Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-24, Page 6 (2)her 'birthday gift*.
ese.a,peieosif tw
Vhorits,,, * duplicate
ould ees* ven& tiny tray po
than t, 110, orws, bi
ntir six months of ,WOr
eo*tins. and
YOuit YO
itt alsrl,00rmssereisst suce
4,eutor and ttt Oto vo:,:ttiedeuisted, nd ti
A Wilt'wluntterVeta -and bod
for1011t. * tura. and
vO;nbjfled tu pro4uc iu envir
e 3rUu 'weIl but*
Mt,' for Pale People. TIeze
• pilis never fail :to make, rielt,
bejthvin blood,
eed, eabee City, •says;
twelve reontlut 040- WA**11 run
*Iowa as toe result of, over -work.
• -doetor-ordered---ine-to-take..,
complete rest, but this did not help
me. I lis.4 no appetite my nerves
were unstninc and 1 Watt e0 weak
could .setsreelY move. Xothinif, the
dolor did helped me and I beeen,
couned to room
fIT• friend*
-000310.40 effie me an one of them
t eitmu 0 Ter tly v
Lor arriinft000. Pre.biden
he o 'Agriculture, mid AA
for the appOntreent .of a,,..co
**ion to inquire into the dama
crop* . done by. these vermi
n ‘s ,
hr isii
a,ches. me et the oriti-
is ;IjU YpUWU CAI Uinta in pl.110,11/4
° Arsene Tibet ,ef this Place has
en the foiltilwinkitateineoV for
r "I have brought Up -It large family
"11 an home always 4$010Y0d 110
he deputetion 0011isitited of
:bones trichton-Browne, Mr. Th
bald, vice.president of the chairm
of the rat committee of the Assoc
two, and others. -
They pointed out the eiormo
rlanusge done by rats estimated
Sr4a100,* Pricht0n4rowneTa
'OW 00 per annum in Great Britai
rived ..at. -by
lowing o cultivated.
444 -bealth.until -the- last -two- yeett
00'am .fty-four ,years of age and *
the critical time of life that comes
44" to every woman, .1 hsd pains in ray
right hip And shoulder.- 1could not
lis lie downtoe minutes at a time
by without ,suffering the -greatest
s -1 --awakened with
fl a eeling as if some one An.
n -my --11044.
• it Would he_a_luirnimc
wa able to leave niy roomo
tinned the pills for another mont
and theycompletely cured ft me.
am now n the best of health and
able to do ray work without fatigue.
I feel sure that all who
wffl find ---re
Pills. They certainly saved .
from a, life of miserY;"
When Dr. Williams' 'Pink PLli
make new blood they go right to
the root of and cure anaemia,
' rheumatism, St. Vitus dance, kid-
ney trouble, indigestion, headache,
and backache and those secret ail-
ments whieh make the lives of so
many women and growing girls
miserable. Sold by all medicine
dealers or by mita at 500. a, box or
six boxes for $2.50 from. The Dr,
Williams' Medicine . Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
atd tho suehindia
year, anddenounced therat as t
hief cause of infection. .114 add
that the..expenditure on rat poise
in the United Kingdom amountc
. $1,250,000, per IMMO; whi
ar-reorer.thanireuld-tte re.ni
711-St-Mkitt-- :10r11111:13t
"mpaign were systematicallY co
ted. '
The deputation recommended
w empowering the local rover
rit hoard, whenever the loc
authorities faileu to take steps fo
the destruction of the rats, to. d
the Work, et the cost of the- loca
authorities. Inspectors would hav
newer to- enter without. Warran
-any suspected area; such term in
eluding dwelling houses, outhouse
factories, warehoulleat, - dock
rhervess, railway stations and build
hap attached thereto, stables sew
ers, field*, gardens, -and st.cks
wood, hay,' and torn. rord Ca
rington promised to con dor' th
matter ited zxiako his replyin d
reading o
cures of thnijar caes to iny own by
Doddist.Ridney Pills me to try
theta. They did went:love for nie..
"I went all women to know *hat
I's Kidney Pills did.for me,”
sound Kidneys 4.* safeguarded
against nine -tenths of the suffering
;that makes life burden to the wo.
num of Canada.'
• Great Patienee and Delicate Touch,
, Required,
La quer-work is seen in its per-
fection only in China and, Japan.
The Chinese master of the art, who
alone hOlds mazy of its secrets,
lives and works, in Peking, ' Mi53s
Eliza kssidreore'writes of alisit to
his shop: In that dry climate, away
from t12e, sea, there aro more diffi-
culties in managing the ictequer
than in Japan.; but this ekpert, in
his store. -.floored, heavy -walled and
roofed house, manages to maintain
an even temperature and to get
moisture into the air .by constant
• Mixed lacquers—thielr, sticky lig-
' uids like honer or molasses—are
kept in ecivzred crocks or bowls,
and, the workmen apply • them with
thin blades or brushes that distrib-
ute thin, even waAes over the
wooden foundation of the object
that is being coated.
The surface of it box, for example,
is.coated over with dark -green Inc-
•_qver andput raway-toArs'irt--a-darl.
s e o w ieh are
'contsaittly Sprinkled With water.
.*After &sing for it day in, the moist
air another coat is applied, and it 'I'
is again put into the damp cup.
Travelling- on the LCR., Mt Harry
Towers.Sz. PautStreetiSt, John, WA, found
a box of zon4ituir, the grestsitindattier. ilo
was sualyisx/tOrn 'Sadly Olispecti hands at
kb" .tho 0 40004 the bslou ft* says
44zun.nuk eased ths pal* and smarting,
boiled the toot, and aside my hands quite
imooth. fiudimg.ita* good, I kept a supply
hal*/ and hasit. Sint, proved it it really
wonderful -limier. It tures cuts, sores, or
bums equally wen, solid 1 would not like now
to be *about at supply."' -
Mr. Towers is only ono of thousands who
ma glad they heard of Zata.Bui, . There is
skin disuse it will not cities* and cure..
ts, male is aprezeting everywhere. and it is
now regarded as Vent 4‘fillit.nigt4
Vock1110/11/. Olt the tem or in the home.
bo traveller should be ,without it. Every
oo* shoeld have its box always ready for
as* A little Zittn-Bult tubbed regularly oa
he handset:4i tate before retiriug each night
sill keen the skin soft arid free front du"
cote -inter. oFolisesse..
tt you lumen cut, a bruise, or lotus
ing ski* disease, with has defied all ordinary ;
wound by kiiling oft *II liirniful bacteria,
hen it builds up new tissue tell by cell -quit
a bricklayer lays row. after row of l*hke.
kit* kola:tuba ittunud-with-risw-hilaittr,
At aupper-night will they, be
aoryed the moat
101101010140 SAO
easmtili.;os food natUre has
properly coo
provided, unless they have
Otani° at: i f re
arosin.0 tit
.., -tiO .,
V . '10
tit*. M ie e
tsed , , . ...., .
or;tf .
LiutQljte thern to;
There may. be „a
en :leatcU
g .
sid'dorslk1' med-
icine, . !At tilt . h '
Pilhilieve been know to bring re.
'lief *hen 'ell. Ot er,',Ise,,ealled 1I411's.
eili. Sri . failed. Tbese. miser
tions ca.n be.subStanti , by Men
, ' d Ated,,
n spek high ei
"I wish I had never learned to
play 010480," exclaimed * in* who
had been unfortunate at the 1.04104
au mean you with you had learn
orste--yonr-w Aix -wife*
of .
Ire proposed to an 1104014
' But she was too cute,
For she noticed that he
Wore II business suit.
ortiwou FOR .0TITERS.
Mrs. Caswell (reading)—Tohn
how did the Sphinx get its repute
tion for being so wisel
, Gaswell---By keeping its mout
shut for 3,000 years, my dear.
• cive the Olsihisest * Chance.
Spanking does not cure -children ()rived
wetting. Thera is occoriatitutiotail nauso
for this troubts. Mrs. U. Summer% B0
roa, Whieleor, Oe,, will send free to an
mother her isoccowsful home treatment
with full Instreetions. 'Send no esdool,
write, her to -day it yew, thiteeea troiot
you in thiS way. Don't totem* this chill
the chances are it can't help It. Thi
treatment- also cures- -adults andaped
people troubled with urine ditnitiltlis by
tray,or' night,
Custom's Ofn0or---"I' thought yon
said, Madam, there wasnothing but
wearing apparel in your trunk.
What about these three bottles of
cognac "Oh, those." said the
lady, "aro my nightcaps,!'
A Medicine Chest in Itself.
Only the. well-to-do can *fiord to
possess a tnetl.cine chest, but Dr.
Thomas' Electric cOil, which is *
medicine chest in itself being
.remedy for rheumatismit,lumuagoo
sore throat, colds, cOughS, catarrh,
asthma, and a. potent healer for
• wounds, cuts, bruises, _sprains
etc., is within the roach of the poor.
est, owingito its eheapriess..It
should be n every house.
Keeping up a show is what keeps
many it fatnily poor.
alto a care for , It gives
speedy reef and endethe-throbbin4 burning
las. Skie.disease; swellas eczema, itch.'
ter., barber's mho ..tealses due to blood -4
1Poii01.0 ctS,--eaanot nem it* prerful heeling
board ti dry. This continues until tri
the object has been coated fifty
time.s with the dark -green lacquer, Lam
The general outline of the design
which is to he raised in relief above
_ -the- darkgroundis drawn, andlhe
groundwork- carved over with ftne ba
wave and geometrical designs. ed
Then successive coats of ted Jacquet
are applieA, and gratitisdiy h
iSlands- of scarlet appear above the •
green level. •
Eighty oats of red latitier late
tont are y vegotstea, it *A ideal eon.
nation of power end putty. 5ot4 * box at i
I druggists and stores or post friss lions ,
enek Co„ Toronto, foe pace. ' 14044 I,
Ai haartful and datigiaciasauhetitstes. I
M h
Mr. Youngwife— y dear t o
nig in which my Money is deposit -I,
has broken Ili' Mrs. Youngwife 1
it /nervy ..yottivet_got your
egue-book at home, leve
. put in and dried, and then the out-
lines of the, flowers' Or, figures', are
sketched en an,' the., relief, • orn
ment tatved Sldwly ,auri
. patientli? the Chinese workmenehi
away and cut away into the ilpar
inch of red substance whierh. is 'en
about as 'hard 44101;o6,44, "kw t
thin littbs ehi,Sel Cuts ,tinder it t!ny
lIowerc,natil it. rests relief npo
green leave,, /one itdinires the skill
anti Mitre touch that work 4 out all
the- extinisito Modeling oitjj
,cate :petals, .
"The empress dow r. is fend 'e
theme red tlingS4" e'dirette
414 who furtherjexplaine - irtany of
the' ',finished :boxes: other a
tides shown usi. Were
e fails is -worth two
of the men who .never try., .•
-sok emig14: ott min I* thip efitol nty
)rut ate hal light, Ai hoed
oM fOOMItti 1110 OW411104 *outs. infIlim-
r6 X4,0001,1 04. opium In
tietsiniist toevir hopes101. the
rfor fear lief will be fooled. *
Repeat It:-" eles Caro
ways -cure -my bought and colds."
"Pa, what is the meaning of in.
onsistoney1"'asked Vivid,. "Int
eoosistency, . my eon,' - exclaimed
"mewls Of man who growls all
day and then ,goes home and kicks
the dog for barking at tiglif;."'
A Purely' Vegetitf, .1.11".. a
melee's Vegetable Pills are iota -
pounded from roots, herbs',
solid extracts of ,kno*ri virtue- in
be treatnient *of-Itver *nd-kidey
complaints *nd itt ,giving tone to
the system 'whether enfeebled b
overwork or deranged through ex-
censes in living. They require no
testimonial. Their excellent
ities are wcIl known to all thosc
who have used thein and they'ro
mend.themseIvesto dyspeptics encl
these, subjeet :to . biliousness, wh
inre 'quest of Oenefici me
41.1.4. 1100,0,
d y Any Man isicleverVeikoglt
ow how important he isn't..
ver saw such s lazybOrte
, I ,lifel Of whet Volt
:119.1e I
Ws. bre riph (Are you Ifr.
Easel 1" Mr. "Tee, madam."'
"The piqriter Of miniatures "lea
' "Whet% you charge to
"°1701401F1:101T 4)1:14
*hitt $441Whafiedtit# IWIt1113.1* PQ.
Reforettes 11,ank of tr
eptat-ttr will
always cure my coughs and colds."
One thousand cubic feet of gas
Will yieldasmuds light As 10' pounda
of candles.
Sudden transition from it hot to
cold temperature exposure to
ram, sitting in it draught, eunseas.
onable oubstitution of Light for
heavy. clothing, are,truitful causes
of eolda and the ;ea -nitwit cough sei
perilous to person* of weak lungs.
Among the manymedicines for
bronchial 'disorders so arising,
there is none' better than Biekle's
l -Consumptive Syrup. Tri it
and become convinced. Price
She I really tlus deareat
thing on -earth to -you, Retold I"
you doubt my word, dar-
r have the bills to prove it."
That remseittest stem tut meat roe welteteli
wilt nut Ott. 441,ok if rent.** Amoco
Lunt 114msgs whim your omit, rivet und sot*
ThIs atigsgiroblt% tO*10:111.14***0011 olP****
ts in MOO. "
"They say vertical writing makes
rgery easy 1"
"Hew can that be if it's u
eght I"
:The healthy glow disappearing
irOM the cheek and Moaning and
restlestmese at night . are Sure
symptomsof werins in .children.
Do not fail to get a bottle of
'Mother Graves' • Worm tXtermint
*ter; it is An effectuatmedieine.
"Was your husbandlueky in the
last- ra0e. meetinglil ."Yes'," an-
ered yoUng,litrip Tomkint; "he
„cou ttpn
Repeat it: cStilloWsi, Cure wlfl
4111,W4S,,,r014 Coughs and colds."
Tramp ---"Can you *WO inc along
thm "road, Mum I" Lady of the
liouse—PPersonally, Lean but
I will unchain my ' -dog, and 1 know.
he 'will."
Meta*" maim& tut hoist 100fd gSWIlit 11*
CORM*, Ttpf 1;44,
tiNg" 414 ti,*. tplosseti ' Pai
Man applied .sit the factory to
job. Amonest .other enestmila.
theforeman*eked him Why -,left
his test piece. "Well," h� replied •
"theasked me to please leave
and 1 clqin*t. Iike tl refuse them.
rt will *1
iiy'COliUob1114 74'
England totitairtc&bout
square mile of toe*
Ari ' your earn* herder to remove
' those that Others have hod t:
is luppos be mai4 of Hve they not had the, same /that
they not been 01014 by U114
olloway'a Corn Cure/ Try
Aphystetme is apt aIrrav at bead. 01140 yone,
00 not sWillon elligens ang4 e4m$ koonin.
a is 1P144111100" b! Me As ciontiatt
' vgAL.osso
Importunate Lech' (who has been
subjecting the child to it running
lire' of questiona)---"Is the skin of
the fox any nisei" ‘Child -,-"Yes."
Lady "TiVhatlar V"- Child -..- "For
keeping the fox warro,-of course,"
"4 to es 1
4.44 tor thewg,d Is a few ciao. A soots/14o
Inoilieloo, And .aly aq,alj,sstone.lging tho tonsint
'Wigs i nix*, osloUlgr. 140.001
rre41***resaittfrusa titbit Vs rontsgly Lir
Os% Itqsor" Ambit. Bare sod Isaspectelve home
trO*1111110t; 199,04**10_ 1A10011010.4# AO pnblit
city. *9 tons ot Use from Daaseesteg and * curs
Aildtsas oteniniiit flr Steratgoic, 7S You0
treot, Terseito. Constla.
emiunif ...11.“.".=t4..."1"41'Ku$ 1'14244
10,4•01 *ad expo*** low 1114,46$1w1yp. yr wpm
ttmgat ****,4** Plan as tarts*C0 11444441
of n0
0r0, IP* I** want Se tit reit quick
legttireate.y 1 It so. Say stevk In the, Ceas,4114
Nert*Weat 011 Cbrepaai, Limited. Buy chow
wbite-others sleep, lhis oallynny owns sictiums
0, 7 ant 41, Tp. 0, Bang* 0,..4 ost, of this Zth hi -
the great Albert nu Bolt, whlole, oue,%bilrit to the
to*41 00thsint 4utkority,14.41014illikci tO lus0onl0 She
grouto.0 ell prodosing Cita rir tho wor4, itO
sanebract that Smut le *oar sailing *A trout $1,00
to 4r26,4oper acre. Thte orapany ha) the urisa
ggp14410,0 oil boring .plAnt opomtion, angl ido
tostairusic conothuihis ott Joni Nato-
lia4t flow"' 100 fq4,1‘ Pnookingtioransk 4, all boort
ling* AIM So pertain sr' the prooreptintingeeri
that -tai skates itirce alices,47 at1raugol from
cants t,,fi each, ant.1 dirSotly th0 fret on pool*
6140114:10111444k 7r°41 011111411 01114.$4.1° fb:Vr4:14111Y19onh41.1$$KIPc419tirs.P11
wilts Srde else?. tia.res err norvastko:oabia.
thatautt .ictied by the.Csatpany 15 114111,041 a.cci)rd
ikkeing.it!trasOgatocktali:or104 tittttritiOrt,,,,h,OPOot, exIbbittreblitast.
,hi Otto months. Drafts ayab1s to A. witAts
ma Cc, Ltd., it thai ugorebants Blokh of Consdo,
Yletosi&, It CI., Ant" a iiugst for, or Olt 4,10,t4aW
stock• Ines, 1.4%nagilgot trot* West ,01 Um*
;may. Uplifted. -
aZOr Sharponor.
Ito sot throw:away your nyillti ILU,thtit
USW' 11$4,01' t*O40140$oilr il,n0 OqD
Wotk, lcrOt bur a tate Of OR t 'Verfecttoo
Root; 1a.440,7 nrtiielas wiI kant you 1'r
in pettote rating 04 -Ott 014 eta with tar*
wilte.stkyou *lifetime. tt ,your ttardwaro-
or Drug Peeler does riot !liming% this, 4034
us tzo. and ws will 1orwarT1 surto 1otA.p4jd
ship e t r
C ristmste e SInp it onee,
Quick sates and prompt returns.
11. •131411TH Ilk Cre, titortz
titit breithf;r
d band.
*aa Ids an
*d.„ th Olt
)1/111,gitAL WEAL
Chili*** resourete f 0O*1 and ii
re *moult the largest
ora.bly situisted izs the, wor
extent ot thii great oat
be,om put at 400,000 *quart ini
than sentY times
te extent of all the ooal Le
laie. It le expeeted that
Chins** toad -will he shliyel
far E54t4»rn do at to,
proVide, sgaintt
loe. by insuring ,
ionz, Rorses, It*
PX011, COlta, gittir
and .$0100,1A h by
aecide'nt or disease just a
insure your property
againit loss by Am and
:sttetdir otoy tseit
dy oruta*,
whilat ose by Aro of jOhr
property *tit Ae'YlktW71,4114td.