Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-29, Page 3 (2)4".
1611ATISilifs BUT
O. .liEX rixits
iurely, iiip1y *n
the potI xiewt tht Kue
thy, i Sse11-kstose4 tedde
*Most of he run r.
Abernethy Oates. y muscles
would cramp. I could not sleet?,
and 1 had terrible headaches,
took different inedeines but
nothing 4:14 me any good till I 'tried
pod 's Kidney Pills. Six boxes
• put me on my feet *gem.
Others who have taken Mr. Ab-
merthy's advice and used Dedd's
Kidney Pills aro also loud in their
ney Tills euro Rheumatism and
other blood diseases by curing 1310
Kidneys. Sound, Kidneys keep the
blood free from impurities. And
with no impurities, such as uric
acid in the blood, you cannot have
turn, • Lumbago, Neuralgia, and
Read Disease.
Keep your Eidneys strong. and
well with Dorld's Kidney Pills and
you can face the cold, wet days of -
fall without a fear of Rheumatism.
'n be tzre
-sse •
if Rswaii, Siley d t Robinn ('ru
on *cores of Pecias
nade hetSelf tiulte at home in
eart of Fiji and. New Zeabtnd, ant
11114i with Xndies au o
their le at known distriets
Bond street. The story of lier
1ienturt read* like a thrilling rio,4
n from her bruobes with draetk.
.4,011A- 4105' *mire to •her txrefiev.
4) 1
eres a.sort ut & uet'thi
near e, tr0ttli
--sist6 for,
nera,-''g, 10 .X13
la* • .
e -off 'my *lasses aiid bring the
print up to ,v4thin the natural fee
of the eye. It seems to me that
reading with the 'nitwit' eye I reed
with * more intimate and a clearer
"So much for my reading without
spectacless. and now here is the
thing that Is queer to 1110. If whew*
I atm. reading thus, with my glasses
ff somebody tomes along to speak
Itireagtri• 'Tent** To* .fueecede '
stlaseess- - O-
A singular story teing tald 'n
,British naval viseles at the present
030010 tsio,, prominent uk" A vs0rtain lieutetkent was. iostei
sosmets- test' t -13ules' t'a :e°4Arttit10 of 040 of the new '1
he power
D. R. Gourley, advertising
manger for the welisknown plow°
#rni. of Gourley, Winter Leem-
Terouto and .Winnipeg, is
rue-i4o,s_sialmnsruses aceeptanee
• s 44teti rty from- .thers.eentr
rresSel was make th
si '0
m ot
0 Ve T .001
r . 1, ilk It' Ite..*ite .0.4re
ra'40„ 6, the back
vti, tre, Prim** t
4 4
46 tt ii ?0-0. patent:'Ara'
is ' 'boa on't
il or- .
t rely u
t ks:111,11014#14, ''' • 4,1 s ° 413!
unser.' ,f
'Ii.,.t.itetiiir), . .
, ,,, ,
tw 're
reltn.:t44t‘it u' ,Irt /1f.A:tixt 4
Oksto:, es. UntiT
.,0 e , ' t
That u 'where Trellult
provea' ita auperiority treat-
ed by • men and women who hev4
tried it, is altogether different WI
ordinary -preparations. Doctors,
tospstal.nursee, trainers, matrons',
of convalescent homes—all gives
Zesmulluk good word; and betterj
_still- they use it. -,Zern-Bult is as;
good for muecular atiffroisie sprains, f
rise .umatiens• and sciticasas it is for
have on my spectacles. t 4
"So I say, or I would say it Lis able. For eruptions, pustules, scalp,
sores, itch, cesem,s ulcers,. boils,
happened sit home where I kisow the f
PeOPLe f 'Wait a minute till I get l obscesses, blood poison, cuts, burns, disguised as a lieutenant to pry in -
00' DIY spectacles' s and I would htuises, and abrasions, it is a to the secrets of the new submarine.
put them on and then say, Now go speedy cure. All 4,d_ruoicgg!isots •
post. and doTiheentmyethteur4eicit iiieps.atil3du, theinsnbaevean
acles on, with my power of eeemg
i''.414/1th'tiY7145ei free froin the nOlii1P424P;Ct" WI lacikillanti
t its best, with the sharpest defini- ronto, for price. 0 tosses for *Zee precautions taken on the recent QC -
tion of things in general to the eye, Send lc. stamp for trial box. casion of the launch of a, new sub -
1 get the clearest Apprehension marine at Chathara lend veracity
the rumor.
things said to me. The negro hoy was up for the fifth
"S& in reading I do best with my
din Cur on charges of chicken stealing.
ie f11.wink
this 114;11
inany questrons..,.
ashore again, leaving word that he
would' he on board an the morning
before thecraft was due to oil.
A, few hour* lister en4ther naval
officer came on board and reply
ts.pqiitc enquiries stated that he
was lieutenant-- and had come
to take command of the submarine.
It speedily became apparent that a
hoax had been played. The new-
ft—Wrier-1 st abli sbi
"officer" was evident y an inislois
tor who had come aboard skilfully
ss.,_-___:_lfasitedsesumihals-in-South Africa
Saw Larders Stocked With
Human Joints.
A More fearless explorer, male or
ielnale, than Miss Mary Kingsley,
niece of Canon Kingsley, has pro-
bably never *lived. She perfectly
revelled in exploring countries in
which no European had ever set
ftost, and, instead of avoiding dan-
ger, seemedactually to court it.
Everybody- thought her mad -when
• she started on her journey of ex-
ploration in the elephant and gor-
illa countries of South Africa, with
an escort of treacherous natives. In
the rapt of N'ojole her canoe was
upset ti e times, .and each time
ehe air owls.- el4eaped death by
clinging to a rock emu see was
On one occasion eke faced *lone
a fierce and enormous gorilla, while
her cowardly escort took to their
heels, and, later, She spent some
!weeks _
is the Remtwo country, making
friends (II natives whose larders
'were stocked with human joints.
iqn this country," Miss Kingsley
wrote, "the dead are cut up and
kept an larders, preeisely, as civil-
gs rsal —An-, Is_ Mgt- _
d--(' best with my glasses on. 'isnere
is one modification to this, whirre
there is no light, as in it dark room,
where I can't see' I can understand
equally well withor without glass-
Mothers who have used Baby's
-Own -Ttiblets for thkir little ones
say they feel safe with the' Tablets
at hand, for they are a never faib
ing cure for all the minor ills of
babyhood and childhood. Mrs.
Urias Cressman, New Hamburg,
Ont., says: "...°I.shave used Baby's
Owsi Tablets for stomach trouble
and constipation with marked suc-
cess. I always feel that my Iittle
one is safe when I have a box of
the Tablets in the house." Baby's
-Own Tablets are sold under the
guarantee of a Government, ana-
lyst to contain neither opiates nor
other poisonous drugs. They al-
ways do good—they can't possibly
do harm. For sale at druggists or
by mail at 25 cents a Km from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine CO.,
Brockville, Ont.
A smart Irishinan -was leaning
against a post when a funeral pro-
cession passed. "Who's dead 1"
"I don't know," answered the Ir-
ishnian, "but I presume it's the
gentleman in the coffin."
It is Known Everywhere.—There
is not a city, 'town or hamlet in
Canada where Dr. Thoinas' Eclec-
tric Oil is not known—wherever in-
troduced it made a foothold for it -
and, people keep their fresh self and maintained it. Some mer -
The bones are scattered about the may suggsst some other rem -
country, which is difficult of loco -I ca --Y as equally beneficial. Such
motion on account of the vast
, recommendations Should be receiv-
ber of concealed man traps."
:-TheudiWINtits another a( y
-whose appearance ssuggests rather
stliesiirsaing room than the track-
less deserts has outstripped many
a male. explorer in her daring and
her`defianee of fatigue and. daneer.
Not long ago, when she was travel-
ling with her husband in South Af-
rica, she had many a narrow escape
from cowardly bullets, and once
she was ordered to dismount "in
order that her throat might he
-cut." c4nrs.. Bent, it may be inters
esting to add, travels isi "a tweed
eoat and skirt coming well over
her knees, gaiters and shoes." She
.wears a pith hit and alwayS, sleeps
In a hanimock.
Miss Cordon Cumming was born
;with, an. adventurous strain in her
blood, for her very name reealls
thrilling stories of fights isith wild
stsdniale in little known lends, end
the • has proved herself worthy of
her parentage. It is difficult to
hat dark corners of the earth
aring w man has not invad.
ed with doubt. There is only one
Eeleetrio Oillsitan‘thatsia-Dr..--Tho-
trTake-nothing else.
• A man very much intoxicated was
taken to the statidn. "Why did
you not bail him out i" inquired a
I.13 dander of a friend. "Bail him
(silt!'" exclaimed the other. "Why,
you couldn't purnp him out !"
lit.peat Cute-irM ai-
m** cure my congba.and colds."
. ,
Friend--"Ilalioa, Pat! I scarcely
knew- you with your whiskers off!".
Pat—"The same wid me,' me bhoy ;
I didn't know meself when I look-
ed into the. glass, except by me
• 5-
In,the causes of infant Moltality
cholera Inorbus figures frequently, At present the minimum rate of
and it mayllse said that cothpla,intS1 pay of a teacher in Governme t
ot the- lmwels are greet destroyers schools in' ravancore is 5 rupees
er child If all ingthers -would Os. it.) a month, and there are now
mail themselves of so effeetivci a, teachers ort rupees end '40 Oils
remedy as Pr. Kelloges.Dys rupees 'Os.) in • Government
sent ry Cordial inany a little one schools., This pay 'is to be raise
tout be itsved. Thii Cordial eau to '7 rupees (9s. 4(1.) mouth, an
She h4 ambled thossAnds givbn skrith safety to the loneliest in future no teacher will be aPPOint-
mat es in Chloe, and was the firsi
white woman to penetrate the mys-
teries Thihet. She has seen the
sun rise fronl the granite, crags of
California, has elimbed the
layas, looked on the fire fountains
eq. II.
,see, here, Abe,' said he to ths old
derlty, "this boy of yours has been
up m court so many times for steal-
ing chickens that l'rn tired of see-
ing him here!" "Ah don't blame If you sufferr from bleed -
you, Sat)," returned the father.. Ing' itching' blind or protruding
'Ah's tired ob •seein' iim swab: Piles, seed me your address, and
"Then why donl you teach ' I will toji you how to cure- yours
him how to act I Show him the right self at h°nle by the absorption
way, and he won't he coming here." . treatment; and will also send somb
salt," declared the old man' ear1 trial, with references from your
home . treatment free for
Ali bas Showt4 rim de right way, k I . tali*
t' own locality if requested. Immedi-
ate relief and permanent cure as-
sured; Send no money, but tell
atilt.) emrCrso.f tmlu? oeffuemrsme!VasriteBotslx-daioya
'Windsor, Ont.
3•S,I; 34 3
0 r .
Joe for
L'be- best way to provc the ritt
he. Sioger is totry,* yourown
Lome --ted difficult woik,
But you may say "a cheap machine will
(16 all this.' Perhaps it will to -day ---but
how about a year from now? .s
g The Singer lasts a lifetime. The 'half a
century's reputati3n behind the Singer
proves its supremacy—why not let tho
millions of Singers in the homes all over
sch -is -the-best-mac
I !,
Vt -
g You can't get Singer results with anything
but \Singer. Please remember this.
seta ‘akb,
SinderSewing Machine Company.
112 abla4101r altimoiroto Saud of Trouts MOW 04 Ital. atm!
By Now Absorption Method.
nestly; "Ah has suttenly showed
'im de right way, .but he somehow
keeps gettin' caught. comin"way
vdd dose chickens!"
it: Cure' will always
cure sny coughs and 'colds."
"Don't you," queried the youth,
"Think a little of -me
"Yes, indeed, Mr. Sa,pleigh,
Very little," said she.
Be There a Will Wisdem Points
the Way—The sick roan pines for re-
lief, but dislikes sending for the
doctor, which means bottles of
drugs never consumed. Ile has not
the resolution to load his stomach
iseompounds which smell vil-
lainously and taste worse. But if
be have the will to deal himself
with his aillirent,°wisdom -will direct
his attention to. Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills, which is a specific for
indigestion and disorders of the di-
gestive organs, have no equal.
The Bridegroom (on the return
from the honeymoon)—"Ifalloa,
what's this? All the bills for your
trousseau! Why I thought your
father paid these." Bride—"It is
3.7cu would rather do it than give
him the humiliation of borrowing
the money from you."
.14444.44 .4.444
Put out the ere fa a tote itching, uniroattby
skia with Weaver's Corgi.. Use 11 for •64111616
settle task totter aal Alt rheum
Father (solemnly)—"This thrash-
ing is going to hurt me more than
yoli—Kapd'kon." Napoleon (sym-
patictically)—"Well, don't he too
rough on yourself, dad; I ain't
worth it."
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will
always cure my coughs and colds."
chit as there is ns injurious sub- ed in any Government lichool on
stance in it. less than this ?slaty.
The class was . getting so timer.
"Now," odd the teacher, "can
anyone giso me word ending
'with meaning full of, in
'dangerous,' full of danger, and
thatardous,' full of hazard V" There
tk *ileac in the Class foe a mos
rent. Then ,* boy sitting in the
front row put out his hand. "Well,
jehn.” seid the teaeher,"what ts
s'our wordl" "Please, sir,' came
the reply "pious,' full of pie.''
An elderly' person entering the
hotel asked * waiter what he could
Ste for dinner. "Ilo*stbeeflamb.
uttortandham," replied the **it.
, 'ft
Olt ,
1$1, $ $
rj n
cata. rat*, 'taas 4.1„•1.10
an important question. Trainl
"How shall we train our girls .'
theni. svith about twenty-two yards.
oi black silk, if you want to please
your girls. A velvet train would
also inake them happy.
A Clear Healthy Skin—Eruptions
d the akin and the blotches which
blemish beauty are the result of im-
pure blood caused by unhealthy
action of the liver and kidneys. In
correcting this unhealthy action and
restoring the organs to their nor-
mal condition, Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills will at the same time
cleanse the blood, and the blotches
and eruptions will disappear with-
out leaving any trace.
A small boy, writing a composi-
tion on Quakers, wound up by say-
ing that the "Quakers never quar-
rel, never get into a fight, never.
claw each other, and never jaw!
back." He added, "Pa is a Quiik-'
er. but I really don't think ma can
• Repeat,
cure ray coughs and colds.
An elephant- can carry from 1,800
pounds to 2,500 pounds, a horse only
from 200 pounds to 250 pounds.
Pale, sickly children should use
Mother Graves' Worm Extermina-
tor. WONTIS are one of the princi-
pal causes of suffering in children
and should be expelled from the
If the man.*bas the right brand
of reformation het never boasto
his past.
RIO* Ilitt 18tre*Eth "ItOrroriss.4
TVs o best Mae ooltoplootttrorsted. ttaoplaleso
.114 ottetrittkoso Oat rase* sylitoar„.
Witty— ?Is ' there a single 'Man
who can truthfully hay he has loved
hut ono 'somata" Ilubhys--"T,herti
is one suelt men, dear."Wifes
"Who, is darlingr Hubby"No-4,datul" • 1.
Repeat it,timAiShiloir's Cure wilt
always cite zny dbughs and colds."
Plants With white blossoms have
a larger proportion of fragrant
reeks than any other, •
• It will be noticed in the Sing,"
Pewits Machine Company's adver-
tisement that there are three, Id.
dresses at the bottom of the au-
iouncernent. , Any one writing will
please address them at the nearett
Vale of the three piaSes to his post
trn3tietittlt a person of quite a t) oe
vieir of things, when recently sked
• A; gentleman /who takes a br nes"
, temperament, replied
athomabie, tau
Ideal Manufacturing Premises
Plats 2.000 to 10,000 Square Feet Eaoh
Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light
Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance.
Most Central Location, Four Large
• Freight Elevators. .
S. Pad Wilson & Sous, 7341 Adelaide St, Nest
. • 1
" e
=WC* -
43x56 Inch bed, cost $2,5oo,
111 bc.Sold for $400 Cash.
In order to make room for larger and faster machines.
running order, as it has just been thoroughly overhauled
The Wilson Publishing Co., Limitedi
73 -Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
It is in goodJ
by a competenti
• e
11-1 few
WitChiri aravs TO
Mora for oar r
tattier:to Zie.45r•
CO, it
lisa orgasia0141oi
Ivery woman knows she is
shrewd enough to manitge euccess.
fullyany kind of business she cares
to engage in,.•
**peat 'E Shiloh's 1,01-
ntir out
is is. irnly a wise mart wfi
lling to admit that ho is in
wrong when be is.
II011oway Corn Cure is a sp
Ile for ttle renroval of. earns 'a
warts. We haVe never heard of i
failing to remove. 01101 the worst
"The telephote is tainly *
great in,ention. . Think of 41. You
can talk to your wife fifty miles
away." "That may be your experis
,cnee. All I've been abIe to do is
A Von' .ho /law
V, •
t 11
JE' : gtttortotJAso&
" ttrit--Clittzt nowt
owns* out geode, tack- *or
iirtitorni• Soo 144 voitic-,x01.1*, rat** *ad
• .04 rids0ottirtillt *OW« tAa'S444 .1
O 144
/ SMoir* bad aitoreirret opo 414*. $1‘tar we,
gr. 'Of trers4zrettitray *OW Vas; 0,*.isirtilett4i recIO2
Idertto toe lorittfor:41%,
IV/I. a., wsent ors CO., Losaws Ott., 404.
. I „I
Mom. or,
• -
- - •
sow sok* sasesi Om *mitt sass ss
gum to 0.* woad. puip **tor, stio ives,At, ,
ws•Wcind flat bo obi* to somsly th*tloreatirt
eatikts loA..otot tood toott to .oro ta,day, wo.
Irin sled, its tro4. Igoe cltalogiwk
iratlakilgueSieriso adSetait-Trotioontreline
f 1
4.101v; 7
• Ailidtritl
v r
oortl 4
toi.**3,1014r IMAM z.•