HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-31, Page 7 (2)t , ons, ft'st "AillotnlY , tit t 1bqu4 .4 fee i»" of tb o*1 prpfr1y amOt1ie4 P4 a&.., , .nth gZ ons, bs w ts* ,Itetheliir. the 0410ealy at no smother. SeattehOorthetr. ilotziett It would seem tenor not. to • lt,forti** with thstr -01dOitiulies,,tha Zttst Mita tsad *resit 14,- UIDce4"Oa tr11y 12 was .vote tt that attotaptahoulcl b� mokito to paten _ P. A: Ylar4s- troce with tit. 4rritteiV" At Oa same Aims this mooting was :t:towberite 704.tb7 :4%71 In 'Mo t OvOti pne • *nolo. wite•.extp.. of Um 'Bloody Illratea," and ho , rots 11Q3C.Tne. hatiley aggregate in srez "AcreS and in vtaitis',0 4 0 hay .and Clover ores have a value 014121,.. rye, ,petts, buchwhest ins and .1Iax, grown, res, have A Value of *Or antir POtatoesi, turnips, nd other roots, torn and sugar grown On 1,471,213 *We*, ac -a• vaine -of 4713,53isp0ci;-1'a1t 0724 r a.cre, show s * value of $21301 pringwhezt, with -10 „,J03,0e1s of thewheat bar, It -West Provinees .msint in. lftrmer$, ot November. condition of.thc.ew crop of ,1il wheat at t ' 'stan andc'13 per cent. of al pluwing was tamp ateMent on the carand ahipment fruit made in the pres- ent number of the -Census an tatisties Monthly by the commis- sioner of dairying and cold stor. 0.4.0 11 'rortblf of entPhosis. "There not a-sound..ap00;rown ittOt Year, 10411:1•P4101ceato tree at the proper time. dicit-e* "%1st --coutd-to, • .7 - - a ttheis'n, rtherni to 41:00%; . n.rtieoiru,s.$1,4.01311isTeitn*"rttitiatrt keplr .12 to- $1.1234; No. 2 northern„ gozt,57-$1.00%,. delivered at 00., ...11,a'eriyVe(sLnist. -2, 50.0 to '05e; No. extra, 02e to Mei' No. 3; 00e to 01 ()at'-- outside. ' OntoriO No. -2 white 4-38%ot-outside* No, 2 niixed,37c. to 37c, outide[anitob No. 2 western Canada, 40e on track, lake p9rt. ari us provincoa $ as follow$:-, tinee Edward Wand .10 8,403,000 Scotia 20,00,000 cw Brunswick. " . 38,042,000 bee SO )ntsrio..................185,308,000 4rbe , rage value of field t -for the Dominieu in the year 415,12 per acre, and the aver TbatisU She Can Secure Entrant •40 tlia",11041tie. despateh from Loxidon, say Carrie-Natiort_sa ome "Ttolitertf-tibiWrill" cleaning Varrcpaigni-with--..the- of Lords. She adds l don't know. 'whether they will it me in', but ru N NIES PROM LLL. UU 111408E. James P. Farrell? Nationalist member for /forth Longford in the British Parlianient, has been sen- tenced to Mx toonthii in jail for ad - 8 vocating a boycott. 'UNITED STATES. Two small children were burned to death in fire near Ogdensburg, N. Y.,- on Tuesdays:" The Standard Oil Company and Republic Oa company have been ousted from the State of Missouri. Van Dwight Sheldon, all engin. ering student at New York Uni- versity, was shot and killed by ti bur3lar, ett..Vednetgalr, - A woman who gape evidence at the night -1.30W trial. at Union City, Tenn., refused to leave the courtroom without an armed guard. Edward Hines, President of the great new lumber combine, says 'lumber Will shortly become cheaper as a result of the new organization. It was stated at the preliminary hearing„ of the Pittsburg Council- men *tented ofcorruption that some of the men Were bribed with turns as _low as Ave Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrioon, officers of the American Federation, of labor, have 'men sentenced to term* in prison for contempt of -court. graliblo Bride' From., Our 0 and Otkier..Conneries 01 Steer* Events. . CANADA,. Eie,po4offie handled nearly feu red million letters last year; r. Alex. Maclean, Tzside Corn- rtuasioner to China, died at,Shang- hal* on Wednesday. . Mr. Alfred Minter of Niagara Falle had his nose kicked -off by.a , horse. . foes Lasharubi a thirteen -year. jd iiii o was dr tied while skat- Corn on Wednesday., Leone, the seven-year-old daugh- of Orr. John Wow, was burned to death at Moncton, N. nu on Wednesday. n effort will be made to inain- tain winter navigation on the St. Lawrence from Quebec to the oea. The C. P. R. hats given an order $0t 20,000- tons of rails to the Al- - ZOMat. Steel Company at the Soo. James 'Daly, an old pensioner, Was -pieked up on the street in attest, on Wednesday, and died Qn after in the hospital., His eath is ascribed to the severe cold. on. William PugoIey, opeaking s.t- t..., lobo, said a number of im- t public works will have to _postponed, owing to the--ntees- of keeping - the ex zit.Lnittnres iscithin the income. . "- Williiiits.V.ahaney and Mr. Ro- e IfeCarthy broke smallpox quarantine at Chatham, -N.B., to set ntarrie& on Tuesday. They were fined $40 each, and as Ma - homey could not pay be was sent to jail forforty days. , - _. - -GREAT BRITAIN. a e'Gilmour, stewardess Sardinian, has been oycl's medal for saving r, -LIOWItotget pcak- ing ateLiverpool, said he could find the money -needed to provide old - age pensiozis- without taxing any- body's food. .amgnA A piot to'assassinate toting Pre- sident Omrtez *if Venezuela. has been frustrated,. Thieves 'carried off large numbers of gold and Over memorials from Roeskilde Cathedral, the buri,a1 of D*tueh ngi- The Chinese --Government, ha II e ni& singer and loyal spreader t4 eivilization,' and has sent hint btu& to thass. way, CHURCH IIL IMED. Roman Catholle Illtlee at 0/teat du toe Destroyed. A despatch from Montreal, #1114; The, Roman- Catholic- Church at Cot -ea du Laie'wits,tlestroYed, by firb on 'Wednesday night, entailing * loss of Over It$0,000. It was at first feared that 'the fire would spriad to.iClarge convent nisi by, *iime, rintis and pupil's to the, number of overaoo made, a. hasty exit. Tlu elzure.h iva.s, burned to the grinzn but the Convent was saved., 'XIMAcifIEROVrt It was who was speaking to th. °W. iera of the lionsr.** 'Tau. Iled,41 Abet you the tenor that_ went *route asYlse It -was time' to deo* 1 gaptint we'ro hero now an" w.re havin" • our nuiethe. Who Is It vars gobs' to 4,01 All got to say I* that whosvar Osyou went tor captin will have to down 'MO first batOra he kia liev the honorr )tLIcs-leaved, his ,itetthreatertinitlr, whereupon the look of defiance upon iteders face disappeared and be tow,;., ed before the powerful Mike is did the other .'"Virates.H. There was no doubt thet Mike, wouldbe captain, ail right , • were itar1n7meeikine!* ton* tinned .411ke, when aiI question ot the captaincy was settle& 1 thiok wo ought pass a; resolooehum to lick ..the *Winn, out of thent *Itehbere tho tont; ear." mid frenzied cheering the Tote was madSc smantreoue. Both meetings were arsisheit at *bout the Mtn, **Mut* Thu 3 It happened that a group of ..k.trattet met 118.. similar number of "Xtolihativ* not tar from ottso*Visnolgeree home. Captain Zino.' Who was ,sinonif tho Aktig • ii-ibberi„.14 aaw bIs opportunity. M- raac1n g toward *plain Alike. be IX. ended hit hand pciaceablY: 'The letter 14* ,diaturhed for the twoinent, 'Wee tric1C et the "Itebberli"7 The' oulki sec 044 they .touldn't, tool 11114, thili thought patistd through hie Ind 4a stir, that'joat tekirid Jenne W stotrilrift4 The timptateri, *Aitoo tat. On* trodden, *treat puili ft Ike and 1uh11 was floundetikte V 000111,11 the One*. But tbLswas too Much for the elite •,Itobbers.”' Forgetting *Mir good tee*. Itationsg they Charted!, ,t/t0 "rirantele. itairageiy that they *were utterly routed. Tken hey -deliberately tied M1k, whore tbsy had raptured, to at lsinpoat and nsd tat tor * torett ,totow- iii two - 0, 10 d..palr et IOC* 114_14 ThAt 10/0", mine neat eitveratini, to lahlsny, censtientiat le cold* be frieadli wlth **into ain't got *or ems. A tj#sh1L fro Cobalt, says!. In an atetident at the Columbus *tine at 11. o'clock, on Wednesday William, Hamilton, 04- ; Vrsid NdIy, ,f INest Temple, ond Edward Xation of 13t. Fierte. were killed. The occident to hove bien,cattsed by the aliSing.frora its wheel m. ttss, von were descending the shaft in the bucket The three men had been 'carry. !ut blasting operations, and *itt4ht , taw /00 -deek for Ibii. bai forstrte, turruottAltratir. wentAdown spin; and sided to this; and then return. cir top. About 2 o'clock the were, sent down aain in the bucket up till thr time ot an investigation the rest bt a instter of surmise. It is supposed, however hat when they were about, ty.five feet down the cobk sIip ed off the wheel. The tosinee stopped itumedlatoly and step* wer • ,once taken to see how, talotte ood. Mr. Shovell, t as hitatily callod and cbsrendrd b. the pope ladder., At this depth enty.five feet he tome he bucket; whir& iris empty, rsnf it to.be raised., More -spat,35=044 ,,,,, No. 2 or 0 '4.1)11ov r xtsw No ow, 438o4 NO. 4. yellow, 63c to Toronto, No. 2.:or 0. yellow; Due w eat-, . 2, SOc to 501 outside. Peas -No. 2, 306 to 86%e, ; NO. 2, cogo to 70e. Flour -Manitoba, first patents 3.80, seconds, $0.34 strong bale - ere, *5.10; Ontario winter wheat tent , outide ifeed-aran, $19.50 its $20. per ton in bags, outside; shorts 024?‘ to $23, in hags, outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. App1e3-Winter stock quoted at $3 *4 per barrel for good qua- lities, and at, $2 to $2.50 for cook- ing apples. • Deans -Prime, $1.70 to $1.76, and hand-picked, $1.80 to 41.85 per bush. Honey -Combs, $2 to $2.75 per dozen, and strained, 10 to lie per pound: Hay -No. 1 tiinothy is quoted at $10.50 to *11 A ton on track here, and No, 2 at 117 to *8. . Straw -47 to S7;150 on track. Potatcies-Qtztarios, 00 to 02c per bag. Delaware, 76 to 80c per bag on track. VOultry-Chickens, dressed, 11 to Jge per pound; fowl; 8 to 0e; ducks, 10 to 120; .geese, 10 to lld Per ponnd; turkeys, 10 to 18c per puund. • Butter -Pound prints, 25 to '270; tubs, 22' to 4e,2inferior, 20 to 21e. Creamery roils, 28 to 200, and solids 27c. Eggs -Case lots of, cold storage, -5 to 20e per dozen, selections, 28 Ws and new laid are quoted at 35 to '40e per dozen. HOG IMODLYCTS, Bacon Long" clear, log o ile per pound in case lots; mess pork, $12 to $19.50; short cut, $22 to $22,50. Hams -.Light to medium 13 to 13%; do,, heavy, 12e; rolls, 1034e. shoulders, 10 to 10c; Wok!, 10 to 1034c.; breakfast bacon, 14% to Me. !id'Iiercei, 12e; .„tubs, '124Ic; - BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal* Dec, 29.---Graitt--Can diem. western No. 2 white oats are selling at 48%e; extra No -1. feed oats at 453'4;e, and No. t teed at 45c per bushel in ear lots, ex store. Manitoba Spring wheat tint- sts at $0, seconds at $5.50 ' Winter wheat P.A43.14% e5 to $5.25, strzigbt reuers, $4.06 -to n bags, .2.15 to $2,20; to $1.815. Feedt.4tifftit4a efts, $21; Otitatio, bean, $21 _,Initidlings,421,60,- 50; shorts, ' $24.00 to $2.5 per ton, including bags; ratrt grain (430 to '$U f milted grades, ,*24 to C.'$ per ton. Cheese - The ,19ea1 market holds steady with weit., trns quoted at 1234 to 123 and• eastern* at 21% to 129. ,Butter - Fresh -reeeipts of creamery are sel-- ling at Sett. mckeh at xe in ar(wholesale *ay.. liggs Xew aidat $65e; seleeted,stocki•at 27e, *iiid "wdr. 1 stock at 24e \per ,doz. tYP -1j ; • 'IT"! „14114 *UI 0)1i1004 14111* Ifulp9u.40 ina!ta tsq.pespot stozsa 'tutj,ntitak Inv soslt DX .4o sttog --soma07" 011;fi to $$.0114 bid. Itye-14. t, .75e, Corn -nay; Olc, Ilarley-Stand- Lad, 4.15Xe. Oample, 58 to 653-e, No. 0, 00 to 40; No. 4. ble. IMPROVED TERMINA,LS., Canadian Northern Railway's Plana for Pert- Arthur. A despatch from Port Arthur, says t • ,General Manager MeLeod• of the Canadian Northern is in ethe city. He stated that the company wouldmakelarge additions to the terminal facilities here. -Some-are definitely arranged and others are -eontoroplation, To /aortas(' the freight storage capacity at the docks a sized is now beteg built over the steel dock. A new dock is to be built just' south of the present, dock, and on itt work will be start- ed as soon tut feasible. It will be used as a 'steel dock during the early summer and for freight when the fall rush tommences. The busi- ness will necessitate anothtr new dock after that. ISTCW tracks will be laid through the yards, includ- ing tines to the new elevator to be built by Piper 18; McWilliams. • A TII01.78114,10 ROMELESS. • 1.- lok of Apartineat Mesiscs Burn. al In New York, A despatch from isTel York sole: More than a thousand_persons were made homeless and hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of ;-property--destroyed a.patment houses' between Second and.Third venues and rorty -fourth streets, Brooklyn, on Wednesday. Twenty persons were overeome by smoke, but were resewld by firemen. The great Muth terminal docks on the edge ,of the fire zone were saved bS, a fireboat, which kept the flame* from , sweeping over Second *yea- ne. Occupants of the blaring buildings were, driven hall clad and shivering, into snow -swept streets, and a store of others were dragged unconscious from their apartments by policemen and firemen.. ATTEMPT AT MURDER. tallan 'Plunged. Dagger into Woman's Mt. A despateb, from Montreal, sayst A sensational attempt at murder was made by an Italian Wednesday evening On University street, in ono of .the busiest quarters of the city. The Italian was walking *long the street in coznpany with a woman tolnlmnion, when, after some aui- mated conversation, he pulled a stiletto and plunged it into the tido of the woman, who fell in a, heap on the sidewalk. The street was erowded with shoppers at the time and the man took to his heels, Jot! lowed by an excited crowd. After It hot ebase he was taptured an taken to the police station, where he gave his name as Vrancioeo •io. The woman is at the Royal Vic- tors Hospital in a critical condition - Itere,..Tiggers, I've it boa* to pick witb you. "Pin with you. • ---restauratztAteress-the way. Make it a mutton bone, for I've quite an appetite." LA 'It 1.401t, TOBACCO. lia the tourre 'of ray ossoeistio ,ith trAocoof .00%4 dtwcottpily. ears, 1 hove knOwn., menall this very working air., to be in. haUng obaeee dust or fames pro .ot• I'XITEI) STATEB $1A11X18T8,, Iluffr$194 Dec, 29, ea psi!) oit, ,steady ;;No, I s„ *tete, $1.10: , 1tm. z N.• . 3 4 yellow, 011f,e; No 3o(11 114e: Vito. 4 eon, 00! 010; o. 3 white, 0,1,4te. Oats, wt, ,2 white, rage 3 'white, to tme t‘ N .4 white, 51V to 51 . 'Barley er& t mslting, M. trtneozolis. StI.011 Nn 1 bard, Yon rc40 se ess oar eon* tor soetotooso Itch" rob.rt, too syso aos; witu wonder. "Course" tespondsa Totti. Whi was t of lg. end who. theretoxie. aught to know. * forth), ele tellOw thet lof like a tat dell." k.vt.„tio hope 10111011110 let Ise liter u, to JO. %Ito WOW tsar," 111011%111r* /*bet& ot Teta oety laughed unfolinitIZoas sap& *1124,141ro 14110 weal; ore too In trtitio, Tons t,3,1411 t1at he 11110001t AM 100 Mil* to stay. Up until $0401itglit lett eight 01 thot 014 yther, Ot 1.5*2 his otothor sight 1. ***Mho. obb. M4 2*44 bis t 'bra was rost bays aireafir gueseemt t Was the aSettWfresicerWks 144 14114 'the datamy dowst‘ fret* **eve. lisp was tie* I salt 'To Ovo$4 stinne rill h.- 1§4141tv it out Neve., the hoy's eider ,stirter Menle girta a peray aewastefrit.1. 1104% eat k ' , oh.# • ,.',,1,11"410,*04030.'kt 415,,,,„