Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-05, Page 3 (2),r4r,
t a
rgn ..4P(180
iti utanoet to relieve the present
matte, end that theiefore the Gov-
„riutient would not insist that tlze
twestion of the annexation of 1OS-
133a and Herzegovina should bo en-
tirely eliminated from the pro-
gramme of the International Con-
gress, although naturally he could
nest admit that the powers had the
right to question the annexation of
the Provsnces, or the idea of any
ferrite. oriel compensations ” in other
no objection to the Con -
4 placing on record the abroga-
ion of the articles relating to Bos-
ia and Novipazar. The Austro -
• 4
Wilda eleo°-b
to ai unth.rstandiiig for ithietioni-
ditions were by no messuis uufav-
orsaile. Acting with that view,.
tria tommorr with other potter
had dissuaded the Administretiona
M Constantinople and Sofia from
adopting military meaturee eaten-
lated to increase mutual diatrust.
With regard to Servia and MOD -
tenegro, he said, neither was en-
titled to interfere in the matter .in
any wile') but notwithstanding this
tel*Emets VitoM M4OvEll
014,416 Itricf* Fre" 0:tur
"Otkrr' iiiitrks of:
s(1 ¶Jrunk,il •, .,
, oi .
reloalt ate , pasta at)i1'''Ln' ,np hiat,-.'
o t taie
.At: '4.1'00P1,0„ 0..44 I. ° 4, ,, n ‘outiii.
r • . ,
Wil U 0 or • I 1144* t' i4fint;t:rIz1n'
1 ' fortrial "0 ewe, of 4 PAtto , ' troll
Tfl DE, itIgnooisi
s ,
t Crittle
th *to
uiti AttoPP Mit erie
00 ,
ett iH
n ool llt4113$0111011 *pito e t $1.031 or
(mnntteo revert the raPponitinent o. 1 tortherar and at41..00-glut
Lf a medical lespeetors of o. 2 Northein, Gektirelais Day
' Prince liehrti of Pruseia, made a,' Perts.
filtebY 'Melt CoUnt Ontarlo Wheatt-No
airship at Friedrieltshafen on Tues-
' Eton. R. W. Scott is likely to be
chosen Speaker ot the Senate, and
Charles Moral Speaker of the
An Italian named Angelo wee
Ins Government was willing to treat blown into the tier and seriously in -
both with henevisieeet1 sew take "sured by an explosion of dynsmite
, ''As• '
would, however b better f t er
own tuterest to : set practical aims
for their activity instead of pursu
hag dreams that could never be rea-
__.,„ 71/4T11/2..;
sentenced to ten years in the pem-
tentiary for assault elate woman on
the Indian reserve. •
a op of Stepney, has been elected
*shop of Montreal, to succeei
Bishop Carmichael, deceased,
The C.P.R. will start despatch-
ing -trains by -telephone aasleffeirsits
the double -tracking between Fort
William and Winnipeg is. taken
InntI rtineates and Cash Boma
t are Being bailed.
A deePatch from Ottawa says.
0 Interior Popertment..4tesnoar
er-Sonth saftican ve r ns
spplicationa 003310 in. Ort Wed -
Y Morning 250 warrants- were
iuzde out, and so far over 000 of the
vetcrann have applied for, and re-
eis their warrants. els yet no
33 ft 3 applied for iterite instead
oE land. As toon as the depiirtment
receiv application for either lartds
tir ecrip a warrant is issued. For
tion -of the veterans elitif;
o receive grants under -the
lieurity -*et, it may be stated that
application must first go to the
litia Department. A certificate
i. then issued by that depertinent,
the Interior Department is tifled that the volunteer is entitled
to the bounty.' The latter depart
meut then, on notification from the
:volunteer as to "-whether ecriri or
.4114 idetiredi metes warrant
for the land- or pays eiver $100 in
cash as the applieant desires:
Zn Making applicatton for land the
e tion must, of course, be stated.
Railway Trainmen to be Examined
Every Three Months.
A despatch from Toronto says:
The Pianaltereedettte-Vartadianeraile
a et.ays-fitive Ordifie
their -tries regard -int t e
rules for runeg trains. 'For
soine time past," said an official,
"there have been many accidents
which have beert attributed to the
neglect of trainmen. When these
men are brought up for investiga-
tion by a superintendent they in-
variably plead that they have not
time to study the rules. They will
t e this excuse natliniger, because
intend that they shall be exam-
ined every three months while in
the companies service. We will give
every man a fair chance to become
familiar with the laws and if they
fail to pass the examination they
will be, dismiss,ed..'
Xico's Oil Gusher Continues to
Give Trouble.
spateh from New Orleans,
Deadly fumes from Mexi-
great oil well fire, sixty miles
Tale of Uardbipflrogbt to an
- A, despatch from San' Promise°,
Cal., says: A story of hardships as
castaways in the South Seas is told
by seven Chinese who arrived- on
the steamer Manchurian on Wed-
nesday from Hong Kong. They
formed the crew of the barkentine
Izocter, which- ua.% wreeked g
reef 700 miles from Freemantle, Au-
stralia. For 75 'days they labored
to repair the little vessel so that
• • .
t pilot again put to sea, subsist.
ng- on a scant amount of ship's
tores and fish and roots found on
he almost barren island, 'The re-
pairs were completed on May 20
ast, and Captain Robinson of the
arkentine proposed to sail for
outh Africa. At this the crew
mutinied, and for punishment *they
were left for seven davs on the is -
and, while the captain stood off
ith the vessel. Theit-they were
nken aboard in irons. but later r
eased and taken to Cocos Island,
here -fresh •—witterseetnidessup e
eire obtainedand,frenti this place
hey eventually made their way to
Ione Kong.
rom lampAco, have killed morel 2;
hint a score of workmen during thel I
8t fOIv da3r8, completely blacken- !
the white paint on the sides of
ships, endangered cemmerce,
caused thousands of dollars' 1,
th of damage to ranches and e
er neighboring interests, accord- '
mg to Captain Michael Henrichsen
of the steamship City of Mexico, ,
Well reached New Orleans Mon-
I:ay-night Battling to f! a ve what Lw
they ,could from the wreckage,
American mine -owners, after spend- 1
ingentortellreinctiallien dollats, n -
*MY suceeeded in tietinguishing the a.
blaze, hut even greater terrors than st
before prevailed then. The flames 4
had consumed the noxions gases,
-hut when the fire was atopiied the
eses burst forth. Laborers, inh'el-
mg a bit of the stuff, dropped in ki
, their tracks dead. •
ourieett-yearsold 'Boy" Shot a Com-
. panion Aceldeatatly.
4.1444•-•••••.••••• 4144,44444,0411
b."., says : A fourteen -year -el& ho
lisle rote of Herber.' Knight, a naimedChestee Urquhart -of Cover-
' of 4
et. Bridge, perish of "'tattiest, is su
liranttord Youth., jail here, charged with musing the
• \ deep:itch front Brantford isaye: death of another NI mune(' Geo.
ierbert gitight, aged fifteen, son Clary at that place on Get. 16. The
i Joint 'Knight, Eagle- avenue, was tees boys were otit shooting together
'killed enWednesday morning by and the rifle •witielt Urquhart was
failing front a T.. II. iis D. Railway carrying wee dis2barged, the bul-
1,gidge over' the -Grand snivel.% The let striking Clary in the neck, in-
eottelt eas pro -seeding to the Brant- flictina troand„ from the efteets of I named empty in the air, :torn and
pea:seem Weeks, ree he w
34' 114' which he died in tWier4y minutes. jpaiy• tome& agienet *Tod,
4.41WOSel; anti in -going emir -the Coroner 'Wainwright of Stanley •""'
br?eathing hard, but without wine-
turttge, accidentally tripped - over litold tin i queA. and the jury after in....,, • , , . ,
ad* dutepg the.montli ot Septeree
the rail to seeppints to tone side end hearing t e evidence declared that , :lois ies's cok of I 0 wizr,e,,Is „Ili* , , . ---,--, • i ' . .% ', ibetssititiT, aserta`'tetitieted 'to the Det
. white, 90c
. outside e. No. 4 red Winter', Mit and
No. 2 mixed, 89% to 90e outside.
°tate-7.0044o No, 2 white, 38 to
3834c outside, and at. 41c on track,
Toronto; No. 2 Western Canada
oats quoted at 42c, Ooderich.
Ityt----No. 2 quoted at 78e outside.
Buokivheat---57 to 59e outside.
Peas—No. 2 quoted at 93 to 80e
;•;4,A;,4{4t, ,0 II/. 6,
examine' at teige on, track, Toronto
and No. 3 at 85e.
Bar1- 2 h e ok,
5534c outside.
Bran —Cars are quoted at $19 in
bulk outside. Shorts quoted at 022
to $22.50 in bulk outside.
Applee—Wsnter stock Veto $2.
2e to $1.75 for eooleing-s,
ts Beans,Prime, $1.80 to $1.85, and
Queen's University, as well as hand-picked, $1.00 to 41,95 per
those attending the city schools,
bushel. _
must be vaccinated. Honey—Combe, $2.25 to $2.7
per dozen, and strained, 10 to m3e5
GREAT BRITAIN. per pound.
An Anti -Socialist hierbeen Hay—No. 1 timothy quoted at $11
formed in Britain. to $11.50 a ton on track here, and
Mr. Haldane says there are 3,13.3 No. 2 at $7 to $9.
army reservietseinsCanmsla 8traw---$6 to $7 on—track.
Edward Cooke as Co., soapmak- Potatoes -55 to 570 per bag. Dela-
ers, have obtained judgment against wares are 70 to 75c per bag on
Lord Northcliffe's papers for $115,- track.
000 for libel. Poultry—Chicktins', spring, dress -
Sir Gordon Home writes The Lon- ed, 10 to Ile per pound; fowl, 7 to
don Times,- complaining that West- se; ducks, 9c per pound; young
minster Abbey is in a filthy condi- turkeys, 14 to 15c per pound,
Thirteen suffragettes' arrested on THE DAIRY MARKETS.
Wednesday for attackson the Brit-
Butter—Pourid printio, 23 to 24c;
ith Ifonee of 00113020110,. refused to tubs, 22 to itte; inferior, 19to20c.
pay fines and were sentenced to a
Creamery rolls, 26 to 2,3>tc, and
utaiith in jail.
solids, 243 to 25e. .
TATESEggs---Case lotsof fresh, ati to
23e per dozen, while new laid are
Dr. Rachel S. Skidelsky of Phila.- quoted at 25 to 26e per dozen.
delphia advises women to smoke for Cheese—Large, lae per pound,
five minutes 'after meals.
Seventy men are under arrest at and !mins, 1334e,
Samburg, Tenn., in conneetion with .- ROG PRODUCTS.
the a• °ging— --i)f Captain - Rankin -J3-000-io"Ling Clear, 12Y,,, to 121443
Frank J. Heinfert of Dayton, per pound in case lots; mess pork,
Ohio, made a flight of 500 yards with $19 to $19.50; short cutt $23.50. '
Ir:- '
an aeroplane built - on the single ams -Light medium
laYsei do., heavy, to 134 14 to
Word has reached Washington of ir to 113,4ei shoulders, 10 to 10c;
two ilynernite explosions on the Pa- backs, 10% to 17ese breakfast becon,
tants Canal, resulting in the death 15 to '10Yee.
of twelve men. Lard ---Tierces, 13e; tubs, 1334c;
Mhos Montgomery, 'cashier of the Pans, 13Xt•
Allegheny National Bank, was
found guilty of embetzlement on a
secoud' count on -Tuesday. his
speculations in the two eases being
$013,000i _
'enLiazto of...Yenezuela
has absolutely refused to revoke his
decree prohibiting the ttaitthipment
of goods for Venezuela, at Curacao.
The tuitional convention at Dar
ban proposes to erifranehise the
blacks in the United South Africa,
subject to severe property anitedu.
cetion tests. '
44•44-444.1444 41141,44.444•104,441. •
Thanks," Says Day linen Litab
Cut' off by Waggon is Returned,
deipaieh from,Niw York Say'll,
,k; Milk waggon ran over John Da
00 watchman of the- itroolchtu R&pid
Transit CeruPanyx at Broadway and
Eoseitisk6 street, flrooklyn, on
Tuesday; Sp,ectators screamed as
Day, staggered to his feetit . The
AaW that one of his troitseW legs
01141.1, 04.404.144
'Uontreal, Nov. 3.—Grain--�n.tario No. 2 white -oats was quoted
at-43to 440; No. 3 at 4214 to 430;
No. 4 at 42 to 42341e; Manitoba No.
2 white at" 45 to 4534e; No. 3 at 44
per bushel, ex store. Flour—Mani-
toba Spring wheat -patents, firsts,
$0; seconds At $5.60; Winter wheat
Meats, $3 to $5.25; straight rot
ere; $4.60 to $4.60; do in bags, .42.-
10 to *2.20; extras, $1.74 to $1.85.
*Feed-t-lanitobit bran, $21 to $22;
shorts, $25; Ontario bran, $21.50 to
$-V; iniddlinge, $26 to $27; shorts,
$910 $5.50 per ton, iltcluding bags.;
pure grain mouillei- --$30 to ,$351,'
'milled grades, $25 to $28 per ton.
Cheese—The market is steady, with
Westerns quoted at 121* for white
and lOge for colored, and Eisterns
at Ii.24„tO irge. Butter—Thr mar-
ket is steady; fined matters qua
ed 251,46 in round tots,. and 20 t
20%e an a jobbnig way. Eggs
Demand continues to be fitirlY gob('
and the undertinto to the market,re.
mains about steady; sales of new
'laid were multi at • Ve; selected
stook at 1Y to izi!..4e'7, NO.. 1 it 20e
and No e at111,4e per dozen.
-are ion ,e)nor
es the -sil
ep e orts 100 eases in L.
u0A hootititlat- and the e titiette-
tors' hospitals 13 connection with
railway construction camps are
filled up. He describes the condi-
quality. Choice butcher cattle
ateady around $4.40. to f4.50; fair
to good butcher, *3.75 to $4.25.
Unemployed in Britaiu and in
America Compared.
, a ,
John Burns, the Laker leader and
President of the Local Government
at Laborites
when in the House of Commons on
Thursday afternoon he intimated
that the main diradvaiitirge under
which* the British unemployed lao-
ered as compared to the unemploy-
ed in America was that the Britons
drank more than their trangatlan.
tion that the difference lay in the
halt money in their pockets.
Mr. tree repuclea* ted-thessugg
fact that the American unemployed
tl have been in America three
times," he ,said,' "and the only dif-
ference 1 save between s the unem-
ployed in America and those of this
country was that the former for a
short time after losing work were
-better dressed. Many of them do
not drink 80 much as do many
British unemployed workmen, but
British workmen have an advant-
age in the number of days they are
lLo.'u'd cries of "It is untrue; it is
a shameful comparison," greeted
Mr. Burns' atatement.
• 0044.4,1•44
Government Careful About Admit-
ting People Now.
A despatch from Ottaft says:
During the first nine months of this
year the immigration department
has deported 1,011 immigrants as
being undesirable citizens. During
the same period 1,266 people have
been xefused entity fraTn14.1m-Thaited
-States. These figures indicate the
close supervision now being exer-
cised by the department over the
•new arrivals in the country,. and
is issaidthat no -Country has ever
received a better class of immi-
grants than the 120,000, who tet -
tied in Canada this ,year. Immigra-
tion for the year has now practi-
cally !stopped.
44044440444 •
onipany to Take Up Ilidf a Mile
lion Acres of Land.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
A remarkable prfieet whichesteetea,
iTiefidilitriir realization writ outtin-
ede-on- Thursday by Jr.aratey,
who styles himself "General ,
ager of the Anglo -Canadian Land,
Grain and Stock Company," which'
was recently incorporated v at at.
Pierre; South Dakota, with a cs,p1-
talization of two and
and with the avowed intension of
colonizing live hundred thousand
Acres of. land in Canadian
Northwest aitil« working It entirely
with English labor, AS a single en-
terprise. The company hopes to es-
teblish itself in the neighborhood of
11 Werk PeoP,le. Seriously lujured
Dnrbsg krepleirdier*
despatch horn Oetriswe says:
Industrial ae4,14ents oceurring, 'to
06 individual work people in, (Jan.
fe1.1.,,oesis Struettire. He struck; Clarys'eed ettit• etas' due.,...0.1. enipable. _UST TEL'S ,STAT,gS, /f2iltItt art,merit bor. - Of, three 102o1
(101\ AV ,2.)egTzgonc-e the, pert o l'co,lov7ei.,illt7g ;04t1-4.ilitat Milessukee I
a!t-se andelal rraulted tn sage
Dil 113s4‘1 Ikea fell to the riv Itrquitart Jahns \that t
ket lower: 11)e wa Waff aeOlentaL
Iirry and wati
deehed aslant on the rock bottom, 01sEntat rum
SliAttil being fletetttred and neck
' ',token. There' will be no inquest.
. Pettit+ ritgau"s Bari, nurse
,tissitliro A TEACHER. lot Oitehlat, the
41silinsion, tatelpies Struck One
by rapirs Welker.
A -. • NeratrityUlf-- $1,i0W ',/ 0'
' , 1 US 'Nur e& in additiontwi?flatal
uttert.it is!" he exclaimed.; The! Northern, *Lot to '$e,oe;
held the leg in his arms. .,,' ,':097X,e to $1. ityp—No. 14 ' *ken Place prior to the 'beginning
ecidents were reported as .hating
Tbaxike," maid Dan taking' the. Datiley—;stindsra, oetio; igairm f the niotitb, informetion net low-
. 52 to OiXe; No.'3, 53 to doot, - g been reetived by the clepirt.
' lad it didn't get eaught in ,61 to tiat, ' Cottieersee,„ tit °before September, 160s, wa,3
apokes. Sometimes it's better eafittit. . , less then iri the previone month,
. _ T ,.,
to have a wooden leg than a reel Detroit, Nov. 3.--wheatioesio. d 6, more than in October. .7,.
70 shite, (ash, $1.00%; No. red
he 'driver of the vehicle was * cash, $1.62; December, $1.03,4 A GERMAN COLONY
TillttE El (VIC MATIErt. •
r...... .
Alous, Ne'ar, ' 011#130.
Froin DalKita fluy. Thirty.ilv
rit?, No& 3.----Buteher t'a poach from .talgary, Alta.
*Act :4,1teady. Them is 4. A p3rty of (rermaii sett!org,
:steady demand for gond fcr,s' r I)akota,„ numbering in all 17
il etoskere. bistillery - cattle it ' het e pnrchsted an attee iiese
dospateh from Conga oays
The barns and outbuildings of
Patrick Fagan, a farmer in the
tottnehip Oneida, were destroy-
ed be fire on ilredoeeds morning.
Et -ere -thing was tost, btit horses
er cattle had been $tabled. The fir
fluipposcl to be if inceediery ori
gin,cited a earrant las been itstled
foo thv are of truce Lonedate,
Wits has been 'riN623#y iniploe-col by
Mr. Vratege but it is said they tad
ne quarrel and Lonedert left.
said that he has been tet,ently
" flu° atighl!erhood. Len
•'lle,pateh teont (titelpia PaySt. As
tt.se result' a- rluto.'.regarding the
littenilasiee of hie datigister, Dan
t(tenteisitt 4ttft iN eosi„ NVilliarn, on
Itistrqtee' 4fkit1)(*Itt tf„
rAeti re7i(471 aud atter tLe
:C -1".P3'. SoltilitStottb•-hati
trulla 13.eafffe
t 41 Vir.A,tC? was
33 115e fa'ei yt.Tng
1:tttact4 ;piton
• ktStli
• iesSesee.
reeted. XitY $1.06%.
SIGt Plilt TV.
S$100Sprlag W11
' acpatc
The ear shops otthe Canilsria *Anted. ateadv at1 trine; tZiirtesilso f,e,-0, te late
Co, which have been •idirq late Lambs --Market steady., r ortit • heete 'heykt.4 bT.CAirgl
set Spring, it is lieriouneed, t d Ilogs-.Market, -et-er,7thitf);' Ayit;i thet.i receeeere
ursday resuiried k with * h1ri se1e8t Irkiesilt 16.”,17,4 n 4 s _
IN 6
w11, Pa.
' • • ;
• 1.
6,61.66 4
*5 *pptIIzxig n
it 4'
00ra e
o go to limpftaI when takett's
„after' s1eephi (ut J
tarelessiests -about the pro-
tcetion ofwatr supply' from sew.
age and pouionotie garbage Dr.
Bell eenisidees the main cause of the
prevalence of the disease.
and Lowlands of Auld
''•::•q.F; :71
Dundee is not to proceed with its
tiackless trolley car system.
An adder measuring closq on 20
inches has been killed near Ecelee.
At Aberdeen about 1,700 have ap-
plied for forms to claim ola age
• iri IlrghlifitrtgEhlifilt6W
on have athauced the pria
of flour 12 cents.
There have been over 200,applica-
tions for old -age pension form, at
Hayti& post-eitice.
The Caledon Company, Dundee.
aresto bail a 1,000 ton steamer far
Liverpool and Core cattle tra tc.
The Scottish Band of Hope Union
has been in existence for 40 years,
has Ivo branches and about 11%000'
Mr. James Gardner Millar, advo-
cate, has been appointed Sh istff sf
Lankashire, in room of the late Mx.
William Guthrie.
Napier's shipyard at Govan was
cffered for sale the. iither. day at
the upset price of $300,0o but
- there were no offers.
• At Penicuik a sycamore tree be-
lieved to he 200 years old was rut
down. It was struck by lightning
some years ago.
Berwick .Naturalists' Club is pro-
posing to erect a memorial on Mod -
den Field, the scene of N trthum-
bria's greatest battle.
A firm of Leith shipbuadera have
received 200 applications in anawer
to an advertisement for a ingert
watchman atelt&-eteresivoele. -
Mr. Robert Low Orr, K.C., has
been appointed Sheriff -Substitute -of
the Lothians and Peebles at Edin-
burgh, in room of Mr. Gard ter Mil-
. The post -office officials have pur-
chased ground in Clatk street and
Macgregor street, Brechin, for the
erection of & new post -office.
A legacy of $500 has besn be-
qiieathed to the Dundee Societe for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil-
dren by the late Mrs. Sohn Earle
Robertson, Dtindete
A, meeting of ministers and office
bearers of all the churches n Pos.
sapark was held recently to pr nett
againstetheetlesecrationeof-the -Sab-
Edinburgh proposes to engetee at
* salary of $750 a Indy health visi.
tor „holding a tnedical qualification,
who must devote her whole .tinei to
the work.
Miss Mary- Barclay, matron, Ju-
bilee .Cottage Hospital, Banff, died
recently from blood poisoning, re -
suiting from having. teratche 1 her
finger with a fish :tone.
Arrangements have been tinPle in
Scotland with the view of saving
claimants for old age pensions the
exp,ense of obtaining certificates. of
their birth' or baptism., •
liat*ey-of $-2,500 left billiela,to
Mr. James Reid luta been handed'
1701" to Greenock Eye Infirmary.
The amount is to be funded for the
metal purposes .of the institution;
Forty-five fienskti • elaim ,formi
sve been issued bY Alyth' post -of-
fice. and' these embratts & twitter
and eon; the foritiet. being; 94 year*
age, while theson is iri Ids 'id
snicoot4, tiro!: 0•1, t maize
yawning, bathe bezog COOStlitCtA
lit« the E:Ithange Hall, lb*
trustees of the late Mil Thomas An.
tderon having.olfered '$20,060 to
the Town Com:tell for this perpose.
1,VEIGIIT AND TiliteltA,Y.
sillefor afeestee Itittspect
rite; bt ebeatin &L tho trieky
ca tatut •adiny gilt h9test
e day."
ttae hous_
:f.i4,31:1:ii:r "rdo, ay114
tt tteattc..er ap
st,i4P RA LI NG t
• •
.atit'ststetee, •,•