HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 7 (2)• .0Oant , -:•-• despeteh," from Mon etardeis., (002 • '." Pta1Ei4tWtUOrningser ..esslay-.• eight „ ' 4hr:0e • - he Ltu lale Jean dr -4 t c „ ,ost, ssk,„m tr mpled for yards around, ` an lotches of blood were everywhere. ar midnight ,Wednesiiiiy iijgbt neighbors hea,rd cries of "murder and "help," but paid no Attention to them, as such ere e are ton11129P in the Italian colony. The dead man was a hardworking bricklayer married, with two children. • At the christening of the yoeng- ctit, a few week' *go * row took , d• it.t.S•tirought'•that'seveiltc' the cause, of the•muisler. Afte li t A X *tilOret.WAiit the urete* ag'40 .. ti4, ' . itt A 'that o. Ott, o e , P•:• ,*:Pt A . tained z little oer ffteen deC;caki WAS found mpty nearby. Under the body WAS found the -handle, of a etilletto.a"rotind wooden *Imudle with a hit of the blade still stick- ing in it, Deteetive Pusie has been busy in th-e neighborhood ever Sallee* He **tits' • ,,,hope, to, aucceed in landing the man or men who 'did this terrible deed, but as yA4 my information le Very m 140*." 4.'40 • Imss AGA.11§.1ST TI,LIE WW %JURY. Juetice Maellaboa Favors 4 n " ar•Ist,ta*,01-"tor Prtil A despetch"from Corny/al lays: The expense of litiption, particu- larly when the Grand Jursr is re- quired, was illustrated here thus week, when there was only one easel at, the fell sittings of the Mehl Court. This case nepessitated the. •- Grand-Jurymeh- and nearly- -twice inanir ordintry jurymen from all Part4 of the aaitedcounties, at a neavy experise. justice MaeMebout who presided, spoke 'strongly in fa- -trot of doing away with the Grand Jury system, and his views. were endorsed by the Grand jury- tliems selves. The trial was that of G. Bitrnet of Farren's Point, aged twenty, charged with attempted as- sault on * little girl. He was ac- quitted— -ELECTION -0411-1)-0TOnitit- Nontinatienin Will be Held Ole Week Earlier. A desWeh" from Ottawa says: The general etettions for the De. minion will be oheld on Oct. 26 tins-on-Nihein ROP from "Wathington says: After having drawn the at- tention of the world to his aero- plane flights at Fort Meyer, Vir- ginia, and havingestablished new world's records for heavier-than- iot_fiYiPtt inachines,-wriest, „inss hap-whibs inaking Ur. Wright was acconipsnied by Lieut. Thomas E. Selfric cf of the Signal Corps of the army. Lieut. Selfridge was fatally injured and died. at 8.10 Thursday night Mr. 'Wright was seriously injured, but is expected -to -recover, While the maehitte was encircling the drill grounds * propeller blade snapped off and hitting some other part of the intricate ineeluinisiri viruses, it to overturn in the----air-auttfall - to - t ie ground, enveloping the two oc- cupants in the debris. . 0. r. R. LiVevlaiga 'EX Forty More Enrolled at Montreal Itlelading Seven Strikers. ,A riesPatch' from. Montreal saps: The -Caned* Pacific Railway oftls iatru_e GONIJENSEH r f OZker ent', Et Oro airflor -Ow ur ,e. 19 9 4 vlelds prom ering 4Ver tho Ia.kcsproving 'serioult menace to •naVigetion. Return* tsbUltited frem municipal rolls show that Ontario's popula- tion increased by 55,6t7 during ItriV44- ' An appeal for assististice for. the C. P. R. strikers is helix issued b the Intormstiolial•liaehiniste ASSO- Oation. • Aueuste Ottarest, 'forMer road foreman at Montreal, pleaded gull - to defrauding the city of 211,e90 by •stuelet Hie daughter isserliftted in the case. Mayor D'ArcY Scott of Ottawa has been appointed Allisistant Chief Commissioner of the Railway Com- mission, arid Hon. Thomas Green- way and Prof. McLean of Toronto have been added to the board. GREAT Pro,- Jobn Clinton_ oIbnsoJ c m ireToroo nem? -Loveifori En.g. • It is believed -he committe suitidse. - • camp ErT,ArkS. Three person; wereltilled at Wo e ester, Mo., lythe_ explosiors-o car of dynamite. There have been sixty-four death from cholera in St. Petersburg the last two day*. - The Ne* York State Republica converAtion-at Saratoga ream:Wast- ed Charles R. lifughe$ for Gover- nor. n row Cicgieuys theiCsdser could easil,y insure peace to the world if he would ,undertake the -task. . New "York Democrats in Conven- tion at -Rochester nesninsted Lieu- tenant -Governor Chinler for Gov- einor 45f the kitrite; morning from Niagara Falls Sir mg on of new men to replace the 'Wilfrid Laurier -proceeded to_flovs striking -naechanits.----There • ernment House and obtained Earlj forty enrolled on Wednesdayl see - Grey's consent to the dissolution en of whom were from the strikers' of the tenth Parliament of Canada. ranks. The company declares that A meeting .of Council convened at it is quite Fatisfied with the pro - o'clock and it was then decided gress of Ealing the men's places, that the appeal to the country and is exceedingly sorry that so should be made on the date men- /Any or tho old men will be no • Coned, namely, Monday, Oct. 26th; longer in its employ. - on the itith. SMALLPDX VISITS CAMP. The Tatto Abandoned and Pest House Opened. A despatch from Aldershot, NS., rays: Smallpox brolce out at Alder- shot military camp on Wednesday, 1 On .011(11q evening went, to his baro orte WO to Niagara. When he did not return by Mid- night his wife Arent to the barn to sestet', and found her husband dead in s kneeling visitiort beside the water trot**, They -117iOnewa - attached to thei Carriage standing -11404;,-* who •haJ the. outbreak. The military tattoo, 1 ten til of bete,. evidently: becomi the chief event of the comp, has faint, had stooped - over to bathe hjs heels cancelled. face, and while doing so had pired. . .11 4001,4•00••••••••••a fARIIElt FOUND DEAD. Resident of Niagara Township Bled Of /testi Disease. A despatch froin St. Catharines says: Cherie* E. Broien, a ruiner, well-known . in Niagara townshi and ais consequence a quarantine has been established on the 66th Regiment, at Halifirx. A pest house has been opened. There is one case So far, F. Morline, Of the 66th. The ease is a mild one, And no great danger is anticipated, although much uneasiness is oecasioned- By ' ,strri, BRADY RgsroNs. Bead of Lake Soperior Division of C. P. R. Drops Out. A despatch from North Bay saws; Notice is given that F. •P. general superintendent of -the Lake buperior division of the C. it,, has resigned. Mr. Brady's health has not been very good, end„.Work and weirs's, of this difficult division„ with its freqeent wrecks and burned bridges, made an extended rest imperative. His euccessor h*e not been rtamefl. - „ 4 BIG WHEAT Wester* Fanner noised 21,000 Bushels osi SOO Atm. A despatch from Portage la Proe. irie, Man., stays: H. McMaster, a large farmer of the- Plains, insole -a wheat record this year, as his thrashing returns indieat. On" 300 sieres of etuumer fellow 116 had sin ii,verfige of forty ,busliele Per lOsei and on WO acres, the balance of hisii land, an average of thirty bushelsei ! ere total .44 27,000 busliele on .filiursday. .APart smoke banging over the ,tWotites is the loca,1 situation ,relstive to bush GENERAL. • The police at St Petersburg have arrested eighty-five. terrorists. ' An earthquake. shock caused a great panic at Guayaquil, Ecuador. A law giving greeter freedom to Jews is to be sulortitted to the Bus - Sion Puma. . .Seventy deaths from cholera are reported from St. Petersburg and twelve from Manila. . "Voting tflYlit Party," organiz- cd at Geneva, has demanded the withdrawal of British troops from Egypt. . ans Knudson, a Danish engin, ter, has inVented a typewriter which will receive and print wire - loot messages. The German Chancellor says many has no intention of invading Britain or of attempting to securo command of thc scan ptci kill Presidcnt Cabrera lume7ns of an infernsd _ machine connected 'Guatemalan revolutionaries tried somr...••••••••.,519,..g•gog,0••••• rIGUTING MINI FIRES. tories cif Heroic Bittles-Agahist Viaates. A despatch from Port Arthur, Ont., says: °Stories of devestation and heroic battles- against forest Ares by people along the :United States shore hem•beets brought by boats which arrived from Duluth on Thursday. People all along the bore hart buried valuables and ent ig;ineri and children away,' de- oting the whole time to lighting he flames, which are evei.inerea,e- ug. • The density of the pall of '1r14 Rural Population Deoreases Whilo That of Urban Centres Increases Diirin POI Ontario'sj'opulatirn increased by 65.617. This thts etsrtertient made in a bulletin ittSited bx. the Ontario Pepartment of A.R.- ricuiture .stiting details ,colVetted from Munitipal urees. They show popul*tion of $,100.343 last year*, 145 compared. to 2,142,146 in 190, The rural population, however, is on s slight decrease, tieing 446 last '.z4;e-ar,' pared to 1 the yr tts yir trrhart tiott increa ,477,74'to , aFt tr5f *rid city trin 013,2(.4'to 654,166. The total poptilittion has increased' 'very gradually, hut is toofico.fikore than it was ten ,years ago. ',rho attesscd vaittes in 19,01*g r gated 04,149,631,0n, c mpare ei,363,.,t0t,r,SS, in the pr viotts year.] From this the taxes colleetedi .sm9unted to kli9.520,1ctP; *t *g*jutt $10,021,42s in 1fV6.4, orks otit et the rste ef $S.S$rer heed feri he entire .Population. emp*redr,t 4, $$.41 tlo previous , I a , • k UB'Y r tilt?,STIJ 'ts 1 whtat o' ilnJo, os. e4 'at 1)•44 t ere •a, Bay .tnow is quoted 1.05, a rthe- at SLAW , Ontario Wbeat-.-No. 2 w ite is quetid.at 89*. outside;No. 2 red Winter, 88 to 89c, and No. 89c outside. Ositess:Ont*rio new No. 2 white, 393 to 40c outside; Manitoba ie. keeted, 43e, lske ports. Peas-Norninal 14.68 to $90 out- side. Corti -No. 2 American yellow romins3 at 87 to 6734e on tracks routot and No. 3 at 8634e. Berle No. 2 belie ote No. 3 extra at 57c- side. Bran Cars are quoted at $18 to $19 in bulk outside. Shorts quoted at $21 O. #22 in bulk outside. Rya...No. 2 quoted at /6 to -77c outside., COUNTRY,' PRODUCE. Beaus-Pritne, $2 to $2.10, and hand-Acked,_1240,10.42.25, POO - 'llWaSr6.27374ra7B slyer- won, and N. 2, pound tins, ttle, No. 1 eXtraete. 10 to ,1lo per pound. Hay ---No. 1 tixnotby 'quoted at $10.50 to 11.50 A ton 011 traelt here, and No. 2 at $7 to $8. Potatoele-New Ontario quoted.t 0 to 75c per bag in large loti, and Delawares at 80 to 85e per bait on track. Poultry --Chickens, Spring, dress - id, 12 to 13c per pound; fowl, 10 to 111s; ducks, dre.'ed 11 to J2c turkeys, dressed, 13 to. 16e per pound. ; 1 -.MAL THE DAIRY' FIARItETS. Butters -Pound prints, 22 to 230; tuba, 20 to 22e; do., inferior, 18 to Mother and Babe Burned to Death r - • on Wsy to Village. A des etch from Sprecedale 0 Parry' Soun otriet, says: rs. Szerwiski and baby, while drivin to the village through three mile of burning woods, were struck by a largo burning pine branch and burned to death on Thursday. Dr. G. F. It. Richardson found the bodies, and brought them to town. Both were charred beyond recog- nition. -s An almost impenetrable veil of smoke hangs vver the whole north country, and the forest fires con- tinue to rite with undiminished fury. No ram has fallen for nearly month, and the -whole country is dried up. Many villages are threat - teed, and the settlers in all parts are forced to Aght the fire untilthey are almost exhausted. 1'90, Creamer's, rolls, 25 tq 26e, an solids at 24 to 24,24e. Eggs --Case lots, 20 to 21e pe dozen. eese-- rge c eee, 13 to 1 per porind,_ Aind twin, 13y4_, 231/10'1, o 4O1140Oloogomg000geo,igoogo 4•04g1.40040110•001,414•1e4A. •••••.••ogge.O010**004644fo gam., ' ••; ' •t, 1 ,, if. 1, • 0.1 t1itier'e to dtje 0 VA, very toahp,11. retieaIly the. 'Alto early Million, but 4 44 ew b&rjey shows A sbrrnk*c of about -5 per cent, aud so over erdllion bushela short of the crop of 1997. • The poor crop of oats in 2907 ,auSed a ,falling off in the area of 1908 of over 5 per cent., or,158,600 *eras; the yield, however, shows Ain estimiited lucre**, of about 1591- ,000 bleibels., the yield per iicre ,,- , 4, Otattna' eikt wre e u thet.19 * . ,XeegOig Of and equal tbrix-1414re 14'11,v"Eerage of previous,20 years. The areas i rye and peas show substantial in- creases, but they are still below the annuslaverages. The bean crop differs but little , from that of 1907. There is a, slight reduction in the hay area, but the yield har- vested a quarter of a ton to the reccrier.tlielight crop -of last year. 1. fottoSsliegTh7rElliessra. 1905, inseompureson-swith-1907,7--iin *ye ; •662-1 • q , 4 '7 tie; '• 2,774,259 907, ..- 2,932,1M 88,4411101 2,140;887 Rye - 1908 8/)808 1907 - -672158 ,1662-1947 . 119,301 Peast- 1905 1907 Beans - 46,365 629,064 17.9 7 47,562 •790,269 16.6 1682-.1907 „ 41,762 715;332 17.1 • Ilay and clover- Tons. Tons. 1908 3,263,141. 4,635,247 1.0 1907 .... .. 3,269,552 3,8911663 1-18 1682-1907 . 2,532,638 317114958 1.47 With the exception of hisy and lover, the final estimate* nt yields will -not -be mede neeit-ISTovereWes „ - cropsk-ss roots. - 4.1 r.411 14 .4 1 44,2•41 28.3 27.7 ,903,112,320 45.4 83,524,301 28.5 704627,266 35.0 I 445640 10 4 * • 1030,021 15.5 1,933,978 16.3 • 396,642 7,804,625 - 340,41)77 7,360,036 21.6 light csttle for the Liverpool and Manchester markets sold at $3.75 to $4.25 per cwt. A few good butchers' cattle were sold at $4.80 per cwt. An enquiry is already being for -distillery bulls at $2.50 to *2.- 6 per cwt, - Prices continue unchanged in shecp and Jambe. e ett-hOgs continued -W. -sell lit el per cwt., fed and watered, To- ronto. Fats were 25e per cwt. less. 41.410...•••••••••41•••••••'..••••••••• Er AWFUL PATE. oggoo4.0*.• EOG PRODUCT. Bacon -Long clear, 11% to ..12c eer pound in Cage lett;; mess pork, 19 to $19.50;. short cut, *23 to $23.50. — Rams -Light to medium, 1434 t .'15e; do., heavy, 1234 to 13e; rolls, IOX to 1134c.f shoulders, 20 to 1034c; hitch*' 1134 to 18e; breakfast bacon, 16 to15%e. . . Lard --Tierces, ,12.140; tubs, 13c; ails, :133e. • \ BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montre*I,. Sept. 220 -Grain steady biomes* continues to be dime in. oats, and prices show no change; Manitoba No 2 Whitp, 474 tri'480; No. 3, 4034 to 470; rejected. 4534 to 46a per bushel ex store. ,Prour-01usice . Spring wheat pat- ents..--so-imeondoi-4415,501-- Winter whestpatents, $510 $5.10i straight Tollerr,--$5:40-to-trArpOrd-oz,-iiibigs, 12 to 4210; extras, $1.05 to 41.75. reed-Manitobs bran, #22 to $23; short**$25; Ontario bran, $21 to $22; middling!, $26 to $27; shorts, 420 per ton, including bags; pure grain biouglie, $30 to $35i grades, $25 to $28 per ton. - Pro- visions -Morels • short cut mess, „ti2t.60; 'half-bsrrels do, $11.50; clear fat backs, $23; dry' salt long clear backs, Ile; barrels plate beef, 117.60; half -barrels - do., .$9; com. pcund 164% to 034e; Pure lard, 124 to 13e; kettid rendered; 13 tri 140,4 hams,. 1234 to 14e; breakfest bacon, .14 to 15e; 'Windsor biteony 15 .to .16es. fresh killed abattoir dresss_d home $9,15; live, $4.85 tO Eggs No- 1, la to '20e; selects' 23 to24.9 per doaseri. CheeseWeet- in, 1271; to 12gO; eitstern, 1234 t 23/ ,.r 25e. t StATES from that little damage lists been .1 done, the tires sinoulderipit'.1Way and not "spr6ading, but ready to suffey'',extinctiOn by r*in or to 1• preslcd by wind. Thickt smoke has tlie effeet of imlrnost tifing nat igation. ' -4,, ANOTIIElt BIG 141 It till *trots for s.TMl �f the tli**1 Llote« despatch • .from Ottawa st Contr*cts, for ties cohort ellou the two meetione of tfie Nttions Transcontinental Railway' wen o Lake Abitibi, for whiCh tenders were received,last month, hve been warded tef O'Brien. & McDougal, vim were the lowest • teit4erers. Contracts for the -two rethairiing get -lions in uel+, east of take Lhithm baxe..be,ext awarded e. Donalti * O'Brien, The contract* are in the aggregate. for about 300 rnilu of ttad. g.. ,•,1,• ,ssts.".s4 • . 22- Wheat' * . ptembers $1.0q4 ; Vecern b`cr $1.0.33;. llitluth, ep Vi'ficat bard, -$1.04,4; No. 1Northern, No. 2, Norther*, $1.01,44; ticptember, *1.03,; December, May, #1.06:4. Minneapolis, Sept; September, DeceMber. tO .$1.03%'; $1.116,4,, So. 1 Northern:UN; No. *North ern, $1.01!4:. Flour -First patents, V.i.65 to $6.75; second patents, 101-. 60• to $6.60; Arst clears, $4.:38 to $4.44, 'aler0nd eleirs, $3.60 to '$3.00. Bristi-In hulk, SIB to 410,4 111.44,OgOO. ' LIVE STOC/C. MARKET. 'Toronto, 8ept oads of exporters' were Their priees 'ranged from 10,0 per tat. .Medium *ram *old at $414 to $4.1110 per trwt,, # BUSINESS MEN cArTIOusl Imports Still Show 'is Very Large Deereatie. , - A despatch from Ottawa says: The trade returns of the Dominion for August again reflect the con- servative policy of business houses i this year n considerably restrict- thesimports- fois.thw fall trade : - The total import's for, the , month amounted to $23,650,147, as com- pared With $33,919,620 for August of last year, a decrease of #10,263, 473, or about 30 per cent. The ex- ports of domestic products for the Month totalled $22,910,611, a de- crease of $3,269,067 coinpared with, the same month last year. For tha Syst live:months of the present fis- ,4•Ar -I, A' DREAM OP A DOG. • "And who, pray, is Gladyot" elhe question that awoke Mr. eelcir-one= morning, and enabled hiirt te confront his 'better half, sit-' mg up ii bed, tion 'pi oint n. One eye and a note of exclamation in the other. • "Gladys! .Gladys Gladys who?' "Just what 1 want .to know, eir. You've been 'repeating that name *11 through the night.':' "Oh, ah! ---yes, yes, of conreet It's lentil's new collie dog. She's perfect beauty._ Just the tort of dog you ought to; --tioktforr "Certainly you appear very fond her. You aiiked „this co1li dog to put her arms round your neck Ita- kiss you. Then - yott told. Jones's dog that you loved her with *11 your heart and, that ,wheri you Caine tft die, if you could 'only Iriy your head on Ionees'dog's bosom, $:`011 could breathe your *last hap - ea ye IF •e -was4211-f65800331-a-deerease. of $04,229,548 as cornpared -with the id corresponding perio - of 1907. Ths imports decreAtsed - y • $50,179,teer experts of domesti ,products de- creased by $9,654,433, and the ex- ports of coin and bullion ,decreased by $3,790,204. For the five month*, period imports totalled $115,e44,34$ and domestic exports totalled 490,- 115,021. , , ' . ...',....„..—*,...........-. SOLDIER BADLY INJURED. ' gl ; Fell Trans Blanket in Which Cow . miles Were Toselog Hint. A despatch from Ottawa says: A rather serious occident occurred at Rockliffe camp on Thursday after- noon, as a result of vghieh Pte. Car- dinal, of the 56th Regiment, Pres- cott, lies, in s dritical condition in the Military Hospitsl. A number of his comrades were' having what known *st-ip, blanket parade, in reality the old 'pine of tossing s. the•-stirsand-ettehing- im. The treatment was being *p- lied to Cardinsl, but his weight in fatling broke the hold of those on one Nide of the blanket, and ho struck the ground heavily. No bones were broken., but it .41 feared that, ha was internally insured. ' SHOT upit BROTIIEIL ex,•••••ttir ttle DsIngliter of Ceske CAM* at VitarlaitetOW* lit' '"" , 4 despatch from Charlottetown, 1 E 1, says: On Weduesday.ev. ening the ten-y.eavold daughter of George Carson, section, foreman of Highfield, WAS accidentally sliet - l%er brother. Albert, aged sixteen, while he; was listndline a Waded gm. She died two minute' ••••Xe ga ,Ther , ear gma 4 Aespottli from Regina says: .4i11isun Regan and Jaek itieh*r son, who eatnc lure frm London, Ont.;--- onl'oest144 1o4tbcir lives ly asphyxiation in s dV well they were boring on John Bolan's, 'farin; welts milt* south of this eity. Tho, ell had been sunk to * depth of rty feet„ and on the previous ey. d eflil dinamito bad bee* used to urnove * rotk. Tuesday morning Ivo mep were working *Ione et wefl iwlien Thebsirisoir went Oa reseb? in e httom he gave a ery of tre*e and Regan raIled to ths tbraabumg crew to tOrne to his.. When the Into tame one of thou went part of the way down the well, ' hut signalled to he hauled up *pint at he was being stiffoeated. Rego* then volunteered to go,down, and the men went to put the to*, around his body; but he put them eside, saying there , was no time, and intiztodiately descended, ditti astride one of the hoards attar tok''the rope which was lowensi by $t 41;4 4