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The Exeter Times, 1880-6-24, Page 1
Void \h is Fe- EkttioN Ontaeio) Thurtdiay J n PROPCRTY ntesT.. ' I.01 iiAlrl$—_—AN LXCELLEt `3.' F;417,at oi,erie hundred ar+otl en the r,gn(1ou' ';oats, first eentessiou of ";tophoit, near the Viltagto x,f P.xe, or Apply to MR. V, enotOT, sui:c.. ti,ot• Exeter, august i.tt 1878. T '1 A0..0.'0E5. T .MES KR, COU N TV ALI C''Ela)f - Li neer, Sales p •orept''ly a"keu(lod to. Days of 'hales arranged at this otUoe, ONEY T() LOAN ON Jtj_;Ai., ES, L tete,forthe Huron tCrale Loon. Swings 'aeiety. tier? rates of interest. Apply to oltn %)itei:utau, Exeter. 't/IO•NE3'. LOANEDN LAi GE OB. e eL Ftlath{ !in nu on etst-rate Yleeki•rity at a sae-' ';iorutu rine of interest. Apelry ifs B. VLLY,Ft)T, $diei.o)h, t :xeter, '46th Not•elnoor, tf tlTON1>;'t '1'O WAN ON FIRST - 1 - Class 111mItgages., ton Real. i state or for building pu1F tees, 'foe the PeIllinteir having% dz "investment Seidiety, of London, Ont, for toy u nber of yeasts tiol3 one to piano,. Apply to q,;tt_ S. SENIOR, L'hotoglyttt)ttett Exeter. haJ. CLA.RX, Agent icor she ibs- `i borne and lilbbort 8futifailFire Inenranec Company, Residence--Farq,lnaY ;' Orders by mall promptly attended to. I�B, CA1tIPB 'itiL, i llatVdNUTA e o'Land Surveyor, deo., will. Ire ,at the 'tt ya1 Hotul,Exeter,onthe traitlups{la'gineach kilbuth. Orders for Work '1. ft leitti'11td[r, John SpacSmanwiljeeceiveproi ipt ittentlon allX17. IlealtILIN '.. taxidermist and Nnttira : it. Besets and Eifh1a Stuffed and. Preerrved i t the most approved x;tylo.. In stock also a large variety of Pictliros, laud Pictures framed in 'the be and cheapest style. lifaiu Street, !Netter.8 m *rifit ExETEtt GREENHOUSE. 111 ic: nds of Wii:clow and Bedding Plant;, ltaueing Baskets and Vases filled to order. Cabbage. cauliflower, celery and Tomato Plants int,, season. Job- bing Gardening carefully atteuded to, Ottuadiau and Amerrba t .Fruit and. eenameutal Trees. Orders solicited :and satisfitdtt ft tnutranteed. Wm D'[UR1.1OCR. QT.ItAYE D. -- STktAYieU: L.ttUtel a—eaglet proliiiet:s of the subscriber'igt, ,5, con- -cessio 1, Usborne, on or about rte etreof Suoo 'last, a dark red Co*, with black nem"; ,:liar-),Verna, and off pin-knt<ttkod iu. Any Vergegiving ufort tit ion as'tu het 'wl>tieroabonts will bu suits, 1/1v rew,t:decl. f1.SL'T-D1E,.Exeter P. O. June ti'th, it 80. let. Prsorgnt ['al* I;~SU1 CE CC&tIP'Y, e'F LONDON. tetsP LIs7I.1t YN 17g1. Agonn y e tn;blishttPin Canada in 1$l$ 'Gu1'ilni- '.ea liability oil aIi'ttto 3teekholders, and. large Reserve Heade. oteeeiccto Fates of prenlrinnt. • (0l{N R. Hr'gintAN, 1203T 01 TY721I, Manager. • • Agent at Exeter. EMOVED --H. KINSMAN, DEN '- iIS7' rt 1. Fr ,+f"�- haremoved7NW � 3 'to leansou's 'Block. threes doors north of Carlint;'fi trtnre. (Mee aldttairn. 43 01115.11.. H.VN•DIVIA1y, CCiR&iti'7??ilJi, !BNWE.TA.t(C 'R, REAL i'81htlrE AN Mi lEIRANC,E AGENT. 18806 No 44 .Ilontlntoxt, 4 C Our handred tonr1itit registered al ltiontreal hotels ou ?ridgy. A Targe fire ie raging in the woods at :)unuyside, north ` of badmouth, rtmouth, Nova $botia, At I lora, the local 61'ioltet club was beaten by Fergus visitors in two inn - lugs, scot',, 85 to 73. The final certificate in the North Ontario election base was granted in Supreme Court ou Sater'day. The Hon. Mr. Anti Bon retired from the ranks of the, Adutinistrdtion on so- -t tint of declining health. A boy narked Alek: ))Wilson, aged ten years, was drowned in the bre'ok near Tottenham; while bathing; iii three feet of water. LLtatly Macdonald will leavo'Ottawa in a few days for ltiviere du swoop, where she will be joinei ee e*t, mrnth by the Premier. f'took to your orchaeda and destroy caterpillars uestis 'bt a theyare ydttno and small. The early godson this year brings them on much sooneetthan usu- al. Willie White, son of Wm, White, of Tweed, was drowned Isere on friday while bathing below the dale. He was caught by -the baok'our3erit land drawn menoty,tmdesmon mortgages, notes and other %soltri ties. R(inbe Aird aeoo:ants coffee -bed on rea- 'Atontble teritrs. IFnanrance effeoted in first-class 'SGonsrnppe. foe at 4'eesouablo rates. Odtee—at Dr. ;ivntimari'e.Main b rent Exeter • 3dAri.r., AU:JT'1ONi E1 FOR .0 'o n OOKihTY ON HURON. LARGE AMOUNT .OF MONEY just reebleed for investment on mortgages atiti'fper cent. t1�l?ED3,WILLg, ETC., 'DRAWN .1/ on reu:sonerble terms. 1.1 L 1 R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,M.E.C.D.S Graduate of Royal Cofloge of DENTAL SURGEONS. ' )inoo over O'Neilbank, and opposite Samwell 5'ickarda. cimo. =mum, FAMILY GROCER. REMEffinElt TIE A.DDILEse. Ship Grocery, Exeter Canadian Pacific Raiiwy' Quite an a:oite.ment was caused in A few days ago a young lady livingWm. Young, Captain of the ,team• Woodstock on Fridaj! Morning by the' disoobery of the body of Dors. John Ross in a tilstern. It appears that she left her own hotise etibotit 3 or 4 O'clock in the ntoruiug for some unknown cause, and Was found about 6 o'elotik as abo+'o stated. An inquest was held, ashen the verditit of the jury, was slti. tide. • fedettlen was mbd:oaliy examined on Monday by Dr. Thorburn, ono of the leading physicians of, Toronto. The pain in his left groin • is occasioned by expansion of the prtneipal sinews ea. sed by the leg action whit ,the slid- iug seat of the boat is in moffon. The nhampion was strongly advised to cease from further rowing for some months to comes rr Ou Sandfly root Veye left Newmarket after dinner and went to bathe about a mile south of here, three of them re- turning home about four o'clock say - by a cord wtlt'ell he ing nothing 'aboltt their comrade. Ono wood bark of the boys about half past nine owners ander, Saudford Fleming has resigned :the position of Chief Eugineer of tlse fu- tercolonial."i'taiiway. He Itas+'be,'e hue - ceded by Mr. Walter iliaiil.oy, w"tto is now in Ottawa. J•. C. Howell Was fettled drowned at Windsor on Th>.lrsday-. OVeuing. He was 'last seen abort tre o''clobk.p:tu. Inst, Sat utoffy. He u'ea'ved 3'wi'fe and family said to be visiting at 'Oeboterg- Ont waders erhottkd be on the Irooli:-" out for'cotaater'foit fonrelollar motes of the City Banat, of Montreal, The pap- er ie of mineable quality aid the ^'eu' paving pool{ly ,executed, '' A curlews mistake was made at one of the MiddlesexDk'ision'Courts lately. The eleferMant in his offset had added iu Oise year ofOnr Lord a $18,80 which brings to onr recollection the Beene at au lille'b'bank, family living at the Chaudiere; Faller mere poiaoued ore ;Weduerday night of last week by eating'lettuce on whioh Paris green had beeu sprinkled. One or two members are very ill, but no fatal consequences are anticipated. Mr. J. D. Smith, of Morpeth, while engaged loading lumber on Hill's deck, accidently fell overboard and was drowned. His body was recovered after being in the water an hour. The coroner considered au iuqust unnecess- ary. A yonng woman named Barnes, while out beating on the raging Sauble at Aliso Craig, frill into the river and sank twice before assistance could reach ber. When going down for the last tune * youug man named Mcllouald snatched her. c Haitian arrived home on the Chioora on Saturday night. A. large number of his friends visited him on the island. He is rather despor:dent over the re• eult of the Providence race, but stontle maintains Chet his aotioue were square all the way through.. After a ruction in the Lucan hotels a short time ago, one of the "Biddulph '.arubs"explained the matter somethiug as follows :—The table aid bunch was upsot, and the row a1 commenced in a minis, shuro never a taste of a stick had I got so I picked up a piece of the furniture. Yresoott and vicinity was visited on Sunday by oue of the most severe bail storms known for many years. flail stones the size of a pigeon`s egg fell for nearly an hour, doing great damage. The fruit trees were almost stripped of Tenders for Rolling Stock. . their fruit. and vegetnbiee and groin are ENDLRS era iuvired for furnishing completely flattened to the ground. T the Rolling Stook required to be delivered A beavy storm of hail and ram pas- ou the Canadian Pacific 11,tilway,within the next sed over Napanee Sunday afternoon four years, comprising the delivery in web year of about the following, viz :— ,ocomo Locomotive Engines i:ciaes Cara, 00, of glass facing the storm in Lon:t's 'ot,ta, ilii , qx. i�x) Plot cnt'a vicinity a fanner reported that hie onion 2 Lying Ploughs garden, veined at $200, was complete - e Snow Ploughs 2'Met gore ly destroyed. 40 'Banti oars 'p>xrc WIlorru l'o nr, temonl'A(ITDAitlr, 1N TIM t o u1d I►'isll lad 'e salvo matte at Driustitou oir UAluinA and delivered on the Otna• Alissa y Man Pnclitic Railway, at Vert William, or in the manner el\ Out, never fails to cure all eovrnco G em about 3 o'clock. Hailstones fell as �o I c a g' p hero as hickorymute and every pane 1 net class Cars (a proportion boirlig simpers) g ' A 1 'pal till baggage oars >I at 1�roi•ghtcidLu1e care eght)ol-honso was broken. In the game 1 f hit itoblt •rennin sores, no lllawiugA spr•citictttlnus and gtherin(ormfl,Lfon matter haw Old 'or g. mute be Nati ori application at the °dice of the young,' or by 1'.atrneer-n-u Ottawa, of 7 after tee what mime the, sore enay u, r i lout at taut s h t yof ill bene i,nrt Iet rt be need eeeeldln r to lowalfat Only Tenders will be received by the one rsig,�cit up .nyord t' �V 't to Rev, g�og t)rollen and tl)n .+(e genera y 'rhos, urs nr?,who are eliplosed to. be in -Schomberg' wits in the mot of plaiting boat Narragansett, on Sunday evening is piece of hair whioh she had tut off attended the Trinity Methodist Church, the head of a deceased dieter, when she Jersey City, N. J. During the sermon touched the hair to ber lips andtoltgge the minister denounced the officers of to moisten it. In a few minutes after the Narragansett as cowards. Young a small blatsk blister came out upon arose and said "the person making her lip. Being frightened at its ap- such a charge was a liar." He was pearanoe, she out it off, but the lip arrested, charged with disorderly d� on- trontiuuing to swell, she placed herself duct. tinder the dare of Dr. Forrest for treat The Australian oriokAtei•s now visit- inent. She will in a short time be ful- ins England for the second time min ly cured of the blood poisoning. the ardent welcome of their tour two Mr. Thos. Tordiff, a well.to-do farm. years ago, and begin to realize the folly er of Brook towuship, was . found on of the treatment, by their colonial Thursday morning of last week sus- countrymen, of Lord Harris's eleven pended by the neck to a tote in his at Sidney. The indignity then put; on brother's woods, and is supposed to the visiting Euglishmen has been re - have Been there since Monday evening. paid by some snubbing of the Austral - 11 appears that the deceased has been lane in England. Yet the eleven is insane at intervals for• some time. one .of the most remarkable ever ae- When found his toes were touching sombled—more powerj<urthan the team the ground and his body leaning for"- which visited England and America .ill ward, with thd° neckcoeased tightly 1878, and perhaps better than any made of base. got together anywhere, unless Daft's eh, of Woodstock, last year team of English professionale r h,ott)4ter with a be possibly expeoted. Iu playing a crook eighteen at Southampton,includ- Sunday last on bis ing the famous W. R, Grace and other nrgok, The brute at- noted players, they beat the home re a valuable horse, and eighteen by an ir.ninz and 22 runs, snoring 250 in one inning to the eigh- teen's 115 and 113. Murdock scored 97 in that inning. The"team includes among these who before visited Ameri- oa A. Bannerman, Murdock, Boyle. Blackman, and Spofforth. up that the boy Partridge, six years of Mr' 4 ' .;.. had a y@r-� age, was drowned. A nurnber of the ferooio Villagers went out and recovered ttie farm neha, 'body in ao #tour afterwards. 41.A rare surgical operation was per- formed by Dr. Aikeas on a young wo- mennamed #ioluee,at the Turouto hos- Pita, en Saturday. She was suffering froru a great etllargement of the rigb anterior arts -atone. The bone was moved, and the patient is doing The operation was witnesod by a 1 tempted t Mr. N. raj -forward to drive it away, when it furiously attacked him, throw- ing bitlteupon the ground and endea- rin * al gore him, but, with unnsal ranee }of mihd,' he grasped the bull 6 nose and horns, and was time' u from the ground and •managed, number of leitdinn h ,scans and rifle' regain his feet. After considerable p 5 struggling he thought of a jack-knife geone of the city. Joseph Totten, a pensioner, omitit ploy° of the K.& P. RR,,'while ] F R ballast at Harrowa.mith, on Fridley,, the cars being under mutiou, and uncoupl- ed, he fell through, Atte brake catobble him at the back 'of -hie hand, thn.9 itt ubting bin up, injuring !him, very, severely,and breakiu ?Ads column and four ribs, and ceding him terrible pain. There are small hopes of his recovery. 11 •be had in his pocket and drawing it out while still retaining his holden the animt a nose, stabbed it. with, such vi- gor that upon releasing his hold' when almost completely oxhausted,�•the ani- mal roared and fled front hall. The struggle lathed fishy fifteen minutes, and bat for 'ills. 'li'eebi$t's pi sok and coolness, must have ended fatally, Col. McLeod, with his Seeretary.aud Mr. Galt. Indian agent;, and Rome men, ,arrived at Fort Walsh pu the 29th of A fatal shooting aoolden%' occurred) May. Much business is awaiting him Thursday morning itt I annocl then, :beret. The two Indian farms in Fort about 9 utiles north of Madoo. It rap= Walsh are progreesing'very well. About -'pears that two young children named McQuillan were playing alone in a room iu which was a loaded gun lying in the bed.. One of them while ptaying with the gnu attempted to drag it off the bed, holding it by the muzzle, wheu the weapon dhicharged its contents in- to the cl.iild's body ucar the heart-killiug 200 Assiuibnine Indians are at work oh the one at the head of the Moun- tain, and over 300 Crees at the one at the Fort. The farmers state that it is very amnsintt to watch the efforts of the Iudi ins to do work• They have a great terror of the oxen, whioh are said to be anything r.but. affectionate it almost instantly. animate, and w111 not 'approach them. Ou Thursday last, Mee Jacob Snider, They also persist in working with their of the 3rd concession of York, died blankets over their head,' and shoulders from the effects of eaiing a poisonous which makes their movements very root he had found ii tiio woods, wie- taking it for aniseed root. Mr. Snider's son and Mr. Rose, school ieaoher, his wife and two children, lied oleo eaten of the same root, but they are all likely to live, Mr. Ross feeling but very little effects from it. Mr. Snider Woe dying when the doctor reached the house. About twenty men of the Mounted Police Force stationed Fort Welsh took their discharges and left fur Canada and the States. Their comrades felt very bodly at seeing them leave. as many of them were the oldest police- men iii the force, and were universally liked. The men were pnrticnlarly sorry at the departure of Sergeant Givene, who Was justly the most popular man in the force. The other day a souletehat seedy in. dividnal, and evidently a perfect Yan- kee of the West, stepped into one of the crowded soloone in Fort Banton, Montana, and after gazing about for a few minutes made a grab at a meek - looking man standing et the counter and gave flim a shake. When ques- tioned in regard to his pectnliar conduct by the eurprisetl men he made euotlior violent demcnstration toward li in. ex• olauning, "I'm a wolf from the 131uck Hillis; let Nle howl," •'Well,then,howl," said the little man, ns he ltrotight him a crack behind the aar that laid hien ou the floor. And he howled. The eitbre ?f Messrs. A. Beattie t4: Co., of St. Marys wits entered by hnrgl:tre on Satnrlday morning, ani, notwith- stitnding the nimost constant presence on the premises of a night watehmatl, Hite burglars succeeded iu blowing the. ante open tend gutting away with $170. The coneos ton shook the whole Meek. The safe r'oor was blown a dietanoeof ten feet and smash• ed to roofs, es also wee a shelf of V Dods, The )lagter ,inti the, woolows Luduuuof 1'ldl.Tft`+1)4.•1',Cliolet dttyafJtl,Li next, nail the moat dNHl)erttte e31Bea yl(altl it, g 1 )r 11 Or, It.B curative powers ale a Tear ,: t upAS cr©tary' 'l'1 s Atkinson Ailoa Craig (hit, who ti ie b it3 one 'authorities •ire rafter ttNT e! R,arrNrt4 ANrt (1ANIT�A, pr,>cAn'imt } t,tta.vnt 1tti b'oo.,i)dC- will give fall h,foilnation regarding it. prefetaionels. n awkward. 14he Pquawa are much the best workers, being used to it, and haviug more patience than the men. I notioe that ail the Indian men who work complain of their arm muscles becoming sore, and their hands get ter. ribly blistered. The muscles of than arcus are not developed in the male .Indian for want of work, and they pos- sess very lit►le strength with them, thongh they can endure mach leg work. The most remarkable part of an In• dime is hie chest, which is ofter twice the sire of a white man's. General. Ex -Empress Engine arrived at Mar- itzburg on Sunday on her return to Europe. An attempt was made to take the life of the•new Grand Sheriff of Mem'. The Sheriff was unhurt. The Burmese royaltst force has been ordered out against the rebels, who are buruing the villages near the frontier, 1 The army worm has reached Brooke county, W. Va., and the worms are nu• merous in Washu Co., Pa. James ktourk laid his head on the track at Stairway, N. Y., on Snuday morning and went to sleep. Tho ex- press train struck and killed him. He was the second husband of a woman whose first man was killed at the same place in the sarne manner. The results results of sounding over the bed of the Atlantic have made clear, it is believed, the existence through the middle of the ocean, extending from north to south, of a sunken ridge, often lose than 1,000 fathoms from the sur- face, while on either side the water lets a depth of from 3,000 in thorn than 8,. 450 ,fathoms ; so that the elevation of the ocean's bottom required to :make , lbws, &ptiiedry land would bring tip between theta a mountain range from 9.000 to 15,000 feet in height. The highor.pninte of this smitten ridge now form the islands of the Azores. `VISE LEGISLATION. The following figures of Manitoba trade show what a wise and jut ieious government can du toward building tip a trade betweenthe various Provinces of the Dominion : Years. II. 8. Gt. Britain. 1873 ... .9441,198 9 510,199 1874.... 781,277 1,024,620 1875.... 780,317 441107 1876.... 940,187 776,571 1877.... 808,332 400.888 1878. ... 769,792 389,591 1879.... 839,499 335,324 Canada. $ 322,084 605,997 647.,774 582,964 662,489 1,374,31'1 2,266;088 Since 1873 the trade of the Eastern Provinces with the North West has steadily increased, so that at the pre- sent time the increase amounts to eix times the amount that "we sent there previously. The most remarkable in- crease has taken place in the years 1878-9, the two first years of our National Policy—a result that must be gratifying to every true Canadinea and cannot but convince the oppouents of onr N. P., that had it not been fah it this trade with the N. W. would have been controlled by the United States,as it has previously been when they 4tad every advantage on their side. Instee1t of $3,640,899 finding its way back amongst' ourselves and giving employ- ment to our workingmen, we are safe in stating that two Thirds of the amount would have gone to the U. S. to em- ploy the labor of that country. Offa, 5th June, 184€>r To the Editor of the Exeter 2'imee. DEAR Six,—A rumor having .got - abroad that Doctor Rourk, of this vil- lage, did not treat my wife (lately de- ceased) properiy—in fact that he hast- ened her death --I wish to most em- phatically contradict such rumor tet be-" ing without the slightest foundation. The facts are :—The Doctor was -not called in till nearly two houre\afteriter confinement, and he said at the Limo she could not live. Again assuring my friend, neighbors and the public goner- ally that the Doctor is . altogether blameless in the sad affair, and thank- ing you for kindness in inserting this. in the interest;of justice to Dr. Bourk,I remain Yours truly, EDWARD Heyer,.+ Offs;, 31ettatutiee x'$80. To the Editor Odle Iter 7irtr,ee. S111,—You will confer a favor nu ale by publishing following apology I, /vire. Smithers, do hereby apolo- gize for anything I have said dornga tory td the character of Dr,-. World either insinuating or othetw+ire couvoi- ing the impression that, he was in Oaf - way instrumental in inducing the death of late Mrs. Ed. Ball ; and' I do here- by retrnot whatever I slid :lilydint might impart stiell an in p+,ltat#ort leo jurions to hie ,toed name. and .Lees• sional reputation. Mns. Stexanzosta tidwifs1y'" P. Harv,, Witness. ;f' *t t` Yours re�tit+ely, F. Itotr;tlr, G7