Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-10, Page 5 (2)toadkelt:ling their
Iuhiitrnu f ton the *la&
lW111 12014 -fitfeWol
'14't forget the dateL—
.utto Lundon to 00oloilt Dr. Wisti.
fr. .Amoe iir*s In'Itteter
Oak. 0..0111 11441X Wilson !Medford %today on business.
voile balm started atom in He,
Brenner'e baIlaaclwIIl be ready for his
oustteners the hist -of this week -Mr.
Holten** of Zurich WM in our burg
Oftturday.--Stephen Webbwaein God.
*rich test weekattending county coon.
1, it edviaioe.
*year it eet to PAW
TeLttlitts_dittetalitgelt .
Irefileitt I 441041414,
- 'YOU-CAN-COE CATAitillf..—
peat rbeilqa
444.01rcr'm's4 si'Lawl,doebiroimoricain J. ,Taylor. 51 Bond St., Toronto.
Breathed tiyamet and Cured a toong
Standing Case of Chronic Catarrh that
Defied All Other Remedies, Also TO3-
ronto; sod Specialist..
--witteut-tekinx- a drola
to the stomach, J. IL Taylor, 54 Bond
Street. Toronto, tele how the distress -
Ig troubles of catarrh were eieereome
They have in stock one Dominion
no. *pathogeny finish. This Plano
i. been in use about eight months.
aguIarpIce25(L($J; twig
4 see this instrument as it is lig"
e beet value they have ever offered.
So. a box to $1.75 -the largeet stock
in town.
, .8* 'WAR -FIN &SON lop teachers ea wag NI ages susisterits est
ottr isegebleinat estalegne, It is free.
Thevere aeted fertheviellty ehelr see& Prit/011411L,
For a stylish and •serviceable
FUR there is nothing to com-
pare with MINK; and it is well
named the
Queen of Canadian Furs
Ottresiectlea of *weed siu,weds *V
Starr, Seeds, Nock Piscas and Mute la
Olt fur is tit. bir$10 la Ontario. •
Id other ters.ieeh as loyal lode*.
Paden iamb. White Fox, Lynx, Broadtail
Isabella Fox �r Aleske-aava-we carry a
apiesdid variety in all the latest &slot. ,
. estleteitelel Sitited 4* Avocation.
SS 196 Dundas St., London Ont
. Clinton ;--Oir 'Friday, Thou. vitiggirt.
too met with a painftli accident. 'He was
al Eippenputting. up a imwer-ntili for
tamping purpoaes, when in some manner
a gas pipe was forced clean throUTh the
end - of the "Iceland fiherer, on the left
, hand; The bone was "smashed. He had
• to drive to Brumfield to have the wound
• Note. the Shelf,
It's the (Wen Doe
.vniat, a convenience atiti
hat 41; ,stifeguitid, against
rried firigem an4 scorched
*Awn you're toting or
king a roast or a fowl.
aanning hot dish can be.
'brought out to ma instead of
our reaching in to it.
That."O the
Cloderich, Dec. salary qua*.
tion has ben One Which has liven the
CouraY Council 'of Suron simile trouble
for some 'time, owing to the freoutney
of aprlications from- this. that or tIt'e
other official at various times, ar,d at
the last session of the CotUicil It was
decided s to \ make a careful re-etitiort of
the salaries Ot aII the official/ and to
years. A conunittee WAS abutdrded end
made a eareful.."vetaperliOn dr the sal-
arle.a. paid in 'Duran with the saiaries
paid in other eouoties throughout the,
province. They selected fourteett, icOUrt-,
ties which moat Closet/ resiternhild fluron
In point Ot situation, size and amount of
businese transacted, and* taking the av-
erage or salary pitd In these, it was
round that this salaries paid In auron,
with' one or two exceliktous• ara above
the average,. A new seitedule pf pernun.
oration has been draWa up, which io as
Viiiowa, the salaries atpreaent paid be-
ing given for comparison
reticent New
salary. Seliedule.
County woolen $100- Itr 100
Tresettrer • 1,800 1.400
Clerk 1,000 1,060
-101erX-Ot Paco 1,110 1,100
100 100
-200 200
: 575
120 120
• 40 ' 40
matron ‘.
3all swoon
County enifiihtee 800 1,000
Keeper Bone Refuge • 600 600
's 260
Aset*-ntsia., tf•- - 1:4 -175-
Itispottor ' •" 150•;,175
Caretaker, court bootie 1520
Cloiptuin, fieueo Refuge IS
ihtiteholl.-lohn Philip* .lipped off a
boa in his,totia store and broke al
bone in one. ankle. -The 8,montb,014
'child of Timm* got 'his _bent
badly *aided by *hot cup of tost.',
ildateCteg6 At OttfteliAl.r Veietttle**.
For Sete by
ilit+MAtt• Esser
taity mew reeds not elm*
There I* only *Hi *ay to tee*
that le by, tooreltetkead reehtdira
d by e rellateett ,teeditles
steleas Tebe.
ee iiMbliea tee** •
r, sMIWIi.n it keetint4t desert flog*
use 00400itiewit rat*
tabe reatered teiteaerakettaatlf-
111 be *ry4 #00allts4 'stow Imam"
C W,klorh1. *St**,
ronchltts, Coughs, Colds and croup. It
has no equal for any distress of ths
breathing organ*.
Mr. Taylor says; "Some years ago
while on ft hunting trip in Northern Can.
ads. 1 eentracted s. severe cold_
tor-throiti- irapidly-deveieged
arrh and caused a inisterable throat
weakness,, MY head would become clog
ged during the night and there was a
catarrhal dropping from the nose into -
the throat. Many days 1 had been un-
able to breathe -tither -than through -In
own- and thit constant, hawking and
spitting wa* almOst unbearable, 1 had
been treated by the- beat throat twee.
*allots here and in New York, but noth-
int benefftted my .condition. I obtain.
ed liyornel at W. 11. Ceie4. and moon
found relist.' the throat dropping 'desired
and my head began to clear. I continu-
ed with Hyomel for six weeks and after
that time I was weil th every detail.
There has been no return, of tho trouble
since, and feelgrateful fa speaking
well of Ilyomelas it cured me whet -4
all else taw."
tta littatemento 101101 Vbat or IL
fll*n, 1C4111040,14 Onto 171191 Is Maio
Vor ,Obstistain ..Sternfich
ynten, Iqz .couvrue Atreeti
, At _:tiet#,as
standia47.'ti40, of
ra. er
..illaPePS14.:Por yac 1 had. autfered
'‘WithrlitaVittOlOaCit airdyzeUiCtilvii ith.
rQr.1004 :1'00; "A,
ac It would sou and !orni ga on
any rit1i14a.,Olt Of inX.fiteiti$44. 1 *AS.
ging to b.d aid
.„ .
„on.... war! Weak 'and
:14,44,-001441; grain '
break , out att ,.Over..myhos.*
ail to MY kneel.. 'My head would. aelte
litO-C*4 -:trObr viertitin0 that- I. would
and spell* of '01V:bless ,wenitt leave xne
.unable to Mee. Doctors had tering(' the
'tremble. gestrItle, but . failed to benefit
me. .1 tried )1II,ona which I procured
atthe Prii$ "store on advice or a friend
whiell has 'ettred me when all else fail -
ad. I am i.ound and well and. feel grate
-tut-to "141.o-na for My present health..
It's the known xeroulta. obtained -
14144-na that places it ° far and, away
above ali ether remedies and confirms
W. S. Cole in offering to refund the
;money it gt.o-tia. fails to-eure --stomach
trouble; Sir- cents -a-tbx. Belief in
twenty-four hours.
residents jot; Tueleersraithin Out
vicinity of .0eaforth were grestly•
adateestuttrywhelassr:Istepasbad.. Wok
PelinneW-On,t,13 been
T. Perry to off to the Old Country on
a Imre* purchasing trip...Henry Busch,
tor.,--tts4 tita misfortune to -to --teat
week and beam his aum.--,The Sunder
Schools and enterch choirs are getting
ready for Chrisimas.--OUr people -Th are
talktruf tire protecUon agstin.--Mr. 0.0.
Smallacornb has disposed of his ',run -
dry business to Robert Biggins who has
taken- possession. -Miss Gertie Caldwell
datishter of Ann Caldwell, was married
last week to Lorne Moffitt, non of J.
Moffitt, grain buyer of Kippen. itev.Mr.
Larkin of Seaforth officiated. They'll
reside on the'Alkenhead farm.-johuston
& McMartin's, slaughter house wes des-
troyed by fit* on Wednesday morning of
last week. Cause unknown. -Mr. and
Chas.41eDonell were In Forest ow-
ing to the deathe of Mrs. McDonald's
brother-in-law, Dr. Walters. Doceaaed
died ot appendicitis for which he was
liblierated upon, and was 111 only one day.
Ile was very popular In rorest.--Thavid
Cantelon Ishipped one thousand turkeys
last weetir-or. Chesney left on TnesdaY
for Windsor to act as icterinary inspect-
or for the governrnent.--3. MacArthur
was In Chleago attending the cattle-
men's conveation.-Miss Margaret Don
thron le visiting* her raster, Mrs. sump.
son, In Wroxeter. -W. McLean has -been
Mimi, take A teaspoonfulof the fol-
lowing mixture after each meal and it,
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound' Xenon, one ounce:.
Compound syrup ' Sarselearillat three
These harmleria Ingredients can ba ob»
tabled/ fro nt our home druggiote4 and
are caih1 mixed by shaktrig-therit well
In a bottle, liclicf is generally felt from
the Mat taw doers.
pteserlptIon fetees the eloggedo
up; inactive ,Itidneya to titter, and strain
trorn the blood the poisonous wage Met
ter and uric iticido`vtiakh causes Meant-
As ItheUniattsm 11*, not only tkie most
painful and ..torttiroust dietiatte. Imitt 41,1111-
getetfil to Aft, bid* siaiple receipt will
00 doubt be greatly valued by mini suf.
tears tete at bottle, who gaottlel 'at °rice,
prepare themilettire to get this relief.
It Is ciald that a sereon. Who woulti
z.te tfile priotoottiein rti(utettri, doso,
or itveol daily, or tVen'a f*W. tirnior
Visteld gitt takve kidror
, orstotry otemt* tutwousin,
this out and SktnterVe it. Good
itheilmatliont prettcriptioni *bleb really
relieve Are Vette, fraltell, and when you
need it, 10-otit wa.4 it, badly.
trbaircaleil in ilibhert on 8nndsy.
Dec. tlith, Mr. Oltrietto, father of Mci
ties ripe age of S
ear* Deotoomed had been itt good
up to a short time before'
destb. The resialas wet* interte4 itt
Roy's tomato,/ 013 Toosday.ithe
itite * number . free* bora attossiett,
tbs *ad Iluntor **slogs at
nd*y,..Iolhm Woos low
-after beffig-asettrrio
k Oft OW biro recently'
Riggs leaves this
Wrekfnny,isncJ'..$s. med Mr*. 4,A.
irivalted frIttkda Irk
Ibutirielnhly*k.fei* At Mr.
seettre owner, but fortunately he suc-
ceeded In- getting -thein out ot the !tense
before they succeeded In their plans. In
the excitement a lamp was overturned
add set tire to a, cloth which was cover
tag the tablein their haste to get
ow,-emaa ng- several Meisel -and Ow
the frame. W.m. Devcreux, a neighbor
of Genuneirs, also had an encounter an
hour earlier, being ordered to band over
his money. Both cases were reported
to Policeman Gillespie, who, assisted by
vo Gundry 'bf Goderich. proceed.
40----investisate_ _attars__ AU& -arrested
the culpits, who weve two residents of
Iteaforth, J. Steele and J. Sullivan; They
appeared before Crown Attorney` Sestgar
and were went to Ooderich to stand a
Aloe llivray
Andrew. Grieve has * good idea who
tbe person le who took five turkeys
from his barn on Saturday night and
if the turkeys are not returned forth.
with he promises trouble. -Re'. A. A.
Woe, son of Wm. Bice Sth con Mc-
Gilllyray, went ander an operation at
* London hospital one day last wieck
for the removal of gall stone...044(m
Horner left Tuesday morning for Oil
Springs taktoaro of her sister who
is ill. She expects to be absent a
couple of weeks.
,X)estli.-vrtn. window., ot con .0 ,Mc.
atiltvraY Tn., died at his home on Friday
night. Fie was one of the oldeet sett-
lers in the township and for forty-eight
Years hod lived ot he same farm. Born
In Somerset, Eng.. 85 years atro, he em-
igrated to this country when ten years
of age and settled In the Township of
Pickering, coming from there to McGill!.
vray. Five years ago Mr. Windsor fell
out of the granary loft in his barn. sus-
taining a fractured hip and an tnjury
to his spine. Vern which. he never recov.,
erect, having been confined to his bed -
ever mince. He Is aujIrIved by his arida-
ow and seven children; Lyman of St.
Clair, Mich.; Elizabeth of Detroit;
Charlotte of Soo. Mich.; Malcolm of.
'West Williams; Alice and .Joeeph
borne. The funetal took place to St.
James cemetery. Clandeboye..
.(Mapie Grove)
(Too late for lest week...)
A. Nell and son disposed of bunch
of fine rattle the, other .clayi to Mr. P.
F. Downing' of Lticatt for v evAndsome
tigure.-J. Simpson arrived home from
Lattknow Monday evening...4g. MurdY
son-of-Glandeboyer -Ebner -rittyort
boys will have to take a back *eat now.
„McGillivray ficiincil
Council met id' the Town Hall on
Nov. 80th persuant to atilatirulnent.
All meralvers present.' lilinutee of last
meeting read and signed. A number
of account* were passed.
By.law No. 6
of 1s appointing the place for hold.
lug the nomination, 'the pleas. at
which polls will be opened- the 'Deputy
Returning officers and Poll Clerks as
reoxl.a first and *mond time be read
third time and passed. --Carried.
TheCounciLtbeaadjournettto -meet
in tbe Town MS on lietday, the 15th
day of DerceMber, at 1 o'clock p.m.
a. D. brumireind. Olftek..
Mbbott.-S1110. J. W. Steinhoff 'of Stria
ford has been here Tor aentettays attati-
thg her mower, lira. John lifer of Bib.
bra -Township. Mrs. Our. 'Who Is
elderly lad -Y, had the mierottulo t.
brealc her hip by falling hi her tones
Mty wor two *go. Mr. fuer taw been
jet, during' the lard two Or thret year
't* wesk ikrid Walr &Wilt lath
tilra that *lie fill With the teritairAthat
her Alp was -bro
',14; it I::: III:: uilloattiovoltrs Wira412:41")14
et tb'
.Ibm;00.01;:twoetek` !tr1410,0e irattere)iten4or l'*0417.ostior.
0441040-40014416W -
preple;.,Mlitk arnileiV Ott' -4
ton and look, ths plictuto Mialtb. We
akto *PO tek ite4 Ititta hal* itl?tee7
1140ra errIved In, town to visit filends
el, " XiY4,771;g1.I.A.‘": T.1*v0,94,
40, , Kirlitto4 .
tott,..tWA iii:1,1'0014*e'**111
bis .ea,*.oil„nea t nOtxoto
4yutt,f,4i tkoni
Volt "Vtel*rAtIAniii to
qv! „ Itifylltt Wm. if,cOm
14411. 4Weiffni00440,..""1***14; 1404,
bouglit,.•,fte, 50,scrivntarm. Itemean
cke Of. Stephen '13444111 rtni
AcC,,C4'Y nark* Of lifanitliba ,tt 'good
consideration. Jap now oWns 1;i0 Acres
In a, tile*. whielt make* rt. good Wm.
The 00 acres ha.* been pmviottely „work-
ed by }itch. Vikagherne, who Opl.,folim..
*elution this. Fletcrier,
of whom we previously made mentlint
as being In London Ilospital„,_!_tre very
blir4h regret 10 ealr. le not
strength very test and her frieuda feet
Y.#0 4114014 concerning here -Mrs
prstileo who has been III during th.e peat
Week, is able to be arotind
Sunday night whets .the-atirkton chOir.
furnished the *dreg= -at -the Anderson
APPotritment, their places were taken by
the League choir. Miss Lucy Doupe pre.
sided at the *Ilan...anti so -Weil-did she
plarthat the ,mtisic -wses-admired-by--alti-
Wiiiirifol feel ttat we shoUld particular
ize but would liet-be doing justice It we
Reeve„ who took the bias sit
they are ottite capable of holding the fort
Bacholorta Bstilr.*On Weeder evening
teat one ot the fittest parties that was
ever given in ittritton was given by John
Nixon. HO being- a bachelor the InvIta-
tiott znerbetrce";:very limgooditelyo_titrawin_wg to *apace.
Tiorqnetskr---wsrr furlibibed-br-
the HWY Mae Orchestra, whet played the
very latest variation*. Those in at.
-tendence say ' great credit reflect* on
John for the kindnetes shown to them in•
catering to their wants !tad we hope he
will always remain bachelor,
Mrs. Abide Walton' is visiting exound
here for • few ,daya.-Our merchant 1*
doing a rushing business these diti.s, itt
the poUltry, Me WON In a good
number daily..-itev. Arthur Carlisle *hi
preach in St. Patrick's church on Sunday
Dec, 13. at 11 o'clock -Mr. MAUI nod*
gins is all altalea"44011 ed. There le
Ottli WON' atilvel tro tojno of: Vri.
"owns. Puthiutea-AV* Loy*.,4.ittot
Om at .4tr,i retertafea cliwrch are nAldwit
tPtegs:11rameAlttre.:41z. OLA:IL1114.fatOrce,tk:t.ttletii 41;
*III fit cowed to -make 'ft slOWS,
MSS. T14eY are anted. ter. alwaY* Iavf
a„ good: ttinell4 tin*. wilt to the
ever held. '000. ,and_etelay-yeUrit!
we' bo?io :91: 144 latts)Ni
tespit410,'."qa' .0,v.:
ttiu.r goer tsite. 'Oen; $04.
9! V1 debov wai £k1
:44410*pgtette: 0104160 isnot
'kott .'ttit ' fh-Ph 'iti.!m•S't!)*tiality•,', •
hteifft:. cif," Ott- •:14010:i 011
fano . In W011uvraY. Vite .
%trip: tkott a,.14pir P.K.,14,001
1 •
John atiertter of tile PrOntion,
Watt in Waterloo last week,..01.
helin And wits of ils.ttert visited, the tolt**
teres parente. Mr. *tat Mra, David $41*
ants, Sauble 1400,--licnry VirebWr
Waterloo is helm for a Vila with '
farnibrio-Mra. thrbert E. Att of Egeter
spent * few day* v4th her 'nobler, gra.
1.!,* Bender. -31r. and firs. Juetus D6ratk
or Ashland, Witt., are vieiting relative*
and friend* here. They were format
resident* of this place.--ThSVInolle-et*Ot
at t110 grist blew down lest wet*
during the heavy wind. Tito roof of the
dynamo annex was puactured and the
stack wreck, it is only three years
since it was put up and it is or heavy
Iron„ --11. Volland, aid.. N. Foster*
have purchased 50 acres of !au*
the 8th.-- on. from 0.
Ansa Crabr.,--.4. pray wedding IV
Oa Weetneeday, when her etu;nt, r.
at Tars, formerly night °relator at .fl'
as Craig. The Ceremony woos perform*
by Rev. Mr. Spidell tho presen4-3el
about forty inVited guests.
h 1.issateasaht baportaat that
yea sheekt eel all the leformatios
,aboitt conggidnitir* -TN* sewn
ea a ateassot. Isar outways ds.
ponds :wpm year Asks, '
Oer Frei Cat.d..ges tel, ell stovi
-roe Metheito of Towehreet-wtrw.owe
E:4Itilawaies vtle eke ewe,* Ze tteeklivoi.
eepteiee Ceemeeteiet nett.
. **tier 14 datae. iviea
althe treasisaUvrat.e. A.,ovoinecfea
uerme4 immott 'Atte Oat t?1,0% rREE
iv mono got wet *aim tUp.3t soma
sr viarael.a
• $4,4**1114414404 "
ANWIika ope.400$1 ,orptioseisir 4:4 Jamprott
Inia rano City
iksolorea load Sherthasi Whets
le% Ill'eeMd. Wittovve.
Vie will be plused. to tell you*
if yeti will turrdsb us with .parr
*Wars. NO chore*. •
We alto supply. you ;with
will fonts cul.4 place your will in
'ou* fireproof Taubs. where it .
autos get kit.
The Canada- Vogt coMpany is
trustworthy* overieneed oxbow -
tor that ivtu inanity Your estate
- most ec
allycan out the tem* of your
Our intimate cixtusetion -with
the ItMetti - "'Oen and
Savings 'Co. enables is to obtain
, numerous. investments Whkis
cern* -*Cr the. 41 Vaittett Act„"
and of labials et private larty
would never beer. Ilia coals*
1* to keep our Toot Piaui* always
"investod,atvi, Estsites- -,dertv* *-
oat than otherwiee. •
Service* Of , ramify- 13olti1tot
aIwaa retained. - •
invited, ant