HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-26, Page 8 (2).... r
ww,y'w.,,:4�.ia•,^N).{,,::t,.`�.16441r•441.Cr` c YitssM'hiA +a a.,4,(441,44i+. 44.4411.Nf:11N?41!C' 41 '7wit:M*. 402ddb4. �f
64.":a�ayr +� *. +ati.:v,..OP10147 sr;.+ **,
4 ' Merchant Tailor .
ROSS Locals Read Thom
Ste art's for Olean, Fresh Grow**
for Zino, Try their 80o Tea -Mixed,
hem amu: . .0.A. Mit
Cor tl In thrcnewquarter*,
:Monder night.
+aa has purelbraaarad e
down prop
ety owned ey r*. S -
onstreet, The prime
d Woe $1700. -
aster Dougiai. Stewart, who a
Budden attack of, appendiciti., * .
vin end *n operation wars n
meg necesatti.
No ilervice was held in the timbre
:erlan church Sunder evening o
;n the anniversairy ierviee being ha •.
n Man *erect Methodist church.
It li san old saying thatt 44aoou flair
he creeks re full the winte ieta in."
i(." d dr.,c..•, �'v .! m y -,.+.r. :. 4hM •MA+Tti are eAfIM'.
t a meeting of the ff.xeter Ui h
School Literary moiety, bell Noy, ..
it WAS decided to holden "At ROM
on Dec, 18th, at , which. a choice and
•RYu x. r t
in! r.— PAF ' '
ZrrAdy . ar-lined Coat for a Lady.
The Advocate' will be 'nudled>. to any
address in Oanaada until. January let,
1910, for one dollar. Tell your neigh.
bora about it. -
Stewarrt's for Xmas £? dn-A-225c , to
,5O for Jardineres, *2' to *9 for Toilet
Bets andV2 &0 to 0 for CM. na Tea
Got lea Ager10
At the Exeter ' Bar in . Store. A
stock from Leamington this time.
The •goods have arrived at Exeter ;and
this traekir.g Bargain Sale will begin
on Saturday, the 28th of November.
This Rattling Cheap 'Sale will col*,
•metace Saturday morning • at - nine
o'clock. This Splendid Stock mut be
Sterols For; Sate or To est.
J. W.8 meeeie.
Saari it for Rare Value in Dinner
Bet*, 108 piece seta",, r0, up te"
15.. imported direct Jra►m makers—
aker —
sof for Xinas Wits.
Sew Baiter %h
tat the. NOW Barber Shop, north
of the htettopolltan Hotel, for a ‘-clean
shave and' anA gout hair cut. Also
clothes cleanedandrepalrrced.and press.
ed, at rreaeonable rate u..- ectt i IN.
Om. Proprietor,
x.60 0 u to 5, or sine
Astound Tables in .fur Res .at
• ra Tired or Rosaodsized.
. naucenti,
ate will be sent to ars
dea 9
tis i rt mettle to Ian. e l
aaddrr zd` ,l .t, . 1, ,
for $l.
r.# fort Levely Yew Styte in Xet
Waists, sick -tined and •trimmed with fan-
r fillet tr ri%zrrting.- .citowors.
At the &mortal meeting of the Huron
Ohl not? ,tl sooiatton, held Saturday
at Tor ,rno,~,, the following Officere were
elect' d:ton,-Pr'+ dentsr_• ": ':Willie.,
son, W. E. Gioves13.;J. . Dnea n,
`re �S'toy ", itf ,l •�. ThOS: `.Sole; Vice•P .•
Dr. s 13, atnturC'y; Seely., E. ,Ploedv.
Tr. etiar><rr' r. MajorReck; Commit +e,
W. O. eTaggarrt, B. B. Bavle, John
Ma k-. 11 l team r, a ,. i ikon,, '
Ilivk..1. ' '. Robertson, d'. A. Meter.
en. Fr -,,.;i. le. Wilson, '. S. McKinnon,
B. 8. C:".we rr, W. '4'1%x. Sloan, W. B.
Stott. is;.l-!ileod'r't'lf« 13'. Caantelon.
SOP et, owey"s
Drug seat,. de''ccrraatitrg.
l"carr Chr istnus Shopping at
Stewaretc DO r Stock. 13141 Vatites.
tr. birrd to the worm" . this
of esei"a as true i erdl to-IC'walre
btiye e earplyh ole- oar; atock.
ilr compo. tic'.: llowty'i Drug Store.
Pare 3' nue in 'Polon. Td le • �a ad
:l'j'a k tidy Lamps at s, a " .
seat by 'el erghtaasa4nmer.
The Rev. D. W. Collins.will preauh
anniversary services in the English
church, Ltuarrknow, on Sunday, °D c. 0,
while Bev. a. W. Senders, rector e t
Lucknow will fill: the vacancy here...
Mt. Ed. Kestie ` tete purchased the
old rein storehouse on the eastaide
of thelneck at the depot..from Mr. R.
Seldon. Mr« Keetle intends teering
down end ere eting a barn on his farm
in 'U'sborne.; -
The Town Council of,Ooderich Sat.
urrday night decided to submit a local
option by-laaw`at�coming municipal
election. A. petition with about 40
names was presented, asking for the
eubmiealonr of the bylaw.
¶rheWornern'eGuild.ofthe rivltthie-
inotrial church .will hold their annual
baazaaart In the Town well, lrizeter, on
Friday, Dec. 4th. Afternoon from 3
to 4-tear/ma-tele -Of work... r; n in -
the evening. Admission lOc.,
If you have* visitor at .your house
ruab tote news to. ne. If ltny of your
family it pins away on a visit tell us
or drop a cod the post office and
:aaimply addreee it to The Advocate.
If you do this we'll do the rest, •
Mr. note Gregory, who has sen In
very poor health for several. month*,
but who for theat few " weeks hes
improved considerably was
o> on turdaauh�aa �u_ been
rzalowstwte� eho o
hear of
his recovery.
On Monda, ,10 a conwe nitt/company`
at their com actable horns r, and
Mrrs. s. Hoga
h' celebrated the
twentr.fifth anniversary
of their•
marriage. Among their guests were
friends -from m be ezrround
ng village
Cllandeboye and London.
The Baahwaod stage team beesfite
frightened et some unknown object a
thdepot on Tumidity ani nd
started on a mad run towards town
but luckily were captured be%,going
far. The glias in front of 'the: stage
was the only daii nage done.
Mr. Fred Brown of Mitchellr peckedd
:and ya�hip µdthat-
es} ,b ey reltryofya ,• ' les, this•J
ason...�.. ty t ire � borh.. 4 M, �e1
wonder is when he got the apple., .be.
mce in tilt. erection with. but a few;
tolls ianterrveufn .., there were scarcely
enough, good- apple* •tar supply the lural
The fanner + feho tote a tto rrun s farm
without a fir foipbris not doing him-
self or his farm justice. Take Teee•,!l►ei.,
locate for the loc newt,• and in *dill.m sure 047401 T"he
r* list o
.tr' t
her: u_rt�aawdec
f , err
ear: �elnfnl itast#s
t You
it1,,,adyou w l never want
withoutit, only .h for
-"Three new .
tnateeaiaa were: t
to the IltiutieRouse of Refuge last w k
shields, Dale ' 75; Jn n . sb.►n,
Colb e, .• T,lbi wie sk AlfredSh•e re
enter , which bog* the towhee of
ininete s un to nlnetj for ,.. highw
et mark. Te got lotto the.uron 11.
R. seem* to len the outLthe lives
� off mos» of the o •-peon e.* +Anton
tt ttrrees eaeew a t CfH;itee ►
ulte lSth Ann i Show o thiapa l"ffCrtr ► ariw.
and Pe Stork d w astt�rs
will be held ee Clinton 'Ja
a 21st.. 'Thee* arra
p wuhins bird •Croelrtrd
and Clinton hi zoo convent r►t eMr r
l sal brr cdere should. see .,to it tlrw>iat`
'tura, their Asko of -the
Slisw +ii+rr'ni►'r iiii far ` larr's.
Iffitita Sb'aw, who, waw.ar by
rwst ible Nortbgt*vs0 al>rn t
rive � 9 charged with a►
Mara he atblet. wowi fend guilty :acrd
ante to threeyotatit hat
rrrrte•rntflraiteprrt �aartinornInig. *A the
nsUres wb >
amort t
noteworth al b r!l#tthem
were black.
:ir the. y We tea t
.arras In intenteting.
at 'ii t Attiver .
The tient)* Anniwersr of -the
Main Stmt Methodist Church was
held on Sunday ' lest. Rev. Dodd - N.
MCOa mus, of St. Marys, preached two,
excellent g l %errnume, and hie dir
courses werece Gatened to with deep in.
ter"t bycotngetto Atlens. e -'In the
&ton ng *serge number were unable
to Rein admittance* is, chureb y .beta
filled to the door* Tixitthe 4,botere
t In on,
bed in:
that they
'�!! •• t,
I hjch
wA ,r
found +on the Golden
r. .
Moult.- of trdon,
sial the Choir« e t
Ing week excess of the amou
• q ���.fl�te�LiZM1�tEpp},:�r+Yh1'�"#C:Jc
y e liege o
Marin rstrr t, on Thursday afternoon
haat`, when her eldest daughter, Miss