Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-22, Page 3 (2)a L.4., better co, .0f• side of bils own etee,p/e,, wul Ce- .4, -et ++.1-eltet+itt. . et* t weeee grimly Uhl' Inia that, had 4 1 - 1'4, hitt • t vannote .' Teltie 'ANTI: j:e ,green. tiny other answer be weuld row if yen Me. Who is thpre it !save stabbed him, fOr he. would 4 the Castle?" .. MCP iilltili Wiltiss Ian WITTI I "Joeeethieeknd hie (laughter, 7eleirl , t , COLORED WAVES. -tr °e'vkiiir 4711,Abbh4reatk4 bot"tit, 1111)24nAVkle46put : About the Farm , •., ..41?,t ye gi,ri , . ,..., ., .,,, s , , ppo iritOltptit, , . , „ .... °!, 1 ' a .t, e taster, Mra. Goldberg. a 7 Arlier;;Vis4 ‘pir were ' coeiiiiig ,te OW:0V ''..- .' ' - ' ' 001,10;40k' ' te,'-e.''., ''',..!.'' , .`: ,•.,,:, .7 ,!.110.• .*Teciii4ii 'yt*it' 4.41i**: „I 4ior . di.4 .1)44°4 :4t .111° 44"r Moly. bistoeti.$': Ivigtrev‘ ii. it sty, eind two. ier theee other& , ,. Pet Ihrtli:::::Oi$:..." tr'44*''' . , . , . ‘ , viiix09.fi•* - 'ti, 11 4- - ftillslittpietts.ski`xistainst '. sto, s is_ t .. tt.'440,' 4ethitteijits; lien•'s;t , „ ielignorona' qeSitIO. woinett et"'tliti' , 'eesitiet17'..kusiNiSit sfOetes's stqi- 9,. ..hi ' word. • Alweys & white man at heectre be. tilii* Up *rine ott the ado-, :* t' bee„Owit People. .S. °•• : ; . • ',,O ;.$1.64404is 'wonten, withytheir deep. .',,y0,0 ion find Eur4eans, wedded 4;ftt"*+****4 T :1,0061''' Utolli0t,'-' •ilicitir''.,alino 4-, , , .40.*;, ' -,ot-the-,440-at 4,40:ii --iii 4 ' ...144kint buttente le ' .*:7!' „.. . IvThI,J .M efete. :::•tt, ... .. , £11 ,.. A.? , . . • . eyorY 4 *litter -vei., .. i 'tee 4 y. i. s'tiotliiiiites „iii: „Oltit*'•!;!' ' • :' ' .0 . •#1%,trierictitaiiiiiiiiiik,'ilitilil'Isinfr hive, ereaM. te,:tbe .peeperetieteneOle tee ,,, : „, , ' teote eegeeS4.' .. eeetiltk ':.1* ,-* qe1r1.0i), - e ,,. . ''4PP.n‘ 1,4°' •An'. elis'S' .r‘ ed , *ies he. ‘, . ,SiiiiOlt ,i.ie 4. ‘ , , *, 1 , roe and Arid hot ,43 tt-.0o1,54i.t41.10,0.0! hurried: '. ft. les diffuse* to t.t.4•' il,n .-s. ate's- rintees IIIII40tet reg_i ,i0:410.1, Iriiiy„or,kui...itiole1144. Ptifkoie, 1054:e d. ''44201440': 14 °;,, ° ‘.••Alletleos4 Men' have ','.4Goire Fie* erM risSelt4: 'having,. one: eliujiti ,,, `040 st40-1.11ght .1foir„ kelix .k3hellikli: bit* to'fito,raturo for a:bare' living. I. 'wet! • yen ;tie keep. it. eitiets- elle 114N•e- 1,1 iii.)::900- lti,Pft.004,PotAlt. 'him throsighllifee.sied,he, erste: fiir6ed s ."1' 4 :i Seery We* ,00 :les 'IA "•,i, tien Are 14eno tneitott'itticeUunett4:11.. ;011P''' 141'0 40,4°4' 444-i".ri"Ig.d.'"- 0.'1.-e,P4rOn'0. WO.014: - like. anOthers ' *Mid toste:bo*, homy 4,', 4* la Ii4eralZ P*04tOrs.' A'Ore3t. jk, 110 *S0t .014, In ,life witha. -chars detorthe*, It as ' temporary licst indoed,,, insairuesteemegegeons, ' , Atriea, .ItisliaS 'China; p jaan, :end utikilit t*[)tt 1*Ik e h ttr-uztr 'ij , .` friendship,. had : fizi' 1,1.,A#0,y011 zetter,,,01 ;04,74,444,*00,lity ,. ettlt,, .. te 164,0101"41:ii'' n '411.iii4 taCt.eeith'pepeile otehitely xi,eine p es outs. lietel:YI 'jti, ' egutrti.e.S..• klia*,e, ,.. n OftliAliW,Whittritatiflafti u i,,... of ere,. for churl:ibis by iti. es: s I !sr able toejudge alosely as' to the e ee y those, political 'din, reenleliteti isesieeeadienily .debaeed lure, until nervoua.", • i Way With -whisky and ° Bibles appearance, writes A ,eorrespondent • which are ea apt to ,iie 6 rce, ari3 ''' A curious case of cutting oneself is Canadiari 'Dairyman. , But the- task, a difficult a, d respoe- - ,eseeasitie -the 'closest' reda iciriiihiOL Any way possible, losliad-resOlved- to make- -money In - 44Iir it aerie -Or' , or otherwree. . s . whether honeat The Earl smiled whimsically. I I :41i 'Oa hem civilization occurred in 'RAT IIE-01-14-IN-.111E STAN -Churns witfi no inside are eilsle one,..wasepeevbsig_: -e, oatzvpo..., _ r. ie. -Ikea notHitaY.thlit'boll-4 Pe.Htts.71Wroo years -ago. jeigia. :e.- A.--- ire English traveller was ca,ptured by 1811 -AMERICAN WAR. the .best. A revolving bemiechurn 1113 listlel-sly Isegen to turn over to dieatonce, but I must take care. is superior to other kinds. SuCh etiuMer:-or time to a busy man; for hill -robbers at the edge, of the des - Mr.: Shelby Wa8 a' utemb r of the, the papers. inc work •was not con- Lead, a quiet kind of life and all ort, about midway between Ispa- brings the butter hy the concussion eenial, for he had no admiration that kind of thing. It will biea present Cabinet. He, to AVUS an of the. cream felling from one side or the late Prime Minister, • but wrote:lied existence."' , a han and Yedt. These held him to Capt. Rebbins, of Yarmorith, N. S. .eminent man of letters and it was t felt by the public that' Providence soon his interest was arousel. "I am deeply sorry, father, but for by a friend of the Englishman, ransom, which was to be arranged Risked life for American third or olie-half full, Beforeeptite to the other. Fill the churn to one - bad designated him as the only pos. "Rather indiscreet, some of these eou will take care of.youreelf i'' . Cense. ting in the cream, scald the churn se.. ._ . ,yee. I _still _seed eifeespleneauk. 441-110 Nr(413 . dikl big :_at -Teheran.. -7• sible person -whie could -fitly ertite lett-ees,"-hO-inutlmred-to-hixnseIL- "1 with hot water and then rinse with the biography for which the world wonder Shelby trusted we with end worth the,living. I don't want. Beforiethe release -could be. effect- s , ld • . -mita waiting impatiently,. • them." • • you to worry about it, Cyril, but I ed, the captured min fell deein When Admiral Dewey ply leve with the youpgest daughter of stroyed the Spanish fleet ibad de- cowater. n Manila, Briag tioeserreste4oIlsit-er. In front of him lay three °pin\ At last he came to a bundle 00U- thought it better that you, should te ,eastieg of . halt A. khow,!' ' : ',, 00.,,ehief,.,01,4,4%,,,n4r.,4u4e4,..„.„,-,ft ; Y -,114EPINUM*P...... -144Set4taliAr ittrint etut 'eltilifilieUtere l*te deed beams which _were .filled ' • see -tette .“0,7.7 4 1165NSAKiletai et.' "r I 011# woigjocoiciativioitowur vvirti ,kg,:7:76:414194wittind4_:4:44,341, :iii..iii_AJ.,;04,1t!titrt, ad-silito the &irreales a his 'friend, eel the delicate problem of britig- ting it in the churn. This. •may --bei r bteski,ttet4wAgs-WetwOh-itlAkiVis . s. iiig reheet the surrender et the tlitee done Issi surroundieg the vessel colt - again he would take up .0 paper— red the pee; iinefeeeanieeetee ft1l- - eeitleiFiii., ,teirilhee.theeee - tit*itlgtelitter;i1f4,4 glance through it—and throvi. it Foreign Office business, I expect," aftect'c'li. back with the others. he saki to hinitelt. . "I will drive-yoe to the station," fledged Persian robber. On his fa. an agent for that purpose a British water as the :cream requires.' Al- . . The deciphering of codes was a. he continued. "I have the car ther-in-law's death, the renegade shipmaster, whose name - has not ways churn at as low a temperature - "An endleas task," he muttered he re." • hobby of Ackroyd it, and it was not Evglishman succeeded th.e former lieen mentioned _in any published as possible ,and have tbe butter'. to himself, "I must have eome as- sistance.'' \ long ere he discovered the key, They reached the station in good as head of . report, offieial or unofficial, of these come in a reasonable time. The which was a simple one. He read time, and he stood at the window THE ROBBER GANG. events, according to The New York colder it is •churned, the less buts' He threse himself back into an Herald. 1 terfat will be left in the buttermilk .' two or three lines, arid drew a deep of theecarriage till the train moved A well-knoWn British war acorre- rm-ehair—crossed his legs, and breath. A rapid glance at the eff. , . INCIDENT WAS FORGOTTEN.1 and the more perfect • will be the , hie head seemed to sink into his spondent relates how he was once grannlee of butter. Each butter - door, and he hurriedly placed the "I will be down to -morrow -after- entertained be a friendly Arab it may ,ilace...be4t. due to an Iwo, *seeker Must determiner by trial the shoulderee- &pose thet_hadelmen_irue eettere inebee 'mint „peace. He, t, • .11 t• eertaine I-enay hteve sm., ea 4. ,eweeeeee-tearael:_sezveeeieeesev-;_rail teteeeefetteltenefilorielebereete,t - . .e..ittilaentemusesTitesiteleileereitistle. -th'414104ariae'"--41Cerlito.oliiiiiir- restiltir -Tlir ellaiiitnil'iiiiip"-"Ors afuro' 0ePeeliaed---4efe-Pi.110.e--e-e---e-e----e.-----L ,GU 8 tr-,thritichli - Ti w .. ala, • ' ..... . I a t. . • .. 4. e Ile was interrupted We eit• pt. steadily on until Mrs _Shelby ifire 61 Y•eu-r-s,°r+.-h-e dile-a- atter .. . whom he dealt directly, or it niay • trance of a servant. e hie- father. ich---was a typical Arab meal — be that the incident became lost or depends, in . some degree, on the made -his appearance. the conversation was carried on by "A Mr.' Ackroyd to see you sir," "'Rather tedious, isn't it ?" he re- He -returned to his car, and direc- minimized amid tlie miles of red cows, of cows,. 'the individuality of means of the few 'words of Arabic tape with which War Department ''''' the period of lactation, •the he said in that sauve smooth voice raarked kindly. ted the driver to go to an address known to the newspaper xi:mueslis:1, feed, and, most important of all, oteaffected .by the we'll -trained ser- “Yes, there is a tremendous lot in Eaton Square. He was on his roattees are bound. But the •fact re - when winds failed, signs were used. the richness of the cream. vent. i f twaddle 'here, but I think there way to the ,house of Ethel Fether- main.s that Captain Robbins, of -the "Ackroyd—Ackroyd," Mr. Selby The inevitable hookah :wee . pro - British ship Buceleugh, risked his USe 13°°d' fin° dai" 'sat f6r salt' repeated to himself. Recollecti. n book." . i3 a good deal of material for your ston, to whom he had been engaged for the last three -days. inc en- duced,. and the two men puffed life and his employers' property to ing the butter. Never Use the corn - away in contemplative silence. At -.appeared to come to him, for he "That is excellent. But I think gagement had not been announced. carry through lines of Spanish mon coarse barrel salt which la se the end of half an hour or so - the rose briskly from his chair. eou . have done enough to -day. and it had been his intention to tell soldiery the despatches containing frequently 'used. After salting,. ' guest was utterly astounded at "Ask himein, .James." ., the first sommona a • surrender, working of the butter is necessary Needless to say the work is not very his father at the club, but the iiews hearing his entertainer say in per - The door opened, and there ap-, without- special recognition. Ca.p- to get the salt evenly dietributed• pressingand so you may take your of his illness upset him, and hleeengs ft Elih : hli peered a tall, clean-shaven man of tain Robbins, wo ves now in. re- and to expel a portion of the brine. own time for it. Thie room is al- thought it better to defer the te- "Hang it all, let's have a decent. tirement at . th AdmiralYarmoutliN. S., left It should never be worked in such quiet appearance. He was wen ssays at your disposal." ling until the ill morrow. smoke!' hip ly pressed, but there ll ere was a te- his groomed, and his clothes were neat- "Thanks ()nee more, Shelby. 1 Much against his w, Lord "What the — Why, yoe're mno spatches in the sole of his shoe; glare the butter a greasY aPPettl's • swie,Dea way as to injure the grain and wey's de- em very grateful to you." Harecastle had led a, life of idle- Arab !" exclaimed the war cor.- tale shabbiness at the seams that spondent. knowing full well that he was risk- 'awei%, After working, pack the but betokened 'much wear.ab "Hi"Nonsense. It's the other way ness.• It had been his wish to ens ng bis life and for which ter immediately in neat, cleans out.- Good-bye for. the present. terthe Diplomrown- atic Service, but fol The bfaccd, bereouse-clad ow do you do, Ackroyd? It is he was responspropertyible in an enters packages or put it in such form, as Ackroyd's first move was to go to some reasoli' which he could not man smiled' grimly as he rummaged ise whih did not concern him. is required- by the. rearke.„ • • a long time since I have 50011 you." the bank to cash the cheque which understand, the • wish had met with out an old well -colored briar pipe. prcIf masking- butter to put on -the" "Yes, Mr. Shelby, but I haveo't lie had received, and the jingle of .stout opposition from his father. arid a packet of choice Mixture. STREETS FULL OF SOLDIERS. general inerket, mit up an article • - eared to worry you with ney teens gold -in his .pockets immediately There was- deep affection between "I waa once an. Englishman," bles.''' - ' „, Captain Robbins is very modest, that the market dernands—the are - , "Troubles? I am sorry to hear raised liis spirits. Tlien he took a them, and he had forgone- his de- said hee- as he -passed- the. te,ehaeco but. finally consented to the print- ticle it will pay the best tithe for.. cab to the Temple, where he slier- sire. Ifis was not one to easily .erer, "but, now----" fre:"finished :that. -.Let me- see--you-are- writings 64' residential chambers With's% bet- :make frien-dshipss andlis life had in" of 41, report:et the _affair, from,. Tht best way to .1cent:this:. pantie): _ , are you not rister friend. been a lonely. one. A cold altiof tsilh6ou. rerts!rice 'by a 'Shrug of his . which it appears that he manned al ‘e-“a•gi- ° " es, and I have not fou sci it manner covered great shynese'S as dealer who knows what takes- beet hoat, flew the British ensign, and 4 He at once started work to de- 'They talked of Hyde Park and of ver profitable. But Your time is is to oftenethe ease. His life -had on the niarket: Then prisfit by what In passing one of the ships in !de- cipher the letters, and his expres- Piccadilly • *of Hurlingharn and of tome to the Object of my visit. Can ce ntents. , met Ethel Fetherston, but in her fishing. The guest felt the delicacy dertook to go with, him, and after • lie:, tells you. sion brightened as he mastered the been untouched by love until he Lord's; oi hunting, of shooting, of vat ble, I know, so I will at onceelle harbor, saw a friend who un- -you find me a billet of any kind? To, "A gold :nixie," he 1 -fluttered lie met his heart's desire. Many of putting questions; the host vol- a walk of two miles secured a, con- veyanee, drove to the residence of Tars siropic NOTES. he fritrik,i arn 'broke.' I thoright heareely.... "Letseneerecapitadatesthe -the- British Cowed, --aered-thereeohe. The Molting season hi here. Hens found fault with her pride, but to unteered. noeeigilanations. He de- esprhaps in memory -of o-trt "Var- facts, and I shall know whet cards Itim it was attraction, for he had no clared that he would -never return tained a guide, finally reaching the thet are molting now wilt bo days, you might--" I .hold. 6ympathy for the gush. and lack of to the irritating, 'tightening bonds y "Quite right, Ackroyd ; I am glad "Some thirty years ago the Earl latter asked him if he knew the eon- be .relied upon to, furnish- a goo& , reserve which is so characteristic of civilization. American Consul's place. The through about December, and este ou came to. me. In fact you are -of Volverholme Abe was sent to St • of the WOMS1U a the preset d t day. very man for .whem I am seek- "THE DESERT HOLDS ME,'.' ' tents of the despatches, to which he supPly..,.of eggsduring the fellow-., Petersb.urg'14 the Britisle Govern- He was convinced that. she love ,ing, and you will really be doing replied that his understood the con- iiiis three Menths, when prices are ment to negotiate a private treaty him deeply,. and it pleased' him to be siiid simply, ii# the other swung with Russia. He enjoyed the ale. think that in her his father would hiesselLon to his camel and depart- sul was desired to go to the Goiter- ' me ti favor by taking some work off at the top. • - , any hands." • - _ solute confidence of that Prime find -a daughter after his own heart. ede Maivelling- at. the vagaries, of nor -General end offer terms of sur- .The Illinoli 0004111614 etation in , "It is very good of you to put it render. Given a reply, sorniehours ii, recent experiment conducted on s powers. It appears that the worthy but her face flushed hotly as he mankind. A few years ago a captain in a Minister and . was given plenary She met him quietly and calmly, in that way—if you only knew what later, Captain Robbins got safely a rather lerge stale found that, iite it means to me at the present tune, ' • hack to the quay, through. stkeets comparison with whole clover lisiy,i Earl was contemplating marriage, pressed her lips to his. -- vsell-knowri regiment stationed in said Ackreyd. filled with soldiers, who stopped chaffed hal mixed with the grains but that his affairs were heavily in- •"I've brought you this,'," he said G110 of the North-West Provinces of "'We all have our 'ups and downs.' him once or twice„ but finally allow- 'did not add materially to its volved. The negotiations were con- simply,. as he produeed a ring from India . beearne infatuated with a cd him to proceed. em - But I am surprised that you are eluded, and -very successfully — his pocket, and rilipped it on to her handsome hill -girl. The mess soon The value which the United cienerfor beef productioneilthou not at the top of the tree. We all from the Russian point of view. As finger. • lost its attraction for him, and the States by this system' of feeding there i . . prophesied a great future—for you a reward for his complacency, end 'How sweet!" she answered witli society of the uucivilized initiden GOvernment placed- Upon lest likelihood. of getting, the . steers were the den of promise of our that service iS meesured by 'a two ,off feed or of:seouring. ' . . ever.'" for the sale of his country's intent- a smile of quiet happiness. - became preferable to that of the bundred dollar chronometer, which The barn is no piece. fat a hen, ests the Earl received a heavy "I earl hardly' realize my good station ladies, with their latest taineltohlduseereccieed-throuste royd'a face, but only for a moment, it," Ackroyd 'cried triumphantly. softly. - 0 colnensind your lover he asked 4 *4 - 4 c I e eventually. miereiecI- --Iris- -dusky- °di- adem and—Petria--faallionees—He ter. theeWeteDepartmentefoureYeart-efe t le horse- iirther henhouses Sli x e....--......_.... - Aelritter-Jitter-on-Aelt set4e , . I ar emit. lt . - s Xt ilekolesiestz-7--Wiratitrt o-ratirirright-tiletirtUl- and he turned to the other with He gathered from the pewit • vinity, and "went 'under." He is , — ifr-----= , will, of 'course,. pick up sotto extriv . a forced cheerfulnees. that the receipt'of this bribe had "Do you really wish ine to tell still perfectly happy and contented, . -Ens and save a, portion of her e • - "A promise that was net to frue- come to the knowledge of. the Prime you, or are you asking .for se comet, end, living a, free-sentheasy life, hsfrs TA L I S.'M ANS' IN: MALTA. oods but sho Will. foul thestroulthrise • tify, as happens in so many 0/160S," Minieter. A scandal' would have plirnentery speech?" - . no deeire.to return. to the trarnmels Soar lie said quietly. But What can I been .v.erst inadvisable, so the affair "Tell me,' he said cranes*. 'I of society. Odd S'haped Stones le Ward Off Efe to get on the stock. Hen lice Will .; hay end racks, As well et caned 'IWO had been hushed up, and the Earl now very little of your sex. -My In Japan there are 'inani Euro- Pets of Svelte Poison. • do for you r , remain on stock but it short time,,f. . h -ad heed' permitted to retire. And life haSheen lived very much alone. peens, who, *festinated la the "I am the literary executor of the but.they are a great annoyance, now every ' late Prins° Minister. Those three charms 'of the East, have put the There are still to be foetid in and should never -be allowed. Pros' one that knew of -hie What do you women love in trieu 2" West for ever behind them. With- Malta a number of small stones Title proper nests for the liens and, . lsoxes 'contain a quantity of miscel- treachery was dead, and these let- "that depends ution the Woman. larreous correspondence. I wantin a few `Miles of Tokio there, -lives shaped arid celored like the essee compel thein .to keep' in their :own ters contained the onl'Y evidence of But for myself—honor, • elekii -lite irig; a man who keeps hie word; one a man who was once a fa,miliar fig- tongues .'and . -other parts- °Users quarters. • ' them, to be carefully'. read, and the his perfidy. .. While grain muit ever form se . important Ones set on one aide. ,ripon whom we can tely,- not for -a tire in St. James' Street and Pill perits. The- Earl enjoyed universal re. Mall. In the seaman of Mae he .The superstition -among the Mal- staple article of diet of our demote. I:out will understand that it is some- spect, and was amongse the lowest, moment, but kir ii lifetime. And went- out _to hipen on, a - yet -the fact must never ---wMtteel ..etiNttee. tee thee -private cot- h Wittieso-corineet these with, the tratli. tie 'fowls! t e st, .and most 'popular . of Ieholiirsiselehave-- foued one," s le iespondenee is • included, but , of cruise with some friends. He be. tion diet Se. 'Paul. when 'shipirreek. be lost eight of that. poultry is eini. the social leaders of , the . world. eild softly,. tours° I trust you, Ackroyd." . he 10P1 .CU .pase came enamoured with a peach -and, ed 'wee east on their island, .and eivorous in its tastes; es truly es is • Here in . the hands of an un.scrupte. ' "My darling," ,. - .. create complexioned native, wooed, that it was there that while light, man, and requires an abundance • me to begin ?" -., . . . "Thenk you. When do you, wish lolls man rested a • weapon that siting*. "Yon may" thist nie with' and reamed her, and disappeared i ing a bundle of sucks for e fire a end variety pf all three classes of could hurl him from his proud you, Worship "The sooner the better. AS for - ,sition. ' , ' . ' - Itur life. • I cannot put My feelings into words . , from. the world that had known bine r, viper' fastened on tee Apostle's food, viz:, animal, vegetable and; . po- A. wealthy Frenclim ase when. on ,' hand. St. Fatal calmly shook the rehieial, in order•that it ineyerneiri. bad better settle that wben Cie the financial part of ifeeperhaps we Ackroyd. went to a sine!! club of you. You; but t leVesbeauty, yourVurity, the a visit . to the Far teal net a r, reptile off into the Climes and lie ban a . healthful. and .profitsble ft- . Work is finished." .. which he wee a member, and. busied, perfect you, hes won my heatt." charming daughter'of jApito. WI harm followed. The native% wear. letente. Aninuel eubetanee of itoieet , ek' iiireself 'with work 3 of reference.: ' Her' pale ' face flushed, and she fell 'madly ,in love with- her, eiid theee stones as. talismans, in Which : eort must Oways be suppliedl to Ile at down at his desand He' found that the Earl. had long tared her bend itteliie. . . , asked her t . heroine hi wife. Tliisi character 'thee euppese teon serv- .eultry; as often .46 twiee si ,filled in a dietetic. ' ' ' been &widower, stead that there Was' 4e. ehiek,.you would be .very un- . . ' i"This, will ,do tof go *rig with, krgiving," he said refleetlyelp. , she {;.011".1021t 0 . ' 0 on condition i iceable ite-warding,'eff•daleeere teem ' 'Meat 0414 tlee ' 'beat ::.foiiii irt. - iEsue of the , inefeisige, 1 namely one that he agreedl to live in the tend seakel biteiand Inik'Oild , ,i'l \ *Web te furnish thrall's in the -shiSPe ' e li 7" he remarked With \a smile, a Son, Lord', Hareeestle, who wits sp. "trot unforgiving, hVit I Could' he of the mikado. Iteiens * terrible i They \ are" found ink St. Paull's of fresh raw meat And butehere. )e hati4t1 him the slip of 'paper. , e p °aching his thirtieth birt)hday. relentless, if Lfound Unit ley trust wrench for him to abandon his be.101e.e.,',itubeil&iil in day, aiid are set bones. ' : , ; "You ate inore, than generous,' At the time.. that Ackroyd .10.0wee MisPleced, but I have no levet' Paris,, huts' he telt Op at it Tiparid bravelett, at *lien , ..........„ ., 4-• l'illoriseneeenorieense. Coine along gathering this infotteition thellitel team." with roe. There is a room that I WAS at hieji4e or heart are mg ten lieng 'round _eltib, impetieutlyeawaite . Ile emiled:growely.up Th ,„ ., rifice to, ,give.e girl._ who .tait Iv s "°1-ild have b"li a 6•1111•Sveftter saci tound to be in the altape of a 'tongue Peeing -, the Abee. s s es Virus .se ,_ tilate sit your disiosal, and you ompany, of ii:artil i ade.ate' his son's arrival. Tall, of to-. -4-11 Ain Osiris to tinderitand you, won his heart Ile ;now lives in a srpludetIsied.,:lealtifiehlieuee near , weeny, eliosolited in wines which 4 P the neek. ' They aro GIs:, te4en in. can commence ae soon as you likee'! a 'tea the troope in transpOrt'work,' bust figure, he carried nOtirilis Ethel. Tett must teatth tne." , ' Julian Aekroyd was alone. with eeventy odd years, blit his fitee did Art affectionate smile was her ree . .ioto, and Parte e almost . Ib 6 tailors had great 7diSeulty,' in ' - the mom There was no smile of gratification on his face, althtuigh not wear its custornary,genial. mile At last he rose and went to the die •IT* . ' 'I am going to.Wolverholme CO- . it, ronGorws 10,110 Y.. ,.n.tethod i4--- uttendA 'clemxding to sonic pepple. liy Lowe iteineditite :: *ti.' 110titl :WIICO.' Aeted eett ts corre,,, managing the mutes. and 10...43eo. • this employment had come to him leg room, but he had .only juat tak- le in the morning. I want to telt There are •. r,fweral •%v.ell,knoWn. an. I "Pill' ..1. .,..,.k-., 404,i..114 rondent &ring the *sr.:tens that at ; the moment that he had reached en his. seat at a table; when. he was le Earl the nee,e, lie *skin town tauces of fiurepeons turning' Zulu, 4 e aatr,. s ssil?)r1eadin; at Inuit,: with . , the end of his resources. ' But it ji.ined by, hie con. , i toetlay,. but, was rather upset, kr.I ne'of the recsst notable berrig that , . shitSONA LE, ttAr.ritiStoNiv nother walking ,belund trYing tto ' least not the lilt time that. he had ",'Cieed evening—fatlier, en meek- thought it better to wait until to. f John Dunn, .who lit'ar,t kliown ac , steer the animal by its tail. "Hal-. .,. 7 •cureed with the propensity of spend- ing more money than be earned. rot from the outset he had -been fseed starvetion. *id he been content to live quiet - A man of constninnete ability, nO:tri the% fair income that' he rl ) cries But tit 'dower. We will .dine. / have trot much time 0 'sprite, for / tin going to the Castle to.night." pected visit." "To.nighV" 'forecastle: repeated "Yes; Cyril, and an, unpleasant doet.ildutti, Ito :you r. :, .. , antelt old friends, yott 1;0*. my ehoice. 'Rave you told any on of our ongageinent?" - .. MOrtOlv. Ite, ilia be disliehted i at "Only , Ckely Steelton, Wei (To he Contititted4 , \ odutost (over* part of the, 000, re!,; "I meet eay. dear. i tLii4", 4 o'cal has Acted AS star. etiereepontlent, lie ' owe Ina% !. art. ci the ' UN ' Xing, And- hit "Very' well, my ilenehtee Ilut replied jaek; ""lysit only.toirin this i ventu*Ily,,liPe.$4e#11,034 , . Iteseayo's White lifair.:. „, Throngh. Atotlie?, 1 IvalAt to gei, tto4nied , .A farnonti London 3oUrnaliOt Who . "0:I• 110: I aso.Wittglo irt! s'Y 6 lies, doing the littering.'" e hiteeeree Mien. eiteen won the -tins willitet• (1911'4, tlit'SWV.ittrtel at tiv..., ,,,„,. *to 5i)s *Anti" 114D643.,Inoir, ,re 'craft.' Aslt: my. mote, be lind; • 4, ,,, • 4. 4;04 .,10.04 los, Jack," 'erica tit eoldier. "her* I **,,,tk .J.k,,,,* doi1/4;01,,, rt surprise. 'Lbw' £wiu., e sees. • ' it 4,,,,I:=Zr,.;i1 \ , th6 ' fOiltAro i -Mier ,, ;', ',0,- n v,f,ttlift. tw, riaorn kaQ1-4)37ills-k." ''''''.4441TiOti.(,' AZ'71`1%r`;' ...: ltti 1 ' l'*' " g1&4'0 ti 6 r 1 ttitt ,A f 1 t'churc11 I 4 , ' . * , '' , ', i • fi 1 . flush.' 0 , n 1jur his pew.1 L het 'al .fisc oir • it alwil b, k g xl,€n. Pt' 1,114 go t eV; _ ravel. .144 a. 4410411144. '