Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-12, Page 7 (2)' ,P NINOS 01011 ALI, OVER '01,61tE, _ tWo '11 cd'. Oro 'Woos,an4 e.v• t -dwe whree wipe&1 out 'ii‘et ire whch anted at 4 &c1 ,:i Vedneedny morning. The Ione is therned the .liody. Of n Ursa Sulli- egeseeserilte.nlied on Tneetianneetintnie had. to be carried to ti.e,Town ilall fin safety. • . ' In, tho Leland Hotel an Indian had to be called half a dozen times before he got up, end before ha left thelse. b:tilding it was in * °la" °I ita COMPLETELY GONE. The following builchnea aro cones (if' ,0::**P., . ,. atij id.I , „ „C#riS I * l'A,.. X r tlierc ' 'Vratil . 40. I i* t 04,..V*Otit':1P#t 1;:tArrovv‘ 'escapes. - 'From' ouci .of.,f(he slecintete Which .was , ,fro ,itor 10,W4SiNir* " WA, • 5aDo-000,..44,41,04SMIt s 4e /Wee at 4440AM he fire sterted in the Natienal 311snufsetering Company, a tbeo- IrxcL factory 2ituated adjaes eat to the O. P. R. tracks. One 'inipposed cause of the fire is sparks from a pasting engine. Tho top eterey was first notieed to be ta ilittnes, but by the time.the firemen - areived the factory was doomed. Prom there it spread to the Wright! pletely destroeed: Natioeal Maim- itannerye .8 'frame building adjac- I facturing 0e, Lelexci Hotel, ent, then to the frame stables of Writfet's tannery, Brash's Hotel, Fraser's boot and hoe store, Bristotee restaurant, Keinp's gro- cery, Wallace 00.14 drugs, Winter' A h ler's general etore, Shepherd's but- elier shop, Pembroke Milling Co., othe Leland Hotel, and thence to the hotel Wien, and across the street, 0 nuiIer of frame build- : ep esnd the burning embers were carried a block to the main t of the town, the fire break- woe dilinctrpinee e gibioeffii-Veie*T Plot destr -ed, and the fire passed esoutbwar4s, licking up several fine leellintte. By one o'clock the fire in the businese section W83 under endotweee-shoiete, ary, -fireesprettominsuis-the-Teoreenne -stone -WEiTks, ary. ar of- fice, Mackie (dentist), Bolt (jewel- ry), Dominion Express office' Roy- al Bak, Quebec Bank, BellTele. ' hone office, Taylor's paint shop, Totiu Carer - 14 , ,tOPte‘',4 Egan ef ttatetate was rt ed by an ex- Pleeion a natural as. itolthtetWeitn rintott, lantititittttrekt taw*, hes reeigned and taken his eeat on the Railway Commission. From May 1st to the .eud of Oc- leber 0,663 has been collected in liquor license fines in the Temis- kaming district. The schooner Lorna Doone, ar- riving at Halifax, reported the loss of Captain Roberts, who waa wast- ed overboard. The township of Geulph is taking action against the city of Guelph on account of polluting the River Speed with 'towage. The Railway Commission 'will al - kw railways to handle grain at lake ports on Sunday, on condition ess ; les ein ant o is neeessar‘taiteenanteeettel .quoti4 st t 3O Manito- ba flour; s 11*. INttelit; 640414 .04400 for trek, Toronto'; *aeon Itiinsand -sting' hatke . 0. heat-Manitoha wheat, 14.0,53 for No. 1 Northern, and at Tiber; Georgian Bay pitrrt118.°' 2 11 014449 Wheat -No. 2 white, to 904c outside; No. 'I zed Winter, p0Outtsoide.n014`e, and No. *2 mixed, 00c Oats -Ontario No. 2 'white, 39 to 3914e outside, and at 41,0 on track, Toronto; NO. 2 Western Canada eats quoted at 42e, Goderieh. R Y°"-N o. 2 quoted at 77e out- side.Barley-No. 2 barley quoted at 50 to 57c, and No. 3 extra at 55 to 65%c outside. Buckwheat -6's'0 eO t - de. spate , • 4e, to, 'ex next,' 4rhe on vcrnnit.wfll zsi ffl PhargC the .tlynStructiox et the. bridget %vat parteof 'ilwont- The ffe,tor- ate of t eQuebee Bridge Conipany havereceived ofacial notice irons the Department of Railways and Canals in keeping with the fore- gcing, and, rewording tristhe ter= of the transfer, Vac *Government will take over the conipany's *snot& and liabilitiest it the same time re- .,tdesteliot theeQt'( 0414 it. einas „ •taeltilS - thc Quebio‘ bridge will be rttonStructed wider„ Ihe snnerrieinens of theectlotnietterstets tn's it*onterstesette-atill the 'etark'tilt ' struetiiin eoutmeneed a soon &5 , pessible aft er the engineers entrues ted with the plans have finished” their work, Afiti, OW plans bona beo,h properly approved. Thesee.. plane are betel prepared to pros vide much heavier metal in the su- perstructure than was used in the former structure. 52% to Ole; No. 3, 50 to 52e; No. 4, 52% to 60-0. Minneapolis, Nov. 10 -Wheat - December, $1.01%; May, $1.05% e cash No. 1 hard $1.05% to $1.03%; No. 1 Northern, *1.01 to $1.01%; No. 2 Northern, *1.02 to $1.02%; No. 3 Northern, 99c to $1.01%. Bran -M.70 to $,18, Flour -First .10.14tt 3.e0 GREAT 'BRITAIN. The conference of cotton -workers, nit Manchester ended without a set- tlement of the great strike hein nominal at 82teye on track,. Torons to, and No. 3' at 82c. • Bran -Oars are quoted at $18 to $1e in bulk outside: Shorts quot- ed at *22 in bulk outside. 4 0 to $5.151';'. $3.20. "Al BIG FIRES IN DOMINION i bat section -was. removed. ROTEL AND TOWN HALL SAVED. The Copeland House, the largest hotel in the town, is standing with 'burned buildings on both sides and itantralti outbuildings all burned in the rear. The Town Hall and several other residences taught Are, but were saved. " Businent was completely suspend - .ed ell day, and ail elastics of eiti- PIATLY DESTROYED; Residences: Thos. Delshaye and Harry Irwin. Market block: John P Miller, wholesale provisions; Hardwood's jewelry store, rite -wards Harrison, photography and paint hops. stone bridge over the Musk- rat River was badly broken and burnt. REPUBLICAN' MAJORITY 45. 41001•,••••1•••1 'Standing of Parties in the Next . 1.1. S. Congress despatch from New York says: Election returns from Congression- al districts indicate that the House ef Representatives in the 61st Con- ton at Toronto, Wednesday and gress will stand n--216 Republicans 1 Thureday, November 25th and 26th, to 173 Democrats, giving a Repub. promises- to be oneof •the -most iii - Leen maim* of 45. The present teresting gatherings ever held in Xfouse Wands 221 Republicans and Canada. The programme. which 'Mt Denocrat .giving s Republi- has evidently been carefully pre - can majority » 57. The Republi. pared, deals with alt phone. of .cans lost &cle seats, While there ••••••1•1* CHARITIES AND ...11.•••,••••111. CORRECTION ,Conferenee Win be Ifeld in Toronto No. put And 25th. A despatch from Toronto says: The meeting f the casaatlian. Con- ference of Charities and Correc- charitable work and corrective me - were Itepubliean gains in some thods in this country. The aim of *bidet, notably in Pennsylvania,' the Executive is these were offset by striking De- together as never before all en- mocrittie victories in Indiana and 'gaged or interested in public chari- Nebraska. The latest returns ftp- ties and the adruinietration of jus - to increase instead of dimin- bee to offettders. One of the pub- zsli Mr. Taft's eweeping victory. Ise addresses at the Conference s From 'aroma indications he has will be delivered by 3. A. Leonard, ,carried Missouri by 8,000, thus ad- Superintendent of the Ohio State ding • eighteen more electoral votes Reformatory, on Prison Reform.. to the Republican column. Mary- Such important questions as the lend, too, has gone Taftward, al- care of the consumptive, houses of supply. Coal stocks at Fort Wil - though it is probable that an offi- refuge, hospital financing, our gaol ham and Port Arthur are ample for visa count will be necessary to de- systems, care of the feeble-minded, all requirements, and if the west- terinino the result of the balloting juvenile delinquents, care of nhe ern centres are short they alone for the electoral ticket. Mr. Taft's inebriate, causes of poverty, etc., are to blame, as they were repeat - probable vote in the electoral col- are to be discussed. A delegation edly warned to stock up before thquiries for Manitoba spring wheat acres, destroyed ; property los,e. lege will be 327 against a possible from everyrn- 813,500,000. county in Ontario leu rush of the fall' began. Now load. from foreign sources are conce I56 for Bryan, Colorado being still been promised and everyone inter- tag facilities at Fort watiara are ed there is little to complain of, August 1, 187, Hamilton-Sever- _Bliminatineto Coloralien .nated.siseiniziteri 10_,Attend._ InitillieniktiLi.,, Jima .i but but the price offered is so out f al largo warehouses on John anti with its five eleetorel voteee Drszlq fiVe•-.1.1411,C1... Prffirlfellin-dlittLthe :Rational - suggested in the House of Com- mute that the Kaiser be offered a seat in the British Cabinet. UNITED STATES. President Eliot of Harvard Uni- veraity has resigned. A. L. Miller, Chief of Police of Fairbanks, Alaska, was ebot and killed by a demented woman. S. C. Whitney of Detroit, the proprietor of several theatrical houses in Canada and the United States, had his skull fractured 'a an automobile accident near Brownstown, Ind.•10.••••••• GENERAL. China has granted the Delia Lama a salary and ordered him to return home. The anti-Japanese riots in Hong ILTing have reached swell proper - lions thateseldiera 'have teen calrett out to patrol the business streets. It is expected that the different German parties will unite to de- mand that the power of the Em- peror be limited somewhat after the British fashion. 44 T WESTERN COM. SHORTAGE. Some wraworeal. Dealer e in Se Towns Have Failed to Stock En. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Still the cry of coal shortage comee from western towns, and an appeal for cars which it is impossible to Or-altE Poultry -Prices hold relarkahlY firm, as there is a good "dernand for it. Chickens, dressed .. e 10t0 lle st of Disasters Where the Loss Duette ...a 10e to Ile Was Hall a Rilliioits Geese.... ason. or More. Turkeys a... .... ... . 120 to T40 Butters -Local wholesale prietie May 28, 1845, Quebee-Over 100 are :-- houses burnt and 20 lives lost; pro - Creamery, choice,. pound 26c to 270 perty $1,030,000. CIPLERA, AND THE GANGES. Dairy prints, choice 24c to 260 June 28, ltio, Quebec -1,200 Store, prints and tubs .. 220 to 230 houses burnt and 40 lives hist ; prq- Whitewashing the Reputation of the Inferior .. lee to 21c perty loss, *1,590,000. Cheese -Large, 13c to 13%c, April 7,..„1849, Toronto -City Hall, Sacred River. twins, 13%e to 14c. St. James Cathedral, and a number Eggs -New -laid, 20c to 30c; farm- of buildings deetroyed; property era''eggs 24c to 25c; cold' storage, loss *500,000. 22c to 214. - .* June 25, 1850, Montrea1-100 hou- Beana-$1 to $1.90 for primes sesburned; property loss, $500,000. and $11.00 to $2 for band -picked. July 8, 1852, Montreal - Nearly Honey -10c to 110 per pound for 1,200 houses burnt and 15,000 peos strained and $2 to *2.75 per dozen ele rendered homeless; property forwasnells.- - ICISfs $5,0004,00. Potatoes --Ontario 600; Delawares October .16, 1666, Quebec -2,54v 75e to 800 per bag in car loton houses 17 coilvents and churches in track here St. Roche and St. Severn destroy- . . ed and 18,000 people rendered hcmeless; property loss $3,000,000. May 30, MO, .Quebeo-700 dwell- ings destroyed in SC Linde. Ward and 5,000 people rendered, home- less; property lose, $800,000. June 18, 1870, St. John's icluebec -The business section of city (Richelieu and Champlain streets) destroyed; property loss, *2,500,- 00& September 3, 1840, St, Hyacinthe, Quebec -60 stores, three banks and 500 other buildings destroyed ; pro- perty loss, $4260,000. June 20, isn St. John, X. B. The entire business section of the city, extending over an area of 000 CONIttf,AGILITION,S., covering an area of from 70 to 80 acres, destroyed; property loss, *500,030. May 20, 1003, St. Hyacinthe, Que., -400 houses, a boot and shoe 'fee- tery and a number of store e (30 blocks in all) in the section known as "Lower Town '• destroyed; pro- perty losis $600,400. 4148ittaltilitigfft Vittlert, itrg ro Front street; nroeerty101, .„- -Conflagration in business and old- er residential section; _property June0°0. 22, 1003, Three Rivers, Que. er_.„437,8 6°D Cj end -nerrotmiling distriets---Forest °fire devantated Elk River valley trict for an area entending 30 ''sdles in length by two to ten in width. Town of Fernie practically wiped out and seriousedismaeie done to other towns and to lumbering road and mining industries; proper- ty loss, $4,000,000. „ PROVISIONS. Pork -Short cut, $23.50 per bar- rel; mess, *Into $19.50: Lard -Tierces, intote; tubs, 191,4c ; pails, 13%*. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats - Long clear baton, 12c to 121/0, ' tons and eases; hams, large 1234ce to. 13e ; small, 144c to 15c; backs, 17,to1-fic ; shoulders, 104c no Ile; rolls, 11 to 11%c; breakfast bacon, 15r to -10c ,• • green meats, out of pickle, le lets than smoked. .1,6•1•10•••••••••10. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Nov. t0 -As far as in - %Atm 0 0 e Iffirtifire-Tiltill-firre-t fra Ki eta es oecit,sn proper epParently has carried ouly enough .......-......._........ over four hundred „ears leeltind it! s ventusiting. These show an ad- loss, *500,000. ' States to, give him 151 votes in the their orders as a -re'slift. It -limy tuna' of front 11June 5d to 3a. American 8, lest, Quebec -e00 houses ,- electoral college. Conceding Col- THREE KILLED AT elt0finING, be weeks before some of the out.. corn is in quiet demand at 78c for burned and over 1200 families Tea °rod° to Bryan, it is likely that Mr. I • oN. dered homeless, St. Min's Ward; side dealers will he able to have. $0. mixed in ear lots and 10e for Tait' s majority in the eleetoral eol- Mrs. Hobert j4eett and sons Run their orders filled, under eolith. No. 2 yellow per bushel, esoitore. Property loss, IP2,000,000. lege will be171Buckwheat,' 61e Per blishel for No. January 6, 1805, Toronto - The . . 2 afloat. Canadian western No. 2 Globe newspaper and other lenge building* destroyed nproperty lost, Down by Engine. • A despatch from Guelph Rays: Mrs. Robert Scott arid two 6011S0 bons as at present. If there is any euffering, which is improbable, the people will have only their local dealers to blame Anthracite pric- • 4•1.......MMINI151.1§, emieslo.••••••••10 white oats are selling at 45c to SEVEN MEN KILLED. leeloo in a Cut on the G. T. P. • Leonai-d and Murray, aged 11 and i es are uncharifed at 10.60 per ton, feed oats at 44c Lad No. 1 `feed itt Largeinumberr Iri °Of [riling Tvdestroy- kilted -- - in Rainy River. I riarosf% Wednesday morning. on severol years past. of Ifunet, were instantly I the figures which has prevailed for 43%c; Ontario No. 2 white at 44c to 44%c, No. 3 at 43c to 31895Toronto-Simp 43,Y2ushel, lierch e, and cd; property 1°83, $750"- lt4evenimen have' beea killed at ete.1 two crestings east of Auburn, and . %-, , - e* -store. v . 11. irle6pateh from No4 at 42e to 43c per bWinnipeg eays,.e the Guelph. and Goderieh lioilroad, . , ;eleven mites from. tToderieln. They k NEW CHAD EISVAir0 „ Flotir-eIf-itnitolia sPringi- wheat 45Ye, No. 3 .at 44e, extra .No. 1 $70(060. -Leansa Amp; on the Transontin- cotal Railway, 19 mike north of Dryden. Ont., by an explosKirt of Astesenite in it rOelt eat: The acei- deat oecurted lett. on Tuesday, and four bodiee are still_ hueied in the were driving, toschool and .were '*truck by 'a light -engine, 'running up from - Guelph-. junetion., The horse 'eecaped„ but the buggy was struck, and all nlirea Octet/ants rfactko3., tune deaths in killed.- A. heavy snowstorm contri- buted to tile occurrence. OB - Tr() ble in the Balkans May be Expeo the Spring, However.• 51;at,:yh from V -na The vernraent has reeked not' from' Bessie, proposing an in-. tc=rozitional eonferenze, but indi. .eatraig that the programme for this sem will be tanth vaguer than that ,AFitleil in Lotdon some time . Tenon -eftseteegn.inte • *lot .e the annotation of &snit and llerzrgovina, the inderadente 'of Buttons, the compensation to be r. h Anne:tat:ion of Bosnia and Her. zegovina or nmke eui., comment thereon, .and is 'framed in an tirely ton-cominittal ztiatztter. The oasensus of opinion is, hosteller, that Russia is deteraliassi e the annexation of Bosnia and egovine, sind.conseently.,, cnitinidertible (Air Aiistria determination not Ilindo On thil point. The ,preparations have not been relaxed het the Go patents,' firsts, At $5, second at $0..' Colopasty to greet $34/40.0 Stave. 50; winter wheat. patents (15 to • tare at rorCArtbur. go.p ; straight rollers $4 liOst $4 A despatch froin •, Port, Arthur 0; dc'n in t°1101, $1'10 t� 0403 rsays: A new' company, to be known tx_t_r:114:11-4.5 :2°2 ;$81irrts. Igitfibut cut the Thunder Bey Etevittor nr",. poNly, ban beets organized at Win- tario btaXt. $2150 ,4) en; raiddlnigs rupeg and hainigned an agreement $24 to SW) alwrtl, 444.60 to $25 with Port Arthur for the erection Ver ton,, including bags; Pare grain ,herie of it new elevator With can, inotlillo, $30 to $36; milted grideio, $25 $25 lled oat* paeity of 1,560,000 bushels,f tie cot $500,000. The site'already pro. turedand work will cnmenee al- moi mot mmediately. The prombtirs of the coropany•are W. McWilliams, N. Bawl!, 0. B. Piper, who are the principal stockholders in the Empire Elevator. Company, which has a plant at Fort William. The revolting customs which pre- vail among pilgrims to the Ganges, including -promiscuous bathing by those who are well and those. who are suffering from diseases of ell sorts and the drinking of water from the bathing places, make the following item from the Indian Res • _Nifty' somewhat Of a surprise.' 'The reputation of the water of the Gangne ameng the Hindu mil- lions of India is known to all, and raost of us were content to believe that in a hot and thirsty /and like northern India such a magnificent . river as the Ganges had many claims to be' -highly thought of, but it ld wouappear as if modern wi- ener) was comingto the aid of anci i - ent tradition n maintaining a special blessedness of the water of the Ganges. E. IL nankin, in the preface to the fifth edition of his ex- - cellent pamphlet on 'The Cause and Prevention of Cholera,' writes as follows: 'Since I originally wrote this pamphlet I have discovered that the water of the Ganges and the Juirma is hostile to the growth of the chol- era microbe, not only owing to the absence of food materials', but alto owing to the aetual presence of an antiseptic that has the power of de- • gethiseneicrobeeeeetttepreergre I can nrake no suggestion as to tine origin of this mysterious antieep- tic ' PICIIT WITH. ROBBERS. - Two Bonk Clerks at Marievilles Que., Aet Bravely. A detpatcht from Montresd siays The, branch' of the Eseterei Town- ship Bank at Marieville, was " ison's buildings; property loss,' entered .by robbers on uesda $600,000. night, but Tr were beaten o October 17, 1897, Windsor, N.B. The noise their entry' aroused The greater portion of the town de- stroyed, including o large number of dwellings; property loss, $te 000,000. Septembir 1892, New West- minster, II; 0. --The business 'sec- tion of the town entirely desaoyed; Dt6perty lose, $51,060,000. " • December 20, 1 Montreal to per ton. 'to "Wholesale ' wareltofiscs of Green. i *ithotit any jbooty 'ming seenred. sire steinlY at, *SAO pei, bait of to shields and. liteintylie,, Victoriiq are -being 'pursued bst Chid pounds, and corrupts. is unemengest Square, former entirely destroyed, McCaskill of th8 Oherse-Western(rioted at Provincial police ' s 22Yie building*; Pr°Peitr 1°341 1 at $11.10 to $11.30, r \barrel. badly damaged, besides other and his assistan to 1251,-0 for white And 1234 for col. 080000• orirl. White essterns are quoted Aril 950000, Ottawa-Ifull---lire creamery -quoted at 200 to th, irat Qf tq,111nl itilll 38 round lots ittid *To to 27,14o to too met to Wawa, deg ag. grocers. 'Eggs.aelect,sit Iwo to Most of the property' in the Cha two clerks sleepzug in the rear oi the building, and hastily dressing, they toolc up arms and entered the room where the butglars were at work. The -miscreants fired at them, and an exchange of shots followed. A bullet grezed the head of. one clerk, but his -condition is pot seriout, The bandits 'then 'tied PARIS ROURSE 01.40132111E0 *log Orolty of Snoods* 1 • NNW' Fonts &Valeta from Paris soy ref), despite the **throttler* Persisdee.ithe prattle ottit tke it ot ,AlsterieSch-eiectioti; very much depressed oil N1/641 y, Oil Seettant hen Itteitiolt ltieterta di lte to itge. Butter Finest bro e out in litull,'dettroying two wre, 41, inn to ekt,le, and /Tom diere lumber distrtct; 14000.houses 2, 17ht per dozen. • wetit burnt besides mills and fac. Iiidil.W•..,. tOrIe* And many tiiillion feet of IlTosett)110811i:It8W3thAeontgse88111% - liirtpeb:Pee'y 8611:1:6:444,1141:00,ellesr4)00wed".1: Iseti::111d if°' 1 ' 1°4411,, *t°reo hin'uarYI3: 1600e litientrieti 11` in rot -Itow, , • iiL... 150.41# • 'Ot-Tiridti-liitilding., 0. 2 0. 4 0 eetofil las rod of 1000#000, and Ao, .se. , No, iti,, 1$134 ' .ntiniiwt or 14,01100006 ,:44;ito6s, ,m. reerl to ' . . tool ,**1 St. toter stitoeto, -de. °yeti; fooporrtiloos* t1,f40,00. IT TUE COLORS OP EGOS. Ur. A. R. llorwo0d of th Lei. eester (England) Museum riunarks that the eolors of birds' eggs can in a large number of rases to traced - to the necessity of aprotectivo rex mrtiblattee." 'White eggs are unttil. Z' laid by ,birds testiog zo bolA in tr6s, r itt 'derk situation', **Is, kers and some pige- 11$.Mna rdtnrshng Dit or reit iregrai y.ogto of anolive- green or brown und or. Tho 01gs of grou,e, phirmigs iota eet forth, resemble the heather ustt 'Allier they re 144.' Those of tho tetfl n4" itimi tt"t'i.:414 thci_ 4:4" d