HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-19, Page 5 (2). a debt or liability or who obtains credit
under false pretences or• fraud. If en.
forced to any extent this law ,a noWd
place some . in a very uncomfortable po-
crcs1 .7 d.Ac:p92+771^1"' -nrN..en
ab a
Woodbaaatn's memorable day is Nov.
ember Pith. The L. O. L. for many
years have held a grand social event
on Guy Fawkes' night. The oyster
supper and concert this year was a
good one. The oyetet a were served in
all styles and the ladies know hover to
`itt,� er<htrth.
thoroughly enjoyed. Tiny Vita' Lon.
don Harpers furnished the inane.
-Fred McTavish of St. Marys sang.
Miss Rena Rubinson of Kirkton gave
readings, Rev. Bat Ilett of Woodham
and Rev. Collins of Exeter gave excel-
lent addresses,
__ Zenrieli
Ras. the Advantages el * Steel Range With
the Durability of a Cast -Iron Range
"Ideal Peninsular" is the ideal range fer
a small kitchen.
It gives the conveniences of the
advantage of being cast-iron and therefore
more durable.
The "Ideal" burns either wood -or coal
and the grate bars may be changed in half
a minute.
Step in arid let us sinew you the Drop
Oven Door—Low Warinin -loses--AkijuStaible
ayright Oven curl other improve-
ments. Always a;tad to explains the superiority
or thence time ranges. 70
It is rumored that u party here is
about ready to erecta skating rink.
The project might be safely encourag-
ed by our citizens. --Elmore Kruger,
Tie of Mr. •Met tier's clerk%, accidently
put a few grains of shot into his leg
while out shooting, on Thanksgiving
Daly. --Mrs. William Slope left Wend.
ncAaday for her home in Stratford,_
W. O'Brien and W. G. Hess, acting
for the Hay council. recently removed r
the fence which barred the way,tu the
new road to the lake at St. Joseph, i
which the council expropriated a abort i
ago. The fence was no mote than
laid aside when a gang of men were'
hired and soon had it in place again. I
A lively lawsuit will Likely be the re -1
suit. --Reeve Lamont; attended the ,
tax sale at Oasdersch • on Tuesday. A '
good part of St. Joseph was sold for'
unpaid taxes, and ete bought the
"whole shooting match." He, will
now rank as mayor of the city. and
will likely changes its name flow St.
Joseph to St. Peter.
Confined to His dome for Weeks.
"Wavy work. severe straining and evil habits to youth brought on a
double varicocele When I wonted hard the aching would become
severe and I was often laid up for a week at a tonne. My fatally,
physician sol 1 me an operation was any only by tut I dreaded It.
trbni soveval speeiul6ts„ but soon Lound out all they wanted was nr
money. 1 COMM: need to look open ad doctors as little better than
rogues. On dray my boss asiccxd"ano why I was off work so much and
I told him my eusnd,tro!a. lie advised.mi to consult Drs. Kennedy &
Kennedy, aw he bad taken treatment from -titer himself and ]msec
they were squere and Anita I wrote them and gotT rw NKr!on
TRaaTiinurr. My'pr'gre as was somewhat slow sand d g the :dist
raauth's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. Itowe ver 1 eon -
tiniest treatment for three monthis .longer and was rewarded with ac
complete cure. I could only earn $12 a week In a •marching atop be-
fore treatment, now I am earning fled and never lore a day. L wleh
mil sufferers knew of your valuable. treatment.
WOOD POISON'S are the most prevalent and most .erfouadiaesee s. Theyeaptbevery
Lifeblood of the victim and unie ns entirety eradicated from the system will cause serious
complications. Beware of yiercury. " It only sups the symptoms—our. NEW
]d limen' cures all blood diseases.
YOUNG Olt MIDDLE AGED MEN—Imprudent seta or tater exmeesea have t�
down your svatetn. You feel the symptoms steeping over you. Mentally, y
(ny, and vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. Win you heed t
g er.scig�uats? •
EADrRy to you a vtettm! Have you lost bopo? Ara you sponging tamarrl t Ilata
our•blood been diecase li leave you any weakness Our Niter Mitnion
' 'atactr,ccer will euro you. tl hat 1 has done for others ft will do for you. Cseasltati.tt
Frere. No swatter who has trewed you. write for an honest opinion Fres of Charm
Beare Frew- i -The Golden Monitor," (Illustrated) on Lilasseaof Men.
awl series, or envelope *. Everotbl etc confidential. Q.metaaa let and cast of Treatment
Suppkrnenf to The Exeter Advocate
For 1909, ready Nov. 15. 1908.bool
ever sent out,beanttful covers in colors.
fine portrait of Prof. Hicks in colors,
all the old features and several new ones
in the snook T e bOal.aatr
original "Hicks Weather Porecaats.'
ily mall 35c. ; on News stands ihtic One
copy free with Word and Works. the
best $1 monthly is, America. Discounts
on Almanacs In quantities. Agents
wanted. Word and Works Pub. Co., .?.201
laocuut Street. St- ir.ouia, Mo. .Every elt-
"stat=.to-P'rornre'lta'tb to—aa'osr a ill—lil a
forecasts,—the only reliable
While sitting back in your comfortable
arm chair beside the cheerful stove or
grate, roasting your shins these even-
ings, what a feeling of contentment is
your. How different is the lot of many
in the targe cities. 'i a,si-- ste><t_iti,._ _Ower
neighborhood where poverty is no
stranger. where what we call necessities
are luxurieand the piteous cry for food
is a common form .,of a peech. In our
owe) nofgbborhoodd we have children:. lit-
tie tote, who arc not having tine b°.at of
care, although the parents are endeav-
ouring to the beet of their ability to pro •
vide. Something should be done by our
philanthropic people to place them in dif-
ferent surroundings. Missionary work
should begin at home..
The criminal code *lust issued contains
a new ciauae, No. 4050, . which ta7 cat.
ens to make the pollee courts work over-
time. It provides that anyone is liable
to one year's imprisonment who incurs
Keep in the meat till the
wholesome juices—the real
nutriment oo the roast..
Use the SOUVENIR Binge
with its .Aerated (forecd.aiir)
Oven. It prorid( s for pure air
currents all round the roast,
and prevents the burning out
or the frying (tut of the whole'
nicht strength..
'i°hrlt<'ag the
THE ,GUc*t%iEW.Tt,t.Df N CO,
' v 6►�'ill;ti,,
. , VANcaauitri.
• A
getainati; gze r
W. 'WhiteSide took two sinking
spells on Thursday caused by heart
trouble, but has recovered- somewhat.
--Richard Webster and wife of Leek..
now are bre visiting. He formerly
resided here and worked in tits em.
ploy of the late W. J. Miller.— Our sit.
rzens and the many friends -of George
Petty, sr.. will be„pleased to leaaars, that
he has eo far recovered as to be able
to sit-up and go around. --A. ,Scherer.
der. who has been running the photo
gallery here for the privet few mon' ho.
left on Thursday evening for B=•r lin
where his family rr;sides. He did not
find the business here satisfacto,y.-.=
Mr. Sterling, who has- been iu the
Vest for some months. has returned.
hove. —Mr. Morrison. head miller at
.t .-i ettttsll lnur :` Uri; baa 1+ . .
Into. Dick's house on King St.
MARRIED—OA Wednesday. Nov. 4.
4a happy event took place itt the resid-
Iepee of Mr. Sbeppasrd, Beaatrisville.
when his daughter Nellie, was Married
to Hugh Meliia i tiv, of the firm of
Johnston & Mcli artian, Hensall..Tlle
event took place at 3 p.m. in the pres.
sties of they immediate relatives' of the
contracting parties.
atti n tsbulry
t3'oo tae for last week) •
The tnei nh rs of L. O. L. No. 4D3.
'held their annual .fowl dinner in their
hall on Nov. Ca, and had a large attend-
*neee. After ell partaking of the good,
things the men had a game of football.
The chair was ably tilled by B. A. Ryan
of Lucian. Rev. Arthur Carlisle and
WI,. Rory of L'ican. and Hes, G. W.
Mier? of Kirkton delivered grand Ad-
diestSongs Wore given by , Rev.
Carlisle and F. A. It art.—W..1. Car-
ter of Detroit visited around here on
TThankegiviin Day. -14 isSadie Manns
iipent aa' fee i. ayrlh,e this week.... A:
jolly time was spent at the llomeeof P.
A.. 'idle, theifirst dleneao f the sea*m.
fillektillt. Whitten brind McLittrghini`f
tedlbe naiie.
r. !gin 1xie-;; and Griswold Sir. Detroit, Mi
The Farmers Bank of Canada
CAPITAL $1,000,000 - TOTAL ASSETS $1.500,000
38 Branches throraglaotrt Caaead=a.
Special Attention Given to Formals Marti
Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Curt.,in hates=.
S 1:11,11110S DEPARTMENT
Depowite of $1.00 and tapw,trdt re .•ivied. interest paid or
addend tI pzitlrit L4 tier is t -e -a .-- : — — _ ._.. _ - -
Yoti, money is too valuable lete to leave in the home *hells
lsmglars„, thieves or lire 'may take it from you, or to insea.4 In
risky epe?o mations trb with doubtful institutions that so often
the past have.robl,ed men of their hard earned' wealth.
When mending taonev to any part of Canada or the world,
remember our drafts and n,suss'y orders are+ a~rrilliaahlp bolo. a ptl .
mold 04 the lowest possiiale'raica. • Quti money tudet=a aro ;as; at.tile»
r at peau at any point' in, Oanadit sated ptinclypad points,itt the United
rSlatetee sod °t -ext Britain;
'brit Mtea'rrO—Coitrteotj,, Tretement. Nin RRwd,Tspe,
DA.SEEWOOD 81;BIttiOfipiptit,ran e