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Exeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 5 (2)
. �+ -i'1 kY rttl (•:"F$u:.'yv&t..' c�r,"1^Y : :r.•t C:x ;v .:;:srr^r r'Y^.,'i;4<,y..:-,_,:.��;u -uk��>urN u.,prcw'a„�v u :�rrLv.aysw...r y ....,: 4.. ,NAflc;Riii e p� meat to Exeter Advoca`�Y.,„g.„-..0°ri,,,,, _1a 24th190ogemii„NSwtH;44_9n Thursday, September The Now: StoreI Granton - 'Boots ei Shoes E HAVE A Special Line of Patent Shoes which are • .going ii; fast. Come in and you. A full\ line of other shoes that are suitable for any wear. You; will be pleased with them. JGROCERIES UR GROCER? Es -ARE ordered often and kept fresh_ and- new ti„�fcs�w-rcm a..:aaseraa va,�a zr.`c;arxa+Baht.+�Wtt,�waa�rc�-t�'1.t''a>.*;rra„++,ia.una.u�rm•�snr:, f�yri�.�m^'�-.�,���t"��'y"'T`•""'7Y`.�'` '"""'r� �r� u out Breakfast- Foods, Can Goods, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent line of Confectionery, also. JWANTEDI UTTER, AND EGGS. we will pay yon the Highest Market Prue in trade for Butter and Eggs. Bring them in. T% J: Wilsoii - ]Exeter Two doors north of Post Office TheFarmersBankef ITA L --$1;000;900 TOTAL ASSETS $1,500,000 38 Branches throughout Caanaade. Special Attention Given to Partners' Business. Rale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates. SAV j'IGS DEPARTcnkri Deposits of $1.00 and upwards r.ceived. Interest palid or added to•principa.a.l 4 times as fear. Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars. thieves or fire ,nay take it from you. or to invest rn risky specula tions or with doaphtful institutions that so often 'in the past have robbed mete of their bard earned wealth. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ISSUED. When sending money to any port of Canada or the world, reenrelxlher our draft and money orders are :available here, and sold at the.lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any paint in Canada and principal points in the United States and Great Britain. OUR Morro—Courte.rn Tr°e °lie=nt. No Red Tape. .DASE[WODD & BEUCEFIELD Branches R. T. DUNLOP, Manager. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Yrs the..naso,ttet of—the--eststt of -- J 1 ji Sharp. iaate-crf the Township of Seep hen, in the County of Huron, rainn.:&- a etx: Notts a la hereby given poi scant to that Statute iaa that behalf. dist aideras tas having . cialuos :anal et tl;n estate et the e�ais4.J.rlaoa s51::nrp, wha w:.dac-e1 an or about the Baird stay of A.:gaasy. A. 1U., 1t'i'3, are re - ti es ed. caw lictoire rho 3tt6 DAY OF OCTOBER, A. 'D., 1003 • to tend by poster to deliver to tare a:rderw:grcd BOP FE ego, ter the ,e: atom CS the' rWcl-decca;id. their Ghrtstian aid Sr!:at/ oel. addresses and dt9ripti-ns and- tho p.-srtir-enitara s ? ttar•2 claims -respcetivety. prarxrly verzre,r1. n*..i the:; ; r rifieo, (if any). /RN! th em. and that eater the day lava . rc r I the et= areutexcaty ii pz 111 todas.rril:,ato the cts.ct.eef Raid,fe• velezd amon; the -parties entitled theme. Favid re ar l : ,' to thsan claims c1 crla:ela noti ,'tallt:at e teen gdc c:a as above elm, , and. that the saf.1 Es= tac stets coal! not be liable iar th© ental altSESS or rt-12—Fart tbrtief, to 4,1yv peraGc c�r persona or whose 'stain no"_ re•:rami nst Fara !setts rereieed .by 3afiml+.t the Elmo i-s~srtw{ltstriFnrtf�-zr:` Oevrge Stoat tt and Janes Ehtrett, Eacestorra. Diol sus Paarkt; 1, this end day Of pepte.biber, 1306- I ENNETH GOODMA T, Solicitorfor Exteutorierarkh111. Su rite• for The Advocate Clearing Auction Sale - aJ Stoel- aiIdimplements• The unler'!.i„r{tc{1 Aud?nacrt.hae Jfrn f�n1tr'uctcd to all by yaatilia' auction on LOT 1. CON. 2, MCOILLIVRAY, TUESDAY'1, SEPT. 2rIr, 1068, . at, one o'clock Mi.. sharp, _ The following valnablesproperty: Ffor.sct-1 driving horse rising 6 yearns oldj 1 drought mare. (supposed to be in foal to Sorraaro rl; 'gelding, 2 years o dl . (got be C'oan 811,01.); 1 filly,, 1 year old. (gat by LOUD 11osk AssoN); 1 geldin •1 year ea. (got by Lose Sri* acs)., g' l`A E 1 cow, (eurrmed to bo in esalf); 1 far- rciw cow. 1 suer 2.,+ ars old. 3 steers 1 year old,. 3 beifere'1 year old. .1 calces. 3M?LEMENTS -1 Deeriia:ct birder; l biur.eyilarr s 4 a owe r,1 hay rake. 1 sc drill, 1 ditto barrow. i set d'cast:orad barrows (:early new), 1 lumber Wagon, 3 ploughs, 1 root palper, l *rattler (nctv), 1 fanning ti mllis.1 tan ,rsrk,1 acpea guards, l pair tiob.elcdghe, „ 1 cutter,1 trp buggy,1 robiltp(:i,f, i+.^it (z c* thin staixuntrfsti , etts lts •ode harness, 2 setts of single laarneea, 1 acre.of rcct , 3 churn. 1 rook stove, t heating stove, CO sap pads. forts, shovel!, hoes, "hitile.trcea. nr k-yro kc3, and c?l:sr tirade* too noaracr.-� a to mention. 4 TEAMS-45 and ander, cash* avOr that aindlrnt 13 months' ereditglverr en tarps; • in; approved' joint meter. 3 per et at, et! far C.23% a ,credit amount% .x. STANLEY. J. C LW/LTA Auetiarreer. proprietor. The annual Sunday school rally will be held on September 27t•b.--Gcaau- ton trimmed Motherwell in a game of ball Friday.—Cliff Braithwaite of B.C. called on tr}ieuds here.—A large num- her attended attended London Fair.— Miss Hetherington of Newberry is visiting Mrs. \Veils. --Miss. Steiivfart of aalter1Qoe b Visitt1t a:gi ' 'len-r very pretty wedding took place in the Methodist church at h, b noon on Saturday, when bliss Sta eley, eldest daughter of W. 1). Stains., tensa; unit'd in 'Marriage to Clarence 'Webb of Toronto. The cert- ninny Clean, perforuae.d by Rev. J. E. Holmes of Sarnia. assisted by Rev. Wells and Rev. (^urnieh of -(ra ntorr. Tire bride was giv.en:aaw_tey,:hx ett- �w ' ten-ut ee tf # rn h1 bey• _Sass .. Jennie -- Webb 'ebb and Mier sister;;miss Pearl -Stan ley, tuned as triad of honor, while Christopher Webb, jr., acted as best man. The wedding march was played by Miss L. Holme of London. The bride looked charming, attired in Irish point iaace, over white duchess satin, and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. Her travelling ,gown was a' navy blue. The bridesmaid and the maid of honor wore vt bite Batiste, over pink silk, Miss Hilda Hoskins is visiting in Ex - ester. --Miss Wields of plitnville visited Miss Laura Hewett for a few days..._ Joh Nixon sprainedits ankle coonle. bunting recently.ie. 11s are goon"0.dry in this neighborh—The school house , is being repainted. --,twos Doupe is hnsy preparing for the big fair, Oct. 1 and 2. 11e is a hard work- ing secretary.—The Harvest Hoppe by n-Tart-Ncr;-105-was a n eu joyable aafl'aaiir. The supper and concert were most enjoyable. Proceeds S90. -.-40x120 is -tom be the size of Adam- Daupe's new barer. Zurich Bart Ieib's block is rapidly nearing completion, and is one of the finest stores in the County.—Freddie De- muth of Detroit has arrived home to visit his father, F. Demuth.—I1ev. W.., C. McLennan of Halifax formerly pas- tor at Kippen and Hiilsgreen, called on friends in those sections.—Miss Me~. Dougaalt,'•who 'las been in charge of J. J. hlerner's millinery department, 'is back to town at the old stand.--$aa0.. - day the 20th inst., St. Peter's Luther- an church celebrated Harvest Thaanks• giving festival. The morning service "- was condu tea in German ana the ' evening in English.—Miss Pearl 4Vurtz is attending Alma Ladies' ..College at , St. Thomas. -George. William and Henry Holtzman of blildway called on • their brother, G. Holtzman, on Tuee- d4y on their way to attend the funeral of their uncle at, Crediton; oldiiiiug ter of Lsaunco Lav1 died. here last week. Cl,intone- Ba tnt*el Barr, afMitSeiveiet years illness. died here last week i his elst year. He lived in Goderich, Tp. for many years. a Clinton: Miss Evelyn Turner of Clinton was teas rriead on the 10th at Wellwood, Man,, to Richard Wood, a, - rancher. Miss Turner was a Popular teacher here. Drysdale: Miss E. A. Horton, who for the past year and al haat has sue,. cessfully taught in the Drysdale pub. lie school has tendered her resignation to take effect at Ohrist:tal.ae.: "... Dorlelrieh Tp.: On the 18th Mary Amelia Pioctor, wife of firnr. O.k a 48, -died a f heart tr bit., . after only one week's iilnes , ' e -busbhnd, one son and two daughtso Sea for tli: :cast week, saw two 110a, a, in, this toren. The stables In coram Urso with the Grip hotel, a horse, two, pigs •tine four buggies were destroyed. !the hotel eaught several time but - iras Staved. • 4