HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 8 (2)Ott acebaralila rwre, lkeSy to approh i raiazip, zn ftp tlii `« i e . iso u cd, uiy ru ii ' of lme st baiack. , ¶the f) ut ch t stasfrikii nis'cl a Zei turig, telling • the story,'sae#haat be, withers will not abandon tbeir, , foal s, but colleeting ,around them ; etheue-enette rata ly ala ss bl+ I;etreet webthe: ai9l ti c centre. In ili ' � is salts r' itx uhl . .' t litl,S9. 0 e f�c a arse.,th' y *r9;tlr„,. aal.lr 1 #keeen?7,i 1'd' t t yfib$:situa i •t est a n aaaa wa ; ker fneenbers ryas 'y the eight mpute the tee ilhlt� r.%t'iout tri;ser,, et lliebase .,strange azilm*/ ;astride• owe back to bite and kirk then e"reatbeeleietette, cs.ome peril to . -Ys o, intent upon ' his game, was: e'unhorsed b ' this proee ding, acn ready to meet the emergency with. a shot or two . from his revoI- + r, which scatters the males in wild ' ght. _," etimes_he...fad to are a colt, but he is usually sue"se- c+ful, and has now a fine herd of ycaung zeb_ ras, whose training be- ns frons. -the -day efetheirrapturee: They learn 'to feed from his hand o basket, and as their training ad- It s E3rti aroun wl harness on their backs and filially gives them little loads to pull- None of his herd is yet ,large enough for actual service.• Ne Try t.. f eaaa " altnarwr m akytd' hette,. u, ' said ,nna lei Shat scaphelc, bat : ► #i e xaa� a tarry tha the I) 01:4u fr arta tri ei,ti qu etre, yj' don, is Merl: w ' foar fie>" a .. i f. ; � ' • ' leitj ,.tor the aitrlct- rr:l r that ' * sl taate� Tli:'Ij# t 114* b ,l ky ou <lerrg# ,,. 4 x'. I fA e, 11 It Pe ru-Di, seereeseesreeee hl T. JEAN, 210 St. Frick street" Ottawa, Ont., C'an., writes "1 be!ievcda year ago that I could stand. ,anything. I worked lard,"ke t irregular hours, and did tot inin the loss of a few meals, ►ut', an 'si;c weeks I had changed to .a physical, wreck. '%ight battles of Pcruna brought T S tk itY Tor , . une.i .the fading druggists, of Prescott, new,, 'has:: been presented with a enty-five year Medal of Honor in d'd .:Fellowship. Ile writes as fol. ver sinceI have, been handling Brun ve .I have had a fine :t*-ac1 Once a, family buys a bottle, T am rlre of selling them more, and it newer fails to brills additional sus - Diners. 9 .have nc yin este - r-, fir- tarrh in all of its carious forms. As . household 'remedy . it is without ntpare, splendid for mothers and 4 zcellent. for ehaldren.4' Devoured by the 'atives µof the Is. (Ae 'Although cannibalism is supposed to be extinct, or nearly so, •ovver the greater portion of the Dearth a'.i sur- face, there occurs every now and then a nasty reminder of its con -1 tinned. persistence in odd, dark corners. Thus, in the Conga Free State the Were. halted' by a youth, I?esiring of them. that they stay triethe 'illi M"wzsdomli t .. . throw Light on the way that he should "Your eyes must fix upon a star," The first adviser said, "And hold it, though' it be afar, And always. overhead, And if your gaze shall 'neves quit That goal, •my • friend, you'll come to it." • - of�o tidvises you, my iii n The second wise man said ; "Nor fame nor fortune will attend Who only look ahead ; But look back now and then, and gree - Bow great a fool you used to be." SAVE ME CIIILDREIt -CtlBO STYLE. are 'Ve ,. - �axr'eianll r'y' y Traitesl, aid .Sire' Learn to Carry Loads. ._,a'r.- ►overnment of . East Africa a .Sraiueh pleased with the first re- ,auits of its efforts to train zebras to e eras stip service. Great pains have 1. .on taken' for two years with the eueatioti -&,f five spans of these ani - tale and they bave finally been 1 iougllt to a state of perfect docil- a and are now Making a good re - yd in the draught service, .is believed in East Africa that nth practicability of - r.a making the ze-' do the .work of the hrse and r �e ox hasbeen demonstrated. If it were possible the Government wenid rapidly ' push the work of t sling zebras and breakin them Zti'1 art ��:. * Ley 'natio halite the pee it iar t lent. and liking ` for this work are few, and,;. s . zebra taming goes on slowly. ertUSIIES ON HORSEBACK. mart named Besser .catches the atebrn with lasso in ' western eew- boy fashion, and be is the only man in the big colony who seems able i so do t, It is not easy to do. Buser has tough fleet hone that served in i, eyaesilry during the Boer war a (I hoe been trauured to gallop at u i "Beed over the Mains with the sidle on hie neck, l >rs direction gut. dee ley the swerving 0f is °!Waster s h tly 'to the right • qr left. This lrac rade iiathe zebraa e der.. t .is Messer 's practice to get into the edge of scree grove ,which herds Mothers _who keep a box of aaby's Own 'Tablets in the housed may feel that the lives of their I't- $ "ria ones are reasonably safe during the hot weather months. Stomach troubles, cholera i nfaxitum'and diar- rhoea iaarrhoea carry off thousands of little ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets cure these troubles, or if given occasion- ally to the well child will prevent the trouble coming on. And the mother has the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst that the Tablets, contain no opiate or harmful drug. Mrs. Geo. Mineoult. Jr., Mont Louis, Que., says :—"Before giving Baby's Own Tablets to my little one she suffered greatly from colic and stomach troubles, and cried a great. deal. The Tablets soon cured her and she is now a plump, . healthy child who does not look as though she ever had an hour's illness." Yon ran get the Tablets - from dealer in medicine or by mail at moi' cen's a Vox. rom theISr. i erns"; 31edieine Co., Broekville, Ont. other day, some European 'officers of the wrecked az'teamer YiUe .j}� r s -funis •t-. .A r ~ y ' nd About -the -4s e-tjline--a. similar revolting episode • happened in German New Guinea. It says volumes, however, for the spread ' of civilization, that such tragedies are now as rare as they were common fifty years ago. Then Cannibalism was rife throughout Polynesia, so that to be killed, cooked, and eaten wasthe almost invariable fate, of sailors who chanc- ed to be so unfortunate as to be cast awey on any of the outlying tittle -visited islands, Perhaps .the most awful ' tragedy, of the kind on record was that which happened' in connection with the loss of the St: Paul. Captain Pcnnard, while—on •-a* roysge from Hong Kong to Sydney. his fine steamship carried, besides a full crew, no fewer than 327 passengers, mostly emigrants. On - ' teranber 3uth, 1858, she was wreeke ► on the iieesedeee Poreezel, hut all gotesafelygot on shore. A little later the captain n and eight of the crew Left the is- land in search of assistance, and Denmark schooner. Eventually, the French steamer Styx was dis- patched to the island, and brought Posay one emigrant. The remain- ing 326' had been massacred and de- voured by the natives. Magistrate ,(sternly}--" Didn't 1 te31. you the last time you were here' I never wanted you to conga before me again?" Prisoner—"Yes, sir `but I couldn't make the -policeman believe it." In proportion, more female' pris- oners have previous convictions against them than have male pris- oners. Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands are :cover- ed over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your per- son when a surd remover of all warts, corns, ete., can be found ;n Holloway's Corn Cure. I - n.mlesela d_ herr e s � are-mod=witl: sheep's horns, while in the Soudan eoeke iniadeu am I' al nYCi `ito ti -Some men treat -their Wives wa►ell, and some wives help themselves. • Good Digestion Should Wait on ppetite.—To have the etomach ell is to have the nervous system cell. Very delicate are the doges- ive organs. In some so sensitive re they that, atmospheric changes feet them. When they become Ilia, wronged no better regulator is m ocurable them . Parmelce's Vege- table Pills. The. will assist the di. estaon .so ' that the hearty eater suffer no incenvenienee and gill derive all the benefits of his The finest tea grown in the world is tine star:daard el, eltnallity used in pn eparing S3laadrx Tea. Sold only in seated lead packets. • 9 r . GOAT ATE BANK NOTE. But It C'oet the Pbor Et itow His Life' An. &el geatlieatd in , erntany re- ee° fall asleep, and one ;of his an a<t p ifs' "et the contents sof his keap.aaek, and 411?. rig, °eller lei• gs devoured a £o tote, cote o etitutin ---the exah r1's.eav during many years. The goetherd travelled to tele - lr re, and went to the orrice of the Gerrean Ineeerial Iv ^_'nt::, t lscre.• he' t before the offeiele rx etran. e, l>aIvy mese, wrepre nen ie Teethe,,,, dd them t. t e ° it for t pearpuse of CSt Bbl ichitt the f'att tfi oat `i centaia ed the re::> r e: to c f a &o note. nwas the ieterccr c.f atha uatnlaal p ' awceat., eithich had tae' t e Ur ate, feednneso for ant flaine.,e da I.l;t rte ;iiffe. Tic eXiefels tent the len rt an eepert ` for examine; oaxn, tied jL!ter L0 land fee. C' � del y'ee., Lc tat w gYl.s.•�-.tT erA�l e t"C;"se Gaa lr le the o/d manwas erefel A dwoman is always explaininr that•ber p'iotogrp*h doesn't do her jueti ae. t is easier to le td a. man to rihl �atx it ie drive .him Airy.ro n t eir14 a a awaar : that big owe nn °tleir shoes Teske their feet i v sm _ -: <r .. ,-e e .. ia�l #" '1LIo i e tJer n set t hu + l e 1a, Mliaiaud3 on ' e would ' ' gale, 'a, the poor woaaa was left to drown; '':T"hae ono c- we *l ing" e'at'ery. tit" eiic ie be t. ' Court e i etiquette was no strr'ictl. ebb �` aerveYaf. Anad„, $gin. due course, the queen's Iloilo wus deeply . mourned.. * n: hof 4^�A:r figur- ed- c y"Y - ed-. in a similar affair. When�:. s email boy, .he was playing in the palace at Madrid, when he slipped. ar;fasai4elL.adltme a t. :ria But forg the ntervention ref footman . he must inevitably been'killed. I nsteaaad of that, -this footman -4a; feted. Ile had laid . hands on his monarch, so he was dismissed in eeteeeeeteitegeeemeeeil The queen dowager provided for' bine by finding him other employ- ment, but she could not avert the punishment inflicted on him for sav- ing her son's life. Ladies in Poor Health g t 'rev -seasoustr + iUt of xt OfteY .. b rt orao 1 ow sew ng' machine for t •ria.@:�� IAX New the Singer Machine costs very little more than t royvn4o Cher, b•« e`'ntite iint. '"t . one , Pager win oat"; fast siveral of the ordinary kind. AT Te Si g b earned the reputation of, running as- smoothly at th . 'ext . • _ �" +� +� of its ittribrderiewstro - boughtConsidering this, the Singer is ut the and the. cheapest machine to Qom" ryii heree er peeie ly Otho' er • s- !!� conraged by failure of previous treatment are invited to write for a free trial of my home treatment, with interesting „booklet, all post- paid in plain w.raappers, with the most reliable references and proofs which will encourage the most dis- heartened. You can thus quickly satisfy yourself, without cost that this treatmentis what you long have sought. I will reply promptly to all who write. Address, MMRS." Cil :` ;B - Windsor, tint.. Some men marry poor girls and settle down, and some marry rich widow and settle up. A Man would have but little time f► r anything .else if he loved his neighbors as they love themselves. Its Powor Grow Witle--A ge, . .; H,e�ma�edie�� loud bloc,- ed as panaceas for all humans: have come and and guns since Dr. Tllo- Irtger'Seimikt. Madame TORONTO Mtyl41"ffEEAL. _ �,. .r �•...., ,•. �! ,. mat-xa . .a. i ,.y.. • r w^ar"_vm xrtq.4fM.'w�'vx4:;vn �.vvcrxw.wc he Cobalt Silver Dividend paying nines at present prices pay from 7 per cent. to 3s• per . cent. per annum and are in our opinion' a :good speculative investment : Crown Reserve, City of Cobalt, Coniagas, La Rose, Nipissing, Temiscaming and Tretheway are papula• stocks and should increase in price. - CORRESP0NnENCB Soni..ITeor. sl►t i+t9 ui mgrs• Fleadach •�" Rheumatism, Pain, Eta: Tam so CENTS, ALL nft+uui+r�zsxS � e� mac Iectric Oil was first put up- '' p'A iO*sirk. OMPAN' • ' TORONTO. on the maricaet f Yet it remains TQ1. *-tyuls>r wee* # remote g Toraa aM arseetrsNti tyrrasa*sir * meow" doing more good to humanthan iereeh a mammal rrrwr Ca., Leaden. many a preparation . more bighlly Vaunted and extending its 'virtues • wider and 'd and in a larger . H'yla`©r-�-'"T rattbled with rods es wider circle every year. • It iii "the media tion eh 1 ' You g ` a shoaald drink �a cup eine of tho masses• of hot water every teernin . Py- ker•-- ;I do; but they call it coffee "My i My face 's my fortune, sir," at my boarding-house." she Riad. "That being the case," rejoined the cynical bachelor, "you 4 ' If your children moan and are are in no danger eg being married , restless during sleep, coupled, when for your money. awake, with a loss of appetite, pale' Cbtasiats Have Tranft'to in tett1ag Iron rots wit * Meta that Liar ayatea w.iil absorb. said bena!itr a it, lair Like r?rat,• Liar �' sa! tosi'b palladia* • has bars s ?ed. Ih uihie u strengthens. Stout Caller—"Doetar, •what will remove this double chin of mine?" told-faaa;luokieed'Doctor (after a brief pec 'on - v sing iit a gu ilo. Itwill be noticed' 1fr the Singer Sewing Machine Company's adver- tisement that there are three ad- dieseet at the bottom of the an,: nouncernerit, Any sea& writing will talease address them at the nearest rrnel of the three places to his post office. • When a maao . claims to be Sancti- fied it means that he is sorry his friends are not as good as he is. The' wise man profits by `the ' ex- perienee of othcrf—and atthe santtithe nixes in a little originidity !► 'ill For 'Generous Eaters..,. Therer are many• persr ns of . heaithy. appetite and poor digestion who,, after a hearty meal, . are suble'_ctoto mach *tittering. The food ,of which they hoe arteken lies like lead 7n their stoic. H s ,. h � �, rcaiadaiarh+es �eppa- sicnt a-etnothering feeling'folloar.' Orae eo aai lxeted is unfit for human o .work 4f any kind. 1111 -Wise a~ (litho' Parmele e's Vegetable Pi will bring. relief.. The_.y- .will .. he a similat on of the ailment, an rised according to ,direction will r tore Healthy digeetae n, ' • N' fiInty. COV1t ES `. ''''Why do ;yang 'talk of the redoness of 'nit ure i", .. "I don't know. To my ideas, no, titre is very polite. Took at the dip' f`'tire w,saves, the bend of the 'river, t . hoeglis of the trees." is n ere press rihed' i air books for as ty.lean di ccuntenanc,, picking of the nose, etc.', you may depend upon it that th primary cause of the troiiblo is worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator effectually removes theme pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. ,The`enen ..._who i,..a►l•wz3 a ai,cin about himself never says an. t at is calculated to benefit his fel- low man. is *alt limits.* ori tris Aga* a4 seen r z* a lrht iy ai d[ fowl'bLdod, A II Ws T*t"t Carat* to .obtain l�atntdiate rsii said. tat ;:4a. * iilrtrtrp t ► rid the blood o! pollaticar. Rooney—"Where did ye git th.' black, eye, Mike t Clincey- Why Vim Dolan s just back from his hoe - e 'moon ---an' "'twits me advised Tim t git married." - Dr, 1. D.. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is compount ed specially to combat 4dysentery, °cholera morbus and • all infiarnihztor .disorders a t change of food • or water ma set up ,in ''time stothtaaeh and inteetiasnes., These complaints are more. con-inen in summerthanin- winter, but they *re' a not `confined' . to the , warm Months, ,as ui due fairies of tlie! bowels. may seize a man itt-any tune. Stith **titterer will/find m 'sed re lief ut. �th>as �.'o>�d>i..• r'v ,• As' -he 'spirited horse dashed on,`. the fair nmataidem clung n a ,sirs x.- • i,f te<rrcr Lodi• t in seat; "Ole John," she cried, "can you' stop him" "I'm trying," responded the winded driver between, gasps. "Fit Eve hold hien in if 1 ea*n only laolrl outs if The MIld Clfniate :af Yirgiaia. +Isar atplrndid Opptniursittes far stock raising. !gait growing,air�rinxx and general farming Motors ars short. Climate- healthful, Land good awl selling blow iter varve hot incressing tweeter eachfir. Man Canadians aro mint • iii Yirgiala 'crit, for int rui ti'oa to a. W. 'i`WINER, commissioner of Agriculture, • ichmon, Ti. Send for our market letter, It . will be mailed- you regularly with- out mat. elsk as ,about A property—in asp�i*xi hu-focat n h line prospects, the stock of which 111.00 par, no per conal liability, may be bought for d cents a share, in instalments of It cents a month. We handle all ' Cobalt Stocks Write us. S?EWART & LOCKWD OQ BB OI ERS. pA. 19 etdebible St. dry, Toronto. • lembers Of, the. Standard Stock Mining Exchange. 11 • • AWAOA'$ BEST Jtgfa 1$ tr$IS' E WORLD OVEN ;'ell gds' (old famed 9 pct. ',rss oktvors,