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Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-01, Page 8 (2)
SEE the New Fashion Plates for the present season W. W. TAMAN , m+r•1 ant _Tailor, r ;.�.<,..,.:u. .. r, .: _.v K �...-�..s,.: ,.:.. .+w�*-0T::i^ z4•S',��" 'LNIy .;r�dt'�iL'"a�"i1 e' ter untarto liminess locals -- Road Them Stewart's millinery has that extra touch of style and taste that the ladies admire. — . tel tsfr 112 TT _ _-_. 30c. ribbedcotton hose slightly dam- aged. 2 pair for 284 Stewart's. Exeter Gestates Factory Wants Hands. 20 hands wanted to peel Tomatoes., Apply at Canning Factory. All Ladies' Fur Lined . Coats look alike to some people, but Ladies of taste can always tell a Stewart coat. They are just a more stylish . coat than the others. Boy Wanted. To work on the farm good situation. Apply at this office. The nicest line of men's underwear we have seen is at Stewart's., Fain Repaired or Remodelled. Those wishing furs repaired or re- modelled bring them in this month in order to secure reduced prices. • M. BALL -wax, Andrew St., Exeter. Stencart's tailor-made coats for Ladies -and girls are making a great hit. . They "TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME" is a good song. but "ENJomo FooT EASE" has 'em all beat. 25c at TiE Puniry. A.hren'e grain.cai boots for Men, Wo- oten, Boys and Girls, for every day wear and tear. Can't be beat. Stewart's. Note Lost. On or about Sept. 25th, a note made by Henry Squires for 330 and payable to the undersigned. Finder will con- fer a favor by returning same to the owner. All persons are hereby forbid- den to negotiate for said note. • GEO. ROWCLIFFE. Wo>eteu's Institute Meetiste The regular meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held in Senior's Hall, on Friday, Oct. 2nd, at 3 o'elock. Rev. W: Martin will give an address at 3:45 o'clock on •The Sanitarium at Battle Creek, its methods of treatment and fes" Everyhody welcome. Mris. Cobble4iek, Mrs., Basting's, Pres. ec'y. Death of Mrs. R**okr. - Oa Sept. 24th in Exeter North the death occurred of Lucinda White. be- loved evife of David Rumohr, aged 78 •yeatrs. 1 month and 0 days. Deceased had See -n 111 for about two weeks, ow- ing 1.0 g.•ly to infirmities of old age. Mr. mend Mrs. Reicuohr have resided in Exeter +street 14 years, coming here a r aye t v iromui roomy y MILIMON rao#o!elid'awonwr`�t r. +w rIn'Oof10103,44Cw** arty; wd4>g, Tb fr I.ndat'.+►at fir, r., OAnor teao d to Fera, bit. c tdit1on la ri no* via* 'MA *It' ug O ' -iia, *ly no* girll* pre/take a Pat1 to *loco it ,f thea IM' cul. th+ areo Iter g n.. 4 out.. am lc saki a c't paint look like a job done ten ' y'eicra ago. • Mr. Harding, of Huron College, .Lon- dai :trery Acceptably occ `led the puI- ofia 7.'d itt Memorial o Sunday last in the absence of ..U14:1190 tor, who was preaching barvest homes services in St. Paul's church, Heyman. Mr. James Jeckell, London Road North, sustained a severely sprained ankle on Friday. He was plowing up potatoes when the team undertook to run away and dragged him and the plow across a 40 -rod field, during which time he .vas in thegreateet dan- ger of being killed by the termitic: plow. He finally got them stopped but not liebnitilltn ©n a Uii v 1 . . stepping e Pp R g t By a misplacingof copy our local last week regaring the death of Reeve Bobier'e mother in Dettoit did not appear. The lady died the pre- vious Thursday at the age of 76 years, from a paralytic stroke. The greater part other life had been spent near Chatham but she had resided with her daughter, Mrs Jos. Wells, in Detroit ans 71 .:'1 la -van -aim .,1te ' •i l� li�ir' attended the funeral whieh 'was.. e - in Dresden. • Mr. $. E. Keddy, a-tormer tieborne boy, who is now a builder and contrac- tor in Cypress 'River, Man„ . writing from that place on Sept. 21st says:— "Business in the Westhas been good this year and the fall building trade is opening up fine and 'promises to_ be good until Christmas. Regarding the crops they have been good in this local- ity, the wheat averaging 25, the barley 3 ► and oats about 50. Threshing is about half done and men here are scarce. In closing I may say we eager- ly look for the Advocate from week to week and we feel we could not do without it." Jays. Hesiss witubsAt born Yeey iwpcoviug slowly. Mr. Unita Creech still continues quite lU at ilia home ouIluron stta ere Mrs. Riches -4 D'avis, Ses is conllned ttelitte room r ith a- ~ t .cold« -WA hope to hear of her seedy recovery. The Tright Memorial church 'Soot lier v . future a becoteneencigset • '0 ,i the morot, �. '. AYut R.•11,1'0,1/.9 II •-• I*" it., ' '» �odra`i1Atibf'P h l,V for ... ! : motor tl a+ iglu at. s`ib1�t +tha' ui cht,: e head;rsd n. e rh an uu rbi¢e • y■th Iry, Oster' aalde ' a1 apb►y'.of s Iverwia wen W " Taman* k a 60iiviora at Cridl,. ,ton has been OM obit of *ttractican • d much favorable e. coianment, '�aat.„ .to e winners eel Justly proud.• hoe. Wdl ..r'!+rl treated the fainly of Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Taylor to an ex- cellent phonogrAphic concert on Fri- day evening. The instrument ' was ,plaoed,on. pie lawn aaaud. te, nitltions. 'w' to c njoyadi m; the .L"ti' and frtends. EXETER-MARKETS.`D� O NUB EACI Wheat • . Y Barley [y 'ra ..... ki..I.•1., ....................80f.0. 11'o�tatoes, per 1; g . .. 65 'Q j75 +A..a a y.., per ton.....!... 7 4 8 00'a Flour, plc cwt., fondly 2 Flour, low gra per ow 1 48 1 j Chief Bis sett is chuckling just now over the week's work he and a number of experts put brat the town gasoline engine without succeeding in making it do the work required. As a last re- sort the chief changed the quality of gasoline a and he reports that it has run satisfactorily ever since. The drought of the past month was broken on Monday and we were a - oe rain d � ah •' 9belt�' viit to the fa ruler% the laud being still too hard for plowing. The rain was tol- lowed by a cold snap and a general hustle was made Monday night and Tuesday for wraps and overcoats. The W. M. S. of James st. church gave a delightful evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar Monday. A good crowd was present, an excel- "ever: - ngi a itle+c" sibs -were AliseitseleequartetterGeossfitnel .S. Rowe, W. Ford, 11. Shapton; vocal solo, Miss Nina Carling; instrumental duets, Misses Louise Carting and May Wood, Flossa Sweet and May Woad., lda Rowe and Gladys Bissett; readings by Mrs. C. Snell, sr., and Miss Bessie HartnoIl. The Sunday sehool ly of the James 8t. ctiarch-provelka great --end- We are prepared to pay cess on Sunday. The wotninR service which the childrezr attended in mase was addressed by Rev. Walter Mill - son of Kingsville, an Hsborne Old Boy, while the afternoon service also held in the body of the church was address- ed by Mr. Miltson, Mr. Weidenham- mer, rincipai of the Exeter School, !F appy t.'R A'. •. N..... .. p +��1 d • �% , .v• .yeh ., for !7'11!+11..►.. Stan er tion. rM:..•,,• • M?C 11. • a "5TAR" Flour never fails to give the blithest satisfaction when used under pproper conditions. ' Its uniform quality snakes it the chosen flour of the homes in which THE BEST is appreciated and demanded. FURNITURE andUNDE 1 HARVEY BROS. EXETER ONTARIO crap Iron, Brass, Copper, Rubber, Etc., Rlitel and Mr. Frayne, the superintendent. On Wednesday afternoon of last Mr. Milison also preached in the,eve-- week at the home of the. bride's par- ing; .to the older people on behalf of the ents, Spadina avenue, Toronto, the children and the . strangers. The marriage took place of Miss Pansy speaker made it very plain to all `that Julia Mason, B. A., youngest daugh- they are responsible for the careful ter of Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Mason, to training of the children and the weI- Mr. Samuel Lorne Fear, eldest -son of,coining of the strangers to the churcle the Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Fear of ' Eire- The e, eseer,, miit s ter. The officiating clergymen were The remains of the late Mrs..Sincirylr the groom's father and the Rev. Chan- 'Tait, of whom we made mention last rwash. - .uf-_,-viebnia College y-weeka wing- died= in -'--Detroit The bride, who was given away by Sept. 23 after a short illness and while her father, wore her graduating dress. on a visit to her daughter Mrs. Lam- a Princess gown of white silk mull mie, were brought here on Thursday over taffeta and veil with lilies of the evening and conveyed to the residence valley, and carried a sheaf of bride of Mr. E. Christie, from where the roses. Miss Lillian Mason of Winni- funeral took place to the Exeter ceme- peg, who attended the .bride, ware tery on Saturday afternoon and was white silk with touches, of pink, and largely attended. Deceased was aged carried bridesmaid roses. Mr. J. P. 78 years, 2 months and 3 days. Her Armer of Torontqassisted the groom. maiden name was Susan Marriott, The Wedding rch was played by She was born in Bershwick, Yorkshire, Miss Beth 11 c�f North Tons- 1-'4' ana- Eng., and carne to this country with wanda, N.Y., and the wedding hymn, her first husband, Mr. Wm.- Carling. a ••Oh. Perfect Love," sung by Miss cousin of the late Isaac Carling, fifty - Beton Parlow, B. A., of Toronto. seven years ago, living a short time i After the ceremony a reception was. New York and London before settling held for the relatives and intimate in Exeter. From the first marriage friends of the bride and groom. Mr. three children survive, Mrs:. E. Chris- and Mrs. 8. L. Fear left shortly after tie of Exeter, Mrs. Ed. Howard of Lon - for their future home near Detroit, the don and Mr. Wm. Carling of St. Paul, bride travelling in a dark blue tailored Minn. After the demise of Mr. Oar - costume. ling she married the late,Sinclair Tait. Miss hicks Married. and a son and daughter of this union A quiet wedding took place at 8:30 survive, David S. Tait of St: Paul and o'cloek Th rsday morning,, ep , Mrs. Lawwie of Detroit. During the- the -home -of Mrs. Stephen Hick ••.last number of-yearayhe resided with F+peter, when her.sia"ughti'r, lawEra. Mrs. Christie- _ _OE* .k nd _ ancLiovInx was married to Mr. Harold Peters • of disposition she was beloved by her re - Attwood. Only the immediate rela- latives and friends and highly esteein- tives of the bride were present at the ed by all who knew her. Nothing but ceremony which - was performed by the kindest of memories remain of Rev. A. H. Going, pastor of the dames t uniformly kind and sympathetic life. st. Methodist church. Bride and Among those from a distance who at - groom were unattended. The bride tended the funeral were, Mr. Wm. was cheered in cream silk, and her Carling and Mr. D. 8. Tait of St. Paul, travelling dress was of , blue. After a Mr. and Mrs. Lammie of Detroit. Mrs. wedding breakfast they tookthe north Ed. Howard and two sons -of London from near Seaforth. Besides the hus- bound train for Attwood. where the and Mrs. Crocker of St. Marys. band. see son; Henry of Exeter, and groom owns a fine farm: and whersf lee four d 'lighters. hire. Phis en of Win: they will in future reside. Best wish- Miss Sarah Sweet is eisiting in De-- nipee. 'dmStevenson of Seaforth and es are extended to them. troit. Mrs. Tc ler of near Seaforth survive. Mrs, Rasset a saulsg Dead. Miss Amy Johns visited in Sarnia all .of whom tee ether'with Mrs. Henry The -death occurred inClinton ono. last week" . Keller warm g7epsee$ and son of Elkton, Monday oi' last week of Gra" e.li. Boles. Miars Effie Treble ossa returned from •Mielh., tat.te•eetieral the' funeral which was ,r,;ife'of Russell wanning, manager of a visit in Toronto. hel i. to the Exeter cemetery on Sun- the Sterling Banat at Dungannon, and Mia. W. M. Martin ©f Regina is a dac. ' 0 i . uapathy is extended to'formerly* resident of Deter. The guest at the Manse. ' the, to fee. ed. . „ calWill Knight bas resumed i New Era aa► sip part. Fora consid-. �► s medi- erable time the has suffered from tub -ie in L o n. errular trouble, and went to London Mie. lee d �f Clinton visited for treatment, 'returning to Clinton, ° Mrs. D. Johns last week. Tie - about five months ago Wan . home of Mrs. Johnara�nd Mia. Lilly Johne vhs. her mother, where She had every pos• ited in Clinton Last week. Miss Ethel Sweet and three Bible attention and the care Of a train- lady ', ed nurse continuous . but it. was real- friedrls spent Sunday here. ^'Mrs. IJ. Ji Glanville of London is oxer that little could done for her. .. ndr lie Accepted the inevitable with visiting her' mother* 16,103weet samehe Christian confidence and ire. .: Mr. Arthur Johnston \or Zluthbridge visited 1a t week at, Mr. Wm. ou . etp�nar►tin that had characterized her C� hill' life. In addition to her bereaved frs- Miers R wick of Port Huron la the band, and"one aeon, she leaves two guest of r cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. B • breathers; a sister, and her mother. arrows. •Itrs.,,Fred Kay and two children Of MOW Vsrscasts'or Octraber.• Pueblo are visiting Mrs Kay'. brother A Regular Storm Period beginning J. A. Stewart. in September. will extend at. least two Mr. G. W. garrison of the Bank of days in October, ' during Which days Commerce returned Monday from his storm areas will be over - Sections to • holiday trip. ward the Atlantic, and sharp anti- ' Mar. Ed. Drew and little daughter storm condition—that is, rising baro- returned to their home in Ontario, meter, northerly winds and change to CYa1f, this week:colder will be advancing fcnrn west to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of , Sarnia east behind the storms. It is quite were guests at: the rectory several me with - the rhthrrn �� may da► . during the svcck.' probable that earlysnow squalls��• Western Mr. Mervin fiuston aftersomne week. tangents of these stotm . A reaction- 1 visit with his parents returned Friday airy storm period is central on the 4th, to Armstrong, B. CC. 5th and tithe The chances*** that dirt. tli} CASH 40c a hundred and- upwards, according to quality, for Scrap Iron. Old Rubber Boots and Shoes, 5q peril) Horse Hair, 20c. Copper and Brass 8c Rags, 50c per hundred. We Have for Sale old Weather .aming„ The Autumn is noW upon us and Winter will c'r soon be here. *se trice kelp a c;•d tee _ autr tble, *ntumnal weather will con. � Wile into this lod fro�arar'tbe - n1k od'wirt� increase of II of the bammeter and Phil and Monday. Mrs. Itowteliffe and there this week. ,a large quantity of IRON PIPE suitable for Fence Posts tJi c onn on MAIN ST., EXETER. Miss Lela Cooper of London is visit- ing Mrs. Bradt. Mrs. Yager is visiting with her fath- er in Clandeboye, who continues very ill. Miss Tilly White attended the funer- al of a cousin, Mrs. Boone, at Toronto last week. Mrs, Graham and daughter of God- ericb, who visited Mics. Lindenfleld last week. are now visiting Mrs. Mer- ner at Zurich. Miss Rose Finkbeiner, who bas been visiting her sister, Mrs. Es Heywood, during the past month, returned to Berlin on Friday. Mrs. Grant, (nee Veda Handford), of Winnipeg arrived here Saturday night and will spend a few weeks with friends, the guest of Mrs. Albert Ford. Mr. Ru 11 Manning and scan,._ of Clinton, - Glias. - Manning of -Cleve, land and rs. Weir of Leamington were guests of Mrs. Geo. Sanders. last Thursday. Messrs. Maurice and Clarence Bobier arrived home from the West on Satur- day evening. Mrs. Bobier stayed off for a few days with her daughter at Battle Creek. Mich. E keep -con- line of furniture, and it pays to furnis h your home from our stock • • - • iggitt 111118111110111111910.1118 Parlor Suites • Parlor Tables hay- — -_Odd- '" ` + . 7T—Te,os i Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets . Kitchen Cabinets Dining Room Tables - Dig. Chaips and all Bedroom Furnitute 11101091,11006111111011011111, -11111101141111141111111/110111411411111116C OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. ROWE & ATsn�rsox The Leading Hoole Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLAR PHONE NO. 82 zeoploameaccec utumn FROM OUR DRY 00008 DEPARTMENT or UTIMIN _is putting on her gol4en tinge now and that means business will soon be booming with the New Fall Goods. Everything here is in full swing for the big rush. New Dress Goods, Suit- ings, Separate Skirts, Fur -Lined Coats, Furs, Millinery, and in fact every article for your comfort. Our Milliners Are Tier% Ready to take your orders for your They are beautiful. ' Become your face. .A_lovely combination, The new Ready -to" -wear Hats are very new and swell for the ear- ly fall wear and are found here In abundance. Every lady should look after her Millinery early and give the Milliners a chance to fix 'von up real swell. Early Fall Hat. Laughing ! Colored Dress Goods We are showing a very extensive range of The New Colored Dress Goods for this wagon. Stripes are very new and come in Green. Brown. Blue and Red. The cloths are very fine. with a beautiful finish. Plain Cloths are very popular in the same shade as the Stripes and our steek comprises There'll; nothing so good for the family as laughing. The EDISON PHONOGRAPH will produce more laughs to the minute than any other form Of entertainer. Try it yourself. ancl up. Records 40e. Bring your friends and hear. them at, The Pick of the Dress Goods Trade. , PANAMA CHIFFON VENETIAN BROADCLOTH gNousa WORSTEDS, and SERGES TOE, PIM cljt vontrAria.4.0.antrive Black Diess Goods WE. ARE FAMOUS FOR OVR BLACK rartEss Gooto and do not purpoee fallinetbehind In Volftee Taffeta! dlotte Chiffon, Broadcloth. pitmans,' Eng Worsteds and Seri/es, \ We cannot belbeat for Quantity and 4uality M Do not fail to seiour Large Stock of Blacks. Iour.Lined Coats, Fur Coats So Furs You VIM tfe sdrprised this year to see our large stock of Fur -Lined Ooats, Fur Coats and Furs. There is nothing liaft out in tbis line. We have them all—and ail thP very beisti We malt you to see them. as we are very przud of our large showing. and think ion will be the same, to see the large selection we give you, bt) choose (tonal POULTRY.' chi,ekerkarvii:.erallteare.rer dr"sed" Ontedo silo *Waded t ked ash .paitlfer