HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-10-01, Page 4 (2)• THE CA MI'AtC1 N The pout.eal c u npaign "Lae now nem an lit two weekis awl itt is keitleg wenn: Not ietaliy. '.bat in mare? Places; p.arttc- u a Drs where the' leader* have be= ad, '4rc t eAng "racetiIDg'L <La $oasth Ituri4a one wotpId harAFy know, st • �aairapaib`ti w,a .90 T o t,si elates up to they presen1 A u r4f0:k19sir °a. axfll.• ben( hoc YOt sF, Out fax a A .two teroul0leet, the ceetitrir Vote ore. the hig a:1,c%'ot the .stiles, e,lc'r°liiraiti:Dg'. ri ta4 1ae 'a lenge*, the, ;e, tshpai'gt# •>ig:1r .t' tP ' greroiiiiir ' Yer'e', watin Huard* 'Whit rti dasliaa la tslleci; �hr'lstla aacOtiaatio'',et. I~ teiese it terliews • at ' 'leiter* Airy fora i ).itiPa1 : matters.' 1''reinifir. Rot,1u et to.pietiazitelivislesuedwiLrAw.% N 1 rant a �.t' i o OipbQ are having the �-a..M � �»• arta •over tee Grews" haat .rasa Itaflwa • &nd It toes devcleped into an exchange of QUEstlorrab1e con3'pliments . between the two. All: the signs at present point to a, eana rvative' victory. Even Sir Wilfrid's big majority is not considered enough to Have him. since the tide of public opin- ion runs sltrongly in favor of the Cort-; •ervattve party. NOTE- 4Na "C(T'ME! T Copy books at 20 each*: one of the things secured bygood government in 47 Ontario. They frmerly cost 7c and 150.000 are used Reach- year. There is nota Liberal in the country today who expects Laurier to win with the .same majority, sixty-six, and v few oft • uv think tie: will have Conservatives think that Borde�enr i Brodeur, to quiet a disturbance in a Liberal convention in Quebeca, paid: **I have to tell you, gentlemen, " that the strife iu the Liberal party mut cease, for if the Opposition carries more than ten seats inebec, the Laurier Gov- be4ereai . - - - -e -- �. $utfsidlC -The `-p-people- ' leairne - with surprise that the Premier of Canadaand----a Professional Decorator travel togeth- er, or, to be more exact, that the Dec- ' +caratetegoe "er-day Rhea I, ish andaudy display of huh ing,Rban- ners and devices. The Premier and the Decorator are a new combination in eatnadian politica.--Oiinton News Record. In October, when leaves and bowers are dying, when nature is closing her eyes for her long *Deep, it Is only those of long experience; who cry ; 'Tula is the best time to start a garden." There is always a setback to a garden start- ed in toe spring. because it is not long enough from the tithe growth begins un- til the hour of bloom to give manv taunts their full chance to expand baso..: eend- rag forth their flovreis. A plant must almost reach maturity before it blooms, which Indeed it only does that it may form seed.. and thus perpetuate iteall to posterity. To start a garden early is often the secret of success. By pre- paring the beds and borders in the au tuann, _digging them out about two feet deep, placing inverted sod in the bot- tom, and finally filling them up with layers of manure, lightsoil and top dressing, much time Is saved in the spring, when the Irresistible not -a -mins uite-to-louei feeling is in the .air. Be- sides. there Is something about a well- settled bed that bowers like better than one that is quite new. If in the spring those autumn -prepared beds re- quire extra mulching or fertilizing, it ale a matter that Is very 'easily attended to. When the beds and borders are made, the garden should be cleared of all surplus material. The • roots of strong weeds should be lifted, and a light dressing ' of manure spread over the places that are destined to b' lawn the following spring. -The OctobWr - De- lineator. McCombe Brothers, the noted It ish Evangelists, are conducting services in Scaforth.- • This woman says th>ttt Lydia E. Iitukham'y Vegetable Compound cured her atter everything else had failed. Mrs. W. Barrett, 602 Moreau $t., Montreal, trims to Airs. l'inkltam " 1•`or years 1' was a gr cute sufferer from femal'e wea cnesw:'and despite every retnedy, given m,. by doctors for this, t onbte, 1 grew worse instead of hatter. 1 was fast fatij,ng in health, MO I: was complete4iseour if One dao`' a friend wised' me to t Lydia1 , wliinkliani's Vegetable Com- pound. 1 dkt sso, and am thankful to. say that it eured tine female weakness, /risking—me strt►ug lend well " Cvery women who Suffers from fe- male tretabes should try Lydia E. Pink- harn'a VegelabIe apotind." • FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty yews i ii , E. Pink. hates AregotAbk Compound, nudefroth r and hers% has been ,the a :lard remedy for Rale I arid Il=lspositi%-e y'curedthousands f *onion who have been troubled With Ssrc�ssarn 0 d3sP�monts, il1'gb►itnn tI nit Mier rat if isrt!fa+1 a cement walk e °evade hie , dwell . g.re-We are phrased to state that Frank elms. who had a narrow cyst* !tram being kilted wti b Meeting ;last week, is 'rapidly recovering. lie waai Using, -e fork handle to ' clean out "tour blower, �t which had became clogged with straw !kW ' wu"'+.cGa the handls be- came caught and caused the pre::4s • of the „to. hit ta19: i(4tlae_ tonic's,. It wan a Barrow . ra and It wilt bo stere tirep before Ile, earl follow ilial -oc- c91041411.741/0,110 >,'a'4rafi'e :44,,11. o:t ilerlig is vlattiese ,her: parent* �,fy,or' ia4 'few d 4 . '' VYRrtt Fairer- .0%4,.01000 te. ' a 44. Etrle.p.ite An. t .* eat' ' » a wo .: laiat`. ,maday, - :lar" r,itelee,,' *pent '-llaat. •. +k ,4r4ivor. ,t1'44 ' .l"r i ttt � I:sw.R. Pde. trielF:%Ids.- Dr. lat6 , ' a •i IiItotAketiF . -1,1..E s ,9i a at 1jl.a ■�:' }e�w. 'day* 44,0..., r iii'l�` *ry t1.ie. gooi of 'O . ee.;,'1 ":; 1:49$1t1�Ai;., iy lr e .' �' c v.. e . >e tri It rr' ' 'Dad 1 e r::lit H'ay •T*p,,e-Mi r.' C. � �Il 1:G ,13.1uttt and cbthiren have retureed' 11011* `Bohn YForeetyy atter. Waiting y� r+elatl ee tor auction sate of his .faaryiting• implements d live stock .on Tuesday.. The Wt19 was �+ell attend end • the ' chs tileaat• brought a good price. The farm' was sold tbbb" William etorlock for teem). it is Mr. Cox*orth.'a intention to move west in a. Low weeks. We wish hints every success fn hie new home MC. Up1wsid, wife_-aitid_•.fainily have -m here from Hen ll...a► . e~ -ire~. t= ing --t e";' dwrelltng situated east of Mr. Dyer's. Mr. Howald tuts been "engaged to work as miller in the grist 'nil! at Crediton East. We welcome Mr. arid Mrs. Howaid into our midst. -We regret to report the death of Lorna Irene Dix. on of Creditors East which occurred on the '2eth inst. The daughter had been ill for about a week, but from the first slight hopes were entertained for its re- covery. The remains were interred on OentlentreecOn tee !t2nd of January laet<< did t -t -bon-et-+electtni =ase yam rep ;.'atrvc 'to the D011itnIOn PPrtiaillent. for soh c,a 1 stilt n you tny' lelhccre apd. h! _ietfe 'haulm.' Vast•, Kamera. . taws .been •'dI.wolved 4n4 an Otter electron s011 ' hes ion • M ' y',` 4209 y+�/j[,� i > r t `�.e. �: � ',:ani •;arm n ' !i �� , dss. e' y eti s euffrtr c a,'e'; ' ave 0nlYbeen, +;e rnitya 1o ipivy.ry 4;44'Ise tt,o. nk� r` i i ei ea. well 'U to •nysc'lt it le ohly ;fair te ask rcnewait of fur conttd'e "e .ter at Ieeat Haas ati ryterm.' 'This 1..."now +ii ni.1%al v'l�klvi fes, - 1:47» 6Wkatttr. %l.1�Y�•i .�i" ii ��1Fp 'i•37, 6 r Y -et ` your ��rn.. Load ekII y�� +y ,y�� ,p� A � )•d .IR rte';�t �ti! thus favor -me, 1 ;promise you that no effort will be spared out n),y part to ad- vance the best interests of my constit- uents and the welfare of our -grooving and prosperous country. Before the close of the Campaign I hops to have the privilege of reeet�� with many of you pernailyan d of, discusenil' With you the great public issues which are now so earnestly en- gaging the -attention of the people of this country. Again soliciting your suffrages and Hal pport. I ams Your obedient servant, M. Y. McLEAN. • CIVIC HOLIDAY This village loyally celebrated civic holiday on Friday lest when the uaer- chants clewed their places of business, and all the citizens enjoyed the bowl- ing and 'baseball.--- .. T.l es laocal--bOwli - ala b • had arranged for a tournament far and about two o'clock the rin arrived on the ground, seven in all. two from Dashwood, two from Ex- , rime -front Mt meet a d -twe local rinks. On the draw being made Mt. Carmel got a bye. In the first games the two Crediton rinks went under along with Ediighoffer's rink of Dashwood. In the semi-final games Mt. Carmel was defeated and Hes- man's rink of Exeter defeated. The finale were then played between Exe. ter and Dashwood rinks, the former winning by a good margin. The rinks and scores are:-- FIBBT DRAW Crediton Exeter • Greenway Thos. Bullock bas two citrons that weigh forty-five pounds- Who can beat this?—Miss Agrrie Milliken of Parkhill-spent-the-pawt .W son' --Aural flen4s-a 1 —Ire. E. Stineo*, W. J. Wilson and -Miss Carrie visited a 0. Curtsy and 0. H. Wilson's on Tues - da .- Missaee Carrie Wilson andAlyrtle Stinson spentFriday a and Satuiday with relatiyes in Bayfleld. --hits. 1J. Gilmartin andlittle daughter Mar'orie, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Atay --Root. Hayter visited friends in God- erich Tp. last week. --Misses Della and Jean Baird of Parkhill s nt. Sunday with their 'frienrd MissC Carrie Wilson. —Herbert Silber of Crediton was in Greenway at W. J. Wilson's on Mon- day from two till five o'clock ipoking after the interests of the Hay Tp. Fire Insurance Co. --Dean Brown has pur- chased a new Waterloo engine and is now in first class shape for cutting straw and filtinfr silos. --Ira. Geo. Wil- son and two children from New Ont- ario are visiting at Thos. Bullock's. - Miss Chrystal Ferguson visited her friend Miss Mass Wilson s llatorday orad Hunday.► Sunday was Rally Derive B�yeet :MethoJist ur'cb.'Th. pastor neva ZA. Sttsadmsn, praaeb d a very interesting sermon to the chit, draft, W 7/helses, p o f lys Gerrie ,philia*' reaturned•botmelsoit wines ta,' after _ p soya- .. with ,her sister at ltanvorvine, 74.414 — George' Viler of Mount Clements, M b.,ntfew dolmaoblaA waikk with tits fictliltrr. Day .illet.- winoox T o psou::of .egos* . r turtles' boa:tree d fe► ween►'' visit' withbis r A ,Tu t .14 e•:ss. 'ld trii� F .7t 1. � ,t �. 'h eek► �tt f, ; i r ;sue .he• » •eft �-;fat, M. � Grace` h, b neadaawyat 3 p.:na, ext Sundity«. 4th doors annual liar' t 1,4004 •se Ing at Grace church, when the Res, D. J, Cornish. • rector of . Greinton, wilt fpreach.—R. L►iviogatone le home for a ew days, owio to the death of hig uncle. ---,Mrs. tl.orden is again very Harpiey al seee led -at -heir i ti `a+ 11#w 4i1 eon. of ship, on" Sept. 17th, Annie E. Crawford, beloved wife of Robert 8. Stone. She was born in Parry Sound district in 1880. Her father dying there in 1803 she with bar mother and sister moved to Dow - rale Township, after which she resided in Port Huron until 1902 when she was married to Robert 8. Stone, after, wards moving with her husband to his home in Stephen Township. , After she was married be with a . r husband tb be et �{io`{+fi c +fires , t "* w •s e ' aaaa ' en a faithful worker. She leaves to mourn :her loses a 'loving husband, a little daughter, Pearl, a mother : and sister. Mrs. Stone bad only been 111 three days. The funeral took place on Saturday, conducted by Rev. S. A. Carriere of ,Grand Bend. Zurich say Berta=weirrni®i a,e't 'w'eek° • piedbomehrDetroit.,Aldrie Joseph Smith of Crosswell, Mich., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. William t riem—MifileMargaretDemutb, -soh for years has been a resident of the United States, is home visiting her lather.—Mrs. John Weseloh and daughter of Waterloo are.in town for a week's visit. --The Zurich Gun Cluh will bold their annual tournament on Thursday, Oct. 8th. ---Mrs. *Wafters Waers and child have returned from a vi it to friends at ` Toronto and Raglan. -- Mrs. Frank Jacob and children of Seb- ringville are visiting at the home of her brother, Dr. E. Stoekopf«-ti. 8chrassg has disposed of his bakery, res-' taurant and dwelling, to Josiah Geig- er, who takes possession on the 1st of 'Oct. We welcoma Mr. Geiger as .ei business man and wish hint every sue - cess. '.�1..i #... or in.U. It - -.� i(i-.+4-4S1Svx#w"."+tti9k.<9z�63:i..;Ft',iRli�ke?�Si".G.°i1•Jifllorgo"'+^U&i,''`?t " r w Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton And the Pennies sill take care of themselves. it's all very well to save the pennies, but get into the way of saving the dollars. They count up faster. Consistent saving will place you beyond the grasp of need. DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS HERE. ,_,..► Interest is paid quarterly upon deposits, and Huron & Erie f , Debentures earn 4 per cent. per annum. x ..,'rl` 'lr,.�`�•-`�r'Ir'. s -Y �t--i ir w� w a. "L�•L'VFY�R,V/'. a'Ci�:. ., �C"...;..'; A71,. pJ rt'�,, a'MAW. F To el Assets 11,103,214 92 Paid-up Capital 1,900,000 00 " Reserve Fund . t 1,000,000 00 There is no stronger Company with which to do business in Canada. Correspondence gladly entered into. Shore Wambolt E Tiernan Snell Edigboffer skip 13 Taman skip 21 Crediton Dashwood Brown Goetz ,Sweitzer Siebert Bluett Mercian McCue skip 12 Hartleibskip 13 BEMI-EIN'Aan Exeter Dashwood Hurdon Levett Dickson Bearman skip 7 pxeter Sweet Alger. "Snell ' Taman skip 15 Goetz Siebert Tiernan Hia<rtleib skip 15 Mt. Carmel Shea F Ryan an 11 FFrRFoster sk 12 FINAi.8 Exeter Dashwood Knight 'Goetz Alger Siebert Snell Tiernan • Taman skip 18 Hartlelb skip 9 The trophy which was thus won by W. Taman's Exeter rink was (as the visitors stated) highly creditable to the Orediton bowlers, being a beautiful sil- Trer-,set, consisting af==-a knives, fork., largeand *mall spoons, a butter knife ansugar spoon, valued at $20. The me- being etinclud all repaired to Bill's Hotel where after supper bad been eaten, Mr. S. Brown,' President of the Crediton Club, in .a neat Speedh presented the trophy to the winning rink. The skip,. Mr. Ta - mac, and others of the winning rink. as well as Mr. Hurdon. President of the winning club,made suitable replies and the latter sang a verse of his own composition on the game. ' llo+rrliel, bowling, bowling os themes, bowling, bowling, best you've ever t's**. Nothing can .sa=guaro Bawling on the grass That good and ancient pane called bowling ff.Eliber, 21.P.P.., and Mr. Goetz. the president of the 'IMshwood club. also spoke briefly, 'in appreciation of the game and the dint's play. DasznALL-The baseball, game be. tweet the Irish Niue of Loom and. Creditor) proved to be just as intertest - in d clow*, as expected, the llnal re- suit being 3.2 in favor of the visitors, although to the majority of the play- 'ers i nd spectators.* hit by Snell that let in Kerr end himself lookedore a like fair ball than a foul as railed by the; Airs rye; and''follovaring as it did a hit by 'e rr that let in two. it would sown brat the%prtper ro 4-31n favor of C di The ,ig�ke Inas arsnoat creditai les rte, •after ,the secorentiningswhin *lel"- gra K. euraed.: Fahner and Snell -were the batteryfor Crediton, and Oibsott and Downng fo>r Luesn. Forman of Lu - eau umpired. The lice up: Creditor:. ascan-- .,- McCue 0 Mindy 0 Fahner ' 1 McFaI1 0 Wurw 1 Mambray 1 Snell0 Stanley 1 Belysver 0 hoes 1) O Brown 0 D'o'wrtting 0 flodgine 0 Morgan 0 tion. fibroid tumor , iris' tie ,1 l+3 Goiter i! r hitt pins. av iclhe,. th bear- _ otvn flatulency,' hi' .+;1,, pi rt/dr sat bye *1'.5 prat r it Why dontyontry it1' , Mrs. ristlghstin invitee all oleic. wtuest to 'write Ler for SIC% K e Imo` 11ed, thousands to is. Lumen, Mass.' Atter' ,six wecka •+fey weather r ti'r'e as >owrs of rain Yell cash Monday. tis' it **Ills; ffiIbwe tsy a «treat* drop oma • d tntttcr"atti . 13at a fzse asy ago it wile to3t 1r EICIW, it friss tG'O' e32r1 4 AI trio st, # c!a aro c1eancd and t'..io «iii t4Cap 1•]k:Et '4z to llc ii4 4 Laialar4.tie Give (lot :osrt fteublti. .1.0.-4 V. Jti"a cera rat co--. IS COMPLETE. New Dress Goode in all the lead- ing cloths and shades, at close pri- ces. Be sure and see our New Mantles for Ladies and Children. New Furs in ruffs, stoles, muffs. collarettes, &c. They are Beauties and at prices to suit all. New Fiannellettes.Wrapperettee, Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blank, etre Kt dose prices. New Hosiery, Cape, Mitts, Gloves and Underwear --all kinds and siz- es. Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Suits' at Bargain Prices. Ordered Suits a Specialty. Be sure and see our New Tweeds and Worsteds in the New Shades. Our prices . are right. A full` line of Hardware at close A large stock of Crockery and Fancy China just to hand. Our Grocery Department is full' of Neve and Fresh Goode. Chiselhurst It is our duty this week to report the death of Mre. Wm. Hall, which sad affair took. place on Tuesday of last week at Blake. They moved to Btake'two years ago, when her hus- band took over the blacksmith shop there. She had reached the .age . of thirty-four. She leaves to mourn her lose a husband and six small children, the oldest being ten years old, and the youngest an infant of two weeks.. Her remains were brought here where tbeey were interred in the family plot in cTaggart's cemetery. Wood.'s eve i The Great Elsa* Bawds Tones and inv . oratessthe vrholai ..Stone, makes* new roue Matta tial and Sinn 3 't a matarrhossrared i irrects Abuse Vac. itper box, sixfforsix �will cures /SoId b all plaaiai • ext . I of mailed rte. Thr IaMdIoI Oe. (f y Mawr) a'saawa'rto„ Ont. DEPARTI1ENTS- Coissaerclat, Short- hand. h rt -hand. Telegraphic ; g raduatu aecuregood positions -and forgo to theent, write for our ire. catalogue, you -tris Sad it interesting. Tourney enter any that. ELLIOTT & MY t CHLAN, Princi a' , The Moisons Duur ifillinery Department is un. der :the management of MISS DUNN, OF LONDON, a lady of wide experience in the millinery business. It is with pleasure that we ex- tend this invitation to all the ladies interested in artistic headgear. Our millinery department is full. of all the latest and newest styles and designs in this line. The whole pasta a our Millinery Section.ra- Come to our Opening and enjoy the inspection of tbli season's ` is- i5leay of most beautiful and com- plete showing of Fall Millinery. SHOES A large andursll assorted stock of all BOOTS the leading styles and makes, at prices lower than ever, "If you want a pair of good Boots or Shoes. give "us a call. A l'ot of odds and ends will be cleared regardless of coat. .. . COME ; EARLY AND 'GET THE BARGiAINS 21! Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce. Has 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A ASNS*A1. *ANKINil BUSINESS TEANSACTBD. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. -� EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Moos & Cinwto, Solicitors. N. D. •liU WON, Manager, E HAVF aA Special Line of Patent Shoed which are going fast; , Come in and,; see them. Stles and rim are'right. They will suit you. A f ,lune of Other _sloes that are s itable ,for wear. You will, be pleased' ith them, 1 7 t C R L OUR GROCERIES ARE older often and kept fresh and new all the time. We will be left tosee you try • them.$rea kft 'code, Can w ss r 8, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent line of Confectionery also. - `"r'rEtt AND EGG:. v► ill ply you the Higbee Market. i?rice n tirade for IBi Gln# , to.11now just what to buy ' :in the line of Joe1ry, Watches Clocks, Silverware. ' You very often need a hint as to what' .is most sultabbe , to b y *for your 'friends or OurfeW 7-4062•46..tirSt turnishetilie-liints 0;.miadow It reveals in a minute more appropriate presents than any one could sit at home and recall in a whole day. - 1 aaa WE • IN ITE BUYERS an 1 we promise to make their choiming, t,asy and their choice satisfactory.MARCHAND 1