HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 9 (2).ti
:1J .-.:49 ..1.i'^`yk1F. .. `f."4•.7'.•fr„� *.
r nable prices:
the New Fashion Plates
for the present semen
W W M '
�e =r
guinea Locals -• Read They
Stewart shoal the ;wettest lot of new
Dress Goods that we hare seen. The
new cldvron stypes are certainly rich.
vocate office.
sql#' ov ,
-;4tM!atiaa* 'o .�
Get. Mb,.
Monday is chonen.at the4>teclue t of th
commercial men.
Mr. Wreids stbaatt»u'iear .
William street, in the house._ la�nmy
awned by Mr. Ed, Howward, his wif.
and three children having arrived.
Itey. Going preached _strong, cd
eloquent -swami* on temperance Suns
day night from -the subject "Oona I my
brother's keeper?' Re claimed that
Temperance :realm next to Salvation.
and that we have as moral and legal
right to persuade others against the
drink evil.
Suru1 y next is the Sabbath scboo
rally day at the James street church,
charge of the services. The c n
will attend in•a body_In the *norning.
A mass meeting wilbe held in the
.afternoon when Mr. Milison and the
principal of Exeter•.school, Mr. Weld-
enhainnier, will speak.
Saturday Night announces the mar-
riage of Miss Pansy J. Mason, B. A.,
daughter of. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace
Mason of Toronto, to Mr. S. Lorne
Fear- -mach
M .!
; or. = a _1 Eldjr Kimono c+1 Qf1QfROct:, a.
yard. Stew', rt'a.
fluter Can a ria Factory Wants needs.
20 hands te- anted to peel Tomatoes.
Apply at vas f r k,iang Factory.
King still Il its for dressy 'young men.
Stewart iv slurring all the new shapes.
*y Wanted. -
To work on the farm, good situation.
Apply at t It o *valce, .
Yes 9tea4•t is again leadt"hrj the jack-
et business. T'heir tailor made New
York body Ji .ing coats are perfect beau -
Fars Ri paircd or Re*eesuee.
Those wishing fursrepaired or, re-
modelled bri f g them in tabs month in
order to secure reduced prices.
M. Re wxu.;
Andrew St.,
Or. °vearvx' Couriaoa<.
r. venss, n on, yrs an r
Surgeon, win be at the Commercial
11 :lei. Exeter, on Saturday, SePt. 26th..
Glasses properly fitted and diseases of
Eve. Ear tu4 Nose treated. Hours.
9 •. tn. to :i p to.
"TaKI i t. t)trr TO TH Batt. GAME"'.
is a goad song. but - " Erm Ytt,tlir
Foor EAr" has 'em all beat. M is at
Lost. .
Short gray lady's coat, between Ex-
eter and Devon, on Tuesday, Sept.
15th. Kean), return to this office.
Nabs Lost
11.tweed Exeter and Centralia,, two
wagon tt xk ;,uta. Finder *ill confer
e.f..vor by leaving same at this office.
Forecasts Per September.
A regular storm Period •-begins on
ttu 2711. and cxtendds to October 2nd
Wirt; cti tial on the 29th. As the
month goes out low ban:rider - taxi
gencra-1 storm conditions will ba •PtS
transit tretralwest to .ezat. -31Y.. _the . 4_
and -30 wide arca; or cloudiness' and
rain wilt—dbvc cap, bi'ingIng tnn cat-
erai apes; or autumnal ,rain and wind.
DornRleoEIe1LoN Oct 26.
.Th. t' a w!. H. -A, hast we ek"decided that
U.af.arp::0 .herenld be the date of the
Pr fie; l ta...•-e a fuss, with nomination*
otu• %v et, t gin, her, Oct. 19th, which hod
p>re 4:ouayl b. ea chosen as TbanlaAssgiv
it g r, . TI4.0 day far giving thanks
has now h:', n changed to•NoWember 9,
and (i=ira: d . hopes that One thankful
feature %' ill Op the removal from office
.of the giv+...r4aame . tbrlt,Lasbeen wast -
ho e lards,needleisly'spend-
.ing lnrgr, bner.s of money Ind condon-
ing graft I : 1 corruption. It is tiMie,
for a rho a,.;;.
S liable
traria num
A 41
of Exeter. The marriage took place
on Wednesday of this week.
Some minor cases were dispoeed of
at the Division Court sittings on
Thursday list. In a claim for wages
Thos. Bi_gge , plaintiff,. won against
Richard Colbert, defendant„--aand---did
also Tined. Jones against John Blatch-
ford. Mrs, Nelson Magee succeeded
in establishing a claim for board
against henry Stanley and got judg-
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Penbale narrowly escaped serious
injury on Wednesday morning last.
Mrs. Penbaaale had driven out to town
and while on her way home she went
to drive across the crossing south of
the Comanaatercial House, when the horse
stumbled aand4fell and in the excite~.
meant the child feU from its mother's
arms between the wheels unto the
bard pavement.. Luckily, however..
the little tot escaped with only.a small
cut -on the 11D.
A nice littlee shower orf rahar own Fri"
lar good, except tole)" the dust,, was
welcome, indeed, breaking, as it died,,
the longest period of droneht known
here for many years—four weeks and
one day. Everything was so far ad-
vanced, however, that the dry spell
did not do a great deal of harm, except
perhaps to hasten the ripening of fruit
and vegetables rather too much, to
unduly reduce the supply of water,
and to make travelling an the high.
ways and living along the highways
very uncomfortable because of t
dust, which rose in clouds with every
gust of wind or passing vehicle.
Mroock host.
Betwee . Exeter North - ? , Mr.
Thos. Nes • hen. a g brooch.
Finder will kin r i eave s r' e at this
office. -
Dina 1aa MicitJan.
Mrs' Wm. Dearing received the said
news Tuesday night lava of the death
of her son•ian-laaw, Mr. Henry Browse,
who died near ' Marlette Mich,. than
evenin , after a lingering illness of
lima'-mon# -^durst,Io i"fro
rapist. Mr, Prows* was a netiva of
i e haying beenalai "near Wood. tv �►
ham, end lift these parts for Marlette
about fifteen years ago, where he :has
resided ever since.—Mr. Prowse mar-
ried. M; Susie Dearing, daughter of
he late Win. Deering, and, besides
e sorrow ng widow, he leaves to
mourn. his death two sons mid two
daughters. He was Aged 45 years,
Miss Charlotte Deed and Mrs. Jas.
Sten1ske, sisters,, -" loft Wednaarasday,
Morning to attend the funeral. The
Advocate extends the sym tihY of
many friends to the, bereaved
1 y
fr. 3u..Ford Of Stephen. who has
*Woody ill the "Met w ek,. I, i
..1 64 Ma `, aecepte4 s
eett tit n
lather; ,,.
t e"waged et the
ry Rumohr. atr., Ezetoie Q1/-
At 1ia Fain
alv'eni , lana a +Y -au1's C hutrc a
oft; anda ' next, ^• t t9 ;, t p
ting, ho was ttitr>rar
elarill several says: a.
,Iy r vers as, to be
did again although he 1
►.,! __ , .ter
y.,r,cthc-rip to place
ins wbteh.a.•cou_�ele of horses ran'away
and threatened merlons result,. Min t-
es Ethel, Brickwood and Vine Cookson
were accupants of one of the rigs and
were both thrown out and sustained
Wined arta. _
• Lula>a rr�rpisw*se.
Hughle, the little sixteen -months
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robbins, who
live inlive in Geo. Ford's house, on Lake
Road, west of the track, was drowned
about 11 o'clock Wednesday morainic
Thb falling off the bridge.into the creek.
e body was found a few minutes
Ile was the on.. child. The sympathy
of the community is extendedthbe-
reaved parent".
Moth of Mrb. Tait!
Mrs. E. Christie received word Wed -
'meadow noon of the death in. Detroit of
her mother, Mrs. Tait, who went there
to visit her daughter.. Mre. Lammie
only last week. A few days ago word
was received of heriillness. but her de.
g " "bier `"'Iaietary
hat -of E R:
for many years: As we are unable to
obtai fall record of her life at
late hour, particulars will be given
next week.
L R. Carling was in London Mon-
Minas Edith Gidley, of Blyth, viaited
here this week.
Miss McLean of Grafton. Dakota. in
-visiting Mrs. D. McInnis.
Mrs. Etherington of Brown City is
visiting relatives in Usborne.,
Mrs. Billings arrived home last week"
from an extended visit in Boston.
Miss Pearl Bissett has returned
home, after as three months' visit in
Mr. A. J. R. Duncan of Hillsburgh
ldaving with his parents in . ye-
borne„Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Piper of Mitch-
ell, are visiting the former's mother,,
Mrs. Grace Piper, Ann Street.
Mr. ,J. Hyn dnien, who has, been
et Victoria HosPital, London), for
'It hi M I R p
Mrs. S. Bertrand and daughter,
Madelaine„ of Crediton, are visiting.
the former's sister, Mn. Kuntz.
Mrs. E. Tomlinson and son, Mr. and
]firs. Luther Biesett and daughter, of
London, visited here this week.
L. H. Dickson was in Ooderich Tues-
day, as counsel for Byam Rowcliff'e. in
hi* suit against John Sawyer, of Us.
Miss Etta Harding left on t aaturday
for a two months' visit for the good of
her health in Port Stanley and St.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker, of Wing.
ham, are visiting the latter's sister,
Mrs. John Sander', of the 3rd con. of
Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Hooper left
Tuesday for Formers' Valley, Penn.,
where they will visit for'a couple
of weeks.
Dr, and Mrs. Roulston left Wednes.
day afternoon for .Milverton .where
they will visit relatives for the balance
of the week.
Mr. Rich. Greenwood of Toronto,
°who bas Breen visiting' friends` fn s,
s„ around town, left Tuesday for Mitebel
ieltbtaarl rother: •
Rev. and Mrs. Fear and son, Thorn.
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. fiowey,
a attended the wedding of Lorne Feer.
in Toraanto Wednesday,.
M� Ed. C°tabard and daughter,,
Miss Mande, of Godericb, 'spent a 'few
days tbia 'week with . the former's
daughter, Mr. Lindenafelt. ,
Mr.`Robt. Stonehouse of Belgratave
arrived here last week and intends
making his future home with his
daughter; Mrs. Chas. Birney.
Ni. and Mars. John Hunter end, Mr.
B. Bunter were in B klin, (hitt., latah
week, attending the funeral of . Mr.
John Ormiston; their co uiira, whaldied
17th. aged 75 ye+awrr..
S gar# John Dialler woad daughter.
Beta* returneedd to theirr"hotn a in Oshawa
on • Wednesday. They were, *corn -
partied :by Minta Loma orb+. ok, who
will, visit their forr,.n mee .State.
M•. McDonald (nee V' Stroll;)` of
ticagoarrived � Mon to ' visit
hersnot* Mr. and.Mr.. John, ,Snell
or two— t Mrs. ;Chola,' crof t
ar roia%islt o the guest of Mr.' and:
..,r , f,
4 8woet end lit't dsu hte .
1 thou, M
Mc lura and little son, John Melo,
ones lofted, with the cbrildreen's
'Mr. and Mrs, ". `Sw ,
r M+s aafSoutb
ir>va. Jaebti Willis.. •rho as
oats to Medea + Mia C
�, ohm 'few weelcae age a
w stn .y ting cr y
'laarelree, returned #ref hr bo�r.+gk
li*r1 tt , M
kb., yesterday.
Me. le.r J« • ,tonight, .at a try
nth . F
t with bis brother, Prot et "orkw .:
�r . � Fly, mash iii
moved i ► lth. Sr. alght like.
,r tbo Exeter 041
yinK t 'tat of health.
n Pad Hnlgbtr
ttaNd 'K' 'ilh1 am ,Ilyndnarn,
+of brig, healthy and.
D.stin st teles )Mtertert. .
Mr. John Herbert, b leveret years
the oiled resident; in Exeter, answer-
ed thegatt rollcrll.on Sunday night
lad about 12;o'clock, at'thes _. t age
all years. Being,- . of a, re.
tpn* rkable handy a rarobusst constitu.
tion the
dece*aed retained his vitality
and facu'ltfee- 4'taost to the laats 'beitng
tongued to Id. bed oval) *short a. short tlm-e,
ties •ins rmittie of Old age ling the,,
c>tnae of his death. Mr. ilevbcrt
oar, native ef` England,. being born
t uxnberland ltrc the' year( 1811,4
came to Dane& with ' rhiar .
when; only rix year* Of , • first
tlitng'in the • tow: a Wbitbsy. -
they i emaina G Stir about
After Which they.nioved tti't.
ford and, later to Townsend bawd
Invthe Oounty -of --Norfolk.—
-No 'oslk..ctastrlous turn' -of wind end b,
of` teat strength and
totirrk .p. ' a undrra d acre bon, `
cif o rs In the county.,.�ihiag taiwi.
fad be' moved .to :hear Ingersoll
w ltee t"tetrrtaatiizett for A poor* Has.
t� tca the townolop,
rtt year
• at�#fr�g•aas � andC
. r '4 .
4t net
e;taat +t•..+•0•.10.0!*e
WirrOli,Peu .,..1.....• s..A...!!
Y Pe '
0. r, ow grade per ow,
+w•#",Y'p". ��'A M M 4.r
FRPYF 1►.+! 0,0,4 *0,4.114
per cwt.' '# .. ',' ,•
• t4..�.
Daeliscb.e. ea �o % e obi°?
se uptoms of the congested .con-
'ditione of the kidney% Ester -
nal applications may relieve,--
whetpis needed is a remedy that
will remove . the cause of . the
Dix Bvchu & ivaIper
Kidney POIs.
are a prom t and certain cure for all
sold under aa� guarantee. If they €ail
to give entire satisfaction, the
money will be refunded.
25c and S a box.
Ws S.CoIe, mat 1:1
tm .h-' h.e. n,
�1NUse FOOT " E for
feet. •
Laurier Demonstration
As we go to press today (Wednes-
pro ) theesat Clintonrier toDemonstration
have congregated to
hear sir Wilfrid, the �giftedd premier,
Hon. Mr. Graham, Minister of Rull-
waayaa~. M. ' '. -McLean. Liberal candid-
ate for South Huron, Robt. Hondes
for West Huron. and A. Hislop for
East Huron. Sir Wiifrid will be' pre-
sented with an address from the three
Hurons, read by J. a Stanburryy. A
promotion will be held, marshalled by
a. number of the 33rd battalion officers
and attended by five or six bands.
Conservatives and Liberals aro alike
doing honor to the premier. A large
number from Exeter and vicinity are
in attendance.:
t EN
IP you should spend .alk your spare
cash in going to theatres, you
' could not buy as much entertain-
ment as with & samall part of that
money invested in the 'Edison Phona-
ga+aaph and Edison Records. With
these your pleasure will be lasting.
Phonographs $10.30 up.
Records 40c.
reail —Haar Salo by— Asaa
q a
THE pmzrrY
Watch Window. Baan.Exp.Bldg.
a rYr r
be con -
v i n c a C
khat it is the cbea t ;
0 II
I i D.
,..... v -,ter. -w1x..
stock a full
line of furniture,
and it pays to
fu r n is h your
home from our
stock. :
as a+
- mime
r -Suites. Paripx_
�K.-.ate•=.-�.�.....*~: ��..'�'�?�-��'�...
Music Cabinet Couches
Zideboants :woks
Burets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
- --a
Dining Chairs
and all Bedroom Furnitut,
The Leading Some Furnishers and Funeral Director*
LUtUmfl Tiding
AUTUMN is putting on her golden tinge now and
- that means business will soon be booming with
the New Fall. Goods. Everything hens► is in
full swing for the big rush. New Dress Goods, Suit-
ings, Separate Skirts, Fur -Lined Coats, Furs, millinery_
and in fact every article for your comfort.
Our Milliners Are Here,
Ready to take your orders for Your ,
with lesabwir b s niia bntiaw►t
await our graduates.
e :Leaf edger=
sad axl ilfrC� ern ate* wit tads
which tasure rapid advance,
boot b'th, osi . mar is
°stark) Who aaittendad ttiaNar
at Iitra+ir'» Selma- .
t[gtoa.`COUi 5*5 —
00olotrc W, ' fele
*Atop Watt. for
h!AL>L TORN PROM San'. lit
st peetera., "shoot
,'Iela'oftean. ttrittnabew mitt'
JI.,LI rYWiiwai �'r,Wi► •Y'Y.,m r sem" i!'' ., 4 .k.
owe your face.
A lovely-cOinbIQ$tlan.--
The new Ready-to-wear Hata are very new and swell for the early
fall wear and are found here in • abundance. Every. lady should lost
after her Millinery early and give the Milliners askance to fix you tap
colored Dress Goods
We ore showing a very extensive huge of
The .New Colored Dress Goods
- , for.tbfs .e eo n.
Stripes are very new And corms to Green. Brown, Blue and Red.
The cloths are very fine, with a beautiful finish. Plain
the re Glottics are tarry,
stopular �in same shade as the Stripes said our stock comprises
The Pick of tDoss Goods Trades
In Voile, Ti
oiitedi and sc�i
AMor's roil atm f1 1tS Goons
and de nct oaring behind
iso season •
Olotb, Chiffon,. Aro dela' b4 Pan, Bl
re 0 be .beat far n
B4 7ti+e fiwi[ for are rE>k,..
on wilt
of Fur -1.01
hate them. All and.
." want -roof**.
,showing, andd think you
i a give you to
tar„ ar►elr'wl►e ale r
Will blithe as
elilroa from.
*41 IitlepeiI dr# Weil,,
tits ai