Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-05, Page 1 (2)10
IS Tillt TI.1111 t4, '9
100 tor tho 4.1)V00
T andget ts,
boys 111
0 ef. our
- .
ouldSee Dur New IJndarwear
Weshebleliner for Ladies, Children and Gents -ranging in price from -
Ladies,' 25c, 50c, 750, $1.00, $1.25) and $1.75
Children's, Beautiful Goods and Prices that Snit.
Aleuts,' 75e, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
eeee-calee eese
in eee tr le WO carry
atidts4dtd range.
- 4 +444444.14,14444
WE wipb to gall your
•-tIrdteLII2I3S of Dress
atiods, Clothing,
The qbality of these goods speak for themselves. _The pikes talk econ.
Give us an opportunity to show them.
k and. IMPlemente; •
replies**, isetrtieted to
, CON. 1, ussd
FRIDAY, NOV. 18TS, 1908,
tat one o'clock pon.. sharp,
Tise following valusble property:
.110k041-almatteedieurghtealteosstilete See*
liTiLZ-3 clew* le 04143 year-old steam 4year.
Out hegira
ieliPareelere -Peederonower, seed drill, manure
etersedere hay nine land roller, oeufllea fanning
turnip sower, gravel box, wagon beet ilteeit
reek, heY rack, s -14;c11. buggh root emitter, Plougli,
est of diamond harrolts, Jia s truck, grain creole,
grindertonse, barreleham, grain bag, quantity eep
PI114. sugar kettle, linnet cream separator, eet
of tingle baruese set plow hirneEs. eldirg *addle,
water trough, eh:dna forks, ehevele and other arti-
cles too, numerals to meetion.
A earantity of Ilay for mile
Positively no reserve ast the proprietor hu sold hie
TERMS -lo an
Thc 4*
kur repot
1104 ...,11„,,.„
Elva Ir
' the' mon .ot" to
v.-0,41oRior .t 4
l'p„; itutua,..ICe*tie 7.0, :Vera 'Moodie 68.
Jr. IV,....-7CniMW 'Maher' . 61, Jr: °1/0...
blaggiO $1001110 64. Pt, IL-FerroIllig-
gin* Isai Their)* ,gard-,141,
.70, Arnold Ford 73-, Chas.
Prou Nies Robinson, Teacher
Tho to110. ing 1* the report of S. S.
N. 14, ,Htie hen, baiOd on exaMination.
POrents exit requested to ace that their
children attend regularly Clasp, Iva
Moiety, IlaXwell 13aynhant, Mary Harl-
on, Adrian'. Coughlin. Sr. IV. Claes --
Fred EsSerr, Elva Brciolcs, I.auther Dula
Derisle.Andeirson, Fred Falrhall. Sr. IV,
-Stella Nell Marguerite Hanlon. Jr. III.
-Mabol Heitman. HOW:, HanlOn, Jr. II.
retee e
jo rit
c ut, per *mums o or crush on eredit
Auctieueer. Proprietor,
Pam" Stock abd Iturlentan4.
and House4old E loots. -
The undersigned Auctioneer has been inatructed to
sell by Public Auction. at
Lot W..iti
South Boundary" Ravi,
at 12 o'clock *Sharp,
the following veJuable property,
ItORSES-laged mare, suppeeed to be in foal to
• Non Parole; 1 rnertilOeerirsold; in foal to Albion III;
1 mare. 3 years old, hi foal to Albion 111;1 two-year
old gelding; 2eucking colts.
CATTLE -3 cows in calf to thoroughbred bull; 3
farrow cows;1 Stir -old steer; 1 gar and a
04,1kriszteteernand4beifers ayrold; 7sp
liGESPI-6 young ewe*. IIEN0-60eoune
111111,ENENTS-31cCormick tender and snower;
Noun drill and eultivator;Sharp bay rake; two fur.
row fueiPiew, walking plow, seediamond harrows,
arra nalleset wales. +entire: beer,- grind stone,
wheel barrow, roger kettle, root pu pea lumber
waggon, aseatedearriage, hay nick, pair bobehighs,
set double harness, dozen grain bag,. forks, spedes,
ehovel, chat IP, arid number of other useful artic-
les, too numerous to Mention.
Also * quantity of Ilotmehoid Furniture.
Poeitively no reserve as the proprietor has related
his farm.
TERMS -4 and under, essli; over that amount te,
;no/2th', Oreda given on furnishing approved joint
noteL 4 percent. off tor cash on credit amounts.
Auctioneer. • Proprietor.
Ptii POU LT y
dea- cl- or alive.
Righest price paid for produce—Butter 21c, Eggs 21c.
hest Prices Paid for Dried Apples, present quotation 5c lb.
for wear and comfort
'beat all others!!!
• We sell them.
Also a swell line of Satin Skirts
the latest style from $1.00 up.
Phone No. 22
alivoresialiental Card*.
41. ROUTATON, L D. a. D. D. I.
Ks.bir of MLR. -11. of Ontario and Honor
'llsoduate of Toronto University.
• 0010111:43 -ver Dickson kearliregraver-vnechr
laltdatlieallfteemer Dental Parka,
A. UNMAN, 1). yx,a,
•rotor .gisttost4 Of Toronto ust"sorty.
otractild wittotot arty pilot. or any bad gado
rat Madman 1; Stanbury's office, Main duet
• 1. 'Medical
• Ite141/01,11$
ea resumed predict, after spending *year (Col.
xrittatss4 Continental "Imitate. General
()with Special attention to Eye, (with refrae-
sr, Noetand Throat.
* Dashwood, Ont.
otAries, Conveyaneeti. C re
for Holsons Bank, ate;
I t� L at lovrotrater or Interest.
Odiceek, street. auto.
ea a logs, *tot private Nods to tom
pecpertlet at low ratio 01 tato
icItoio Obi ot, *zit dit
/111do ittoided Is all putt Trma itio.tiorizi
IZtrAte. *ill poshrtIy attiadtd
totterdatonLtre Aliaturattee
too Mt* intaitance in lead-
en and British 001aliattlies-
• Mitin-St., Exeter.
t or
*1t in
t ata 'et*
Amok*. Fawner:0k • en,
117. We litoittticI 504 /109eto i
INT1110% t!.`b C41031L
Successor to Da; RAXMAY,
Special Attention to Dentistry.
Night Willett at he home of Mr. Peter Bawden
Main street, ( Triyitt Memorial Church), will be
promptly att.. to.
Of/lea-Da Ramsa yaold stand, corner of *sin and
North streets, Copp. Pyurs Blacksmith Shop.).
Tour patronsge soted.
Valuable Farm Property/for Sale
There is beiniOffeted for sale that valuable /arm
property, contriftineg of east half of lot 7. 1(4.48 and 0
and mouth hat of tot 10. con. 4. Ilaborne, containing
200 iteree, Whieh there ir meted a load belek
house, loge bank barn, frameatable and shed, and
other conveniences. This preperteeeseetelLeulted
egeneral farming and grazing, and will be told in
ParVerenblock. to suit purchaeer.
Easy terms of peyment. For partietalers apply to
TI105. Motita0N, Auctioneer.
kart Ont.
p rinp.
Good driver, 4 years chi. broken; for. tate. Apply
There strayed train thepremidel of' the tinders'
td, Lot 21 Coop dtePbeor- two.yeapold he or,'
coo, red, weightsbout8S0. email horns. Any per,
own emote infortnatioes leading to het* roe * will
IllestaBytelVialtd.--BniOX -Corte*
. TeachrW
klito„'i, to„ t
and etrilerieC, , put
erforevoir wet,
itvAtchtr. mot.
: *Mori. telk
"rot ItioChiOttk,
ttoc 144 a fed boa -tuts
giVtri atvay fer OW SCRAP.
lieBrIER. Send' for tufa
to. ix am( tor.660..
Clearing Auction _Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
xr. Thos. Cameroo hes received instruction, to sell
by prelatic auction at
Riverside Perm
Lot; 7, N. T. IL Usboroie
WEDNESDAY, NOV. Ilth, 1008
At one o'clock Ana the following,
HORSES -1 brood mare,3 yr*. Old, imported, sired
by Gartly Gold, in foal to ToroVarlyte, with ford at
foot; aired by king Thermo; 1 aged mare, registered,
11 years; old, heavy draught; 1 mare 3yeeni old, dig.
ible for reglettatiene heavy draught; t ewe lege
yrs. oIkbiswy dteught;Igelding, 4yro. old, heavy
diaught;1 carriage llyre. old, well broke ,te 1
nomers' driver 3 vests old, well broken; 1 roadster,
e yr* ota, sired by Golden Case.
searrare-1 registered cow, with -calf at foot eked
by Gold Drop; 2 cows due to calve early in %eaten' 1
cow due to calve Feb. 1s1; 1 cow due toady. Waugh
Mr; 1 cow *viewed to calve May leth;leat cow; 6
2*Yroold Asters; 31.yreoldsteers;13 2.yr..oldhetteni;
0 lireold team; 6 calves. „
-PIGS and POULTRY -1 sow, 0 store hop. 25 hens
and a° pullete,12 geese and 60 turkeys.
litIPMIENTS-Maseey-Ilarris Binder, Brantford
mower and clover seed table, Harwell hay rake, seed
, drill, cOltividor, dist barrow, set iron harrows roll-
er, set bobsleighs, 3 waggons, buggy, cgeter; hay
"rack, grayel box; set scale/42,000i* imam mill, 1
grinder, teepee; smatter. grindstone, 23 toot cedar
ladder, car toe iron track, rope, pulleys, slings, and
hay fork. 2 sets double titaness, set single laxness,
hoesetorkeeshoycle. chalet* and other -articles too
numerous to mention* also_a..quintity-of-corn-in-ell
betel:tour emWalcitithatrawonew of clover hay;
a quantity 0 nuoreelda; quantity cif split woad, cook
stove. May churn.
No reserve as the proprietorhas rented hie farm.
„....T.IIIISISaireanderadereeashteiver thee -amount 10 -
month,' credit given on furnishing approved joint
nave ordietount of eve tone per annum for easel
on credit itticitint.
Of Valuable
Household Effects, Carriage Team
• and 'lige.
The undersigned Auctioneer has .been Instructed
, to sell by Public Auction on the Premises,
Andrew Street, EttTER,
On SATURDAY', NOV. lth, 1008,
41.80 o'clock sharp, •
the fallowing valuable property, via s
estreete teutos.4 and 5 yearei aistert, sired bY
Clear 0,4;1 double cutter. Gladstone; 1 single eut•
r; double carriage, rubber tire, nearly new;
buggy, 1 set of double and led of single harness: 1
Eng sh saddle and 1 side eaddle,2good robe/sassed.?
..new; 2 lap Snow dowel hottehlenkets, other
bunko*, lame eat lioeind severe' *MO ore*, Wheel-
barrow, lawnmower. roller, grindstone andflaturer,
walnut bed *feud, mattreseitnd elite; 4 bead steads.
with *primp, matireosand bedroom suites, Hoene
Comfort range, 0204 neworittoltne *tote, tiros.
szoto table, glass etipbeartamindl eupbearde washing
machine, night commede, marb'e top, table, bath
tub; Whiter *Odra, timothy of picture* and Mune,
-diehts, iii40412ftkandtlebr nuttlrig, And other arti-
cle* toOleueseron. to,mention,
TEEMS -15 and under. cob: over that amount 0
months' credit given on iarstraiaK aptkevlid 10%,
en**, .5 Jar Lona per sorianeett forces& en Credit
0,11Nrenet *id as the proprietor 'sleeting ter, c,
e' 4solot rABMER, Prop.
- 40414 4311144.. Auct.
eteetrieeeo s
, 'Gerald nin-
on, Eddie Alexander. t. 11.--Haital Es -
sere/ Vora Davis, Lornediicks, Itex AIMS
Flora fItixt‘able, Ruth Coughlin, Gor-
don Culbert*, Albert Ho.ekneY, Irene Ai -
3 i, rt. x-ftrettie Hicks, Wil-
fred Jiux,tieble ,Dorab(.1lart.lf
neyiCiatente 0`tililiertrdNer. on roll ;
rage attendance
Annabel Swann, Teacher.
• 7r4.44.'4714;120147 r7T.,;--St twit liftEdi-
-Report at Slioplco. school for the month
of October., No. on roil 51; average 42.
Mirka give coin aritive ita.ndin .
tireee Cii/touke 485. Sr. tit
-Hattie 10/teteetuer 11)31.. Jr. elao-Su-
ate IC.eougla 1128, V loiet Sharp 1111,
Ethel Lincie 1010, Itio.bel Clarice 050,
Effie Robinson 929, Pearl Wing 898,
Alice Cealsee 860, Joined O'Ltoseae 726,
Mervin ?it:Wring 447, Bertha Ilayishara
Sr. 1 I .--Ituasell Bre yahamo 088, Magzie
Pfaff 423, :eV illia Ilrophy 376, Tnomas
Mason 152.: Jr. It -Vera F ink beiner,
612, &rale geoush 3t&, Earl Webb 572,
Emma Flnkbeiner 511, Maggie Gower
44747 fl.flcn. Scirizettler 327,
Wceley Eaeriliene 300. Hattie Lochner
285, Ivan Sliarp .211, Nelson Armstrong
201, George* Clarlee 195. Jr. Pt.
Luella Schroeder 258, Married. lee.yrihani
2.42, Della '-'40 tard 242, Luella Wing
193, Hubert, Lynch 79. Jr. Pt.
ear Pfaff 1113, Elisio Webb 168, John
Lynch 11,7, leureIti; Ivinkbetner 3.16, Ed-
die BaynhairiliO, Sadie Pickering 110,
.0/afford Piekerifig 75, Dona Armstrong
49, Jr. Pt. laaettherehe &broader 2011,
0110 Pfaff 151, Lloyd Gaiser 139, Drn-
eat LoChner .46, May Armstrong 107,
Pickering 76, Lloyd Brophy 90,
Harot ‘IfroPity 24, SYlVeittor Lenoir 22.
• .rtabertion ;Tedmher,
P011oWftig fie the "retietI: of the stand.
Mg or the tinplia of. S. S. No. 13, HAY,
for the month Of October, names being
In order of merit; Jr. 1 V.-Horrace Pfaff
Sr. III.--.Artnie Circe's, Grant Hooper.
Sr. ILo-Elena Stacey, Jessie Carrick,
Jr. IL -Clarice Hooper, Willie Hooper.
t. 12'fa ff. Sr. Pt., I. -Cora:
Ford. Middle Pt. I. -Alma Dearing,
Maudie McDonald, Henry Green.
1. 11. Arnistreelg, teacher
The report of the reaults of the exam-
inations --of S. .13, NO. n. Stephen, tor
the'nlontri of October are, hs *follower.
Sr.--Ctias. Gower, Jacob Querriti,
Chas. Itegier. IV. Jr. -Thos. Yearley,
Harold Gower, Emma Cunningham, Le
ona Finkbeiner, Maggie Hanover, Clara
Jacob, John Wilhelm, Ella Wilhelm, 'Tart
lelawhinneee Flassie Hartman. III. Sr. -
Roy rtatz, Lewis Johns, Roy Johns, Jos
Regier. Jr. -John Cunningham, F.
Flynn. II. Sr. -Milton Jacob, Wilbert
altinan,,Arthur Hanover, telady Maw
'Annoy. Jr. -Peter Regier, Maw
hinney. Pt. IL -Fred Cunninghaln, Ere
vin Jacob, Edith Flynn. Pt. 1. Sr.- Jno.
ofac-Ple: 1.--Ir.--1)ortW-Eartnaan,
Edgar Mawhinney. The names above are
in order ot merit. No. on roll ; aver-
age attendance 27. E. It. Keys, teaelier.
The following is the report, , of the
examinations of S. S. No. 2, Hey, for
the months of September and October.
IV °hue -Greta /MaW*011 472.,' Stella
abort 05, Ben Case 04, Wilfrid
Northcott 41. ta Mass -Earl OitriVP*
bell 77, Ella Jones 04, Eddie Welsh 00,
Auction Sale
virtu ritopgttrr
T1ier*ill bo oitersd ter lair by titNie, Auction on
Ttreeday. November 10, at 130p.
at the Town, Hell, (11Inton,
woo tardetistatioseelpscstriY, *abject te
lott Thsiporriktarm, Aisd4,004
W, Helt 0II.Ot Lite 12,18. 14, 15,
16; JJ*lf of Lot lit on the. Fifth Oen.
assn. outdoing,000
4 1 1,
Ada Case 63. Amil Willard 82. Sr. 11.
-Peari Wiflard 50. Jr. 11. -John
Murray 74, Willie Smith 03, Ralph,
Ilawkini 03, Rana Geddes 01. •
1. Geo. Mawoon,Teacher°
The following is the report of S. S.
Stephen, for thomonth of Oct.
V Class--F.
Triebner, A. Willito„ C4
Sander*, Sr. Shaptoto. -•E
Shepton. jr. Willis, O. Par.
*onto, A Willis E Virelsh, 17---Heptttb,
OTreitze.atoK 'Sr.
M Willis, It Parson& Sr( It-I‘San.
der*, 0 Triebner, 0 Stanlake. Jr. 11.
0 Parsons, L Sander% ,T Wilili, O'
Dettrit±,..' Sr. Pt, IL -M Triebrier, V
Box V _Vresacittor. L 11111, 3,1r, P. R.
-P Sanders, 0 Hamilton,
ton, 0 firtriders. Shown, g
rteutittor. g Parstons;0 Statilake. '
LiTntioixtiat, Teacher.
John Maher, * fittiner of Ms town.
I drove to * load of
hoge last Week. Haring tilepeeol of
tb,rn, **poet say*, he proceeded to
"enjoy" himilelf. 'About 10 o'clock he
started for home, but his rig was
struck by *Street car neer Pottem
burg, stiotebedinto pieces and Maher,
thrown out.. He Was iret badly hurt
bower,er and after )1 roight's sleep
awoke to findhe boa Iwo relieved of
tho Pate of bis tiosta• $150, Witt * brute.
od and Perauteett face., and was tttinuS
Procuring another he proceed-
for Sale.
pit tit
13. "ZINO,
h 180** (Dettglo) ivith Ma(
In Newest ¶pts
On nest Peep_."s
The. loinesf
,41.04 IUgLt Pilek$
44ra/flier, of Mamitiebee
of the member's of the Dominion rail-
way es:email aloe, died at the Wiedsor
Hotel thie mornings eteeed ,7et Mr.
Greenvfay bap ben poor health for
a 1119lah Paokt, and two days, ago 'his
condition was pronounced serioue, al-
though' death was not eapeeted aeon.
!leant trouble was the cause of death,
Ilon Mr. Greeir.vay woo appointed one
of thd Akre° av Members of the rant -
way commie sion taut ale week a age, af-
ter a long career In public life. He
was born iel Cornwall. Eng., In 1838,
and came to .Caria.da with Pereato,
who settled in tee Township of Stephen
In Huron Go
(.1., rif, ak ••
the age oiC thirteen he left homn.
and, finding hi:111101f in London, Ontario
became apprepticed to a harnessmaker.
remaining with elm wail the completIon
of the required five yearis. After con-
tinuing In this line of work for a short IserirtiOn ezpire. The royally Herald and
xe r
-tee.nc-tt itae ,Q ;OW ,
4tr:Itt26 aitoreirsment to he Print4
. .
A ,t 'VzOt. r$evero
441tv 4„iip,,askut*owlwogtaari.,,,----
a.ins 'uncut tatepose
ot lettling everybody know how,4,0,all
Pet:t7 gelairaseo med. z ,Dy titrimiltittes., ass- •
e'santentie arc equalized by a,ppv.41, with
the requilt that the. treasury Is enriched.
There may be a dleterenee o f opinion
antonget the votere of Canoe gorde
leg political mattere, but when it cornea
to a question of a irOwevaavr to emit
the Canadian people the vote i ss eolid
for the Family Herald and Weelay Star
of efentreal. It Is 'larva"
u * a-aet.esee mime '
ler ell
. for it is beyond' question
Ute best dollar*e worth to be had. Ev.
eiey home in Canada ahould reeeive
that great weekly w hell It can be had for
one dollar a year. In this section it
reaches almost every home, card not one
of them would think of letting theiresub-
purstrititticat' Vier& iiffa-tdiertre 'kept tangle co -pea
a general store In Centralia.
He watt reeve of the township for ten
year's, and an uissucceasful candidate for
the representation of South Huron in the
House of Contmonse; He was finally el-
eausettebreilatreurreeatine;_ ofttettreatting
member, and sat In the !louse felon'
1875-1878, when he declined rye -nomin-
He went west In the following year,
and began farming, but the lure of pub-
Ihlee ttohoo arrtraorigian, augyet thtutree,r Ens( t:iE:s):AtwIn.sot asojnosepi4srs.. maa„mtxinr... Masse,
PATP1Mi -In Mory, on Oct. 31st, to
Taff Elected
Tuesday Tot nrd,oty United
ed:P- ent_ove-
Democrat, by 253 out of 483 seato, -
SREENAN-At St. Joseph, on Oct. 21st,
to Mr. and Mrs. A. Sreenan, a sop,
sitting for the riding of Mounta.hi. Ile t M
became leader of_ the Opposition in 1892,
premier in January, 11383, and was lead-
er 01 the Government tin Itrivary, 180),
In 1904 ere was elected to tee liottae
ot Commons for Lisgar; but declined re-
nornina tiOn, owing to his appointment
on the railway comrsdasioin. This pos-
ition he had scarcely entered upon b e -
fore sickness overtook him
He was twice married, first to Miss
Annie Hicks who died in 1875, and later
in 1877 to Miss Enima Essery. The lat
ter and a number or grown-up children
survive, as well . as two brothers. John(
and William, and ono sister, Mrs. Rev.
Holmes. The late Mrs. I)r. Rollins was
a sister. The remains were taken to
Crystai City. Man., for interment.
Deceased was well known in Exeter,
even of late years, being a frequait via -
Roe' in Own -
James Street Anniversary,
• 4.1141.4140.6144•44111•R
The anniversary services of the
James street Methodist church were
held on Sim •y_nmi were an _unquali-
fied success in every. way. The attend.
ance in the morning was large, while
the church was filled, to capacity in
the evening, there being fully 1200
present. Financially the result was
in , over $240 being received.
pecial feature was the singing. of a
colored -lady of Detroit, Mme. Egbert,
who delighted the large congregations
with weltrendered &los. She has a
clear and full voice, every note being
well taken, 'while her enunciation was
perfect and pleasing, each word and
syllable being ritstinctly understood.
Madame Egbert certainly pleased
everybody. The preacher for the oc-
casion was Rev. john Pickering of
Toronto, and his discourses were most
entertaining and ittstructive. 4 Ile is
rimmed of an excellent voice and
-ptee.einirroanneweinthr-or adepr-
word picturing, while his Comparisons
aucIc�ntracta, tredations and cOncru.
sicms are strong and yivid. He took
for hi* evening text the first verse of
the 121h chapter of Hebrews, “Where-
fore seeing we also are com
about with so great a odoud.of,tv tness.
ea, let us -lay aside every weight, and
the sin which doth so easily beset us
and let uto run with patience the race
that fot *et before us"; from schich he
-drew an interestinicedin-parison of the
life of an earnest Christian to that of
a contestant in the Marathon race of
the ancient Greeks at the Olympic
sporttercomparting the thotisends of
witnessee the stadium to the thous.;
ands of those who ,are in the srit
land, and *bowleg that we should be
like the runner. lay aside all super.
nous weights or sins, Fist erder,
atfcettosful the'effort to -IsecUteo= t
eternal pt.*. Christians' should no
expect to get to Heinen ill NUMMI,
car, or withtmt an effort any mere
than a runner Can ,expect to gain the
Mr. and Mrs. Jo n Patten, a son.
Poplestone-In• Blytb on Oct. 21.st , to
Mr. and Mre. S. A. Poplestone, 1 °rine:-
le of Exeter, a daughter,
t Grand Bead, on Nov.
4th, by the Rev. S. A. Cariere, Mr. Vred
crick te. „White. to Moe MetadaBelt*-
. ling, daughter Or Mr. Andrew Bell -l-
ire!). Dashwood,
TwamIee-Westeott-in Winniwg, on
on October 17th, at the home of the
hride-a merle. by Rev. Audrey./ Gorr
don. Mr. W. TwaroleY, of'
Men., to Mese Annie Luella, (Elia) sea.
ond daughter cf M rs Wm. eVestcott,
of &atom,.
Atatfallaraes-in I'arichill on Oct.
28, Aybrier Mathers 10 Miss Catharine
Jamee, daughter of Geo. James.
CLARK-QuAlacE-In Exeter. on !Noy.
4th, at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quance,
Miss Ulla Maude Quance to Mr.
William Nelson Clark.
Tinncy-In Ray Township, on Ot-I. 24,
WflhIarn vrittey, aged 73 years.
RuesELL-In Hay. on Oct. 30, °bevies
Milton, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M.
Russell, aged 2 tnonths, 10 days.
0 U G,11 S
____FalLeoughing- basbegun-.
. .
is beginning to sell. People
think as much of it as ever. It •
Is a Cood Remedy
Cottlmat Colds, Hoarseness and
• Ordlmary Throat Troubles
28— Cents— a Xtottle'
grin it back if you don't like it.,
4, • .„44.,. ; 4..
e e
& ,
hemiq and
hone 50
mien • EXETER:,
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when you
ore* in need
af any of these
Owen Sound Portland Cement
Samson Brand)
*rot. Itoollng, 1 and 2 ply
Raised Track Darn Door Hangers
$1.00 to $111.25 Per
Plat Track Bon Door Hangers
• 00e to 906 per
'Parlor Mot, II
WWII and dnb1edoots)
0 • in oth4
060e to 23.00
o $OX/0
11 i!,22,00
eier tieellefee
41, :0010,