HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 6 (2)* t 1p to°' .untty *bolt
keu r ,moll at
fa rtrs l to'rreturtn to T .
onto* n kt;rirrrtare�tt'='bor
Miss Yom, nurse, benz.. fre'ou Rini
rr` ine, In. which sou she hos been
Ottsi ber prof a for_ wontbat».
will ve an.oddrs esaa in theMet, '
dr e'bti h sere Oil tba evening, of thy,
?,�► ion. 4,
� ria, tt„y x,11
t '41t1;.:s fl '-
`, wn''ta tLac air l
�P px� '1 • U 4 . wrtlra>:,u
,urtlater' Lcv1 iz �,A�1bcz;taaw, war s. let«
inp►#'1Ke+'tA r,`i Tirane W Cope
Wail # itir. iti ►ve ' 'by `t.ha brides a"1 b'r.
Ms. -.ink -this br'i r" ca -
twieredito tho iC wend .r rola' es
aalra arrier ch of �urrdtitetook buutbelt,!nsg gond
maidcrat;'air fem.' Thea cerniony. was
Poi ural church of l rkton. The bride
was dressed 1n white mune with vat,
trimmings and wore a veil. She was
unattended except by her little sister,
Miss I1* May Derry, as flower girl,
ger dress was pink organdy trimmed
with litVi and ixiserUou.
Leap '
Pew rtte in ' e i * and ung+,
qualify the sumer, of
die year. Dainty, da,
digestib . 64 to the
pound.' You gnome tap
mwhen you buy
v_ *4 04 emb,.shirt wats
i 1cltasrlre, Rev Martin; eanb partial,;
-Miss Carlisle; dtalrlier,nMrsFttr
h *��*lk; band made handke f , .r
Brook; er ►b centrepiece a in white, Miss
Liviogstone, Mrs Sweet; ,mb centre-
. sae in colors, Miss LiviaAs tone; C
rickinsecrole work, Rey `wMa, ttn; Bat-
: Walburg lace. Mrs Fitton, Miss Living.
stone; Ia , Mon'iton, F Wickwire;lade,
Braglliaan or Te nerclf , . Du
and Queen Ann darning, 'Miss Ildving-
atity moat iae Ai. to caumrds. •stony 3 Isms; work done by Women (W.*
fir White; neweset eel of l�adissi'
Work, Livingstone; lit col of
tidies' work, M s Br etho'ur; home.,
mode bread, 0 Sanders.. Miss Breth-
eter Pair Oon ,i1 ' ed) our; home nide buns, J. Deichert. 8r,
I i n�. Y �"� den iYN•`. r •,• wy , •.^.� ,>•....
a h" t G „�Illl i M'
R ?F I w,v. IAt' a
,'�,-.l�'�t'�Irc��k����.'�:���.�'�'+��sy�!„5�k`t .���Y,xt�^�.�ar,.,m;,�r^�
i "r 1'; it assn; , / 0 C HILDa N"S .....I.
�ictc��'ai►tri'cayrra, �`%SSr►1ltw' • � �i�1�+�.7.7���iSIN.�♦
errs,T Brock jr; waster melons; R San.. D
as woo
wool, asecldoU . as � 1
arnaad stockringasr, r, ocb t kin
der% D Hough; Carmen No. 1, A Bis -rpt Ila
,nett, G Hogarth; Rural, New Yorker,, in cushion, 11 Bough; sofaclothes,
T Brock sr; G Rogarth; any variety specials, 11Neeb, ” S Smith. --]Mrs E.
potatoes. A Bissett, A Dearvitt; new' Rim Judge.
varieties, .A. Bissett, A Deavitt; puar -
kinar, R Sanders, D Hough; Squash,
e -•R"' Saud -ars; mu melons. D 'y�Erruesdv i xt.
• m Ri f, -wed 'i t.uf r`- `� ole .'�a:e:,cx' T..r cu. V f .r•
� -� �-_... �`-'�urp�i, �- �`- WCd1IiEn� 'Occurred of- Mrar,," "
' o listk. ostTTaylor.•; red onion',--E-Fritnels. M. Shle *.stUs--Jennie
sa £Wind -ern white or yellow on- Combs. daughters of S'irr.and bias. T.
Ions, Cl Hirrney, R Sanders; Spanish Combs. to A. P..toynt of Seatorth and
oaione, C Birney; tomatoes, Mrs J Ralph White of Tuckeramith. respect -
Heywood, Mrs E Heywood; celery, J ively.
Cottle, 4 Anderson; citrons, 0 Stan..
IMkrr R Sandere; painnipe, ,A.. Bisasett,
O Anderson; Habitat& squash,., G Aad Torero, is mon Catarrh -hi th&r the* of the cones
erson, R Sanders; table squash, R San. • troy that ail ethirdisessas put together, as4 uat;l—
dors; collection vegetables, 0 Ander. Thug tsar Mo. was *ulna:sod to be incurable, For
eon,1 and 2; Mammoth squash, (epee. spat many �srsdeclno,s pronounced It a kcal d;s.
bilk) Burney; variety tomatoes, (spec. op, end preecribcd leCal r edies, and by cors et•
is1 T Smale,— A Doupe, Judge.alias to eure nidi toravl treat*emtn,
_.<_..I)AIBY 'Rom7O'TS ��ties et- .' cat br bo
utterF'iwre lbs., Wm Chesney, R. tial ttrlatragtatl,t• Mari CYtt�ta�artt ,�,,,,,
p Vat's nal• curd en tine rna►rl*. ,,
1t Ryud,, Mrs F Trdiebner; arranged,haternair is deee frog tOd .
plate, R Hltdd. thsets ott the blood •
oder tam datl$rs � any-
VINE ARTS r. setae ttails' to r s for circulars end t±ert
Paintin . in oil, landscape, Dyer "'
fnrrdorn, l ors Muinroe; figure, and fruit Adckaars;A: J CU NLy at �,,,..
or�dowers, F �Vickware, 'Miss Living- . sold by glow, s
stone; watery color, • landscape, 'Misr Taus mars t
lyi0 tone, Dyer. Burden; flgurre, r + k s tie .
vin ntv�J White;. f t--
or'lovw►ers, and Sepia, Miss, Living. ..CODE heli EXIIZSITION' -
stone; Huron coup scenery, J Senior; The directorate say that their pro..
py pb1►'`. 3 A. Stewart,- .F Wick- :vim for Sept. 22, 23, 24 0
wire; •• , 1p178, will
crayon or pastello, Miss Living• ° justify their claim of '.bigger and bet.
stone;_ pencil sketch, lidos Livingston% • ter than ever". Increased purses for
D Hurdon; collection ho obs, sped testr—open $225 ; 2.40 $eo ; far-
photog'r'aapbs and collection views. J niers' trot 150; three -yr -old 1135, and
Senior; pen and ink sketch, Miss Liv. a full program of free attractions—the
ingastone. Marriott twins. 'White and Laimart, M.
MISCELLANEOUS Samayoari, The Womar`.art' Institute dem-
ins and stamps, G Anderson 2 and °nitrations. Lucknow nand .ot Pspars.
2 nirrrrioasr!ities, Alex hlcP'bersorr,
urn glass blowing, spinning and . weavings
McPherson; stuffed birds, epecia1 moving pictures, 33rd battalion band.l
Alex McPheresoni, batterr�flle., (special);exhibits of a71 kinds at stock.
J Seniors -4 W Browning and J J
White, Judges.. • What The �lneus Do.
d• ten fiber, RR d M Gould; rolls„ V rr..% t�efey # Co. TOWN„
REE:-Question Blank
-.. for Hanle
.heat nt .gait
Fees for
ti Trea ment• ' n
We B Iruuls• #a Caro all, cable Oases Of Stricture. Marl t
- brew Debility. B� poisons, Yitatl Weaknesses.
Edney. Bladder andWhoa .Okras and all
Dheaser- �c tr- . ,..:.
l a--�a�a+t�.:.
Don't w ate of rr tial, an y .tisora,
Ivra y aur o r n �b � # being tsa+eait. w ..
l* as; us e5ci e>rst remedies
whirl claim >tae+►Oe) junt",,iys,'�iM`*$>• $� comer to mk �ctrltl�� 'We Irtrl �;
yota�:�ruti I y i mtly. skliia:"tll ,ys � roo'to I e t ftLsumtel orl•test 'pia
table time with vie 1r pled tine,. discomfort and came to
treated ars t'hesyrepta mate. Now MOW learigt ' ,r has stood the test fore
Awenty $4041.
'. MichiganAve.
the. "Hc la
!�"ha3 four'
s . rite pars. v, Each
can ,b0 shaken seat;-'•.
Atel*.',This` means
that you coy shake
down just the part of
arc where the
ashes arc,Without disturbing the rest ofthc coals.
With cone la" Triangular Grate Bars, you can
get rid of' all the ashes.sawc coal.keep the
fire bright and clean—and do away with siftin.
*ohs, beciuse no freA coal or half -burnt
clinkers come down li the ashpan. ,
We weld be plowed to talk over the .furtneee ' uestio* wrath liaarss°
sod *how . pot by Ott, jst* cab l e fat uace
Opt b+srst kr rot 10 lar. None' p
Volllaga and geraniums. J Cottle
novelty in potted plants, 0 Hoggartb,,
Asters, Mrs E Heywood, J Cottle;
dahlias, standard, J Cottle, A E Hod•
pert; dahlias, J Cottle, G Mctoed;
gladiolus, JU Stanbury; petunias, gin.
gle and double, phlox drommondii, J
Ciettle• stacke. 0 McLeod; sweet purr,
A E Hodgert; verbenas, J'Oottls; Zin-
nisae,Gt cLeod, J Cottle; arrangement
for -dinner tabler,M 8"fe o ; :n
nuaals, J: Cottle; novelty in cut flower,,
re -E- :Hsyy od` —Mrg unroc- -D1
Sweet, Judge,
Rag mat, hooked, Liszie johns, Mrs
R Heywood; rag mat, sewed, N Tom.
Mrs Dr Sweet; wool socks, 'vestry, 11
Neeti, Mrs McPherson; wool sociis,
fine, Mrs McPherson. H Neeb; fancy
,sto ckings, Minns , E Ferguson; ladiess'
wool mitts N Tom, .Mrs McPherson
imen s wool ,mitts, Mrs McPherson, N.
Toxo,; mein'. wool, gloves, N Tom; coon•
terpene, knitted,: N Tom, 11 Neeb;
counterpahe,.csrochet, J DeIchert, 8r,;
counterplot, tufted.:. R ' r rt, . Et.
rsra Halet;'quilt,'iu silk, MiiswF rn,
Tom; . uilt. cotton, 3. 0 Stanbury,
Mrs E9 000d; quilt cloth, Miss
1'iraethour, [ Tam; _potchwork, with
rrevelli N' Toro F• Wickware; but.
toubolep Tom, AW BroolC; dun,
ing, Mrs • J' "'White.: N Tom; pillow
shame. .Mars A Carlisle, Mas, S tten;
fancy beg. Mrs. J Wit, M Break;
l*urndrri b/t• Mies Brethour, 11t1sa
rerrptuscan;,�nt thl bions Mite Living.
stone, N Tem; Whisk bolder, Micas
Bcetb our, . M Brook; irs+tat'aa► illow ,.
wabaab Meso Llvt'nge; h .
Heywood; sot llow ' inouaatedi MYb
Lrieingst e, W 3 Iliostnat4 fa.
ra MI Lido: eMiss
nue; sldeb arr l-Sa;aaz'f, 3 Dtkbere+> Jr.;
toiled *,,belie, Mie Liridgstone, Mora
it White, novelty. in fancy work* "N
Tom; cbitd'e dive*, Morns Fitton,
Neob, .iodise underclothing, hand-
made, M Brook; k; laadire underclotbjng,l
machine nude, Mrs H"ssiln Misfit
strati Or night shirt, Mrs . la stun . .
Mis.lketbour; plain band sowing.` N
T ;. holey Afghan*. J Sweet, Mi s.
Ferguson, tea Cosy, N Tom, Muss v,
inp tone; lunch cloth, white. -M
Livingstone, Mrs Fitton; lunch cloth,,
• color , Mss Livingstone, .Mrs—.Sweet;,
date Or• for hondkercbieta, H%
Livin ',tine, lino Bricetlaiolora,•;,
tattln , Mrs, Dr Sweet;drawn
thri ris, lino, Meso 'White, Miss t
Conan **canvas, Mrs Sweet; floc;
ferny %indoor/ I,t, Mr* J Whitt, H
Brook; 100041 work,:( .f lake„ ,Mi s
” hie,, r ti * Mos . Lion atone.
ori ; knitted or ertitheccross Miss
`rrlrrad slltlrrt
#11 the blood int body Paases
through the kidneys every tt'aree min-
utes. - T- he kidneys filter the blood.
They work night and dray to dally
remove about 500 grains of impure mat.
'ter. If they fail some part `et Obi int•
pure matter is left in "the blood,. brings
ung ori Din #n -the back, heeadache, ,lis
airness, riteguiatrr tz 1r;��, t, far Vii;.,
a heurreatier.n. a> vel. dropsy, deposits in
-Iber- urine.-T300tla's K1dnesy
the filtering right and overcome
ney troub.•e. llundrredas of Rufen- Cour.
ty residents have found • this out.
Mr. Wm. !Jardine, of Ar.dri iv street.,
Exeter. tint., *:glad. "I had suffered for
years with a most annoying backache
and tenderness *eros, the small or my
back and sides; The urine was, of a
high -color and .contained a •quanta? of
l trek dust sediment and was offensive
ly odorous and scalding in piecing.
,Although I had -tried several different
remedies I could end nothing that
would benefit rite, unt 1 on recothatendso,
'Um. of our druggist, st, i'r. Cale, t used
Booth'' 'Kidney rills.. They ekul+cklY- re.
moved .the . inactivity of the kidneys, the
Urine cleared and my bark strengthened
Y have felt touch better generally sines
using.Y3ootb'ss /Sidney Pills and can coir.
.rientieusly reeonunend them. ;