Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-12, Page 5 (2)u�a►na ;Framer Of licilOnting,le visiting
herrn :, 4.044e. Vgi*Jeerorlile
I'earl upon iiia yi....fi -g in Toronto
co4-Midiantioectertten Bloomfield and
wife of locution spent tne hall
•Andy Neiland wife visited r.d rtthe
parental -and es-
of'Byron .spent t..taias i olida#y ;here ' the
neat' of Me', and ;i+i aa. *go"!tic tacttie t r
Tse MP given in, the W abce Bali
ae well attfu an w
nn! i ►, ex-
ccltea to-illobt!� ,Pisleic 1.. Oath**
ye at . tc the
40.1re io.t.-4r.. • Vred
i untag la :very l : at pr'c,icnt. - 'Speedy
aaa eitelie ° i'aaah taaa fie /....)ir$0. W. +,
lQla u ' OP nt the 101140 iatu
' r !tih.41 Vino DkWn n j i .''-1 ' 'lil''f e
a d -z #*0. to niau '9t ►°lea •+at the d ,th
� t otnd:. igbicago0 .farmer.
Bs, ply: ,wbb 41144 in • 4144: city.
Q n ° l rriaiatairy►�,!..syalt 'Y l bleat gQfti y r, ',after
•II1,�,u.. Tei* e'iat' erflasad, wa4aaa veli
rand r 'av za tgy !epee' oa n. ;titin;: sreietiami«
ltlaig: •ternalaaaaa• Werei brought hero lot bur -
interment N
owia g place! iiiNarace io,
wife he lit •wrvived• by one child and his
mother, two sisters anti tour brother*
who vi 040 .moo ilYtupiet,hy er'f ai t°tie
circle of tit.
inall the newest styles at
away down prices.
We will beplesasedtri.ehow► -
you our goods.
fli"gter's Leading MusicalEmporia
They are rei:04icasr the,! a lty et their geed*
�+► we Ws tt�i4w a 4 asa ah..
a �
otatgaaasdsasate►swaaarsaise 44.444 olieslami Cc
latter W ? eds
rr rgec*�ta.
lasgaaaa Wilt. atm it.
s ` U'1y'
Miss if. lipsh*u of #.ondon spent the
holiday with her friend. Doss Zillah
English:. -Doss Florence Noll eminent her
Thanksgiving lnoftdays at her home in
L,,ucane-Miss Zillah English visited her
aunt, Mrs. A. McIntosh. Moray, s pert
Of last 'mein—Miss Mabel "lord spent
her hoitdaaairs at her home near Parkhill.
-Frank Wilaion of London spent a few
r {sande rs.Aff
�arser'n� spe n
is saaaid on ,,good authority thaat Thankaegiving with their daughter, Mrs.
re are quite a:nuinber of peoples in It Gillespie of Detroit.+ -«-Selbourne Eng-
orthwegt now who do not hail fish spent his holidays with his cousin
urea) or Brut nu tassel McIntosh eft_ ..,..Port turon .-R
arc ,i.i },.P'.,,,,K ,,,,,e..; ,' �.4 Jha�,: �6r aaa . tae -t tz, s a,° - r��yy���rr,,•ns •mnow:mr ::�. a�akuta.. r �r_w�c..nn. �.
'�`{a Pi...,.r :.2..,,. tt A`:'•!. •""'•'•"•: i jin n.•,Y(•''.:1"1�.i '�I`:� 'F",T`.;`' ii
Karry short.
traaveiier. had the ri%b
badly ia: lured on Monda
tying went oft. the charge
Inside of the jacket, near 't
and, going upward*, rip
jacket tO the jaw, tearing 0
the cheek and knocking our
No bones were broken.
vir'ted at at the latter's home on Sundry,
--The thank offering serv:eae held in
u Boston with. Mauch ch last Sunday wag.
on Commercial well attended. Rev. Godwin of Parkhill
ids of tits jaw preached two very acceptable .sermons
pile .si,00tiris` The music by the choir was excellent.—
+auasctaoyrMrs. Mary E. Wilson atter an absence
tering the tin Flit" to Spend the winter with her
wmat line nephew W. J. Wilson.' -hire. Mathias
open. vile Jackson and her daughter, Mrs. Einem►,
part of of Parkhill visited at • W. - J. Wilson
asst teem. sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Couch and Miss
iva of Parkhill visited at Thos. Stew-
ardeon's on Sunday.
we are the oily (z la a tilitOar Howse le
Westen%Ontario, devoting lit our energies
eel bisad,with practicaleat« to the
EseeetectarkeeetPar o ►ts, sad iaay.
r .deanteaG. txsa+l,,we re a�.a,•:our" atr s.
ora ayy end 00114 the was ie. the
&old year . aaddr+eaa sod rscolma
by rstas% Mali Saler Altaatst Par
Cataloxu sad P A*. List.
*il intorsastta i regardlasg pdc.s beer
fullygiren. ilial! Order* promptly attead.
ly Nr♦ 3th:= terrible accident
occurred at s C. P. it. crossing in Kul-
iet't township. `about three mils from
here this morning. White Mrs. Robert
Scott and her two boys. one 12 and and the,
other 14 years 'ot age, were driving to
town, an engine and tender running Tight
to tloderich caught them and killed Mrs;
Scott and onebay instantly. The other
dived a few minutes after being picked
up. . The horse escaped. The awful awful trot«
ante dY has plunged the °entire district in
gloom. It would appear . that Mrs. Scott
•w •' + endeavoring to gat across *head of
the locomotive, but only the horse clear-
etadd► the trick when the clash came,
Earns 4a at
whets investee fur.
Huron & Erie Debent.
!tern. ,tn._.arbsolutely__
puree way to make
your savings earn a►'
higher rate of interest.
Each Debenture issued for. $190 and up vt rd aa.
'You can arrange to ,have your money returned aat -1.14 from from one to five years. Interest is paid 1zalf-yeairy.
`Our Vice Booklet tells all about our .Derbenturees and "
‘71J7 they excel as an investment. Ask for ` it. -
s7 Rem hi a simple taoatno»made mixtute
as given by a a at eminent auntOpit r cde
Kidney diseases, who makes the ,.state-
ment that it will relieve almost ani :case
of Kidney- trouble if taken before the
stage of Drights ` disease. idea states that
such symptom* -AS lame back: pain In
Me aside, frequent desire to urinate. es-
peciaally at night ; painful and discolored
urination, are readily overcome. Fere is
they rccelpe, try it ; •
Fluid Extract Dandelion, . ono -Bali
ounce; CemPoundb"aargona, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. threes
ounces. Talaka x ae
Mesh sand at bedtime:.
A well-known' druggist- here In town
1s authority • tha€ these Ingredients are
ail harmless and a and easily mixedAt home
by shaking well ka a bottle. This mix-
ture has a •peculiar healing and sooth)
mg effect` .tip7:aa the entire kidney and
Urinary structure, and often overcomes
the worst form • of Ithetivanaaatlsain in just a
.little while. This mixture is said tore-
move all blood disorder* napd -cure the
Rheumatism by forcing the kidneys tee
filter -and .train -from--tin*.: blood- ,
'>oysstersi all 'uric ache and foul, decompOsa
ed waste matter. which rause these af-
fexttion.. Try it if you a rent well. Save
the prescription.
Council met Nov. d ; a it members pres-
ent. The Black Cr. Dr. North drain was
reported to be completed- and the same -
was taken over by the Council. Mr. C.
Blackwell. was appointed inspector for
.the 13. C. f#. Northn .• do aain. under pr,.'b v'
vision. of the Draintop Act. .tc aunts
were ordered to bo paid amounting to
$721,33 Council wii meet again or a
Wedracaidaay, 1. 2, at 1 o'clock p. or.
- F. Iles*, Sr. Clerk,
• 'Gode.'rie ll Gorge -'Levy. the m ao who -
was hurt so badly by being tt.arpied
by. a cow on a• faraataa nn -Goderieh,dI
at the Goderia nn t.oilpital last week, and -
the remains were 'taken to tMitenell for
Interment. Ile was about On years bili,
TII M!OUTY l"o'wElt OP tI N 4.
Mivwnaa, that .eztraordiraarsr, and per*
it et - astomacht tonic* will relieve dispel?*
sia In ` wrnty-tour hours:
Ira will ,cure :and('isr guar a''i •by '1'irr
S. Cole to the 'readers tic t dvOtae,aa
to ( Inc the: most Ant I Ivooil ell sri)a l `
eiaa. \tf taken atcerdi to drreetigns.
Mi.oan:a tablet. Inot • iy Ceps di.pep
ria, but ail ntonaaca disturbances, *net.
as vomiting • sit prat iency, sea Or ear
s1ckEesr• setter e*teistvee iradulifelice•
el f►,pelt cUr e. by a .tretigthcAnislg and
invigorating the flabby slfotnlcit'waits
and atter it, course ot M11.o-n1a treat resat
.constipation, if there is a any, warfli ental a,
ly dlsaappesar. ,
Mrs. S. Ke est 02 laaatckestataax•s", Ont.,, says
'A end stomach trouble that bad botbr
er;eai ante for year*. hattiNI and Par:VA
'killed thy.icialf o, w`a:eaa stihellr rtelnlc4
my using '1�o•ntr. My trouble was
,y e3'Yre acc'ou'it of 'tool not digesting ' bta
ftrzuenticnk In) my sto. i tcli, torazaalag aaa
Casa that gave Me 'unload sutroroaa an i
pian :arid *leo made we 'M it', atw..riyoUaa.
Q#ir,araable anct tniabse-'#ti arer�t ills
i ldt o=:aa' 1 can as to to btit at t3flaal'ht,
aa� til* and wake up In '#he r'Gatca:1n
rtfr s t ed. I ra.mot spe*k too hittnit ant
r M'A('IIZNlll.
+ataiirth-Euffirere are :Nothing let
*limiting, Spitting and Blowing
Machines.. Says an Authority. ,
to it po.slble that in these sis►traaa `win:
eleanlInele Mar d ee<aanitary reforms is being
irked In the churches. a aachoa;,als and
gatherings. that thous aids of people 'wlul`
continue to Surfer fr~on1 Catarrh when
there Is .an. a aabiolutelt ceartaaatajt .y eat
hand. • °a•"
Orme! tprorie�! nt :.I#iaaxta l .e .
plea'i;Meaaa.nte the Nit'0 tl'a
Drool* 1Mand • 0,t#a .*ptitt•
DroIt^ 13.. nti nit ' #k eula' e:aw ar
$to .,4g0 '.breath,, wet
and - a ruas'ta., fn. tela 'ne►asea; ixaa a : eaaw . Yeas
taraa6,a , " ° ,1°ir •tt 0! 'otntsoxt :3t4
,+V >tttXee prat'' tmL, ttaa 'e; ' `e., •'We 41ce
t ttl•$i dean ono I, Zoz the ri4iittam
two.: 1dr.. "" 'ilt4oti .,has had + a'rr t `l �r .
ear r+eararl ara>r> ' sand greed ae erax ^ tnedie!,
and • doetorie, : but. :nothing. .hire relititad
the traublea "lIkt Ryoan e#. ,: n111. trouble 'tee
Prem win.* acme* the eyes and a burn -
times much difficulty` In breathing, the
glands in his eyes a and nose swollen and
tom' diascaa se made .tile . iltexallty ler
over, "tea cannot say enough in praise ot
flyotixei, and there is nothing nth at ran
give better reliet to catarrh than thyro
remedy, which we heartily recommend."
A complete liyomei outfit, consisting
of a strong Bard rubber pocket inhaler
and as bottle est liyom el, costa only St:,
and ,extra bottles It afterward,, needed
cost only age, bath;, W. S. Cole sena it
and guarantees it to do exactly as ad-
liYomei also curers Asim►. Bronchi-
Joe Rides is spending a couple of
weeks deer huntin • t a aa
tis +chill. of B. Higgins of Bruoeield.
The child had been 111 for sometime.
Mrs. Simmons, who has been here vis-
iting her paarentir, Mr. and Mrs.. Mel.
vile, forsomae week., hats returned to
her homxaae.ln Filmore, Sank.—Mr. Don.
aaa d oni. who purchaaa ed 0. iousea'ae.hax
- zxn
Mid is living in a portion of Miss Stur.
un's residences—George Scott bases
sed the vacant store 'in the Bell
Block and will move in early in the
week.—Mia l lemphill hes taken a
ition as stenographer at Cook's m.
G. P. Yungblut bas die of his
a o business to Robert sdale, -the
ter to take possession in December
r. YuniOlutlas_purch_ ase ,a Sete rem;
silence In Waterloo. Mraa. Yuugbiut
and son Wes.. , left last week for their
new borne. Mr. Yungblut and and daatugh.
ter Lily, will follow in as few_ wetke:-a-
Dr. Fe uson • bas sold his- property
and goodwill to Dr. Alkenbead of Lon.
don, who is an Honor Graduate of the
Western tlniversity. and since gradu.
ation has spent a year senior. _House,
Surgeon in St, Joseph's Hospita, and
during thee past year has, taken the
large practice of Dr. Tillman, London,
who is abient lite -Europe. Dr. Feq
son remains in Heneaaal;i until Xanu.
The anniversary sermons of St. Atli
drews rhumb, Kipper), were preached
on Sunday by Rev. D. T. McKerroll of
'Lucknow, ea.rising young minister of
the Preen byteriaran church.. Retook the
morning and etening services, and
# Ga1w�
Be,. d of Brueld' the after: `
noon one. All were greatly enjoyed
by t_h�� �� large congregations present.
On Monday evening,a tea .such as Kip.
pen ladies are are not for wire- served in
the basement sifter which the intellect
n_._the auditorhnn of
the church which was crowded to its
utmost capacity.
Leval option stands in . Hensaa% the
judge refusing to quash the by.hereat be-
cause of a technicality. '
Iet`e issflfroMaata se-
lected !lops*, e#a ae
barley suit ' and
,,,pure mcg waster,
waitlt tip ... uttnoat
. cats 0ott"d. ° at
fhe asitty Opals
IOtaaz . ssaarg' pew
r ' bataltielgi'l�i�aart al
he ' `i ncessio,Ik,
n. ws►aaa l edd
ldet °week.—*,las Thon psen, whet tale
been teisachina>f the iron**_ ne nacho.
No, 4, 1s leaving, at the end of the lir
and and the trustees are are looking for a new
teacher.o. Kalbtleiwclt is1� visiting hie
father. J. C. Kaalbfieisch, and otb .aolw
Moves. George is a resident of Spoic4
*ane, Waairb., and tido is his tirst visit
tks his old home In seven year..-» Mr.
Mier. taper of Itr. '.Caches. *Oyer,.. of
Slake. e, died at aauelpli on Sunday: the
funeral took place on Tuesday. The de-
ceased w.s well-knoaarn in this vicinity.
where he had many friends who regret
his derniaaae.v Mrs.jy Bauae�rp, and
�y��s' o air
atter aa< week's viiia; with Mr sand Mrs.
Jacob ail% ken,- Bey. N. .'rill t i1 o Tor-
onto occupied the pui.pit in iliac Kraanaiell-
cal church on Sur.daa`y eve:ning, The ser-
�h R taaar�caa� x'7k.
'•..•4V 'va�Ma.VYM�V y�1111w'•'�iF►�1r, 6 1++.}.liF4 a��y.af•�
chased a two-year-old lion -Parole' colt
ttoni' .Mee. Wolf 'aa at ,Cteditosz: for .$i019,
Die. has now a, reit-matr4 team_ stead by ` .
fairitaiiiiiMraftrelitariffireraiffiti$ 44."'
ins in very rapidly the pastfew w;ppeks,..
and it is SMF. •. el+ -TR:^ .,7;,..YF1+,R._
dred thousand pounds. will hA O'toref
here over winter. a '
. How's Thi. ,
we ova os a Uselanad Dow* *sward for any e>µt
or COS:* rrh t taat cosset bemired b3 Mira a Ctaatarrh
It: J. M1=Y Is Ca, Toledo, 0.
We the used have baaown Jill. C ise.y tar
the isaet 15 you% aaad !Mellere b aaaa psrree0y ba,sa+st lea
is.all bogus traasactloos sed aameeelallt eek
a ` ts.Ittaaaa.w
te47 �aNa 'a w. •
WholeaesP Druggist*, Toledo. 0
Mall's &tank Claire hi take* la'tetraaaiiy, sale; d1•
reetie on the blued sod lemma eur
fecee ortis
i4salmaa,al#enaifr#4v Price
f..•;'. per bot.
Yougask oeurAidney
+ualaaRt"f idstaa
Pins tee 'Mae or Bladder ' zort will notice that the urine !Masa
onSeefogyetilleitths.ikPinrillahaVensichedtliespot and
bai4ver started taoesre. It tbeizi tai , - until you MEL that they
*redoing yea
a. a hoc; IS tor
°$2.$O. At all Asa-
lens. Ifyou caul
get thea la
_ei ghborhood,
is* revelation to herkszibaiag
like it has ever been made e7ers.
: t n:m aans less work, because it does rt
,get dull or brown, and is so taint
it meatus less work,too, bjust .a
few rubes bring a bribecauseght, brilliant pow.
that always looks freeha alad clean.
It is cheapest, because you get a liner
can for the money.
if/.; pn If yea r iealerdoessa i I4ic"]a€sck
Knight" semi his sure sad lee sloe
full*Jud can. 7A.
Met: • irviakltlr ca1a. tail. ikiatuas. got
Made fdr the little ones, but good for `.
the big ones too. They cannot fa44 to
e. T them.
"The biscuits hi& , please us must be brown
and crisp and firm and dainty,.. with a wefl ra i,e
ven1y ke crust
"Moiler •says such buns require a steel oven, scien.
titc1Cy constructed; iunitornily heated, peri :tly itentilat
PANnoak Exithriai.s •