Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-22, Page 6 (2)° 4 • ens* RVOU fi 4 t • b or 9010 , uworld , n k PilIs. The rterVeare tied jangled b s cause they -are being terved by 9r watery bloOsl, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new richblood ,*hieli feeds and soothes the irritat- ed nerve*. There i obsolutely no doubt about, this; thousands can ..testify of the blood-inaking; restoring qualitiee of these Pills, among them is Miro. Thos. Ilarpell, Wallace Bridge, N. 0o, who saysl- -"Some years ago' I took Sick and the doctor pronounced the trouble nervous prostretion. To describe the tortures of it is impossible. God and myself only kilo* whar I en- dured. orhe -doctor gave me medi- cine but it did not seem to help me. Then he erdered away for , • •14.P*4.f1,911 .4 4"03 to,think each night that i would die before morning. I tried different kinds of medicines but with no bet- ter results, and finally decided would go- to My parents to see if better results. My mother urged me to try IYr. and got me a box, of course I did not expect a box would, help me, ,but X continued taking thafliii" *bout a month began to feel better. from that on there wits an improve- . meat in ray condition everY &Ws, and in the course of *bout three months I was again enjoying the great blessing of perfect health. I gained about twenty pounds. in 'Tight and my friends could hard. ly believe I was the same person. I believe I would have been in my grave long ago if it had not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr., Williams' Pink Pills are good for any disease due to bed blood er weak nerves. -That-is why t they cure such troubles as ansteinia, in digestion, rheumatism, merralgia EL Vitus' dance, paralysis, and the ailments of girlhood and woman- hood. Sold by medicine dealers at 60 cents a box or six boxes for *2.50 nsay be had by mail from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brea- yille, Ont. A POUND OF MEAT. "Didn't I tell ye to feed that cat a pound of meat every day until ye had her hitt" demanded an Irish shopkeeper, nodding toward a sick- ly, emaciated cat that was slinking through the store." , "Ye did thot,” replied his assist- ant, "en' I've Just been after feed - in' her a pound of meat this very minute." • "Faith an' 1 don't believe ye. Bring in the scales." The poor cat was lifted into the scales. They 'balanced exactly one „pound. "There!" exclaimed the assist- ant triumphantly. "Didn't I tell she'd had her_pound ofmeat?" "That's right,":' adulated -the hem scr*tching- &r pound of meat alt right. But' -suddenly looking up. --."Where is the esti" wny WILLIE FELL. Before Willie started for Mrs. Smith's house where he was:invit- ed to dinner, 'his mother gave him some final advice: - "Above all things," cautioned his reother, "do not drink test fromu yeur lncer." , Willie promis61. • When_ back home his mother inquired how he had enjoyed himself. Willie said he had enjoyed himself im- mensely. . “I hope you did everything the way 1 told you to," said his me. ther. trVes'irs, I did," suswereil Willie somewhat hesitatingly. "Aml you did, not drink you from your simeer 1" Mainneti I- AK"replied "bat Mtio Smith drank , Oft tr in her seucer first." The Paniirs, sometime s tailed the f the World," --eonsist 1,1 er if bleak platestix isaid shod. ileys situated *bout 100 feet shove sea level. They lie to the north of , '4** IC * FMLM3OUT :Ofl 0 r 14' • it Univerail rn the 'wort colleges and filfe 11' 'The shipyords of Ctreot Brit ll working together,:co.uld turn ourtilarge -steamship OW. ' It WAS e reformed highwayma aim, who first 'suggested work. ouses.for Aho poor 0646). Britain brews36,500,000 barren() beer in a yeer, and drinks them all but 'the odd half million. .110 population of Middlesex has increased- froM-4,90,31.4 to --tAff, since the text census wits taken. The drapery trade has supplied more Lord Mayors of London than any other business, tet total being -- George Stubleyt 3. P,. of Carlton, Yorks, Who died leaving $1,4QO000, be an Iife as a bo • of 4eorgc 111., hes died at Norwich 'at the age of 104. A wedding at Canterbury, for; which about 40 pople were present, had to be postponedl'e9alble the tory:4_ known-'''ina" tiufarAurer or Birining- ham, diedin. a -firtit.clasa_rtaymy -It 13 asserted on authority that! carriage at Willesden. e day of the London 'bus horse is not yet over. ' There are still nearly 100,000 in the Metropolis. The late Mr. George Cooper, of Ashton -on -Money, - Chester, book- maker and owner of racehorses, left estate valued at over 11,440,000., The death is announcel of Lieut. - Gen. Little, 0.13„, who saw service zo the Crimea, and took part in a gallant action on the North-West frontier of India. Sir E. M. Shaw, for manyyears Captain of London Fire Brigade, recently died, aged 73., Ile had one leg amputated ten years ago, and the other last Deeember. - Mr. T. W. Bouch, merchant And votton-broker-a hose estate is valued at *252,240, left $500 each to ten eharitableinstitu- dons in Liverpool and district. BABY'S OWN TABLETS I MAU IOU BIBT If your little tines are subject to o ev r 0003 tpa indigestion, worms, or this other minor 'ailments of childhood, 6, them Baby's Own Tablets: Thia medicine will give relief riff' way, making sound, refreshing sleep possible. Bettetatill an oc- casional dose will keep little ones well. Guaranteed to contain no opiate or poisonous soothing, stuff Good for the new born baby or the well grovin child., Mrs. Ronald L. Seafield, Palmer Rapids, Ont., tog :-"Baby's Own Tablets are the most satisfactory medicine I heve ever *tied, and 1 would not like to be without the Tablets in the house." gold by medicine dealers r by miilat 'I'S coat* alliox *limn 00.4 Brockville, Ont.. YMPATIIETIC, Ittuffite-110114, old asp t 1/0", are Yeti feeling- to -day f Weeks. --Oh, I'm improving slow - Ly -very- slowly.- Muffst-That's good.- I'm delight- ed, to hear it, dies m Health Everywlwro, espedafly, those dill. coursed- by faiture -of previou* treatment are inv write‘ for; at free trial of. my bome treatment, , with interesting boo let, sin post- paad in plain:, wrappers, with the. most .reliable referent** and Proofs which *ill'ente1440.th0 11101t. earteized. You can :thut jfrkly tkify ylistrselft w1t4eigt 'twat that his treatment io :what you, long lia, Will reply promptly to alt who write. Address, fr k *119. L.811311102041 A tall man, impatiently paeing the platform of * wayside station, red -Weed boy of abOlit 4ty,*.', he said,' .341. tok know ha -hi -how late this train 1*1" The 'boy grinned, but reply.m*de no The man stuttered tom in about retIlliesoled 1dt in general and pissed into the statin. A atrsiigir, o'verIttfrarit) theone,40 eouversationt the boy why he hadn't answered thc. math t'Xif.:d.d.yok *enter se me gpet as fa-falface tithedt" sUi*imerr.l ths b44, 1*.at his think X wis ra oat. EN ERSO w.) AtSti 00Wil NOT WORTH LIVING Fci llottles or Poona ECOND Ifektle See,* , Lek titeire« Probably not oue person in a. hu ared knows which. is the tee* Iargeit tity in the $rittsh../,10,1 nestion were, put ,t4 P40,P44. the 1,1*-joris " Ikkelysiey' verpoel, Olim„ So rsm?htsti; ,Seiretkittit ifiaI ALmt&t of the flri' Itop'30.1r0P' t° (nglI te, birt tpwitto 1 °ear,fra'.1. 1.4:44', rt..,song," 1 11 * ,ji 0 Ago t , .tdou1y s1rFasse1, t '`c .rmerly. hcld hecon(1a n nearly a million i.: ,. so . cutta has not increesed so rap- , but is only twenty-seven thou. nd behind; Glasgow e,Ortieli fourth i with over a hundred thousand lu- shitants fewer than O*Icutta; and hen twee Liverpool, Manchester Birrousgbare, each place falling &ea- thousem1,---b4ow-tlos next above it. Madras tomes eighth, and then the first of the co - hovel towns, Sydney and Mei- bourn,' all of which have over half &million inhabitants. Mra Iota Heriderson, Over- dalc Ave., Montreux, Can., writes: "I was much distressed with nen. relgi* and was eo run down that life was not worth living. I tried ,t-Auttsalla FOR THE 'Foi ale tee too ,Tat TITIOUS, sign On -friends-- If you sing while -making bread you will weep before it is eaten. To forget to put coffee in the co fee -pot is a sign of a corning gift. If a cork popsoftt of a. botde sud- A 0144- et a friend of mine, and toht bet' of MY ailment; She advised inc totry ber remedy, Peruna. "Although I had no faith in Pe - rune, I took her advice, and 'n pleased to state that the neuralgia has entirely. 1.1eft me, and have' gained so in ealth that I feel just liko.. my old self slain - "I am enjoying the best orhealts. We have on file raany thousand testimonials like the above. We can give our readers only a slighs "glimpse of the vast array of usi. etilicited endorsements Dr. Hart- * of 14. MU receiving. WRIT'S ISLAND., AlwaYs Tavelepia la Clouds ef Stetan-Ite,strauge Lakes. White Inland, New Zealand, de- rives its name from the clouds, of white steam -in which it appears to be continually enveloped. Its area is only 000 acres, and its height about 8s0 feet above the sea -level, says the British Australian. In form and color, it is like a re- posing earned, while its interior with -Ito" gray, weather -I -eaten, al- most' perpendicular cliff* retails the Coliseum at „Rome. therhang. the southern landing place stands a column of rock closely re- sembling a sentinel, which has been dedicated to the memory, of Capt Cook. The water of the island is of si pale green but, and anything ditTell into it becomes of * red brick color. The fumes of sulphur are always plainly perceptible. On sit fine moonlight night a won- derful sight is afforded to litiptrone i who will *it in an open boat n one of the -lskes of the island. Cover- ing an area of fifty acres is an im. inense caldron hissing and snorting and 'EmidinCiorth-folinnearef:Polt- onous steam, while chances of egress appear to be denied by the steep, silent and gloomy cliffs. • The never failing medicine, HoI- .1oway's ‘Cure, removes all kinds of corns, warts, etc.; even the moat difficult to remove cannot withstand this wonderful remedy. Nearly forty-four per cent. of the doctors ofiAustris die of heart dis eesit. • Mother Graves Worm Extermin- *tor data not tequires the help of sny purgative 'nlodicine to, cop - plate the cure. Gave it a trial apd convinced. boil im- The Wise man who hal* opinion of himself kelp* zt to 117Rathl..f* et trivet as fag as t an altitude Mpfne air is tree !.; CnttXpended lor to the original 0 of .ttr. Thcso instalmentg, to the gilt cost of the machine, soon ex*, *coed the cost ot-a•$inger, and after eacI inetes,sive repair (if you can g.t another part) the cheap machinegrows more and .,inore- 8econd-44nd -7- one step nester tIte„ junk *V. • I tla The two lost, the trolibla and the worry .outweigh many times over the difreren in tile cost between the "cheap" 17111 and the Singer. . There are two kinds of -rosehines sou owybi, SIu4er Sewing Machine Company motto morommi. ,wmpapto 312,stousw-Owifforik* itssoOrs On:4es* 404 Mos etesti quarrel is coining if you allow cooking-steve-s to *et red -het -kin' top. r In welshing dishes, if you foreet an article, you will soon hese of a wedding. ' - If A girl who is kneading dough clutches a lad's 'face, 'he'll never grow a beard. When bread, cake, or pie will burn in spite of you, your husband or lover is •angry with you. .1f, while opening a tin of fruit or anything similar, the juke Should happen to' spurt ny in the opera- tor'si hive, it s a sign of some coin- ing good. • N.B.-And if you place too much weight in these omens; you are simply looking .far trouble. Tni*Riz -Am% 14-ZAM.B1.11( Leidieg Iestitutloas Use This !Sabi Most of theleading institutions throughout Canada have adopted Zani-Buk aft & standard preperation' without motel for skin diseases and injuries, burns, bloodpoison, etc., From the gt. Patrick's Asylum, WAWA, eOlries tile following ap- pi-m.1'4ton -of--its-tneritv- "Gentlemen,-In the orphanage departMent Of the Asylum, we bave found Zara-Buk very good for heal - cute, sores, and skin injuries generally, and Shall continue to use at for such. Yours sincerely, (Signed) QREY MM." When a mother rubs on to the de- lieate skin of children ,a salve to heel some tut, bruise, burn, erup- tion or skin disease, she needs to be as careful as if she were giving the child AD internal remedy. Zara- I Buk is pure -free from all animal t aiad *11 mineral matter, and many be applied eveo to the skin of young babies. • - mqlluk-heals -sorer, -eureereeze. ma, skin eruptions, ulcer*, „ring- worm,iteh, barber's rash, blood poisoning, bad leg, salt rheum, ab.- asieuat atpaeesseat ,eute, burns, wilds, and ell skin injuries and dis. cases. Of all ateres and druggists itt bQ cent*, or from Zara-Iluk Co., Toronto, for price. 3 boxes for $1.25 • Since the popularity of motoring, bc th smoking and drinking have decreased. - ttaeks of cholera, and dysenter ome-4ttieklyr-there any warning of the visit. Remedial action tnust be taken jut as uic'k- ly it this patient is to he spared greet suffering and permanent in- jury to the lining membranes of OA bowels. The readiest prepar tion for the purpose in Dr. 3.. D. Dysentery Cordial. It can be got at smell kost at any drug store or, general dealer's, and it afford relief befere a doctor cain .be tailed. oft ,Orttit. s areAllied ily in ktping ttte aceonnti of the ink of Mislead. It will bo netited in the Singer 1ewing Itiehine.eornpany'a adver. tis merit that there are these ad- dtsses the bottom of the noisacement. Any one writing will address tlwm at the nearest the three places to his post 0 DIVFEllMIT with whom little Willy is dinner) --"And -410es your 'flow you to have two belte, pudding when yoli are at Ilyt" iflv (wit* ha's r the d A** o reit Ii .3,44,31.nt .11:hetoniatbstrai pain, . 50, CENTS, ALL 0,101001,15r$, OR „. THE PANG1.0 COMPANY, TORONT Vaitg000tii.-1.00,011003. AU, teroot• pod Olootroal t Lyon" actadosa4, Toms Satiororeiriatt worm. . Want Stock Brokers and iFinanclal Agen II and other -stocks bottgilt and so ommJssIon---CorrespondenceJiwit Orttets may :be wired at our expense. ed. HIS WISII FULFILLED, -A German peddler rapped timid- ly at the kitchen entrance. Mrs. elly, angry _Atiteing_iDifIrrUpted in her washing, flung open the door and glowered at him, "Did yes with to 'see me?" she demanded in threatening tones. The peddler backed off ,a few steps. "Vell, if / did,", he assured her with an apologetic grin, "I got my vish; th&nk you.". They Drive-PiMples Away. - A face covered with pimples is un- sightly. It tells of internal irregu- larities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not performing their functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to -let _you kno*, that the blood pro. tests. Permelees Vegetable Pink will drive -them all -away, end- will leave the skin clear, and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their, exeellence. The Hon. Sydney Rolland, chai an of the Loudon Hospital, .re- ently stated that during twelVe months he had written Sorat 117 000 ,letters, which meant 'US mile* of continuous writing. flay tiatirctes oo Ow Skis of otroblimot so* oto bitlootto diftfiloo lo V Wi.1,11104340. fti *Oleg SitAA The a re 0 Oltee Ot s min's' kpd a 14 -from T ineh to 17 itt-elleS Ioner ban tlutt of & woman.. • For Inflammation of the ,Ests. Among the inany good qualities which Parmelee' Yegetoble Pahl pot$e/4$7, besides regulsting the -de 'restive oegans„is their effiesicy in reducing milionnuitien of the eye It has -called felb , many letter* of recoramoindatios from those whQ were aitlicted With this amplait and found a ture iii the P1110. The fleet the nerve fentres- endths - blood in * surprisingly active we and the result is synor,t immediat ly seen. YellowStent, the, an national, perk, iquere miles An *rea. mous Mner- abed VW, There are more IlotM the tres in Europe. A mouse seldom lives lenge three °riot, The eh penal seCtTnnt New. Cal els. has an ore made up entirely of convicts. not come prematurely if propc precautions are taken. "An 00 of prevention is worth a pound cure," and to have prevention hand and allow a disease to wo 1th will 13 wickedness. Dr. Tli. Eclectric Oil not only allailt when applied' externally, but prevent lung -trouble* • ree.el from colds and coughs. Try be convinced. A woman ys that all Men , be equal, but none are, superio Pp p After Wiesttst Pomo, 11„ itiosub bey ths sots t7r�T zit tnsw ft tu _ 141.1d Clirnate opitoro-oyloodi4 tiAlkittAlk1iti4 t resit•Aroolor„..idoitylot. stot ' iflotoreitto 413ort, cuitoto f04 osid 1044 below. itkiroloO • a vatilo *ado /OW* wet es* la motto 'W Worse iesinsostisi O. W. litOISEX. Cotoogolifoomot 44