Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-31, Page 3 (2)h settently be.*** 01. thoi compliested buiiise** tawiwtiw *Weaterli city, mile$ *stow. M he 4.1letae of * new and vat* e were ceasing forth fro hi of directors.u. seheine reS 'jiurney thither 0,44040 ho ii tit.t et0A;eit 'ii.hjon.' ' vaic the flu�r. Ile.!bad d.an ved .cn,erin *rte.' ,for thO'V • „. .*d seen t�ppUng;lsef asfrep..to faIl e.....feet,': ible rweau Aira.t11"00.0.* us. .. many. wornen tam fouxarelttl:itaf-404.104;- -ehe •seantitotil,,iitifte 'en to keow ft.• • • twentsseight . years)" eriy* ehsirds) 4Y.I'''*ufterett froni tisMOMIney 'Tritubte. and: '...ralgi*. 1 got: SO ',weak .1 'coeld, „.uot 40myslietieeWork SitensWASS: eut.ef tItei:nuestiontxtep.t ler* few ..iiiiiteiratielimess • net-*leep, 1 tried all • of -- 0.04ion thcro ws, • e when reading advei tile. ills, eep wel rise is oohed every morningDod1'� idney‘ Pill* are all the medicine 1 woman who -has healtliy Kid - will never know the painteaed' es$ that make -Ilk- -hardly ort* living. Dodd's Eicincy Pill LENCTII OF DREAMS. lay Ore** Ait Ilislived Life Wi a Minute. It i* not unusual to hear one say that he hu been dreamieg about something all night, when possibly his...dream occupied only short time. 'Many attempts hitv been made to measure the time oc- cupied in 4. dream, and records ap- pear from time to time in the pap - yrs, *hawing that often elaborate ones occupy but a few teconds. 'The following incident is told hy a gentleman, who vouches for its ae- curacy * was elgaged one afternoon with a, clerk' in verifying some long -columns: of Astute that had been copied from one book to another. The numbers ,representing amounts In dollars and cents, were composed rix or seven figures. The clerk wild read, for instance, 'Toni - en, one forty-two, twelve, inak- ing amou t of $14,142.12, and 6 gent n would answer, 'Cheek,' indicate that the copy was correct. Page after page had been read as rapidly as the words • OT/1V T, One Asiiiitie The Other* Bet AA'S Dead. -. 0 Italian brother's, " Luigisand 04* Ferrari, who for many year* ()eked together on the best terms ,Switserlandt'reeently fell in love with A pretty Italian girl at Zurich, and quarreled. h The girl told the Ferraris she WWI both of them equally well, and .asked them to holberattairlretweert themselves. The jealous men seraratcd, vow- ing to $ Wet eacb .other at xnonth ago rt A • *elate . u Aiutlearsttsi.' „Its**, to rOsvs, not end the nse% ini atoXi the Alt AO 1410402f 1304 And t nt..' 44'0 to Write tor* troo .14scit4 to bo gven away. erhattal 0 400006 X t bo jappy 'And (the coit ot our ItiAtts 'heist 4t014,1*. to tO.dsmtor Inv, Art* treitt‘• • cronn.444, .wia4for,,ipat. NittiATEFITL. 'said:the burglar to his pal, says-wo,over. 1°°Ige4 a P.!zeiciage of bi11 ;tam:iota- the4epravi the -rich 114.1" replied BIIL n he saw hii brthering' in the road with rcvolver in his hand. , Luigi umped off' his bicycle and; after firing at his brother three Siim killing him on the spot, rode off--ite-if ' nothing had happened. Oaths -was ound- dead with his re - and deal name With eilrliFeS and overcome them, ?ether than to battle with effects. after the diocese has secured lodgment, is the elder aim of the medical man, and tiekle's Anti- Coresumptive Syrup is the result of ent study along this partieu- month's imprisonment • recently Winterthour. WTI WI TABLETS A LIME LIFE SIVE& Baby's Own Tablets have saved any a-preeioes-littlelife. There is other medieine for ebildren so 'safe and sure in its effects. The Tablets cure stomach and bowel troubles, teething troubles, destroy werille, break up colds and prevent deadly croup. And you have the guarantee of a. government analyst that this medicine'does not contain a particle of opiate or narcotic'. Mrs. J. Laroque, Log Valley, Sask.) says :—"1 ani a. great believer -in -Bah. se* own---Tabletsv I have used theitt on many occasions and know el no medicine equal to them in curing' the common ailments of babies and yang children." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., .Broekville `Ont. 1111.SINO THE WINO. could be uttered,.each number re- nos the Oli See' CePtefit Wrecked calving thes "check." The work wasgis Yew& drowsy, arid it was witn difficulty kei cola(' keep his eyes open. - Stranger -J. -PI retinue a Man who Fzually sleep • overcame him, and has followed the sea .1g* many Years he dreamed—dreamed of an old must have been in sortie wreekse horse he had been accustomed to • Old Sea Captain—"SVrecks I Well drive twentyfive or thirty years affee a few: The wust\ wreck I ever .had Be could not recall any special in. was .on the ,Jersey coast." eident connected' with the dream "Long, 80,) wept the loeatity and the distinct "Some Yon/ see, .1 got be - sight of the horse, and of the buggy calmed off_tbe-ceseve of Ireland." to -which he had driven him. He "Becalmedin *woke .Suddenly, and As a number "Yee. Well; I tried every %%I e ended called, '`Cheek." lie to start * wind, but it WAS no go. -Not-see-140eth-AirAPIC----At--.1416 ------:-0,11*vinfedreensesti-and-said-to clerk, "Charlie, I have been *sleep. "I preillailiti 110.;"' ' liow many of thosernumbers have I" "Yes, 1 got,eo desperate,/ made ailesedr "None," he replied. upiny °in('trloak thelastld of - "You have checked • ever" osie:" ton heard a* it it t° (dol - Close questioning developed- the lar I had. gerii!ti raise the .wind fact that of the figures 14,14231 he withoUt money.'" heard the fourteen and the "It's &good deal the -same way "Jess°. Well, then, 1 took a big:„ silver little, kissed it Ore tunes! Swung ititinOlinteviomad'ink--heta *lid Wen flung it a far its 1 could into the se*, in the iii"wtion wanted .the ying to c*O1.1207t you know." • "I See. "AV,611* it came"- "It dart . %NA- t Veit, .you frist ought to en it. The, filist.blast took every' stiteh o' Soil...Clean off aft yothi Ilin) in three, minutes ,more we was cod_dinq under bare volts, * thou. •sand mile* an houra "CtiekSire, A Jir 11,1 „say r 10 lie ;thing. new, in* *oftnt r an' there we•Y:list bent,dashed' ; to bits square ***in Jersey. Wh , • 'sir, WO struck with such forte we bounded way up. the bowl* A walked dry.shod vett into *hotel: "1 newer hear of that." "N -o: the 'seitan wits over , hotels WAN closed. 'Welk sir'', after that I never tried no ruore .eent pieces, when wanted twelve but had 'Whys the time occupied in rapidly lettering thb verde "elle forty-twe,' Ile tried, by reading other numbers' to measure the duos, and thinkeit is:mid not have be more than :Another story is told of a.man who sat before his fire, in a drowsy, tondition. A draft, Wowing across roism, Set a laree photograph the mantel to sweying. , A slend- ✓ se Was•in front of .it, arid the 11 remembers wondering, in * of ,whimsieal indiff0renee, eth,r the picturesivoidd blot! for; ***lend vase to the it,t)or. lleelly a gut ot wind did to Iple the picture, and it struck the v se. mn rtnembers likving leen turiu S- lieved in his stat' of t hitt the old sy suppome not. os, 'or. Alter tiutt I neer 'dung t Int bigoer.n. 'fey ufound most efficient, remedy, arresting d lopment and speedily healing the affected parts, so that the ailment, disappears. EVER FEEL Sat With indignation oft I swell To see A friend Have eois that I could more intell- _Igently ispL.end. _syltating .1tivt War tee with opine" rot vow Itniftis:413,10.1firntri.1:41311111= ret4t=git °PIM/ geto Oa root of the trouble alsi coxes 11-0004limbid inetiOnit tbmat asotisars. A boy never looks in a mirror to ee if his, face .s clean after wash- ag it; he looks at the dirt on the towel. , „ There are a number .of varieties of corns. llolloway's Corn Cure win remove any of them. Call on your druggist and get a bettle at *Dee. - • DOWisT THE :OLD .ROAD. Silai—Took Mandy out driving last night and tried to kiss her. Cyrus—And Watildait she *tend for it - $iis,s.-Yes, but the blamed old hori&wouldn't.- Ile ran away. It Will Prolong Life—De Sota the Spaniard, lost his life in •the wilds of Florida, whither he went for the purpose - of discovering the legendary "Fountain of perpetual south," said to exist in that then unknown country., While Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil will not perpetu- ate youth, it will remove the bod- ily pains whit+ make rhe young old before their' time and harass the aged into untimely graves. Thre-et inttastonstable—or a 'wallah," as; he is ealled—has an apparatus attached to his ehoul- ders to support an umbrella over his head. - Ws woe tee tieelketie stateseet *et siso " Menthol, Plaster Will de more to teller* nestraler litate back, Imbue stud ki*drad trotiblestbaii isty .1) tellfo. VIIIItTEM.- 41*," sighed thessehool. girl now steatite that thirteen unIuckiest of all nutisberit." What's the explanation 1", quer. .ittd the innotent byetander. "Will, you iie!e I am -just 13, ears old," euplansed tin:stair miss* "aid mamma says rut too old for dolls, and papa says I'm too young to have * beau." "An Irishman', „ returned froinitarys srliereehe 144 been. wibh -hit Mester, visit itaked in the* ki ,ebeile-444104.4lienisretr-Atlisit is the lave' I hear ,the master talking about 1" "Only 'it drop fit crater," was Pet's•rePtY- Greet-4'1400 From Little Cases Grow.—It takes very little to e - range the stomach. The,essuse rimy be slight, A cold, something eaten or -drunk, -anxiety, ,worry, or some other simple cause. But if precau- tion s be net , taken- this cause $ destruction to si ett1M11 dealt with in tme. Xeep the dige tive ttpparatue in:healthy condition and all will be 'well. Parvielee's Vegetable Pill* are better than ani other for the purpose. _Mothers ArMy--dear, I'm afraid flan-% ,*---arlytellee itf_jintC sissets -your- approval." Laughter ; "Well, you lcnow how dad objects to my bills on prineiple." A Sedilen 1141 often mum* litoldsn Illness. Painkiller Is an test -L wooed to ward it off. 'Unequalled for tongue end dlaqitAaa. Ateict substitutes, there is but OS* HPAIMUlil ",,d401", • ....f.Ef.,1141107f Magistrate: "Sneaky sort of mar& What! do you mean, 511 1" Witness; "Well, eorr.,lierictlie Tor of man that'll never look ye straight - in the face until your back's tuen- WHYDO Insiitutioni slevoe'd to the lister Edu ciion select Bel pianos? The fad th lad prefer the Bell is evidetKe of &wind'. merit One fellows prefseesiol scilicet* isisasesios, whv est follow psofcs.o.al coos*ia testi/ B.0 lion') * ck A Pleasant Medicine.—There are eome pills which have no other pur- pose evidently than to beget pain- ful internal disturbances in the pa- tient, adding to his troubles and, _perplexities rather than diminish- ing them. Oie might as swal- low some corrosive. material. Par - melee's Vegetable Pills have not this disagreeable and injurious pro-1- perty. They are easy to take, are not unpleasant to the taste, and their action is mild and soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They offer peace to the dyspeptic. "I hive such an indulgent hus- band," said little Mrs. Doll, "Xes, so George Nam responded Mrs. Spiteful. "Somstimes indulges a! little too much, doesn't her, I row** as sitrishloo *-ttor a storm lathe reilef wben an obstinate, pitiless tough bas been driven . away by Alleles Lung Mime. No opium in it. - The geed effect lasts. Tato a bouts limas with yea this ess. • What -puzzles some people is how some of our acimaintattect makela living. , Do net delay in getting relief for the little /elks. liether G.raves rins-E. • * rot sure -eureer If -yon- love -your child why do you let it suf.fer when remedy is so. near it handl ftehoo' Imietress, endeavoring to impress upon the class themean- *ng of the word "cuticle": Polly Johnson, tell me what it is with. which my face and hands ere. covered V' Ilsek came, the answer with startling promptitude: *Treaties Miss ,WP • 0.,Yotilre looking' 7iSieir tin ta.1 heart,' said breakfast * repL. the.tatictive )hoarderl, tiltintr re** An adin the Paper the should interest you partieularly.,. "Vo let.niee room for gent with jot? to 0 *WINDOW PAES.\ On the st coast of India found * * ,plaeenta, wboae it stie inehea d white. At present those 0- sters are eollfttedfor the* arts whicb they often contralti, slthough few are tit for the USA of tist'arte tar/Y, days of Eng- Iish rule in India the shetis- were etnpioyed for whitiow.psin into liW squares the vcry pretty .elfect, L NA. • 7 [I V,' -tif'.1,04611`;l0 s ou5k-tkc rETES, Ta SP Angry .o bitek year bali vrietri ifled oust'ef ti4 children Amerztari Coirtinsta 0 isives fernier tilt *ititelltItVultlials. t $140 litr 'tor. trio. SAdli A A oyster, Motu hell conaists of eirceidor plots, Aiameter, thin tor (f,ree) -atioue lt3retiva GU4PH.ORTARIO* ON PARM, PROPERTY at 14444 wet. applykin JONES ..aiPROOTOR SRO 6 *Toronto ftesst, lorantoi mitt A. J PATTI/301*A CQ 33.31 staTt into% ToltOno, +Stook lirakerslifittoillotai Alton 0:$0i2.4111a.Tale. end iotiststocturbowitt sta tow on tome toe' titAbili 004,111. 14,*-Irigt kelli *WOW .• Do not throsir away your Inoue in keying atm* Razor hecanse your 444 on* will nos work, but buy a cake of our "Perfection Razor Patter which wilt keep ,your 'Knot • In pOrflitt *sitting condition, ttad *Jilt Ore Will lest ysna st lifetime. if your kipriwsatt or Drug Dealer does 'tut handle this, mud us 0.3cend we will forward seam postinlid CANADA HONE COPAPANV• ; Vistwantsesto Man • 11ERYOUS11 PROSTRATION. Of nervous prostration we hear much now -a -days, and it is cola - forting to know that there are plac-1 iiieefallY equipped and located' for combating this phase'of modern 11 lifeT,--0s-the-main4ine-of-the-Grand- TreeksRailway SyltemiAt, St. Cat trines, Ontario,are located --the curittive Saline Springs' known a tjie -"St. Catharines IVA." Con. fleeted with the Spring's is "The Wellitrid,i'm where, treatments for nervous prostration* rheumatism, etc., are given .by, skjlled a,ttend- ants in charge of p. resident - phyi- 8t; '(ittinkrines is the mildest point in Canada -during the winter months. .Vor further information and all particulars apply to, Donald# . District Pitsrenger Agent, °refire. ition IX LITTIJ Luck won't liek laziness.. Perseverance_ on OiCasion devel- ops into perversity. Itis **vet to surfer, when we silt- rfor thosewe-love. me, *Ville are. interested in oiu welfare, other* in our farewell., ouble coma naturally to some' Ie, just /like freckles and Joirly , . The min who hialways right is,' perhaps, the irtost 'exasperating thing on earth. "What to wear" inay be an in- teresting topie, but t1Tow, to get it" is more important. JAUERAsD RAI$ERS 13* wise and1 provide aainst 'Insuring- your &aIf. loas,;Horses, Marc', Colt", Oxen, ('ow, s Calves, 110,5s and Sheep s'igainst delitth by iteeident or diet -ems sust at yott insure , your property against loss by Are, and *sore so for disease and death may oeeur at any time, whilst loss by Ire of your property t never oetur.,, low aud Agentsw*nted ***presented distil vefati 4 10.;,•A • `1' re vt ?..,,e1.•• • ,