HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 3 (2)PPP.10tion
trier, tnercr 104
1 ‘Oi 00 it the' wheat
he-,fked ter -pities to. !Iota" the,treenrd..of the
tt..ti*'00 various ,roiktls, in the ntoket4ent,ef
at. ' the e'rop,' Or the 43.974 ietirsi; 4nstlee
t ,
:era- t 'en ere,p
,))i ,hei., z ,niutt tha htt of ted the 0. 1'. R. handled 2rt,4400
at urpli hiti a rex y becn in t)-.. N. L. ion, awl the new 0.“ T.
ePected,- and before navigation dos- p, mulethe splendid record of 921,
dee on: the oth 4 Doceraber-tho ond.tim went over the. Great
Amount will have run over 45,000,-INorthern. to Duluth.
4160 bieihels. In spite) of the kicks The Canadian .Pavific bolds the
_4* vontitme te come from the
=country es to car shortagei, the won't
hatalready got out more wheat,
travel, than any country has ever
• Moved in thee:keine period before..
Up, to the end of Sept -ember the
pvorage price to the farmer had
..'ren jest about .85 cents per bushel
for all grades. The average boo
med.eiv. since that time,
'abut it has eertainiy been. higher,.
palm for the largeet number of cars
mover on such long hauls in the
1.eriod of two and a half months,
-atid-etitlente of ther adtentege of
tiouble tracking is fairly thrust in
thtritstOrGratiettrilettler of wheat.
The record of the G.- T. P. for a
new road is megmtleent, for it must
be remembered that not a car mor-
ed on that road in September. The
record of nearly a thotiaand cars
he for *October and November alone.
r4Phie Briefs From Our Di
ttI CIutto
, *try Iducc
anibling le° 'S
"at Winnipeg,
tgo.rra2,1tefoiclo,, ara-HFe,
, lUeNeil of thtaw.
luke left 4120 002 to 0. 'eritie-e in the
city .
•Iimuigretion- to Genatia from
April, CO October decreased 4$ per
The emelter at Obippeira is work-
ing day and night on Cobalt ores.
Crept. „Maitland was -killed at
Kingston by a fall from his vessel
on Thursday.- —
The St. Catharines Board of
Trade le .agitating -.to -stop the ex-
port of natural gas.
The O. P. R. is preparing to erect
inam.moth coal handling plant at
Fort William.
Hindus at Vancouver have enter -
cd a strong protest againet being
lent -to British Honduras.
For the nine months ending Sep-
tember 30 Ontario's mines produc-
' Aorthe
ler, Miley,
d e.,
perts. diet.;
- Untario o. 2. wite, 3� ne3day from, the. north; <maids
to 40%e outside; No. zuixed 370 snort' hi a extUrGion in Olt territory
to Dties outside, 43tsie on track, lake for the purpose of considering 11144-
sureft to cope -with the n tive
sffrction, which the authorities have
been forced to. recognize as alarm-
ingly on the increase,
On Wedneaday night a Bengali
made, an unsuceeesful attempt to
'OF -Public Prosector Hume
a bomb in a railroad carriage, near
ports; extra No. I feed, 41c;
1 feed, elle, on track, lake ports.
Barley—No. 2) 55tsie to 000 ; ,No.
3 extra, 54e to 55e; No. 3, 53e to
7434e to 75e, Toronto
freights, for No. it orsayellnwstsu
No. 3 yellow, 710 to 71%c, Toronto
Rye—No. 2, 75e to 70e, outside.
Post—No. 2, 85e to We outside.
Buckwheat --No. 2, 55e to 5Cet out.
Flouv-----Manitoba,- Ira patent,
$5.80; wends $5.30; strong' belt!
era', $5.10; Ontario winter wheat
patents, ,for cxport, $3,70 to OM,
and' oba Univers•
_Ms Worse Than
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
41That oil, poured on a living fire,
.tvould be more dangerous than d
aerate or nitro-glycerine used si-
Such was, the startling statement
=of Professor Parker of Manitoba
University, on•Thurs dt11--itr, on the
„completion of tests of samples of
l obtained from the same source
as that which resulted in fifteen
:deaths within a fortnight in the
"This oil," said Prefesaor Park
r, "is extraordinary in" some re-
' .spects. I do not think that it was
been- suggested. 1 tried it for ape-
cific gravity, for 'flash point, and
I distilled it fractionally. I believe
that it contained a heavy percent-
age of naphtha, of low grade per-
haps. Gasoline would distill off be-
low 90 degrees, or even 70 degrees,
and only 2 or 3 per cent. of this oil
distilled oft below 90 de.greter7 The
portion of 47 per cent. distilled at
between CO and 1E0 degrees.- There-
fore I think it contained, not gaso-
line, but naphtha. The flash point
was below what my mach:no will
register. Investigation shoves that
the company charged with whole-
saleing this oil has been importing
adulterated with gasoline, as has, naphtha largely."
*Italian LaborerThrusts Knife Into
Ilis Ilreast.!. -
' A despatch from Niagara, Fans
ays: Following a dispute over
ages, Joe Fread„ an Italian la-
orer, commi ea murderous as-
rault on W. . Morton at Stam-
ford on Th' sday afternoon. Mor-
ton is foreman of a gang of labor-
ers who work on the roads in Stam-
ford township, and_was paying the
men Zrff on the conclusion of the job.
was *51,033. The net profit foi the
eight years was $9,977-
, aitromporommor......o.
Rapid Progress L3 Being Made With
the Survey,
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Reports received by the ItailwaY
Department -are that rapid progress
it being made with the survey of
the proposedoroute of the Hudson -
Bay Railway. There are at present
Vread demanded more than had four parties in the field, consisting
been agreed upon, and Morton re- in all of from seventy to ono bun -
fused to pay him. Fread walked dred men engaged in surveying al -
away, but in a few minutes came ternate routes. It is anticipated
back, and, without warning, stab- that the engineers will be in a po-
bed Morton twice in the breast near sition to make a report, on which
the heart with a dirk knife, and ran a practically definite conclusion
.off into the woods. The poli 1, af- may be based, by the end of Febru-
ter a longchase, captured him. ary, for presentation to Parliament.
Morton is n a very critical condi-
MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISE.: Five Childr.en Strirkeit — Thought
It Was. ebicken.pes.
141Aht and ...r°w•Cr A-derpoth- frotrultavino *cis
' Plant Shows a Profit. In- the --village- of Lyn, -five mile!,
A despatch from, Brockville says:
'The report on the operation of the
'Brockville municipal -owned light
And power plant tor the past year,
. made public on Thursdity, shows.a
net profit .of $1,525. Besides the
working expenees, which amounted
to 432,207, there was paid out of
the revenue, interestto the sum of
$5,0S-6, and the debenture debt re- 1en-pox, therefore iso precautionary
, an i�rna�i ut ierford will
pres'de over the new department,
A four-year-old boy named An-
derson fell and struck his head on
a table at Calgary, and IF CL3 fatally
• deeseesesseeeessese eseessossorees
aflame St. Andre was senteztc-
jitit-lor--attettlitinrnoiSon ie
horse of a saloon -keeper.
Canada has been divided into in-
spection districts by the Railway
Commistion and the work apoor-
tioned among a staff.
Kingston Board of Education Ina
been ordered by Chancellor Boyd to
admit children who are not vaccin-
ated to the- schools. -
A number of vessel -owners have
raised the rate :for carrying grain
from -the head of the lakes to Geor-
gian /lay ports from two to three
cents a bushel.
Four thousand men and large
quantities of material for the Nas
tional Tre,nhcorstinental will be sent
in over the new Lake Superior
branch from Fort William.
A bull driven by H. Fleets at.
Sask., suddenly attacked
him. -The animal had him down
and was attempting to gore him,
when a collie dog attacked the bull
and kept at it until Mr. Flaata was
able to make his escape.
Judge Monet has granted the ap-
plication for a change of venue and
Hon. ,P: H. Roy will be tri;d at
Montreal on a charge of making
false returns to the Government in
connection with the St. John's
Bank. _
ton in bags, outside;. shorts, $22 to
$23, in bags, outside.
vAlpples=4itizite' iiM3Viilretiffen
rel for good qualities, and at
to ltsza -&-r-eookinje-apples:---
hand-picked, $1.90 to 01.93 per
Honey—Combs, $2 to $2.75 per
dozen, and strained, 10 to 110 per
11No. I timothy quoted at $11
to $11.50 a ton on track here, .and
No. 2 at $7 to $3.'
8travi—$0.50 to *8 on track.
Potatoes—Delay/area, 75 to 800
per beg on track.
Pcrultry—Chickens, dressed, 9 to
10g per pound; fowl, 7 to 80; ducks,
a to we; geese, 8 to 90 per pound;
turkeys, 12 to 12%c per pound.
Butter—Pound prints, 24 to ,20c;
tubs, 23 to 24e; inferior, 20 to 21c.
Creamery rolls, 2734 to 28e, and
sol*ds, 2534 to 26e.
Eggs -Cao lots of storage, .23 to
24e per dozen, while new laid are;
quoted at 30 to 32e per dozen.
Cheese—Large cheese, 1334c per
pound, and twins, 133ic.
Pork—Short cut, $22.50 to $23
per barrel; mess, $10 to $19.50.
Lard—Tierces, 12%c; tubs, 1234c;
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats—
Long clear hewn, 1134e to 1134e,
tens and cases; hams, large 12%c
to 13c, small 14e to 1434e; habits,
17c to 17%e; shoulders, 10c to 1034c;
rolls 11c to 11%e; breakfast bacon,
/5c to lec; green meats out of pickle
lc less than smoked.
Thirty Servians were slain in a
fight with. AuOrians on the frontier
of Herzegovina. -
Twenty men were killed in a fight
between Austrians and Servians on
the Bosnian frontier.
A New Jersey girl was frightened
to death by a mouse which ran
across the floor in her. home.
Four persons were drowned when
the steamer Finance was sunk off
-.Sandy Hook in collision withethe
White Star steamer Georgie, on
frrnii Brockville!. five cases of small- --Th"saiY*
Ray - Lamphere; accused of the
pox were diagnosed on Wednesday
01...m.urder of Mrs: Gunness, the owner
by Brockville's Medical Health
fcerThe patiente were children or the murder farm at Laporte, Ind,,
some 0( hias been found guilty of arson and
in four different homes,
whom had almost recovered, while given an .indeterminate term in the
ctheesyerein the worst stages. It State prison.
watt -generally believed that- the
children were suffering from chick-
ueecl $7,014. The to revenue 1 nseasuees were'taken.
'Trouble Is , Nov4'. Believed to Have
Come to a Head.
A ,fte ps,teli from LOrn(lon eaye:
has 'been day of eriessi,
mess istrO. even star* Various
ports; zit seeming to harmonize
eiith tech other, created a belief
that: the Balkan treuble had come
to * beak and thst war was very
near. The general interpretation
.of the the Withdrawal of Marquis Pal-
lavieinni, the Austrian Ambaosador
at Constantinople, as * disuised
ultimatum to Turkey, Russia's un-
f*voreble reply to the Austrian note
concerning .4 Conference, the Te.
vied definite conclusion of an al -
*nee between Turkey, Montene,
o *rid Sema, the alleged clash
u Austriaii column with a Ser.
euerilla bandht
, the rumored
i .
of troops n Bosnia,' tirkd,,,si
oueernstion at Strain, oppo
elgrede, where it was assert.,
plot to merder an Atistri*n
or had been dise,overed„ were
the prineipal eautes of the axeite.
*sent; Theft. ethie4 to thi4oniver.
*al .X$SpertitiOn ised b3' thc Tar.
kishsbOycott, eaused decLe. at the
bourke f Vieunif :and Budapest,
iviOch) \wore partly checked %by 'a
baits \official anneuncement
ing some of the rumors, espeeislly
the fight between Aestrians and
The position was iniso wie bet-
tered when it was learned thst the
Government had tonfiecated four
Vienna newspapers for rerorting
the movements of stoops particular-
ly at Senalin.
It is 'impoisible to. say liow far
the day's alarm was justified, but
'nothing eau be
definitely aseertain.
Ontario, British. Columbia and
Nova Scotia were awarded gold me-
dals at the colonial Frait Show -in
Mr. Birrell has introduceil a bill
into the British House of 'Cm -inflows
to facilitate the purehaseof land
for the tenants n Ireland. -
Brantford Man Caught by Train on
Bridge Took Chances. •
A despatch from Brantford, says:
George Ilauseotribe, in grossing the
treetle liridget /er the caeitl on
Thursday morning, was caught rby
the T., EL and B gravel traii4. Ras
ther Oats be run down he plunged
into thie tanali from which he was
later rescued crithout injury.
eeed Away atGere Bay, Mod
teulin Islas&
A despateh .from Gore Bey, Mani
fount), sa!St : Judge Archibald ?,!ae.
Callum, formerly a Tonrito news -
ed to Ahem that ties eituseen is paper matt and a Twomireeet
really 'worse tNin it has been for b_lal wotker: disei here in Thitreday
the, tut tot *ave. NeverthleiS,tho 4 ivieintOrilia. Judge MneCellun.
uneasiness is general, au& it;.,s 4at.3,,, teat vs. a -i•itiatw cc.14 A -fypily
leek is vety otiseure. Iti tated 7,0enIdildre,,
in ebitilomatie queitere that .a.e? , s
pramest di$tttie li iri the pfpliog,zij. Slt,
tion of int ,141! st risk* =Ito ci.41141 1,11Z+1 -trite; lltfr, •"
gr"tijOitt* *fEd ft" 'ref2)*°41it'3V
an;Ittilitoofty Iv tt,lt fltdi it
.Moetreal, Dee, le-Gram—Cana-
selling' at 4634e; No. 3, 45*; extra! greeted by the tumultuous cheering
dian Western No. 2 white* oats are
No. 1 feed oats at 45%e; No. 1 feed of fully 10,090 people, while the
at 45e; Ontario No. 2 white 45 to vhistles of the several steamers in
the harbor added their welcome to
40444 No,- 3r- 44to4,4%c;,..ko.,4„-. the ber' reckAkt- Thtt_ cutttomar
bushel ex store.
ealA to 44c per I tottle-or Wine was VriSkeii iiiion t
1 iirow 6f the beet by Mrs. II, 11.
Gilderaleeve, wife. of the general
manager of the company„ who per-
formed,her thsk just as the steamer
"started on the way for her first sub-
In. Gowdy. and Graviddaughter
Seriously Injured. .
, A despatth from Welland says:
On - Thursday afternoon Mrs. Wil-
liam Gowdy of Buffalo, aceompani-
d by her grandadoghter, Merlon
Hatt, rix "rears old, were run down
. t
• . 4,
'Vox 0404 it* therti,a41,1
,t4040140- - INIT
* s
irO" at
reaChed the ,estOcaatiatient
„ 0
w s 'Weep end t,et- 0110n -
*bead with •
'he :native, named Okotillhitrn
on .1,s,rovempee 7 nsatte an ats
tempt here upon the life of Sir Ate
drew Iltindersork Fraeler, the Lieut. -
Governor of liengel, on Wednesday
pleaded guilty and was sentenced
_t,sk i_apst riseninuent for life.
Thopolice are taking remark-
able precautions to safeguard _tined
Vinte, and this is regarded 43 mat'
1 Northern, 01.0734 to $1.07%; No.
2 Northern, $1.0534 to $1.05%; No.
4 Northern, $1.0134 to $1.01. Bran
—$18.25 to .18.50. Flout — -First
patents, 05.40 to $5.65; second pat.
tent 0.25. to $5.50; first clears,
to $4.30; second clears, $3.00
•"'"'"'" pring,
steady; No. 1 Northern carloads,
etore, $1.0034; Winter, higher; No.
$ red, $1.0934; No. 3 extra red;
$1.0734; No. 2 white„ $1.04; No.
ye] ow, ere; No. 4 yellow, 60 ;
•la. 4, corn, 653c to .60.c.; No. 3
white, 53K t4:, 5314c; No. 2 rye,
track, 83.
Canada Takes Further Action in
Cattle Disease. .
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The outbrealc of the foot and mouth
disease in the State of ,Michigan
led the authorities of the Depart-
ment on Wednesday to add that
State to the list of those under
quarantine, making four' up to the
present, namely; New York,
Pennsylvania, Nevr Jersey and Mi-
chigan. The transit of animals
across the boundary from these
States into Canada is absolutely
barred. The regulatjtons have put
a stop not only to the passage of
stock trains through Canada from
oints in the United States, but
will also prohibit vehicles crossing
from the States into the Dominion.
Lord Strathcona has cabled the ales
preciation of the gritish Board of
Trade at Canada's action.
The Finest Product of Cquadiau
Shipbuilding.; - •
A despathh from Collingwood
says: Shcrtly after 2 o'clock on
Thursday afternoon the ropes hold-
ing the splendid steel steamer Ha -
motile were severed simultaneous-
ly and the tremendous tonnage of
steel slid gracefully down the waye
into the water and another addi-
tion was made to the fieet of the
Northern Na.vigation Company. The
initial dip of the Hamonic was
Fiourr-Manitoba Spring wheatpat--
exits, firsts, $0; se,conds, $5.50;
Winter wheat patents, $5 to $5.25;
straight rollers, $4.60 to $4.70; do.,
in bags, $2.15 to $2.25; extra, $1.-
75 to $1.85. Feed—Ontario bran,
$21.50 to 022; middlings, $25 to
$20; shorts, 024.50 to $25 per ton,
including bags; pure grain mouille)
$30 to $32; milled grades, $25 to
$24 per ton. Oheese-1e34 to i234e,
and easterns at 11% to 12. Butter
27e in round lots'and 2734 to eee
in a jobbing way. Eggs -'New
29 to 000; selected stock, 25 to 2534c ;
No. I tstock, „22 to 23o, and No.
stock, 17Yre per dozen.
and wateted, oronto.
Toronto; ,eCarcity of
choice cattle was reported. , A
buyer, said that he was..willing to
pay ,$5:for a load' of extra, choice
butchers' cattle, but' he 'could .not
find them. The .best prices ruled
.round *4.10 ,$4.40 *per ,Stretglitr
loads', of, good cittfick were field at.
\$4 $4.25 Per cwt:\ The pricOs
of roCdium eettle varied from $3
o .
to $4 per ewt. Chice Cows* Wer8
tfild t0 MI5 per ,eva. .Cotrimen,
and tuediuni cows brought $2 e3
er. ewt. Few heevy feeder. ,of good
ality were offered. A demand
'm the Country perSieted fur
eurreet prieee. Sheep And lambs
rein Vetter deleted. Select hogs
tinned to sell ,r1,w,4$04 per tat.,
lwitukee,, Dee. 1.-Whest--No.
'iere, .0e1J.tk,„. 2Northere,
9 liskYs $1.05 *eked.
ieritseger" C.2%e
;dord er..`c
..,,, 57 t
L Vihee
1r, OW.
24:I Employes Victims of. Accidents
-During October.
A despatch from Ottawa says;
Industrial accidents occurring to
•• `Srlitt).ri ,
Art Ifottiti tif ,
1903, were reported to the Deport-
ment of Labor. Of these, 79 were
fatal and 162 resulted ,in ecrious
injuries. In addition, two fatal ac-
rkerof ssj
aken place prior to the beginning
et the month, information not bev-
ttrrencoivntLIcros --sclepaztr====="
ment before October. 1003. The
number of fatal accidents reported
in October, 1903, was 93 less than
in the previous month and kiisiess
than in October, 1907. The num-
ber of non-fatal accidents reported
in October, 1908, was eight more
than in the preceding month and
144 less than in October, 1907.
To be Re -opened for Reception of
Stock to Slaughter.
A despatch from Buffalo, N. Y.,
says: The East Buffalo Stockyards
re -opened on. Monday for the reeep-
Con of live stock fer local consump-
tion. This was decided at a meets
'rig of the Live Steck Association
with State and Federal quarantine
officers on Wednesday. Cattle and
sheep ter slaughter only will be re-
ceiv6d. No 'shippers" or "feeders"
will be allowed to come into the
yards. It was also stipulated that
the live stock must come
fected cars, and must be unloaded
at dieinfected 4pens. This‘ means a
resumption of the bulk of the stock
ear& business, for transactions in
stock for slaughter usually forms
abotit two-thirds of -the cattle' busi-
!less there.
Mr. J. E. Cyr Makes Fourth Cana.
dian Agent In That Country.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Mr. J. E. Cyr, ex-M.P. for Pro -
reacher, has been appointed an im-
migration agent for Canada in
France. Mr. Cyr will seek to pro,
mote, especially, the emigration of
French agriculturists to the Prairie
Provinces. The immigration de-
vitrtment is -MIRO- entouragiug-emi.
pration from the rural districts of
ranee and Belgium by a eompsign
of odvertieing the resources -of -Cass
nada through moving picture exhi-
bitions. Mr. Cyr's appointment in
creases the number of Canadian Ira'
migration agents in France to four.
Governineut May Deport Maus
Now in British Columbia. •
A' despatch from _Ottawa says:
An there 11009 not seem to be any
ikeliliumt 3t thrs
ieso,“ Columbia accepting the propotod
by' a Grand , Trunk frieight
Vaelzing on them et the depot here. itroasb.eittriasnrdardrtedhattothBrieltiEhnterfoorilislue:
Both received serious injuries. TwO
doctors are in attendance. It is rof(4.rdtmere:Itijuant4t- tthaokientltioe etktdriettnt.e step
hoped the injuries may not prove '
fatal. erossieg is very danger. ciiro.be
te ,afliBozliettihselireoulnusinubitiatibilss hefoldr
'ous, and many narrow eecapsts have to,
curred. ' Hindus. I
Pending Investigation.
. A thispitch fro,* Kier kton ras.s material tree c;.*::.g from. Two
The tailor instrueter tto peni,„ prisoners tinder the instructor wet*
teatiery is under sutpicion peedingj'i Lig the drug, and one Of them is
an insestigAtion into the tietlieg woeir. the view) lio*it*I. Host
on of hie rooms) in the; irAttit1360111,i itiLq SZSItt got int4 the storeroom no
a quantity of opium, tobrieie,freet tan telt% Some yetirtt ago *
motiete aril two watellen, par4. fussed tares., coaantity ef stolen goods Were '
Eaton's in Toretto. The sus. utdor the fleor of the.
-st.g l'46#3 at the prison, ftt ho
teethiteg ,ebout the, *totter,
tr.one,v6 *tr."- --1Uspett (
' 0,121t. iintl there is
rett.”tt east h * vitt.
'sht 't -hand work. In-.
pe.,-•tded offinal dens eUltio*locIA
te,°,3, *my into his detesetcnitett.
stovers' was msete by tie,.
utlictielee that efevert *t4 I
heieg -prz,
as.,'54fopttlti. it 05 l‘tocirie v.
frit ;41110;^44144; 4.0 ti,,,,Oittfloii):A4:4