HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 2 (2), • ttl litOd to .11e4t4 send my •wfc. 4tZwfully aay that i "Of° goiat•he S'at 're ItUStently " ending i 04 ttiV134s,, aeritek. s Atehli Tt. 004- N. LL, w10 fertile "In i:OEy' (svIl t.rilattleae uI4eet 0.• 'Wu 4004 fOr t /lite, Villa cornplett4y urea 'nee ofethestrouble About; te ever 4Q. Ill.) If began complain. :She seemed to be tem- Oletely , run dovin ; (wasvery pale and weak; she could not weak up stairs without stopping on the way, te get breath, and ultimately ehe grew so week she could not *ATOP a floor without rpsting. She tried several -tonics but received no he- vefit. Then.I persuaded her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and got Ler a. half dozen boxes. After elie had wed a couple of, boxes her ap- petite began to improve and the color to return to her face. She continued using the Pills until she bad taken the six boxes, afid to- day she is perfectly - well, feels ;stronger and looks better than she has done for sonic years. While elle was taking the Pills she gained wsoig-14;-) • les likot ese rooted in the blood. Bad blood is the cause of all commis diseases likee&netemia, rhemesatisna -indizee- '"'"assaidesaisesseeektakieertearatigie as • general weakness, andi* those a,• ' ts-that-enly-wemen-folks-know 'esse seswitlytheirsatteralants headaclIcftn tackaches and irregularities. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a sure cure when given a fair trial, because they enrich the blood and thus reaeh the root of disease. Sold lb! all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 432.50 freer* 'The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 14, .44.4.14A ,44‘ WENT DOWN IN SALT MINE • PIE MEN AND WOMEN WORE - QUEER DRESSES. Looked Weird and Wild When Ate tired, for Descent—Lake in -Huge Cavern. A quessirn place for friskiness— "rest and be pickled" Would seem a, more .suitable inscription—yet it ring with merriment, through the fast .plaeo in the world where a fancy dress entertainment would be looked for. But the unexpected -happened at 13erchteegaders, near • Salzburg; in fact, is often happen- ing. On arriving at that pretty 'spot, says a writer in the Pall Mall Gazette, several ladies were seen coming out of a small statin -liked building, tied in rather becoming caps, tunics, white knickers, and whatever stockings they chanced to le wearing before disguising them- selves. A few more sedate ladle% for reasons best known to them- selves, preferred long white trous- ers. We concluded Bente party of irrational dresses or a lathes' eye - ling club, was out for the day, but we were wrong. From another door eaierged several men, apparently Persians, their beedgcae, at any. rate, Tending support to that sup - petition. APRON HIND SIDE BEFORE. The rest of their fancy dress con- sisted of duslcy overalls and jacket, 'the later being converted to all .appearances into a tail Coat by the ' adutition of a black leather. apron wore behind. What did it -mean.l lifad these foreigners, so much ad- dicted to dress coats, been attend- ing a villaigewedding, and, having Iseteredeprrved of the tails by rol- licking rtistics,• supplied what was lacking with blacksmiths' aprons?, That was what it looked like, but k ire were scum to look the same, be- ing requested, rather abruptly, ,to ant it all on and 1144 a light -ed baiter/1 to our waists. A long tuns nel there commenced, - and at ale& .end of it 123 Of-1Pa had to be as- cended, more traversing of lengthy tubessut through the rock exit, mid irreteraly a worlderfel sight surprie- 'ed us. 'In a Imge cavern was lake illuminated all round by elce- irin. lamps reflectetrirom the water. Across this we were rowed in it beet, and although we did not taste the ei *ter, wo gatherM that it wee a Ate,a4 QJieyP4i Z) ))IC bN FiTIOtS. • 0 then *waited us, bivh- light on thep'ir- p(sc the leather etprorsie . rty, of tii tJlWt h&d ts) ozr ge..at,Yrk.a ligh1olibd_ fod. pole pI&&et at it alarmhxgi 10Etng(e Pad.rL aout.t0 tttfe „tyxary JarL4011 IL.01 t J'fl*F hrongLt ,•• in hown 4 hok •ca u a preonriUy bep Ivo the depth heingiidicate arkling, at Alit hateotit of ru&laboriuKdOWn the , in a eahterie: lobed hours2',, 11 would be More welcome, one would think, even that to those ' who work in the far dirtier atmosphere iot. coal. • - METED BY LAATORING CROWD. • After slipping down more Pules, clinging as 'directed to the shoulder of the lady or gentleman in front! *with one hand, and with the other grasping the lantern that usually got blown out, we were seated astride on a little trolley, and rob- ed down an incline out into the day- light of the open street; to be greet- ed by a laughing crowd (one lady was in tears at the figure of aport- ly Di Dutchman of our squad- n his overalls) and to be solicited by # .•••>: sea • ,14•4, an easy prey, for their geteup we not unbecoming, but for sua mere leatbee-taited monkey§ our on13,,4 exploits, to rain 0 Cif Our append- els-reveiseues-stalo. 4 a ineeramotie sthanitliteefor—whateater, Darwin and evortition ismer have done for us, ! : • AUSTRALIAN FISHERMEN. - Their Dexterity In Use. of Hard Wood Spear. • Thelaberiginals of the Australian coastal regions like most of the nae five South Sea Islanders aro ex- tremely clever fishermen. In the case of the Australian native tackle is often confined to a slender hard wood spear, grotesquely carved. Armed with such a weapon, the "black fellsetia'willestake--a-per upon some convenient rock and gaze steadily in the wonderfully transparent blue water. Intuition and long observation seem to sup- ply an almost unos,nny knowledge as to the habits and haunts of dif- ferent fish at stated times, and it is no uncommon feat for this type of fisherman to rise' suddenly to his feet and send 1113 rude spear hurt- ling through thirty feet of space befote it enters the water to pierce clean through the body of a big schnapper, a fine mullet or a low fish,• almost as long as th fishers man is tall. Then the native leape into- the water and wades or swims ashore, dragging his prize after him by the • ./...4.44444444•44,,,•,,,44.0444444,444..4,444444.4, KEEP BABY WELL. No matter whether baby is sick or well Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in the house. They not only cure the minor disorders of childhood, -but prevent them and should be given whenever the lit- tle ones show the slightest, signs of illness. Children take the Tablets WI readily terstatiely, eandatheyssare absolutely sefe. Mrs. Geo. Howell, Sandy Beach, Que., says :---"My baby was greatly troubled with colic and cried night and day, but after ,giving' him 'Baby's Own Tab, lets the trouble disappeared. I ad- vise all mothers to use this medi- cine -Hi Sold -107 sal medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr." Williams' _Medicine Co., Beockville, Ont. TWILIGHT THOUGHTS. • Failure only makes- success sweet- . er. !,43100a enough" is never mud) good. Wise wit is bettAr than silly soleranity. ,-01-44.11.----vain----thing$,--ASetties are the .vainest. . You esin't, cure cern& by, growl-. mg at them. ' Anyole ;iluf) tan mak, money all Make itrends. • We hite, nothing by treating 'old age with respect. l• Tho man who is. always rig- is apt to bore_ his friends. Often it Man *bilis as good as hit word isn't mueb good. He is. it wise man who gets out before he is kielted out., flab* Men, never ask * girl merry them till they are *urn won't. It isn't side to judge whet * wo- man wants to do by the thing she oot. Some people expect Ate doll* mill of gratitude for's fifty cent eient. it taken 'two to Miik. a tat but it also _t4tes___two__to--"Aist sad bs ttlitidilt „. A OUGHT ON s,"•"1" at • f) # 1#1 ttk ettle develop .Itheumatzsm Wart AOPAISO; '11iiskt's Disease and other terribly dangerous ails extents; and how afay arid atii af them are cured Ly Dodd' s Kidney is fully shown in tha ease of -Um ,A. 11.- Thomsen, whose Nate is at 46 Albion Street, this city. Mrs. Thomson was, 00111t, years ago,taken with Cold and La Gripe -and Straining, which affect- ed her Kidneys, and the result was _Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism and Heart Disease, which caused both` her and her friend:, grave anx- She had suffered some years when she heard of cures effected by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and bought a box, which she used with such spleudid3esults that she con- ' 0. family 'a?1;d(;'1‘ 4 Ile ::u14:'''n'll.:\ulded r them widely te her friends all af vhoin i have - word anti- r s,,,' Ig afits r n reitredk, Dodd dney Pills. , 4., •,, # •astrie—Jibeinalifialre unibago und Briaght's Diitase are - all Kidney Diseases or are' caused hy• diseased Kidneys. You can't have any of them if you keep your Kidneys sound. Sound Kidneys strain all the impurities out of the blood. 4,••••,••• .1111•1•••••• TAKING NO CHANCES. Everybody secretly wants to own an airship some day, but most ev- erybody is wilhng to Ict the other fellow find out if airshipping is practicable first. 011•411.,11. •11•••••• • A REST ving due credit to, the won- derful remedial Springs of Europe we are apt to lose sight of the value or the ones nearer home. About one thousand springs of varicae medicinal virtues exist in America. Of one of them flare's System of Therapeutics (Me), page 523, thus speaks: "A number of Saline Springs exist in America and Eu- rope, very strong water of this kind being the St. Catharines Well in Canada, which contains about 275 grains sodium chloride to the Oat, as well as 135 grains calcium chloride. Its prototype in Europe' is the celebrated Kreutzach Springs in Prussia, which contains about 110 grains sodium chloride (Kurb- rtuanea):'' Other references are Encyclopaedia, The Allbutts Syc- tem of Medicine, etc. The Grand Trunk Railway System's rains run direct to St. Cathaines nd fur- ther information eai be ibtained from their represent ive • Apply to 3. D. McDonald, District Pas- senger Agent, Toronto. Rich Aunt—"You only visit inc when you want money." Spend- t tbrift—"Well, I couldn't come entich oftener, could II" TAMUF411SL4N04, sf floe fistelleet Pseseeeleas of John 4o1i. t very letest addition, to t iPx Umpire, C9etivy Ittlandt,. the'spottiest *angle .:kit nf te Y reigned, ever. by. ',4,;Ars • , titaa: 'tweet little Pot, titi'orlit,Osittiei t a, t '1.41?1,eilet ii ex quite it reeaeata on). o'r,,c4 out ttlit41 et,e,rt Wen , , ‘.31N for•m§tance, time!, es big 40.Pudding Jidand,A •, the VorAg*..Mriatri -whlcb i by reports, less than A•mile in eir- cimference. The area of thislet- ter: too, is' gradually diminiebing, owing to the dielutegration • and subsidence of the coral base on which it stands. It derives its cur - ions name from its striking re- semblance to the toplialf of e pud- ding, the barrier reel which entirc- ly surrounds it standing for the rim -of the basin. Then, again, there is Beehive Is- land, to the Smith Pacific, which rises from the centre of it perfectly circular platform, to a height of four hundred feet, in a smooth dome-shaped hill of polished basalt, exactly resembling a beehive., Its area altogether is less than a thousand acres. Nevertheless, on the ledge surrounding the inac- T KINDNESS, "Areut ox• going . to *end" nicre issioneriee to these: tlert. and enlightened tribes V' • - ,str,7''eneWered;the philsn .uttetuntil, .those giee islemer.e ratiefeetery exp rt xcs to wii4 thy. dttk With t 4 • uarP4tit , asd 2n,lu , b 't4e' cernde/ral,ti161.1 enili:it4: the 4: Af;43.6,00ktt!leof:llltaePort0i's, 11200 Zax of lareeteue 0Jar :04' 1341:46°'. Wostou is a "11046 Of the Peace ftr tte county; and a member of the Board of Se600l Commiseionees. He is also deacon of the Baptist Oburch in Berwick, Indeed, • throughout the county it would be diffieult te find & man more widely known and more highly reppected. He says: "1 and a patch 4)1 eczema_ on Iney ankle, which had been there for over twenty years! Sometimes al. so the disease WOLLI1CI break out on my shoulders. I bad taken eolu- tion af arsenic, bad applied various ointments, and tried ell sorts of things to obtain a cure, but in vain. ZamsBuk, eelike all elee I tried, :proved highly eatisfaetory, and cured the ailment. I have also uee I 2anl-Buk for itching pilea, and it has cured thens completely. I telso 4,444 fealty in awe 181 t is only six another eur- itdess. • S smo erase, 4 " '-‘0) IthoyLthe.., witcsi,sa urei barer); 180 yards in one threes ;of y about eighty in v nattier_ epin elehinclasneareSta.P4ratarse -the Southern Indian Ocean, safe, shaped exactly like a gigantic pine- aud nobody h ed in climbing to the top. But its total area cannot excted a few score acres Hunter Island is anothox tiny portion of the British Empire upon which no one has ever set foot, although it. was discovered by Captain Fearn, Of the limiter; so long ago as 1798. I has an oblong block of volcanic rock, rising sheet' from the sea to the height of one thousand feet, and measures half a mile long by one-third of it mile in breadth. Mother Grave' Worm Extermin- ator is pleasant to take, sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best. re- sults,. , 41,0444,04,404,44440.44. "Barney's wooden leg hal been paining him of late," said Scholem te his wife. "How can that be i" said Mrs. Selkoles irritably. "Mrs. Barney has been thrashing him with was the etplanatior. • A HMO* eStith drives sleep and eernfort la& out e4.04nstr with_Alistft Lung 14i*. which relieves hard btoalsittg. pin in the vises: and irtitati4oa ol the throat. Oiset 11 ftssly to the children. "WM •••••••••••••• Jack—"Yes, poor John may have had his faults, but - hie heart was on the right side." s Wagge—"Is it possible 'i No wonder he died." • Why • go limping and whining about your corns when a 25 cent bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them? Give it a trial and you will riot regret it. ' 4,4 •,.#. 0,;‘,„ • ?Mr' IS 110 $aab Thin* sal fps:trees, eastrik, The tremble goes from iwi to won,* unless (boot. sO AUen s Ling Dainty* ettras- fits wont di Cads, it itilsys ineasantatina and (demi th. at't &Ammo,. woman writes a letter to an- other woman as though it were a doeument of national importance. No4o4,••••••••444 • The. native purity and &Hams •flavor of "Salada" Tea are preserv- ed by the useof eealed lead pack- -eta. Xever told in, bulk. . It richer," Tiibre fragrant and strenaer than .other teas. ,1,4•4•44.444444.41, KEEN -ON THE. HAIN CHANCE. He was gaziag with dreamy eyes into the distanee. "Ab, toy tiarling," Pc murmuted, avhatamattere it that sorrow and rouble nufst of necessity be lurk- ing in tho unknown future? While hi I ant. With. VOil I think of rioughW' An electric gun firing it prejep- ile forty miles, 'All shortly be an use. ' In warfare'of course, it will E. nesessary to arraiiiie with Ilse emeniy5tancl still till. the shot Isere- ere. a • The efficacy. of Bickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup in euriag coughs and• colds and arresting inflamma- tion of the lungs, can be establish- ed by hundreds of testimonialsifrozn alt sdrtn and cenditioncot inn. -1t is a standard remedy in these ail- mentle and' all affeetions of the throat and lunge.. It is highly re- commended by ruedieine vendors, beeause they know and appreciate its value so a curative, Try it, Irispec-tor--"Why does a dg bang his 'tongue (int of his rnouth . B'right,-looking Boy "To balance his tail; sir."• Okra* IAN Ilhithl#10, They eons* It ,rtoireatewsrith *stow, 1141 a (easfrentjtil ot la -sr Lk la **Wished **we .Avut pratsnt *facts. Aitekk elb4tiLat4, Oats is bat oat filci 59•4 . but the ifresentl--the beautifid, rot)) lire sent. " _ "So do1,1,1 deateot,". \the rePlicdi, tit you'll take me with'jiou when you buy it, won't rut Men have tastes in rings." , -6T1ETOUED IT A LITTLE. *gyration, strtistieelly ilk() metimes, approaette3 a One art-. riter relates the fonowit% eisationt "You must have had some very rrow ,es,eitpes from death in your fitful ereteer,” said an admirer he groat detective. . have had,* few," he admitted, odestly. "Probabky the closest aye I have bad WilA when n band South American ezItlews hani5ed 0, and went away without noticing at they hid strung to up to bber tree." PILLS 414! _ MOTION. _ • iUmost," said eniher ef Perl'iallt,Mt),'the 11 rst thing 1 want to 410' to *v exait't hat 1tuts, T," -i iecea itat �i don' -4,74•1Jr. 4 t • , miceThFwUl cad other sufferers to try it, I Eshould ber glad. i For the cure of piles-oraskietedise sof reethinia to equal 41-i4f4 am- u us-Buk also Cures- burns, cuts-, era;:.41eisaisonieneseerlatt* scalp- sores, aappeti- hatalseaa°14 aores, and all skin :injuries -and tflt- easea. Rubbed well on to the chest (Iin C31808 of cold it scslieves the tight' nese and aching. All druggists and stores sell at 50e, box, or post free from ZamsBuk Co., Toronto, for price, 3 boxes- for $1.25. ease="sa "Tow, don't tell me.eny star, a:Jout misfortune an' wantin" to be it hard worker, an' all that," said the hard -faced lady. "I can sc� right through you." "Gracious!" said Dismal Dawson, "I know I cinit had !mean' to eat for three (lease but I didn't know it had thin- ned me down like that." - A Successful Medicine.—Every- one wishes to be successful in any undertaking in which he may en - age. -It is therefore, extremely gratifying to the proprietors of Parraelteas Vegetable Pills to know that their efforts to compound a. medicine which would prove a blessing to mankind have been suc- cessful beyond their expeetetions. The endoreation of these Pills by the public is a guarantee that a pill has been produced whieh wifl ful- fd everything-elain' ied-foreitee 41•4444 44.44,44.44 • • Mr. • Bloolnimper—"My dear, you have an irritating habit of asking 'Why?' after every statement I make. Now'won't you try to break yourself of the habit?" Mrs. Woo- • bumper --"Why, certainly, my love. I'm suie I didn't know I did. certainly try to break myself of the habit, as you suggest. But why?" No Substitute for "no te Menthol Plastan,' although Aarile tovicrup dono dealers may say them' is, iteeorarnsn,104 by dbctorshvisp04,14 e„Ittgy and evorylk#.17 tor pleurisy. stliTasse, ste. • Ile (trembling)—"I have one last -wish to ask tafosseeeve pertaitiaitilia ger for ever.", She (eabbingly)-- 'What is it, GeosGleorge i" Ile— "Wi you mesineet me next Vtitirsdayi, as usualt" She—"I will George." A Liniinent for the Logger. Loggers lead a life which experes them to _Wally perils.- Wounds, cuts aml ibruisps cannot -be alto - gegen avoided in preparing timber for the drive and in river work, where wet and told combined are ek.tiaily experience,. voiles' And olds and muscular ,pains cannot u ensure. Dr.-Thomae-Ectectire sOil, when applied to the injured or administered to the ailing,) works wonders. tite tel 10 - e ult.t reZwri ,t "tt 11 , ' .1 XI „ e • Carefully Prepared rm. 'Much time and attention were pended'in the experimenting with the ingredients that enter into the compositiim of Parraeleea Veges table Pine, before they were brought to the state in which . they were firet offered to the public. 'What. ever ether pills may be, Parmelee's Vegetable Pille are the result of much expert study, and all pereons• suffering from dyspepsia• or disor- dered liver and kidneys may con- fidently aecept them as being whats they are represented to be. ••••••44••••••••• Intoxicating strains of tuu8ic • dom come from a barrel organ. A. J. PATTISON &CO. 8 t a rok a Jaarave. said istilis steam esietiraisf aaa 0 " esseviat.4.741***-7 03Pailitl°;;-* LeXt1411- niche)* pries. paid. writs (empties list. Adams* 11/1130,113iieltsIsawoklisep itsvitho Arirtessils * IL Colonial FREE /$0 Anae•amo fist** Post Cards Um tor toe. tor bis. 1147 t N,10 X. KEY km. me mum dm* 1.44toso. Ws mod C211440-4 skitotpool. &IX Om at itio * niek Sild *MA ts.vri14 mat p,,#A wilt ;Koss bv',stout loon var dm ell &maim th-114 ‘1.44 Oil Iwo or "M "7 tfalloo Orit =soy on. sila. too woo to aborts tr: *3, y. Wr5oto4arsprIl COW*/ front Crosto's grootoot Prottittra Thom Ailitrcoo Co., DeDi:53, Tororto PIANOS ARE CANADA'S: CE•ST ARO ItifenritOY K$QW$ xrpmax • 111"..$-Y teem Seed tor *sr rres= catalogs* ..ataltattsottaf A„.141. PiSpillAhrtall'Crirasta. **It • r` .00.., 111L.G11310. ...7Th• • Large Manufacturing_ TO EAS 6741 Adotaido St. Viet • _About_ 40x200e 1ilxtedes-13 etliierysfive windows, the en- tire length ofahree sides, etc, freux ten large skylights, most' up-to-date manufaeturing flat In central part of Toronto; Teats! -includes power, *teem heat, water, electric light, att 10 per emit. legs than city .rates; lowest insurance rate; immediate possession; low rental to 1140-elass tenant. •g1 FRAN IVILSOli OWINAlt 3 Adelaide Street West vortorivot ofor. FREE TO YOU— . wet end) y ITO "teat YO VO smis SUP104airtO 09/414 totin *. I know **OtnAttis ioOnd a care, 1 will • mu% free.o_feleasaieinahcene trade . , tatith tollitteltuctlimato sly spfterti trees, tiwset, to tell -All It4.3tieet Poot lito area -Sae, nits -ciders for reterselfs daughter, year feathers or yourAters want to tell you:14o* 03 Cure ottprelf at home.. he-in:the help alt doctor• Mtn, -essoist vix- tairufw.:Itmen'ssulieristio. Wbut we women ow from experiegee, fu•'e know better tbAo any doctor, I know thati ork home treatment ov,e and sure tote 'tor all feknAhe sessei aess** to our *ex. 1, want to *end you, * complete 10 jays', Ire*ltbent etidreljt freer toprove « you *bid 'Ow • an cuotyourseirat him** eai1y, onl test you nothing to give the trot toent*,complet e iId wish ,to‘Contintto,it Will est you only tx Cents 'visite* or lusutlutrctwo cent, a clayit It ivil not tn1i'.r. with yo.r work or otoputgon.. 04t ituntflOO,YOurtkOktillitm140101110i tett in•* bow yin .saffet, if you wish, ard, 1 will uer.4 you the I etststant Alt year cass, *idol/ &Hi by Muffs, *Wt. I will *Ito *rod .you lieu of toittnyti1*.411111* Gat41011101017.1* wab, teerknatoryiiiestroutoret Showing why *onto* uttfturi. ,.,C*11 essay' cur* 'thtinielveu itt /tome. Every Watt** should low* it, a • k foe Olariik 11 lien whett thd *dor ititit**14 WOO, 'jtift ilitttAt s Staiiietaiirterve coltiot thuimulvi* t*riId, 4i eryeeg. 'lo mosowo opt silosinont,1 *Olt **4 *taut** ,morte* Potittfut *MI lint WAY f MITXtri Pt* AltAilit*Till