Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-17, Page 7 (2)Sr:
flnn4 Usrbor,ikL,. 0 ,
3 . age but
, t 0
gr t 41,:r-enng maRieiiard
well .know and
pcttI here, ' eivte • t
lot his hoed health to e , .
ey Tills, ..,___ • - '
" -suffered for over twenty years
oca Lumbago and :Kidney Div, -
ase," Mr. Quirk Jays, °mind after
neleting doctors and taking their
inediejn*s,. made ttl), .,n4Y mind I was
Ineurab!e. I ,was -unable to work
when I Was persuaded to buy a box
, of Dodd'a Kidney Pins; To my
oat &Lid heePtsitrfirise I had not
taken lutlf a box when I experienc-
reat -relief. - -Seven -boxes awed
e That was in 1000; and I am
.3.004* -1 woilld not be
"slow Pills -for any money.
twentyyears younger than
before 1 tookthem."
• 0Kidney Pills cure. cure, et+
• 0 lt . t
ThaVB why they cure Ithenmettiem
Sciatiea and other diseases cauiielI
by the presence of uric acid in the
y damper
Thor to my knees, ueatIy
u& gzmkr, ith s riike
in zuy hand. y hair
on end, ansi my kneet+ ',knocked'
ther. ('oldIterlipirsktion
had neither loth
no rchief -in my pockek wtb
nx."Jight, ansi
p.tIch.ber my Int,
q-erbanging ;rick „weireedy
fles1 to Alto i�ldeiing
• uLtoeon*
1 1 •
v felt 'e,ri *11pain of
ra 'until 1 is
10,4 outside then thit
was sbzrp Ugh. ,1 -130A1 ,
i011 from the lamp into my 'mimed
hand. Then I knelt down and
thanked God.
est I :staggered to Captain
itel told him. Ile did not be-
lieve me, and told me I had waked
uP from * dream. I showed hhn
he powder-atill. stioking ou 313,1" wet
feet. He instantly roused the
-*sleeping men, zed rittenelted every
opal* of fire on the premise.
-Areong the most picturesque of
the searnivol
I e
randn mei), f. Brnche, in Hsi
ult. These men, 204 Etrong, in
their ,remarkable beatl-dress of tall
ostrich feathers, and their
lace -decked costtune fringed with
bells, dance from an SppOipted
place to the town -hall, bombarding
*41 •
Beek to the inilian,leetioy,
The recent death of the son of Sir
Henry Lawrence, the. famous -hero
of the defeece of LucknoW, carries
the attention back to the days of
the liepoy Rebellion. One of the +
strangest incidents of that .terrible
time is told by William Forbes Mit-
chell in his "Reminiecencet of the
reat Mutiny." Mr. Mitchell, who
wassergeantof a Highland Aegis
• went, had the misfortune'during a
battle, to lose the greateoat which
every soldier carried folded in what
was known as a "Crimean roll„,"
end strapped to the shoulders ui
such a manner that it crossed the
• Melly a man owed his life to the
fact that 'bullets became spent In
•Pa*Sing through these roils. It hap-
• pened that in the heat of the fight
my roll was cut right through where
the two ends were fastened together
by the stroke of a keen -edged tul-
war which was intended to cut me.
As tne do as warm, I was rath-
er glad t rid of it, but by ten
o'clock at night there was a• differ-
ence in temperature, and When I
was relieved from patrol duty and
wanted to lits down to sleep, 1 felt
the cold, wet grass anything but
comfortable, „for a kilt is not the
• Most suitable article of dress on a
cold November night iti upper
• company was encamped in and
about the tomb of the first king of
A large enclosure surrounds
• ed the building of the tomb itself,
and on the inside of this were. small
• Teems built for the accommodation
of pilgrims. When I entered the en-
• closure 1 noticed these comport-
• merits: and asked permission to
sleep in one of them, but was refus-
• positiOn, but was too uncomfort-
• able to sleep.
It struck inc that some of the Se -
os might litWe dropped their
blankets in their hurried departure.
. With this hope I went into some of
"the, rooms where a lamp was burn-
• - In. tot& it oft the shelf, and walked
to the door of the great domed mos-
que or tomb.
peered into the dark, but cola&
P Carl FRE
Wouhl you like to have a sam..
• ple copy of This Farmer's Ads
voiate and ileMe Magazine!
on the American Continent.
.progressive former can afs
• forst to be without it. "
ta. weekly. On1y44.40 per year
postcard for free sample
cofAgeat Wasted. Addr
lfentiott this paper. Loath)* Oat.
see nothing, so I advanced slowly,
holding the lamp over rny head
'looking cautiously round, until
was in the centre of the great *Intl
where ms progress was obstruett
* big black heap, about tour o
" Ave feet high, which felt to my fee
like loose send.
I lowered my lamp an)1 diseovere
wee standing ankle.deep in loose
gin.powder. About forty hundre
weight of it ley under ray no'
se ansi
haSty glance. • taint, showe'd M
twenty Or thirtipkarrels of the same
, intbstano.,, coer a hundred eigh
inelt shells alt. )(failed and 'with fn
prs,fn,.ion 4 ar fu
,...1713-tw 3 MI. 1
sArtlijsest 'Ws - „ssth-s-..
public joins, in the fun, and soon
some 5„000 peraons---mens women
and children -may he seen gaily
waltzing around the Orande Place.
ILLS OF 011101100.0.,
-In -thousands of homes, -Baby's
Own Tablets is the only medicine
used when children are ailing, and
the mother who keeps this medicine
on hand may feel as safe as though
there was a doctor constantly in
the home. Baby's Own Tablets
cure all stomach andbowel
troubles, break up colds, expel
worms, and make teething easy.
The mother has the guarantee of
a government analyst that this
medicine contains no ()piste or
poisonous soothing stuff. Mrs'. If.
11. Bonnyms,n, -Matta% N.S., says:
-"I have nevi Baby's Own Tab-
lets; for my little girl while teeth
ing and for eonetipation, and think
there is no medicine can equal.
them." Sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Willianie Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
The strawberry, -says- a European
authority, ,COMee from a cross be-
tween the native strawberry of Vir-
ginia and that of Chile. The rasp-
berry is native in temperate Eu-
rope and in Asia. The apricot ori-
ginated in China. The peach was
originallya ChilieS0 fruit:. The
cherry orginated round the Cas-
pian Sea.iThe plum ponies from party maY break off the match*
the Caucasus and Turkey. The!
peat is native in temperate Europe siresLtestwitts. mesiss
eata tierkesistifres
ts t''bfttinesfaet.
aiid re kelt' —A AA•sTbrisqui 4 wid a
COMVS SOtithelta0141—Eft. illi'I'lm°1:4-":11t24-11424"8"414614 "th "
tooktsubAitatesw there I* but one "Piataltill"
the Caucasus, and the Caspian 're- —11aq Daltii*-2$42 and 8"
Rion. t The apple is.native all over
Europe in the Catreasus, round the 'Engine -drivers in Germany Who
have run their locomotives for. ten
year* without accident are reward.
ed by the Government.
• 13i* iI1te •
•f, t
, 4441
.0.t; teik
Y •
sieSseretyssiers flffl.
,eaS *ateettleistrti.,
tha.1 IliaiIto ratik'weliti,
*44 auiI a crtd,.Wit"*"',10,7,,Cemsditieri„.
Vtlien Er* i031.33' 'Truk; sipplieci
it to the,sesso, podia. a few 4s I tbstitht I
***ratikatr**Metit. t TkeTleVt*t With the
iseles see, to lose_stety *bete ;be
i.bitiftorldo,bstwilak itixtbyautkallen400, letioitirOtelilhouive
put away mytick au31 trutgb..tb* aleeta and
sokesaiebeidasl,ao,d_.1 take thm oppeoseity
aitsustly advising' all who safer Won totes,
*en, et opt* swamis to eye Zitilt.fielit
r-roptrr trial.?4
k taby *Meting yeah iffipresaire mites as
-1.13,_is 'that Zosa.lhek hatrestithli,hsd its world.
vide tepetationw lacvsKy enuotry to which
It -has been Istroduet4tt bus becolact ths
leading family balm and emb ovation. 'Ms
f of exceptitmatineriri
herbal in **NO it sUppitts the
and elleetive cure for
4114.eite injuries to which she or
the oAohir**14,
seerTer esseeee
iisewetes. sole -sores,. old.sores, Chappell
hands, sores due to bload,poisonitig, piles,
catty. bums,- braises and all *Ida injuries and
disease& All drag lists and motes sellat 50c4
a bor. or post fxee from Zsm-13stie Co.,
Tomo, for rice. • Beware of. cheep and
harmful imitations sometimes GUtrtd as just
as cowl"
his game etAfrica-shouldile_syste-
matically exterminated in order to
abolish the "fly fever" by destroy-
ing the principal means of nourish
merit or the tsetee. In regard to
this suggestion, Sir David Bruce
says- that while it is true that th
tsetse disappears when the big
game is killed off, there are othe
Afriean diseases similar to the fly
isease- ate notsapread_
the tsetse. Although "civilization
and big game eannot exist to
gether," he thinks that the propos
ed wholesale destructiop all over
Africa would be quite iinjtistittable
As the new tountry is divided of
into farms, the big game must go,
but the proeess should be a gradu-
al one, applied only a* the exigen-
cies demand. For at least a thou-
sand years to come there ought to
be room in Africa for big game re-
7 t 4ItT 11.014re
11 yoi suffer frwri t4eeding, itdt-
ing, blind or prsstrudirsg4040, 433113:1,
your addytij, ansi 1 will tell
you how- to ure , at heratt
y the ,ebter ti
, .treztm&utl end
will also serisiionte -ot this I'.me
tre*t;n-jt r trim,,wtlt ' 'efrr
tea from- your OVA lo 1
A•mrnesiate li
ento t o
tI1 otlier*w .1
t fre Niagrtja has
, •
Mri. Ttrikursiik
on scneW, 'When 'wt tkr$ filtYr it, for
WI moment X couldn't speak,'
The manufacturers -of Oran
Meat (which is tt," high class wholc
wheat flaked food, every Alike boil%
rich in protasis) are rewarding
their patron's, with a very generous
The stint of seven hundred
dollars in cash or z life annuity of
fifty-two dollars, equal to one dol.
winner of the prize, contest. Oct
full particularsonA private float
A physician, upon entering th
door of hisconsultation room ask
, ,
1 ed : Who has been waiting long+
"1 delivered your clothes three "I have," spoke up the tailor,
weeke ago."
3301tco take ourtra eon,. %nether. Out att•
licetrIcrerce 11—&—Weittent1151-1Thkftirr
over the OW e the ire* ; it wat de Opt* *cf Siva
yOU ecuntort thou anything.
Mulligaii-"The byes say ye lick-
eg ed poor Casey. ,Shure, he saver
'hurt iny man's feelin's."
r Ilarriganss.",He's a shnake in the
grass. The blackguard referred to
me as. his contimperary, and
be the contimperary to no mart list-
_ tif.s,
-Worms cause feverislinessonoort-
; ing and restlessness during sleep.
Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator is pleasant, sure and effeetual.
If your druggist has none in stock,
get him to procure it for you.
The sea lion displOys no little skill
and *cunning in capturing gulls.
When in pursuit the sea lion dives
•deeply under water and sHwims some
distance from where it disappeared;
then rising cautiously, it expos
the tip of its nose along the sur-
face, at the same time giving it a
rotary niotiort. The unwary bird
near by alights to catch the object,
while the sea lion at the same mos
inent settles beneath the waves and
at one boundswith extended jaws
seizes its screaming prey and in-
statitly dev--eurs it. -
It is the Farmer's Friend -.--The
farmer will find in Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil a potent remedy for
wounds or pains in the body or for
affections of the respiratory organs
and for household use generally.
Ho will also find it a convenient
friend in treating injured horses,
cattle, etc., or relieving them when
attacked by colds, coughs or ;my
ilis.•••• .0.11
The Demon Dyspepsia. -In olden
times it was a popular belief that
demons moved invisibly through
the ambient air, seeking to enter
into men and trouble theta. At
the present day; the demon, dys-
pepsia, is at large in the same way,
seeking habitation in those who by
careless or unwise livieg invite
him. And once he enters a man it
is difficult to dislodge him. He that
finds himself so possessed should
know that a valiant friend to do
battle for him with the unseen foe
is • Parmelee's Vegetable Pills,
which are ever ready for the trial.
The fortune-teller is prominent
at Chinese weddings; should his
prophecies be unfavorable, either
Black Sea and m Peri3144 nte Al-
mond comes from Transcaucasia,
Mesopotamia, Persia, Turkestan
and Algeria. The fig ilee11211 to 1333VO
originated round ',the Mediterran-
A Magic Pill. -Dyspepsia is a
ears, particularly in Syria. The foe with which men arc tonstantly
grape is native in Southern Europe,' grappling but cannot exterminate.
Algeria, Morocco • and WesternSubdued, and to - all appearances
Asia. The red currant grows wild vanquished in Wile, it makes its *p-
all over Europe, in the Cautasuse 1 pearaincts in another direction. It
the Ilimalayas, Manchuria, Japan, Trially.,thedigestive apparatus is as
and- itictie Amerika. The walnut', &liege as the meehanism of a
comes from .t‘e Cancsius, Persia: watch or scientific instrument in
and northern India. The sweet or- I which even , a breath of air will
lenge originoted in southern China', make a variation,. With zilch per -
and Cochin China. The citron sons disorders of the stomach en-
d Indism'origin.
. sue from the.most trivial causes and
cause much suffering. 'To these
'Parrnelee's , Vegetable Pills are
MOST C11004ED.R/VER. recommended as mijd and ,sure.
Hitherto t.te Jordanhes been
accounted the moat crooked stream A caterpillar; will, 'win the emirs
in the world. But it cermet Com- c.f a month, eat food weighing 0,
ps,re With WhittRiver, Arks,nsas, 00 times as mitch as ii\O own Jody.
which travel* 1,00Q mulea in traver.'
sing ga,.. iliettincy•of thirty niiles as
the crow' flies.
Mr. Singerly-"Do you know,
that new tune just haunts me.
Mrs. Singerly.-0 wonder -*fte
the way you've murdered it!"'
itteatis Atter Smoak *soh* stiirks.asool somas Se
tsar *sum is your throat. Are Ya* ***re that
*too sitliotsg lietiett44 *old lo *0.4
*Ws Alisirstasst likasoso ?
A regiment of soldiers were
ently •drawn op one ,Sunday' o
urch parade, but the' chord' was
ing repaired and could not hold
luiliscgerfstthennit.niajot,'" shouted t
lonel,ia„ 'tell all the, men who don'
want to go to ebureb, to fall out
itt the leverets Bank." , • '
course a large non'iher
and.glaully availed\thernselvesof
h miles& , •
• "ow, sergearit.majeit," *aift'the
dismiss all the men who
dui1 not fall out and marth the
to church they Ated it
144 P56
thing ittNadu
known to Jk tbreo rzutbs
thO Item
heart Will vntiuuc to beat or
oluitts after being eut out 'd
iii1 cling
t •
atinea,OnttHo, are loe4e.
enrative &Ie $ins known as
the. tr.; *riot% Well. o
with prings.-13.-"The,
ye! lot it_ tromuloto
nerv9u*,prw,ttsitign, A*04;06136;
etc., are given by 'skilled attend-
ant* in tharge of * resident pby-
sielan. 4
$t. Catharines is the Mildest
point in Canada duringthe winter
Mouths, Fi
or -further nformation
and all partieniars ePlalY to 3% D-
MeDonald, • Distriet Passenger
Montt Toronto.
The Japanese show thewiass
lotion of an actor's. splassiti
more substantial manner than by
freely applauding. They throw
various portions of their dress on
the stage, and at the end. of the per-
formance the favored person claims
the money that the donors repute's
chase them with, thereices for the
various articles being at fixed
point, these persons are continually
exposed to attacks of ciild and ptila-
onary disturbances, The -speedy
use of Bickle's Anti -Consumptive
•Syrup will be found a preventi
and a protection, strengthening the
organs so that they are not so liable
to derangement from exposure or
abrupt atmospheric changes. Bie-
kle'a .syrup is cheap and good -
Greenland's population does no
number 11,000.
Lions, tigers1 and other beasts of
prey in captivity follow the exam-
ple of mankind and sleep during the
night, while in their native state
these animals sleep during the day
and hunt for food during the night.
Don't Woe t
non carets cured bY ru,
Set littiretoit or eu
the sore trot. Us tit*
*oos ousstetbereothettbat•
014 way. lt roust be
striven puke? the sPiteral-
Ciels Co!. ?tier wtfldo
2.5 coots, at ' • . ate
rsorby mail. 8.C. WOUSitc...TOLOOti
:5�O 0000 JENKS'
t 1$S,4, ism .
'1 1101fOr airsitiss iisesst whoa I lows *
foitogatagliil4oillot013L41.31434%14044 1114:1011141:11'11,14,374333:".11143411I'
$wIb Ow* tktsz, *M &
ooreostus or yeur polka after yen 4401•7* 11/444
wsits-tor soy prop -3,10m 'it *sots oetioi we.
prisy. •
'Me eVeltleillblf
-110441** IT MS Is
_ ____IhnstAktiour itts,
C4.1!11:010 N., .
It PION MO to., It tall 04
isoro et Soil nom% SW Crawls
iims000to PAW* Phomos•
—A Cup of
is good for children,
--good for the invald,
—good for all.
—There is no better
tonic and pick-me-up.
The Hospital kr
• Sick Children
Bramaing That gvery Eick Child
in Ontario Whe se atents Cannot
Afford to Pay for Treatment
The sea bas, itt twenty•tve year's,
washed away 419 . acres from the
British Isles, but has also added
more than 30,000 acres,. mostl3.
sand, which will be useless for many
years to come. •
193 iihrsevoililri SOW lo tbis rty et torttrant
lenge tor *Ott owe nese 'WWI as the fortsof
litaten'a !mot 11S1ossi, whish is testi rith smith
'stood offset oven 15 edustoptioal early 4et04
?freist **WA coosis.
' t
Thewrestler and athletes ofin..„
did develop great strength by
ing on milk, a. Mile goat's* flesh,
and plenty of food made from flour.
Is there anything more erinoirin
than 'having your corn stepped u
on I Is there anything more
lightftil than getting rid of it, t 1
loway's \Corn Cure will, do at.; y
it and be convineed.
*oii knnw you 'tsllc itty
sleep, Henry 1" 'said his 'wife.
•I'Well,.".wits the, meek response,'
"do you begrudge me even those
few wordsr
.... )1)
-", Et N EY
*eked eaSsetsettaketatettelieareeferettrit.
Ohio early sad s1taialtighost..yries4
„*ttisiskistssat.... ,catsioattass **Um vs4
ItifotoneSh thiliossiolos us* -combs
elm armelex. . •
• . A. Ali E. PllErtOltifi 00..
107 81 :vane IS1S, - • SONTReA,
Ile'and provide against
lose l,y insuring your Stall.
lens, Horses, , Mares, Colts
Oxen, - Cows, Calves, Hogs
and Sheep against death br
eidesit or disease just aS
OU insure your property
gaino4t lost by fire, VI
more so tor disease and
death May ecour at any time,
whilst Tog hy Ere of you
property might never occur.
The premium itt: law aad
he protection assured.
' • Agents WEItta III 1 rin#
Preseutti: w;liatriets posses**
veterinary surgeon.
The Hospital is
mot a loeat Jest'• ,
tattoo, t4U* pre.
viorial. The slob
child hem away
place its OistadioN
twelett mattes
the mime priri.
loges as the ehild
soliviog terortte.
t the hospital
Nor asinsterse.11" 1141) 31" 1*
ste he* sod cote
1,245 triode -368 4 these "weir in, 211
Odd* of Torentos thoreety-ilso per
cesst. were children
of poor oople who
cauli tot *ford to
TM• s ekarity ap
pesi, to and
atother, at Oetatie
for funds to main-
tain the bwidndsef
sicl4chi1diert tht:111
sturSes every
Sine. 'ioiisMa-
the' tostitetiors
bsa tootle* 14.44,
c1uklr. "104100 of**
sAtre ostatisle to pity *ad
euasofciab fci4 t
say chita Is year rn4gh.
riek, or hoe stay defetess
ix,, seed the
psreet's * a *ti
to Seerttery.
01 is itot tor
,Tise14* bet. for
tip* Childreat **
ear \Dater* so
to olio Ito" -
I *it,
assesorestreassiffellengliktritSMItser.!! .7*ss.des-