HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-24, Page 7 (2)eo
1 t 0. Is el Uli 4
o .,•itit..dinne
dnet4..Y4 ° :P
, u 0 antt dressed
,ar .
ro the rear frand tank es -
4, eaving the Bridge.
. . ..s. .
tation at 1245 .p.m., -Was
tihed Signer rle Ai:stereo private
r, urasharte." The party was
bound to Cobalt to insp3iet some
?Auntsproperty in which they. are
-stitssieeted. Just -before the train
Ilea out, Dr...Orchard. nonunion
Inapector; Customs Officers Geo.
mares. The ocia1a de
tar eye, ehickew,.daleks, and a
;Adept beef. AIL these were
ordered 'Mimed. ',The foreignrs
rotettea tbat they hzd, notse
weds and would have no time to
procure ' other edible* until they
reaelied Toronto. In spite of the
vebqinent proteete of the million-
, suree ,the viand were burned-ini.,
GrandsTrunk engines, and thi
eIs them were left nes
hind to be disinfected.
1W A-
ta With -Voiotia Machine
t. Ifyacinthe, Que.
• s.
rzculture for this Province, ha* an-
nounced the results of experiments
whiclz have.been 'conducted in eons
notion with the preeervation of
milk. By means of the Geulin ma -
thine, which was recently brought
from France and installed in the
Dair • School at St. Hyacinthe, it
sssass. OM, trWliThillal
D IN wopicom.
1fttea Persons Killed lit C.:411,010
in *di Teasels
des,atch from Limo es Fraise
And'a Passenger train near here on
Wednesday, resulted in the death
of 15 persons and the injury of 30
others. Vire broke out after the
'Saccident and most of the victims,
including the engineer of the Pa4-
eenger train, were pinned beneath
the wreckage and burned to death.
211 gosi on
afterwards Mr. Allard promised
Government aid to any factoriee
ailing the (Unlit* machine.
rsoo Dripping Blood, Along Monts
• real Streets.
A. despatch from Montreal says:
- Italian who will likely die,
usbd inesiy.along Craig street on
,Yednesday night through a crowd
of ltristraas shoppers'with blood
earning in the snow from a deep
in his throat. He had been
*shed with a razor by An unknown
assailant.. • The blood left a grim -
sop trail ors:the sidewalk, and the
injured man collapsed within sight
of Ins. home. Robbery or revenge
is thought to have Wieri-the motive.
,The Italian was taken to the Goner.
itospital, and .is thought to 'be
• ally Injured.
▪ Revs" Wheat Ships
meats Through Winnipeg.
A despateh from Winnipeg- says:
Navigation has closed and over 48,-
.000,000 bushels of wheat of the crop
Of 1008 passed Winnipeg before the
lest boats went outkihipments for
the last week of open water reach-
ed the enormous total of 5,103,091'
• •
oUision occurred n tlie Pouch
Tunnel, between here, and Beive.
tber Coi.slrle
t t
Loridon, Ont.
V. W lhistlewait 'of
na has been appointed Reiitrar
of Prescott'county...
• B. M. and
rother6thosiva /Olt *11 :trace o
each othersfor 25 Van; Mit by *t-
ide/At ink* Ifamilten hotel.
The public school of Potter*hurg*
suburb of London, Ont., is closed
on,account of the teacher, Mr. *-
adder's, being ill with smallpox.
Joseph Vitro:eta an Italian, was
-sentenced at North Bay to five
-.erste in Kingston Penitentiary for
robbing a fellow -countryman at Co*
The National Manufacturing
Ti whose foundry at Pent,
Ise was.destroyed by fire, has
made arrangements with the Co-
sitt to remove to Brock-
The local option by-law was car-
ried in seven new municipalities 'in
• rriti Ira
*eond patents,t I
1eat '-Maniobt wheat .s firm
for No. 1 Northern,
at $1.9634 for No. 2 Northern, and
at Stott for No., °3, Northern, so
gian Dsky Posts. ISTO Northern is
quotedat s1,,121‘
ssialstss- 2 Northern at
$1.0034*. .
Ontario wheats -No. 2 white is,
quoted at 94 to 94%e outride, and
No. 2 red Winter at We" outside,
and No. 2 mixed at 940 outside.
OatessOrsterie NO. 2 white quoted
at 3a to 300 outside, and "at 42c on
track, Toronto; No. Weetern Ca-
nada oats quoted at 434ca lake
of the only kuown
isvet thems VI., Ya4cifltti
xi lin
erd of Mealth, in is report to
that betty On the .Otst of amall-
whish have *moistly occurred.
Ke told the 'board on. WesinesdaS,
,that there had been46-easessinsten
municipislitiess during „ October,
while 130 CASeft in 23 municipalities.
had been reported fdr November.
It had been learned that mild eases
had existed for weeks before preence was known to the loeal
Medja1 Health Officer.. With but
,aecination ad inetutetze
beeu sai'. This meas,ure
rernntted munieipa West°, provide -
for (n111)41011 vaceinations "The
failure On the part of Municipal
Councils te make the Act operative
ha* resulted particularly in the
Lsre centre; ofessynmesss.„, swiss
iaitrous1y the 1nssilleS11 ntunity," said Dr. Hodgetts. Ile
added that business was still fur-
ther crippled by the failure of the
councils even in the face of an out-
break of considerable extent to take
rm stand and enforce vaccina-
corded. •Selects sold, at $0 per cwt.
fed and Watered,' off ears, an'lights
ad fate at $5,5 per cwt.
Bar ess-No. 2 barley quoted et 64
outside, and No. 3 extra, at 53e.
Buckwheat -S7 to 5734c outside.
Peas -No. 2 quoted at 80% to 070
Corn -No. *2 American yaws(
nominal at 70c on track, Toronto;
new No. 3 ssellow quoted at 67e ro
OBBiD L not
�rne.ostasa ,st, was le
"VOW sessss4
s ----
A. tel Sked et Abliotsfeid*
Was Illo** Ups
A despateh from Abbotsford,
O., eiti's: Archie Baxter, aged 50,
plo ea at t!ie. Abboteford Hotel,
A despatch from Ottawa says;
Three years in the Kingston Penis
tentierr was the sentence imposed
by Magittrate O'Keefe at the Police
Court on Wednesday morning on
George if. Lett, who pleaded guilty
to the charge of stealing $2.00 from
N sr -
lUs Majesty Troubled Wilt beta
MA of Throat.,
A despatch from London,. aisy.s;
Alarmist rumors have been n cir-
culation in London recently with
regard to the health of King- Ed-
ward, but it was learned On ThUis-
day that the condition of his Maj-
esty is not such as to cause uneas-
iness to the membere of his houses
hold. A member of the hoiselield
said that in view of the condition
of the King's throat it was con-
sidered advisable that he remain at
Succession -Duties --Collected-Will
Reaels $1,100,000.
A despatch • from Toronto ears;
It is estimated that the receipts of
the .province of Ontario from ssus.s
cesison duties for 1908 will amount
to between $4100,000 and $1,200,-
000. It will, however; be impossible
to state absolutely the revenue for,
the year until the refunds ha -‘,e1
been made. Last year the Treasury
collected 4820,000 on the devollition
of estates, and it WAS estimated itt
the beginning of the ptesent year
bushels. The entire movement of 1
that the receipts for 1008 from the
*heat for this season leaves all same mime would be. $000000.. /
other years .many miles behind. The s-,--s-s-sis-------. .
Inetion, so far as the outlook for DflA.G GED ITINDEll CAR TItteliS
e future is concerned, is much ' . W_..- nl"ssis-_ _'
snore bearish than it was a wick LondonooOAT1 ° HIM Minteli10118
ago. - ' Bereave at Brantford.
••••••••••••.•••• .
Freight Traine Collide a
despatch, from Richford, Art,
,Ist a head-on collision of
tregbt trains near East ltichford,
or* tbi Canadian- Pacific Railroad,
J&te on Wednesday, Orrin Pickle, a
wait killed and 'four other
nes injured. The locomo-
tiveswere• demolished and six cars
. burned.
trident During Pesstise. I
rho�l tritertainmentss
*Leh hoist Dauptsirs, Mans,
seSPas Gordon 'Galbraith, it lifteels
year-old lid,. was shot and fatally
wounded while practicing a dia-
Sttte for a sehool entertainment at
Gilbert Plains on Tuesday night.
b The bidlet passed through his
• -
A despatch from 'Brantford says:
Mrs. George Bourton,. a London
woman, was dragged under* the
1-Yersfor-Octleetset the Grand----Trun
depot on Tuesday flight. She en-
deavored to, alight from the train
before it stopped, sted swung round
the- handrail *right between the
rails. The women, who WAS on her
way to Guelph, sustained injuries
to her back. Her escape from being
run over was mirsteishme, *
. FOR ',PERE* filfSiL
'Quebec Government is to(.4shIlt tor
• #ointers in Ontario* sr
-Asdespatgls-Irons-Montreal as
The ,QuebessOovernisent- is taking
action to bring about the puririsi.
tidn'of milk and Mts. Jules Allard
the Minister of Agrieultures an-
nounced . on Wednesday' that the
Government. ismaking enquiries
from' Ontario, and the. United . Stateis
and that the movement will have,
the utmostsupport of the Govern-
S rightin
td from ert
.The mo.st destruetiv
at, has .' ever visited the
of tb lakes has :been in vsk
tom for weeks *t the Canadian
'ratifiestoal *Ai, To Combat the
tontagration and save tens of thou.
sisudis of tons Of soft coal th*V is
threatened the r0/13 gni has resort,
ed to *totes* ster.stS nowt', 'meals:0.i
shims :Waxes *ithout
• r
100,000 tons in tlie nionutaino
piks on Are, and &stems of na1
ov lets "save uitlessly erkless
to get at the seat of this blase.
1anned by gusts of wind,elouds of
soke siva out* burst forth at
niht. giving the arseiranee of
miniaisre volcano. an *strews
aloft to extingaish the blaze. the
tosvany is preparing to put in op,
tratiors a steam shovel. It *ill be
icipalities in wbicb*was subnutt
ed voted to remain under license.
A •
Three Canadian - Rhodes scholars
have won scholarships or prizes at
'Oxford University.
Archbishop Walsh of Dublin has
been elected Chancellor of the new
National University? of Ireland.
The British Government's bill
prohibiting the use of hop substi-
tutes in the.sminufacture of beer
has been withdrawn.
In the Bonus of Lords on Thurs-
day Lord Morley unfolded a, plan
for giving .the people of India a
greater share in the government of
the eastern empire.
-A hill was brought before the
United States Senate, on Thursday,
Iiierease the salary of the -r
agent -from $50,000 to $100,000.
According to the Bureau of La-
bor bulletin between 30,000 and
35,000 laboring men were killed in
the United States during the past
year -
Thirty -four persons lost their
lives during the hunting .season in
the :northern New England States
and adjoining Canadian Provinces.
Two brothers have been gives ed,
charged with swindling investors
in it Germatyhotel trust out of two
million doflars
Thepeople of Caracas broke out
* riot and burned all the pictures1
sta.tues of President Castro
they could find in the city.
A"eideit at the lin
Have Fatal Result.
A ileSpisteh from Cobalt, say
Late on Wednesday afternoon an
aceident occurred iess the 111104,10
mine boiler house,. whereby
Frenchman, Married, who had only
worked two shifts as * coal passer,
was dangerously scalded and if, in
/tea Cross Hospital: with only a
slight -theist* of recoverIs =T1u Sots's
boiler -exploded into the furnace,
the, creek being nearly fourfeet
long. Thesseeident put another of
the three boilerssin-therboiltsts hou
temporarilysoutsoiscommission, And
this, will necessitate the cutting'
down of part of the work in the
mine until the boiler Can tit replaes
ed. The boiler whistsexPlOded had
only „been in use 'two' months,
tie*sbargo oisittateit 4
/ •
despatth from Windsor's Ott
says: It having been reported to
the (1%ernment nt. Ottawa Ala
souse stsstkness was being permit-
ted in sonneetionwith the eastadis
n quarantine against Mieltigan, hay
d straw and that giods were hes
ing received inland in eistssdafrosa
points in the infected States;pok-
ed in hey, . new *sit more stringent
rostruetiorte hire liten ;issued to this
sea authorities absolutelyprobs4
either tf.' the -sommodit`e*
es tied .above born esstering •Ca-
nn 'a edher when used as pesekieg
fair ark' are itifeted-itt $1.0 in
bulk outsides Shorts quoted at
$2220 in bulk outside.
cOmillry- PRODUCE. •
Butter-Poundprints, -25 to 27e;
tubs, 22 to 24e; inferior, .20 to 210,
Creamery rolls, 29 t� 30es and so -
Lids, 28e..
Eggs --Case lots of storage, 25 to
Oe per dozen, and new laid are
quoted at 30 to 3.1cper dozen.
• Cheeses -Large- cheese, 133'c per
round, and twin, 13%c.
• • t• IN • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bacon -Long clear, • isesi to ile
per pound in vase lots; mess pork,
$,Ity to $19.50; short out, $22 to
Etams-Light to medium, 134 to
14e; do., heavy, 12 to 1234c; rolls,
1014 to 10%c; shoulders, lo to
to'sse; backs 16 to....Mesjareakfaet-
a,con, 143' to 15c. -
Lard -Tierces, "1234c; tubs, 1234c;
pails, 12Xe. -
Montreal, Dec. 22 -Grain -Ca-
nadian Western No. 2 white oats'
are selling at 401Ac, No. 3 at 4534e,
extras No. I feed oats at 40e. No.
I feed At4434c Ontario No. 2 white
at 44% to 45e,' No. $ at sa% to 4401
No. 4 at 43 to 431s4 per bushel, ex
store. Flours -Manitoba Spring
wheat patente, firsts at $6, seconds
at $5.001 Winter wheat patents $5
to $5.25; straight rollers, $4.60 to
4S4.703; do.'in bags, $2.15 to $2.25.;
extras_, $1.75 to $1.85. Feed -Mauls
teha bran, $21; shorts, $24 On-
tario bran, $21 to, $21.40; mid-
dlings, $24.50 to $25.50; shorts,
t24.50 to $25 per ton, including
bags; pure grain mouille, $30 to
milled grades, $26 to $28 per
on. ('1ieeceWeterns itt
-101,7127 t_e_s_essitssen_sssat s
Butter -Finest creamery quo.
• d at 271 in a jobbing way. Eggs
ew 34c; selected stock at
sslAe, NO1 stock at 22%e, No.
stork istsirs‘e per dozen.
„Buffalo, Dee. 22-Whests-8pring,
firm; No. I Northern,* carloads,
etores $1.13X,; Winters_stiatly
/ern -Steady. Outs -Steady- Na.
3 white, 6434 to 643ts, nye-- 0. 0
on track, 80e.
si.odysisitds,y, ash,
No. 1 hard,.$1400g tOsSi.
1 Northern', $1.08% to $1.08/4; No.
Northern, $1.00X to SI.00,44 No.
Northern, $1.023i to ic14o4g*
Flour-- Dun; firstspatents, $5.30 to
SUS; second patents, $6.10 to $5.-
20; first Clears, $4.00 to $4.10s tee -
end clears, $2.95 to $3.00. Bran in
bulks 4119.00 011945.
Milwaukee* Dee,,22-sWheitts.- o.
1 Northeins *1.00;Nod
$1.07N, ; May, 1.; to $1
Ityes-No. 1, ** Corn May,
Standard,Barleys-000 SA01-
pies, 9 to41O.‘
Toront Dee. 22 --The ftering
of esport ,eattle were restricted to
* few leads (if' medium quality that
told at *40 to $4.$0 (*.wt. Sale
of Aoki* butchers' rattle were eats
itsvms1 $3 per cwt. (hod loads
f tattle were " worth frost
44.15, and sodium ikatl at
0 $4.34 per twt. Common
anial ere worth *3 t' $3.00 per
iee „eon% were Arm at $3. -
CO to per 'eat. tedwm and torn -
mo* eows brought to 13.60' per
rs and stoekers sort in
mend at *3 tO $1.76 per
Ives *obi at St.$5 to
/Owes( and larubs
ile was • chargethes 1
Ming plant and xnust have becn
srnoking when he visited the gaso-
line shed, a short distance from the
hotel. At 6 Vela.* a terrific ex-
plosion WM heard. The shed was
immediately in flames, and Baxter
was reached with great difficulty.
ne died at 0 o'clock on Wednesday
morning. Re had 'lived in Abbots-
ford for some time and had been
employed by the Abbotsford Mill
-err.... 4....
. . •
... s ,
rs. titan siet year and a
1 f, at intervals, money and jew-
elry has been taken from letters,
and finally suspicion rested 011 Lett.
On Tuesday * test letter containing
$S, was sent to Ottawa from Mont-
real. 16the evening it was node -
ed that the envelope had been tam-
pered with. Lett was searched and
the money was found in his posses-
sion. When confronted • with the
facts in the case he a.cknowledged,
his guilts
3oerte in . a Oourt Room at
Bilbao, Spain.
A despatch from San Sebastian,
Spain, says s The opening trial of
ten thousand W0111011 of Bilbao be-
gan on Tuesday. The women are
accused, of tontempi of court in
signing a petition of sympathy .on
behalf of Iesusa Pajana, who was
sentenced to eight yeave imprison-
ment for killing her faithless fiance.
"The petition extols 4-exixsa's deed,
and the Public Prosecutor caused
the indictment of all the women
Fignisss the petition. The don -
merits -in the SASe VOSS brought to
*court in three vans, and covered
157,000 pages. Crowds in the street -
hissed the van'Sk passage,.
The court room was linked with
beautiful Spaniards, and the plaza
outside was packed with the re -
Iremainder of the defendants. The
court resembled a beauty contest,
instead of a tribunal. The justice
and prosecutor were jeered in the
ttreets by the women, who dealatid-
ed to know where they could find
jails enough to imprison them all
sf consisted. The hovel trial* is ats
trading the attention of all Spain.
•IRON• RANI) .114'
Government's Stern Measures Ar
Ilaving Effects.
A despatch from Ca1cut
adopted zeciiit1
Indian -authoritiesstsxstause
rest,- swiftly and nissteriously, of
all iiittiveS suspected of revolutions
ery activity is having a good effect
on the unrest .of the population.
Indeed of being deported the head-
ers taken into custody are ban
distributed to the various jails 10
India. It it, reported- that the pow-
erful native secret soeietitit aro dis.
isiving_ as as /milt of. the energy
displayed by' the Government. A.
delegation. of prominent natives
supposed to be tmplieated in 'the
revastiestary movementscollestso
the local Commissioner on Thurs.
day andsassuredshint of their rinps
rt. Another resultofsthes-cams
paignSixt that the native nenspapers
are .becoming extremely taixtiotss in
their comments on the (lustros
First Trsin Crosses New Structure -
On 'Wednesday Morning.
A despatch from Winnipeg, says:
The rubteon of the Orsxml rastsk_
Pacifist ssr.s crossed. cessWe.lsesdasts-
morning, when the first engine roll-
ed over the immense Bettie River
bridge, which has been in course
of construction during the entire
season. The bridge is nearly three
thousand. feet long, and is very
high, so that the construction has
been slow, on account of high winds
interfering with the handling of
,tet work. On the west side
of the bridge the grading has been
practically completed to Edmersten
for a long time. Steel is now being
will be prosecuted as fast as the
weather will 'permit. There are
sitill-ssearlysigssmiles of track to be
laid:before gdmonton is reached*
and the shortest railway line from,
Winnipeg to the Alberta espitid will
be comPlete0
le work
4' •
A despateis froni Constantinopl
ys: Af'sr an rial of thirty
4) years Turkey, n Thursdays *
tered upon a secostl , attempta
constitutional government, with the
nsugitration of the new Parlississi
Iteted under the ,coastitntion prix-
elgated by the Sultan. .
The Sultan opened Parlissnent in
person with elaborate eererrosy..
The *one was perhaps One of the
most remarkable . in this polititaxl
history of the %rota; All the creeds
d. rakes f the, Turkish Enpire
seat ir th&)y leetell
owii ilkr4Sists,and others
tbe fashionable froe
gorgeous and ranIti.tole
never before witnesaed in
bi81stklgathring in Europe.
A otitis, 814E4 and 4t1140 vt#t*
g the Moslem reprelientativess
hile Clreeks, Arineniiini and satBolsi
gara tinrelrer:.*,eti
ed the elsristan
far at ran be j
at* issdisatioes; -th
ment has estered
*Jai a united li4eris
tom stirs
its datissi
ot ears
isyrr• 4