HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-26, Page 3 (2), ThePolice a thoriliee at lest deeitle lid tee A1t3. est reco etk.ardsort,, as bvi. reetti- parson, is your flock lib 1 in their inevoleneeel" Liberal, I Well; I $ amt. Why, when otbu to*in 'Me auedred' *--etn u $14 . . It is a wh. policy to keep 4:0 nbles tvraejf, Don't ;pre he tale of the* , aequiiintentes. ople who know,of..the eudieepped yentjao Dotte m reur ow.* p2flt 0. pskflft lou,g4reeiltelLe.1.144ni(seltIre;1 ,4ngrve elotture. i441141411:1, -1.Y0 „ t ,, Ali i< ,.4S d as er I,I . ' c r * a ,, 0 " .. * 1)odd Kidney FRIs, is i in the ' worlrl.. , sliosrxt z f kfrs.- otru eine ,by- „It* ,.nd wilt also --tresmuep, * **tit referteees fromYetx Own loCality if requested.' other ata relief and Permancnt cum "'' Mem Clarke,..* well-known re- reatism, beeause Kreat fvo, ttroae* c4-91-ncls but tell --eiden‘---thue-* 140 . 0-4t' +14 „ int the e -pisoneua neisti :nide n -oftdogs, anti tile °the:AM "th0 c-ICr", . Wr4t4 t� of ' . inent member :et the Salvation 0)d that --oeutes------the rI:n. SA I '1; Williamri e zik: rills 'fivid, , o0 , 111 - 400**0t, 4 tu., --)/P7, t9 VO her 140 '0-101t4rhe-411` ,14.44....d 1._:012„teri, yi.,t, iP Pri“4 appe. rtild.,,..lt?' i lihi`4"4:041;0, 1.14:t2b. War01".ts. II_ e.F 103 . Ar . re,, -0-, lorko m *lwaIs read - theY aro * bloed eitdieiee to.b zit a 611inte ttme tots riewieuu I) bh. *41 id f 11/ tlitit Of her suffering sisters. - ....... \4‘ 0 1114--,-, gay' 0 0 0, Tou t*, nn the, hielocs, That ul , why. t.,reed tlegs—wite,,;..a heredity a* cegoized ss *Alt arm of the ..-oletee- from businesS.". Tobbiee au year ago With the change of life," vivo Eervivo,juerical where. dealeo_ferhars.right. Nttor says 'Clarke. "Nty. health w*s from ray head which would make me leg a, -dozen or -more bloodhounds, tat ache3- and pains and etiff swei- len points of rheumatiem disappeer wows these pills *re used. Tuat's Why se sible people waete no. tittle in rubbing, but, take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when Alm first twiage of en *tips come on, and these 01 s-ot a -eeeeot,ente he generally --,re,* are getting -thin tfinee yo, rel'red 'At Aivkotus* vommenotel twenty speeially built 'for carry. cion't WOO aSi Ilitt011 /44 I did." in a, bad *tete. Water would run motor ear, s kept, always in readiness. A congh its, often the forerunner faint. when. I tatee tillt of the o of tidier gichardson,a rf serious pulmonary ainictione, feinting spells I took itts. I was . et there is A imp1e cure withi bloated tin I was clumsy. The aia 'WOW*. Road, ILLIifax, N. S.,ata •uJ the Pzrs authorities„ Who have "About three, years age I had an just imported seine PUPS, fold th0 mttak of rheouttatism which settled dogs much more faithful to A scent right leg and ankte, wheel than any varlet difig11painfui..r: od 10 of. time trying to ge e trouble by -iiiti,bat idid !rot dome ali nal y juirsuede to .t y ford, Uoeuad, tune-raonths- e of a wp,4c the pins old baby boy who has never yet fwzzan tnhelp me, and after tals- he" kisaed. trouble sompletebe,fihmmarea coa tust inside the entrauee to the house ing them a few 'eke longer the 'Ranging in °UnfsPietl°118 Piate 0 ,net bothered me Pince. /Oil' a set of ,Fule-s-addresgettto vlsi- ug1iter was also taking the pills tors and signed by the fattier and he time for weakness and anae. mother. The following are extracts no--*** alsocuredby them, and from the rules-: lam now Arm friend of this meat. Don't kiss the bab • Don't hantle baby unless vett" Most of the troubles that. awe hende are 'very, very 000.11. ankito are (lap to poor, watery Don't bring baby's face -close to blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eel, Your own or to your hair, . nallY make new red blood, That, Don't allow baby to 'touch your by they curt smiernia with its 'face or hair. pattaehes and hatitaehoa, and diz, Don't talk, breathe, whistle, pieties and fainting *pellet the blows cough or sneeze into the isgs of rheumatism, and the sharp babe; face. We want him to livs. stabbing pains of neuralgia; also Don't use • your handkerchief to ndigastion et; Vitus' dance, para. baby's hands, . face or mouth. s And -the ailments of young At the foot of the rules is writ - some these -rules -w11 0;1) giris. and -*eerie& of mature age. "To Good blood is the secret of health Pear ct)Itiical ar 8tupid, but th'S ad .00 secret of good blood is Dr. are not written joke or with mos ink pii)o, sold hy mo.„ out thought. .Therefore, any pm,- 4140ine dealers or by mail at 50 fOrl infrinsing these rules after cent,* * from The Dr. wait i naming read them will incur our me it,. co. Brtlekvilie displeasure extremely." A Ont. 0.011011taptive Syrup, all old-time Awilbdi i bwilite ly r gnized remh ed •' -a 0 , give relief, and by overcoming the trots - Lie, guard the system from any seri- ous consequenees. Price 25 cents t all dealer*. ,.. , "mq-1114 .J *. fk... . -from , .-',.14.# , --.,.),..*. - -,...--.• --... ..s. monger li ell, mum, how Can you expect fresh fish from salt water I" "A Ms COIL You Kum." will become &Knob dam, et. nit be allowed to reach. dowa the throat to the lump. 1,41). the peril the bud with low*-"Lcustitalwx--* sure 1014-4746atidatti no oplatoo, , .Browne—"Did - you ever tee -a Man who really welded the earth?" Towue-,-."0,11, yes." Browne. --"Who was . her, Towne—"A fust -trip passenger on an ocean liner." • • Not a Nattseatin The ex- cipient of a pill is the substance which enfolds the ingredient* and makes up the pill mass. That of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in so coritpounded as to preserve their moisture, and they OM be carried into any latitude without impairing -their strength. Mawr -PUN In 4;'t der to keep them from adhering, are rolled in powders, which , prove nauseating to the taste..Pa,rmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. The igiPsies of Europe number, • , about 850,000. winie thcre are only 5,000 in England, Austro- Hungary claim -0O0,000, and SP1011 NEW GOLIWULOS F'OUND. AU8101MT 1414E3 _Uganda Believed to be Ilia In the 'Men babies are rettless an Pieetoze Metal. sleepless it is the surest •possibleUUU . A reputeby isar.•eiosees, the sieve udi d. k ,up rig 6,,,r1.1.1...clhanbtorirebfill:3**ttutui sign a illness. 1Vell babies Ate* 411* &WA st suporto tho minniot lIeleameat gec Plzbllahca the.iSieeplessness is gerteral,IY 'due to rstoteeseetUsteituates, ganda-tuneha-Gazettei etateirthui seine derangement.- of the stmasel* la the territory west of Lake Albert or bowels or to teething tronbles. Nyanza gold has been found in A -few doses of panyss own Tasiets Itakoi River gravels -up to a point will put the little one right, and crossing the boundary of the Ledo make it sleep naturally and aseind- Enclave. I . Mothers need not be attai 1 ef In the Adiz Valley gold has also this raedieine as it is guarateeed been found in conspicuous quant i- 4. a government analyst to eon fifes in gravels at point bel" a tam no opiate or narcotic). Mr.', large dyke crossing the stream On, Louis Reyme, Gaviras, Ont., nvott the lower course of the Af'bitgo'and **1 am never withmt Baby's ovoi 'Adz/ Iliversthe J�r.i tissshosit * --WiiiihViirstouht of fine jot ) 61*$11111167hkrale-.-7147" S )1.1.5rotiblb14-10 texisPtesidli-allice" ofltaatAllse'llf 13-1214t'asi'm -1" the' 144 five eons strata. The country ism. years, and have found it superior tn. ily itecessible and cloot to Lake AI- bert. • The country is irt British terri- tory,. in proximity to the rich Con - o gold fields. The new discoveries rove the otistento of gold 'over II vut area -and prokably'in the dis- puted territory lately surveyed by tbe Anglo -Congolese Boundary Commiseiem. This territory' Great ritain ahOU14 refuse to rehrwitish. „ Where can I get $0100 Of fiolto- way'. Corn Curet 1 was entirely ured of rny corns by thi,e 'remedy, ish some more of it for.iy So write* ,Mr. Chicago. r • ell -other medienies in curing the ills of childhood." Sold by inet. 1110 dealer* or by mail at 25 vents & box from The Dr. Williams' Medi - tine Co., litoekvilley Oat\ 011! Sista Ann --Did yer et ani EtiarkS t school ters:day, 11111...rus, but they'ra-where the don't shers. intnd to pray *sty',for ng that brieyou." , yer ,he s*ing toije if ye'd Oi it Well, and then aAMPLE COPY FREE 'mild you like to have * sem- le copy of tilteoarioterli A.16. aut. Mat itagarlsef ST AGRICULTURAL ANO ME PAPER on 110 Aneri5aift *Continent, No ,progzessiv. farmer can af- fud. to lie without I. Publish. $14411.per year. for feee, *ample A *tea.. Address: isitss $t talk ,meeh el ,your .4W 00i $(014 haPPen t� think"' Mention al EIE ONIX WAY. o or ton irig rid left Inc am reguiarly put to keep the little regarding the rtistg juNenile cl think you I wow. b 1ly4 tying bis bIniing his In -connection with electrical asp pliences, more inventions are being 'made than in all other industries combined. A Wide Sphere of Usefulnese.--- The- tonsionption of Dr. Thomas', Eclectric 011 has grown to great proportions. Notwithstanding the act,....thst.jt-hate...now-been-c market for usr.er thirtt;:orielYears lilt prosperity is Sts,great as over.* and the demand for it In that pen- od bat very ttresitly increased. it is beneficialin all countries, and wherever introduced fresh supplies are constantly asked for. 'Xing gaWara and Queen Alexan rs, have been blamed longer than any other pair of crowned heads in Europo. Ms*, 44 t 051446,11' 16 loft& tots itItios's. olio* fait of itoollatg pow Lan4loidt..-.A4on to pay 'whit you owe or 'levee," Slowpay..."Tharats. The Iset place WO at they made inc do bah," Tie), etheaptst te* to use is net the lowest priced', l',"OU 0-$41 bus test, few cents is, pound theaper that will.rnake.* Aria* but if Y60'14000 an,• Absolutely , pure, lealthtut, , I sinly,prtpere-a tit * use"13_ a, ad*. infinitely moi delicioua and deeidrdl more than' "her teas, beanie -oci-farth vintrms 0 womor. Woman , conceals Only what *lie docs not Women are wise impromptu, oohs, On reflection. Silence and blushing are the .lo' nenee of women, If * fox i* t11.111titity it'WOMIM in 161r0 *till MOM SO. 4.14. women laughs when she d weeps, when she wifl. Who bath * fejt wife bath n ol more than tile.• eyes. Ono shouldoho*** se Lbe ear* rather than with *Y The castle: that parleys . soman who listi!nt are r iurrender. omen It like your kllowher, she ties; 4 fraha Ms Kidney Pills. The first box titaPPe ctlioempAcitstxtairntd.,, d.•,seven. bdoxess i,cured the ney Every suffering woman should use UL They ongy- healthy '.aa who-}ia ii. eguardcT against tbose tcrriblc opts0many ain0 lkomn. e omtserable the lives gtt. Re ber It. 14 4tia)13411),S; "" dcad 0 '.1) itS dad!pore your xeind to • a• tore room, and rete.ove from it the useless 'um - ie ftitte-r-MentliWet47:*14a-rjrere. .w w y !Let AS a clog en,you. :They oce -seipSsevaluattleeepsse.-44-no..ptir Endeavor- to *piing clean yo mind as yon c110- your Louse, only at more. frequent Intervale. Like your home, your heert and brain will he all the better for it. TEE SUNFLOWER. • In zome countries, notably in t Russian provinces north:of the Cou. futts, the sunflower serves, other eat hugedens with its golden Iics. The se-eds are used to make oil W ' " ufa c ire of soap and in eo The stems and1eaves-10e biirne and the ashes used to mike potash. Lase year the sunflower factories ol the Caucasus produced 15,000 , shorted time out of water; ear and eel*); the'greifest length. D. CO! T.41, likr oily 13 rou: /op Ornikr t41:44{41144 001. Ali AI; 40400 _1_114,r rt41,10F:1111°. 10,4 44111VON4 WAt'aisitto4s 11101, litil.tionaiiii0e a tit **44 44.1AR 4$14 IV* ar mum* Num ri,=$orawi r* 11*** Iv4rt*W41 14k 11,4141 UAW Wog* 0114.4114041, utibt tYNglik ,44*, ct Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof," and vice versa. It is false -economy to endeavor too--erewd too much into one day. The day's work should be faced with the re- solve that each sob- will be done in turn, And that while it is in hand it will .receive , all your energy. Don't spread the thought* over what is to come or has gone. "One thing at a time" and "What is worth doing is worth doing well" erelood mottoes. Endeavor at the outset to apportion to each task its fair share of your time. Then soil straight ahead. The sowing in nerv- ram energy is enormous. Avoid un- dertaking too much, and try net tot worry over the febir of failure. Do' our best; no man can do better than hie best. The „man wile stops to ponder over sthe chances of suc- cess is seldom the man who suc- ceeds. The successful Man is he who does his duty to the best of his], *Way, in tho full -knowledge tultst he cannot do more to guard *gored failure. Mow* IT PAYS Ill BUY THU cast • Illead.for oarlere Calalosoe No. 23. • the Reg -PION &OMR 40,4 1.K.GoIph OI ilikkowo wiliptimeip, Ranals4usjoill -utormairraky4rptimok - V -- I, now to Cleanse the System. Rermelee's Vegetable Pill)* are the result of scientific "study of the ef- fects of eXtritcts of certainroots and herbs • upon the digestive or - Gins. Their use has rietnonstarted in many instances that. they regu- late the action of the liver end the kidneys, purify the blood, and csr- ry off an morbid accumulations from the system. They are easy to take,._ and their action" is mild and beneficial. • - o she avv-Itr. mg to ehtircliiii morningt der whetss the reatterr DeSb- son-4'Wht-c either ittri. Trobiton had another attack -Of ,heart tress hie or kfrs, aolison has tSnew lees too itoli to Wit • if 1 of Pa1ikUharuillo4 withiktiotoot kotWiitaT /tut It surtil* provooto **Mc , of* .1* boo Iwo 401-xliga, 0,414vg -"Then. you really .don't _believe that a . man is ever too -old to learnt" "Certainly 'not! I've' known Men to et married At th3 age Of teventy.Ave or Morel" Parents buy Mother Owes Worm Exterminator because they. know it is & safe medicine for their children and on effectual expeller t worms. , RETIRING )(AID; -1 .."And 'do you 'have, to be exile i the orningr Y.-stiked the' tut hrv Was,about to , *nolo a° ‘ro ‘1.•. don't' to be mum lied the # applicant,"nnless'yoi el" 0_ shooting* st.bbi�jswhickt1iigallu.j2tosets t woitweelsitheeullsretestifti Zosellek is tense' by th000satts wilholioodtbourrerfrompilooptittirlau 11 hem cured.- On* such grateful tenon Alii,-.$1z4oth Tiktrior ef Groenwooct Av*Oa** Teroutts el)* toss "For 'bet long yeses I vatted ittutey from blisellegstiese.• Thioingtklit tibuelsrrit as itetseuse • essoutat .of 10,000Y on -'tsm'I(liqa' LIMI dookea trooctiktious tat I got ItiOtitee. Zere434 was diiret- ea to orerytking *to hed tried end ' ..bauredeue. lam graittrui tor dictum alai at bsio novor ,U,t1 Vito woo aim*: ktfow tho our* is porinast*.*:- • Apotior thankf*1 **van is Um. A. Gardiner..0f Coteli*lrirtity „Pokr! She **pi "I* Any osa*Zaiwitak *MOO* tetia wouderful tare.- rot. 1.2:yrers 1. Ma been troubled vdtI3, ascl protruding pits*. I lod 1**i:toting *tibias keel* e,f otatiotuto,,, *to.t but ofirfOr OM* *trees 141014 to ikko m. poi um it ;tristiZate.pakvskietteuto " tee. leilpfue-tweeiitufferemittet pilesVitry Zoon.Euirio- the wish, el -era* IR 11471u' toted greet*rer0r." .ttlit le re*? 'keeled behasia el$1*** vatic - TO LEASE 6741 Atiotaid3 St Vies About 410400, lighted by. thirty -Ave windowe, the en- tire -length of three sides, a1E0 frob2 ten lurge skylights,- most anufatuib 1a in -,c t--part-of--Ter rent*1 ineltides power, steain beet, water, eleetrie light)* .10 per -cent. less tlian eity stet; lowest lesurance rate; minediste .poesession V low rental to bigh-aes* tenant. IL$ON Adelaide Street West itotrio, 14,. sCO ,era and r,„..inTa0:140014141p. ("As' tnd other stocks bought and sot ...o tfimistikon, 'Corrcspondencc in ia be d at our el4 , •-14' 004' • 1$11:1 .44:410 '14 , Wkr;444,41444.4t:k , 4