HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-14, Page 2 (2)•
ZuBariy eh!ti was the ad
which Lora, Avtilsary (Noon
ly Sir Jelin Istbitockis,tlie stuthet",
efsthe deliehtful lio4a en "!.111,is
Ifileatiarist of Life) delivered *
,othersday to ounz aeu startiog
roe • Ora Se
tinxiit*cIdru, but the op
io I tIi,.
V U Ilt,11,0
rovri and
ihadow auccaej tee ot quickly,
•nd to a eertaiis extent we ere t
ilaythinge of stettirss's Eretto
bring us trouble and sit/feria& and
•they also bring us joy and goofed.,
The great *thing is to cultivatk)
attuae of kelericei to refraiic !row
breeding over the ills we are heirs
to or from magaifying our little
.If we look for sunsVine
You cnno
sd8 Lein ,u
dui -
1r,r He
p e*c
his els and doing his wrk. Ther
never Was * estraini life of which'.
it could not be truly isaid.that the
'world had *used of.isim.
It is Letter fc mike the vain
u 1,41ti
i u. 0
,r. ,
, ▪ lk,
t 0
.4 in
. ASA.*
1roany faR
canse the4ttfore4 tina.. ' _ .1
va potential: ' 4npertterifea-t and
mere_ WI Immune they neglect .this
sfad• leek the :energy or the ,yisien:
to taker up, their 'work, develop
en's error -et thitacing, _thet. tisis Pelt rYive"' Krid Pi" their Palt
of,- of 00, ---*414:14,30 m *in**. - A Nntraffairs of theat-tline and so
Sion, dependent on your exiotence in sill tinly.4 '
than to ily to thet opposite txtrenatt; . 'We, are_ toe tali* tonteisted with
liti4 to, lie. inork -bbifeifing tut it visions of an angerieeligiiitY In llte
nutkes no diortinco whitover „ohns future and an aimers work '-to (010
Wek, ft tht tw
titer you do your work or not. The
-Ls, Yalu* of any life depends muoh on .;*hen.. in __,,' eeaOver
-"A" 1811" to'find raugh to '"'" Ito 0100 'of bozos essential to all Amoy.= To swam:ma;
,,e,haekful for, /Attlee, after all, we iiikem.•
live in a, beautiful- and intstelit° *ere we muet, he eontent to go on
, --ni *wawa 'AtiTebiteniti-noneirtities,-13nt great -Int m
. • ther*then A eurse„ and the steady Anti so gives it paver, The men dreemed pf.. fa -4: augly,23 the honor
' reitseer:e Risk -1s irbleSsiag rat- came „emits,. It 4 tat life ,PurP0se er. far -than anything we have --4*-49023;17,":„:117171,7r3:_iigpii* .;11:1:4"tt Ilit"t'
o a
r, ,•;
I,Te tbcs Wk 'I'V'' litit00411M4Clir**ariNirate
, 'neeefiti is also necessary to one's lly ileg.
11 r.yssungsseattswithoutst
-lit** ii- hero. 'Bistro can be little hope of warmer thawthe..lair444 theni.
....,, ,s,,,S.Ssisaakesefesaded- and sealsgiesiets- tat the world needs him drift that have remained dwarfed in dull There are fifteen tons -lot -silver in
- and eesily becomes a. prey of baser content here. .. . circulation for every ton of gold.
All of which is as true as it ii In- tr.r, maeLiskaden :sat:LAIL( LI" gm
all life. This makes 131Y life ex- as much coal again as Great Brit -
Every life is an essential part of , The United States produces half
spiriting. The very young my not essen'iml to ° se as plioable; it makes it more that en- ain.
appreciate the fullwisdom of Lord THE WELFARE OF OTHERS, 'durable, enjoyeble. I begin to see A rallwaY engine mil,' toughly be
Avehures gospel, but men and wo- life, not -as a ehance to tmolir set said to be
youshavestak -
iwa r.biteati0if=-- arsnge as.hosses. -
-subseribe--to-it. An_ e once netricr-lmt---orTisin---&-ione;--but— -Ist---A-itstralise -there err -Irearty----
721111t.-Thigi1.7-611W7rthaAibe-woild as it chance to serve, to do a-martesquarter of esminIert-inere-meastbast
iirp- rented some surprise at the fact and the whole order of earth and Nark in the world, to become. eee - wunlen.
that people ;who had known poverty heaven need ne is something we all „Tensor and partner with the most The sound of a bell carries much
• and ill health had assured him that weed. There has been a type of high. , / . better through water than through
"an the whole they had led hepp/ •*beolegical thinking, .4 custooin of A mother's greatness comes out air. -
lives." He wouid never haver used; peaking at though man 4as alto- ihrougli her child's dependence on There are at least eighty-five
ggtlirfsi,•?tie ineigntte'lltand
, the term, happiness to describe". her; the man finds himself as he right-handod people to every fifteen,
thoughthe *ins; finds how others need him. New left-handed. s_s_______,--- --
their lives, -hut - they were betterlite beieg Ctlifitli-sero-ell-tlf high--xsesettrow-of • ideelisxn and -Ssime cif- the old* wooden vessels
judges of the eleueeion, and .heo 044 our aid. No wonder we hatve noble endeavor show themselves in Jested four times as long as the
_.. ,r ..
humbly yielded to thiiii-superior Jesrtied -to tall ourselves worms of us all under the -stress of neeese modern steel craft.
thoughtfulness. tin, dust, and to aet agreeably sites call when great iesues or Australis contains more unex-
•thereto. events await our endeavors. . plored land, in proportion to its
If we are the helpless dust of thel All the sacrifice, the:heroism, the•, size, than any other continent.
Thouaande of observant persons *gee, then we cannot rise above devotion of the past have sprung Madrid is the most elevated.eity
must have shared the essayist's ex- the level of the dust. It is the from this sense in men -that others in Europe, being situated 2,200 feet
perienee. While there is much un- sense, of a divine work that gives needed there. This -best thing that above the level of the seat- _
, necessary misery in the world, thd the dignity of 8 divine character. eau happen to us might be some . An Antarctic iceberg' has been
The order of this rational universe burden of responsibility. To make seen that was twenty miles wide,
great majority have much to be it such that the father of all eart- our lives worth while, high and forty miles in Length, and 400 fest.
thankful for. A proper education not fulfill his high purposes with- holy, to give life purpose- and pow, in height. -
enables One to see the beauty, the out the serviee of the least of his er, we need to see ever how true In Persia there are no distilleries,
perenial interest of life-, to find -du- aid to sits rumness.
familY, so that, even I am essen- it is that the -Master of all has un- breweries, orpublieshouses a,nd net-
ceasingly /feel of the -I -east of ;xi sive wine is the only intLicating
ties that are indistinguishable from The least life has its place in the all.
pleasures, and pleasures that are plan of the great all. High hc& r HENRY F. COPE. beverage used.
wholesome arid ennobling. No- In Greece, a prisoner condemned
to death is kept in confinement
' thing is saner and finer than the
fivo years before the sentence is
optimism that is born of reflection, carried out.
, of insight into the deeper realities, The Einperor of China numbers
of contact, with nature and human- among his household thirty phyaic-
ity. •
ians, ceventy-five astrologers, and
- sixty priests. -
'Glass brushes are used .by artists
who decorate china. They are made,
of Ostia fibres so thin that they
seem like spun silk. .
Themunicipality of Vienna have
just taken over the control of bur-
ials, which has meant a consider-
able reduction in the cost of fun-
he aftt
tjon is from
orisitial vers. d
Jehovah said( unto my.lord,
thou ,ist my, right he
Until 1,anake tbine eneInte
37. Proc.:
sseienee-Striekent •„re.20;ing
meatiirsistlie :enerteitt set, .*bb
Verisreitted; *tido-1
• „
_ LI
' 00411
cJ00404 Of
e -burden ,•.of:Petee;S. ser Q
ENT 14
, s
4'41 'MIS, !Lie r -o
future ‘-getieretionss as well -as
o those wheni Petessaddresileds,thi
promise was, given:
AO. This erooked generation ---R
ferring to the collective guilt sif th
41. There were addedlintoiltemes
The words italicized in our text sr
omitted in the original, there be
ing no grammatical vompleme'nt-i
the verb "adtled.'" glens*
that this number were added
this memberehips
1104 .
•�l, -near
ea •s'asite
B�ebun 4 4!),
hey • were employed 0 Mait
* depth of 4101
' $411411Y 4101744,414! Ana,.
AWAitittfr 'the ArrivAl 44. forma*
e to begin operations, votett the roil
of lite gallery whet• they were
standing euddenlY collapsed with a
e torraile crash. sour tous. ot.,surth
mot rock tuttioirtkern oft fron
O seem to the. a1,4aft and -depth,
is them of
They were in eorallete Ilarkneet
:a 1 nn
If the Atlantic cable companies
do not reduce their rates they will
meet competition that will force
them to doles,- They are_eharging
25 cents a wori. That is a rate as
high as "the traffic can bear."
Perhaps that is the reason it was
JAN. 17. n
The Beginnings of 'the Christian
Church. Acts 2. 9.2.47. Golden
Ads 2. 42.
Verse 22. Ye men of- Israel -
fixed on. A lower rate would add Peter is stall speaking in his ad-
dress to the assembled multitude at
enormously to the business of the Pentecost. He has just quoted
companies. it would in the opia-1 from the prophet Joel, and applies
ion of the 'public, though perhapsitliF-propheey of the outpouring of
not in that sf the eorspanieS, add" the divine Spirit to th_t_Aekome-
their -fiet rev-enues. -01--Ahe-01; tongues which
had so astonishe4.49sCpuzzled hi
hearers. ‘, -
The dominion governinent_la.eon- testis of Nazeeeth-Thite was he
eidering seriously due q.uestiori criti • pkileZrabt:etah6addreseing a 'eorupanY
people•generallx: Hard
, a state aided cable hue uniting,of disciples, he would perhaps have
Canada and Crest Britain, which' used the title of "Master' in re -
would begin by chterging eousider.! fcvring to Jesus. • •
able less than 25 cents a word and 23. Being dellvered up - -bur-
rendered, eatrifeed. Peter would
might, get- clown eventually to eilave hishearers distinctly undtrs
cents. Var Political as well AR"stand that it was. by the determin-
eominercial 'reasons Canada woul& at counsel and foreknowledge of
like to have its own line to Great; God that Jesui had suffered by the
Britain. It already has one to Air -I -hand of 1/7 the (``
pression -"lawless men' is meant
*trails. The postmaster general of men who in what they were doing
the dominion says everything' de -i were exceeding their devil r- rights
tends on the cable comPaniM it! and Pre"gat've3. . —
they agree to reductions -satisfae-, 24. AVhoiss tied raised up---Tineia
• the and turning poiiit of
to* to, the goverment it wilt not rettes a.rittnnent. Go4 had
laY "new °therfrft'a 'OIL versed the lictiorks th016
° . P10againet.the Christ. f
• T
The Companies% ouifht to Its.ve '2'., or David 41.sith---Tho recr
clear ides, of vaiAt iirctilld happen ettce is,to Psa. t
if itirtvo wPre Canatiiiln eable ,haver *ece.y.eht%virili,
•tharging lower states. It weilltt znel
have all the business that it coxed' Becalm be is at ray right han
carry. Some of it weeild be new s.,h311 no,t onas
business, but easel) of it would be.ii inerelmrsr" °,""
taken frees the existillg lines. Sin -e my esgse° dle*ren jet E,e,
the eompaniee must know tnat, ror th3ti wilt not loave tny rt>
Neither wilt thou suffer
one to see cormption.
postmaster general b inT?linal to
believe they will lover their rates.
That would b revcct-etorl Et ore
the ho
gladly ea bait sidleo of Annie T(pelted voree.5 eamtittite onP,
tie than the I ostal reductiam fru= et ttie? tow rs,--z.ages in tti,.e OM Tres-
to 2 e3nts. Businese trien, tour. tnnnut in viLieli, uprears'to be4 ex.
ists, awl os'eersi sew. bteauEe, erg.,,•0 rressssl 44 4.1.7,41,1iit LOpa ,'cf a fatesre
z cetrit 4 word. ,tetad cawci4,:.3.,,ii!fie. Tho, Davildiz fontIvraLlip..of
only wtaen they have towank)! te `S4e,r'etl'n'ta'Itl• 11° (,101,
atel tinqA iven be f'oir111
,d in
fre3rient patrons. Ttter tveerd ;0 :'let:slltri iei Davi1Lbut tr',.e ‘'it.
teat an ilWreatO in tlii t,,Irrno v,h'i,th thdatitTmr ie&r%e, out t.t...
r., thitt•-tev.irrAttftli'v-thr-r, 'irie''''''-~-.t.' 84tVil'cst' 3` 13te''Ll'el:;•"tt' H'a
.,, -ct be r, ; .,-, , ., <4:3 flwoll---Or "t,st3c,riali•31e."r,3e.--)
‘,..Lre ricat..aetatat,e b ,, •- ,nr ,11,,-AL74„, - ' ) -,," '
27. Hades -The Hebrew Sheol,
the mystical realm of departed
Thy Holy One --Peter here ap-
plies to Christ words whic.h in the
original psalm refer to the writer
of the psalm itself, as the omission
of the capitals the Old Testa-
ment quotation is intended to in-
dicate. The word "holy" as used
in the psalm means "godly" or
"beloved." The term implies lose
ng loyalty. The application of
these words to Jesus as the Mes-
siah rather than to the psalmist
himself is justified by Peter him. When the new police -court at
self in verSe 29, where he points out Ossett, Yorkshire, England, was
the fact that certain things men- opened, the first prisoner, abeg-
tioned in the psalm were not true gar, was sentenced, var!ch to his as -
of the writer. - •tonishment, to receive a good
31. Spake of the resurrection of
, °mist The Nipliention at the
-Some trees are more unfivorable
an o era -to -the growth ..of plants
beneath their brenches. lAraong
these art the yew and the ash.
The largest coral reef -the Great'
square reessitss.„_
tion of Jesus from tbe dead is hard -
is, warranted by the korigipal Mean-
• ing of the peilm, which is prizner-
• ily a prayer for preservation from
, death, and an expression of confi-
dence in Jehovah that this prayer
will be granted. Consernirig this
point ,Professor Bertlet, in his
Commentary on Acts, New Century
Bible Series, says: "Such free use
d- the Old Testament was quite
canto:ion among the Jews; and in-
deed the New" Testamentwritings
contrast most favorably in this re-
spadt with -e0-iiteseepaiiriritsige-, SO
far as known to us, The idea ly-
ing behind the' parallel perceived,
even 82 such. & ease as the .present
thuggistfve restatement in terms of
our own more rip...sells literary me.
thesis., , eti the alesuifiptien
that the, psalm. was , David* and
Messianie-thino taken for Want-
ed by Jewish opiniou'itt.the time,.
Peter *As( justified, by the Selnitie
e!s of,42siesst Peraonel idsin;tyysb
een parent and oftsking (tv
to refeote *generations, 'Oe verse
in Using the psalm to prove. (i)
that David's trite scion, • the ffes-
siata, could not be holden of death.
and (2) that Jeteisf whom death bed
not beet able to hoW, was indeed
Messiah. Behind all thia lies, both
an the psalm and in Pe.ter's mind,
tEo deo" 1rinci1ile-1417,0n whieh all
really deperuls--that God cannot
leao to
(StWD 1Is Itoly
"le,' With, whom he i ia special
•covenant relation.*1 •
r. Whereof -Or, of whom:
Ike the eght hand of 61ed ex.
ed-Exalikti by G0d16 p6wer to.
prinm and Saionr.
ar,t•reded not -,-The
lct-,°! ter8ti 29 is .06ntinued.
itrg-rAratvf--- 'tut --fiat- David
ttus,ohkt efcertain
etteraneee of the psaw
and Immediately' reza ized their tei.-
rible situation. Thesoon 44$4er-
i not Only was -there no means, popular in spite of their long Use.,
no Iv feeling blindlyaround
• Ve,
4:=.40* .VOrti",0Yir' One
honldet.I th4s'iOmantogs. •
Setae of the liandknit Isetir4M-s _
siliPpers,. -hive iittribi/001.-
Fur bati Ye Seaver Wan tore
in 0 t'4hest are to- day.
Crossbar mustun is'6-166 of
for underwear.
.odels, the waist
shows `'.signs of lengthening.
Rich-oliVer green makes some
of the most beceming, street suite.
t eacal4e, but that great" Maaaaa of Cloth of gold strips .with Pend-
lk,,A4i them. from other
were without ood _of ink„ ikndi The
ote 0
-their-sigainis- ith� te a the
bi2lIn t wilt:1k in: -
rocks met with no response Ow length, l,
outside. • .Young girls are wearing light
Holstein and Nowack were missed -colored ribbon or silver or gold
atsonce, and the work of rescue was bands in the hair.
pushed forward with desperate en; The latest dainty notion is to per -
erg, After twenty-four :,hours' fume the hat with the ecetst of- the
• tarring and bleating, genera •-nsj,_,,d_ftwit___
conducted at Mit dan-OEfirtliote eetry-cetveteens-areimrticulftr.
rrettemciesisnes ofrockfeilrotstjuareruet--41YuredttAnatilbeel"moar ggio' arndieu-sltreeolrror°s:
apparently rendering the rescue of ute.de of knitted silk in the daintiest
mg the passage of the rescuers and Shops are showing nightcaps
tehibeilyen.tembed comredes an impos- of pinks, and blues, and lavenders.
. There are black patent leather
11.-astiny-bortiet-of Pink,
blue white, or lilac suede around
the 'top. ,
Contrary to expectations, white
waists have. gone out of fashien,
but are being worn almost as much
AS ever.
Muffs of every description will be
carried this season except the
round one, which has quite -gone
"Cthaarinifunhgi°fno'r women with fresh'
faces and fair skins are the new
amethyst bats, which have just
come into the mode.
When finally the rescuers broke, and turquoise beads breewradsic jade,
through the last fee, yards Holstein] sizes are finished with loop tassels
and Nowsek had been imprisoned l of the tiniest beads. .
exactly 100 hours. Both were sol The • spangled net sleeves are
weak that they could h.srdly speak, I most becoming to an s- woman whose
and both demanded water. After; arms are well shaped, and the e
giving. them a morsel of nourishisleeves *re- made without lining. ,
ment, more not Tieing allowed by Button finishes down the outside r
the doctor's orders, they were; of the long, tight sleeves are one
dragged through the, hole and con- i of the newest reliefs from the usu.
'eyed to the surface. Both men are -ally unbecoming line.
r covering, ' Waists of colored mousseline . or
, chiffon, lined with gold or silver
0 tissue,,, are the newest accompani-
ments of coat and skirt suits.
Protty hair ornaments are made
"'Jason," said Mrs. Calliper to of tulle or maline, and powdered •
her husband as they sat at dinner. with rhinestone beads and finished
"I went this afternoon • to the china with a dainty aigrette to match.
closet to get a. certain glass dish 4. ,
1 if.
ndeterred y the apparent ho
lessnesssof-thit-taek;-- e oaf en-
gineer began to bore an
to that part of the mine genes"-
where it was supposed that
stein and NolOk might be impris-
Again the rescue parties, work-
ing in short Shifts, bored and blast-
ed hour After hour, until at last
they were fired with new enthusie
am by the distant sounds of to-
tting) which indicated that one mart
at Least wA$ alive.
that I - wanted. When I picked it
u I lifted only half of it; the other
i half remained on the shelf. Some-
body had broken it, and then plac-
ed it there in thieteo_theiehey
wouldn't have to tell me about it.
Now, of-eourse rieither you nor 1
es-thetsdieli: t ii ing at erreux, near Paris, v.,43 the
i evoke. it, tbe aervants-didnIt-breit. srctirti at the 84. Laurie railwan
1 it. Now, hp* didit get brokennt" station of two confidence trick
"Expansion and contraction---" men, whcrrelieverl bitn of 4350.
"Jason, I" ,, He determined to be revenged,
Victim of Two Confidence Men has
Revenge. .
Some months ago a Prezio% gen-
tleman naineAlutes
ttWell C nthie " said II 0
y , r. a - and with great patience manufac-
Barrier Iteef-is off the nelith coast per, soothingly, "you ought not to tured a purse in vithieti be plata
of Australia. It is a thousand „worry about that dish, fikiehbe has a habilitate mercury taitriclge.
miles ,Iirg, and thirty miles wide -1 reeent yeara made great advan- ingeniously arranged the purse re
Ur. ecirnus Everett, who has
been %appointed Chief Constable of
Preston, England, joined the police
orce as a ,constable aft -r
versity career, and did ordinary
street duty for a „salary of .94s.
week. .
hy the Prison Commissioners - for
Scotlandit is stated that no &Male
has received a setitincei of penal
servitude during the vast' • year. ENVORE.
ees, and many things which were
once mysterious, are now As clear to
us ito the pages of an open book;
hut tlie-question,,''Who ,bresiTcs the
dishesT has .never beenanswered,
and it is not likely goo it ever will
be; and why, my _idelki; *should you
waste your time in -tryingto dh.
cover the undiscoverabler,
- „
This is the hap- - i
Bank-nOtee viorth sti;t?ut arlartinng
eacheirculaate freisly in 'Paraguay,
ftsilV,s two - notek.Vto ,•get,
is' dialled, and eight to pay the
0 A letr‘. r1100111(1.
oneaP hese ;notes °•itrillitey;‘*,
eoratagist, three banb
as, watermelon.
A German not long ago invented
horseshoe of paper, prepared by
funding with oil, turpentine,
d other ingredients. Thin lay.
of such, paper are glued to the
loot' fill the rectuunte thiekntit
itt*iuetl. • The shoes itus made are
aid to be dutebie and impenetrable
moisture. , •
e Rotterdam, the newest t'eft.
f the Ifolland.Ameriean
11 & ittr
0 /1 Iecttirer was 11.
A fe011r 10 the grated 8tIteilo, he was
one day approeclied by •z young
ntsit, who -Oinked° hint most •efrrai..
lestly Ifer his lecture the' previous
'pi IA eilingt ,
41-Ai„YThe YlearseilleYedldurer":111:drelzisin.
admirer's hand.
"2 am sled," said, "that
my humble 'effort pleased ,on Sti
11111441::," said the young rian, "it
gue rtte itotneme pleasure. 'Vett
lee, I am, engaged, to a girl, and
her family all went to your .show,
IOW )". lied her at hetet all to myself.
It was a happy evening -thank sottl
so mei. Vo lecture gOtin coon t"''
that any ono opening it would cause
the esrtridgeto explode.
italiere Walked about lor
$ ar.moriths with 0e. explosive
purse in his pocket, but failed to
itgein eaith Sight ottliose who htd
robbed hiun uptil the other ds
ken 913 joy e perceive t em
in a wine -shop. Ile at once put on
an intweent eir, and, at the trten
did not.ret0tbize him, entered into
onversation with them again To -
gather they went to a. etre, and -
ter leasant hour had beta pespeil
smiling blandly,
hanged ,hie, purse withone of ftfits
portfolio apparent- ,
if fflle1 with, 'batik 'tibtes,,,
Thstir M. Maliere ic(ommedatin f
tr went to, buy * Cigar, Itna thwac-
went into it neighhor*ng .tralre
[eotnpliees made o' one and
On of them opened tlirepurse, With
t'rie reenit that there Was a !obi
,ozpitssi4n. T1e man Nees bad!y:
brat on the ta.,,•:e and hands, and
railed ou thc?gronnd rin itgo.ny% 14
-,r,iho had he,a attraeted bY the
so.Jtrl' ef the ezple*.ori, end taLen
to a IL:c.pittd.•
a1y iera,,,kcpt tl•
IdPSthrret,„ canedj fii!'d 111',.!.`i613Y
tE'61 ¶ih 1Jyv-43
• - o
fttd A,
" Cztt
6!,< dtr4-sr:6
, •
e heaviet vessel afloat, her °
foliage being .g • NOT W(Y71).latinrr
.m00,, and ahe,
1,1/Ati011' for i'53Zt Vat- -grandi'ater,ft cald ezo vetv (r.
songers, wpoe' tbc ere* Consists of eie or, who Wa3 W,Ciiiitr4a dtiaty
74 en. any striking featurei! greatspsistmt
"ve been introdneed, the mottrWith one stralt- hi5.1449,74.
..ttl of:which is the palm toert.,Koald cirair,r b:eiilioK t-aLa•
Ifere f.r.oWer beds,,,plahrts, and ferrislead one.7
abeam), and the !centre Of thel "Mat!" ,e,*,c;laiTed ,;:a• •
Litt surreunt niejetti htipf",:eae..s
*as ivtod, t bV tWD tn1i