HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-26, Page 5 (2)tationery
in all the nave s& ;tyles
away down Prices.
Will he Pleased toshow
you our goods.
°St y tqr rit'ecor d ate wpm*
tree ma tarsaotensine
paaC +r �a+lsoeit
weber, threedeporteuni "
geoaniercW1 Sitatiatilt Toiegrapilej
040040413,0•1". +cel-
Bruo fleldr
,orn,e ,Moffaat, son of Mr. Joh n
" Mo fa ea ea Ir' the• ip n grain *buyer, axed
`r,ti C3 0 �
�d-wr l ter Nrs.
,q.. 1.:u. ,,R, p:, '� iia..
united, r on the 18th inet
... � red axri,
�y � See-
ottb, `by fir. Ur. ; kir . The ha
lee, who .have the hearty
es of the wholes community, will,
t take ho , ss 1 n •an
+en sae late
at ;i t in m letioa,= rd r. an
aturrday a bee We* held to scrub it
t and the seating will at, once be.
gone on With. The opening will, it is.
.. ted, take place *bout Dtv. 13tb,
the Choir is already busy getting
reedy.—EL Steiner of Rat
'suffering from an attack of
pboid fever.
shard: A. quiet wedding took
place et the parsonage of.'Wellin. ton
street Methodist . church, London,
Wednesday. y. when Mies 1,,ene.OPSA
It3• et '1M►eC=lrt iiD"'IN► `il is + nit. O.
Planraibard Tp. The bony was
performed by Rear. 1~1..A. Graham.
Air. and Mrs. Robinson will livela'-.
Nairn: There pass a at her.
II Wm. Ou tri .--aft 1 ngerrinrg ill,
carte wo lee 'r fir a o�atlrro
�. Let P ont a,.
writes to ? . p
was sick for give. years.: ` One doe-
* ir toedmine it wan uleerst'Uon, and an.
d.. e- it was a fibroid tumor,
and advised an "Operation. No one
knows what I suffered, and the bear-
ing down panne were terrible.
"a I wrotetto tri Sitter about 1t=Webe
,advised me to L dia: E Plnk a ti's
tale Cotta und.
alt m tro tbles,,.
I. ' - .{d fi r' '1 J. a; 6,.. h'
... • The " Iliad also
me pose safely through
Moo of Life.”'"
For tlbrirty, years Lydia E. mak.
ham's VegetOle Com lnot made
root• her e,
been •t:
r ,1
andhaspositively cured thousanclso
women Mario have beentroubled:w,�ith
t FiF'/M. 1F': a iCg in11u n do i ulcers-
l iers-
fibraid tumors, irre ► 'tom,
per o ie pain , b etractie, _t bear.
since . her husband's death she bas
made her home with her slater, Miss
Dewar, hers. She is survived by four
sister*, Miss' Dewar andlMt a. Malcolm
Mclnt 'of Nairn; Mrs. McLean, of
Hut i
a , and Mrs. Clark, of
Strathzoy; encs one brother. Mr. Jno.
Dewar, of Lobo.
Wase tris ola enchain. rut Ikon is
Western Ontario, devoting all our energies,
combined with practical exparrience. to alis
ankaaafacturisg or rut lierraeabl, and hive
cesidesee that ars cam salts our pekoe,
'sow and *apply the heat goods to the
fieetti year .address had receive
by raters- Mali our AaiRasi Voir
Vssts1oxsas suet Price List.
n Vie~ r arcd instantly by simply stirring contents
,aone d .
. one _par t 1 ng water. ,,,T,,,,,. f.„.,„.INy,•, ,
•a ' soaking, sweetening, flavoring or futisih..
verything in the package.
Give, -
The Dainty- Dessert
rid you will never use 'gelatine a ain.
a !- 7 fiavor.s. Sold by all _plod
Y• Ill than Ricipel k- .Ave.
4ittsattimarift ft. pIINiI��N!MtaM► r
l�ails at ..►' � � ei;�
t ou-tom'-sat
nes. Piinkltana invites all sick
Wirntzterit to write her for advance.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, ,Lynn„ Mum.
Lucian John Buchanan, :charges
with stealring $104 at Lucan, was
ht up for sentence on Saturday.
e " y of the prisoner made
tb+e-maoney, however, and the udge
decided to let him go on suspended
sentence on furnishing securities for
laregffearance when required.
.,How's ThisP
Wieder tiara uaandred DUsrsarrtwardfar any esus
«Ostattlh that cannot be cured, by ain11'. Catarrh
i!`..i. C&ENEY Oo., Toledo,, 0.
Ws the endetelgaed have known t'. J. Cheney for
the last IIgad believe hits perfectly boeorable
Well bottom atcMao and iinataidally able to
awry out any obligations ,nad.by hie #r
Wa►ta nes, Etatauax k Wont,
Wool. ..Dr gelats, Toledo, 0
lialreCata<rrb Cure is taken int.rnsily,dt"
recti"' es that blood and mos iurf�sa�th,
Tsensioniaissent tie. Moe 75e. per hot.
Sa2dbr curt n,
Here Phartilyrilis tor constipat.
+Clinton: Death claimed another
aged resident of Clinton on Sunday, In
the person of Mrs. Eliza learquher.
who►way' et the home of her
daughter, Albert Montel%, with
Whom she made her home for several
rShe had been, in declining
trite for some months.
Logan: While Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Bider were in the barn Sunday morn-
ing milking and doing Up the =chores.
tri r little fivye-y' ld :dau , rite's
[iiiiiited-froom ( 1
the stove. Ing her danger, the
child ren to her parent., who smother;
ed the fire, but not before she was con-
siderably burned on the arra and head.
She had a close call.
leans Good Health,
Cheerfulness; Atet-
bitton, Per istcncy and Success*. `
- i.ority will tura your dyspepsia: or
:any other storttauh trouble by building
up the flabby walls and making the
stomach so sarong that it will dzgcrat
food -without pepsin or other artiticlal
In outer words, Mt -o na cures' dyMpcp-
*la by removing the cause.
NV. S. Cole la the agent for :Vii -o -eta► in
is"/xtter and ,he :say to.. every reader ot,
the: ..11,dvocate wtaoas tstoma,cb is weak,
who hast • itzdige.tio t or dyspepita, that
It-o-tx* tics guaranteed to rcure or. money
The price Is mealy 50 cents a Targe
lex. and one box is all yen need tar
ore that you are on the right
health and happiness*.
Mr.. qtr. Linder of corner Mill a
Park Streets, Zink*, Ont., spays; ' For
about , ten •yresraa f have been severely
troubled with stomacht rouble sad' In-
digestton so lard r titan. 1' could net rrtt,„
man :m'y' • foGd. atter, +Mattingµ t could not
eat meat, or scarcely entrthlfg and had
headsaichess and consupi►tiore, f ..secured.
',: nr moose ot ' ! tt.o.t a, with the /vault
"that now atter let*Iest taken two boxer
I ,seri eutirelY cursed and tan" tat, arty,;
fh1.4. digest petr!"e etly old' atm te&li'ndr
r~int. M!-o-ne slriey ove• me my coti-
f& ipstlon. i "l) m meat , -too liatd t o pots
' lrlr endears*and roc nirneu •ita..
+tonnea to cUonthe wlcow t » Mel t
ino ` Cal arL .
e+Q a► o e r e ** ill ;kind
chalrita' irr wart
we, will veryvetch m% touch
f+eXlorrs„ iJfill herr our popular
hardware merchaant,,returned to town.
Tuesday* after spending then,, days . on
II hung e*ped talon w thibirt brother,
who live* neer Wiartan. Re reports
baylin hard a good treF and g
const iible ga ine taut hist l
was hunting wild eakt!s AS
numerous in that region. -Our. two
elderly and much re spectedlsdie a Mrs.
1Yv'•c e
4[,`i:: Al�,4 rhyHr >I• , n 1 h1 .._, ni. ♦- 'tj1 XIm o4 u. .�.. FM .::,i} -.
ago' of each having* leg broken, we
very much regret to say are not gain
ing strength very fast and very grave
doubts are entertained as to whether
they will ever walk again.—We are
indeed sorry to Iwo that the wife of
arid rX1,�, e�x 1Ll?".,of Fullarton,
N`�- •'<i7Yil1
two nurse. :Her many friends in is
viclnity wish her a speedy re
fentyDoupeis-very stud urx
able to attend to her household dutiee
owing to an attack of rheumatism,
DEATH. By the death of ?'ilih n
' tt armed tiuunds or --
lug after an illness of y� dura.
tion.' Deceased was in his 70th :year.
Beside his wife he is survived byr
grown up family. The remains were
interred in the Mitchell cemetery.
/ $10444,1140
e For City . es " ► I
Mtn* . - «.. OttriattO
Wi: t LltY ,i P,jnatr5' . , W.. Tomo/::1'4N 044
K:%' rt ?
saraat P owl herd to
k1+t +^-ne74:1II:t',!Eliti-old:irc:::Eislt:np
> r .dins �+ri —an ti.u•afe�i»iv
paa 5' S, ;9*+� `:.t �a .riia,,
3 F
in I'riilera aawrarr i. >r•�+»�°:.a �.l ,
bM.- r s ? ±fp
S� r
�iwSL. �`:3 d'i.
scut`, on r pt at 1�>trko.
l4.r c. DiW T1s v Pa 3u A: ME??. LI. LIMIT
h }aha r
haaawtit4,an ibis • TiG4CRT1 h?16
Now is the time when the doctor ge
busy. and 'the patent -medicine. xnanutac.
Curers reap .the harvest, unless greet
care is taken to dress warmly and keep
the feet dry. This 1* the advice of ass
old eminent aauthorityr, who says' that
Rheumatism end. Kidney trouble weath-
er is here, mend also telt* what to do in
case of an attack.
Get' Ston any good prescription Phar -
maty, on&halt ounce Fluid 'Extract' Dan-
deiioi, one ounce Compound ' E'argon,.
three Ounces Compound Syrup Sarsatpar .
iltaa`. Mia by shaking in a .:bottle and
take & teaspoonful atter meals and set
bedt it>ra}e« . .•
Junta. this ;simple • nom+ made xinlx*
ture Ar the first elan of R ewustism, or
it yourback aches or you testi that the
kidneys are not acting just right. ifhiss'
Is said to be a" splendrsl' kidney' regul-
ator, and almost certain remedy for all
forms of Rheumatism, which la caused
by uric acid in the blood, which the kiddi
atey'* fail to filter out. Any oner can eas-
ily pt pare this at homes and at eintaff
writ. .
Druggists in this Owns and vlciniti,
where shown the prescription, stated that
they either supply these ingredient*, or
if our reader* prefer they will compound
the mixtures for ttrctn.
apeman_ -_
Rev. 14. Medd, • of Forrest. had charge
of the O.4.1 service in the 1tetbo-
dist Church last Sunday Morning.
Noise Blatchford is expected home
from North Dakota *bout the end of
,the month. He has been very Manes
going aeaat. -Mr. Hemphill, of Wl oxx
*tier, who about a . month ago :Path'
and the realdencer of G. House, moved
his houeebol effects ,_here Iut week_.
atit<11"irnow adent oiltiie'T alk?-'
ladles of Cartmel Ohurch are prepack'
to Ice- ae-St; -Andrew's ' Supper, cor
ng of fowl and hag / y the
with short breed and otr : 4. tch
Motu*. A concert will also be .held.
—Robert Dalrymple. one ofour rear
spected readouts, is, .. and heart beern,
quite .ariiou slyr ill for th'et week or
sae -The . ladies of Carafe Presbyter;
iarr church• intend"haiding a Scotch
supper end 'concert on St,: Andrew's
sveairsg, Monday, Nov, 30th, in the
church •
WOoDmr Wanntri00-4ifter a gee
eaere dsrah over the `atln Oth, CoUree' 10
111/1 aa=-hartierla ei ittooasion: of
auoviug into a blIk&Utifili USW booth
r. 464, Mr.s. ro 1ettard Tbotap.bn o1'
town, ort Midair last celebrated the
event* their fifth, weddi K atnnive
actin a itiost fitting - becoming
manner. 'About SO poste were Prest
eget !tern the town * . !'.urra`nnding
fount ativrrcir r ill eu lve s to
the ful . rrouvs apac rdt.d ►.
the lrl ate
.. ... .....
� "Karret �1.1.ri aarl6e
*OW* s xlfia ai • usef Ia e+r�t rlaualsrta Cit tli+a
*Igor to at le asl fc ut s . 'as(it ,tt ,11
Wit 4'00 Wim rtlae
TO.• Death r*moysd n
of our best) nownt tar 'urt-
ya Nov.16t s,• in 'tom p hoe of Wim-.
last 3. Whiteside. who was weUkitwwu
everybody In'Remaill *nd rt r+ .
iug ' country. br ay. thunk richt
nature was alit+ .et its es an d
mAde him msmy friends.
f tp lreland,nearly 18'.a a a h+e
upas eroltin arurrroslred reg
asoid haat often told of lfaiwrt r
whew the mange a that le e
hhl aide In the form, of • , patflstg
and 411. balle. In. I,llcetaera-
to hWed. f�•
a 1
h re* were born . A bot
`e±aarre be tottoorta .with biha faulty,
reaforth. and *boot 14 Imre ego
Benoit, "hitt working •
airridf�k ar+eeme+re l f
Ars taitt4roa ltaar4#celsWaft Likes Steel Rano.
"Peerless Peninsular" Range; have the
Div Oven and Low Closet which have
heretofore been exclusive features of the
most expensive steel ranges.
They are alio the only'`_rrangesulade with
rice -Pox on right or left 'side, as may
better fit tbe kitchen• in which the ,range
is to be placed.
�1,.... Peninsular" Ranges are splendid
cookers, revery economical in regard to fuel are
strongly bruit, and will glee at lifer of service.
Let us Show you their Many features of
• superiority. _ 71
, SPAC,, er
viawas xww>riwwswwweasw
Attatlament 1 to.Ma
" ou see how f just turn on the up
istKli4stastly get hot *WEI* tor inidisbees,
.. +... .'. ..,
ili.. , iW.. !
••rim isc �tl` �'v1ing, etc,
waAi' r jrea suit kt7w fly
"1" ilNdrillr� nectei t# alb.
no waiting
+ ► e -aha carryin,
*d r rgot,
et �art�h�r
eft 'ee:itsiir
or to.,