HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-24, Page 8 (2)T r. tt wlXl ice, t
1*:, wltl Mlttt T $ M 4
van ler, 400.,
rim t+a • vt wtr+riii . 4* te
x'`aiut o *aide*' ° ..,
r asaoaatcret' * trate
t ;.e fsaeearriy
t a, , • taalsaet
we hart .re ver :.. S
heart arar ,
. o 'rgWta' r ks to the pub c riser y
dor tivoiw Aers relit 6 g 4 '
*vas it ko to . 41, erry
0 tows and a Happy and Bountiful
,hexa Year to ett is our Irish.
A. Steam
._'_. _ will contimb the blir sale one
more week. Clothing all .done. It to
pow or+ never.—flailingarwsaas.
The Advocate w teat led to any
,address in Clartieado *until. Januar ry Isat,•
1910, for one dollar. Tell your neigh -
bore about it.
Buy your Christine* I3olly it State
bent's. •
Lathe Our, mirrors make choice
to $4,00. Ooles Drug Store.
.Xmaiipindlealtreg+ it, Statham
The Advocate will be . sent to an
Winos ar in aimed*. to, .lan. let, .hilt ,
-see. our , beautiful pieces of Amoy
. chino for t otmoo--• nch
'pee Ja +nese. yalyr euth---m #lZ
sorts: or dishes, et .—D + 's Ba..
ember we have the vaNurl-
itttlBies in town for C riotous*
. ;:...
CONFE .T ONERT at a Ming Price
Heir Bruaeahes• Maakee .useful Matti
xa .. tine 25c. to $9,00 --Coles Drug Store---•
see thelia.
WOOLS of various kinds for Piney
Work at earing''aa Bazar. c. au oz.
Statham's is the s t for bon -bonne
andcbocalatea, Mode the c elebrst-
ed firsms of Lowrey stn Towns.
,. .. Oranges ! Orange* l Orangeel Our
stock of oranges is now here. Hewitt.
Tut oranges from 15c to ODc a door.
Try them.- Stathaun's
Toy - tVe have a faidiand coni fete
line of NEW TOY23*—T)ollai, 8orses
Chairs. etc. Das o'n BAZAR.
Bon -Bra boxes -26c. to $1.50 at
Oysters aeleataa,•50c,aa qt., aatr�algghta
40c a qt.An oyster stew from these
oyster* , is delicious.one while
doingyour Christmas sboi pl . At
Stat a r;s.
We take ssubecriptionr"forall for+e a -
or Otnadian magazine* at rraixluaed
tt s. D.n forge
-- -T. trht tr 10UP r sora
Den s;+mg's 'Earn t. for Muss ley.
Now xs l h. time far claw' furni,
as It.awe aa' Atkinson are giving a
chit discount ref 20 pee cent oftreitu
and %into Claus locust.., in as
choice line at DeatineoPazat.
.r. J. If. Cameron. ron O ret'*..
ter�ta�tiner„ until appear .itae. the
Howe,. l.xtet x. an Monday, ?a . Imoe
glider thy. pias of t 'Iodise Aid
for tsiiaa Cameron
is phi t.
YO 04. Wiper Stu.
ny nd.10..0ud
eta• : ztt •kb dnstiissr to,
e ;a�ta►1411y' ihr0 ah . ,'' Zang t
naf, them again , you *ha -1-
Vie* -I Mai yours uYy
*halite *re at ail times an -
and taStefi.0 In their *taro der*
eruar ttior'zs and tilt' the dlaeplay. of '- thetir
rafre aedae, and this week can be -seen salr.,
e:reartt �eftoft* in Cht•tifatrr< tts deporatione
r l tech u worth"' of MentiOn, 'Itow.ever.
>;ex teatder it advisable th*tt you a
t them rums st- - - e. w,t:
cwt your attention 'to them,. -
MtsialEletzel _Iirowning returned. Monte
Whitby on .Sattirdarfr ' U:e -1n
ora•o to she had the mi afortsatne to
-containing *
tai a?t e+eau ~af a paalie„et britt -<she. It*.
fid' xre t .eat It sinece;.
a a t ardal Statement or the 'Village-
ttt ss ! been iesutef and shows
tasaed raw 1pts for *11 purposes to he
t13 ►.ra
and• the expentlitOre 421,72.0
lewd -lig wash an hand $5156.4L The as«
sets amount to 4531.1. *),e the ilabltltle;s
T:xe: aEu:j ass, ani 1t'rarrn :ourpal tit. wilt
tor he pr4 tical a very day, fanrnr.
It t no. filled ,with lOI) esrrsaYtt 'Or
&Abdul theories, "tut gives In plain ev-
wary day lana pe, a, h .. or haelpful *us-
geat<to a to tiller* orruttf s lt. In. thi.”
particular the ;Sun Is witttotit an. equal..
' ou ought to! -haat --tt-refs tiy.- - W
renewing . for The 4 dvte,;o cr tk
't " 2k1y Sun. the farmer's trosin O tt . a...
net, both papers one year otrt . 01.0
Cotter--Gregory—The nutrrtagc +ort i+easra
Loretta. fourth daughter or Mr. and Mr*.
' hos Clecgory of this toVen, to Mrr.}larrr•
osby. Cotter. barrister. Ler... Tolod',
Q`tto. took . VaCe quietly at 11 #'clock
tr''c mead+' tnQrning. 23rd, itt:v. war`.
Martin officiating. The 'bride: wore
a , suit or ivory Sricilian, and a plumed
hat or pan! 'bleu+ satin. and was unato`
tended. Mr. and firs. Cotter+ tett an the
eveningtrain nor Toledo afro,! u Other
maws, rho going away emitrar#ne, being
golden brown •broasicloth : with telt hat
to aetiwtwit, beautifully•triutitmcd With brawn
velvet rear. Ar't0, ill• week's Telt in To -
led* they will .1aavc. .for rthelr future
home in Frankfort, Indians,* whim:Mr.
Cotter holds a resnsible positton witty.
the 'Clover Leaf Alton irailwav System.
The bride' for several years was aatstraci-
ate;' with the Toledo City - capita, be-
ing superintendent or nurses at the time
of her resignation Mend- ye r. ago. • She
rccelved many handsome presents `,"'rarer
far and ntaarr. amongst them ting Seine
subatantaiat bark cheques, also a boas~ or
orange i ioesorns front Lor Angeles*Cal.
which she wore, Or. and tiro. Cotter
hat; the best wishes of their Man*
trlendts ,tor a life of happiness and p
Veru t the Algoma Advocate, Theses.
hon■ we trace the following; '' Pr obaii:.'hly.
"'lever betore in the history of Theasa1on
has aat death predrtmd- seen a ataasnel in•
Interest In the'*:tttuuntifas that. or Mr.
lin. C. Case, which occurred ark tuna-'
Cday morning las, Mr,. Case had ' been
II/ torr i to nae six weticss, hilt a fatal tat .te= �
,suit was nor expected until a tesw days
tcfoaae the end. Mr. Case was the son
Joseph Casc,and rElbabeth l awaarttittaat► ot
the "'County for WickXow, Irtrlstnd,, Wita~t•
came to tide country in 1,838, ,settling.
to Zluro t County. near .Exeter. The 'pio..
;baa .raised a faintly +oit• five d*Uj titers
aiur�'"st>Ixia_a �sozlti% ol.�..'�rhirr� �ta+aia"�"`,.•>�,�"_ l�
or the dceratasae4 tat tna sole sur.
ar« The aaa"utt,;eset Or our sketch arms
t~n bon the home faxrhx in August,• t8a.8,
l iec came to Alaams when a /Oar it .ins►' t
aatad 'tab+ tat ec,xoot In this 'district for
s ti3 rat' Years. Shortly tater corn
ing to tite North Shore he married Miss
3e**le M 11nehy, WhO stirsralyee, 'birth* 'the-
fatnily consisting of tlnreo 'dau bier. .
wet. Cnatwe lab been almost etin*tottrt.ty"
he public lye during hie t sldence in the
district. bluing. him : principal Or The*
*salon ptrtb41c -schools for ;ton?* years
tittle or the town council and premittarrtt.
iy identified' With the Independent Order'
or a dtel1oWe. lXe warns` Of a kindly and
aastG aaital 4iarposition an tholes' with. wheat
tame tat eotnts,ct In Inieea`ii leas or sssenwlal
t*a **,Treats rt*dlir becatine friends." . .
lingo One *sentiment ,,of new cutter*.
"tlraias winter.-S*mud .„gunning and.
jamee-Eirien hs twin hauling squat],
tlty et gravel for the found*tiinrato be
placed under their boot next :summer.
J. • right and. wife and Milton iltron at'
the reeeption of Wm. 3. low.:.
clue and bride 00 Wedpesdeyeveoing
t� y v.) We a ► n lam,
► as Visit with ,t erdeuv_
Mrs. v.) R. Qrim ton,of m
his Via' fey and Betula MS .
Wesley Dsynatan • eine thl
m Chaatham, Why thet hay
t tree Xitisitien• ,
Mies 062,ter W " :., 'sl
and -their aeutdu,Mare Wm , 'rc►wrait,s,
o: v thrg - e
It►idot, 4rrha.
owl i art -view tostartinget saiIl
•on the property*..
tt. ,.".
Mr. ,'' as e. eouhle Ifuron street,. 1. on.
fined, to hie room through
Mr Tl oaar, Creech, who has been fin-
fined to his: bed from an atte,ak of ty-
phoid. is now on the mend.
ere^rolztr�� 4: .
Gloderlch .for* a couple oftrnonthL-'
Miss Ma Armstrong has n en«
to teach in School‘SeetiOn No. 4,
tetrhed (Sharon),her duties; common.On after the holidays.
'k u •
e•many friends ofrs., D(cDonell,
William street will barn with , regret
her ;sev�ere.iltnessand,abeing •*. year
of aetitle, grove fears are entertained for
�r. lobo. Towle*: of the Ross.Titylor
C o. fair confined_
to his tied with a eq-
ro akt ack oaillness, with :little or 40
• ns
of improyerrient. - Ills m
ends wilt hope- for a speedy recov-.
Mrs..l aniel irerniek, while on her
wit to church Sunday evening, slip.
*pie** oftee. with ' the result
that eke ,roke her leg jurat above theentitle, from the effects of .which she
will doubtless be laid, up for `several
weeks. -
Mr. Will 3. Knight will 'receive the
congratulations o his many fiends
on the -excellent success.he- has attain
ed in the second year tern) exaams at
the London Medical School, he baying:
in all subjects with honerre,
ill lea bright young man and sire
wleb him contipoed .euccess.
Richard Holharn, of Delaware, who:
wasvisiting around, here, bas retu sed
borne. ---W. J. Canter., of Detroit, "'fail
e Wing' Cbrietwass around here...«
J. Davis and W. I Smyth mach have
dug wellsand bob have got good, wa-
ter. Thome* Smolt! was the contract-
did dart Daersiaa sad W;e-an. •��►�;.
':' mel.
Quinton Ana: MissA#i aver spen ,.
few flays to London the latter t o
last • creek.—Frank Washburn, Of
thur, is spendi