Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-10, Page 3 (2)• 4'1„.• •• e r, 0 %_. ,h from, 0 .1 0 ,- t ;0)414,.P 4,1 e CPJL . *ring hereat .SQ reside Fred ROtiveit �f Ot- t*ws1 'engineer in 'chargea 'the - .10041, was institetly killod1 **td .1t Crawford,. Ottawas firemen '• Mail --Clitele-lihireelt; • Fagineer Nagle, • Smith'it Vella, -anti W. 0, Rothe • beggegemen auffered slight inj,tir- ies. The bit'ggage ear of the pas - (tenger train was badly damaged, but none of the' pa.ssengiprs were rturt. Both %rain and engine were travelling at high speed and met on a ,curve. Both engines were badly Wrecked. The engine e were almost on each other before the danger was noticed. Engineer Rowe reversed inireediately, an I in doingso warned Fireman Crawford j , who jumped, nerd eaceped with it "iret;:- • err 0 ° were 1 .burned nom° pattonic :engine* *iss going to, jump 'whenr he was hurled .out of the window and down the bank, sustaining a nuMe her of bruitese. Engineer Nagle got •tegglit at the tender by the coal, which Was piletleour- Knee Ifet_was quickly released by the wee pas- sengers and wax able to wellt to the ;station, sis he had only s num. ber of bruises and his leg scalded. The light engine ehould have stopped at Granges Station, about ten miles east of here. " Instead an effort was made to reach Pembroke and the fatal eollision wa* the re- sult. The engineer's watch had stopped, which misled him as to the time he liarl to make Pembroke. A 114 ".• o Ste. Marl el ' .1:11 hint Fins ' A despatch from Sault Ste Marie, - says: The steel plant of the Lake Superior Corporation elosed down 1,,.. O clai(31 L,P4 .4 * e of he Season Just PNDENSED NEWS ITEMS I'iMN1S FROM ALL OVVil ,rot 'gni 'o t: t trOUTS r it , , , 4 .04.4 Jkeinibe ' ' 0 .0., 3 , 4 ti,ifIthONO# it Ifi) 01 t 91t,(?t%z .hoiewe grOetrii 01)0.4 ir TrOveateat in'itusiness and an e• eouraging.outlook. , ° 4 conduetor and an engineer were slismbeexel by.. the C.P.A., following en inquiry into the Bethany wreck . Lee/4 option bysla,iiis ere to be eubmitteki-fir-Wimuletesek arial3ratit; ford, and, St. Catherine!, ratepay- ers will vote on license reduction. The Quebec Liceneed Vietuallere are strengthening their association for the struggle to retain the trade, which is in (Imager from the pro- hibition movement in tile Province. 15e - GREAT BRITAIN, Harry Barnet°, the wealthiest untitled man in England is dead. E. G. Pretyxuan, Conservative, W8,8 successful ifl the b ic A despatch from Monteial say: Official figures issued on Wednes- day show that from the o eningof ..iesisseme - se, =mg cording to -the statement of Genera -Manager Franz, -from -lack Word ors. Rolling for the last order o ,the Transcontinental Railway, was finished on Wednesday morning. -1,The management annoupees that -the plant will re open on January 1 ¶he blast furnaces and other induetries will continue operating in full force. Last month is An- nounced to have been the best month in the history of the blast 'furnaces. In spite of this the steel plant bas had to purchase Bes. settler pig iron from outside points during the past two months. die - r announces oliatt . . UNITED SPATES.. South Dakota'a old out ut for 5,411721. err.. ber-o ocean esseis that 'roadie Volt:was 739, or f previous year. Inc tonnage, haw - over, ohowe a feir increase, there being 1 958 604 tons compared with • JP 1,924,475 last season, giving an in- crease of 34,129 tons. The number of vessels arriving this year is the (smallest for many years, ie00, with 787, being the previous best. The total has not been so small since 1903. It is also remarked that no eathng vessels of the sea -going type have •come to Montreal, while in 1903 the tonnage of that class was 11,304. The total revenue of Ole season frons all sources amounted • to $333,123, as against $330,250 a year ago, • an increase of $2,860. The totals on imports show fall- ing 00. The mount 'WAS 1195,500, as compared with $21(3,000 0, year ago. _A Rein is reported in exports, the figures being 190,000, against 474,500, • CHARRED DON'ES FOUND. 'Thought to Be Remains of Woma Who Disappeared Tears Ago. A despatch from Brockville, says: ,Crown Attorney OVA% WAS com- municated with on 'Wednesday by tho reeve of the Township of Augusts, as to the advisebility of bolding' inquest on a charred v:igo skeleton und in the woods by James sout, near Algonquin. Many years ago Mrs.' 0. Dolton, an eld- •erly resident of North Augusta, mysteriously disappeared from her' home, and, though diligent search was, made, no trace of her Could ,he found. The story goes that she was last seen in the vicinity of Void's weeds, which she is suppoa- ed to have entered and died from exhaustion, having then travelled trimly miles. The portions of the skeleton found have been accepted by relatives as those of Mrs. Bolton, and they were buried on Wednes- day in the fatnily plot at North Augusta. . •- .. 41.44..1.***.gs***** . I FIRST GOLD COINAGE. TEE SELKIRK SETTLERS. Miss rfathesons "Who Was Bornson Voyage Out, -Still Survives.. A d, espateh from Winnipeg says: While john MocHay, who died on Wednesday in Toronto, lAtitS the laa of the Selkirk' settlers' actually born on Scottish soil, there still re- mains one who was among the last party landed on the shores of Bud son's Bay. This pioneer of the west is Miss Matheson, aunt of the Archbishop of Rupert's Land, who was born On the voyage across the Atlantic in 1815, then a four months' trip. She is still hale and hearty, in the enjoyment of all her facul- ties, and resides near St. Andrew's, Man. EARLY ES JANUARY: iNtnt!lint at Ottawa -Will Start on Larder -Lake Gold. A despatch form Ottawa, says: 'The first Canadian gold to be min - •ed at the Mint here will be from a half dozen small gold bricks, ag- .g,regating'70 euneee, brought to the Mint on "'Wednesday from the Dr: Reddiek Larder Lake gold mines There being no Canadian gold reins. 'authorized at present, the gob-Lys/11_ be made into English isovereigns. Permission to mint thew .was grant- ed .to thcOttawa branch �f the Royal Mint last year. p Wag of Pad anii-eFiC Will Tak Place Next Month. A despatch from Ottawa, says: It is probable that Parliament will be called to meet on January 13th. The exatt date for the opening of tho session has not yet beeri fixed, but it is the Government's desire to make it as ikarly as possible, in January, and if the Auditor -Gener- al's report and other matters of detail can be got ready in time the opening of the House will not be later thanothe Vth,_and_may pos- sibly be in the first Week in Jae- iary.• ."••01•••••• -re- ••••• PRE ort au Pritio is Iri t loWrgent de ch from Pert au Prieee, i, aye: President Nord Ah.xz his been depbsed end Port au Priam is in the hands of the revolutionists.' The deposed Presi- dent is now safe on board the •,7reue rain ng E p liugutty Voir*, General Antoine Sitoon,,the leader of the insurgepta, is march- ' fry( upon the peninsula • with an mono 6,0o0, and amend tegitime has been proclaimed the new Prost.. dent. At th? last moment Ikresident- Ale$is yirelded to the urging thoce *bout dm and decided to, take re, tufo Jaboard the Frorich warship. At 5 0%40* on Wednesefity etiltite 1 t1ite tiAt pa1ter4cuit - bat( and eque of tax' drow,dn attds of to the w I, ed in carriage with the FrenchMinister and /with the French tri -color over his shout- dera, the crowis arMed men and women about heaped curses on the head of the aged man. When at last the landing stme was reached t mo ost' all restraint and 'the set46 became tragic and shameful. Infuriated women broke through the cordon of troops and shrieked the. coarsest insults into the very face of the President, who strove bravely to appear undismayed, They tried to hurtthemselves upott him arid fought with handi and feet egainst.the sobliers,,aho found dif- ficulty in foreing them bite weiman did , tweeted , ref t *4 to Walt settieip, fit- Ottderotnt o but th* b hart. 17,1 4.1er-was- The ° International Tuberenlosis- Lriliibition is Ring lheld in the Museum of Natural History, New York City. Mrs. Caroline, Layer, sixty-four years old, was killed by an automo- bile in New York City, the driver of which sped away before the num- ber or ownership of the car could be obtained. - John C. Sparks, of New York, told the Society of Refrigeration Engineers that ignorant, unsani- tary conduct of artifieiatice making plantis_wdm turning pure water in. to dangerously infected ice. Several burglaries env° been car- ried out in New York City of late by the use of chloroform. There is talk in the neighborhood of the crimes of forming a vigilance coin - mitt%) to hunt down the robbers. GENERAL. A Britiet. (squadron, wider eom- mand of Sir Percy Scott, is now ate Rio Janerio. Thirty-five Japanese fishing boats wee° wrecked in a typhoon, and 300 aro reported drowned. Ismail Pasha, the former aide de camp of the Sultan of Turkey, was; assinated at Stamboul. President Castro of Venezuela, who id now on his way tp. Europe, wilt not be allowed t� visit Paris. Martial law has been proclaimed 111 ,Prague, owing to the rioting be- tween Czechs and Germans. Over twelve million cubic yards of material wae excavated on the Panama Canal during the last year. Pu Yi, the baby Emperor of China, ascended the throne on Tuesday. • Ile will be known as Em- peror Ilsuan Tung. Thef,eevised French tariff, to be submitted to Perliement in Jan- uarys, increases the 1110,xiintimi rates 'tworitry per cent. • Enperiments in 'Germany have proven that -it is altuost impossible for airships to escape the fire of rifles and cannon on the ground. The Chinese at Hong Kong• ma,y boycott British merchants on ac- eount of the Government's strin- ent measures for the protection of the Japanece. A Dutch exploring party has din. colyerdd it strange tribe of neglect) in. Guiana who speak 'a language whit+ is a mixture of Dutch, Eng- lish and Portnguese. • TRAGEDY AT NIAGAItAsON.. • LIKE. •' Ire Front, Pipe, Ignited Red Ana ,Aged Smoker Was Molted. A despatch frora; Niagara -on -the - Lake„, Ont., says: The' habit of crooking in bed cost,Williauf Elliott los life atan early hour on Thurs- day morning,, when hie home on Shaeoe Street, 10041 burned td\ the ground.. Elliott wail.% eviirs' old and was utiikhle ta **cape when fire from his pipe, igriited the bead. ing. 'When the,fircmen arrived the ,fiatnes were beyond control. About 10 o'clock the charred remains of the unfortunate man were found buried beneath *pile of debris', •A few feet awar was the ineinerated skeletoit his dog. Elliott was it.veter#0 the,Fenian Reido servin with No.11, ,Minpanys, 19th ment. Iris wife hat present,111 in £Detroit hospital. •he EVENTY , • 006 Me • Ci*Sil Mans VON*iletett Olt Slianating. oloet. Japan, or4 aired yet' GI grkaci: thbr.4111h. ,•7•••1161614 . , &to,', IM.8'nt*rjo-wheat. * Jite. 4/ rred U0ttheall) fl AV% • ° 1 0 , a 4 0* , 7 i t Itc rkit01010: whet * 4 006 ' `In*ber,1.4 / 490,34 •to E00 northern, 01*0334to .04 On lake mortes .. ',0400---Outarie No 2 white' 9c. to to 40e, outside; .Pl'o_.; 2 mixed, 37e. to---38er.---0utSiaii: Maniteba No. " 2. westein Canada, 436. to 43Yse. on traek, lake parts; extra Na. 1 feed, 4IA*0.; No. i feed, 41c., on track, lakIllitreyeertske. 2, beXe. to We.; No. 3 extra, 54e to 55o.; NO. 3, 4313. to 04e. , -Corn-Olci, 74*. to 75e. To- ronto freights, for No. 2 or 3 yellow; new wo. 3 yellow, 700. to 703510.• Toronto freights. ,Millfeed-Bran, $20 to $21 per n in bales,. outside ; eliorialis Ito 11 NO. 4 % vigtr a Flour-Manitolet, first patents, $5.80, seconds $6.30; strong bilk- ' Ors $5.10; Ontario winter wheat _patents,--for-ex p: 11.1••• I • 07. I outside'. - - COUNT.RY PRODU"-CE. Poultry -Wholesaler prices aro:- Chickens, dressed, choice) eice to 1k.; chickens, dressed, ee. to 10c., fowl, Se. to 0e.; turkeys, 12e. t 14e.; ducks, 10e. to 114.; geese, 90. to 10e. Butter -Loma wholesale quota' - tions: -Creamery, choice pound, 27e. to Mo. ; dairy priuts, choice, 215o. to 20c.; dairy atom prints and large rolls, 22c. to 24o.; dairy, ie- ferior, 20e. to 21c. Oheese-Largo, 13*. to 13c.; 1334e. to 13*. • Eggs -Strictly new -laid, 31e. to m 32o. ;, farers' 240. to *Sc.; stor- age, 22e. to 21e. per dozen in case lots. Apples -1151.75 to $3.25 per barrel, ite'cording to variety and quality. Potatoes -Car -lot prieea are 600. to 03e. per bag on traik, Toronto. • PROVISIONS. Pork Short cut, $22.50 to $23 per barrel; loess, $19- to $19.50. Lard tierces, 12c.; tubs, 12,(60.; pails, 13c. Smoked and Dry Salted Moats - Long clear bacon,. 11Ric. to 1134c., tons end eases; hams, large, 12%e. to M., small, 14e. to 14*. ; backs, 170. to 1734c.; shoulders, 10e. to 10%e.; rolls,. ele. to 11,34. ; break- ast bacon, 14Ne. to • 15e. ; green meats out of pickle, leless than moked. BUSINESS AT /40NT1tEAL. Montreal Dec. 8.-Grain-Cana- ian Western, No. 2, white oats are oiling at 404o,, No. 3 at 43*., ex- ra No. I feed oats el 45c., and No. feed at 45c.; Ontario No. 2 white t 45o., No. 3 ais 44c. and No. 4 tit 3 0. eersbnehel,sex. stores...Meet -Manitoba spring wheat patents4 ts at Se; seconds at 45.50; Win- er wheat at $4,60 to $4.10; do., in ape $2.15 to $2.25; extras, '$1.75 o $1.65. Peed -There is no change' n millfeed, for which, the demand ontinues fairly good. Manitoba, ran at $21;esshorte, $24; Ontario ran, $21 to $21.00; middlings, 21.50 to $25.60; ishots,. $24.50 to 25 per ton, including bags; pure rain tnouillie, 30 to $32; milled rades, $25 to $23 per ton. Cheese. The local market continuesteady. ith westerns quoted at 12%e. to Ilutter-The-market is firm, nest creamery beingquoted at 7c. in round lots, and e73e4e. to 28e. n a jobbing way. Eggs -There, ere no knew developments in the' oeal egg tittration* prieee being teady, tintli,r it, fair demand for eni consiimptum. ,New.laftl, 20e. to 30c.; seleeted *took at'25e. to 51,4e.; NO.,1 stock, 22e. to 23e., and Sioqk at 113l;c. 'per dozen. 1 " 1 NITED STATES MARKETS. tilwatikee 8.---Whent No. nottliern, '$1.10 tts $1.11; No. 2 northern, ' $1.0S ' to - $1,09; May, *1.10% toked. Rye -No.. 1, 76e, Corn -May, 02ne. bid, Dark* litlindard, C40.; samploa Miesto 43114%Itneneapo1is, Dee- 1)ecember, $1.01% to • 1.12; cash No. 1 bar No. 1 northern, $1.11 northern, #1.00N to $1.00. FloerseFirst, petit t .68 to second paten .40 to $$. t Ocoee $4 .$0; vittond dears $340r to $ , 14, Toron , ., t*ltii* for tha beat ' 'tattle via fro* *C. , , , cwt. (lood loads et etteers lifeoli,44reiworth 414 to $CISO .r„ u .co finatorder, approi u .004. '400) con sea. e aturo explinging the sdvantage of the system as guar - *tate against in Old . age and detailing its itivestinerit „fee.. Wes has been tent .out for distri- bution -be. 1)0st:wasters. throughout a. •••1••••• C. • the entioe e omeinteetli e V:7 4 wit1tby n' ef Biritityttis04;i‘;‘ 4*(ahi 1:1'. ie thc4 'OtkettiO, Will 1101d public met Inge in elistrieta ad& IRA the winter. Dr. Sarepsog uf Windsor, Ont., will be at the 'Iliad of ,ithe lecturing staff, and will he, Fin SOries, of Meetings in.Ontario AU a few days, „ cwt. Medium cattle (veld apt $3.00 to $4 per cwt., agd COMMOU ones at $3 to 13.50. As high as $4 per cwt. was obtained for choice cows. Common to niedium cows were Bold at $2 to $3.23 per cwt. Light and rough stockers olive still sold at it discount. Milch tows were easier. Prices. for lambs fanged up to $5 per cwt. Ewes were steady at $3.25 $3.60 per cwt. Select hop con- tinued to sell *Nile per cwt. fed and se , • •in4. ‘•• ' Wonderful Escape of the Halifax Express Traiu. I says ; TIMM the-lralitax exprese _wait _nearing et.beeeity-on -Thieved night sit it thirty -mile speed tho engine struck' a belf-open switch and immediately broke from the train and loft the rails, running more than a hundred yards be- side the track. It was practically retiuced to scrap iron, and the driver and fireman • had a mirag ulaus escape. The baggage and mail car were badly broketi up, but the paseengere escaped with it severe shaking up. Two tramps riding on the blind, baggage were badly injured and taken to the hos- pital. INDIANS AND TUBEROULOSIS Falling Off la Population Attribut. , ed to This Disease. A despatch form Ottawa sasys: Ravages'of tubereolosis among the Indians of Canada is indicated in the annual report of the Depart- ment of Indian Affairs, winch has been just issued. During the fiseal year ending fast March the Indian population numbered 110,000, a de- crease of 40. The preteding year showed an increase of 169. To tub- ercolosis alone is the falling off that at- tributed. The report notes at the Indians are becoming more self-re- liant. The expenditure for destitu- tion which ten years ago was $374000, is now $143,000. frqtS. NATION IN GLASGOW. Th, SaloonsWreeker Beginning Canipalgn Betalu. A despatch from Glasgow says: Invited by English and Scotch pro- bibition societies, Mrs. Carrie Na- tion bite taken up quarters ,in it modest -hotel -hem, it campaign of "meshing the rink evil" in the prineipal cake of the United Kingdom. She says she has left her hatchet at home, having male up her mind to strike at the root of the *ink evil, and not at its.mere outward semblance, She expects. to make * systeniatie cyan- peign, fieginning with the cities of Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen, and embracing Edinburgh and Lon don. The police lute° warned Mi'. Nation'e Mends that she will not be allowed to 'offer any violenee to saloon -Property or customers. BARRING INFERIOR • Specia) Instructions to Customs. Collectors Ike West. , 1.• A ilespatelt from Ottawa Nays: The Deputtnent of ettiltOmslois is- ued tireular to, -cblblettirs itt Brandon, Emmerson an ther,ppints in the Watt 0%11111K -4i tention :to theriumker of fatal ac eidenti ikently from explosions of coal .oil, and enjoining them to exereise the utmost vigilance that no t:limited nil is permitted .to en - tor Canada unless it coMplies with the totals a the Petroleum, In., spection Act. ,ifee ALFONSO ay sig ti vevory af °mimic Dax anc itt an enquiry fsboin 8jsnish authoritio 'dis. ,iery of a letter Ipsliish Anarchist. deo ,preposi e if ' The I t iStillOtte Pith °eel itssin owin af ornhs est the r,'Marw aI are likely aflnounee, :made b GALE AND SNOW COST 17 LIVES . Teu Fiehing Vessels Wrecked on Newfoundland Coast. - A despatch from St. John's, Nfld.! says: Seventeen persons perished in it storm which has -hushed the Newfoundland out for forty-eight hours. all, ten fishing vessel* • have gone • ashore, most ' of them, breaking into fragments on the siookiesesTliteevisitiunresexts ii..„. p „4,:c:uu,",..,' ° :,, ;A zitg I: ",,, il` ing villag0;:j7;11; fri.*::::::‘1,' e'g':ii'd''*'''''' Tuesday evening, and developed into a blizzard. A northerly gale caught many small schooners and .• • = f r hailer before the blast many 01--tIre-e'rew-1ost-their bearingiln- the thick muesseitorres fres-Le.' ARE THESE DIAMONDSf Mr. Fred. Dane .Iirings Preelotte Stone e From North. A despatch from Toronto, says: Will Ontario's big clay bolt devel- op into a diamond field That is tit° question somo people are ask- ing, since Mr. Fred. Dane, T. & N. O. Comniissiorer, returned from the north with a few atones that Ilook like diamonds. These stone* have been submitted, to an expert, who declines to express any defin- ite opinion as yet. They were found east of the re: town of Cochrane. Peculiar as it may seem, some few yeti's" ago it geologirt reported that the blue clay of that particular re- gion closely resembled that in tho vicinity of Bloemfontein, in the diamond fields of South Africa. It is said there is sAready some ex- citement- in the north country over 'the find. 1 .44 FOUR MEN SHOT FS CAROUSE. One Will Die as the Result of the Brawl -at lienora. • A despatch from Kersorte seers: • Four_ men were woutidcd on W nesday night in a shooting Which took place at Dryden, One A party of men were drin'eing in a house on the outskirts of the town, when one of the party, Joseph rey, suddenly jumped up and field five shots from an automatic revolve or. Forte idiots.' took effeet. ',1111 wounded are: Richard Penna. of London, Eng. shot_ _41? inea;--v411-41i0L,Danic1-144yr-t100-10--- neck and right side. A. Steelton', - shot in knee. Wirt. Slierpe'shot - in thigh. Wat3 arre4ted and brotiglit, to.Kenora. Ile will* be • tried next Saturday. 'DOG SAVED. THE FAMILY. h.. Almost Asphyxiated When Aroused ilither. A despatch from Ottawa! Mr, Dominque Poiret and so father-in4stivi and two pont,tsw resident at 74 Friel Streek„ ow* their lives tie'the berkiint of it pet dog belopgitig bend to the y, which aroused i them n time to save thou.& from being' asphyxiated .by gas on Thurcday night. Mrs'. Porter was uneoneeious when foUnd. A defec- tive eoal' titove was responsible for filling:the' house With gas. ' r , A TIN IDENL CID ,Nir onyd Kipling has, of course, tk,ne more to familiarize the world with India t! -an any one else. Here is AU incident which Mr, Kipling tells as an actual event, whit+ has 'somehow eEctlp,td finding its way . info any .,of los books. A feW years ago the native statlon mater of an Indian railway station merry miles from any city- was attacked by * tsger made bold by hunger. His istant instantly took refuge in Act, barricadeil the ,doors And witeti for instructions to the near. own. Imagine the sonszonent f 4he operator attire other ,old me to recpive 'the following de h: -----"Tiger on platform eat. sflstation :master. PleasS"'wim " ome he n he nsu otti,sX*Mi mar.sitriansoMullnli, Parma: