HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-19, Page 4 (2)re • Par• Nov, 19, IAMS . . ,wo 'wOre,.V1un • e. gone, ' s V . 1 • tfng M*r1rtjlurn11,iin Xootei ti ' over „En • lie : n 'a . isti,', I .4 , • „ II , W*be.settiii ., 44,:i" 14. :left too r'a ojeui,:lo. 0,4'0,14 3ind4:: there Weiiiiibe no,o0easionlor ell'thie 80044 and0eit 0. paper Olk, . . ' 4 Selinol Treiteetsliould take Wareing- thakt beginning with 1900a new kind of third glees certificate is to be issued. It is intended only for weak districts and-not/or °another -like -Huron. It 11 contrery to the reguletions for e teacher holding such s. certificate to apply for a achord in tide country or for trustees to engage such a teecher, except through the Inspector who may obtain permission from the minister of education.. Pint or second class teach - ere ally should be eropleyed. • litfiks***4410604001,241,01,041.4417*.41,014,001K Oredit011 Rev, 'geoid° of Cleveland, Ohio, oh - copied the pulpit In 'the Evangelical , church laet Sunday morning. He is Tbtlling the different churches of this . denomination in the Canada Confer- . eine and making collectionin behalf of the Mission work of the church. The reverend gentleman is an excel. AmTviit•' , tvokee, ov,113adt" thrfc-Iiir ' • zilietipaly of * 'Missionary natures was listened to with great attention. Theeum of $170 was raised at the ser- vice -We are pleased to state that -111! .. „,e0121X.ter-101114L--',._ _nee mono ' itaeholtA, Our popular butchers, have had an Up..to-clate hen stable -gimlet f. *t.eir lot tea intend going In the poultry butanes* as a, side line -- Heart Eilber, AL,P.P.. and Samuel Sweitzer of Shipka„ returned home OD Monday, after a very successful -hunt. ing trip- in Perry Sound.* They hreught home some One specimens. of deer. -Miss Hannah Zwicker of Lon- don visited her brother Cherie* last Friday. -Henry Sweitzer, our miller, is, the t4,: al fatber a 4 pouncing baby irl.-.;,41 and Thomas Lawson have cjust completed digging a well for Eli lag. They secured a good flow of water. -Since the cold weather basset in, our citizene have commenced their annual pig killing. Metzersups are now the order of the day. -On Mon- day' night, the children -and grand- childrea of Mr. and Mrs. Matitem 'F.:A- bair:ars, met at their home for the pur- pose of celebrating their 88th wedding anniversary. All did justice to a roast goose and a very _pleasant time " was spent. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Fink- beiner many more years of happy mar- ried life. --The Pest Office Inspector WM in town on Tuesday and made an inspection of the local office. .Poet - master Brown had everything in tip- - top^ order. Animus AND PinrogIrrailott-Last Wednesday night, the friends and neighbor* of James Cockwell met at his residence and gave them a surprise party, prior,to their transfer of resid- ence to this town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clock -well have lived on :their farm, south of this village, for several years and were the oldest settlers living on 'Aber concession line. The following address. was read, after which the pre/. sentotion was made: , Asa' Me. and Mrs. Cockwill. Dear b'riends :-It la with feeling& es!' regret that we, our friends and neiVIS- bora, have heard of your approacninr; de- • parture' from our 'midst. During to years ;rem have lived amongst us we have fogncl you always ready to join with us, wether to share in our glad-. 11088., sympathize in our sadness. or ais- slat us in our hour of need. We felt we could not let', youJeavr„ witlInt12., token of ow -regard Tau, so Ain: beg .that you ..vvtli acctpt this :atria) an4 ararf. not for their Intrinsic value, but in the hope that you will not forget thosu who gavo them, a 13 thOY will most *ea:weeny, hold you in remembrance And bellOc that with you into your new hoMe. will go our beat wishes for your (uture:prosperity and happiness. The Neignbors." *cit The wihter ie near and You Will be in hittd of horse bianicets, mitt, 01 rrobiibly something else 01 011. Me. We have evoorteing that 1* etOt In it well -regulated name* Cii aad See Our tizatlets. Mitts WA Glov best value you 'Lave ever seen. , tine ec aunts* "did $upplies tha (*mot be beatin, ' ou t he Deceived . pcopie wito Yeti that lif011,An tatt Weft elgeWhero. We Lave tte goals aut.! it will ree3v sloe to Ilia* Lopect CAM s , r joy the e telY by fastprise and each .,.P.1.t..ttog. kWiell_ Wariti, 1.1T.TiUfk.QUT, Mit) SAVO IT. ble reply. A epitedid , . ....,.:„...... ., , than serve4 by the, Miele There la ao tararb 1010w:0:awn itcac ..,. Pall 01 justice. A moat oni•,la our neighborhood fPOW that the felp DA* efelling ...Wolf 114.Pei,I by all and towing advice will be ilJledY a,PArcciai- plf, assennuy ailperseo ,In the a by those who eogferl , of.,..... _.,0, re Is og, Iv*. i ', .Get ,trent sitr good sosrms,e7 ono-tsit id 1rs. vocivren wow A * Oungi".1:,Pittiol lOstrapt PaL:dellon, one ' at414)11141,40, i '' o4t1i-s-Vontpound- xttrtrozionxie--einaceii ,.._londy, ergo therm COmpound,aaram •Sarsalatellia, Shake leleallSalieret Safe rs anst,lirs. Cock. *ill -14 4 •b9140 40' t4kci' tet te:tapii-or , 01140,0 ‘ssan.tsitteprtSe.t. „Avery., :tet.detack esattifie!taeh ineaLaUd at:* , goadlima„, °, .. , , .L.1.1100. *110 dr,ittile4inatY- Or good'.:watat• , .. .- .gt,' of It It; la, cletinted...that, Itikte, aro' Ow *1'F t r',‘:: • ,,, wYesClitstiltit:thill' ...sweet Ot..tl1410 of, Ibte dread' and tortntatta: di .:.: a. *or ealte Y' 'iii fati ti) find readir, relig , , , „ .,,, , . , piwt '1.1sevifentlaiitt:V. ' n '';.or, 41,014,* sbilpip henit-0*(10, m/St%tre, ad l'irlSep their ding , . ' .41jernoif • qoes la SrillArtrak euro 'la tile 'sae 04 in the.liticy betide 0 :ma ri . on. ' '!'linA4,- ': , -•.'.' ' ''. ''• taith.:Mr., Thetuaa..LAN11400,•-at p k.,/, Tide- SimPic ieciiptia 414, to ..itir&ts; olientnwevaniut,vor .Exor. ai., The. not va Mid eleanee the .eliminative, ,theaaes wilittietlitchightwott to, Ratiogit,,,,,of 'the '.icienexe; .04 ttlat Wee .ean, filter' jyt, thalkaaaayai.m.,61 abet i iii roa..i.,!Fee(i' strata; frani the Woad and aratent *twos Of the tentractiug partiee, The ,tno poisOns, sows wed waste mst1kr;; bride was beautifully attired iu white whieh cauae not only ,13.444natistra, but abrowpoint-deesprit ove • white silk and numereusi Other diaeases. -Every man or were , A white yen . ere4 la_ aieroottt hbeetz twinrhoinfeedistehttavte,t. hoer! r XI od rii:t ity a. robgirocautedabilirechne.tShebesetntalteorritd_otthemsdnrdaewi., ter ,..iinni any =wary troublo whatcr."0.) iohtes Vitedding March were "'laved should not hesitate to make up n*, Mrs. sese %veetiao. ' mils ' sale mixturc. as' it he certain to do muesli Willis acted AS bridesmaid, while Wil. good, and maY save you from much miss epOU L411110111,brotherof thebrirle, assist- cry and auttering after while. Our home druggiata say thoy will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take it our rad - cru ask thern. - ed the groom. Little Mist; Lena Reed- er, a mete of the bride, acted as flower girl and looked veer pretty, carrying a boaket of roses. The wedding cere- mony took place under AU arch of , 414: ,4, nations, and the room was tastefully decorated in white. After the cere- snotty had taken place, the wedding breakfast WAS served in the dining room, which was beautifully decorat- ed for the OCeaS1013. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilson left on the evening train for Buffalo and other pointe east on their honeymoon, after which the will take u their reside ' eivatVell 'gown wa of black eilk. The presents were limner- ousAnd. costly and were a, splendid token of the popularit of both the '444 ',4***0141409b$MiatAtMg$ E BROK1129311Illt DASIIIV009, coxvxr au.o, axon. Deeds. Mk, /fortgleres sad ell Legal Documeeto carefully aud resiptly rowed. Cherges moderate. lalsa,r Of Its exeily seen thatthe end of the year is drawing on, the time when the officers are again elected to their sev- eral offices. Our town fathers having got buey mana ed tainly appreciated by the citizens theft dark nights. It being terribly inconvenient to wander home on an de *ed_glre in nn. We extendky night without the aesiatanes of $7 37111 • _ onefirkiEbetri 44.13e-haPPY-"Ple*--1* ihtv-villaAv*."4 )7-74-'6-'rerifIlitst wbiblutr-,-ererrsurct"-audt"/bt'v a bit -a -our experience in this resrel pec nese in their Married life. On just such a night as we have scribed we eterted from the burin portion of our burg, home being Clandeboye. destination. The night was inky 131 we first ran amuck a tie -post then took a sumMer-satilt over a cow t was reposing on the walk . and Dna we were wallowing in a. mud h When we reached home we were c tainly the picture 'of dispair. B thanks to the approach of the n yearthe lights are being lit. -Jose Wambold made a business trip to Lo don on Monday.-Tbe.Plax Co. ha succeeded in getting all their seaso crop safely_stored away in their bar -Henry Willert was in Toronto Thursday with a load of lembo-Jo Snell had a very successful sale Tuesday. -Henry Cages having aims completed his season's threshing h • *gain commenced working in the 't tory.-Rey. L. R. 81dt and faMilY v ited friends at Zurich on Friday lest. Little -Villas Mcisaac of whoru made mention hist week as heina was taken to the Hoepital at Loud on Friday with the hope -of being be fitted there. -Rev. 0. Meckel .0(X: pied the pulpit in the Evangeli church on Sunday evening. He spa In the, interest of the general mini° *try society of the association and al took subecriptions for the. earoe....Ite L. K. Eldt assisted Rev. Gladder wi the Evangelistic services at the 14 Concession church on ThttradaY eve ing of last week.-Shuon Miller h purchased the farm in Stephen formerly owned by Peter Schroeder. The Evangelical Sunday School will held next SUnday in the morning' an In the afternoon. Rev. A. Y. Ha will conduct the quarterly meetin service and also administer the Lord Supper. He will also preach here o Friday night, -Wedding, bells th week, the contracting parties- bein Edmund Walper and, Miss Melind Rader. Particulare next week. its Harpley The recent snow flurry has caused emir among the farmers, getting the1 atosk_gattered_im_-off thsir—pantur farmw and housed in more.teoutortabra th of Can:roses, ot auarters.-Fred Raiding brought lda ley. Albert of Creditor:, Mrs. Yager of ?colts home from. Fred Faust' s ranch on Exeter. Mrs. Parliament of Hamilton* Mondalt.-110bOrt ronoek's little baby and Ms' Jane at home; there are Rise two sisters, Mrs. Piggott, of" Chatham, boy aulte till Indigestion la supposed ana Miss Jane, McGillivray. The many to be the 'Canso of the trouble. -M; Christena Love has returned Ignite after friends sympathize with the family. The a month's vita wil% her daughter .,on funeral' took place to the St. James cerne- , the Lake Itoade-Miss Minnie Sherrit4 tery on Saturday and was largely att. ate t. ese pur ack we hat Ily ole. er- ut ere Ph fl- ve n's Da on hn on ut ac - as we 111 on ne- u- cal ke SO V• th th n- 1111 17 - be ist is a -e- Rev Kerr of this place and Rev. Wells Ot GrQltit011 CZerlattatdon-Surt- day.-Mrs. Atkinson of Detroit spent part of last week with friends here. - Garnet and Eight Amer spent Sunday irr-town.--High Constable McLeod was the latest of Mr. -Hennessey over Su* day. -Franklin Neil had three eheep Wiled and several torn by dogs on Sat- urday rt1ght.-Mr. Moses Hodgins le muttering from an attack of IntiamatorY rheurnatistn."-A meeting_ of the rate- payers of the school section will be held Friday afternoon, Nov. 20th, in the school house, to consider the tette for a new school v.-hich they purpose erect. Ins next summer. Death of Mr. Curininghatn.-liVe have frequently referred to the ilinerre of Mr. William Cunningham. but this week it is our sad duty to announce hie death', which took place on Thuratia.y last, and UM remains were laid to rest in St..7am- es cemetery an Saturday. He had been suffering for some years froiii art affec- tion of the heart, and for the past year or more had been confined to the house most of the time and during that per*. god had suffered a great deal, but the closing hours of his existence brought with them peace and calmness as , he slept away. Mr. Cunningham was a pa - the of Ireland, coming to Canada when winea young man, and settling in this section hai made it his borne ever since. For many yearhe followed the occok• pa.tion of farming and later hotel-lteep- Ins. For a number of' years he con- • ducte•Lhote.ii-ba-Cher-henr-are-leneeliteir died, also the hotel a t Kitiva and the Royal at Crediton. He was a. man of sterling principle, kind-hearted and true. and numbered hia friends as many. tie was._ a member of St. James church, Didduiph, and when In health was reg - War in hia devotions at that place of worship. in politics he was a staunch C,7o.setvit1ve. He was aged 70. years. posides his aged partner he is aurvived by a grown-up family' of six sons and three daughtera-WlIsOrt of Chicago. Bev, ,narti :ended. Among those present from a tits tame° were Mrs. Win. Hot, Sarnia: miss Tune .yaao.r 01 Dutton, gr. add gra. John Hall and Messrs. Alonza and, Al, ho. -art Han, London. • .0reenyvay Maw. SteWardieti; .has feint -in the West •for tae past two. ;months, roc turned home Thursdaya,=Wm. Woodburn has moved, back frotn Centralia and living With OLe motaer. Mia. EWoOd- aurn.-atise Mae Wilson in visiting. in Mattie Stewardion Ie la Parkhill wita Mrs. 0. Orawford.-a Miss Mae McVean Ideated at VA j. Wil. aa.fo Oi 'Wednesday evening -he sac.' to3 coatert hell 111 Vie' netVadiat ,-fv.tra`l o Wednesday evening Wai ade• autcess. tau:Ilea Manic, Was„,tar. 4.4.7ted by t„it Reattia tau.artotiit. The' *Amelia by • Miss Gertrilde 110,,rt o Ilentall wtrolneartny,appliitited gnd try -iiliirand-were tatfatio Tora.atoo Lopdori tarent. The solo* by 041140.7• Rev. T. A. Steadman, an& 'Te tiolY by Mr. Det'- Nteboist et highly appitelated. Addreinted abet) eraze given by neve. Carricre alid Neve* twt. Thc emir was evenbied by mr. T. W11leoo who eavo sit meclient ad- driear.A,: WilaiOn., reeOrd-keep:v of trter.oa Tent No. 49, K. 0. !r. M.. band- ci Catharine Steeper, widow of the •nate eri Stezvor, a thOqUe ter t%Vo thOusaott.t dellare entiownlent the ItAchelors, and Benedict* Cinb f held:another ball in Me. Donelr0 Hall bet* no Friday. night, *ben the laludon Harpers will furnish tbe muk.• „ An* .a. Litte .istOeol tee Selo at 3! at 110117;e4trii• Itt-44 110,dginao . of Grantiiist who 14.47bHn visiting her weritsi arid'Vies. A. Ilayter, return:4 home on Mot:4Y, %IP, 1t7a iter Wee, *tie* Rensuickey, Wins her .te siPend a Obtif faienda at Granton. --401:n tlrown Was. raahing, thle *capon' oin littanday,Ottt driving. wini deabItt_Icail) ana' 1404.1rn gi,tUnet paFehalged a Perrin I plowravt 1,1:010 147,1unegan * Laugh., I in 'or Vierkbill Ott Sodurda Vity the snow came ;oa:LUO , it0 • •• 4 ago, , tilS fathl v :Int* Turoh bent. t*eut .four years ago ' Elizabeth, the enly.:daughter 9 114 449641 auk - nay. _Their mart e was blessed with seven eons and two .datuthterit, ell of whom *unlit* their Nr. Turn. bull Was a staunch Libeirsd without be; leg narrow in hie politlital affiliations, ile-haelreen for many years* member of the Thiiiiite Hoed Preebyterlan church. a faithful meniber of the Roy- al Tempters of Farquhar, and also a tnernher of the Independent Order of Foresters. He wawa MAU of ,a quiet, ostentatious disposition, never in- uding his *lows ,or opinions upon others. But, when deity demanded or helms asked to give his *dile his toed by level -h edema, through hon- esty, candor and , disinterestedness. He WAS so exceedingly careful to fan all his obligations, that those who knew him well placed implicit confid- ence in his word. He never failed his • friends, nor took advent* of *Mt neighbors in his busi ,them, but w ng o lend a considered honesty e best policy. Ile high es- teem in which he was held wee mani- fested 12y the very !ergo cOlIcourse of sorrowing friende and neighbors on day-att-thefune Uftrily cher, assisted by 13.eve. M. Martin and Mr. McKay. The pall bearers were,bis brothers% Rev. Dr. Turnbull of Toronto, Vv. A. Turnbull. Usborne, and his brothers-in-law. /oho Hack- ney, Detroit; Res. Geo. Hackney, BrUtol, Quet; Chas. Hackney. Exeter. and Robt. Gardiner, thiborne. r tor- 1, I TIM OVEN DOOR _insUlated in a SOLT- _ VENIR Range -built like a refrigerator door. !The oven door has double walls, with 14(4 inches air space between. No oven heat is wasted. Results ---less fuel, even tem- peratur6. That's the SOUVENIR RANGE THE Pi EL-TILDEN_ - = takItTlift. HAMILTON, airt RMNC�($ar atorentriu., WINNIPM4 VAP,MOUVICA, PORSALE BY treaman, Exeter or StocK ME% ” New Dress Goods in all the lead. Ina cloths and shades, at pd. cite. Be sure and see our New. Mantle* for Ladies end Children. New ,Furs in ruffs, stoles. muffs. collocates, &e. They are Beauties and at_pricee,to Ault all. New Plan nellettes,Wrapperettes, Wootillookets.. Fittortelette phmk. ete. at close prices. '• • New limier and 'Underwrit- es. Men', and Bo Suits at Bargai Sulten Speciait our New Tvs • Mitte,:Oltrvet ifunas 4114 Sit* Iteelly4O4ear Prides. Ordered Be sure and *et and 'Worsted* in the New Shades. Our prices are right. A full line of Ifordware at close prices. A large eietk of Crockery and Fancy Chloe Jest to howl., • Our ()rotor Departtrient is full of New and Fresh (loods, Opealu Tuesday 8t wednesda • Sept2911 & Our 'Millinery Department is 'u- dLer the Lputonotzent- LONDONi---* feriae' experiertoe In the (millinery tinniness, It iswitit pleasure that weex- tend this insitationtosil the ladies interested in artistic headgear. Our millinery' depstinsitst is 6211 of all the latest. and , newest styles and denigns in thin line. The whole pstnetsms of Vali. Fashion* ere re- sealed in our molioety 8oe$160., come to our 'Opening and enjoy the ittepfttiOU of this rtteetterta's play of intst. beautiful and *OM. plote thoseing;of FaU 1141111in Hass Marge. and well 'wooled stoic of all the hewing *tiles And make*, et priects ....... A. lot of odds end ends will be letred regablimie of cost. • COME ZAltrAt AND Ott 'AM BARGAINS 01 coo Paid for 0 Sr er than ewer. /L10011, want\s. pair of good Ittota or tihoent; i aeselifili• ;eV, _ , Volteld Deksits 'of $1 and upwards are receivied.antt inte*ellowed4,Ctti 'rates. Accounts may he opened in the names* of two or MOPS • persons, Withdrawals tg.o..he. made , by any -osee__ number or by the survivor. , 44, Exeter Branch -G. Nin Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Creditors Grand Bend Mr. and Mrs. Brenner who have Wen visiting in Sandwich and other places returned home last Wedneaday.-Marjory the little daohter of James Dislardine is on the sick list. -Arthur Baker has rented Mlle. Wade's fanaartirae Line. rt1here.-Mrs. Leavitt.111*whnict has bro'en visit Ing Lucan, returned home Friday.- Jerenilah Graveile of Thedford visited his parents Sunday. (Too late ter4ast week.) Sir. and lArs. Smith nt„Saturdair and'Stoiday r. avelle spent a few days In Thedford last week., -Miss 11. rollick and C. Coulter of Exeter spent Saturday at Mrs. M. Gilt's of tide place. -11 Ilossenberry gave a dance Thanks- giving hight.-Mrs. Thome,. of London tinir--tar-piren tThielliteW1P3esulta-TWIthile3Yralani)edr Citalwrleintse -raftlfzue are spending' a few days.at rOft Praia. '-Thomas Sweet and IL Glanville spent Sunday here, the termer ffom Suter and the latter from London.--:Vbc Minters who “hava_be_enjfere from ,Allaa latiVeArehiefitalaifinitiarinaV t thiEris weteeetirt A little bit of sleighing Spelt 1104e 274e t Bootie ti Tomo awl hrrigoratestasw aerrous maks.nsw - ia via Veins. VW.* OuS . and iiirai* Worm* vontieses Weak:mot 20$018(0* neatorraems, Arecte ttrat ot« ;,•epapsae. Primal pee bar, dear Onewlllpl . • - .T1 I ,for-a....ferw-tlaysk.-4frOffillismIt hair moved Into the house vacated by 50. 11 :Weer) 2. I r. _0* fiereisteit The Moisons Incorporated 1855 Capital Rest Fund - a r:,37 3741,,M°000 Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Cone' spondents in all the • Principal Cities in the World. A tnerdotat. ISANKING Rumen Titairsamen. '2SAVINCS BANK DEPART.MENT assmiamessiamaanimenairma at all Branches. Interest allowed At highest current rate. - EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the.Don3inion Government. DICIES0/1 & CARLING) Solicitors. 1.D. IltERDON, Manager 1 at always easy to know just what to bu3i in the line of Jewelry, Wades, Clocks, Sllvcrwaro. Yitiu very often need.a hint as to what is most suitable to buy for your friends or •_yourself. •N•iimwm.... Our Stock Furnishes*Ats It reveals in a minute more appropriate presents than any one could sit at home and recall in a whole day, SO WE INVITE BUYERS •.*. ani, we promise to make their - -choosing easy andtheirchoice- -• - satisfactory. • icettir AS MARCHAND, f reci ALWAS ItEMEMIIIilt THAT Tag New Orodery and ConfeetiOnely Store, Oppoeite the clean:motel. e 11E8T PLACE Ittl TOW /sT to. buy &tell Goods* • amomoliamotaiiirliirmilimemomitioroprilsorimilio0 We AIM to keep tbeselinet right up the mark all the timet . resh Casi New doiconeetioue Frobac os. AND WR 10C 0 IN OM AMID OYST PARLOR Oy r Parlor, IS- A1.WAY$ OP8N aid ire rim , NAlthirtirlitrg) t40 4).ttr'et1t3lt* 41, •L'e 40410.0.0*It Iiiret•Atr,6126141,4101madisbil q414,00i, 1041,411004044.0* *VI •AO • .4„:41104,15.4/74'it,041t4 i;bkigai;itkttd;ttg4ttil*tl, , 41,44411,