HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-12, Page 4 (2)7,t A A ^1 ..neVeteAetee-eier----Teh; 1 k _ large an,hofl ow:s.ile w,04.0taVA ioe1 war te KU1to;i elrieult Vara a anti was thg tiler or the. tcacne n SohelaY t. tot Lovq upr was served The ladie.s. at ,Kititten ittivis a SOW, reptdation Tor getting* upt tot fOW1 sattgf* gaid 014 his OPF41,104tt.c.j tflpcdsieverYthing at It4e :Pitt. Atter Sattfr 'iteX ,tAire4 to .41).1*leekt IIftij w1re14. 04%14.u tig!:td t1 the :crow wa* *a great that score* ei4,14:.b.P1get - gend 4941,0„ethet. Otte ittaire c 'W4ttit 11#00.64e411-0r..1l1340W0e,' 4 . weepi:delierered,lieh acsy' iir uttoly, tr.404,0414vpit 'rpart, itfat, ,ttlehOd:bfteAte 1144170' 4,-4114^ 244:.,4411' 01.4tAtutolli1,01n, the. a*ne 'aevontit „r*tinsiot, 04,14 8;004.; at*lek Tio trocOeda oarnaanted,to 4.14 ,••• Atirt 4O0441t ' 4 • 4.4::,11.2Arit4,',OartWelgliit the toret Ottik*a are ,s,,,,ttellit,egg atatnet V,134Nr„ 4,0100.0114ra o tpetr, ,tralarlest NI.i.74.-th0 get 'OP' t atiookk be Oils' tr(-114%.' e. WakrapXbut nvitrittP.444 iit2isgM TA'44,4)1,4(..,0•10x1: to '411-14.41,1,0 40 nt the Off fOr. the Sontti Huron far th .sfyaii3Or4.107""fiereP7 4)r:'"4/W -ouinot Ks that (heather paper, of the x&www-tne- --ratianntr ra We arc Informed by one ot the prhn. dna) workers in the Interest of Tanner - *nee in Exeter that there is no probe. - Kitty whatever -of tee council being ask- ed to submit Local. Option to the rate- payers this tear. Statements tie the GOntrary erninete from headquarters In Toronto, Our informant states; that one Tear groin now we will probably be aSke• •ed to vote on the tinestlon- 1101800101W11111114110101111111114011141.1 The trusteei 0 S. it tayo decided to secure a new teanner for their schen* for hext year.• Tnis Is it fine section and the teacher obtain heir this seleoei Will get a geed one. A.D. plivants ca0 1110C111•0 necessaryinforma- tion .,at The Advocate oftlee. TA.flietaeoge-. A—tetereesk krti kick retire from the farm and make his fut- ure home in afttchell, held an auction sale et hie meek and effects on FrIda.y. It wars one of the best males held iihttie dtstrlet. over 62000 -being realized. nethitelitinrehlsahy Aim eralitelee-ertneeekhewn-i- Read was kicked In the fate by the beast The fame of the blow rendered him un- conecteus for some time, and knocking out rim -oral id his teeth. A doctor was hreeed..neiy called end the patient is do- ing es well as can be-expeeted—W Berry and W. Maguire visited_at Streite."0 previous to going to inc Old Country tor the winter.--liarvey Perkins and Wes Laura Slemons of ElirovIlle were guests of tap M, Shute Sunda -7,—A Barnar- d.) boy worldnir with Mr., Prod Johnston whah- coming from the. barn Satur40. wam attaeked bv Mr Sohnston's big dog lila arms were badly mantled and condi siderable flesh was torn ofU. Hie cries were heard by Mrs. Johnston, who suc- ceeded In beating the brute eitt The wounds have heen. attended to and the boy Is doing well. The dot has aince been kined.—John Baker and wife of Britten Columbia, after spending a few days with J. Shute, drove to Ex,eter Monday to leave for the Old Caalehy, Prese»tation„--The gathering in Aber- deen Hall on Wednesday night hest was an event of more than usual Interest * turd we one mingle' ,sith pleasure and re gret ; pleasure in having met to do liOn- or to a most worthy and esteemed man and wife, and regret that those who were to be thus honored tor their many good qua law were soon to be separated from those who had. met to honor them, prior to their leaving for Los Angles, Cale Dr. and Sirs. Carr have been residents of ithithen for over 19 years, and duthig' that time have been Identified with ev- ery movement tending to promote. the welfare of the village, and the uplift.. ing of mankind generally In the commun. Ity, thug!. endearing therreselves toa host of friends, who wilt deeply regrit their departure. When it was 1eam#141 -tliat -tisty'-9T-QTV about roeiVetiove r. among us It was resolved by their friende that they should not.. be permitted to depart without some token of apprec- * talon manifeeting their worth as elelz- ens. Mr_ Itobt. Berry was assleaed to the chair, '4to explained tise of the gathering.. after wider: efr. Carr was presented with a beautiful gold watch and a gold -headed cane and Mrs. 1Carr ,eilk umbrella. The Doctor, on be •ate ot himirrif and wife, made an exceeding - .2.1y touchinge'rephy.efolletwing. welch, _were epproprlate addresses by a number of the friends, all speaking effeet:vely of the loss suatatned in the removet of two smell wo. thy eitizetie. Tee Doetor le sue (-ceded trre by D. Joe of Marldoe, who comei tagely re,ossursendcd a, d. h wel• corned to our ?ukase. 574i 1..11 .1's* Ai 0: Kirkton raid their annual fowl supper on Monday !ant. Sermorse were preached on Sunday both morning and evening by tfic Ref. B. thin - ton. of Leedom Tile eongregatlene were Etorse Blanke iVten'ka Harness, Etc. The winter Is tette and you will be In need of horse blaitects. mitts eh- proleably something else in Our ihte. 1.'Ve have everything that Is kept f $1. well -regulated Barnes* Shop. Call and See Our Mulkey, Mitt* and Gloves.n best value you have ever sce,c-n. A line of Itarness and Supplies that cannotbe beaten. nalv be 'Deceived teopie who tell you tl-tat y6a an do as well thiewhere. htlie tte goods aad It will reply yell toan.. socct mein. a ITON tAt JredL*ton , Me; and Meltp Eslilleywoo.d. Gite- it'lleret45od-ol tbe guest* of Mr. and.Mrs.,Eli IssersonEein- dey also lire; Thirty Persons and Miss Maud Davis of Exeter were visitors at Sim -Lawson's on Tuesday. Thanksgiving Dey paseedoffquietly, Quite a number of our boys were out of town visiting friends. August Kuhn of the Bank of Commerce, Mat. ham, and Garnet Baker of Owen Sound spent the day here in the vill- age.-Inepector John E. Tom, inspect- ed ofir Public School last Friday ousd es. found r ,thin is Finkbeiner, who bas'been visiting his parents here the poet two weeks, re- turned to his home in. Johnstown, Penna.._ on Tuesday. -Mrs. Mistele and son of Detroit, Mich.. visited Mr. and Mrs. John Wind for a few days the past week.—XissePollerand Mira Don;-,. tretiohnttanYtwther4Onie In Goderich.-Newton Clark of Shipka has bought the building, formerly used as a and has men at work tearing it down. He intends moving it to his farm near Shipka and will eeevert itinto a barn, This bundle& jone:of.ourhnd.1n*rkL -The varantr lots would make an ideal site for the new 0. P. R. station. Winter is com- ing on and DO doubt, the railroad will become an interesting topic. -Miss Weganset of London and -Miss Siebert of Dashwood 'pent last Sunday in town the guests of Mr, and Mil. Sarni _Brom:LT:Mrs. Henry Smith-iif Detroit was in town on Sunday renewing ac- tances.-On_Monday evening.the es Aid of the Evangelical church gave a very interesting Thanksgiving hurch. All heartily enjoyed the very interesting numbers on the, program, SHOOTING MATCH—Last Thursday, Bert Clark. proprietor of the Royal Hotel, held a shooting match, which was well attended. Shooters from Sarnia. Clinton, Hensall, Shipka and Exeter were in attendance. Ovring to the dukness eetnitret on, the blue rock eeente were called off. The following is the score of the several events for piger•ns: Events 1 2 10 10 10 7 9 7 . 5 8 5 . -7 8 7 7 8 89 5 . _ . •,• Hinton, 11BekAnd Howard of ter. Tea from 0 to 11, AdLZ ttelt McUIllivray The Itorailtoo3364$ 4)o. are ting tha -iron work on .the brldg. Itireoll.'rt 1,14,P,1$0 wool oenlor,trarn fv, time y Urs eett Dorftuiu of.London io.it * tf-X o o hii .o &Ueciersfellen:Saturdity tiocatee'the‘wriat•ot herrlght hand, '34M•ensie..0f the, Towelin, • Ho 1E14,0 Lieury and James to in ABrinslar titisraed the — . ,,e3T•440R5r-Sciizmfk4. Lt thel0* 411; ThuradAY,'Igo'rember 12th. at 10*. in., PoIfceMa;Istrate$pijt 44 an inveetiiittion an to the ceuse • of fire which destroyed the barn of John Seale on the 71b con. McGillivray, on the 17th of September last. 44.434 (Sleple Grove) ress iats tor est wee) 'Albert Simpson and Wife attended the wedding of Arthur. Elliott on weimee- nsi.-aosn Simpson and sons have their season's threshing almost finished.—Mr. Fred '„Nell 'has Perehased another fine hog, He is one of tho-good ones.—'Wm. Sinrson, 410. 4 ef _a heavy horse: the e. eWitlitteLP', some figuree:-The recent snow did con- siderable good to the hand.—MIss Laura Roblneon of Misa Craig spent SunditY with friends on the 2n4.—The farmers in this vicinity are through with their seamen's threshing.—Mrs. Fred Simpleon AI's; -reeeeeeee-e "e: nriterella n der with I toed polsoulnen • Dashwood 1101114181HRIC, DAIIIIWOOD, COW= Arn lieffir•raWitiltiliff 140 .1 Charges moderate. lamer of Marriagellcsrrses Last week Mn. J03. Willett of COXI.L4. Steph011, purchased a fine -thoroughbred shorthorn bull from Henry Reynolds of Hay.—On Monday eventing ot last week _the -young people 02 thirveornrhunity ga tiered at the home of the Misses Tleman and gave them a "kitchen shower."— A good shower of rain- would da a- deal- er good to a great number.—Mra. John Graybeil and son Wilbur *meet the hal- idaysiewitli friends -at' -Rad- Axe, Mich. —E. Nadtger left Saturday mot tiling to spend a few days with his *filter sot Chatham.—Geo. Wambold of telytin vis- ited at his home here 3,Iondaye rettird- trig Tuesday,—R. Te Dunlop left Sate urda.y to visit under the -parental roof at Springfield. --John Snell will hold an auction- sale of ht* farm stock and im- plement', Tuesday.—Mr. and mra. Sin - not of London eistted thelt Blends town over the holitlitys.-;.E. M. Broken - shire was In Crediton Stinday.—Mteand Mrs. Oestreleher have :tea -limed from Berlin where they' attended the teerward Movement converition.--Sliss. Lena 'Wag- ner or Lisbon is visiting itSr sister Mrs. rtev. L. K. Eldt...-The Evangelical Sun- day School intend* holdfil* Xmia, entertainment again Ihistitoar es usual and lama Sunday appointed the Pref. - gram Committee as follows, -0. Oes- treicher. Rev. L. C. Eldt, Miss M. Oes- trelther. Miss. No Seibert, Miss Ida- goete and Mimi Trasa Stiller. — They have already got down to work and we may expect the prbgram this year to excel anything heretofore held.—Mrs. Schaab of Clifford Is visiting her sister Mrs. Wm. Ehlers.—Next" Sunday even- ing Rev. T. C. Meckel will preach In tee Evangelical church. Ile will also solicit -for the iiirision cause.—aliss Addle Roeder, who has been ill. itswe are glad to know, Improving nicely.—Mises Lily Ehlers. who underwent an opera- tion last week, is not doing as well as her triende would like. We hope she may get along alright.--arthur Treten- ner spent a feW days at his home tri the Goshen Line. lie has a good P011itiOti 1,3 book-keeper with a large wholesale house at Toronto.—Mr. Nauschwanger, who has for many years made his home -with-his -daughter,. Stra -J.--Zeiler,4 On 'Wednesiday of- last week. He -had - attained a good age and has has been In an airfield helpless condition tor Senile time. The funeral on rrldale was largelY attended, Interment taking place In the Bronson- Line cemeterY. nev. Thurn pantor of the Lutbetati church of- elelatede-We are sorry to hear or the continued illnesa of little Thilda ac and teumt that she may snoa ro• over. Live Birds Roy Luck John Triebner Ezra Brenner .Fisel Kerr Prankifriebner Bert Clark 3. E. Cantelon W. E. Sanders Win. Yearley John Hirtzel Farquhar, Mr. and,Mrs. Beaver" spent Thanks- 'giving in Brantford. -Geo. Greenwood visited at Geo. Bell a part of last'week. John Mitchell and son James of Wing- ilettonttlends-on the-houndary- 'aim week. They were looking around for a farm to rent. -Eddie Pack has completed his term with Arthur Campbell and we understand he in- tends going to England soon. -Joseph Vance has purchased a farm near Lis- , towel, the one on which Mrs. Vance I lived in childhood, being the old Stev- enson homestead, and John is doing , the plowing on the farm now, having I gone there last week with bis team. Olandeboye. Thanksgiving Day passed off very quietly_ here. -Arnongthe visitors that spent their holiday here were E. Pull- man and wife, Mho Della Ilarlton and 31r. and and Mrs. Benittta, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Gould and daughter, I Miss Lela, of Exeter. -A number from here•attended the fowl dinner hi Lo- om Monday evenlis held in Hol Trinity Church. A.1 report having a 0odtot e,—S S. Jones-- of Lond ore called on Merida on Satiiirday Mr. and Mrs. S. Bssery were theguests of Mrs. F. Brown last .Friday. -Mrs. Jonerend Miss Chown were in 'Lon- • = Wednesday, -We- are sorry -to bear Mr. Win. Cunningham 1. vry low at present. Ills daughter, Mrs, Ya er, of Exeter; is here nursing r. Maurice Bobier spent Thanks giving Day at his home In Exeter.- Tire tine wegther is giving the faririers *chance to get their *fall ploughing done, as they did not get much done owing to the long dry *pep earlier int the season, --A. shooting .inistch was held. on the peernisss of Henry Neil. Esli Hodson and Alvin Cunningham, carried *way fir it. prize. -Mr.- Case., statioiragenr.apeet41 collide of day)" I in Pot t Huron last Week...-Grty Rpur- i.y of Central's, $1ian1pgpprs1ing here with Mr. Case. Winchelsea Mist Vera Coward is holidaying in London. -W. O. Medd and family spent the holiday" with' Mr. Medd,* father at Kinburn.-W, W. ICeri. and wife visited at Crediton.-Willietu. 'len of Chicago is the guest of his ilia - tor. Mit. T. Oovvica.,-.A., number trout here attended the fowl suppers At Whalen and Kirkton on Montirreeven- ing.-The beef ring tweeting will be held in Winchelsea on Ptiday evening, -the 13th. And at EflmvlIIe tm Saturday overdose, the 141), A. fiill rittendiesee` "a ts quested at, botkipeetinge. fletheida The ennivereare and le* eseetin eif Bethesda Methodist thureb.,!will he bvid on Sunday_KOd Monday, ' 15 10 Her, W. It Butt sili prseb SantlAe afternoon 2:9R. • ✓ 5. 11 4,44, , ▪ artier . , 31eirillop Exeter Hay I isx South Htt- Return- *t, 13rmis, urn* give M. "27«`, •zsajority.i'oc tsik. Roth. fligv,$)?x. Pei* itrosars Maj. Sherritt) 408. 491 •54 X 4' 7 1,,A4 2 00 31 21.'• 414 - IS 71 24 1 126 108 2 102 40 • 011 4 75 12 125 - 2 3,11 3 32- 4 49 - 1 41 10 2 48 20 3 115 23 4 00 45 „ Am* 00 78 52 45 22 50 78 15 es Oa 41 50 2/ 02 00 71 23 34 — 92 Ti„f VP' O 49 — 452 3 720 4 25 8 02 43 19 Stephen -1 29 - 01 iT1 2 14' - 40 90 350 4 55 -1,FnitrarrltranisAkszysistase..:_A -V 57 -23- eir 646 -74 2S- 7 55 n 44 8 10 - 05 950 - 05 15 Utborne 1 48 - 102 5/ 3 37 - 1% 400 9 00 RE0APITULA.TION SeiLforth 215 79 190 Hensall 91 - 110 19 Bayeald 35- 82 47 uckersmith 304 218_ _170 Stanley 227260 33 McKillop ... 965 146". 219 Exeter 137_ - 258 Hay 454 164 290 - Stephen 305 - 505 110 Ilsborne 213 - MO 123 1* 08 •••••••••••••••10. 41400.444m44.84.41 2580 007 2432 453 453 • e 151 There were Il ballots spoiled or re- jected as follows: No. I, McKillop, 1; No, 5, Tuckersmitb, 2; No. 1, Stephen, 2; No. 3. Hay, 5; No. 4. Hay, 1. There were 221 , fewer votes polled than at the election bait January. Mr. Mc- Lean had 91 fewer, and Mr. Sberritt 130: 11111, Whalen M ra, John Tales and sister. Miss B vale. Suthurby, of London. and Mr. Harry Sutharby, of Thorndale, visited their mother for the Thanksgiving Day. -Miss Ethel and Newton MMson also Orville Itowcliffe, visited at the .31illson home here. -Mrs. Ernest Par- kinson of- Bryanston, viiiited • her mother on Mondays -Mr. and 31re. David Parkinson and .on, Allan.of St. Marys. and Mr. and Mrs. Mecindou and daughters. Annie and lethel.4 of Lonion, were guests at Mr. Albert Gunning's for Thanksgiving. - Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Millson attended the Rev. WWI". E. 64311114mpg-41v. els3.4)t Y41Kiniegbevilth le.- AiszavgneART.-To say that the an- niversary services just held here in the Methodiett)hurch were the best ever attended around here is not overesti- mating it. The Rev. Fred Langford. of Embro, was greeted by large con- gregations at both services and the able manner in which the speaker un- folded the Scriptures bids fair to show that he will hold a high position paimeiriutuas°,11Rg9.910k:3 a. P. Sunday.1 ianuppero on Monday, was also largely attended and enjoyed to.the utmost by all pres- ent. The programme was exceedingly good, the renditions by Miss Etart„ Henson, the speeches try the,Ministers, together with the unsurpassed singing of the Male Quartette. of Stratford, put the crowningleature to the entire preceedings. The meiptsneared $150. fil Is COMPLETE t;iiiittp* .E ROTS AND M�$EY ':•PAR14 'ammo FOREIGN OUSINE AT • and S, • Cheques and drafts on. the ;Inked States, *14 other foreign ecsultiies tong* and aold, 11$ Exeter Branch -0. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Creditors Sidpka W. Baxter left Saturday for Cosh. octopi Ohio, where be will remain for some tivae.-J. Hanna, the local store- keeper has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors, „Zion ' " ,47., • .0 oii r, o numberor marks to be obtained 220. IV -Ern- est Penrice. Sr. IV -Walter Stephen 190. Jr. IV -Olive Batten 139. Sr. III -Warren Brock 102, Mabel Ling- ard 177, Ida Penrice 1139. Jr. III- 001Mettlet 1iiPenrice100. Sr. 1! win Prom 210. Pt. II -Ewart Pew 200, Margaret E. Penrice 2001 Edith Herne 196, Elva Horne 190, Pt. 1 -Garfield Brock 180.-M. Alice Dougall, Teacher. Mrs. John Andrew ihshhuite and. tun. —The church authorities have had the financial stseement printed and It shows a good condition of affs.irse-Wrille Mr. John Andrew wee taking a cow he had Purchased home from James Mill's last week the animal fell and broke her neck. She was immediately killed. 44.. • ' Granton Mies Harrison of Clinton was the Fred of Miss McAlvin bat week.- guest Coxon left Monday for Buffalo. where he will be foe some time. -Jos. Grant of Sarnia is home for a few days visiting his parents. -Mrs. Thos. Westruan of Milverton returned home on Monday after spending a few weeks with friends in the village and in Lon- don. -The Mason lodge of our village, which was organized a itbort time ago was dedicated on Monday. A puiriber attended from Seaforth. St. Marys and Hamilton. -Telfer Bros. have etarted cutting straw and coru also wood cut- tipg. Farmers should give them a eall as early as possible. Sharon, 'Mies Nora 31. Brown, who is attend. Ing Stretford College, is spending -her Thanksgiving vacation with her par - cots. Her friend* and associates gave her a, pleasant surprise by gathering at her heraelliriday evening. A widower who was married receate ly for the third time and whose bride had been married once before, wrote across the bottom ot the wedding invite adorn/L.7 'Be sure and come as this Is no amateur performance." McGillivray Council. 41.414441114041144,44.0 council met in the Town Ball. Atc011, livery. on Nov. 2n4. AU the members present. Minutes ot the last. meeting ap- proved. Account* to. the amount of *20,, 754.15 'were reseed on motion of Ur.le,a70, and Mutely. Siorgan—i,furd That the " proceedin'l s under The * toi;e44-;a gnd Wat- er Courses Act 'to have the wa posIte Lots 15 aad 15, Con. to,trj to a proper. outlet,—Carried. The met ell then adjourned to meet in the Town. Halt on .,„igsihajarekol,enahVh*aleeeae7eejeetkaejeee '3741).' Drummond, Clerk. •104•0141411.444,4•444 The tsivation Ariny oftichae all over Oetarlo are issuing u warning to *Item., eloyed men, especially thaeo weom the' Army brought from nrope! througle,L _ ,## striariliii Willer. They pr a woeful shortage of work in the cities, and. desire the men to make baegaihs with the farmers to stay all winter at asy living wage._ .100%••••••••• Clinton.-- n Oct. 30th Miss Catharine Whitely -pasted from Itfe to deathafter a painful illness with cancer. She wita a daughter of the late Wm. Whitely ef Tuckerehalth And was 55 years or aeirt. Years ago elle taught school but Wren* -forced her -eto glve up her position. •101•0111.111•111..110 Clinton—One of the pioneer settlers et Huroa passed away Nov.1, in the eerable of Mrs. Thome; relict ot the late ThMs. Thomas. She had been a resident - 4 Clinton for a good many years, but bad been in declining health for some time though never very 111 until the last few ' week.. Born in Nottingham, Eng., she carne to Canada in 1827 with the other members of her tinnily, the Crichea, set* tling in TuckersmIth. She was three times married, the late Thomas Thorne, having predeceased her 26 years. Toon mohaa,b3s; ilinesclralvalgtettrdt. tervons theeeetee mattes new • t i V in o.,L.V,1•03. 0001SLIV03* 'zt 0 s and Drat* Wen% de watt Eat* tiorrhasa,.4nci ataardsbotaaatt 't 100 slyer box,' 11.5. OneWillen widows, Sold b 44ruirtisbLer „ plaitir pkg on rem A of price. .No pa via The Vife, Ildedledre,00. (foracrly Wiasd.or) Tereassas libisons -Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital - Rest Fund - 374,000 83,374,000 Has 05 Branches in Canada. and Agents and Correspondents in all the (Mir in the World, _ , A GENERAL BANNING OUSINESEVRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT maimausimminsainumum at all Branches. Interest allowed at.highest current rate. - EXETER BRANCH Agentayat Exeter for the Dominion Government. DIONAGN & CARLING, SOliCitOre. X. D. IILTD9R, Manager, n IlsTeve Dress Guods-in all the, lead. • Ing cloths and shades, at close' pri- cer. • • Be sore and see our New Montle', for Ladies and Children. New Furs in roffs, nrnits. colliirettes. le. They ine Beauties and iit priee to stilt ail NVW tos.liVirapperei tow, 041 Blanket*, flannelette. ets.stclocsprices. Neve liogoilk Capr, Miittoo1A0vet and Underwear -all kinds and six. es. Men's and Boys' .1teady-t,o-wear Suits at Bargain Prices, Ordered Suits it Specialty. J1e oure and see our New Tiveeds lend Worsteds In the New Shades. Our Wee' are right. • A full line of Hardware *t close price& A large stock of Crockery and Fancy China pit to bond. OterGrocev -Departtnent Is full of Neand resh Girods. sitioEs A large end well 4000441tpst 44 ail Booir the lemiitigstylea anii mikes.' 31 plc -a inter* than ever. If vou watit /nit i.r woo 11 1 art 04 Atiovs. Ore GS It esil. A lot of 064 emis, will b etlarkt regardivaii coat COME EAR/.1* JIM GET r11F IlAitoAtigs Ilillillery Opening Tuesday & medriesday Stpt29th 3-0 On DepartnIent is 90. ti$4,' • inanagementt MISS • DUNN, OF LONDON, a bitty Of wide experience in the inillirweY husintre. . _ It la With pleaeure that we ex. tend this invitation to all the ladies interested in artistic headgear. Our millinery depertineet is full of all the latest and newest styles and tiesigns thiethie, The whole, panorama of Fail Pashions ate re. vealest oUr Millinery.8ection. CiumwtOritur Ope_ninie and en ay, rho inspection of this .esason's dia. 1-rd-ry if --most beautiful, and pht*,.howing of Pall .MI1141441 Nes . eit tr, • A A. e • , • • 1,4* 14taai:1 ••7 La': " ' 44, f -Or " -44#044,74,4:, VA'.,", Pktib t always eas .11 evielr to know just what to buy in the line of Watches' Clocks Hilmar& „ I, ( You ,ieryloffen need \hint as to what is most suitable to buy for your friends or yourself, 0 , Our Stock ForolOws the flints It .reveals in a minute' more -apprdpriate presents than any 4 one (*Auld sit at home and - wall in a -Whole day. SO WE MITE BUYER ant we promise to mike their thoosing eas 0m* ttieir choke aatisf*toi, itt . A sitsteratiialassneisielials seeeiseee 14.1