HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-26, Page 2 (2)Th. tzrmau Vnipero
tked la tougue
out. Not long ego rnd & requea
even when 'more delieately =We/
treultt *aloe been se majoitY.,0
Lh nt kitult One gerMan
veils tanperor
Cst". other editor* tfOhi &rtkk,
ktiII ;Aber'ed
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1C* -
not rthi
, 1' Ly the iil. . ;:f A 'o1,*1/111;S„i'..; , e. K '
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3110 Pih. ' . ' ' 1 Q
... ;
Franco; 1Uolland, aid '4/4, inOre. li 0 the.n.thcy hdAll life
pan. it ha greatly irritated Ocr 1.1011; -Whitt id, X W. ruitagcl
mans. It has caused the Oirman l'...bo_tinOko of 04 cities 'rites -to-
. .1, the heavens.. The din •of our indite-
coutiervative PAr-tY t° *NL*P11°.8 "'"'" try sounds through the lend. Life
"reverential wish that the eniperl iis aii 4 4tery of milli and factories,
may display "grati7,-creterY11„!;,..e.11184trit0t4•4$0; * PE.
•"•."inli&ing• .0tellariiiiii:- Which- May tools and. toilon n ii on
1;r -61 6.01e foreian politica 0 the the. ..etber , care, anxiety, sorrow
Country into a difficult situation, 1- aiinvt. ,fi„ ewetblent 54es: joys. ointeC°psutliretah4leh 40,i
Erctithese devotedly loyal subjects this &lost
have come to the Cenaluaion that more we limply, eequired a habit
an i responsible, indiscreet viler i$ et hustling-, of hard work, which
- it da ger to be guarded against. hole iso possessed ua all diet no,
Willing Or unwilling, WO must keep
up with the volt, we must maintent
the', pace rtr fall bern
,,,•,,, ;,,,i --'..;...t.",
00 er
ell • C
perisl itiserotiou
• an
ciels 1 V
it' ,VA
'is to
iat is
ti wheh it produce
and ferfotts this. product. . The
rightnes of every *OW &rm. and
ortIfr ntzy be measured by this; this
is the final test of every life.
There is the seine story in the
travellinge of modern Inunnese, in
the illitostAtul,4041$4.111040111 liv-
ing,-**;•-tee---read -looking - back
through the times -before our bands
began to write history. _In sand -
Stone mind in granite is the story.
mit, in the marks of reptile and
Otology has written the first chap-
ter. V,ivilization writes the won
in tha
find it so *tern -en
,Ill .` a
, ‘,.... ,-. „,,,•.,..' ,,, ,.
-itry. The em. °tor- is not resPeri. v o who r
sible to the reiehstag and neither , of the modern, pace, seem to be
is chaneeller whom he eppirints! I .inn° th° happier; theymay sit i
3';7.., ItTii,":Tafifiritraii-nric'IF'A''''/A-rverri4t4crammorer.roinwrgletelyeniaved-titi
_ warm against Ohaneellor verr-Bulo ..„ : - 4 a . ,
--iiiTzegainst-the--Ismperori -The or- . 111ifl44444anilineet thin rrel)ti
mer has admitted that he did not We hew) learned how to work; WO look forward to the coming man.
. read the emperor's interview when littatvO, learned how to make things It takes learned faith for man to look for-
home we why we Iive, ward to the coming being. Yet he
it was handed to him in manuscript. are we sure of securing the real catches glimpse's of a glory yet to
. lt a British prime minister were' product- of Iifo? be. He feels the living- is not vain,
to have been gu114 i
tity of such an over-' Man iMbe here in time for for somehow there s snore than
sight the House ot 001411110113 would. /4°.111°thing other than building eit- heartless, fla,wless nature at work
jeSt for lomething better' than shere. .
make -short work of him, The viol'. ply Tomo -the-life of thost!,ir o-- - Tbeistruggle- goes on, but because
stag cannot turn the chancellor out miry follow tam more .00-mpier and ho has a taageity for the -divine,
of office, though there is no doubt arduous. If suddenly the great because he has learnedlhat at the
that it would like to do so so that wheels were all to stop, if, in a mo- heart of all beats a father's affee-
I ment we must take dock, what troll, men has faith to live for the
-there might be room for a less neg. would the uniVerae have to show its goal that such love sets before him.
bgent man. - the product of this great mal of •The glory of the higher life is,that
it gives glimpses of the life Yet to
be and sets the 'goal ever eleitrer
before the eyes so that men press
tenefor the fuller life set before
ess and love, wegrinens and woe,
in the mills of earth the tools of
eternity zro
noise we' fear' tho
roar; 'their keen edge we feel when
we smart with some strange pain:
than anything that van be eut in
A #4
lUl * 4040 *St *Nor Sell tor taro* arie buy srei
sites$ «it ts phyalc*.L heikvitt a.r low,r 4011101, .1t she halt 14 hor tui.
. 9 wrflr4 Averiser of sir. rtraion. Act as* is'ilenelleri.
11, Ztao„ the day* !et physical **fee „tio this: its an lietancit. of
et$oa*a Illike ere pest renalty earns worr.rt pay tor $1a101$0
�r.,.. ;the, 4011.44 Or "MAKerlik 111441"..con, ell: the .iipPer entiote entliely,,,,: .
. 4 --0%***4'44, _loll- 41I'ItrIII1f, *I air to- it, tateotr isorietioi 'wt •ii...0.
by ineer trtet*Olsourtnnetretiont; coluevo.., prroproiiiee'is-*eel
• ,PithOd 1114114e*.-Ait_ ,:.ii3O !qt. titet -400thr ct.srtior-
* ''itotto4"- 11,10 f - Vileal.hes-ro-4 cnsjn, Ibi, tr. ottra.,.bin
/lir!. the. otserlore of pIiys$cj! vuifl15a.' 'end. .roal ' **rasa
lf,.44 ,/ii`sii-,10„Streli'‘, It'', knot ',Ilia( elt*.• tor
PM411440, tlitkt,iiitetr,ar ' * olitro,4,1.14 .'*1.(311401,ir'.10011*. so
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t5d•10eit "lesk0la„'001:ie1iligt,*i.,e' : ,3V!',....,1t,,A,.,Sii4re tio.,Oorisr.* .4.,4,itr
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Intl' 11/04'*tONII*' 41***At'wnkti. ' tiott-:;:•'*itli*sto4eter..tir 'ir i tt
'I a, or the Siectils needle* 1
41 ?.;',2 the *Ore 'Qutibus it lo
ilful and *Wee* litnX*Silold ili,,114411.
be soft ikows. , letter tar to bi •
thlit liny Writ binoli *4)0404*
peroxl44,01 hYdrsirstit. fart* ****/'
a, sea er"t:. , Apply with. * '
a Iii lreir,i/r0S .P.I .0* )4404'14'
, I th'iiil.' .t.h. ShOlg.
r.-4 * Si:: . ,
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iii4 lifilli..; 'sotd '
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,I :le 04.Ir. t',.... . .i.ain,iTd
it,,Ist wilt**. *Mtge*. .*e* of :clifidten litC.104a 140 ' h00.0.:44141**4.'1*II , ''.' •***1k: il _. ''.4ift * •
t .'untit:'*Ont Altair coin** ItiOet:'of,u* os eaosrUi ..et ,tso.4/4Weir :to,. is,', quart 4 trt*tteent.,'t0.0elt. h
N.t. Plwlth
oert be
Iktkx;.,_'. ,00illitttlPIPI,9109,99';'0';#4/4101.__ Mlitiv*,-..,,,tv..pv;,,,,,,,prt:10:41,:qgx1W-,,,,,474.04, 1,'4, Srartiiqiiii,firi.,*'" , v. ,
otati . eoteets ersiea s'eia7 SW, .* 'vrOtreft will) iiao been ..Yee.r, sic. lilliach:4. .
„. .Y eradieet4. tieliee *lint 41'the !u9irliik IrriPie lee ***ate -that * "real mt., _preRtsgete........ , . . ..,, .1, Ots.,"
. . , ..„...-
.tegsteets while% rush *• by mou'vootaitt. bosut). doctor" can ell 'the*. 041 in * rate' of lebnototb,..,........1 flit'
'_. pi
kik., ratettal. if they etiirkinot se pathetic._ fe* week*. Provided ths04/1014 /no 1.14 ilenseinateditird. .... ..........1.eunci
'Women , who- Imo* 400 noture now price ,ot.ths treatment. Thle le a cure
Wan* rimed' * :with'. which AO outwit which money ceenot buy. . It Hee in the
her. Wein: 'with physical' deferte. ,petience and die ition,a1thi,..patient.....
bleb Would defy' tit* littrgeOnwe :tinge-, .. ,,,A4f4fetleat
01/t tivItnew b**r.c4.44S.0..itinintleives 'It -may rot always be lime. You rtt430
0 - Mad. 'dont-Ors *and Surgeons in have . memo ilihsr 4/1x4sat w1410 I*
wentit-four tont* , dinglitg wrinkle" Into • *hitt which
Plealle bear la mind that thle depart. should be flawless, rerbspe your feet
esslt„ ne I.- vele bolero. d011e not prench eche. That will catty. it 'driver* les*
be 1,440/01i of beikleirY 'Miriade* It. Which will owl in wrInItles aretiend year
mew trios to eheW you tlutt by litealtS Mouth. Perl;aps your eyesight Is fail.
...olniste**00010. *.healthful lift and Chg. Squinting will cause . wrinkles
raletent use 'of ealsesimple rernediei.' eround the eyes luid ertilore fest. tidy*
. enn imprOSe your aplotaranot, onlni... your s arse examined aetd relives the
SAO YeUr phYOU141 4.044* *o4 he im,
,. v.asDm.2fst t
e oi sliwplr, Ittna itiO-VV41. 01'
Qr.-Weeks �r even inetathe hi the Use
‘lif rentedtee meggeste1. Yoe eennot Ali*
t•ect improvement, ..
For ..1****/tr4t:..4..L..W,Piniii.,wrft.is t at
If the ehancenor were responsible In a few ears our -cities would
crumble to dust, 01.1e gold and -
to the reichstag the emperor would ail
ver ,vieuti be valueleeir indeed, au
not be so rauch of a menace to the that we have made, .A1 that our
eace of Germany and of Europe hands hey', so.painfully fieshioned
IRS he is now. He would not .be sol
likely to blow up the powder mageol TA,
LT SC110011
sine. His indiscreet words would TUE Sapl
not have so muell significance as'
they do now. Manifestly he has
worn out the patience of many of
his subjecte. His littest mistake
comes et a particularly bad mo-
inent. The people are facing in-
creased texetion and that irritates Lemon 11. World's Temp nee
Sunday. Golden Text,
NOV. 21. •L"
them. if the outcome ellen be the
curbing of the autocratic power, of
the emperor or if it shall teach him
discretion his extraordinary Inter. Verse 1, Woe -The Hebrew word
view will have been a •blessing in thus translated -is a simple interjec
disguiae. -
tion indicating distress.
Crown of pridee.-Samaria, the
capital of the northern- kingdom,
TEACHING FORESTRY. crowned the summit of a low hill,
rthe sides of which Were terraced
esjuidian unirenities now Train., with vineyard(' and harden* and
Ing Forest Eagineers.
Drunkards of Ephraim -The dis.
about which lay a .fertile valley.
There Are few subjects of great- solute aristocracy of the capital
er importance to day 'in --Cana - ,
it_the_piv.servation-of-the-voint 1.-.fictwer-uunicginrulua
fy, , has the ,question been 'brought and disintegration were already
home to the people at large more evident on every hand.- -
emphatically than during the pre. V. A ,reilglity aid strong one
sent season, marked as it unfortu. Referring to the Assyrian powe
tiately has been by g eett
es et most which WAS to be the instrument in
destructive forest fires which have Jehovah's bend for inflicting chits
wrought eo many millions of dol- titement on hi* apostate
fats worth of damage. How to pre-' Vith„ the hand, --Or, "ma* vio.
vent such devastation in future, tence-h
how to preserve this great asset to 3.• Trodden under foot -By the in.
the country and improve. it for fu vading, army of the enemy at the
ture generations are questions of time of the fulfillment of Jehovah's'
parstrionntimportanee. It is timely, judgment against the nation.
therefore that the study of the sei- 4 The first.ripe fiw before the
Cor. O. 21.;
remnant or residue of the faithful
whom Jehovah shall redeem and to
whom he himself will become al
source of beauty, strength and joy.
7. And even these --The men at
Jerusalem among whom -the priest
and the prophet are especially re-
ferred to because of their being the
spiritual leaders of the_ people. It
was they who opposed 'lamb in the
name of Jeboviql, and claimed to
have the authority of divine reve-
lation back of them in this opposi-
tion and in the support- of the po-
Reel with strong drink -Judah,
on the whole, still contrasted fay-
orably with Israel, but even here
the besetting sin had for a long
time been drunkenness. mama HINTS. -
Swallowed up of wine --Perhaps
better "confused with wine," A splinter can be extrzieted with -
',wholly Absorbed in their caroulr- out any pain in this meaner Near-
ly rill a wide-mouthed bottle with
ingt." The meaning in the origin- het water; place the injured part
al is not clear. •
Err in vision -Deceive themselves
over the mouth, and press tightly.
I1faiwtiiin will draw tho flesh
srithiregard_tsr:suppested_crimine_re dqwn,.
testian"ibich-the/lt-Adixt-to-h*T6 splinter will come out, -
received, ,For the Corifillileent.-When re.
R. Full (if ,vornit sitd filthiness aeyering from iliekness and shout
Literally a0 these words of the
Ile 11-mis
de*ot exiet and fs
queetlon of lest's. then Perhittos Yeti
ere using the wrong face bitten. Tali
women with dry, skin ehould never
heft.* loglon_.contnining_sx,sketrin
*daily la evening gowns. - - -ghe quires• a errant, that will soften, not
ants a "bleachinternal or external." draw It If the wrinkle* are very
A. florid cemplexiert4 eennot be eon- flounce4..thclitS11 te-0, kik fe4,. with the
yssw ThirrivOrneri '147 followlint briarrtnitirtfirs 60r -eat Xi
tt*-that sliches_takentractileinter ueed...whert . there .a.,.ten4ego,y40.AL
Uit*UeneourSge this growth.
e reduce s. naturally florid- ooMPishion
to, Palor oh* would not live to enjoy' Lanoline .... .. ....... ..... .50 grentmee
er triumph. Ott muss reach the cause CM of evreet almonds Ito grammes
she high color. which may be over- Melt the lanoline and oil in a double
*ties and drinkingtight lacing or the boiler *Itb as little heat as Possibint
ery, Cotamost practice of facial skin- Remove fromthe lire and boat trt the
being. tannin so the •inixturepeoclit.
11 the writer' eats very rich food and Speeking .of suiernuottshair. the
Winks altieltolic littuors.- shek roust -grad. woman who has soft down Onface
koalirredliee-her-dlet.. and her -color wilt or arms tbouZd not trXeritat- *hi violent
tads as the Stimulants no longer enter inealte ot removing tide. The-X-riok is
er systetn. If she lime* too tightly tlir medto remove the heir. but tt often
ware very tight collars. she „must Tete.* the skin as 414 so parchment.,
Tatmle ....... gramme
is the rest, the only means of avert- Soon the trembling comes on, the
ing the .impending disastere ; and nninial is no longer able to stand,
this alone is the one possible means its breathing becomes slower and
ea bringing refreshing to the ex- slower, its eyes are dull and glazeil,
its legs cold, arid death follows in
hausted nation and city.
two or three days. Constipation is
usually marked throughout the en-
tire coulee of the disease.
The malady prevails egpeeially in
marshy districts and along the her-
ders of rivers with low banks. Post-
mortem examination of animals5
dead of the "trembles" shous
condition el the liver, kidneys,
heart and muscles similar to that
• caused by certain poisons, namely,
fatty degeneration and peculiar eel -
briar changes, it is believed to be
due to the action of a special bacil-
lus, that is, to be a spectac infec-
tious disease.
In man the affection hi believed
to arise from drinking the milk or
• eating the insufficiently cooked flesh
tt diseased animals. The symptoms
in the human being are
petite, nausea and 'vomiting, Intel -
treble thirst, extreme muscular
weakness,. and sometimes tremb-
ling, obstinete eoa./tipation, a, pe-
culiar sweetish odor of the breath,
end dull pain in the ahdomen.
There is little or no .fever, and of-
ten the temperature is below nor-
mal, the body, and especially the
extreniities, feeling cold to the
a is more ate
Ale -then in man, "yet in men ir
very serious, and death. ia not un -
maroon. The ,eitalile Of 'the trou-
re*-4Y to out up Practice Fitting .ble meattle ia unknown. although
straight up in bed if only for me-
13. Therefore -Because the warn-
ing of the prophet ha; been. disre-
garded the puniehment and destruc-
tion foreteld will surely come upon
the city.
Fell backward Retreat from
their heuglity poritien and be cast
Broken, and snared, and taken -
Defeat and eapture and utter de-
solation will be the inevitable out-
come of .the conflict whieh their
apostasy from Jehoveh will in the
end bring upon them.
prophet redeeting vividly the aw-
Sul state of things (minting in aria -
to -critic soeial.eireles of the capital
city. We are remintletl,as we read
these words1 of the similar state.of
affairivin Rome .shortly before the
downfall of the empire many cen-
turies later. -
O.' Whom will he teeth knowledge 1
•The prophet i* here quoting the
'necking retort, <A the nobles and.
- enee and art of forestry should he summer -Lit isa feinilier feet that priests whom he has thus sevely•re-
encouraeed and developed. sn Palestine,, as in other fig produe. bilked) and who apparently giter.
To this, end AL *drool of forestry ing counties, the main crop of figs rupt him •with•their stoning replies.
was inaugurated a year age,iri i, preceded by st-few scsttered first The quotation continue* throng
University of Toronto under the fruits'. These "first -ripe figs" ,are OW next "verse.
rrificipalatup of Dr. B. E. rernow, still esteemed a • great delieeey. 10, Precept upon precept; line
who is now assisted by a •staff of nose*, Mieeh: •Nalittine, and j'ere, upon line -The Ifebrew if this verse
two lecturers and one asiiatant. miali, as well as • Isaiah, 'refer to ,glyps,..,* stiles of ferteated.
mono -
Dr. Fernow is well equipped for this early fruit (compere Hos. 'V1413104w toexact 'sense 01 whicb
his work,- being a, grsdietto of the 10; life. 7. 1; Nib, 3. 12; Jet. 24 is not entirely certain. They are
Forest Aeaftroy at Muenden end „SP • • ' tended ,to imitate' the 'mocking;
bowing received additionsl training • h. In that eay-LTlie ilaty' I:4 rnmerieg wad* of drunken -men
• the 'University of Aeonigs,bers, men't and deeolation., • tbett0' rnoek the wearisome rePe
Gilmany,, of "Whitt' koiiiitry he is &WIi jehxrrelit 0•41)141, 'btrOitie a tt*on • of the prophet's taming
Inetive. For tieblve years kieV-189S) 0.own ofgltry-4 'beautiful pro oh. The meaning 161 the whole
1 he how the 'position of chief of the mise in *tire language to the retort -is: "Who itre • -we that *
Division of VoresWin the United lectured- by this
'States Department of Agrieniture Are ,-we 'newly born infentst Is
which he left to become head of the necessary to repeat over and ov
Vellege of I2orestry connected with p ns this .mestage as
'Cornell rniversiV. Later, after would tech * child 1"
several years passed as tonsultit 11. Nay,but by men /if tran
forest engineer, he orgaiitted the lip* and with stannitering tongue-
forestrydepartment of the Permsyl, Or, "for With 'stammering' lips,"
lard* State College, !Cavil* there ettee o. The quotation has erded *114
year to unde2take the,orranit. &par prophet replies to the trietki ulk-sickness, 114$ appeared iivNew steno, ver:r istrange. What is your
'ewe *uhmit at *
is to the !Iseult
the tiniveriity of X`e
h** insuptated * feu
. tie in foregtry, leading
degree of Ilseltelor of Sei.
Fore*try .S.P.). The
richt hi* at its heed' Prof,
*ton of the Faculty of Forestry at IL IL 'Miller, * "re.
Verontri.. 11 dilate Of the Yale Forest &hoot.
The University of Toronto eons one of the !breast schools or tor.
r „the degree of Bachelor Of Si'. ettry in the :United States.
in Forestry' It.8.F.),' ,; A. third,..ielibor kithont to be s
sile nee far yeare eourte, 'int! tabli*hed in the PrOviritt ef
trrtitt-ftraduat,,,a1r,ttree.,,e,f IteN .and courses in .forestrfr or
3nrg.,Engineer F.E.)5 peratery.• .thereto are effete
*athlete of the forettry , ether universities and aviculter
.Must have twO *ye Are' prae. collegec
• *rave this put up •by, reepistielble
gist, omit after -oleic it -every t
Pull -colored hair, mendly 'tail; WWII
hairtheee all worry toiddleittred we.
man, ao not resort to dyes retiree/mg
'but ascertain the eitainpee beet limited
to the coloring of yew*hair awe us
that faithfully. For hair that should
Ito aviders.brown use a little perealds
et hydrogen -stir a hell toespeottrui
the rinse v.-ater. Pryer use ammonia
er borax on dark hair. but * plata .
green seep char1iO9 .1
'S lintjOtio mixture.; Which tore
I will le.glad to *Ora In receipt
of mked itthi atOritaime
rrott Punch. Tote * large 'bowl Poi
�. liettiling cue of medium dark brew
suittir. and pour ever We two cups c
ratrir -Mac het ,tea, Pitt thin *tam
milli the sirup le perfectly cold. Ad
to till* one cup of orange Jett* on
cut. or lemon Jule.. a etneell_can of pre
served Stral.WIJOrritli. it small eon •
-shredded - rittiuti$1*10 **4 * Itottle
Cherries., the gruff. and the sym
won. into thc punch bowl from whir»
11 le to be served put t large block •
ice, arid then add the Mined fruit. No
open two bottlso et singlit *Is a
ttr Into It, then two or three limit
)ottitte of apollineris water, yr
eertre. If not sweet enough, adj
gore sugar to suit the taste.
Claret runoh.-..frake the Jake of ter,
ante lemone and the 'grated rind. 4,14
ci this one *man glue of, eherry alt
hen one guest elaret. For ev
4uart *1 claret. *Mt one bottle of sod
rarer or apeilinaits.- -Pour over t
lock or _lie and deroritte With ;sprig
t geranium or lemon !alum&
To Whim* t ktn
Sly comntextoo le dark ao low. mit
stOthOtith a have tryst *If Th.
-Mots as Petoalde hythrogoa. Woo* Sleek
etc, I can Mkt ete 4a‘proiremeet. What
'rout. yo-recOatOnend Its a 'mod eotteeleg
, 404 whittonirg lotiaa fat Nub buds and
fere? .1L.
I think you will find the followins
recipe very good for sotteoing and
• whitening Your ski*. -
Zotion for tile race.
b.,- booed Za$
McNutt .... * 1.4.11000
t; StAtte,"ere••••••• •••••414,984,11.1e.
westerlies et
'02yervitte ..4•41•01,•••.44.4,4•4....1••••rat
Apply with abecr:}tat Cotten.
ment "et a time sod then lean back
ors the pillows. t)o this or...ery fif.
teen minutes if possible and yeti
will Arid when able to, get mit of,
bed that the giddiness tOlednV•
fertable feeling in the head has cit.
tirely disappeared.
Toys ,for Conveleseenti. Mo.
theta' are often at le loss for ploy.
things- for etildren convalescent
from a contagious diteete, its they
ust be burned later on. .,t.Theap
ay materials, such as • wooden
'oda to be strung on shoestring,
olored pegs to be ,fitted in peg
boards, vapor. chains, etc., may be
Mit:alined at the kindergarten sup.
rly houses. •
art before metrtioned, it is believe
to be an infeetioue• disease, som
what (similar to tentarius.
There is 'no special treatment
And eases have ,to be managed by
meting the symptortts as they arise,
and trying to, maintain the strength
If the patient and to increase the
natural powers of resiAtanec`..
Youth's, Companion.
twelve milts of St...INt
Cathedral, London -there itre
railway -stations.
•"..A clottbr practise • on his own
ratients, but at emateitr' reusieittit
praqires'on the pativrice of others.
YoUll never catch °wit you • doh't
• a &segos/ affecting hot try;', and 'after ,catching401i't
"ry tetti and loir,O. .11ii',Aormeriy ,t6 let go, g neees,5a1y,
Ailed extetisi*Ay in some 'ilikrts.1 r
hat *a* thert\ Called the West, "Yott isay the (Acerlarrested MAI
Indiana, and Illinois, -but yorr were, _quietly
-ore: particularly lit the northern ;Your own husinessl" "Yes, 3-ou
Dart of Ohio -the Western Reserve'. honor. lie etoight trio soddenly by
The disease disappeared with the the cot colla.r and threatened t4.
rowth of theitountry. and iti later strike . me with • his Ittail unless
'ter* cltilibt orate whether there accompanied to the Istatiort.
er wax such Recentiy, bonse.'"‘Yott were rinietlY attend.
er, ail- affectiorii pretenting ng to your ,own busiues,s, making'
j ayttiptoma described ty the iio noite 111$tarbonce 'of. ens
(ler medical writers es tkte of kind" "None ihateveroir."
rruption of hit hearers exieo,,, business r * burglar."
tin* out that his onwe!n In cattle the discime is called the
oft.ropested ret.sis3e 1011
yrs", or the "tremblesi!' the 0110
iive.3 by a. severt,r war(1 wi,ke ,t tame being given bec her 'hod
«hah10'1;$ pt.etti;•ar muceuur rki!--n-y6-r awhat is
z:' 't lettry'A ItUart. "Item
the i•4 .tt°"Pk!'"uul '311111"tl'
_ „ vi.ma.: appears,,miltles* att.! t few words."
tE,c1ri,111;7i,ncIPt:3,q1,41 , graze, but drinks. • eagerly :if •1` ,A,ou are .4 Man
,1:37 rt;• -o- ostc. stet. is effered, nail keeps iittc:sr,th;okrigh:
t If sowty fron. the rest of the
k her
sgc 5-4
ped ott
en't or
1 one re
Brilliantine•for *flair
Yen ycti Wetly a:VO We avnethtear_te
OOP' the *ads of str hair ha wive? an
tare It flaci the short awart.tut Straws
401111M 410vor my toe. litotlag
em giving you * retie* for a brit.,
;Intim ?Put * few avaDs tka Pahl*
then smooth heilt *ram,
It takee,but * *Ingle tench, Of the brit.
dentine to keep the hair In Vete.
sure you will find It Ivory ,eatiefectory.
Brilliantine ter 141r.
su.,.......;„.. s Cod
Akohol4 Mot
'S *old 09,46
011. . rose, goraniORt.......,.., *WOO
Thin 4nkles-L..ti kis Forehead
lime14-Jilte le Satre, *kat vtili *mite ea.
itles thin. betate that onimattrir tow •
hes mate mine thilc bele **rt. Pk
tqerbeact, so-thet X (111110V1 wiwr wy war
%tor my Wt. YO111 hvp tinelr
lookNirr PAUL
Ai to your Slit ‘cilleikititt, 1 011a °air
lett** that tett 'Weittli.lith
for they likra.tlf* only tidal* /110 *at
reaus your inkles. tether waver *IS*
DI cents. they *well When vaa *oat
kot "boa:.
could 'suggest teething for you to tlY
the matter nif wearing /Our hair. «-
1L to *sat- ss tiny bent yOtir.
penitadocr. This $10414 Ve Anne thlq
at nholittlitne!getitti:ts et "
hieb 160g., ;twit * trill of hair
round, eitit top of the forehtiol, rain a„
14ii'ittotigh the outer edga ,.ot your
DenspiSour sttir itis $0, $sul 101,11.4019a
.a. beitir re", *04 Oki. 114111
ctlr *AY iti;Witith It II renoitas'
rttlee, *les Nitth t -Vt$4 to w
ittM AEA.
OW* boys, the cstsas at
the nd of * word =es s 'pi/toe of.'
Thus, we • heve Afghanistan, the
place of the Afghans; also }Titan.. -
.sten, the place of the nindua.
Now,ean anyone Ole me another
'ostanteir "rest said the
smallest. y oadly. "I
Ilinbreitastent place for limo
In POO tit* *OM Olitlihitild
la. 214 1444 a teliway; there
*ow over *04.000 moos,
4 -
.0 •