HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 6 (2)* t 1p to°' .untty *bolt keu r ,moll at fa rtrs l to'rreturtn to T . onto* n kt;rirrrtare�tt'='bor Miss Yom, nurse, benz.. fre'ou Rini rr` ine, In. which sou she hos been Ottsi ber prof a for_ wontbat». will ve an.oddrs esaa in theMet, ' dr e'bti h sere Oil tba evening, of thy, ?,�► ion. 4, � ria, tt„y x,11 t '41t1;.:s fl '- `, wn''ta tLac air l �P px� '1 • U 4 . wrtlra>:,u ,urtlater' Lcv1 iz �,A�1bcz;taaw, war s. let« inp►#'1Ke+'tA r,`i Tirane W Cope Wail # itir. iti ►ve ' 'by `t.ha brides a"1 b'r. Ms. -.ink -this br'i r" ca - twieredito tho iC wend .r rola' es aalra arrier ch of �urrdtitetook buutbelt,!nsg gond maidcrat;'air fem.' Thea cerniony. was Poi ural church of l rkton. The bride was dressed 1n white mune with vat, trimmings and wore a veil. She was unattended except by her little sister, Miss I1* May Derry, as flower girl, ger dress was pink organdy trimmed with litVi and ixiserUou. Leap ' Year P t.Am* Pew rtte in ' e i * and ung+, qualify the sumer, of die year. Dainty, da, digestib . 64 to the pound.' You gnome tap mwhen you buy v_ *4 04 emb,.shirt wats i 1cltasrlre, Rev Martin; eanb partial,; -Miss Carlisle; dtalrlier,nMrsFttr h *��*lk; band made handke f , .r If Brook; er ►b centrepiece a in white, Miss Liviogstone, Mrs Sweet; ,mb centre- . sae in colors, Miss LiviaAs tone; C rickinsecrole work, Rey `wMa, ttn; Bat- : Walburg lace. Mrs Fitton, Miss Living. stone; Ia , Mon'iton, F Wickwire;lade, Braglliaan or Te nerclf , . Du and Queen Ann darning, 'Miss Ildving- atity moat iae Ai. to caumrds. •stony 3 Isms; work done by Women (W.* fir White; neweset eel of l�adissi' Work, Livingstone; lit col of tidies' work, M s Br etho'ur; home., mode bread, 0 Sanders.. Miss Breth- eter Pair Oon ,i1 ' ed) our; home nide buns, J. Deichert. 8r, I i n�. Y �"� den iYN•`. r •,• wy , •.^.� ,>•.... a h" t G „�Illl i M' R ?F I w,v. IAt' a ,'�,-.l�'�t'�Irc��k����.'�:���.�'�'+��sy�!„5�k`t .���Y,xt�^�.�ar,.,m;,�r^� i "r 1'; it assn; , / 0 C HILDa N"S .....I. �ictc��'ai►tri'cayrra, �`%SSr►1ltw' • � �i�1�+�.7.7���iSIN.�♦ errs,T Brock jr; waster melons; R San.. D as woo wool, asecldoU . as � 1 arnaad stockringasr, r, ocb t kin der% D Hough; Carmen No. 1, A Bis -rpt Ila ,nett, G Hogarth; Rural, New Yorker,, in cushion, 11 Bough; sofaclothes, cushion. T Brock sr; G Rogarth; any variety specials, 11Neeb, ” S Smith. --]Mrs E. potatoes. A Bissett, A Dearvitt; new' Rim Judge. varieties, .A. Bissett, A Deavitt; puar - kinar, R Sanders, D Hough; Squash, e -•R"' Saud -ars; mu melons. D 'y�Erruesdv i xt. • m Ri f, -wed 'i t.uf r`- `� ole .'�a:e:,cx' T..r cu. V f .r• � -� �-_... �`-'�urp�i, �- �`- WCd1IiEn� 'Occurred of- Mrar,," " ' o listk. ostTTaylor.•; red onion',--E-Fritnels. M. Shle *.stUs--Jennie sa £Wind -ern white or yellow on- Combs. daughters of S'irr.and bias. T. Ions, Cl Hirrney, R Sanders; Spanish Combs. to A. P..toynt of Seatorth and oaione, C Birney; tomatoes, Mrs J Ralph White of Tuckeramith. respect - Heywood, Mrs E Heywood; celery, J ively. Cottle, 4 Anderson; citrons, 0 Stan.. IMkrr R Sandere; painnipe, ,A.. Bisasett, O Anderson; Habitat& squash,., G Aad Torero, is mon Catarrh -hi th&r the* of the cones erson, R Sanders; table squash, R San. • troy that ail ethirdisessas put together, as4 uat;l— dors; collection vegetables, 0 Ander. Thug tsar Mo. was *ulna:sod to be incurable, For eon,1 and 2; Mammoth squash, (epee. spat many �srsdeclno,s pronounced It a kcal d;s. bilk) Burney; variety tomatoes, (spec. op, end preecribcd leCal r edies, and by cors et• is1 T Smale,— A Doupe, Judge.alias to eure nidi toravl treat*emtn, pranouncent _.<_..I)AIBY 'Rom7O'TS ��ties et- .' cat br bo utterF'iwre lbs., Wm Chesney, R. tial ttrlatragtatl,t• Mari CYtt�ta�artt ,�,,,,, p Vat's nal• curd en tine rna►rl*. ,, 1t Ryud,, Mrs F Trdiebner; arranged,haternair is deee frog tOd . plate, R Hltdd. thsets ott the blood • oder tam datl$rs � any- " VINE ARTS r. setae ttails' to r s for circulars end t±ert Paintin . in oil, landscape, Dyer "' fnrrdorn, l ors Muinroe; figure, and fruit Adckaars;A: J CU NLy at �,,,.. or�dowers, F �Vickware, 'Miss Living- . sold by glow, s stone; watery color, • landscape, 'Misr Taus mars t lyi0 tone, Dyer. Burden; flgurre, r + k s tie . vin ntv�J White;. f t-- or'lovw►ers, and Sepia, Miss, Living. ..CODE heli EXIIZSITION' - stone; Huron coup scenery, J Senior; The directorate say that their pro.. py pb1►'`. 3 A. Stewart,- .F Wick- :vim for Sept. 22, 23, 24 0 wire; •• , 1p178, will crayon or pastello, Miss Living• ° justify their claim of '.bigger and bet. stone;_ pencil sketch, lidos Livingston% • ter than ever". Increased purses for D Hurdon; collection ho obs, sped testr—open $225 ; 2.40 $eo ; far- photog'r'aapbs and collection views. J niers' trot 150; three -yr -old 1135, and Senior; pen and ink sketch, Miss Liv. a full program of free attractions—the ingastone. Marriott twins. 'White and Laimart, M. MISCELLANEOUS Samayoari, The Womar`.art' Institute dem- ins and stamps, G Anderson 2 and °nitrations. Lucknow nand .ot Pspars. 2 nirrrrioasr!ities, Alex hlcP'bersorr, urn glass blowing, spinning and . weavings McPherson; stuffed birds, epecia1 moving pictures, 33rd battalion band.l Alex McPheresoni, batterr�flle., (special);exhibits of a71 kinds at stock. J Seniors -4 W Browning and J J White, Judges.. • What The �lneus Do. W'IIAT nocyr 's KIDNNEY Pi/Xs-ARE DOING FOR E emit, ONT. PE lPLE Butter—Five d• ten fiber, RR d M Gould; rolls„ V rr..% t�efey # Co. TOWN„ DRS. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS Consultation FREE- Question REE:-Question Blank -.. for Hanle .heat nt .gait FREE. Reaso •able Fees for ti Trea ment• ' n A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANH00ps We B Iruuls• #a Caro all, cable Oases Of Stricture. Marl t - brew Debility. B� poisons, Yitatl Weaknesses. Edney. Bladder andWhoa .Okras and all Dheaser- �c tr- . ,..:. l a--�a�a+t�.:. Don't w ate of rr tial, an y .tisora, Ivra y aur o r n �b � # being tsa+eait. w .. l* as; us e5ci e>rst remedies whirl claim >tae+►Oe) junt",,iys,'�iM`*$>• $� comer to mk �ctrltl�� 'We Irtrl �; yota�:�ruti I y i mtly. skliia:"tll ,ys � roo'to I e t ftLsumtel orl•test 'pia table time with vie 1r pled tine,. discomfort and came to treated ars t'hesyrepta mate. Now MOW learigt ' ,r has stood the test fore Awenty $4041. Ds.kENt4EI3Y&KEt4NEDY EDY '. MichiganAve. the. "Hc la !�"ha3 four' s . rite pars. v, Each 'one. can ,b0 shaken seat;-'•. Atel*.',This` means that you coy shake down just the part of the arc where the ashes arc,Without disturbing the rest ofthc coals. • With cone la" Triangular Grate Bars, you can get rid of' all the ashes.sawc coal.keep the fire bright and clean—and do away with siftin. *ohs, beciuse no freA coal or half -burnt clinkers come down li the ashpan. , We weld be plowed to talk over the .furtneee ' uestio* wrath liaarss° sod *how . pot by Ott, jst* cab l e fat uace Opt b+srst kr rot 10 lar. None' p FLOWERS Volllaga and geraniums. J Cottle novelty in potted plants, 0 Hoggartb,, OUT FLOWERS Asters, Mrs E Heywood, J Cottle; dahlias, standard, J Cottle, A E Hod• pert; dahlias, J Cottle, G Mctoed; gladiolus, JU Stanbury; petunias, gin. gle and double, phlox drommondii, J Ciettle• stacke. 0 McLeod; sweet purr, A E Hodgert; verbenas, J'Oottls; Zin- nisae,Gt cLeod, J Cottle; arrangement for -dinner tabler,M 8"fe o ; :n nuaals, J: Cottle; novelty in cut flower,, re -E- :Hsyy od` —Mrg unroc- -D1 Sweet, Judge, LADIES' WORK Rag mat, hooked, Liszie johns, Mrs R Heywood; rag mat, sewed, N Tom. Mrs Dr Sweet; wool socks, 'vestry, 11 Neeti, Mrs McPherson; wool sociis, fine, Mrs McPherson. H Neeb; fancy ,sto ckings, Minns , E Ferguson; ladiess' wool mitts N Tom, .Mrs McPherson imen s wool ,mitts, Mrs McPherson, N. Toxo,; mein'. wool, gloves, N Tom; coon• terpene, knitted,: N Tom, 11 Neeb; counterpahe,.csrochet, J DeIchert, 8r,; counterplot, tufted.:. R ' r rt, . Et. rsra Halet;'quilt,'iu silk, MiiswF rn, Tom; . uilt. cotton, 3. 0 Stanbury, Mrs E9 000d; quilt cloth, Miss 1'iraethour, [ Tam; _potchwork, with rrevelli N' Toro F• Wickware; but. toubolep Tom, AW BroolC; dun, ing, Mrs • J' "'White.: N Tom; pillow shame. .Mars A Carlisle, Mas, S tten; fancy beg. Mrs. J Wit, M Break; l*urndrri b/t• Mies Brethour, 11t1sa rerrptuscan;,�nt thl bions Mite Living. stone, N Tem; Whisk bolder, Micas Bcetb our, . M Brook; irs+tat'aa► illow ,. wabaab Meso Llvt'nge; h . Heywood; sot llow ' inouaatedi MYb Lrieingst e, W 3 Iliostnat4 fa. ra MI Lido: eMiss nue; sldeb arr l-Sa;aaz'f, 3 Dtkbere+> Jr.; toiled *,,belie, Mie Liridgstone, Mora it White, novelty. in fancy work* "N Tom; cbitd'e dive*, Morns Fitton, Neob, .iodise underclothing, hand- made, M Brook; k; laadire underclotbjng,l machine nude, Mrs H"ssiln Misfit isfit strati Or night shirt, Mrs . la stun . . Mis.lketbour; plain band sowing.` N T ;. holey Afghan*. J Sweet, Mi s. Ferguson, tea Cosy, N Tom, Muss v, inp tone; lunch cloth, white. -M Livingstone, Mrs Fitton; lunch cloth,, • color , Mss Livingstone, .Mrs—.Sweet;, date Or• for hondkercbieta, H% Livin ',tine, lino Bricetlaiolora,•;, tattln , Mrs, Dr Sweet;drawn k thri ris, lino, Meso 'White, Miss t Conan **canvas, Mrs Sweet; floc; ferny %indoor/ I,t, Mr* J Whitt, H Brook; 100041 work,:( .f lake„ ,Mi s ” hie,, r ti * Mos . Lion atone. ori ; knitted or ertitheccross Miss `rrlrrad slltlrrt #11 the blood int body Paases through the kidneys every tt'aree min- utes. - T- he kidneys filter the blood. They work night and dray to dally remove about 500 grains of impure mat. 'ter. If they fail some part `et Obi int• pure matter is left in "the blood,. brings ung ori Din #n -the back, heeadache, ,lis airness, riteguiatrr tz 1r;��, t, far Vii;., a heurreatier.n. a> vel. dropsy, deposits in -Iber- urine.-T300tla's K1dnesy the filtering right and overcome ney troub.•e. llundrredas of Rufen- Cour. ty residents have found • this out. Mr. Wm. !Jardine, of Ar.dri iv street., Exeter. tint., *:glad. "I had suffered for years with a most annoying backache and tenderness *eros, the small or my back and sides; The urine was, of a high -color and .contained a •quanta? of l trek dust sediment and was offensive ly odorous and scalding in piecing. ,Although I had -tried several different remedies I could end nothing that would benefit rite, unt 1 on recothatendso, 'Um. of our druggist, st, i'r. Cale, t used Booth'' 'Kidney rills.. They ekul+cklY- re. moved .the . inactivity of the kidneys, the Urine cleared and my bark strengthened r.cd Y have felt touch better generally sines using.Y3ootb'ss /Sidney Pills and can coir. .rientieusly reeonunend them. ;