Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-10, Page 7 (2)TOE PANG.S OF sciATicjA 'REX ttOWN, fl.w **, Old. i:**. Caused's, • • -tr •ItetiVat, r r uestion otthe:'*rtsfer of tire • Dr 1 hunue over 'brute creation is • which,taa.bilOn,znualt diricueft- •• dhtihtefrwi *g p41046 iko re et*IteiOu's **liar glatt0e.' • Itfi 11 r 1 a *iv* .thioug wit„i#*-.*(9,04114 6„stk.**Ailk: .,:..,r6t1:11r,,4, • . .4, 41" '1111ing Vgh path* Sol 04.1 t -Pe'ankl0s- nix w"."'-' ttteittiOrIag'Afulid0i, • Mr tmeuu Our ther.i A '004 • J1t, • . te ' pour.* „tie , . "a4 ..• 'athe,* ;14 ' t 42Uc „ •,nery .17-4>tie`4,:fee az.„t uric,A 'O. , •, 0:00 `q.„. . 1(4* . 'Sive 'cOnesiltati * rvv1 IterOin &4414 ts Walk fa 4c1 foot w I faster+. 'ink this ,* very silly ,qi4es.. ask' but it ira't. xqiit ,Oemolististide fact.i,".‘* tan prove to „your kiwn f n., vsly few Ansinutea;„ n Rio rtte1 .V0U '..there •'disease' .er, re has thri gonAgle foi . he, ,44.0,441; ta*o. • ArOwn,, atC,tlier,precautionit,• ••.' • th*tonEO3'suo., oeial antl',eenniieielat:ziti6eetti,bein Vink ' She vtotiMof .4aatiei's,43 totird eure. • p.0"rwlie,er lati4ZbAjtal,e1INVocb:sisitalt id4iflehri! as htle .1'ra:411144)4 Strait:1S ;Ii.°:-yerelAto*P1:ainnd°ttee. vQavrzinkinittriDediadlikt: Says r...!..f0or a year I was laid EP ntly, • ' itbring $04 the torriblO (4)43taltP913- ternes OHIO when net tuid, bady 4 with sciatica from my side tomy 10th, What siiffered W40 at time 41104141; 00414 not touch My ,foOt t,. the floor and had to hobble 011101Ate Vtith " come. Xy right leg * vac drawn Up, and I never expect- ed to have the use of again. I was attended by Our family doctor, 'and tried. -several other remedies, ut,,with nobeneftt, and "felt very_ much' discouraged. One day I read' - the curd of a similar Sufferer •tugh . Pink: roki id. 1 decided to trY. them. I got LSO the time I had ; 7.' .--i" - you '. win :0"iiii. -4i-ilea:lc .0,;.. ttx& Iti-nee..0E$3tates oanges: 4 ..0.hulittor 44 'orY:for reSt.' _Nature and science. Iger-it-b---4-ror To -thwit sts„-rilett.ty.,0 ,.,00Pleuensiork wheniwer it is .meum liaxecoinhmed to produce an envir- . . tione4; -11-4.-t-Yet 13 realtrn70-10' ,onment vilier(Tirred-roezTan w food in the jungle besides you, the so4 *by any , Mau or. waltan should,. mati 0,19, renew- their youth, 0 animal Will be persuaded to leave fear Gravel. /t . is , „pureb,sou, the maul iiiii, tf. „tbe Grand ,i,r uiik you unmolested.! , _,_ siraplY a, IfidneY disease) " an" r.aa Railway 'SYsterni at St, Catharines, . Unfortunately, few get a 'chance' ei bt feet apart, and stand off *bout to speak Ili this 'wax, lieeouse thott 1:1:11.serinsbtehe;itiltehreetclisee(10"f .1,)g)loadrat .1.°0.nottia4irt'°,fs.' hole. is tlielt,ii4iitoe...tt 7izteb4° r4W74itell: ,VOgfeet, blindfold yourself, and en - tiger mvaris14--itc414uP-1)ebhiii--Aft Sidney 'Pins.. - -Take-- --the 'east of. iictirit. I heard the account of an gr. Calvin IL Snyder, well 10.3.0*Wn iSeplerillAgia ';1'ofimil4tlitheli4rilitli. - Ottlaetartlief ;1174111 1---itliiiralk'be4A*44ri4)161r41;-1:44- old-Malay-who was-preserred by.aps ire.. Re..says4,- .,• t Vellt"---nirdte-vt-olierritiedical:04- e, ogaing to the animal's better no,. ."Iu the spring Of -14 t' 112,. pervision and attendance. Appy Aite,,, ge said that'heivalcseturaing , 0104 *a:up ityonra, me back ,kno, 10 . J. Iv Alepenaldi„,,,Distriet , *s- liorae after a visit, With hie boy of was, also troiibled with eaceesiv,0 .senger Agent,' Toronto. Sit years *lung behind him on h , is ' uri * ,. I Vt. a box of DOcla 4 - : ,,,,,,...,....t•nrir . i ,,, , ,,,,,,,... ra.., ,.. , . ,4 • , ing,e tflit*"LJ . '4'1571. yourftberfianUctI him without gloves V' . . . Bela--' ros," and it woUld have been bettor for poor 'dear George if he -had done it 'Without shoes." s'eer�d„,'40‘,,,:k0.74n„ 0, 4 On 714011,thildc - • , „ tOxtr#i endeavor to Walk • 'natiir . • , eartnot keettadirW,,Iline. .• explanation of :this , ,sin therpeeuliarity of ons loot,tovW411 foster than ,the .other, or -ono-, leg • on'ecigride thin the -oth”' ..Le using one to *walk to oriE Xi* can try an -expetiment in thii waY by placing two :stielri at out . `t IC' ' * , , .,. ' , 1 ' sr ,twinge of the trottble since I ant looking round' am* a fig' er ready to nfi: ,rilis aro h egt idney - , . 4 , , t oretoror a very enthusiastic friend ePriug. Calling to 'mind ilia old amine I ever heard of," of D. *illiaros' Pink Pills,* lid tis.* 51008, he gasped out a few sounds. - if you rolls* Mr* Snyder's ex- cOnnuend them' to all who C.4 Sitilir, RO f011tid out the tiger seemed to be ample and use Dodd's Kidney Pills larly troubled," arrested,but he did not wish to I for slight urinary disorders, you There is no mystery about the risk the life; of his son, so he moved will never be troubled with Gravel. cua' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills slowly backward , to * tr h e- If you have Gravel, Dodd's Kid- _ ,F,/,‘• ,• ,...ti -7,,,,,-. . PouritYliffri or -vain iriCW latrby-stificit - • t way feed the nerves and teeth Whelk, the old man a back touched the root of the disease. Thetis why the tree, he bade tt e child clink • they tere such common ailment!' vs up. ' ' anaemia, piraples and eczema, in- Relieved of that anxiety, the fath dige:tion, rheumatism, xeuralgie, er advaneed with his wood -knife —St -YAW' s.rbuic., arid41- raven, arguing all.tEe time:in t1 • irregularities in nenttrrot-gro " eeriest lafic that it was infinitely girhand'*women. Sold by all me. better for him and the tiger to part ieine dealers or by mail at tko outs without quarreling. As he advtow -b°°°' °I' "X boxes 14r $2T41.../!°/41 eat -The tiger retired. This contin- • the Dr. WilliaMie Median° Co, ued for about fifty. yards, when the rockvillt, Ont. •beast, either convmeed by logic- or HAT VOVIIT 1 1110R 1*-'--IIIS COM daunted by bravery bolted into the ,115 'angle. • 01011: :11 IIDI V3111E11 81110311 The little one are frail. Their OnitiletOY .1trese. Will fest Any. thittrroai , . . • .„ .• • • 'Although .•.1i* the most democratic alwaYs• insists thatiaiS.Min, . . ° SENTENCE SERMONS. You eannot find truth by trizion- 1 iendships. trig. - A hot head makes no warm ----The-pooreststh _ e on - ban _ co-love-lor the poor. - Greatness is measured by our response to high' al -meals. - - We never.know our neighbors un- til we meet our needs. Leaders of men never ivar't . to t. feed on popular apprIivt Fort MEE eCiation. . , :No-one .findo haPPine88 without Mrs NewIywed--PCook has burn- • , - oft -en turnin.g his.back on easurc. ,.d the bacon dear ; she is. Bo young Often what appearlet.be-the mos „trivial Occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. -Many aro • in most serious ai1mcutis, en- tailing year of sufferityc. 1)rive out colds and coughs. with Anti.Consumptive Syrup, the • re- cognized remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs.' In Nature's Storehouse There are for three .witio had, to ts fad like ono posts * 71•410yr *hiSzizttkrW7liates Ord- : arms were so covered with ikresna"...tisato they. 144. to Ifs 1)0104 up lilt the 'ttale.# That is the esperkaro of Mist Voht 14..lifOcaloyi-lf -00r. Sotiott n C01114 *wit hold /poi tier tok: .rost -Snittifips-to-tlbows_tits.'kusoteua. gititala spres4, sty titter mils onto 00 stni nay .litAt was *VO4* Ma14., 1The itcblng ettit titcpsie wir -sision 441srWatiat. 'skate time ' •And sims. 1 retifOreiNtd wih t lob st t the tad had My mover& Today, 1 Ant 0004 otoplately of every tram of the drosd,a1 eczema, and I foretstty that gallows from *kin ,4istatte its know or ray Om *1141.b. Z*ItAitat bit* wOacdos ' • iv* medicinal virtues in even -ordinary planta growing up around us which give them a value that cannot be estimated. It is held by some that Nature provides a cure- for every disease which, neglect and ignorance ave visited: upon „mart- Itowever, this - may be, it is well known that Parmelees- -Vegetable -Pals, tat ed from roots and herbs, are a sov- 'ereign remedy in curing all disor- ders of the digestion. No heart m happier -than OM 011C and inoxperfend; Woret, you be, that love leads to take siA drudgery satisfied with a kiss for breakfastr with joy. •Mr. Nowlywed-“All right; istos mut have the neiless4- r -y- bola _viv• o ,aite is slight.. At theIptuasnint:thwei!IrdeSandernice 401 aen'ilytligurstiaatsmusels. h.er &trod I* Os ROW t A totted NU. ientot1144rperAgetbeVntcOerseittevitiarebe ArlieZeme sTymabpietotsmszhooufla tbreougibyl! 4neom, mon oppotrttunities for ""'1 ''°‚ bered that when the night Itort. - Tti` ja rim-odic:me- cures olio; Iler.0.11$01 iarret often 43 °°InIII°12 John Burns, was-siVen a seat in the -sour stomach indigestion diar- duties of tune.'*the /400 makes. s E.IRMNESS. Cabinet, two Years ago, he petitioned rhoea, constipation, teechinsg trou- , the King to diereese 'with. Court' Ides and other minor ailments. •., Tv ftrong assertion on an uneertainitY '.1.Some men," said Uncle Eben, equally good for the new born ItAwtp4okogrnsfaiittslimbeasetkItegde. hY a great fir"dirtitas'st 'deje5PpplariY nw°E.14eir tiltleytiaman Ilk:: ' ress in his ease. llis . 111ajesty, is 't waver, was , hdurate• and, an bate As the well grown child. Mo - 40 enthuldasin is better than the mot Oita or his high osition, the Presi- thers have the guarantee of a gov- up deir minds dat dey isn't gwinter Ileard had to COOlOtta to °Cert. reg- contain* no opiate. or poisonous ' medionle correct faith packed in ice. They who fatten on the adversit- ,-.4-:...... (font of the(' Co,1 Government ernment antdyst that this do no hard work.' . ulations before he had an aud- soothing. stuff. jars. cresamaa„ ies of •others are only feeding Omit" A Cure for Costivoness.-Costive- ienee with the Sovereign. New Ramintrg, ' Ont., staysz-t-1 own etOrnt&I adversity. . , . ,uess ptiinet from the refusal' °Utile Whew a man apologmes for his excretory organs to perform .their All Cabinet Mini -Otero and other have used talky's Own Tablets for .. - . religion the world usually answers outies regularly', from eontrIbuting stomach trouble and commotion with marked success. I feel 'that that it as too small a matter to men- tenses usually disordered digettion. , trty little ones, are safe -when I have ti°uIt..-,„'„.. Parntelees Vegetable Pill, proper - s mse at 25 cents ,a box from The earth :and yet it never viil dome enta In. them Pass thtough the Ido- l a- box of Tablets; in the house.** taxes more than dreams of the ed on scieritilis_principles, are t so sold by me„dieine dealers- or by new :heaven to - make the clean compounded that certain ingredi. Dr. Williams' Medicine liock- withof.it them. mach and stet upon the bowels so as Co.,., -) ‘. ,- „ to remove their.torpor and arouseville, Ont. 4.` - . A 'Requisite for the Ttaneter..--A- them:to prqper action. Many thou - On the cattle ranges of the West, 'ands arePrepared to bear 'testi- Ilostess---"Mr. Smith, is going to *bete xaeu and stock -are far from mony to their power in this respect. 81ng a 'clkuniec smilt**11---(31u"t --- "I doctors and apothecaries, Df. --Tho. , - -- - knew something would happen. I =as' .1:electric Oil is kept ,on hand The storMy petrel, although so upset the salt. at the dinner -table. the intelligent as a ready made small, .,i140 immense wing power. i .ne,........... `-rnot only-for-manYliiiiii-an --kreaetiiiiii- stiTtinc or eery sea, --...........ert. There can be * 4i/fere-Ace Of opin. fi s, t as a hoyst andeattle inedi. and has been obserVed 2;000 miles ion nit. niciat'subjeets, hut there is ' pine of surpassing ,rqerit, A ' horse- front; *MI0 feet Aeross-theirluitstrach- ed wings. . • • tori yolt.getstiteaist yes toor**4**18114144' 4714.11,4 W)LottitollnotAr. Vet , ' tilkulatik, ItatUttig bohtittar. If4Ozaiirsuce,Cootolay. &flue 'men "ilinaat -any- or• a woman-7except go to LIQUOR AND 114:ACCO HABIT ,c.,rt.. 2:5 Vongc strcq, Toronto, Cositadot. itot•ritioiks mitt tOi:'iSeTarsattti prtf.'afitimtat *Unlit* and porOn*lintsgrity pima tOr.1 by: • Sir W. E. Merolitb,„ 4410. iltairip. • Ws. O. W:R***.**•Prolaitr oT Ontskide)„, R.v. N Outwash. krotitl**t Tiletortles. Colin& , rxtUr'110/17.•Prfoide*t *1 Si. 141,14111% • Toro* - .b. ' • titor; A.10irreett***. lot 11,4tatitrt. Rev. W444. 1IaLar.i. 11", Rriatipat lEstor ' high. -State olleittItt are expected to possessft, at least two -Court uni- forms. VA complete Court dress will - cost attything from Zi8O to X-21,0„ The cat is tokde entirely from 'toy- - al blue, cloth of the choicest and costliest order, richly embroidered Witli gold thread, ,about 1300 yds. of thitthread being used, and it is t1110$ item that makes the garment . so expensive. The waistcoat is of the a0 material, and splendidly embroidered. To make the outfit 4 " _"* , terfecti_there_are_Lotteclie '-- oefit----0,1vith cream silk hose, and footgear of the choicest -Tor. -poise bide, adorned with riela 1;11., ver buckles. These, with * cocked only one opnlion flats to the rel.*, and tattle hi11 m!ttters hat. and * sword worn lzy the side - and . rd 'bility Of/Mother Graves'Wenn Ex.' .grettly. sim111.1riett uting ostrtaniothooss sets Ili 401gar. cat/f • lts front lissts4.reitsi to O. toll complete the orthodox Court suit.Tommy-eim*. may nittke he- A "suitted-WA is trigibleo fermata or. is sale, sure a eptc‘ua saiiunueroogs. ,I* %et b* coitlieSt gold thread' are, lavished a stat the °liar' tbi6 4)1641 Unit°ritt 4)f thie ii*mhZ4 orae4rit. era -,ftosi ilts" tro*w* ns. most , uxurious suit for Court Ilyrons, 41,1Dickens, 3 Goldsmiths, $ 1 . . The coMplete . Court dress a A sitlholotificom scootoiettgay. Ifit,ord Chancelktr costs_ . dna. 1.1 h. live that I'm entettainin* another little boy*" Ma-4"Certainly, . sov. dear I" Tomniy-P'All iiklit; give Me some este for Wu, tlAM.7 is the concentrated nourishment • or hoer .` A littleadtled to any kind of sou makes it more tasty and greatly increases its zvalue as,,a-fvOd. :04.1.10.`torontoo. WrOttittlt-v.totoitil.;rettitolis*-tor-ibw *Mt- and tobitteo, k*bit* *to Odk • ,Odormi WEI, AO poi it:. **, ton (tit**fra .4•444S-Cettititit*rit., 11000MF'- ,44.10,4V . • ,1414441041'.0011**P0144114‘00140At4io , • oth*rattor***Aagat,:**4141,4nit comilishm sr sXps*aL coreopoodittta*t144# VOW SIttbit.w,frtist.s4 worefrotir 440 /*tit* sP4 Aitrom% taill strata at so teats test freo front Zam.Bialt, Totooto„ for, tants vet* You toe isonfori gas* thratereas subotitates sottosnoes olfetati attageol.'. nnw., ot•on". :44„.4 4,4 4,8444.4,4.44 4 MEN WANTED to * 1414 4;7 11;:t 7 4 I" :t". " s 4/1 *14 *:$7 0° 1 7 44 $t t $ till is 4.111 ' v*ag **Po 401*41k*4474. zh 11/4/' WitaatItt, str.a. GO., taw*, cat. ;sus& tititlua tio *vow* mildroa, 4. PATTLSOra 33.31; SCOTT ttltat AtookAttoken & finstnolai itgont$4 . asp -40-44_tisoe _ •rf ar Wig sitiikobotti. Mn 'Ititorsopeo, tiotibuil*031" *41 APltitOtt 40111". ieAtit. 140311t1:1000 is „ . • wha every lady desires to serve at her table. rive is,,the sacred number of the Ohinese, who hit'Ve Ave primary ,Col - the Earl Mir hat This is probal y t,.. There are 30, :Mittens, 30 Scotts,,20 *ear, .an costs the Earl Marshal sx , 13(ve tile eltildreit a Chattee;,.., spa king dots net curerbildserof hot. ore and musical toots, five ranks of nobility, and fiveicardinal Poirtts, ennysottle and Thacker/AI. and virtues. ' Iltitt41**4*. /*rot ilkiikAe* " - (11,1 11 ignitary 4.110„ conips,re'd .with mat ,,,,,,,,,tasoktiot out *sassy. 6asolimsk 41t1.61* 41 A'tOtiititotiOnAt Otos.. - "rivt lurc 10, stostaitt, You are, get bottle of lIofioway"s e othirtr Court dre t' 1r7"ith"ou ow 04 lime* be ONO* Oat taNtSultiluie: sses . • Corn Cure - It h ratherinipretentions in. a ' /03, Alt1411.00$ Qat., wt:t seta free to Any; ,* • al% never, been ppear. , 7 , *ether her auccessfurlionte trestruent 1131°w0 45'. Ian PO$6; that is what makes dettr.'} Ilitcon.-"1.neve;„.4,10 r'u thol • Ic'oultl 'hottottlIT- 2c1';18-it:ItaiPgr-itabget?Fs rather to garment. The tor. 1 aa*tis;7„Lindge him btr his sat 8 is • . , ,,,o ,, butit .,P itted,e 0_ the finest i Air. tit.e,04,-- 'You should fit' vet with ruitussauctiosso Stnitooinciatty,but' .. ."--,..—* "Imo exciu 1 .tlY wo‘en for thi*por.. judge a man by, his clahei my write bier t0.41Y if Vow thiliii-to iroub'S nolm & 1 the ell'acces' ore it can't help It. 'This' ireattrlent also curies adnits .suct, sgt(t cwoi4etroublott with utios ditrIcattio.s. by • , I rect color for the coat -collar of cl°thes* * ' ea,hinet Minister is, 1)at1usseu5 soar', • ' Iet while the collars of som other The tek'' ion nur maY ne goal garments %Ivy in color, itect)rdio 1-41t, sou ngy he. quite stir!, )s to the,:rinic \the. *fearer tome A. 14 "Sa da'" i* SL the fOraign Arba'S..,*(104s* wearin•g *hitt ***4 others Royal ,..()0 /West, +Kiln othtr Court garments, there, ilecithOS bestowed' pletiV', lel I tl 1 11 "' go, t prest,..4 and t„..ey range in - tit* to - 4 - • '4-, roi , ift ' p jr„,„R Alfg t.1 • "• tV,E,TED TO AN''',E6Cf" •A .11ungarian "blatelisrnith more deliPlouk eAti 411cuicellY morn 'tent riovel, prccent tt ttm- Anstri economrcal than other tout becilmze an Et4eror; t was amito(46 tgg it goes farther. *ith & Vornesteacta, psir of.pine,ers a filesknife* all sivtt'ed to SEWING 'WITILTIM TONGX7,0. the shell. The work had been so German paper reports a ,Orfritilly done that thirre 141115 -131:Itt 403. (if ,,s,,strio n4meit $ehrik, even a track in the shell, The Kunz,„ who until w* 1iingLPft'or sent him. An autogratih pho. at Wertheimoq-the.lisart. Whey ix togr#01101 medalo and $15, in re lears Selma suffered from a, se- turn* , A little BOVRIL in the gravy is , trimproiement,vithisoasts- 43f.arli ' • • 8 LI. 'LI v ere 1)r/ow disease, ,Arhu.h 144 all her lirnbs arz1yred Ifer tongue, however, retnitilted flexible, and this organ: sli* .1o,e04 to train *he xradiutily itequited a' eettain Leta., ity,, not oigys i* eating stitibost, Sts- sistattee, Int is writing and ring, Oho would 'Oka earth of read in hot south amid kikoi And votaitt1011 II 410044 41 gr •-to a, bail lat her mouth. and a needle into the taide Iroi hit tould throat it Mar emit vosislorK tio** • ore bU$ng docks consult ou FREE a complete ftst of te best unlisted propositions o gen from 10 cents to matton as to how t Wii� me or no • '.414:41$ , *If 440, 4tn ; ,r14P 0,4,t ,tualiatiitoleimpatiq,00-•4lwAge4.ckrtr-4.A,44.6.*Itorr•atAsi• atrigaiAntrarteitt atanatstaaskatirksittrikatigailase • 4* ,t!11.71trziclhoft „ - ZerEpretiVirier130011.4200001.:., 1.7 VirMilOttk4 01010011114 '44 4404ICk luo u.eralipAy.,.....‘ itra 1:4:01.11,4160.4 itaJdAt.fiLeirlai t.4