HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-19, Page 6 (2)tationery In all, the newe:*t atty'tes at *way down per. We will beplease to *bow Tou our goods. . ONARTIMI Exeter's Leading Musical Banporiueo. Our gradeaatss are la dlusoul a sibte s Cd- I�e tcsare ere as well at °eke sesi,tante'ladle r ttsl iaasaatareetlora. *otter NOW Wes ` li fxrlrer Wdte *rn It. ULLIOTT & Mo ,OHLa ?, t No other ' ntedichxt liaa teen so successful' in leliev t :suffering of women or reoelva 'a i en-. as 'mean WEDDING—At the residence of Mrs. Wauart. ltetb, a t�aa Nov. lltb, Miss AnnieUtettitILAIft toveneen1. Mined tl"ae+ ceremony, under a taatif u l arch of evergreen*, cb tn. thennanre and another. The bride 'Was tastefully attired fnsown of wtaite orleand,yr, tricot:zed wittf lace. and duche east satin ribbon, and carried* beauti. hay fe n. + the bride .was amply demonstrated by the magnificent sissy of beautiful gifts. The bride's travelling gown was of navvy blue tally's cloth, and bat to matcb. atx►mmunityhave :yu. w illyd find to Irdfa' t l. A . t' a Veg. Almost every ,lther yd IM !AJ . m\aYL^'� ,YAS.�'MIW Tr :ebikhant Laboratory at L.V1144208.1anywomananydaymay see thanes containing over one mil. lion one hundred thousand letters from women health►, and fere are tom►lAttera which. they $i i f / M pii3 ;11.4 -that thay Wer a cu d`by' +• . E. Pllnkham'j table Compound.. Lyclia ayes Vegetable Compound has saved many women x om surgical operations. J Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable' Compound. is made from roots d. herbs, without drugs, and is whole.. some and harmless. The reason why liydiai I. Pink - ham's Vegetable Comps is a o uoeessful �y beca_u�ae It con 111. lents In eh act .4 i it (4tAhe��yyfe •••it , l , e�a� . Women who ao those distressingillawailiar sex should not lose facts or doubt the 0{.1 -"� E.'Pinkham'a3 Vega's° aa,Ar.tl'. to restore their health. - Were the excina V*Ffar Howse in ltreete ra otttarlo, devoting all our sharairs, cosshissd with practksl experle'see: to the auanutactnriug of Far Garzaamta, and. bays cosgde'nee that we cam Metre our patrcoe zsoeey end supply the beet geode in the Bead riser 'address sad receive. by retsina Malt este Aas*nsal lar Catalogs* sesta Prlcs Unto All informittoaaa resulting bleeds cheer - v given. ] ail Orders pre ptiy attend, ed fa. Whatever amount of money one pub by in an investment ---whether it ht _$100000 or $100 -tele latsr'tderstlort" €eethe- gty- - - .: ti nvestment. 11a ddded to the activity. there.is e► profitabie di'tridend, this invest - merit becomes' - an idea one--. exactly the kind that the .sating , people of O nteiio.most desire. The Debentures of this Company are such an investn lent, safe . . rover et10 t ;tk mple - -to' their redemption., Thus their security is absolutely safeguarded: They pay'4 percent. per antlern. , • Put your saves into this aaaifs and"ProfitablefOrItt Of investment. Write ieking for full,p*rticiidars. i childtin s delight •is . ' your enjoyment. Perrin's Toy Reedlike ith. ry then Tuckerarnith: Iii , Port Huron, on Oct. 7th. the iiatiterl age took .place of bort Stewart of this tow , and Miss Xenia MeOullOgb of Seitforeli. Clinton: At.noon, on Nov. lOtb In Toronto,the enitrrrie a took pig, of. Miss Netle Beacom, daughter of T. Beacom, to James Dunsford.- They will reside in Clinton. Sow's Tl'hisP We offer One llundred Dollars Rewardfor any cast of Catarrh that cannot be cured by mars Catarrh Cure, F. J. CIIENEY k Co., Toledo, o. We the undersigned have katown l'. '. Cheney foe the 1Mt 5 yens, end believe him perfectly honorable In all Wetness transactions end tln*newiy rtblo to worry out any o eridiem; made by' bias . a Wawa% Imo & Mame e Whdlsssaie Druggists, Toledo, 0 hall's Catarrh Oasis taken internally,a►oti di- rectly on the blood and mucous surtate t of the sty stem►. Tasttmouials sent free. Price 78c. per bat. e. Bold by all Druggist., Take Ball's leuaalT;r Pills for constipation. Salntsbury Si W.. odgins-is-rejoiicingu.:ov •the' -arrival -of -a young—daughter.- T, . Davis is suffering from the effects of bloodpaolsonid In one ,arm.—Austin Callender of -Ohio called at Drank Davis' fora short visit ; ay. -M t. Wm. Pym, who hat _ just. returned ' from the. est with er: grandson Wes. Wright, *hated at Won't Davis' this week.--- A, Dobbs, from no ap» parent cause, suffered intensely from a sore foot last week for some banns. An injection of morphine gave relief and he is now. alright. Bethesda Arinlversaary and Tet Meeting. The Annivcrsury Service In connection with the 13ethesdait Methodist clh.urca wag held( on Sunday, last and was, concluded .by. the Bev. W. 11. Butt of Ceratraliaa. Every blot has _1aawo`t'ab10 to, the oceastorr and he church was 'Well inlet[. The ,Itev. fir. Butt preached 'an appropriate sere rraon , char'aeterixed eelth a' deep spilit ural meaning and his large acongregat on kite highly,. pleased (With Ibiiar' discourse. bfo;; da7'); veninghe "atlarivau area Meeting w to Yheld -*tet an, 1nu r 'alae troirdkOrivel»1ayliy,t�raarzt Exeter—turned. out to .partake or the good ,th Birgit provided by tte tadlc 1t wits a tem meeting at *bleb everybody ataeeined to enjoy themselves. There was a n abundance fix" good thing. -while the. lel ' element *a* net forgotten and sats 'Cultivated as well its the pitysitcaaal,. 0n)ylitg' themselves to 'the full. At &.e eppoiuted ;hour the people paaaoased tenni t'ae baaeentent to the auditorium s8aaatre the pastor, Rev. Fear, who aarcted *, Wideman, had in store as es otce bio' ram. The addresses given by' Rev. Burp es* asf Elltnville, uevd., Collins. and, iarrtIn of toter pl oved crcetdingly ins tetesting, while the *solos by, Wylie* tivartlj)�n: Follick and Upward Upwardand yy Niro' Mei1 ot Exetez were admirably` Dieu a. 1 and proied Wittily pleasing. On the ale the affair was a rotnpletc ateei use. Tee :eteoent realized wag ° Sd;r etPORTA a "i a N WZifr., W.S.`'1'R.t'e.1,!le *Or**t .1e.P.i.#iouz a to the of the,.&dv ata. -44.--40-40. ; w; ; cu tbe a>ra:,gaeaaell'Tfo r artaehtlaa C. the. z fi 'ti+ !agar dandruff ewe stead tielhg' tful haat#; dreaaarl . 8. Colo IS gladtz, stat*, that rere:; ttrlen Imo* las * x°aa'ietlY ° lewran, ert balr ester0r; ` - ', It veil: ! 'dendrufe In two votote vy k#ill; ngtbe►` dstA 'utf *oboe; $t Stqpii retie 't.oaf Mitt t.: �s fl 'a ealp' aeaaa eai, ,or.,1 1:,•.., It 1S,t.; rnQ*t i le seat hate ';eai t, peg+ *aaaaien:xeeoylfatnn1 lI1ndiauas.'It';*4. *,k l ' e .Cnot ,'O tTt .*.p.I*rtit:,¢bof1ttpelttrgt °'ss, ldItiele rout.ttg*:Oe.. XOt1 a e r' for many rears era leattlent 44.84. Matryas, but; latterly of ' e ibtarn. ' fee Lk- e of the taeart was the cause of 14a demise., He was 53. Years of age- Clutton.—'on Nov, 1.0th fire wmo dla. covered In the ba erect tt of tie store of Linder and Wat ion, and aaoozn all thtl• building was filled with enioke. 'Firemen extinguished, theblaze before it got out Of the basement; leippen.--The widow of the tato .Alec. Monteith died In Clinton recently after a brief idoses, She was a daughter of R the late obert Mieliordle of Tuc kerarn th end' wits a native of Ireland.... Her hue» bard preceded her seven years. '±ter rill.- 4Okne■i.o1 Aha !earliest settlers R.n • i • a got d augbleYe-,'laenaa .oil • St. on. Nov. 8th. In his ,90th year. .fink 1819 he was born near Glasgow. Scot- land,, and came with his parentis to the county of Lanark, Ont., in 1621. 'When 1'7 ears old he moved to Sarnia N.fi Town- ' f . :;. . :zere this ' aekcnzle Milton -an -be haaalf.of the . crown, He later moved to Parkhill. 11k�'ylyieeti£ d.""�'Itikx 'i; � et . '+y�y`: y. ol1nt 4+ a #� yy� p{ A LL- .y ism �} y y,� * ♦. Hammitt. Yi. D tkottie lortnelty At .M sur l elitc1A77q ll -TOe Nov.. isatt We,eleee see, village, was rxier/4 41 in fiber to Dr. sell, settee driver at the 'flax . mil. Corey of New Ideactco. • . f.'Iinton.-'4btiretisY last while . In the operation of his cement mixing machine Archie Cousins got two fingers usdly, crushed. Portions of each were aanput. Iota one of hie fingers oft Vierigtoi hand. Ile was o llnir the mac.dnery when hes hand was Caught In the belting and it was so mangled that Or., At. k9.nsort *ou> d. it necessary to amputate sited afterward. . It at the knuckle joint. a a:o .i img4►ts can't cure Rheumatism •. Liam( tate oto Only; elan a ecsa." Linimenta ean'ecreach the muscles, nerves, j lints. iin,luxouttt can't get to the sick kidneys, which cause Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago. kidneys. .tf you are a staiffeire , donl __. le:eten neon# n n lc Beata-reflroc tss} CUre \ vrs:rself vs.' '..• Gin Ills. 50c. *bole; eft . Y, . ar�rr i whiles.- iCAL k' " ' l:l�iill tart `� . mwri i{{,all:-aa by 2744;4d'a Drag"7,7: Trees n ,p The 'Siegel Thanksgiving- Number el t_hd#ate 2ttiy.. 1Ved', #1iCi s In additional to its We i th of beautiful harvest pictures and other line photogravures, several iiew and Interesting features which are to be continued with other attractions In the enlarged and Improved Christmas Number, In centre() ot preparation. One of 'these Is a complete story ; a second is a aeries of ` (1d . l ailvorite Songs, words and music complete. which will appear in ' each issue. Remarkable a has been tee popularity 01 this 'Mende Idpubiieaation, the public are assuc d that the best is yet to einne.. Fiery Is- sue or this. Monthly . Art porttolb'' .would torm a -capital Souvenir 'to send to friends abroad, None better. (tile. a , cop, 11.00 a year ; The Pictorial t'uu- lishinig Co., 142 St. Peter St...Montreal). Chart .King, kilo *entreat canoeist > nd long distance walker. who wagered that he would walk.fromMOntreal to Vancou- ver in 155 days, neither beg or *teal, and earn; 050 while on. his Way.,.arriv e4 • at ,Bear . des'ination deet within five minutes of tre eo lratton oft he time lizrtit. He war presentedwith a chequer for :the saazhount of the wager, $1100. There ie General Surprise at the Greaat. Number of Persons in Exeter Who Praise Booth's Kidney Pills. It's but a short time since the first box- of Booth's Kidney Pins came tO liter. ' '.'Chat a work this stranger* has accom, plished. Dozens of residents benefited and cured of Dune, weak at sehing`- backs, urinary and Idaho,. troubles. It lit remarkable t the reason for it . Is Booth's Kidney PIlls are `a new tailepd of Vegetable ingredients, :having a pectin. sr action on the kidney, tissue • that brings quick, help. i . A. Wright of !Ctng' Street, EXeter Ont., says ; "Mrs 'Wright had been .a constant suftelrcr `with many ' annoying and painful symptoms of 33rig xts dis- ease. Her back was tender and painful, and she could at titres scarcely get up froln a ebair without assisting herself .,with both-hiant s :: a...Witt . ,.d>roefil - s = ng a woo . roost aaroun e ankles and under the eyes .and th urine had shown' tnlany signs of this dreaa l disease at different einalYsis and cort- tatned' much brick dust sediment Of :high color. Different prescriptions hada fail ed In giving relief and we bead begun to think -nothing would be of any benefit.. 1. learned of Booth's Kielney Pl11ss through stn advertisement•. and . procur- curing a box St 'Mr. Coles Pharenaei she eommcnccdtreatment. +see results were surprisingly good ttom the Mat. Tito dropraleal evenings began to de crease, the. uarine gradually cleared of the sediment a aau'1 reewnrd its natural Cobol. The baatekaacheK.fcion hsd<'goaie an If was a cotxtlaarrstfvelY *hart time bb. for Men. erigtit.'tad gue to Iook-mid feel itko a hew.. person: llooth'st • 1Cid. nay' Pills' gave a very speedy curs• when' ill tide had .tatied viten ofd relieve < and] cannot hesitate to, to onttmeq'.d tt.e ri i ase Ideal, renkciy, i ei4 tete re._ be telled. 'up ii,' alweyse Sold by Dialers. t'rtcex l50 tents. ItC IL T. Ileoth• Po., L't"d, Fort 'Ellie(0 •. Sok C'ailadian. Agents. ' . < r s° .r 1f1tES1i TEIt1A Ml l tth . The amiumil •tom r, ,ar t 1 ttx'nah 14C** byloiiaaat Society of titans le ornaar`t's etc then Mia sIonary ilociety *kit held 4t molts vtlle Presbyterian Church on Nov. The reports of tie *uenif*i les and mia*sion 'band* were into reating -enct ene ariigl er. and showed that ea;# tellent work wait Wing clone torr tlien ,causal of ntle*Ioitias. There are LT, smell - 1,01C0 ell-IsilCs And. 0 httaaaieitsn bend*, "Iwitkt >N,. Mtflibcrabltt of :13. The total value h? Clothing sent to the ftorthweet fll1 ai*lien fields wait s `nnetliIn;, over 4500, while t'he total rontr8buttons fr'ozia rauatiliaacieato *a* $1,7110.14, Arid from )mission band*' * 00.$M, making a, total. ot $2,080451, an increase over lastest year. tolioee, 'rang are contributions' from tie, inlivtde *keel satttsiliaAaeie ai: t.#aAyrricid $4140,'11it1ske 111 t1ai .$121440, frucetleit $180.38, Ciirtto'»M 1 ► ► - d01 $228, 'k"reet 31.•110., t oderIth 1.1060 Cttar crimes ai • flee welt' t18it.1r., 11z1laag'rree Iruk� dt. Ifirkto $51:50, $Mlort'h' $2111.99, ", . Knight" Stove" Polish tai oats inipix*tibn to the bousewife--'so willing to do its work and doles it so well. RSV to put rai14 and just a tew rubs brings ariti!_islit isll. Yon should see .for yourself how good "Black tight" -really ds.: • l(your dealer does sot b*ndleit, send lute Bark bis name and roc. for full reed can.. lin T. If. Mtn CO. 11131111101. Ost. ,1t M Immensely important ti;et you should getell the teiornat; n itiout a oollegs Whore yos *arta se a snidest,. Your semeearar .dna« • papaw upon your' moi Fillw CHILI4U16.4etiii Batt Aerie t4ladiyolo of Tei *ilial *r turn sur soolostss *Soy int "hire lesees ,J. k axptudrs tris Coiia..oetri sod Shoot 1 lased sassu in dst'uiL Slaoarais. yahoo •1tl►a dike►(rrsEdo. .t.,.A....3rtid. Diplom... /told tbar dIG II1.rtrit.Adb04*111. $.M kayos by ensure of yogi i of Iraiwst osaal VI your ewers .i cl addqars: S't.14wsts *doleatM sex Soo: SsisiaL ►s $slt►arabrr' wa Janwarr Tim ri410!fir o-itsWi"aewset saartbastfoolloa, Vp tylllrv,r'� - Leede*, ONTARIO cot: { t�a b y'motha rr taught me it ►rA' to baa e k an&r told tense. by she always 'off celery angel "Now 1 bawl a ''l aandoat'a ', *tidies with mother, 'my `troubles e fe*.. Alter firelit tt'arted),1 simply bring thenn+gter to wired heat and leave this, oven hi, charge of the belch) . It's built for faithful sereice. >a> While housewives with other ranges are poking litre,. and changing dampers,rs, 1 *tt and re. the 'joy of .r ►ate a +r. are.. lrrlplw:rsWa'sraMa�- ,r: