out the^.progress of thetimes,. it' y be within. the mean* of *hos.. teases whodo not p', asesrt. prieet incomes before very long, fair ; eaaara r: with, . aci cbc oarnat is r,:.Stiffrne of the'J';rfr l is rn the, Loins, and' get tI ng net,rre id from . Aver •«nervi whom he called iu Frei Ante . Richard a (well-known farmer Ly- ing, ing. near here, is lipreading the good newts- til at he is once vnore,: e1 man, and that ho ow+ s h saw +Mara to I2odd'a• Kidney l'illasa ppeeking of his . o de rtnl eure r. - Iti and s helpless, man in J>l „ 100 For fou years had endur. . ed.tho grreaatt:+es 'torture from Back- ache, Rheumatism, Stiffness of the ,litas theoI s, had daark eireIes under My eyes Iny� a head ached' and j writs often dizzy. I w*as, attended :bivc doctors, but :1u,itid... .�•;r.e..tie,:.,......._��': .�'>TM�rt'7E� _"IG—='Scx.n,,i,`,.. , 4., "Then 1 be ycan tip use :lyodd's •1 d v.•Laafl:s. and -after -the- first few doses.L began to improve. I used four boxes in all and now I AM working every day on the farm a well man. I owe ray won-derful +cure, to J%od+ 'a Kidney ;Pills and nothing (t1 ?w k"'a ' tettOr* >t t t i? rrt* taohor for';p " t` eek treat-. l'rrobably . nothing . pleases ars wo- man more than fir' a�?ii to --look L;'1 younger—then some other w;vri�an who rs the seine age. w It X011 a0, 140,104 , f'r A* We ii mitts*, *bore "44/"174 I t e►Mr so°e►r, ttr id s1 r '1* x.,. aw . � iwntp,at. s'str rair�wr Y:si�+wtr, at el.ok'.t :ist.stel,tyan trots I'aabrrer; r► Aisoct+ tit, ,; i!tsw i'wxtniYnttsrr, a"t� aN;seistt ! .l�t'Mal'Ota. tt finita. =hn ,L *watt ar 'While more pre indent lid► isin a Ltd when • sudden chi age s thea .'treat t t r try the strongest constitution ends' and cough a and ailments of the throat may,dame in e ,At * the ,first sight of, derange ent M u�. Brt;kle s Anti.Consumptive Syrup. Instant relief will be -. pericnced,, and use of the ,medicine until too dipt n w; ra ycsne it"h�-' thrut tiracvilest we mess- iKMrc 6 "+Dare, is • nothing so rare a ala roast beef properly dense.-' . USEKEEPERS u' i d'wa-_ ; 1 �pX and' wanted' in all pear or -y p11 # wnwr � sari' ,r�ir• � al>r rr aAi :. ,nark, kart Mo s eakrN, alraer++ isx r wast. wk e>ir; ss et t rt1 to w c' . rK a wt� r. � k a�s ,�f ass .!C k t� or pAitt 'yr �I isd IMISFO: 04 •wforirk4 *mi. ' CANADA **wand+ LII+. t'r`•�p !'�.�i .ts er, leirr 1r a .., �+ :„, olr � et Ad -areas" Box , Ann Arbor, b. co: - • '*0 ►ti ;,dill 1 ` iON'o, ,'g►' $ro FIngnRotr> *genie I ria .r.n r0< , n. +ea aa.; fir►' w Vxdstae butt* WYO.i etc e 1 -pa. t _ being rrepairrcd. and could only hold half. of.them.. "Sergeant ivajer," shouted the eolonel, "tell allthe men who'don't • k : k l rrch to fall out on 'the reverse flank. - Of, course a largo number quick- ly end gladly aavailed `themselves of therivile e. "Wow, sergeant, major," -said the ,colonel, "dismiss a ! the risen 'who did not fall• out and march the. others to church—they need it most." .. There is air cewrtaana inspector ce dols whoxamiprindes himseif hi ether of eing.. In as kindly', altar ,.wait'. he ;girl here+ 'very ru c -la ss about kinin, a a and° 1oo11 ad' their open-eyed,-breathle; at.. errrr, supposes that you and Y loin a garnet of marbles," 8LE PING UMW 'i T N U0!10IXTUS., A wise mother will -never.give.her littler one a sleeping draught, Efooth« Wig, mixture or 'opiate of any kind. except upon the advice of _ a cwnpet- ent doctor, who has seen the, child. All these things contain deadly poison. When you give your baby or young child Baby's Own Tablets sulci to ixumy Green., "You,, you have the guarantee of a goy - have ten marbles, a and I have ern ent analyst 'Haat. this it edieine eight., The 'claws gathered 'closer round. "At the end of the game you have won, ;half of my marbles, and, of course, 1 want to ploy coupe, win them baack.,� The pupils pressed even nearer. .,, t... have"v n Baby's . pressed , ht says . � ga. e � y Own the end of the second game I win ,, Tabkts to my baby since he was waif of those you now have. 'Tell two weeks old. was a. very e"; cite ent waxed intense -- ; smith thin baby, but -thanks to the 'tell rose," he continued, "how Tablets allets he Sys now a big, :fat, heal. "��:Maan marbles *re $ou heft With I" thy.boy. Sold by medicine dealers With au look of inexpressible ate gust the boy addressed fell back. "Why, Billy, he said, "lowed if it ain't sums i" does' not contain. one particle of opiate or narcotic, and therefore cannot possibly do harm—but al. ways do good. Mrs. Geo. M. einpt,, Carleton Place, Ont., AT IS TIM MATtElt. WITH_ "O•li ll+ft I 111011tAlr.-. l.ot ua tell you bow to overcome all abrnorual-+coni: ditions by the alae of the Glandular •stecietions ttsasat e recover- frroin. the lands of young, healthy sheep. It pigysiolw gicaiat medicine and we*. aaare laddeaing thousands of mo- thers hearts every day. ,,We cure all diseases, infantile .and adult. Write toils PSI!' our illustrated Blue sok, .whiela will Vie' : sent ire, fou. free. Describe to- us in °oer,_ow 'waay ° just 'swift .yOUT will symptoms are • sand . our physician will taker up .the. .matter with you. We furnish the element, the 'hack of which. pauses she sieknesas. Van Vi- lane; l xttset Companv�, Ransoms City e,„`. S. A. he funny actions of : * ' wc► aan ! •may 'be .dolt+ to, herr; missing smite ,of :humor. t Noe t auris thio "fiery offeii said mete thes, a,� man clot, goes into public las to tyke a pick of whether lie' $1 inter be rieb spin' fearrcd or poo; toe respected." or by mail at.2 cents a box .from`. The Dr. Williams'- Medicine Co., , ..- Brruck�°illei .. ,lint. Frrance bads the world . in -wine. production, making 1,003,-000,-000 gallons a year. The best candidate. for ()Mee win* -• if bo gats *note votes than the other fellow. toe roi t *Iter, H *. Sprit **thing *taxi*t #aasst�,tt old re*u 4y..t'+ct Molt" Atirddtrssrr, Roo * u ttrs► *Iwayw: o* hand. uidl r.a to +hilae ChM* sod brim* a$, Co :Udr r,ta. , iniste •'"I made seven hearts happy' today, r ` Parishioner -. "Bow Was that 1" . "Married Aree couples." "That takes only six.". "Well, you don't.think I did it for ,. nothing I" Something More thea rgati es !. To purge is the only effect. of�.. in any -pills -flow en the market. Isar.l- melee's Vegetable Pills ratio more than a purgative:. They strengthen-.. the stomaeb, there ' other :ills weaken ' it.They- ;clean the . blood' by regulatingwthe liver andrkidneys, and they stimulate where other, pill compounds depress. Nothing o of An injurious nature, used for merely pu�yuyrrygy�ativ`e t, powers, enters into their composition. 'p r Irl suppose, then, w+ may a well break the engagement* . and ay wee have both been disappoint- ed isap int-. cd iia love." Sh "There seems to be no other conclusion. Pala thought I had money,and I err, tainly thought you haad." t amsotwskia k#*aau'tti "las i" 4►.. t .triiSfl sa 9.! DI fa*a,,, =town. tri«► s erica 1M sw. k ll say, ,sot: $mt i* datlgsro s, dsirca, id`s tris* vat* »k*JW* ourw,.sua�, kern. a Tants to go tar. •. farr away om . civil action,• where • he ten nevem .again; hear.a ,toot rof a loco xa ` elce-'Yf'"7"fF'/�l,n"n tory.,' cxDisappointed in love r '{No; `got as lot -~°e --debts that Cannot pay. You tannot be hap while you haves .cairns.. Then...do. not delay : in.. getting a bottle of ollowwaay's Coro 4 Chure. It removes all all kni s of corns without pain. ` Failure •.with it inti. unknow,.,. ' , The apple trees . in bearing in Canada exceed.,12,000,000, while 3,000,000 metre ;aarro growing up. If.now -to.r' I -t miners who work in cold: water most of the day would rub t' e r feet and' les: with' Dr. Thomas' Ee1eetrk Cil they, woeld :escape -1 rstr eular rheumatism and rendertheir nen' err Hints proof• .against the •il. • ef� fel ets •.of exposure to the cold. Those tking out for\s_ruining regions would do well to pi'oVide tli.cinselvt s with A supply before, starting, Turkey bas.more *get)peiiple, ,aan p oporrtion to the, papulation, Haan'. *int'. other 'European country.,, Eelp your Children, ter grow r trong and robust +bevy taunter/Apt- anything ari+`nt�e`r/A t -i; a anything that taluses ill:Iealtlh. a sale great ranee of disease • in ebail�; rrl`rrcit :zit WOTTtrs; . lie c,ve• them with Gert er raves Worm .Exterrnina. leo r. It nae' err fails. LOST, e°Mind you• don't forget to put the st vertisement in the paper for• poorDitto," said the wile tearfully as her husband '.left the house. fir' +tet day she read in the Nair Post:, "Lost - A 'felonry laapti 'g with ivell4c ,e and bad trth. (an only waddle. linsWers to name of lido. If returned stuffed, large reward."`.: 14, vllV'L_ #utacry it a 1 •lt if Ol Its pleazu rd Via# t brlghtr from eat •tittetitutescitaatuI raid nataauents sol' *tote egoo, a 011.10', t+iimc'.r .404 Ila c ows t ts' b o a sial` atm susses 1 Ztatilan«: uk cut car Piles And !afros permanently. no hla lies alt around y► .• Won soeu a1>t stat ns' 01111. haat, ..".tied Its -p sally semi of y lends! let It cure yowl w. gb e,oflli s;, .,« x arra • sorer ,for ztars from blind, ikc • nd rotru ear ''i aat cr t one xss. Monody after reinscl vad stosless." ?y' fid o+re'd day there * no rube% £or.m ax lard arim solootY, xpensnosnatAl kw, know sow that Hiss is nplb , + hsr e1011110(es►it It Curti!, *0- of ° d onto cur , I bora hod so return ° +a #'aid" .I ,.woalsl all women w °fat*" T +slid to ;kwr that YBe "ll e`u t, I a»,iskin*** 4jset#wr raw + k r mAtel1.'si r iiia ►, a ,• flag or . ; swift« rig err,, a ('a Wit -411 F r.. z srtsr to loss 1�,Is ►r t t. atmott 41001b10,44n r+ gn* r k*ser . Over two ***dred t ra tiofti t ,�a#a *a° ad rrwiausi�r s •lea whirs sre add #c► sstw` il. :r '�� ,t�t"It 't?oU' T Ws p bs rapcte :sibipp1ng sxpsasrs &nai40. P4e0,tht4s4 pI 1 • A. At if. •Piano & 00.4 at her table. BOVRIL is- the concentrated nourrisbn '*t• of beef. - A little ad ed to- aany lciand of soup intakes it more tasty and greatly increases its value as a food. A little BOVRIL in the gravy is SW improvement with roasts of all kinds. Send' for (free) + atala ue l . 7ti'. a Lt, iIWO ofOssion teeL, l3mrr d GU '�' PH.O l ► For the Overworked. What At '. the causes of: de spondeney mclanoholyt ., A. disordered' 'liverr lrbs" one caw.* and anal -prime one. - Ala ditorrderked liver means* disordered stomach and disordered � stomach means. �turbance cif the nervous: system. This brings the whole body into s'aibje cticu Send -the 'vietiin fe* ,s sick all . over. 'aarmelee� s ire e table tills are rat ,.recogeis+edi rem. . .edy in this tate sand relief. will. tot. -1 _-weir us' . It is 4asier to etch cold than, it ls, let go of it. i% 1 Yard '11$of .'.M.„ tiol ri#t lr1 , w ,Oristlesc. biok704 NU* tat ri ir►r3ar la 7 ws Cs About\ 1,640,x' *ken out Ei eaar, viiile ' OI itearrtts were gra tiro farmers, Tia "a►. flick tor* boot cy+ * f *P1: • r r 1 if Mats aii♦d alorr st: kxernption +cert; .slie~hcrds „ C+ wr , *. oaks f.Ir.i • R _ �, ayu . ... y 0,160af AO* VETT ai "r ;raj .... _ . wry".' l « '>r + . r Y. ass 4 • Is int b.t 0010111114414, alalty� tesasws,t**A 00.4 , 1.. • st a+#awaaxe�ra~44 Stott*,.1t . A•SO* .OW felts* �tII. Minto M.ie Via*vlib',trob'a M . £r' si wail i.as ik ► i al s 'UiMl �r r 01c,ik - lb*a`,wa�l "iii ° • 11 as ietrr+Yarrlr. Cot 1$ 1. i C4Eff never r!'iet`c' inatirltet:t rax lie . 'said as men well known his rim rtipnlo.ta methods with ae :lir ,pr er<lilek prropt rt m "1 /net r ,aria Ind prtovridet aragasin cies b raitastarxar yesatir°til ions, Eor ar,, �arvr(eia, of , • Oxen, 'Cotrit,< flog* *ad Sheep assn. dtutth by accident Of dim just as you fissure your proparaty, against lerl d'. ;ri> by gra,, . anre so for . diseue and death may r at any an iia a, whilst lri by ik of your property mrgt roarer fir* 'The /mambo 1* low *Ai tom. phi au . Agesitaa, wantedire a it iitiatr ralapar alr�t� Iu■ iets p,w nag rasa itsteritteiy s r 1* fol • ►'►s` meg a>r r OM at ,*tlC'Ialla! yl*Ict f wig > ►l * ' >kv 1 nv itittlorty whlo Irfl rl gw " the, Vattii,' W er *44),' l .