HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 8 (2).a, . ew Wiiiter Sujtjn. vireC in 't tbo latest. shades & patterns at .hie pikes SE the New Fashion Pia t s for -the preeent► mason W. W. TAMA sus v�1kA�rY1 6111- . Ontario Business Locals -• Read Stewart's for Clean, Fresh Groceries fes -yrs: t#e�zir8c-ea citric or hpan ______marriage LieonsnR jasued-tot- vocate office. , Stewart's for Bargains 1 $40.60 buys a Lovely Fur -lined Coat for a Lady. The Advocate will be mailed to any address in Canada until January 1st, 1010, for one dollar. Tell your neigh - bore about it. Stewart's for Xmas G'hina�--26c to $2,1'10 for Jardinieres, $2 to $9 for Toilet Sets and $12.60 to "$30 for China Tea Sets. "Yoti are it" if you don't arm your- self with Howey', "Cure•a-Cold Oap- 8ules" for the first cold • that comes is sure to catch you. - Stewart's for Rare Value in Dinner Sets. 108 piece sets, $7, $8, $10, up to $16. Imported direct- from makers— swell for Xmas Gifts. New Barber Strop. Casall at the New Barber Shop, north of the Metropolitan Hotel, for a clean shave and a good hair cut. Also clothes cleaned and repaired and press- ed, at reasonable rate,.-MAog Vtly- t' CENT. Proprietor. $5.50, $6.50 up to $16 for somt Astounding Values in Fur Ruffs -ae Stewart's. Fait' B.paired or R.stod.lied. M. BALKwax., Andrew St., Exeter. The Advocate will be sent to any address in Canada to. Jan. let, 1910, for $1.06. , $3.75 for a Lovely New Style in Net Waists, silk -lined and trimmed with fan- cy fillet trimming. Stewart's. See artificial flowers at Howey', Drug Store for Xmae decorating. Do Your Christmas Shopping at Stewart's. Big Stock. Big Values. r$ See our beautiful pieces- of Fancy Chinn for Christmas --French Limo- ges. Japanese. Royal Bayreuth --in all sorts of dishes, etc.--DRAflI: o'B BA- zA1. I rare rattle in Parlor; "'a a and HangingLippe at Stewart's. Physical Culture class. Yeutsg ttn••n sand boys wishing to join Sa>: it • )lajor Hector's Physical Cult 114..- class for three months, will leave s 't.kt• ten,rnes at the Advocate Off - lee. Terme: men, $200 for ; hl f y ,91.00. Course to cops menet 1I.4ett , Dec. 7th . Tier:ileette.-ae'e Guild of~the Trivitt Me- moresei (*tuft eh will hold their annual b:nx-t.ir sae 1110 Town Hall, Exeter. on l rill.+ r l).=�. lth. Afternoon from 8 tet0 tees =lifts) sate of work. Program in Hie evening. Adollibsion lOc. - AN Edison Phonograph keeps the children- h:r,py rind keeps them home. Sold =.t Tito Purity. L!t.l c•-1 0e10• imirrrorag _ make choice Xnu,'- pt 4 seu'a for men or women, 2k. to SI Go., 0 -le's Drug Store. old Weatb'er �r�ow Winter is now tipon us and CHRISTMAS will soon be here. . . t s AREYOUREAIIY G'OT A *' ,cs►t es 1a • Ilnot. better come tease and lot us WOO 4 40, • f�+ tLo ST A avind tor r • holce: ems ° tile, chOicc peese, lac, iDucks ftae` Whet, Its or roll 4 HOICE�.,&NDIEf3. $'R rEOTIOIIERV. at 1141 in AZAi911. • Watck tkts:W1, Half Brushes Wit* 25e. to 400- -see -them. -- 1`.3'.k.. :` ItepUse le'' 1 sy $ WOOL ' of various kinds for Fancy Work at -l�e*ring'a oxer. Great+et Assortment of Xmas cards now in -town, are now nn to at Tito PFirtly,, __:. . The BI Bankrupt Stock gale et the Exeter gain Store will continue another week, and to -day (Thursday another lot of Dry.Goods will be p an the bargain taablee. , All the stock will be offered at rattlingbig bargains. Aa4� s ttr T 0o. All the shop furniture will alaao-be offered at half price. The Store for sale or to rent. . J. W. BitODZIticw. Retsare At One f. ' f / •: earw. ' i o t . e night of Nov. 27th, is requested to return same at once, as their identity is known, and so avoid rosecution, es aiVe a t` iiir itren` wl l e' ""''. 't = 8► Ili. , , o • Chairs, etc. -DI A.RINo% E&ZAs. "The. early bird gets the worm" this old saying is true in regard to Xmas bl yinA ,Come early Mile aura .:. lw cotnpi=etef. W' iCl'I ;lusts --- re .._:- ,. 1 r 1 11 1 Mrs, Toms, widow of the late Judge Tome, of Huron County,. died recently in New York, of cancer. Oil drillers who have been prospect- ing in the northern part oHuron have abandoned" the work owing ,to the difficulties to overcome in the way of water, hard rock, etc. Major-General 8irI ercy 11, N. Lake. chief of the general staff;, Canadian militia, has been appointed quarter- master -general of the Indian army, in succession to Ma jor.Qen. H. 0. &liter. Mr. and Mre. A. Marchand received the sad news last v./Leek of the death of their sister-in-law, rs. Pevuegnat. of Stratford, who died on Wednesday. They left Thursday to attend the fun- eral, which took place to Berlin. "Miss Vera Rowe. of the Grand Trunk office staff, is confined to her home with an attack of blood pois- oning." -London Advertiser of -Satur- day. Her mother. Mrs. R. N. Rowe, went to London Monday, when it was found that Mise Rowe was improving nicely. The trouble was caused by the paring of a toe nail. Although the weather has been sum- merlike it is none the less a fact that Christmas will soon be here. Exeter merchants are exhibiting Christmas goods and it should not be necessary for us to warn the people to do their. shopping early while stocks are full and salesmen are not rushed. Read the advertisements ip the Advocate for lists of goods for sale. . According tc the new election law 40 days are allowed in which protests may be filed. December 5th ie -the -last day for filing these documents in con- nection with- the recent Dominion election, and 15 additional days are al- lowed for filing counter protests. Thus iii the heart failure period for crooked election workers prolonged on this occasion till almost the very eye, of Christmas. Joates-Aldswottk. A very pretty weddingtook place at the residence of the bride's uncle._ A.J. °Blowea , "i rte sal, at 'High soon, Nov,-ham---•The--contracting part! were Mr. Lloyd Price Jones, of In,ger- sell, and Missy Emma Adeline Alde Aida - worth. of Mitchell. The ceremony was performed, in the presence of the immediate relatives,' b Rev. O. 0. Purton ' rector of Trinity Church. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left on the 8.45 train for Ingersoll, where they will in future reside. The groom has recently been appointed organist of the Presby- terian Church in ngersoll, where `no doubt an excellent future is. in store for him. It will be remembered that Mr. Jones was for .yearns the organist in the Truitt Memorial Church, Exe. ter. .Congtatulations. Dsatk sot Mr. Porte*, There passed away afterran illness of one week one of the old pioneers of our country,�in' the Person of the late William Horton. The deceased . was born near Brockville in the County of teede, in the year 1830. When quite a Young man he took itp a forest farm lathe Township of Hibbert; Counter of Perth, where he hewed out aJeomfort- "able home., Be was Widely knowrn for (his" Charitable' genial disponi 'lawn; his home was aharia open to the stran lr, who never weir .t sled aWay empty- handed or hungry. In_word and deed he was is father to -the -fatherless, and in business matters his judgment. and counsel was often eoug t ...being ^ up.; right and.honorrabls in all hit d, ings. He never sought public office of any kind, but was particularly. fond of bis home attachments, was twice married, his first wife being a daughter of the late John Glenn, of- the Township of Usborne, by whom he was left two daughters, Mrss. Robert Oote of tits Township of Hay. Mrs. leo. Beatty_of Varna, Iiia second wife was rs. Satoh Stone, of near Ingersoll* who left him also two daughters, Mrs. Hugh Menougiill, who reaaides tut, the Horton liotneeteaad in the Township Of llibbert, .And Mss J« . Atkin*on. of ` .4itw ' oee tot •. ' away, fes religion he wasof the Church of England, the funeral service being imrprrlesrs;Iy°ely'et ad ted by the Ee►rr»• 1). - 1611' tri•- . �. -. ..... ✓ ,. !.rw , z .0 erne b tai f m1r+lgsstitsplrraisw~,9 rt a+sna 1st . n.is.ls ,• r g lee time families, eared+ (Mowed by a long concourse Ma switwg relatives and friends. The b a'red+ have the. *yin *thy of the ra�atty friends Ili the +w = t i,y --hem slmwtR.t4ARd. •Thosa. Q. Cr it, in confined to ttat hobs a oWing to Illneass,R •. Was ' 'era, Amp hasp engaged with, Ur.• Git..N Rewe to learrn • clerks . Zuelaaaai •Stewart in again able to be mit and 'IA aopcn dIn$ a steel' With • lir. 44.0,00.4 r tM...t+'{�I4 bfrr' , n t";'Z(envids:.-,tu , r+�.i H. y_i ,, ,coedits+ irpri,• -to ^t'4'oc'lyTrAovi a x;1.4414 '.*'ent' dies t senie.es 4 .Soestl� Hl* ultjy1t`, wx11;, ,'y ,,,hip1+ by' :Unit,.C" # S r c za oft ' !!':t.M.►3Loa . r F M ' stelae' :nde�a' ia;'etbri: fid, i rl ry#RcOgere' , , 9,S? ti 'le* , 494. f(.9.t tlatM'sf.iM'e, a •4'agt. Vs aha' v'el'nra t ; 00rt ,tr lsn i'td ion'.e,-f' 'rive 4400C freta Mail/in ;erring to .:t11 04thOilt Of the fesseland , hektth: diwezv ther+ . net needle dos',he 1040,0 d tp peon 'the 'frontier. ?rse_me o --oi Abe W-onn►n' tnsstituto will be held on Friday. Dee. 4th, . at. 3 *Ale* in Eater's Hall. The members are requested. tobzing Christ - ac eudr'gceetion.saki a nag present. --�Mrs. -cobbledtck, Pregident, . __ .- •- -Mr:-"Ws;-11,Petersen of Seeforth. or• ga+nizaer for the A. O. U. W., is in town thin week in the interestsof the Work- men. The P. D. G.M. Uarry Morris of Wingtnam will pay kis official vieit to the Exeter Lodge on Friday evening. The Ladies" Guild will hold their Paver -•in -=the --Town -*fall; Friday. Dee. 4th, afternoon and evening. A good pro grain provided. M%ags. Weidcnhaam„rner will recite and Ile,. Carlisle . of Lucan will sing :(also.. o/tyhpe,r good local talent. Ad- Mrti.. 'Russell, wife of Rev. • Walter. ;' 1Z?fl, sell. the Presbyterian evangelist who assisted at the London Confereece nieet- ngs held here in June last. preached in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning JangereveltretterreletlitritilirigrtiMe under anal' Monday Cvc ting".," 1iiti com- tnencing the revival services to be con- ucted here during the next few week®. sears. Croeeley and Hunter were un- ble to gat here for Sunday, but Mrt r�ac1 --attired --T da . an+, - f,► 3. to edi eeday.--Siuch interest is being antedated In the meetings. Donald Taylor Dead. -The death of Mr. onald Taylor, an old and respected re- sident of London, formerly of Exeter, ook place Friday, Nov...2;4, at his .late residence, 285 Clarence street. after an hese exteeding over a year. He was years of age and was born In Scot - and, corning to this country when quite oung. He is survived by his •wife.t hr:e aughtere and one . sons Mre. A. - Nichol - on of Godcricn ; Mrs. W. Campbell. 213 athuret street, London ; Miss Louise nd Wellington at home. The funeral ok place . Friday moaning at 9 o'clolk the Grand Trunk Depot from *here o remains were shipped to Goderlch ✓ interment. 1 14t.1^r lv. � M a m D 11 8 d a8 D to to th fo Revs. Fear and Going exchanged pul- pits on Sunday morning. Miens Nellie Hatter has arrived home froth Virginia to remain for the winter. Mr. Richard Rummer • returned from the West last week after several months' stay. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Simpson, of Glen, coo were visitors at the rectory' over Sunday. Miss Mabel Taylor entertained a nut- ber of her most intimate friends Tues- day evening. -Mr. Israel Smith who has been spend- ing a week with friends her returned tO " Hamilton Monday. Mies Annie Trout, who has been at Dr.. Bright's for two weeks, has returned to her home in Hamilton. Miss H. Follick is visiting her broth- er, Dr. rollick. St. Marys. Mr. Wm. Bagshaw has returned from the West. where he spent the summer, Mr. W. W. Mancur, of Guelph spent Saturday and -Sunday at hrs home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Soestnan, ofMinne- apolis, Minn., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker, Fairfield. Mr. Jitmes Northcott, who has been ill of fever in the West. has returned to his home here, and is recovering. SUNDAY SCHOOLA t1VEB A„RY -The- tnnua-TSunday Schoo A gi ver• wary servicein connection w h St. .Paul's church, .irkton, will be held on Sunday, Dec. 13th at 7p. na., when the Rev. Arthur Carlisle, B.A., Rector of Lucan, will officiate and preach. Mr. Carlisle will also officiate and preach in St. Patrick's church, Saints - bury at 11 a.m. Special collections will be taken up at the close of each service in aid of the funds of the -Sun- day 'Schools. 'Statra On Saturday last Mts. Alt. Clappers little gifts weal) • Up stairs playing when tine- of theme. a. li'l'1e girl of about la yeara, slipped and fell down -attire, the result being a badly broken arm and scvca ,sal other bad bruises. The doctor was quickly on the seine and up to the' tlmc Of writing she is doialag as well as can bo expected. , tuimley ; , • . Gordon Holton 'Is ltat►ine the interior of thtit cotntotta able home nicely paInttd, and 'papetcd. lcharp Ilort /of Mona taha , t1'ger an absence of fort.' years, le. olida ood THE XMAS exp that will al*aya be remembered many times aiP: day ,f or taunt• nyyears; owl* found, E'S »R��S( + iifit ikiso» M, shot; i h Quality, Oarstoo Etta mbine ° ill • 'the° • tr x4ltv�r'na;,; „:a EXETER IAIET O•, .,NS . G D EACH watts D&T artiest ......s....�.....• 02” Ie#y1, 4........411•,». ••(+lf _ .r P lasts«R4,,.>f•'?1••N.4,...1,....,. 7d t ae b . ,� «. 4 i . i'i} 7•50 per* o, fUiy 0wxr ow trR�,r��a.4r+i1 •k.�.. r.,iil�•f�W�t,fa.l;raw,.`., :o apples .101e ,01, /1,,,01/1 xehe PS: cwt, .. , . Sbertspetton..».. 'a^n,rper• ton; here en visit to relaativor,-4r. and agar. J. D. Atichneor 'of Eider were gueaite of the tetter a etslter on Sunday. -Dr. Mai! and Hugh Norris. Jr. of Statta were on the boundary )asst week canvassing for aubscriberat o the gtatfa Telephone Company, They got the protnlie of five W---wolud like to hear • of Iienpail becoming interested lin e. rural telephone east of their town.-Mra.'biartin McTag- gart is under the doctor's caro, Her daughter, Mrs. Willson of London ie here welting .on her: also het daughter, blies Emma of Detroit is in attendance upon her mother. We bope to soon hear of her recovery. --Mrs. Grant N.ycb; ran spent Sunday with her parents at. Hillegreen.- Mr. Ross and sister of Mt. Pleasant were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Gibb on Sunil Ip, r. 5 is {•,. . 1 o a nwlwe nes ppearance. Let us show you some of our nese-aisle"Mounts.-" _ _ You'll -find -that we canlit you so -that your --glasses ate- vom fortable as well as neat in ap- pearance. Great improvements bavebeen introduced in this line of late -- and weare ready to show you all of them. ' It will soon be time to think about Xmas Gifts Remembea, that this ie Headquarters for Xmas Presents. s •'AP4R11 �' .r �e make a pee ,ve- troughing, Roofing and Plumbing in all - v its bra Gall and be -con- vineed that it is the cheapest spot in town. W. S. JIOEY, PoL.O. Chemist and O Besse50 EXETER hope �� EYES TESTED FREE rriv.v.erimurnmerwiverv, Popular ! Are you aware that 75 per cent. of the flour used in Toronto is blended flour. No wonder that STAR FLOUR is in demand as it is made from the best Western wheat and the beat Ontario, mixed half and half. It is second to none for bread making. If you are not using it, give it a trial and be convinced. -HARVEY BROS. EXETER • ONTARIO 3 t aunt sIc. k;a saait:aidk� Scrap iron; �j Brass, Copper 1��(� Rubber Etc,, u u, We ares prepared pmy 'CASH 40c a hundred and upwards, ase ording to quality; for Scrap Iron.. Old Rubber lata and Shoes, Sh per lb lIctroe rfair, 20c. Copper and I3ritss $e Ittigst.50c per hundred. We Have flow Sale P 1 as lit,ege quantity ,d IRON PIPE suitable for Fee ..Pots M. Jackson av Son MAIN ST., LTi. CL T COLD Moet ti s*i1 popular hail. • met*Set in "set+era;a Onterrke,, Widely erp.rk wedr, broadly 4r'e "iftootietsitpetbetle aattecUee (Irads#ati>ertitetlt'e+tetiyr t listing a. Tele S B 4,4 est ,1 t}t((yyk T eaaata+irtiPlk lyre site . le any *Meta; to *snit to etlr sac fieri, raft tit's slot 'his e Ctt1 TA"I�i`�'�Ji!'. 1. , + i�.'h �ii✓a.�+ :S 1111 4 --fit caro - :. 4. stantly in stock .a full' 4, line of furniture, . and, it pap's to 4 furnish your home from our stock. : : 4. 4 4. 4. 1 • oat 0.4 022,1eL.— ;xr1 Parlor suites Parlor Tables raasy Chairs Odd Chairs Music Cabinets , Couches sideboards Hall necks Buffets Kitchen Qabainets Dining Room Tables Dining Chair and all Bedroom Furniture 4111111111114/4s411 OUR UNDERTAKIHG DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Rome Furnishers and Funeral Directors. r.. gra JONES & CLARK PHONE Christmas Good Ththgs GaloreT . 1.. . The 4th .week has passed away and now-- HRIST:M,AS only 3 weeks away 461 -It is time for us all -to get busy —shop early and !filen • We can wait on You Xmas ' Week but can do much better now when the crowds are not so large, THIS IS. CHRISTMAS MONTH -TIB GLAD TIME OP T YEAR !ll -IT makes as think of our FRIENDS and wonder what we caa buy them for a XMAS or NEW YEA' PRESENT. Make this store YOUR HEADQUARTERS to do your HOLIDAY Shopping and and you will find us WELL prepared to upplg your many wan- Dai - New oliars The ,Host beautiful lot we have ever shown. All the newest creations in Ladies' Neckwear are shown here in all the New Dainty Colors. -From tic up to $1 each Ohristmas ° 'Handkerchiefs Over 100 dozen of the rilcest range we have ever, shown, , : From Se up for 500 each silk Scarfs and Fascitators .We are ehoeiin,g 'some r.fery,nice S6arfaa and Fans- i ibatbrs'for Xmas, ills .prettier for a preeent.1 A Y N 0 Swell r . 'ew Belts (0' In Leather, Elastic. Me- tallie and Broohade. Theere belts have:all lust arrived and are the very newest thing out for Xmas. From 25e .np to 75c eatcb New White Waists A.xrice lot of New White_ Waists " for the X m trade ---to see thein is to 44 them -wall prices. Ladies' Gro I e s a Aa rl ys in��"+�� '�eman4 for It me of 'he year. lad hrr ere, Sued & Wool in i eng or abort lengths, A.II Big Millinery Clearance , . IT WILL SURPRISE YOU THF BIG DISCOUNTS ways are giving on all our Millinery, Everything in the.Millin Line MUST BE CLEARED OUT end if Hutting the Pt cos will do it you will certainly GET SOME; BARGAINS 111 It all must go at some price lit So you will get the• bane. w Ma of our losses lit We are not counting how much we, lose as long.** we clear it ou . a 0 Not For e. the osor Xma We have gra SWE t T' or NEW Tom, some fn 'TAr a e rate #oxen`s. NEW ictrerLE.RS, from to .P NE r SUSPENDERS in separate boxes, NEW HID or ,MOO- . GLOVES, from ,g1 to .; NICE FANO SOX, SHIRTS, CAPS and VERItTHI 'G they may need* FR1 f ,a9p .)ic{ds xa17�e�a° r Ulwit,� feafr y ..Ai o .. , ,t r a tbaat t artefleC i dq'iarrt�eW aothingbl1Orel notro f'or ,A MA; big attcrk of fa*'CI f 1INED CO awliarl Til '',1. IH 1)I13COrN w y arra Read utis at the rrl , rf • 10, 4;11..X. iia .a.r.a.. ...IRf,~.+... M rnr.., 411,1111#* is