Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-05, Page 7 (2)ETIIORNS
e Shop Man ad
s ot libatunatjtm
flIPPFIAinxi,fn Etneraid
iltere:*t to 1!k
t S. -
.th4tilifa i"cizA
• .pn inay ptaTte4 „
ther, -414401) weathei b
• ad,. There 'Ili . n ,
Words and rubbing, and so -Called
electrical treatment in the world
will not cure rheumatism., The acid
that causes the disease must be
driven out of the blood and this
load enriched and *purified: It is
because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
make new,. red blood that they have
cured thousands of eases of Hien-
matirim after all other treatment
had failed. As a proof of what Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills will do even
in the most severe eases of rheurnii-
tism, the ease of Mr. Davfsi Car-
rol, a well known furniture dealer
of Pieton, N. 8., may be cited. Mr.
Carroll says ,1-41 have been a most
severe sufferer from rhminsatisni,
tt it some other
• sks ssrs „:"
rur coutaining abotit 05 Jos,
Itaxastowo, Vo. Wexfor
hornes 1ktliy,ot Newry, •inpoor
eiratimstanees, is claimant for an
ertate of 000,000.
• Last year's Is400 entries for Old -
cattle Show (Co. Meath) went up
by over a00 this year. *
Coleman Sullivan and John Me -
were drowned in the wreck of
a trading boat on Galway Bay.
The keel blocks of the biggest
liner ever built, the Olympic, of the
White Star line, were laid in Bel-
Mrs. Pilkington, an aged woman,
who lived 'alone at Railway road,
Darwin, hanged her dog and then
Castlerea Guardians have deeid,-
e° to substitute Irish cured bacon
for the Araerican product for the
eiftiiite 4
a the he efitsLhaatesreceived from awarded the contract for installing
Dr. Wi rah" Pink. Pills. The an electric light plant in the town
trouble settled in my shoulders and to an English firm.
down rnys sides and at times I was Mr. Alexander Torney, a Model
quite unable to raise my arm. I -school teacher of Belfast, died from
wassattended by a doctor, but AS injuries received 4y being knocked
.did. not appear to. bo-...._,.Mtting-reny„,down..,by....a..-.runawayAorits.,..7s-s-j---,
Lettcr mat "Not within livrngmernory has the
trie-belt for -which Ispairt $40.00; It rainfall its North-west Trelandbeen
did not do me any good and then I so heavy and intessant as during
tried another remedy, but without the early part of September.
any better results.' A friend asked An invitation has been extended
me to try Dr. Williams' Pink pills, to Lord Pirrie to return to Belfast
and T got three boxes, by the time Corporation and take an active part
1 had used them all I found the iv the publits life of the city.
—stiffness and pain less severe, and The Local Government Board
I got another half dozen boxes. have sanctioned the proposed wait.
When 1 had taken these eve
symptom of the trouble had disa
reared and in the two years 'Lb
bave since passed I have had no r
turn of the trouble. I believe the
is no other medicine equal to D
Williams' Pink Pills for Miring th
moot'painful trouble, and I hay
recommended the Pills to othe
whti have been beriefitted by the
sise "
Dr. Willianie Piiiit Pills not only
mire rheumatiern, but all the other
dtseases due to poorswatesy blood„
,such as anaemia, indigestion, nervs
out disorders, neuralgia, St. Vitus'
dance, paralysis, and the ailments
.of girlhood and womanhood, with
their head ehes, backaches, side
aches and tendant miseries. Only
OS gent& Pills can do this and
you. should see thet the full name,
"Dr Williams' Pink.
People," is on, the wrapper around
teach box. * Sold - by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 430 cents a box
or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.
'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
•Ont. - -
rade: stilkeritt
at tliet thc'rnc
/CVO Of Mr., -.Tames Brants,.
farmer residing near here.
IMr. Brant contracted Kidney Piss
ease? when a young man, from a
strain, and like hosts of others,
negleeted it. expecting it to gel
• stairay
But it kept gradually growing
worse. till after thirty years of in -1
creasing suffering the climax came, I
and he found himself so 'crippled
that at times could not turn in
Led, and for two weeks at a time
it was impossible for him to rise'
from a chair without putting his
bands on his knees.
He could not button his clothes.
He was, troubledwith Lumbago,
Gravel and Backache, and tried
medicines for. each and all of them
s, ' 4.,.,t sr,
tik tiffiret
' Pills.
I.Dodd's Kidney Pills startad at
the cause of his troubles and cured
hie Kidneys. With cured Kidneys
his other troubles speedily disap-
peared, and to -day heis sar well
stssatissss-----s-sss-ss-iss-sss=s-ss.ss , ,.,„., _7
-oft vire your Kidneys wit
Docld's Kidney Pills you will never
have Lumbago, Itheurnatism, Heart
Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Dis-
-Indian Mutiny Veteran Gave Ad-
ry erworks for Westport, and have vice Regarding Army.
p. granted a loan of $42,300 to carry
at out the scheme. The Duke of Connaught is telling
e- Mrs. Crowe, who died recently in
re her 99th year, was probably the
r, last surviving child of a member of
ja the old Irish Parliament, William
e Hoare Hume. •
rs The Russian sailing vessel Orient,
ir with a cargo of salt for Limerick,
from Gloucester, became a total
-wreck at Ballydavid Head, outside
Smerwiek Harbor. Six of the crew
were drowned.
Measrs. Harland & Wolff have se-
cured an order from the Belgian
Red Star Line, which is one of the
international combine companies,
for a 15,000 ton liner for the Ant-
werp -New York service.
A fire occurred recently at Des -
morel's Carriers' yard at Cork. The
flames were so &yet?" tlutt le of -the
horses stabled on the premises were
burned alive, and two had to he
:shot to end their sufferings.
• Novel and Fascinating Sight in
ErsineosBritish Exhibition,
• One of the most novel and fits -
eluting sights among ell the fas-
cinations of the Franco -British Ex-
hibition in London is the soap bub-
ble fountain in the British hall of
The fountain consis,ts.pf sdouble
By a ,grateful
•figure, concealed under the hese is
at- electric motor, air blast and
, pump; the first drives the two lat-
ter, which force soapy water
through a pipe connected with
• tlifferent outlets, each one of which
emits thousands and thousands of
-kubblesi whieb in ever-eh!triging
bues fall like a kaleidoscopic cas-
cade round the base. •
In the daytime it is a marvellous
I eight, but at night, when hummers
able electric lights beneath the'
u *re- turneds-sio is. it is
most dazzling scene possible, and,
borrowing the expression from thts
"Arabian :Nights," ono,might most
aptly speak of it as the "fountain
of a thousand jewels," so sparkling
• to radiant Is the effect.
After .a ,maii getsthrough* with a
issiesuit, utit,mratter whether be wins
loses.,~:he i aPt to wish he .htid
.comp ised t taSe. ,
111)18P )18IBL1 • TO 1(011111118.
„"I am satisfied that Ilithe's Own
Tabletsare indispensible to moth.
trs," says Sirs. Abraham Boucher,
Pierreville Milis, Que., and she
liefore using the Tablets
sny baby WAS CrOSS, peevish and not
thriving well; but the, Tablets have
worked tt, great chance and ray lit -
tie one' is well and happy." This is
the verdict, of all Mothers who have
eirthes-e- -Tabids. And better
atilt, mothers have the guarantee of
A governtrient analyst that Baby's
Tablets ire absolutely safe
•that they „contain, not ont.partiele
'opiate of Mitonotts to.othing
Sold by Al tneilidros dealers'
In the Autumn Rheumatism is so
general that all our readers so Suf-
fering will be glad to hear that a
letter addressed to The Dr.
Ilams' Medicine Co.? Brockville,
Ont. will be to their advantage. de to -day,
It's a waste of time to tell a. man
Fe is a liar; if he is, he knows it.
EITIUULAINIT to too otomath. thereloi
as—ar—toolc for
pationto reeeverist trio* Simon sad gat
ditnuto lowortag tbo vltIJIty. tt to
without a rilrat.--att-all-41nag- g
oral storm.
Every tirne you get your own way
you make an enemy;
Any person wit's) drinks 25e tea
and once tastes 300 "Salads!' vrill
see that it is not only finer in fla-
-or, buctliaTh' one,pounaiii`
many more cups, it is economical
tO tlat!o
Hardly any man is clever enough
ow how -important be -isn't.
If your ehildren are troubled with
worms, give them Mother ()raves'
Worrn Exterminator; safe, isur.
Find effectual.. Try it, and mark the
improvement in your child.
Clubs for. men:have,ladded Much
to the eomfortt of horde.
I111 fitting boots aind,..shoes•esiote
corn. 1 Hollow:WO Corn Ciira is
the article to use. .'Orst a betths at
once and cure yonr torus.
seeing to in
mistresses get
idgef, it always
Lt the Crankiest
best cooks."
on wid yer bier -
A commereiel t &yeller was brsg
F.ing about the znsniLude of th
your house is * pretty
lithmentl" said the custonir
"Ka You can't have -any ide& o
its dimensions, Last week we too
an inventor of the employe*
found out fer 016 Ant time fital
lace as
1$1*491.741STC2E SlinUONS.
. Belt, denial is selfAiscover
Love does not stop at the bun
daries of 'liking.
8le934timo'I:,tii;Y14t h; vstoclotles
f!44sfnofrc:wit:iO4 wbo
0$,fahin,tx:.,..,k,Pepeswho *0006 blue r
si'ffrsinvell from the i,blue5.. • °. •
hole of your. lif4;,
e •
„ iugbo-orisoied tee nf40,41
will. 14*
This worldisalways godforsaken
to, those who Imve forsak'eu the
good. ' • •
`The most singular thing about a
man of genius is his • estimate of
himself. -
Dreams of golden streets will not
pass in place of deeds of -the gilden
Re igion is moral trigonometry
work d out on a base line touching
two worlds.
No man van ever be great who
is not willing that many should
think little a him.
The more a liar gains in self-con-
fidence the greater his losses in
rublic confidence.
Ile who runs away Min all sor-
row is ultimately drowned in the
vine if you refuse to obey the voice
of everyday duty.
Folks who sit up nights worry-
ing over their crowns' are asleep in
the day when crowns are earned'.
gvery one knows the color of the
preaelter takes_ apss yellow subject_
If an honest man is the noblest
work of God, it is easy to under-
stand how sonie have lost their
faith in the existence of the Crea-
Says It is a Wonderful Healer and
Does More Than Is Claimed
For It.
No household remedy in existence
as won such glowing tributes from
eople in high places as has Zam-
Buis. Mr. Roger F. Perry; Justice
the Peace for British Columbia,
ested thie famous balm, and this
s what he sa s of it • s
an amusing story of his recent visit
of inspection .to Egypt. Whiles he
was in Cairo he 'went for a stroll h
one morning, and on his way heels p
to his quarters he came face to fq,ce,
with an old Englishnian wearing 0
the ribbon of the Indian Mutiny on t
his breast. The Duke stopped and s
spoke to the man about the mills
tery service for some little time.
PresentlY the Man said, not know
mg, of course, to whom he was
speaking, "Are you in the army
yeurself, then, sir?" The Duke
smiled, and admitted that he was,
"Getting on all right?" was the
next question. he Duke smiled
again, and said that he had not
very much to grumble at on the
wholes_ though perhaps he was not
doing isuite so well as ) he could
wish. "No, and you never will,
my boy," was the surpriiiing retort
of the veteran. "'What you want
in the army to -day either brains -
or a tremendous amount of influ-
ence behind you. You take my tip,
old chap, and chuck it!"
Prevent Disorder.—At the first
symptoms of intereal disorder, Par-
roelee's Vegetable Pills should hal
resorted to immediately. Two or
tbree these salutary pellets, tak-
en before silting to bed, followed by
doses of one or two pills for two or
three nights succession, will
dys,pepsis arei alt the diteoniforts
ch fellow insthe train of th
fell disorder. The means afe.timple
when the way is known.
I "The Pavilion,
Goldfields, 11. 0.
"To the Um -Bilk Co.
aGentienton,—After a veil lair
*fel I have proved Zam-Buk emin-
ently satisfactory. In my case it
I cured a skin rash of five years
standing which no doctor had been
able to do any good- for.
would certainly encourage any
person to keep Zam-Buk in their
-It truly more tha
you claim for it. For my own part
I would not now be without it in
the house. Yours very truly,
(Signed) "Roger F.. Perry,
"Justice of the Peace for B. ."
Zam-Buk differs from ordinary
salves and embrocations, for white
these mostly contain animal oils
and fats, Zam-Buk is purely herbal.
It soothes and heals cuts, sores, ul-
rs, eruptzons,: hods, eczema,
Wing sores, ete. All druggists
nd stores sell at 80 cents * be*,
or from the. Zam-Buk Co., Toronto,
tor price,0 boxes for $0.50.
A camel can carry three times as
tosfyr;a7ladmari:Tirortilii capable
of *doing..
The report Of a cannon bas been
heard over 140 miles away.
PidttA.AV IsrfArt int mom that *riot
lo cI1adak, mkt* dit1111141. *Ay be 160
144/40-70---bott 1* --4100.
etwor's CorOto. exterstittly _OPp 104
shostd the supptentitatettr' with Weaver's
songs taboo dolly. • •
• The strength of* woman. lie
the display of her weakness..
_istai be noticed in the Singer
Sewing Machine Company's saver
tisernent that there are three ad-
dresses at the bottom °Utile A41--
It011110133elltf* Any one writing will
plow ,address themat the nearest
one Of -th'e-three---pliteess to hi* post
Mistress don't \Want you to
its%e so 'ouch tompani. You have
ore alters in a day than I hav
ofuestioA-PWalt, -MUM, perbePs
if you'dtry to be * little niers
agreeable, you'd have as many
friends as 1 !have."
good ilosiikOper Mantsd
Itt comfortable hen* in 'Teton: -
0,, must be thoroughly clean 'end
.lostematic about ber wori4 and un-
ijelistand good plain cooking. Small
family; good. wages. House maid
kept.- AdAresessistating experience
and:give refilenets, Mrs. Wilson,,ts
Dale Avenue, Itosedale, Toronto.
The Beefetters,stheling'S body
guartori State occasions. consist of
/Alan, aboAlier._011leers
140 yeomen.
Do Not Delare-ONIten; through
debilita,ted digestive,organs, poison
Ando its *ay the blood, the
,consideratiax,i is to lot the
poison out gis rapidly and as thor-
ugly as possible. Delay may MOW
**aster. Pirfnelies Vegetable
ills wiltbo-found & twit valuable
;and effeetive-Thedieints tiesasai1 the
intruder with. They ,never fail,
They go at °nee to the Seat of the
trouble and work a permanent cure.
114X0 . -IT
Thp.village carpenter had give
o generously of ,his services and
sound adviee towards rebuilding
'the atliooi that when it- WAS
.leted the.villagerovagreed that he
should1e asked' to speak after the
1 rieheon which WAS to tOnOW the
ening service.. The •tlay andthe
t rate* speeell came.
friendt,» he below his brown 'see
very red deed, "ism *great deal
bettrr fitted for the, StAffold than
forpublic peaking.", Then he tel-
e had said, and sat
of laughter.
uctIon of the
michicei cabinet- work,g ..$57ing
‘cji only ti i finest wiiods procurable' are used:
To insure the proper selection of these
woods, a corps of expert wood' rangers is
employed, whose duty it is to purclimse
individual trees, the grain and 'growth of
which entitle them to use in Singer cabinet
• g This is why Singer cabinet work, besidea.
being the Most durable, is also the' most
beautiful, ---the Singer process brings out all
the richness and natural beauty of the WOod.
SObt *WY hy •
w1n0 Machine Company
533 iloarttorTronts fild‘ MA Mats Moult
33.35, •scorr ST., TORONTO;
Stock Brokers and -Financial Agents*
Air T_ and_ other stocks bought -lint saki_ on
zu4.1 commission. Correspondence
d. Orders may be wired at our expense.
rens TO. YOU Mao ityrrtY errew ft
attFtrantrOn INOMOWil AluSIONTS
I am a wornan. -
I know a woman's sufferings.
I have Sound a cure.
I will mail. tree Or charge, my home treat.
Meat with run instruCtion% to any sufferer from
women's ailments. I want to tell ail women
about the eure—*ON, My reader, for yourself,
our daughter, your mother, or your sister.
Want, to tell you how to Cure yourself at homer
without the help ofit doctor. Men cannot utt.
erstand wernen's oulreringo. What we women
now from experience, we know better than
any docter. l know that my home treatment
• is a sate and sure mire for all' ferrule weak.
agues peculiar to•our sex.
I want Id send you a complete to dope
• treatment entirely tree to prove to you that you
can cure yourself at home, easily, quickly and
surely. Remember ;Oat it Win cost you nothing to give the treatmenta complete triad;
and iryou stiouldsSilsb. tcseoneintses it will cost you -mass about iss-ceetssasweeltsssir
Tel" Iban two cents a day. It will not interSere with your Welk or occupation. Jost
send me yourname and address, tell me- how you suffer, if you wish, Ind 1 will send
you .1h0 treatment for your Caller enirely tree. In plalit wrapper. bv return mail.; I
will also send you free of cost my book4-410/11411111 OW/4 MEDICAL ADVIStiti" with
explanatory Illustrations showing.why women suffer, and how they can easily cure
themteIve* at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to think ter herself'
Then when the doctor says—" You must have an operation." yea Can decide for
yourself., • Thousands ofwornen 1121Vit cured themselves with my home remedy. It
curesitIt old Or young* To Mothers */ Ilatightars. I will explain a simple home
Pvalintent which speedilyand efrectuallY cures Painful ond Irregular MenstrUation
in young Ladles. Plumpness and health always math from its use.,
Wherever you live I can refer you toladies of your own locslity who know and
will $1144 tan aalf sufferer that this Eta* Traatnitillit really cum all woman's dis-
eases and Makes *omen strong, Outspend robust. JOU tend your **tram,
and the free ten days' treatment is yoltrs„ ahto the book. Write to.day, as you may
not see ths offerstgalit. Mares* lt MI% M. StISIIEittt, lox tint Vlbideari Oat.
Ted ---"Why is' that Ulan laughs
ng 1" Ned ---"Because be hougnt
a horse' etseaps'!..... f!Ancissiliat'asthe
'Oth-e-i. -Chuckling over t" "He sold
,the horse,"
it is an Officer of the Law of
Health.. -s -When called in -to Attend
distUrbance it searches out k.te
hiding -place of pain, and like a
guardian of the peace, lays, hands
upprrit and say*, "I arrest you.'i
Itesiiitatice is uselesa, at, the law of
health -imposes -4- -aeritence-sofsper--
nettle' hanithment on pain, and
Dr. Thorns** Eclectrie Oil was oti-
ginseted to enforee) thatteentence.
When a Men is working for *age
Ikea to speak *
**rot bsrk irlsoly conga
avo•yard cough. Take Alltaia Pans
11111111 a. remedy for pulmonary tees-
,htgitky t,o0a2menitint. Woo HItbbo
earner etitges 01 ,Courosuptiost.
*aid t Iota' to be
zw4 lady; after th0 1 was •
or4P1Mrs. flandout -"Quito
renee of vocations." Way-
Ifobbs.-"Oh, X don't know.
y first, voyage X was at the
i most of the time."
A woman judges the va- lue Of a
letter by the length of the post.
_Ago is **wet; tun Teaiflew**
tot • blo
II, *plot.* of ",111.* D L"' Ataittliol
. Tarot roam Oloo SOO. Mao. - •
If a woman *odd reform her bus -
hand she should begin by selecting
his tiller.
Regarded as one of the ifitist pee;
tent eornr4untiassevers-introdueed '
with-whieh to combat an anninite
eomplaints and irsilamatiori of the
bowels, 0r 11 Kellogg's Dystrio.
letY-(lordial-lunrwtotfor itself a re-
putation that no other cordial for
mine; and old suffering from thego
complaint* it .is the beat medicine
that 04,0 be' procured,
ARE YOU SICK.? *.titIrtrittl
***noto,,, sin* **zip oinorp***. *I sure at
rtowisisk_nortos", Xotit!oau *ad Canada. II!.
r c000tto03 WOOS, 1St ItootoO Snooty
• rol
• 1,ti...11-rt.',
P., r