HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 6 (2)l?vfl *fl s rtn boutPickens of a to the uncoil.' supetior hritie iiewit. ' th. .zweted .re.h13iekinzzow, e*iii the'4'rea te is ehnpiyeaeneorU4$4 We should iP,dtise "my youog person who is effected by the pretenee 'of superidrity to turn to eoino of the vaseages -Diekene 'uniiefelselhit -*re referred to -by George Barlow ire au article on the teniva of the author which appeare Th_e Gen! temporary Review. They sre an answer thet makea the critic shriv. el to his true proportions. Mr. Barlow speaks particularly of 'e 011 11 lance to the old Elizabethan tragic 1 'rights. Besides the _laughter 4 tw t's r(ithin ,highr etter for 'then.Ukat Viethervii, wilt; ft willIttay bc tte.tftetly. (Zoete will eXtee g *a Al twist Alta of .0***age to °reknit% , tarititrioaspple growers haupIsh . b7igut tu.40 1111;444.10114J lzrge to, remove all the waterprout br*iich,e4 are 'ileintteott; ordinary tree. e.jr (,,•Ider,. 'apple, tree* and. 'not a, it0e$ 01119t Je a the Toinget:treetlikive beet; . Witte .liordeetet*' ViiletetteS, ntedhOeetred.peetel,peine taken' to ece that t. s 600106' and plain.bratichoi.*te, out* eliould he kept and main hrsuclice E#c above, the Vig&,. dieesse of rnixf down ems of Meat, mud tte the canker below. A few minutes will usually *Litho e:4;epineli41,140\btldB4O,40,deleou:,,0.0 'shOWns: that tt ..juitt ":liefotte, htrieiifhlitlit :leierat. the eli 'ilitteafte. it"',: litOrk. ' *'41414:' bOto.M: th* 11)110,Zi* ,z. . ., . ,, . , , ttlei "t* , . .,, .4. , . ., 4 ' iti *1; antt, Vie tlii,rd, ',witlitn, a 41zaetote,..k, . ter' mot-' el. the bloSseme letettiri tter, patter, dri e°xan oiie the roe hatf4 Isnee4 fretto e *44 I 1,411 ' fire, • . is AS iet Vrankie, with .-pietures the " re Vied,' . ;then,' Ifalf tia'‘ pot ratia h ended c?rti ;road ., vivid. eh ty. . ‘‘irksolhe l be 1,1-1et tikeettee ,410. tho rot onto 4 , d a h 1 kept him This is vers evident b the r eaux ett e w o ei - o d9 , ivineerill:14 le*ves "d frnitt c*loing thelattei, well 'Agitated' *bile' spraying. ' T e -oudden downPour Iddeh VA orea 'more than a Petition, it Will become theeevering directions' for.the erect" 4 to rot. On the surface of the rot ei fiprikying will Oen not only do el his remarks. Even sight of the lake) the supreme paenion in life,. . 'fie duties and; .problemS of every: t*ti fruit little black' Pustules or' ge et' deal to keep off cankere, butt wa,s ehut out from. him. This is not the cry of one wlio :ditiy.v.rellitioi: prigs aicishaiktaiush4 whaigota,4,, of neelelg,tilotitimafrIeLsa.his.lmeadosatpornotthaitittlert4hetioilzo will :deo kill most of the Codling' "Let God'e will Wel It isn't S u e h an eaisy thing to med NI ths (which cause the worray sp-lanmee two ce!ger little boy* and a need to vetch some broad principles These pieePies contain spores which /Ace), the Cigar ;Cases-bee/ewe. Ile.' little girl .tm * raja eleetS-gli_eleinttee of liviett; we need, mot orall, *ape when set free are carried by the, tol ase -bearers, Canker e.yorroad boats in' the bathtub wei fast oe-t lead the life on, direct unfaltering)! 6Presd the diseaep itythe summer. high, Impelling veeliee that shall! wind from tree. tei tree and help' Bed 110445 end roomy other insects ,4 comipe tiresome. A sudden gust et and in sddition will keep the apples! of wind rattled the windoilk, *nig through every diMeulty, doubt and A er in of coin er maY eau" free frora !scab, so that orchardists the children did msto kla°17 til diseased areas OD the trunk and . rhould thus get * return for the, 3°11'06°4 had opened the docfr ind rerotele. It is not easy to tell in -every time and money spent in the form was et"din,g right hehinde,dienh large branches or at the main of healthier trees and more end -land tlfey-dia not -know, eithitr, that r Twig ihOuld Sdded to oitch,har, ,cause"it inevitable; he is h IV' 1 ate impotent before him," bu the cry of one who stye:: "Let his will be done because it is beak" - •Not in isubmiesion but .in aspira- tion does one thus 'pray who bas reught the spirit 9f this prayer. There ottenied something noble is not this or that or the other e - and admirable in rebellion ageing, tail. NVe do hie 'win not by 'the fear, to * worthY, )1\envenlY Pat. - THE WILL OF THE FATHER, the will °I th° Deity 40 1°n0 1111"t° scrupuloua observances of any round there is "an understanding of the intensest agonies of life, a power to penetrate into the abysmal dark- -41iteilat ''''ElittfiltIrir ',Pik eiitnpriShonsion not only lof the heights which human tei -which - they -may- sink, ---which brigs Dickens more within the pale of Ford or Webster than with - eri fashion, a w. as 0110 who need his on- I ing the iithnestwith1 for our subluptioni while g h9 1 C taine4 Icti 0 1$441(10714 wilanrld.runieer(let itshtehe deritteurmillin: decrease and obligstione impo upon bine by one who sat in foteifeetive, dominating prinetple, that kittettileintfOthlWanit firtiWiiteelthattusAow. -Cted w o servant of the, di ig th b case to which disease a clinker is that somebody wad Uncle better fruit. Care should be taken' due. A Blight Canker' , however, in every case to, see that the spray. The children bed not is n ing 15 thoroughly done at the times Ned for a tong time, a re they,were ver ad to running rotch or ma large eee Blight are usually distinctly mark- ed off from the healthy bark by a crack between the two, and by the ,41A in color than the healthy bark and slightly shrunken. As a rule the surface of Blight Cankers is fairly rough.- - • .-:-Iiilitifixiowod:w:tWt7to-t-tuddi bike m-pitvit splendor in . another world. uninteresting as long as it was rice np higher,- lio 'est. ' The will of the., divine is that, tured as the place where Fieoplo neither would nor could do since we are his children, we shall ah-or_u-sn All comentoreand-inore--to-Ahe-1 - ‘7,.444...v. • Tau DIVINE MOUES. fullness of the divine life; it is the except in old cankers where other Law-abiding communities are seritualiziug, mating heavenly and diseases have got in and caused tractive, hut there would see* to. vine ail our life. We who pray these. in the regions traversed by other be little morality or merit where thet prayer must pay its price, we English writers." Scenes given tot the laws were mechanically obeyed "list •set character, the heyeenly illustrate Ur. Barlow's meaning without the possibility of infractiqn.! bkenees before "Yr other subject or are theme leading to the death a nrhtez!,f awse bttaink ionf tthhois desire. Such a prayer subdues our indi- . anies runs through alt the universe, as vidwa de4Ite* to it3.-1411.purPoses` Casker, the flight of Lady 'r Dedlock, the murder of Nancy that which the least atom, end the- it teaches us to see in pain the per- -Sikes. Many other's might be ad - (led A9 proof if a dramatic inten- sity that goes far beyond dramatic ticks and that is clearly .distingu. iehed from cleverness in the con- struetioir of exciting plots. This tremendoua power has been equaled se. few authors, and it is pretty secure egainst the competition of the future. M.1•••••••••••••••.• But Mr. Barlow's judgment on the • relative merits of Dickens' books is curious. The "colossal" productions are "Dombey and Son," "Bleak House" and "David Copperfield." The two works last named have a high rank undoubted- ly, but "Dombey" has been de- nounced with extraordinary bitter. ness in spite of the fact that it con- tains some of the author's most widely known characters. The same limy be said of "'Little Dor. rit,." Which Mr. Berlow is tempted tc call the very best of Dickens' works from the artistic point of view. But, however much opinions Islay differ on this question of com- parative merit, the significant fact remains that every one of the books contains something that is worth knowing and having. The evidence -of genius is in them all. " 4.* VOLES. s :Yes, wife, I guess we're gettin' obi The Black Rot Canker, on the other hand is, as a rule, not dis- tinctly marked off by a crack be- tween it and Ake_healthy bark. The central part, especially if more than a year old, is US-UallY 30m0 - what swollen and the bark is rough, vast planetiretheYr as that lew est fectipg of the l!fe for the purposes black and checked. On part of the , harmony which means fullness and: ef divine. affection; it sees in lostes smoother surface there will nearly beauty of life, then the constant the cutting away of that which alwaya be found numerous little hope of every heart and endeavor might load the life down and pre- black pimples or pustules about of every right life is to de that will, vent its _moving in harmony with one-third the size of the head of a, to be ill Wile with that univereal all developing life into the heaven- pin. ' These are the places where harmony. . ly glory -of character. • • spores are produced that spread the The will of heaven is not written HENRY F. COPE. diseitim in the spring of the year. ' Both kinds of cankers may live over from year to year and con - Great people -Literal, "heavy,' tinue to increase in size. This is referring, not to greatness in Our especially true of Black Rot Can -1 than our own,- causing to stumblo sense, but to immensity involving ker, -though -often this as well as; in the path of right -doing, they are a correspondingly heavy burden of the other may die out at the end' the forbidden fruits for us and Lord' area may I of the first year. The diseased' have attactied to them a priori too responsibility. 10. The speech pleased- the be small in either kind or; heavy for us to pay, and which -the -The element in Solomon's choice4 again it may include the whole of , remorsc of a whole lifetime could which makes it pleasing to God let the trunk and part of the branch.' not 'liquidate. his perception of the supreme iSn.I es, or env run for several feet! Never be willingfi to go into debt portance of vrisdora and diecretion along a single branch. In old trees' for a pleasure. It's only the 'shadow ID government as eontrasted witV cub' the branches are attacked. I of a good time -a foolish dream external • greatness or military Remedies -Where a tree is too; with a dread awakening back of it. ,glory. In later year* however, the badly attecked to give any hope) It's often hard to go• without, but THE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, DEC. IC Lesson •X'.. Solomon Chows Wis.. dem. Golden .TeXt, ' Prov. it. 10. - Verse 4. Gibeon-Identified by scholars with the modern village of el -Jib, which lies five or six miles northwest of Jerusalem. In ear- lier times it was one of the princi- pal Hivite cities, and one of a group which through deception bad° effected a league with Joshua (Josh. e. 3-17), thereby escaping the fate of Ai And .Terz6ho. It was after. ward allotted to Benjamin and Made a Levitical town. For a time the tabernacle had rested here, and from 3er. 41. 16, it seems that af- ter the destruction of Jerusalem by Neteachaibeezzar Gibeort *gain be- VaTne'tlur seated -the -goys:m=103C- eThe great_ high place -One of the - but don't you tahe on so. , '1 principal centres of worship for th ten tribes. Only gradually wasthe Coirte, dry .your eyes an' try to think'twas right that °she should worship of Israel centralized go; Jerusalem. ' Of course the house is soleran-like Burnt offerings -The burnt offer - an' still, but if you Mind ing was one in which the entire vice Your mother suffered jos' the [same tim consumtd upon the alter. It ewheri you left her behind ; symbolized' the entire surrender td Her mother must have felt it, too God of the individual or the con - for since the world was known, gregation, for whom it -wee offered. Young folks have married off an The animals prescribed for this left th' old folks all alone. secrifice were a young bullock, a lamb, or goat (alwsys- a male), or .4 Come! -come! don't sob AS though in em'ell of .poverty, turtle doves all joy had vanished from your or, young pigeons (Lev. 1. 3, 10 . ) iifei , ,,, 14). The ritual of thia sacrifice is 'Twas right that S - he shoutd do ft. d'seribed in Part irk Lev. lb 14-17* God meant her fora wife . ' and '7" 8* ' ' . 2 Of courise well taisa her em,piric 0: As he walked' before thee i. . ' facean' miss her words of, cbear truth and in righteousness --Solo. And oft when supper time 4 done, mon did not , fail to tract. the pros- ' we'll, wish that slhe was here Verity of his hither, David, t* the To ,mius these simple Ebngs ageirS feet thst thte latter had kin * Ltref ihe did before Ile vim(' nto her lifer an' h e r'i servant1a/11j:011to 6sit ' ' °°11f 311eilicsithstrrlia.11"71" la *Wire from the door. ' ' r perpetuation of the 1)evidie dynes 1r , \, 1 i * t was accourtted the gieatest of Ate t-41.1, miss her, ten,/ 'wallet 1laertinrlittile child -Young f'stnd when my day' m work is through - B /Pu like to tee her mine to me, the inexperienced in statelrafts 0010,' %AY Idle used to mort,appettred to hiresel as X. Mere do,. Bringing tey slipper e to the fire an' child in view Of the- varied great kneelin!'by.my chair responsibilities which his new poi. To Put 'eat on, the while I stroke tion '11* * ruler placed upon ”him. her *Teeth, of golden heir, Go out or come in -The Hebrew An' then then I'li think herfluebarid.gets way' of referring to the general the favors that were mine, comportment or behavior ef a per. n those are perquisites of love *011' hardest to resign. . 413n't eightake on it's mtghty plain .to me thinkie of the glays.goite by she plwrod About your knee; lleet she's grown op cow, ht that sbe ehouN$ tqo it's hard on us at tunes ehoeldifse show; itittin..* bees tonight he • S. A great pop1e that cannot be numbered ---No aceu'ratgi or reliable eensus of the Jewish nation At thil 'time is available. Solomon's state- ment, howevet, was that of an in. experienced tiller *oho *fouldt na. turally etivorate the - extent of • datieiS *nd torts *hick Ito had not 144 encountered. thiderstanding •Ifehrew The *suss of the eltuipoi "A readisiess to heat tomplaints West to jadge the pee con found to be very much uncles tAkr aro pen o COM3 uet the ,right tint, 89 it waa 7iiitiferatelfiatilte4W, L. CAESAR.. ed with kisses, and 'Coaxed to tell a story. Truthfelly Uncle Ned Agricultural College, Guelph. gazed at the logs in the fireplace. eese. - -161122..1w. ea:a esoneeehtnesperkeeeeittlpeeeeee prompted y sqdden idea, "let's N'EVEK GO INTO -DMIT FOR A have another magic trick, and this PLEASURE. shall be called tho 'Russian Noun - Mee' And -now rt_Lgetethe-thin _ -- l'eteeT---rour--elelitWatisuts- ait1.--s-Sh _11 see/au:yen-- - • Get the. Best Out of ithioiki. While the ehirdren were gathering mum, the table uncle returned with The price that we pay for plea- s small "kerOsene lamp, a. strip of sures should have something more paper about four inches wide and than a few 'moments' thought de- eboue three feet long. a gluts of voted to it, for it hie serious re- wato a teaspoon and a small plate. sults. Without question the more These he placed on the table, while timed° the pleasure, the healthier fromtb he leoek4ng bdeooekrceaasseielgie inselseizet-a its e irdluott;reedenita, and de tohfoltehaneprpiietr may eafour you from a very large to a tiny book. will he in the end. Pleasures re- Ife lighted the lamp and held tho earneear_iugla'"'atitrpt3iretls oTkotru'brin;: trip of paper over the top near enough so thee it tsoon became cov- and when we indulge in any tilau ered with thick, veasy lampblack. degrade and do not elevate us; 'peen on ta%4 .vhb"heei ac riper, fpheoeur hattItahee0 hbeg468:CeOkaaospsday: fu, uprightitdilictoatrbe°anak,ner9ddj ourf'tgrnmecdot n°u8 sea: lwhencaebeit; twah the Yevnal 1 like' leYe 11°*: owelndt; thiininy bookal')t Ioeger, itesaienidnath another or influence a life weaker exc,w, wwhorekil otliredulteyavteouwshuienhfititeifed hasf ortahse. et in enpaerteet set N. theed king lost his simplicity of purpose and purity of aspiration, becoming enamored with the glory of outward display. • 12. An understanding hart -Per- haps better, "a discerning mind." 13. There shall not be--eilebrew, 'we are ready," and taking a little watec in the teaspoon, he et it fall drop by drop upon the paper. "Giacions :" said Frankie. "Just , see hew it, rolls!" and eure enough one after another the tiny drope rolled down the eaclined plane of • ne book, gaining speed enough each -time to mount'the4ext, ana so on into the plate. The children, each in turn drop- ped some water on the paper, and of its re,Covery it should be cal the serc.etest joy that comes to us, striving to see which could gain the watched with delight the tiny drops *ibis, for otherwise the disease will, minute of the day, 11 the ‘1,05" ° a plate in the quickest. time. It was down and burned as soon as peg. that builds and raeteates ns every near supper -time when they thought spread from it even though the peaceful heart and_ mind conetmt what a aurprise greeted them I The tree itself be dead. In the same way with small .ineans,"and mayilling _';' rahi had ceased. the dark, threat. to look out of the window -and dead or dying branches should be to destroy its serenity for a phalli. cut off and burned either this fall tom of pleasure. Tette up your laYouslY, a'au ening clouds had gone, and the sun or catly, next spring, taking par -1 nancial Imitations preceding veree. Tile epos° of .thao t-hei ticuLar pains to see that the cut is make them glee you. back some in - "There bath not been.," as in clause+ thus becomes, , wide several inches below any trace -nor sweeteesa for the deprivations not been any among the kings as - "V -here n** of the diseased area. All cats thus they force upOn you. prosperoue as thou shalt be for all made sheuld be disinfected in the e Study your environment and see ehy days." manner described below and then where your limitations lie and then pointed. - if this is done the frost do not be afraid to face them. Say 14. Walk in my ways, to keep my will not injure them. Wherever a to yourself, "I can allow sq. Much statutes and 111y. com.mandments -4- healthy stub is left after cutting off for this, so much for that," and Compare the similar charge in 1 the cankered part of a, branch it then adjust your needs and your lad-poteheen -finiltleese but the- grafted. . uteetor-theeeerestrietionie -There liangit-2.-24'.- — --- -----,- - - -eAtilicatividresfrin-themring-an eral attitude of hii,lieartetnd inflict -Allen_ thi-Leatikervi arco aro :41041040omsotirikrtauvfn,geot teruwly noble As thy father did -David's . d the commandments of Seel not too large, especially on the' on a email income,. courageotisty, hoesh had been- right, -and, ini the .trunk and crotches, they should be cheerfully,. and with the deterram- whole, he had -sought conscienti- 'neatly .cut out with a knife or some; ation of ge+ting the best, the right *wily to obey the etatutes and coin- sharp. inetruraent until the healthel kind of "the best," out of the con. bark is reached. The wounde thus ditions that surround her... - New mandments of his God. made innst be disinfected and paint- Idea Wonian'a Magazine. - 15. Behold, it was -a dreame.-The, ed with white latl (free from tur- . • dream in this ease, however, had pentine). The painting should be the same influence over Solomon as rtpeated next spring to make sure an actual experience of the same 'that . no disease gets into 'the import ,wood b4ve hid. . wounds. The! best dieinfectient to beep. brenglit by Dad to Jernsae titmice by Avid .te to One hundred d utts:euiZthe"oiefinv: p$aurbtilin,ofattehi°1 f s u theb. The ark of the covenant -This b"a . . lem and had Lonna a Peranent parts. of water., Any druggists will ' Offered up burnt offerings - 'As how to ntake it up. The material 1 . tory girle. Smile' of the largest face teries'in. London are in the meet and . resting place on 'Mount Zion. ppply th ' b t d '' pp. y et su s anee an exp am "at • Gibeort, so at • Jerustileni, 60i -will cbst only a few colt3.•• A...iioda, -Nett central: Astrieteoin the, heart king offers up enerificeinndihative ,,en or glass Vessel mint 'bogiteetl in of the louden!' alums e -These' gas 'of the eolmeeration of himself to ' stead of iron,or tin ais,the substance generally are recogoized bY their vill' corrode these'. Corrosive sub . cockney swegger and their , large, lineste is deadly peison' when theken, black lista trimmed with. sfpielly interhally;, 119IVAVO Eiltitt. be taken 1 feathetss - They 'ore lean and .gaunt not to allot, anything todrink the looking, a most edmmen expreseion, liquid,' and to weeli thoroughly tke its exhOition ahd despeir, ,The vestal befere using it,for another 4leerrige woes p144 ktlit7er gii;li ha urPoeet. The beet' way to disinr tmeo * etteek. (Their 'home life ,Ist was shining -bright and clear.Th, next day they .could have their pic- nic, and a much better time be- _ cause they would have Un-ele Nod with them. -Youth's Companion. LONDON FACTOWY GIRLS. _ Are Most Interesting Type of Work. • lug Women In England. The erto4 interesting type -of work. ug women -ROW are the fae. the high office, of tiller over the if. Peav**. offerings -These differect from lthee.binrittS fferiniei that °oily tfkrtain ..psitAcks Ad the Attila) eiteritIOsd were btietted,tipon ,tlie ter Verfidn of the theht giveri to the 'obleiating priest; What the other portion was returned 't the Person bringing tha,offerint5 and was tiled by him in the satri. lIcial (test which ttsuall3f, actom. partied the tereniony. So in ton., neetion with the peace offering' here mentioned the king made a feast. to all his tervants. A gentleman, who wet:, no lort yoilog, and who never *AS hen some, said to & child in presence her Parental "Well, iriv dear,. wh o you thiuk of The litt *Made WI rept* and the gentle- Maa COtktitilte4:. gliCtito &let ell ttit, Atlri won't. von!' iittlit fat bands tuelieti,the ttint * pirefore into hernsoafft., as she 'aidstrehle., in s timi4 tril* " (omei* 1 dont nit St.:MOO) Mate is simply to tie it little sponge i! work Their homes Are gizetp T'st '''"11‘1 *ith mlb' no better. than the' / factories they 44.11:0411,1.AP:dfl, (:tifteeirtdhipC-inintgli6it'einn(124"t "att°' 2A1(.1 th"811 not 13"" to the liquial ,Nva over -tile surface of their pareitte, they are ut u .01 the .wou,,A; ,Tbir,, Will kin any dauglitere. They do their share t kind do *wfaltrr omit weattlinrevreetior. the fa- bitireistolt,ilitift:Pbliliftl.°:ttlett'llittlillia°crf:5111i4ettrriral!siy141 tire it IA .secemory (1).te, prevent s far M! tpdisible injury to tree* ttlitio'l‘gtr:septiteeotttirego' ItT14,1!:1101:tveclutit. 'y such iiietees alo tearing off the tapi4ktb,yowrh'hi,iteehto.rtoetss oinr r,eithimerhliningp.liet. tind D'rees tlitb, and theugh the outd be :disinfected *ad iltillt*d atlYs. oundol are tutu In thic way, the money iti deposited eaeli week, ev. cry, dollar is ' pent before the holi. ,.4_,,, -- ,-,- , nci):, otherwise they let m the . : *ot the dise*I'to Cankers ainee tllile ."Tlitee eeetv'e 'I ' he 7,:tatiltifeetirla.l°,7111;f3;:11;,t,thi:7-13tritagnsdalftillt.,:ilt"crisenh:Itrromteri$:Citifilling:nd.4*11:ligite!.fir :14::;;S:Itk21;:it;*1 I by some ntpr s r .....z ervriuce.g GLIZIA, IN Snors. ohis 144;u6; -rd"Y • In Japan to day, as in this con*. - ire, eels prefer .the itelependence offered by situations irk spinning and weaving -mills, in shop and fee, torn to the drudgery and depend - once of .honeehold • versice, espec- ially to hiring thernselvee A)titr.as maid(' of. all work, with the various attendant restraints and hardships, to the average middle or lower -was Jellanese failily of less than a m orate income. The rural distriets Of._44pan- heve-heen--- -th gteat mune of supply frim which dornestips 1iao bOoll repreited, but eince industrial entorprices of one Jana and .airther have iven 'started chrougliont the. feountr,7„ th4 1.1s who would havedrifted 'to the titles' and towns in que4 'o plaicess .doineetics no* -go to food epindle and loora. The reason ki gli!,..reveretiotAis woforti.. first plftee, theepia4 pitinit* '\eeptiPiiil by 'the' rerivant tlie household under t7e f system is rapidly beeelnitm the past, to tho j4sPcoxid °WigIVOLielli :and girls Iclo once intinto service' for 1)u1-p5ece g)f ial education and rentaeownt, • Choose to gain a mom etiltitre in the tcheole where ran' -hes of knowledge ate taught in, the reeding of western becke thiin to itcquire ol4fashion- , &eels in • homes where they tuight still be itubilie41 by tho.se will. ing to toter theles in the iderior capittitv of maids. 41 1;4 late '14 f tikya le*•"14 4Pdt, oitior evera011ftshwatow At;s$,A000 or* wawritto, *41,I.14 VV.* o.** tPtir".11 &ain't 5iguati,ittegilitalti341444 iSitlilalls41110201* .01 tataSSUILWA'ttliCgt;itAtVirithrktttttttgrWttWaaah4tYttkblitigt4fWAWatdkigigdattlikagitbitEek ' "