HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-26, Page 1 (2)r • ase ere, ;0? . 4-1*. . • , •rre.'" 1 0 4te• • 1148,74s,d'o,.- Cost Price, plus Serriceibiiity, IS EVERYTHING 14! r -VVhIch Do You Wa• nt-- 1.tottiticetorloseCoa -Extravaganctror-EcononiY itL.L-4.. ii . Z • otherwise they will not. Now is the time to buy your Winter $ see seekeves-esee-sweeTetseeeeeissee*,-essweeetleseets ,• , - stock vex.•. ea:Med a better -or more cOmplete than we do at the preeent. 00 k. • f • " pre.ent:Reeve BobIez,Coudll1oa,... , man,Fuke .ud Kn1gb. MinntOte-.0. meeUugabeid werelastd*tel epprove&-. , ,hefelloWing' ,iiccountai-Were-, read *44 order* &Mtn Qn Trelienter for sonnet The Goldie k MeOhlioch .00,, .0uPP11110- 1138.14 Bell 01),One °mettlesome,. 8904.. -4Itteeti _ City 'Olt 00.,:,.gasoline. 410.30a% 'Os.vo'401x Sent balance on Cement Walk, contract 1907, 0110.91; Conner Bre*, repairs and 011Pgleo• $11.15; E. mealo for . L.a.mps, 800.; Howard. cedar, ..$2.1g4 Qharice, labor, $3. . Wm. Webb, $1.12; W. Weoteott.44.12; 'Coombe's, 75e.; 0. 1.1Vest, .$1,214 A. G. Dyer, A. Q. Bobler, JO". Senior, se1ect- inKfurors,J14 each. S. VailSon„.„ dew in.go.'wtitl:alt-ch1mne, Vie.; pissed on motion of a. a. Knight,... seconded by A. E. Puke, amounting.: in all to $114.48. . . • .bo$PicoPatdiorpU:LRY, dead. or alive. Highest. Prices Paid for Dried Apples, present quotation 5c lb ••• .0 BLI1rG BROS. PHQN t• Sale!!! Big Discount on All Mantles InAtined Coats a 0 . • hir Coals a•St t4 Orly aJar nd Shoes stock Come and secure some of the RGAINS ...vr_hile they h jtat Highest Prices Paid for Ali Kinds of Produce. -3NET,L • RONVE • One Door North of Post.Office. We Sell Good Rubbera-the Dainty Mode. irsotleantsmill 000410.. nog. r. XOUISTON, L. 0. E., M.D. IL 011NTIST iLa*bi ot tits IL 0. 0. B. ot Ostarie **d 'Moor illandaate of Toronto Valrersity. 00111101Ct Over Dickson & Caritas% Law 00Ies, la 'atoms* Dental. Patina. 11. EMMA LD1., D. D. or tette et Toroitte tralveristy. • DENTIST, sztractiel without any psin. or any bad effects Stextbarrs ogles, WI* street • 114•41cal P. ktel,AtIOntlit 4.• Stse reettesed smite. OW *yam (Colo ) 'titbit sad Conti** floepLtilj General DsotkWttk$*Wstteflt1osto Xis. Orith retrae- „ Iroge and Throat. 00Ice: Dokor•olta Ont. MUT, 11. /).• AA?. HONOR radase ot Toronto Usivialty, ,ttro yens t voltbet Royal Aletaidts ' no. Restiante,Dz Awe' Did ltsad, Adttw ItTEL s toad it 1**,4 • Hit 1st Oalear. Ada, street, • 041,01.004 14 IL Osseo* to S. &Met .1.1,14V r 1.1 174 CAIRNS. VETKRATAILY fiV/WRON. .1.1, • tincetwor to Dn. BAUM opeelel attestlo* to Deatists7. Right calls leit st tie bootee of Mr. Peter liawden JUIN street, Om %ilia Memorial Church), will b• Promptly attanded toe EUTE• 014TARIO. • , _ ,t00001410141 stau_decomer OM& suld nuleasenversvo- Yew Patrooatestolielted. • STRAYED BEVER. There strayed free* Moor -Want Ot the usdersigu- ed, Lots, cos. Iv Stephen, a twover-old ham, eolor red • weightsbout&W. **MI horse. shay per. song1vLng1nfosuokdg to hos reesvely will beJb1rde4.Z1ygW,.E. cestra. ils P. O. Teacher Wanted. For e. S. Ito.'4, 8 litettiedsty.eu_allikstion and experience. Dutfe to connnene. the Deitemint *Anew $iesir 1900, .tone Q. WEIN, Crediton • House and Lot for $tite Thew his been plittitd in the tiekdereigastes him* lot *de *.briek hots*, seedy new. 1% storeys high containing 8 rood* beside* somata ki woodebed, sood Wier *adenoma tis geed etenof eater stardesr.*180 god drive home lied 441000 the lot. The lot eostilse 35 seras of lead in good elate ot esithstiost sor srhkis are g amber &fret au* hint boob* trees. The rty Jewell toseed_4011 er rjthlagja Stet dew rery00001100ProPort4 steely sit.' . suitable tot retina Armor. toy -pesos ,wsatiogatioi '144 moos Ow es for sellissiustirill be sold krtsr ke. then toot. rows* sed patikalssi /1.1. PS . • r, ost‘ s ,0 tqe at TOM HAM *wk. ',Irridey and iosee et taxa,. •tree * ass t0 p.sit., tor the "tsttiire mum islet* on Or - ‘e. eiza SOO 0 PERSONAL. erk. Mr. Jahn Watusley visited in Lon. don this week. hter.7 Si7001e*."----- Mr. Geo. Powell, of Thedford, spent a few days in town this week. -Mr. Roht.,Sanders is in l'uraberry Tp. this week, shooting rabbit, Mr. aed Mrs. D. Melimittarevisiting relatives in ai yracuse, New York. Mr. Fred R. Knight returned to his home at Arcadia, Sask., last week. Mr. L. IL Dickson was in Goderich on business Saturday and Tuesdays Mrs. G. Anderson returned -Tuesday Miss Lizzie Finkbeiner, of London,. is visiting her Water, Mre. John Mal. lot. Mr. end Mrs. Harry Statham, of Ac. ton, are visiting friends and relatives here, - Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Case. of Olen- deboye, visited- in town over Sunday with the former a father, Mr. Thos, Case. Miss Efertba Snell, of the Advocate staff, is off duty this ,week, owing to illness. Alm Smith, Exeter North, returned Mondayfroin a visit with friends ,in Undone • Mr. A. Rennie oCLoodon woe sbalt.T n4441 41P1e 40114 al is belng tod in Toronto Ode :vieek In 'Novsnt,r et see* the L. i•O.4 11.W111100111 0144 .COMptinr* arfilted, ;tuft sSeelereot aleserow.rontrectel wIUi a. ill. Xiltel! '‘k co.. or Toronto, corairds. *too -agents, 100 their' entire *wk.( 01 1.901* betwilen $0,000 nuf;1 05.000 'bar. Mat* They were to ,PaY for the apPlela met -0*---eaektiig, and, tiie eernOseien agents viersjel„Ahlp4,,o.;nn..otoer.11ttek*AU tho ,Alnited Kbeetoin, -The Mane-yr/MA were to provide /undo upon Nyhtelt the Lang Oorapany could draw, to meet the Oniol or /acting and ether expenses: One poet of ***Rote is the paying et the pack- ers. 'The dettolarAts claimed that thin Wast not chargeable to them under the agreement. 11In Loordohlp, Mr. Justice 4.,11$1,401.* alter :haying_ ;want part-ot_tho ovisionee, rues] mat tee defendants were liable tor thla amount. Ills Lordship alter investigating the whole question. deadc4 that a number ott e poirtts Wedding Invitations - to ptqwest Types On Beet r� , The Fittest .An4 Bight z .6" No .14 Sunday. and itn. 133. work very. confusion, *It On' on, Iw l;.beppendon Servk,eatu tis 10. w bIinds thattloal 0010 Coned0rOh1f, , 3L. Bnolimininnt DAnn•WQOD.oNyEy. -114 -AMC= *11 Voessteste preisowti Chem stoderste. hem ot arriege uteenees The Mines Renoeffer, who have po- sitions at Exetes,speutUunday at their borne here. ---Rev. A. Y. Heist preach- ed in the Evangelical church on Friday night and also Sunday afternoon and evening. In the afternoon he admin. istered the Sacrament of the: ' Supper to the adherents of the church. Peter Schroeder was in the village eev- eralVo last week. -Miss Lyme Sims of 0 itorm IT VW* as w trthis phice:ssitenry Ho n ause the documents Were of North Dakotis came 'home Saturday fite brings he --.V41,00 dew!), to a .1grrititintS-4k; --- 4- ,0,0411.0*.040.mwro xi• 1, ot at hand 4ttell • Sharon., Mr Wm. Alorlock bad , the misfor week .U1eTieeue «, une of-loste- etrot_sa....1314 uncertain- o$.-$. Am haadiepoeed of a team emosei t E710 souse sum. and tire. Arthur Cox. • worth Intend moving to Ilerisaltin the uearjfuture.-Miss Arinetronse of EVI- ter, has been engaged as school teach. er-ferthefollowing- year. --.Mr. Garnet Amy ten Mcinday morning for Lon- don, where tef intends taking a busi- two course. tany .friende wish hies success. -Mr. Nfoses Kestle, who has been ill toe lea.e is--not:im- .proilint-. from a visit in Loudon and elsewhere. Centralia I• ng bands with old friend* in taWq this weak. - Mre, Stubbs and little eon. of 'Inger- soli, were the guest s of Mrs. John, Scott last week Miss Lizzie Dow, of Mitchell, was the guest of her cousins, the Mims Dow, last week. Miss Irene Grey. of London, was tb guest of Mrs. George Hawkins the lat ter.w.t of last week. Mrs D. 3ohnii and Miss Amy re turnea Monday from a visit in Sarni with Mrs. Goodlson, Mrs. NY% D. Clarke, who hits bee visithig, with her parents in London returned home- Saturday. . Mrs. Livingstone and child of Mil ,verton see visiting With her parents Mr. and Mrs. 'John Ilawkehaw. Mrs. W. A. Mace. of Hellmfith Ave nue, London, spent the week end With her friend, Miss Florence Bissett. Miss Elliott and Miss EVA_ Hobbs and Mr. Hobbs, of Dire, were visitors a the Rectory a few days taut week. The Misses McArthur, of Hensel' epent- a --few -days- hertt-fitning-the week. th guests-of-lties40.-Dicksone Mrs. Thompsort, who), was nursing et -the bedside of Mrs. stattey Sanders left Saturday for her borne in London. Aliss -Mile Treble returned Saturday from London, accompanied by Mrs. A. Evans, who will visit here for a time, itobt. Menveen and wife of Watford are visiting the latter's brother, Rev. W. -R. Butt. Mr. Mcilveen was form- erly a resident of Stanley and was for a number of year* Reeve of that town- ship. lie and his wife have been re- newing old time friendships in and around Clinton, Varna and Rayfield, having spent a month or moretouring the country around. -Mrs. WilIiam Spencer of Stratford. is spending a few daye with her mother Mrs. Anderson. Andrew Hepburn, who has, been in the rth t fo more than eight 0 Wes r le"*1 d pet' in on his parents -Mr. in Mrs. • Re,eburn and took them by aut. petition Sattireleys: ,-ilisetay0rill, be,* ,short 040 as bit/Ines* calls bhn bank a alt). -Mr. Kershaw of Detroit is vie - rigng her sisters -Mrs. Samuel Davis and Mrs. "Virro.Parsons.-Nelson Hicks is in Detroit, having seettred. lucra. Live position in that city. He willbe O greatly missed. from thecholr of which • he was the able lender for nearly two rars. Our pianist Mix*Sarah Neil is, owever, a, hott in herself and will do • her best to keep Op the high standard of the choir. She deserve well at the • hands of the church. -The itertrinell at the Methodist cluirch were largely at- ' tended on Sunday last* the pastor who . heti been absent for a bottple of weekt, filled the pulpit With his whoa ability. A social evening was held on Tues- - day evening by the Epworth. Le*gue. Although the thunderstorm interfered somewhat with the attendance good. ly number were present and it most t enjoyable titne WO spent. Miss Swan, the President, occupied the chair. A short but varied.program was render- ed--Mrs..,(Dr.)Orine,---wbo,,bit.- been loitingirlertdein Detroit dueing_the 130.0t three weekiShasreturned home.- tr. rrvitti, vote aria faintly of et. john, N.B., are visiting at Richard Ricks% Mr. Irwin, as representative of theMc- _Clary Manufalturing Go in the East, • bits spent s couple of years near the Messrs. John- Triebner, Fred Kerr and Dan. liartleih were in Parkhill this week attending A shooting match. Geo. E. Oase, Who, has been in Toronto for several months, has re. turned home and will *pond .the win- ter here. Mrs. jor. Snell arid daughter, Miss Florence, leave to -day for Boston., where tkey will with. Me. said Mrs.,Oscer . • Mrs. los. Eit4iten. of Lovering,. who hae been visiting here, is spending few day* With her sister, , Mrs. Geo. Knight, at Ildett(01. - • Mr, end ,Mrs. Samuel rattson and family, who for Many year" bate re ' aided in Rioter, left this week for rico. ,dco, where they intend making their future home. ' Mrs. McDonald,. who hat been visit.' leg tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, returned to her bottle In Ohio*. o Thuroday, her mother accompany. eriao forint London, , , Mrs. Geo. ColWilt Ion'd little dough. r returned to Cargill, Ont., 1040'Veek, Atorapfinted by AIM Wm. Wilion tel Mrs. Wm Statham, 100. Will Vie- t there for Mime. Mr.TOrael SWith Of Hainilton shake. log Winds with to*oyot his old friends in town this Week. H4ni/ handy with tbegunMr. Smith *filen oy consider. able of the time, here in the wood*, r. Milton MeTsggMtt, of Wind.' Sask., who went West *owe tlnaa ot‘it *Pending afoot WeekiWitb old friends in and *mood Exeter. *tot whlch be will return; Mit, think* the Weat * sill tight. 00tilittra BertBendle who r.eentty took bithedf the better half. Jj it the 150 *ere term ot Kr. .Lb. or VAN**, tot it tion. Bed h** elwxy* Induetrkno your!, tido sea ehore, but as the climate did not agree with his health he boa been transferred to the head- office in Lon- don. -Wedding bells will won be ring- ing in this- neighborhood but the ' gain will be on our olde. Patticulate later. ritso *some*, Source. The new house being busk b3r4.1tev. Butt hi nearing completion and will **owl* ready for occupeney. When liniehed Mr. Oolwill will move into it, -Wm. Oallfas hatteturned from the West where he was in quest of Iota He bins purchased it farm property near Iloathern, Seek., atol_vvill move with his family thereto in March nekt. A number from this vicinity attend- ed the play Uncle Tom's Debit' a,t Exel. ter Friday eveillnirtames Okes new dwelling south of.here to fait :wowing oompletion. tile,.01to. has nowavleti. 'did borne and one be catt Justly feel proud of. -Milton, Mitchell and bride ,returned last Week from tbek honey. moon trip in Ifiehtgan stet* and nowsettled down to the more IM ant tinge life. -.1 -,The tax** of our burg homemade it netticeable lump op. wards thie yeto, the red*Oti of 0010 everybody KetUe. wbo Into been teaching roditeld_ Seho0 h00 tendered her tesignation to the Truitteee* to tido effect- tit end ot set. out Um. of hie recovery.-Sainuel Brown and wife of Crediton and Louie Ravelle and Wife of erand Bend spent Sunda , with frienaQ-bere---41,-,TiN_Ekcirer-And . • Trifliiihtelif Atherton are We week visiting relatives in and around • Dash- - _ lgtreiof-7Siktssn--s,;Mteh.., Igen,. s at present visiting relatives here.- Wedding bells are again heard in this community, particulars will be more fol/Y given in next issue. -What Seems to be the inattei? Ye old editor and likewise yourbumbleticrib, both good fellows and yet going etopty handed. Come on old chum lets get out and hustle. WRDDETY.--OrLViteaneaday evening of last week Rev. Thu* pronounced the mystic vrords which made Mr. Ed- mund Walper and Miss Melinda Rader man and wife. The ceremony took place at o'clock at the home of the bride, two milesi west of this place, in the presence of *bout one llundred guests, They will make their future home on the groom's farm about two. miles north of this village. -The best wishes of all go with them for their fu- ture happiness and prosperity through life and that the matrimonial sea may prove to be one of pleasantness to them, - • • StrODItit Ditkrue-Great Was thesur. prize to the residents of this village and community on Wednesday morn- ing of last week when it was learned that the brittle thread. in the life of Krafthed been *napped sounder during the silent watches of the night, she having passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Merrier, with whom she has been in the habit Of staying nights for some tin3e. Not getting up ou Wednesday n3orning at her usual time her daughter went to call her and was awe.struck to find she had departed this life apparently without a stellate. - She had attained the age of seventy.three years and some months. She leaves behind her the fragrance of *kindly life and her kind acts and deeds will long be -re- membered by thoee who knew her best, She leaves to mourn her demise three eons and eight daughtere, one dau4bter and her aged partner prede. ceasing her. The funeral =Saturday was largely attended and we conducts ed•by Rev. Thun of the Lutherian church of which the departed was it lifelong and consistent, member. We eommend the mourning ones to Rim whose ways are past 'finding out but heels too- wise to -errand -too -good -to 1)0 -unkind.andwho- will- some .day- ttbilleoritog. ether the loved ones of :407 10:7PP 5 140 jarliletS 140 11440P 144"&4turiartertlir4449kiaittorraoll 411914":141:tr:ift the feet thitt there -le a 00004104 000, liCAtiO4' that no Only furnishea- the ' .most,rellable information pertaining tostise farm, but at the same time fur- nishes them with *newspaper giving the 40We of the world and a utttgezine everrweek AO good ;maim vf the Eng- lish or Ameriven-reseazinee (.11.1 and quantity of good wholesome fare ly reading The paper alluded' to is The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, which coste but one dole lar a, year and is the greatest -value, to be had. It is a weekly oewspaper, foully magazine and agricultural pap- er combined -all three in one ---and if any farmer after giving it a trial does notthinkit the best value on the market he can have his money back, No farm house in Canada can afford et - The ihisifily Herald end Wet,ly Star of Montreal. •0 40,1eseis sa,,oewee, sessexgweisessye.4',ett,e, Olt Mr, John- Essery and wife visited Mies Munroe -of-Eze*e., en tare:e bire.Pereeliteirmer. OLEarltoXi, Now Ontasite is-"tenevring --iftqtrafell*ioeti around bei.e. touch tdkill .12 sirtillttat-p-art.-ot-Ontarlo. "- Orediton on Friday laat. Pett, Essery has returned after a week,'s visit with relatives in Leudou.---gr. Sherwood Hunter and wife visited at P. Coates' on -Sunday last.' - Physical Culture ciess. Young men and boys wishing to Sorgt.411ajor Hector's Physical Culture Class for three months.• • will leave their names at the Advocate Off- ice. Terms: -Young men, $100 for course; boys; $1,00. Course to corn. memo Monday, Dec, 7th. DIRT05 Cliiitst-In Mixon% on Nov. leth, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cann, a son. a 3bitY-In Stephen, on Nov. 12lb, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Jerk, a daughter. E1401.1010 -In Sarnia, on Nov, 15th, to • Mr. and Mrs. W. T. England, a son. Vatat-In Exeter, on Nov. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Vale, a daughter Ftrmrs-In Usborne, on Nov. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pidton. • daugbter. Ritionz-In Exeter, on Nov. 2Ist, to • Dr. and Mrs. Wight, a son. MARRIAGES' ORRECII-SANDERS..-At the residence of the bride's mother, MainStreet, on Thursday, Novillith, by, the Rev. E. As Fear? Ur. Richard N. Creech, to Miss Edith Sanders, eldest *laugh. ter of the late GeorgeSanders. ettritises-At Nairn, on Saturday evg„ • Nov. 14t13, Mrs, lane Currie, relict ' of the late Win. Currie, aged 78 'yrs. and 8 months, CARLING -PATTON-At the home of A Patton, Olandeboye, by Rev. Kerr, on Nov. 23, Miss Lizzie Patton, to Mr. Carling of Cleveland, Ohio. Sists-Comewree-At the Methodist , parsonage, Crediton, ov.18, by Rev. Rickel,. Miss Norah Sims to Garnet Cockwill both of Crediton. " mettee.-In Exeter, on Nov. Nth, William Horton, aged 78 year& ••••• • 111..TLE NT 1 ON!!! 'xed4is IS NEAR ! Edison Phfincitrapbss $16.60 up Edison Records, 40c Arnberol Records, 66c ,T hear them le it pietism*. To 0 ools "is a joy. We would be glad to sell you one for for XtintS. Drop in and talk it over. While in, look over our F. NM" SOAPS; PERFUMES, -COSMETs eSe and LOVELY POST OA OUR XMAS GOODS are arriving. sre, Exp. Bldg. - P11 •Willie Powell Arit Irs , , win t World' pvemrs trY nieoce 11%1 $34 to With Gyelits. st Td 4." e Jed 0 0 0 0 ,s L� 1- - .11