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Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-15, Page 5 (2)
e ere Showing 281z -octave and 1 alio. s �.et�r `e pecoudltvid gid, cheap for CAW OR Tina a;ve'*01,41 . vet, icolA ,t P*U rl . �i • in all the newest styles at We will be pleased to show you our goods. S. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. fiWILUdielties. r.. G*reset, MQr.rsy- ,net, sinter :of .Dryaltdale. is�itecl at John stouter'. la�rt'week.7411hieitroko,1.p Wain, of : eater wai the. ,guest 'of . Mies :JlI* i at sacortIspeot:Sat+ ">en• , . ott. o buaine s ; . N ferr:a .wife speit.$u0t „ewith #.4.14 comber. ere etteoded '4,4foiverea Service*. at whom QA Soo, • Jim t« µ 4l d"g44..0,RI '�,M �, 6,7400141:,.,"A rRY' '" k� 10 Rood *100.' The s of this paps, wilt .be pleased to learn Met there at Ira* one dreaded dliesae that.selence haus beettabl to curs in edits ,tag{e#t and than io Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cara is the orgy positive cure now known to the medlcrd fraternity CattNtrh being as coaetitetieatel disease require* a constitu- tional nal treatment. Ball's (atararb Curets taken in- iitirlittie 444.4Lsretern; Th erC4 eIt ng' the .tree foundation of the die sud.t&tut the tieut strength by building up t eco tuitionwaist- ing mature in doing its work. The proprie • have so much faith in its curative powers that they otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it frills to cam fiend for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHESEY k CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists, 7a cents. Take Ball's Family Pills for constipation. 4 ak EPR '.'I Wfill',... F*e ' Where is ° there an individual This Company cannot die, get who is as capable to act es the j. _---- _eiar,.._ or take_ a hnp y always ys which was organized and loped especially for this pur- l1 Cham ars Oliver greater, but ee This Crasaptny will c usually less than theremunerationarry out to .a . the last /otter the terms of your will. • It will manage the estate efficiently Ind- ecoaomis>Idly, end avoid legal entanglements. It wiH not be tempted, as en individual might, to speculate with the funds held in trust. It idaneatged int connection via then ,1t debarred by law from spec*. Huron & Erie Loan and Savings halm . Co. allowed individuals. • Services of Family Solicitor always retained. Correspondence receives prompt and careful consideration. Stephen Connell The council of Ur .Towpataip, of Sti '- nheai contvcactl In the. Tower Ibtl, Cee d- ito7t, Oct, 5tp. 1O Y . Au. mem- hero present except Mr. Jacob Kclicr+ Fee:tuipt27Qt77,,est.a bacalt©wiip3bo Hint al$.tdta prcv1oaas a tcctingdopted. WeurtL sxn1- cry --•ter t• In ref r'catgj to ane coroPlatne of Joh 1•711.1.kbct; t.r and ot.:cre res- ob- OlertcLt,lotte in ,the 51u4 creek Drain, the clerk 'be lz etrasstt. t to w.%.,. the •E:a.late eer east in,spector appointed' tOr thy JA- I/pee ion and ,care.ot clrairese:''te. Justify all krit no` In detautt, to t'+ psi,. t.Ceoiz're. sipvc tyv In,rtloats ap. p;or dad. J�Oa i#t.fiRija;,. �ta't' tiwp. D1 aiCa.t vi 4 altaa •, est 4nd ;ppi4 their-fal;i�>aig to do eta, ,utter it'• ,- c•`� tt. 1c t o :: r t ,+�. s�`�,a, l�} ��. ll, � . �. OW. #fid mol?► ail ..- irta<'tb ?ran, tttgt2 14 p ct r ash tl ue0 talo.laud ! Taal; to .plots : '`:tcp.t1 d tcrthwithp, as prorvided for u:.th r the said !aitd nhthntdabte teaied Taaxcecptlelecd.tor wste The `following 'orders Were pause d. - Cheeter Prouty, gratuity. #25; Wt11r$d Laeond a, id others. grading •I h s1de- road, $51.11; F. Trlebner, gravel con- tracts 2-5 ;, 8. 11., 431.14 ; ditto. bal. of gravel account, #57.94; Christian - Stade, toner a E. S. B., $+I.25. It;m; - 2 B:. $1 ;- John Klurpp, eerier E. S. R. $3; John G. Wein, conn'► E. S. R. 05.50; A. Mora - non, gravel contract, 5 .lst S. R.$29.35 8. Davy, comer 1st 8. It. #2.139; Jacob Quoin, gravel, 4.30; 'Ed. Fiihner, grav- el contracts E. S. R. $93.55; drawing cement $12; M. Beaver and others rep. to Crediton Bridge $(1.4.05; F. Trlebner gravel for tile. $6.50 G. K. Klenzle and others,. grading, $10.25. R. Handford 2 gravel contracts, • S3.50 ; Sidney Davis conn'r C. R. #2.30. F. ;•St;Keever as •. eFratheellie of "the brl gee and of the Bement culverts $26.20 ; Jona. Brokerehire, tile across road $2.43; Silas Brokeataiilre, corn'►, and rep. culvert $9.75: 11. J. Kuhn. tile and teaining $5.4.0; Thos. Hartnoll, for ditch on London 114. $12. H. L. Kraft. gravel, $20.87; Ed. Brokenshire, B. of H. Inspector $15; Wm. Rolltna, gravel *98.56; Robt. Stone. rep. Hickey's B. *1.75; N. Pollard. ..ro,; euivert.._ $1; S. Masson, "rep. bridge #2.25; J. S. Mots, nails. •1l : Wm. Sanders. com'r E. S. R. #5; A. Hodginw Co, Ltd-elf/41e $14.8$;' Jas. Flynn, covering two brga. T. The council -Men- adjourned to meet Monday. Dec. Tth, at, 1 p. rte. - Henry Eliber, Tp. Clerk LONDON. ONTARIt .. SUCCESSORS TO Drs. Kenndy Et Kerdan NERVOUS DEBILITY SPECIAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Owing to Dr, Ker. gar being deceased, Dr. J. D. Kennedy, Methal Director, has /associated with him Dr.Kennsdy Jr. who has been with the firm for several years, so hereafter ' business 'will eon- • ducted undid' the name of Dint KENNEDY A KENNEDY Thousands of young and middle aged ►rete are annual!y swept t a premature grave through EARLY YNDISCRETION UNCESSES AND .BLOOD DISEASE -3' Ii u have any of the f snowingptcros consult us before it is too late. Are you n.:rvoas and weak;, d sl.«rsndcr.t and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under theta, weak back, kidneys irrita- ble. palpitltton of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses sedi- tment in wine, pimples orf the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks careworn expression. poor memory. lifeless, distrustful. lack energy asd strength, tired mornings. restless nights, cha'g*• able moods. weak manhood, premature decay. bone pains, hair - loose. sore throat etc. Blood Poisons are the most p evalent sail most serious dUseases.- - They sap the very life blood of the victim, and unless entirely eradicated from the system roily affect the future generation. Beware of Mercury. n only suppresses the symptoarts--OCR NEW millitOD cures them. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT alone can cure you, and make man o y.,nt. Under its snftur nee the brain becomes active. the blood purified so that all phriples, b$- rhes. and ulcers disappear. the nerves become strong as steel; so that tter- senees; beshfalaeasund. despond stist%.; -the• eomes•btetrbt;4 -face €utlue clear. energy murnato the hedy. and the moral, physiest, and vital systema{ are invig- orated; *1t d ins ce nsre...rm in.'re vital wlsste free,' the sy ste tt. Denuack sited%fakirfs rob you of your bard earned dollars. We will sero ys's •r no pay. 4 ~ READERy'rCma:ttgeer. wboOhmS trRtdI.y-uT. eweteolfdoern arMo!rniooasopnoa!terd DRS.KENN -� �Y&KENNEDY Cor. Yicaigaallra. and Griswold St. � DEi'AOIi0 MICH. gela99,, Furnace. - -Means Parket Heating without Gas, Dust or Smoke. r Fhe "d Hecla" Furnace is the only - Furnaew�c with Fused joints. - l These joints are made bylining the steel y and cast iron parts together at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused Joints are permanently airtight. Even after 20 years' use they will not work loose or Ie. They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. The Steel -Ribbed Fire fiat used on the "HecIa" Furnace has three times as much radiating surface as any other style of fire pot. It will save fuel for; . you and give you more heat. It extracts from the fire, hot that would otherwise rwise go up the chimney. Letts snorer you the 04 4' Heel*" and ea,plai# All the latest improvements fa i%taalb School Reports The following 1e the report of Central- ia school, . based on examination. V. Class, Maxwell Daynham, Mary Hanlon Iva Easery. Adrian Coughlin. IV. Claes Fred Essery, Luther Butt, Fred Fair- hall, airhall, Elva Brooke. Beaale Anderson. Sr. 111. -Stella Neil, Margaret Hanlon. Jr. III. -Mabel Heanzan, Rose Hanlon. Jr. II. -Della Brooks. Ethel Culbert, Harry Elston, Lloyd Baynhaut, Leonard Ab- bott. Gerald Hanlon. Pt. 1I -Vera Davis Albert Hackney. Sr. Yt. I. -Hazel Es - sere', Rex. Mills. Lorne Hicks, - Flora Huxtable. Ruth Coughlin,- Gordon Cul- bert, Irene Alexander.' .Ti.•Pt. I -Archie Hicks, Wilfrid Huxtable, Ida Taylor, Dora Hackney . Clarence .Culbert, Aver- age attendance 30. A. Swann. teacher. The; follow► ing is the correct report of the "standing of tee pupas of 8. S. No. 4. Stephen. for the month of Septem- be'r. Names In order of malt. IV.-W11.. lie Schwartz, Lorne Morlock, Herblo Kraft, Alvin Cornish, Area Brokurtshire Ono Brown. Mabel Cosworth. Gordon Cornish, Clinton Morlock, Clarence Eft- ber. Harry Schwartz. Jr. III. --ria Ell- ber,' Emerson Itoeszler, Edna Amy., !a- vian Smith. Jr. II. -Eddie Cornish. Jogs epi. Schwartz, Cantor.-Morlock, Joey Droktnashire, Mervi:t Cuxworth, Em3raOn `Vein. AnnleAubin. Sr. Pt. 1I. -Adeline Wein. Clara biorlock, Carrie Schroeder. Olive Cornish. Jr. Pt. II. -Mary Wilds, Hazel Preazcator. 'Jr. Pt. I. --Stella Cornish, Melvin - Win, Elgin Eilber. - 11. C. Jennison, teacher, THAT IS W H,A T Ii TOMEI WILL DO IN ALL FORMS OF CATARhH AND • TROUBLES (ir THE BREATH- ING ORG�>1VlS,.... It is riot a quresllon of I•iyomet htvillg cured sonic one else but will it reach your own, particular case. If its Cold in the head, Catarrh, Bronchitis, • Paacu- monfa. Croup, or any affection of the breathing organs. W. 5, Cole says yes. and will refund the , money if, it tails. No other preparation fur the 'carne pur- pose cat, auccesafulty do this, because She Ilyomcl. syistern of treatment la dif- ferent From anything else. You simply - breathe and inhale Kb medication In ' dry air torus which des- troys the gorrn life that causes oppress- ed breathing, Nasal Catarrh. Throat Ir- rita tion and Lung Troubles. It brings' to these Suffering organs the balsam laden air they awoeld got in the Pine and Eucalypttie tercets. The air that stamps out •Rronchial trouble's.' The prince ,ot enterta4nere Manatee} P.' ot+'9tder says,-Ilyonicl ;ee easy to use, and swift to cure. It insures, against coughs and colds. It gives you Pure air and kilis the genus 0t disease. It NAP' the edict. Hyonicrl complete outfit. =1.00. The fpilowing is a correct ' report of 8. S. No. !t. Sfephcn, for the month of SeptcmlIIer ; V. Clet:iea.-- . tYtiiie, ^17 Ti lebner, , ganders. SO IV. -W. Shap. tan.L-Jr. 1V. --p. Parsons, J, Willis Ai. b:. Welsh, O. Preszcaior, V: Hogarth, E. Dos. 111.--R.. Parsons. M. Willis.: Sr. II. -L: Sanders. C. Triebner, G. Stan lake. Jr. IL -C. Parsons. L. Sanders. T. Willis C. Dearing. Sr. Pt, II. -4t Vriebner.. L. lfll, V. Preszcator, V. Boar` Jr, Pt. I1. -••r. lisaderI, t". flainliton, 0 Ilamllton, C. Sanders. Pt. L --E. -Err* seater, A. fehaptO'n R. Parsons. N•Staimer lake. No on toil 34. averages attend* fence 32, Parents ,ir* earne$'jly1 rei1u_=st•. ed to see that their children attend para,► etusally and - regularly. ° Were. L. Triebze r'. texe.r:a r Clinton. --Teo n re'14ge tools PI V'e on Oet. 14th of Leonard E. Weir Of .1fuliet ids MIsei Emma E. 1lathwell, popta•.'tr young Lady tt Zcatarh. Valta.-Atter an Mattes at nye ',treat,/ yrs, Cook. wife or Mr. W'lllltoll Clot(' tr! *Kaci away o7p S;.tttt: da9y,, Ot tobct 2t-1. it'st, C ok«was rteaide:t V.4111145 was Louls'e Assts 'lug 511, and wars bitru in t'e 1,_ ty` '.t 'Year* lige' Ileiddts tier tausl;i ld •tr_. "��.HSSILM • f ar l y`'i 1L1 Re�naall Miss Floosie Fop* who wrote at Tor.. onto atcu; three weeks ago on her pup. P1lernelater '. tax received word that she has sun es ttttly passed her matrlcul. stion. -It te. R i on,thron. lett earue l day to visit In Barrie, -Miss Etta Davila has returned to Tecontct c+ caaRtQmke lacjr atudIe. et Varsity.-.Jeph Hata irk l at e laoute from the West laa,ss% week. Ito has. ' been Jaid up with a beating on Ws hand. --Sunday special se ices under the aus- pices o1 the County , Y. b1. C. A. wale geld in .the three Uennatt chug es - "itOriei0i4b q , el. re tbopa in the 4.40t !Obi Riltviire 490 ei0 n001 totIthoonmtieto and fat;.�a.' Abot,; it for .ate. At tt sent on,reopf aai.t. ;�►; '4'11.10" you nota , a needs' Soo •thitg create '4,rid _ a .taapt. ti .stiff gth fqr• -tho oda fly round ,oro duties.. There: is tiothin - beater A 'iN�k�`a�at?iiy �iarallbuSr7a #',c"4�^clw�fk�` r£ all atn a or orter, the pu t ity and merit of which has been attested . by - chemists, physicians - and experts at the great exhib- -bitions. ► l If you want your stove tolook as if been cls every hour, rub thin occasionally with e A.t A ,2 fhn E3 i ^r ?�f l � a ti jyb a� luk4X llszL'titt"u• * l " Stove� .., It • vu the shine that lasts, no matter how hot theJx.. It .bulli ust a" few rubes You get such a big can -for the money Knight" is .easy the cheapest you can buy. Sesd mawi you mealet Black Ref bsad tM res fail rby d as. 17a Great E75-10 Tones and lnv"1; artesthe who a �. • nervous system. mires new . + • .la old Veins. Carte Ners- eica Dail , Mental as'ed JJrttita l ey, .ver. varulcieci►, rr.�"atal nreeaknass„ : fss%ss, Sp r. materrhasa, mid greets 4 erica l porbox. One « pies*". six will cures. Sold pipW • + is or mulled In phtin on mei, . 01 , ce. Neto pdmpidee mail • + e. Zurich . outs Kalbflelsh has purchased his -fa here farm on the lith con. -A. Leh- man and Miss Ida Ortweln left Friday for Bad Axe, Mich., on a vlstt.--Mr. and Mrs. John Zeller 01 Langdon, N. Dak- ota. are visiting relatives and friends in town. -David Schoellig ot,North Dak- ota is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Schoell;g.-Jatnea N. Sopha has purchased 44 acres of land on the Sau.- ble Line. adjoining his own. from his father-in-law, Oliver Corriveau.-Messrs. 11. Randall and John Zettel met with ' a serious accident en - Mot!day of last► week, while palnti.tg on - M. J. Preet.- er's new house. They were about thirty' Leet from the ground when one of the suppsrta gave way and they both land- ed on the hard ground. Randall was uxeonsctous for about halt an hour and received a nasty scalp wound, a tinc- ture of the outer covering of the skull and some internal injuries. Zettel was more fortunate. although his injuries Consist of a frsaetured right arm, a itprdtndt1le$- ri;idtfirtaittc1 'race. 1t1 to a miracle that both escaped with their lives in the fall. At latest reports both were doing well. -Freddie Hess of Berlin' is 111 at„ .9s ;hwop here. --Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geiger have moved into the dwelling recently vacated by C. bra --Geo. SchOellig intends selling his t:a on the Goshen Liner, and will with wife make make his future home in Detrolt. where three at his children reside. r1RST=.. RISA© OUR FREE CATALOGUE TIM Decido e. Ib.. Baldness College We alit the 'privilege of sending you our intensely .iotoresting, hancisbmeir iterated FREE CATALOGUE. In you �nreally owe it to to get a copy ou e sect the Busin C;�o a to d read It asci s�: i, The Catalogue explaine all about our school, our faa;cky, our chit courses. Tells why We hon`as_tlbelieve our Sending for a ,copy places you under nb name and addresson a postcard. Special easpsnings Septtabse sad eianwry: ess and Shorthand College • . ONTARIO J. W. %WESTERVELT. Jr., C+.A:. Vi...Peu+ ,.i - The biscuits which ply us must be brown send crisp and irin and dainty, with a well. raised, evenly -baked crust. 4. bother f ° such duns require ,a steel oven, scien- tifically ci -tically constructed, uniformly heated, perfectly ventilated -4PANDOItA' oviol Ex.A i'LV." a yau.sce a"Pandora "'' Range e tit* S; is maw 1 t i51,5e ,0