HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 1 (2):ow 18 VRE TIMR to
*T1 snd g.t s rga1n,
*dantse of
i• row'Suit
;e0usersiatiVea •
Cc$fltnotipoke.ju the.
TileadaY Wight to seyeraI
Pie, *n'1 in roasterlY,
*ratite erriffrObt-
'With him were paler Roblin
ot suitable, Attorney-Geners.1 BOw.,
arittali eOlinnbiti and 1100. W.
I. Hann*, provincial s4reta 9nto,
ario. *large number from thL vtein..
ity attended the meeting.
Knee Nuts? VialuabliFarra Property for Sale
a ° a a New Hat? .Thczei4, bring ofkromor .0* that vainable• feria
ii. a a Anything in Wearing Apparel? rtasetty. eonitatieg of out ballot lot 2, 1008 sod a
arid *owl half of let 10, don. 4, triohotue. cootobilog
It he does, it will pay you to bring him to us. ` . ago Wes, os which there is erected a good. Weir
house. large bank barn, framestable and shed. and
c.7"We' are headquarters for GOOD ,WEARING duds for bort-the kind other ceinvalmees- This oroperlY is well soiled
Will Otand the hard skufling any *ix strong 'healthy boy will subject them to ""4",gc40"1141714ng 41114 pgrazingm. r end willibe *old psold-10.
o OttAtfigibM16MOISM4 .1Attaikvt•gat$MMI-WeatZtVOMIAMMOittiOW444, ;" , A , ,•. $
put orealock. to suit ore ieIf not d.-
,**.n 47 pa o u On On
1 Easy jams for monent., Forwc *poly to
4hriziti, .YrA4ryl4r<,m4i,tor4-4r14r•AqtoStr.irwozv.rg•vrn..an.a;'<kt*.!,Aorotsw-,Ai_rBqo,t..sem.•,Ihr4..4gtkR
_ VU1.0
" .41 ,liosiery? , ,P.NiSstWa
a "1 New Rat? - • Clearing Auction Sale
a . Anything in Wearing Apparel? Farm Stock and Implements.
If she does, it will pay you to bring her to
Thentideralgned Auctioneer has been instructed to
We have the,kind of dresses, shoes, hosiery, hats, itc., a robust, girl eel by public auction on
the kind that Weare well And ALWAYS lasts well -if you bring your LOT 3, CON. 7, STEPHEN,
nd girls here for their " duds " you can keep them well clothed.
our girl need a New Dress?
gltestaid for POIJLI Ry, deact-or ahve;
•ghest price paid for produce Butter 20c, Eggs 19c.
;444 duM
full hibi t- .114AMIHOckt::' A.44144iteteithn.'*;.' '153lostit W.
en t: MCX.arcli pizxce, Stlowden Bre*
aIdeattrae „at°, thot, 114,11., coehlns, .w .Carter; :Langealitk
fatrof1t3O es.. A.. 1. nivai tUtir -*/ AMOY 13r.:13Y. Ired Games. 4 IttIth
fnUlle*Irr Rfla light "01.***.s,""1"*04"°the thanY var., bantams,. W Carter„ A rtenfi,
,Silh SP. Hatobutsi, Gol. Sp. Ilainbaniii
usiges had their WOrk411403nt btlt the ,011. ren; and 131. Harnburfs, W Carter
oUicZ var. clucka, Bro04 ar. 3 r 4t.
Mr; 9igeOna, NT; Cartcr ;
Belgian Pubbits, Harvey Breis,'MoLar-
en 4 Pierce ; other var. zabbits, Jost -la
Senior, It Sander.; Guinea Pig. J Cot-
-tie, Guinea, fowl. Sanders, W Carter.
Bird* Bred In itiCe.-11audann. Wan.
Carter; Orphingtona, W. Carter goldon
Polanda. C. Prouty 1 and 2; white 103. -
horns, Douglas & son.; brown leghords,
McLaren & Pierce 1 and 2; browar,
horns, rose coinb„ C. Prouty ; wrote kz-
borne roae comb, W. Carter ; black
,hertes.._J,„Pattler; „bull Ugh:urns, Mrs.
FL gerFOod., 'Andulusiatia. Battier,
T. Dro;Ak; Jr.; Mar apan,iah. 7r..„407,51r:.
1.,aren PleiVe, A. Relth ; Ivor 44'
wyandottes, E. Heywood 1 and ;I:
white wyandOttes, And. Hicks, E. Hey-
wood ; golden vryantiottes, E. Heywood
buff wyandottes, E. Hey wood 1 air' 2
partridge wyandottes, McLaren atid:
Pierce; red caps, J. Battler. W. J. Bow -
de ; bronze turkey*, 3. Bcoto,ckrfx
"Tr tiitTifo-u-so D ougla s and
in 'i -Woo ;#*# ##K #
v. _11 r are (IRMA _roreceref - green. by _ ucf6 -4.11-.)daglAR -&
Hewer a oartette and Concert Co. en ducks, McLaren & Pierce, W. C-. •;
London. which was largely attended. light brahamas. McLaren & 'Pierce, A.
The prize winners are as follows-, Reith buff rocks, 3. Murray; colored
dorkIns, W. Carter; any variety garne.
McLaren *-Pierce; brown - red ZZ{1144
tams, T. Brock, Jr.. A. Rodger: duct -4 -
wing Bantittpu, W. Carter ; any variety
bantams. W. Carter, A. Rent) ; sliver
spangled hamburgn, NV. Carter. Mr a. E.
Heywood golden is pa.ngled harntruergia.
Carter black hambur.
2; guinea. fowl.. W. Carter.
W. Hotrarith, Judge.
I va e y ucka, W. J. Bowden, an •
Vali wheat white, and red, any variety
spring what, 6 -rowed barley, 2 -rowed
barley. large oat*, Common oats, bl tek
oats. timothy eeed, Brethoar Mott ,
Harvey Bros. 1 and 2; white_ beans, ;;.
Sanders. G. Hogarth; ,clover
Hooper; grain in ear, H. heeb -M. Br: -
our; ensilage corn, , ,t..wttroek,
Pflt44rir . z
A41 r OPAC
s •
t Of satisfaeti00 $00fue4 to have
been given. The vegeta/deo were pro.
WO never bettert vlxile the fruit*
were of excellent variety And. better
could not have Lren desired; Some
excellentrexhibits Were aboW0 in the
palaceotniong them the displays of
Messrs. Hawkins & Son, 3.-4. Stewart,
Wm. Stetrattio Mason & Bloch piano,
S. Martin &Son, and -W. J. Hemel),
were excelleot. The attendance was
hardly as large a* last year, although
, the gate receiRta were over vhsu and
speeding events were very attractive,,
two good raMeil being pun au follovvi;
04.v#4440 -0141$0111y4### -4.•'"41.441.4°/ -
Little Mack, J Merner owner 1 1 1
Bessie R. XI G Bodging 2 2 2
Itoadmaster Jr T Murdock 8 8 3
Gray Bird, W J lAnce 4 4 4
Green Horses
Sadie Mitchell, lames Beattie 1 1 1
Nancy Hanks, Wm. Brock 2 2 2
Sammy. • Nelson Watson_ 3 3
Gus Appleby. Gus Kt -Orris -Se fai.
Ste into the store -one door north of the post -Office
and see our new stock of
ems Goods
:Boots a
Tho followin valuable property:
HORSES -General purpose home. 7 jean; old;
arc,Woodru6 years cid, 4tupped to be in foal; hero
ty ytars old; span Gt matched drivers, n
years 44•1;1111.1,y, 2 yearn old. bred by Lord nervation;
na4..2 years old, brod by Milo; filly. 1 years old,
bred by Jain ally, 1 year old; geldirg, 1 yam eld;
gond work horse. 10 years aid; heavy sucking colt
caTTLE-400vis, (suppseed to be in calf). 1 far-
row cow; 0 steers 11 years old, 2 steers 1 year old.
loglera 1 year old. 5 Spring calves,
PIGS-Tkoroughbred Berkshire sow; thorough -
tied Yorkshire hog; pin, 5 months old; 8 pigfs. 6
8REEP-10 breeding elite
ciatirsvor, plough, gong piggy. Winos/, rolir, heavy
Waron, buggy, cutter, bob -sleighs, fanning mill.
eItgrgow. *et mks, set ol douole hialoniii. 2 seta
a era, ita_y rack, crearn separator, Dab
r per, odder,e,00k awe, eiwis, whl -
hGvcis, groin bags, and other arti-
cles rouramous 0:Mention. -
arEsus-ss and under, cash; over that tint 12
neortbe credit given oft furnishing *Moved 0
notes. 3 per cenL off for oath on creWt amours
1Po5itIvely No Reserve.
gr./army. SAM.% ESSERY •
and all
apie & Fanoy Dry Goods
• Ring up phone No. 22 and have your Groceries
delivered on short notice—the best fresh
Groceries always in stook.
rt. Inite**1 Cards.
.J. ROUX8TON, L. DAL. D. D. if:
Gated* and ffouor
otTi4uto tiolVeritty.
Onr kion k Carling's Lsw OgiCak
Dental Parlors.
MIRAN. L. D. 1$4i D.
Ile 01 of Tomato Uniterktr.
otkotos without any pain. or any bad effects
• rapor Gladnum ihombury's allele, Mein street
preeilee otter *pending a,,year (Co4-
140014 004. Continattal flowing* General
with apecial attention to 4s, oath Woo.
, Nese arid Throat,
Dashwood, Ont,
hate, Ifotariet; Goirelyeacers, Coannktioners
fer Motivate Bask, etc.
Ies.y ta Le** at kink 'rat* of littera*.
caiKAI* atilito.gite,42.
14 Drew*
t of private hada to loam
lel at loW rate* of inter
k RrAnatILz
licitora.Man et.* rakittr 0*
LI etto***r.
t t tit SatiefectiOn goaran.
. 1***00ablt. All orders lett
c porptly attended to.
\ I
ted Society of
Triritt Ifernorlal
rauniy arnt Theory
Exeter. Ont.
it onfoloration Life Aasurance
Ifl3. *leo Mrs Insuranthe In lead
• Man ervilirittell Oompotee,,
Mairia4, Rioter.*
SUCCe01/Or tO th?.. Rause;
Special Attention to Dentistry.
Night mill lift at the borne of blr. Peter &Arden
Main street (app. Triviet Memorial Church), 'will• be
promptly attn.i&od to.
...016ce,,,--DioistandAernerotIfairs Lad
North streets, (ono Pym's Elackernith Shopi.
rein` pritinitagetsolieltetL
Rouse to Rent in Elimville
.The Undersigned Is offering to rent kis trams
dwelling In 1211=111e, with-14stere of land. Used
and mit water and a number of fruit trees on the
premises. rot perticulan apply toJOSIRIAJonns;
tho undereigned.
WIC stilton(
House and Land for 1341e."
Thenadentigned le °tiring for sale hie Nam sad
land On Ilium Street East, The how le of frame
and is In good repair. The land comber! of 4 acres
In good condition. Good water -bard sad eat
Good stable, Some good trait trees, etc.
sion given now or in the Apply it tler be
of Abraham Dearing. Jr., eleaeoe stoee,
rheri ttrAyea ant. the tows.. of the udatokii.
0, Lot eon.
.1.! Biddulph, wa or ahont tad, *
two-year-okl an,, ea* huh earlea by *roe.
trig property and POWS Vara.
Auction Sa e
Of Faita Stick and liugentenets and
_.-Itotiffei Atha- Lot.
4.30dttlittked Auctierreer_hret to* laetrneted
town by PAbile Alienate ,
t fitephiftilTp.,
a THURSDAY; MT.,. 1s1, .
at t orelotit 'sharp,
the following valuable property, alt.
11ORSESA apex Or Vary draft atarli. 2 Wit
pitattd tn be In 6141 heavy draft &At' 2 years otd
'Itti&till?iAlnlifige***Th4e0trar beln ealtt
3 thrteleavold. Woo, e tiro y Steele Midi 1
trt ..O.ttur4old heifer, 3 yemlingetriere Mid* tilt
rouriTtar.*.sbotit 'ea ars**.Lethors 110111.
IfirLIDIENTS-Dinder* a geed 'rtwkta order;
mower, toted drill, tlarmw
furrow, gow. Warbitif. tOp boggy,'
lb* * botveleighe. cutter, dile harrow; .01
Diamond han'Orte.ispr kettk, say atio, t eat
haninar, eat or mingle hartese, atether el
epiletend $04. lumber Of &AO*
lilt Wheal, kirk*, Slwrsisi 0004* 2 yet
'h trate. tittalokee.. grata bagsbailey fork
treathe, vet ot *Ver. cook krt., heat.
ol toted tvotiood learterei
hetet potato hooka hOxerk, and etk* utsclts
teserela to arietAker.
ESTATE Aleo there ro41,61 offered ilet eel
it *Oen that tad plat*. ,e. bonne Mid idtr
kw** le Of la good repair. it rooms. a
estiar, *geed hittibies agog aw1300140,Thera
$ lora a geed. true* IRNe, The
A t tbl*
• HOtt8B$. :
Heavy Draugnt.,--Brood mare, R. Mewl
P. Rowcliffe ; foal, Joke Campbell, P.
IlOweliffe ; 8 -year old, R. Birch. .Wm,
Oke: 2 -year-old, W. Dover; Jas. Dear -
Ing; 1 -year-old, P, itovAlifte. Geo. Moir ;
team, G. 0. Itobbina, Hagen Bros.
•Agricultural. Brood mare
p44 . •epper, R. Hicks;
3 -year-old, Wm, 01{II, Wee Johns; 2-
year-o1ds. rt. rutch, L. H. Willert ; 1 -
Year -old, John Cainpbell,t. Camm; team
A. Creighton, rt. Saddler; Bank of Com -
Marco special, R. Moltoonat Bank
special, J. Decker, sr.
General Purpose.--13rood mare John
Moir; foal, R. Nick*, M. Gould;
old; Wm. Moody, J. Decker; 2-year-o1d
3. J. Colwill,, 3. Decker, jr,; one -year -
014, S. sararus, 3 Mcdr; team, Henry
ecb, Wea Maguire.
JC,:arriageo..Brood mare, A. Elteatt foal nowriciniviatu, ritoDucrs
Wm. Harding, judge,
Variety winter *PPM*, Crieh._
ILA*D.LrtSethhIF:11:14.:: lyiarr:20.*°Iidide,IDrA..:0Selned'hlierel.11!°%potrel8nri: stantake; variety, fall apples, 4 0.
Chas. Welker, A. Reader: single, John
Sweet, E. Reader; winter aPPleis P- Iva!'
Walker, /3. Bosio3nberry. ker, F. Triebner; fail apple., W. Cncso-
Roadatera.-Brood marc,3. Decker'neY, E. Reader: greenings, 11. Crich, G.
Thos. Sherritt; foal, 3. Decker, A. W11- cod; Northern spy, W. Fisher. E.
lett; 8 -year-old, A. B. Creighton, W" Reader; Roxboro russets, II., Yellow, It.
McLean ; Fliraand.aiter: • pa.
Sanders ; Spitzenburgs, W. Chesney. H.
; Baldwin*, II; CrIch, W. Che
s -
John Farnier. W. J. Dale; Single, W. a. ney ; Westfield seek -no -further, C. 1tca-3
Elliott, P. Fassold ; saddle horse, W"-1 der. R. Yellow; Snow apple.. W. View
It. Elliott, P. Hanlon; Lady driver, W.
%-ocaneY; Gravenstein*, m. Gould
Robbins, .1. Creighton. Stanlake ; fall pippIns. A. Reader,
Ilackneys.-3-year-ord, Simon Hunter; A. Alcott; Colverta, G. McLeod, M. Salt -
year -old, F. Wickw're; foal, V. Baw- er; Xing •Tomkins, P. Triebner. D.
den; M. T. McLean special, W. R. Eir- Hough; Alexanders. Triebner,
Cktt, 3. CreIghton. Fisher ; Canaditm Red, A; Reader. NC--
Robert Wilson, judge. • Salter: Ribston pippins, W. Chesney.
CATTLE It. Northcott; Wagner., Mrs. Heywood,
Shorthorn. -Cow, Smith, 1 and 2
G. Smile: Grimes G. Pippins, t". Trieb-
2-year.old heifer, IL firn'tia 1 and 2 ner. Mrs. Triebner Maidens Matra, C.
1 -year-old heifer. rf. Sm th. Wes John.; Stanhtke, E. Reader; Golden Basel -As
heifer calf, H. Sin th, H. Crich; Jac Sweet, Tenow ; nen Davin. 8.
calf, II. Smith, H. Cecil; herd,— T.1
Crich, ; Ontario, 11.
Smith 1 and 2. Mrs. TrIclaner; Wealthy, Mrs. J. Iley.
Gradear.--Cow, T. 11. Shapton, 'T. Rus-•
WOOd, F. Trlebncr; Duchess of Gide:t-
ad-1;1 zgear.old heifer, T. H. Shapton; burg, A, Alcott, Mrs. Triebner ;Men-.
1 -year-old heifer, T. H. Shapton ; helni Pippins. 3, Moir, A. /art:exam?
er calf, George Moir.
,,,,,, Variety of Whiter pears, A.
.1eracy.-Cow, Armstrong* Lov. itop4mardsh. xtealtty....A_Auott,
ear•7:or-year-old hei Brock. Jr.,
Sr -Prior; 1-7ear-okt heifer,- T: BrOz eu.at'ir.L.D"rat"""Xlictuline"-
sr., T. 13rock, heifer calf, 1. Arm- McLeod; Bell Lucrative, T. Brock. Sr•
A. S. Deavett; • Sheldon. V, Brock, sr..
strong. T. Brock, sr.; bullealf, T. Brock ti ArmatrOns; Ealit Bourre, A Deavitt ;
• Louis Bonnie de Jersey, T Brock jr;
3utchers' Cattle..,. -1 -year -Old steer, T• pro* sr; Bur au do A,rtioil.".tt Bisect.
. Shapton 1 and 2; fat cow, U. Smith
Steer calf, IL Smith, Alcott
W. J. Thtimpson, Judge.
Eittanw. •
Southdownr.1.-Aged ram, sherling ram,
McIntosh Bros.; ram lamb, ewe, McIn-
tosh Bros. 1 and 2; sherling ewe, ewe
la.mb, McIntosh Bros.
• Shropshiredowns.--Aged ram, And.
• Duncan; ram- Iamb, owe, itherling ewe,
ewe lamb, Andrew Duncan and 2.
Lincolps.-Aged'rsim, a: Penhale 1 and
• 2; shelling ram, GA Penhale. IL Shay..
tbn ;• Ilam 'lamb, G. Penhale 1 and 2;
• QW0, 0. Penhale, T. II. Shapton; Cur-
ling ewe, G. Penhale 1 and 2; ewe lamb
0.- Penhale, T. H. ShaptOn.
Leicester. --Aged ram; A. 1A17.10t.t
• shorting ram, It. Deli; ram lamb, A. Al.,
eott 1 and ; ewe, n. Bell 1 and' 2
• shearting ,ewe, ewe limb, It. Ski 1 and
.2;. Sp.ectal, Dorset, Sam. 'Cudmere.
• Frank nick, Sr -3udrir768.
foikshire.-.0dar, sow,, so* 1. year, it.
TIM% ; sow 1908, it; ind12
Berkstire.-AgEd boar. sklowden Bros:
boar 1908. Dawlion 13r4„ Snowden
Bros.; sovr Snowdeil Drools., Dawn
Br011. sow f -year, snowden Bros. *Ow,
1908; DaWson, Bros 1.&2.
Tounworth-Aged boar, Douglas and
$�n; boar, oho Year. ditto & 2 boar,
968, Snowden nros., Douglas & Son,
ow, two years; Douglas.tb Son. Snow.
ner:00b:,00-,;. sow one yr., Dawson pro*:baflaiW
ow -1908. Douglas and on, Dawson
And. Hicks, 0 It nicks, „Iudges.
Gold. Pen. IiiimburSC. Houdin*, WI).
Cr. Rik. rOiands, Wm Oirter; Orphiag-:
toils, A. Mast% litefAren & Pae; O. •,•,, 6 stock on
ei.„,ds, Wit. Legliorns. D.
tiSla* ft Son, A DOM; Dr. foghorns
Laren & Pierce ; Dr. Leghorni, rose Shot
b. Mr*. IL lfeywood; Wh. fogiterrt
comb, W. tarter; Andalusian*,
ilrock Sparileb, Wm,
'Wyandotte*, Veal •Ire
Mlittrotalital et -
0iFitirn %tea and Itoplements.;
Tin undersigned Auctioneer has been ihetructed to
sell by Public Auction, on
Lot 6, Con. 3, Stephen
At 1 o'clock *harp,
the knowing valuableproperty. viz.
ItaltStES-1 aged horse. home 13 ye,are Old. 1
agedmare(supposed-tehe foal Perelman); 1 -
toed If
yearddZyaltsby Wilder Lee), 1 sucking, colt (got by
CATTLE -7 cows (supposed to be with cadp„ her
raw cow. two.yeavokl stone, 2 I -year -obi steer; 2
liesr-Old heifers. 7 calve*
DITLEMENTS-1 tread power and belt, cutting
box *aid grinder, fanning mill, brick yard cart and
horses* widest 2,0001ba.), wagon. a Democrat, 1
1 boggy, 2 hayracks, 1 mower. 1 hey rake, 1 '
leer:pen I sulky plough, z walkin.g ougb, harrow*.
I tutor, 1 seed drrIll (nearly nneti2. 1 lead roller.
1 dim harrow. seamen*, 1 gn *one 1 -work
bench,1 root pulper; 1 zravel box, -3 ladder's, llama;
barrow. 2 sets oit barna. a single).* crowbars, 1
sap, kettle,i cradie,'I scythe, cow '' dab* torkt;
shootio. eliabor, ao rows of mangles, 42 rods long; 40
sews of attraips. 42 rods long; 3 colonies of bore, heo
hives, sap buckets and 'pile% 2 barrels, cream ever -
Moe, oNational”;trogarbft-tplongh. sogarbeet cut.
tirator, -number et cedar poste,eteel stone -boat, 'Corn
shear, water trough. 1 tank, 1 honey extractor. 3 -
piece l;edroost suite. 1 bureau, and other mile** too
roomerous temention.
People coming from a distonco' will be served din.
*Stec per cent, off for cash
a�.t1trrrrtgn-en en Iundephhog approed
TERE8-05 and under. mob; *VeT that arsoun414
naiad accommodation, .
on cr anioust_&_
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Farin for Sale or Rent:. LIsr
The onlersigoed is effering.for eale or rent the es -
tote id the lode James Croup:, consisting of 17*
acres, and situated on the tOth and 2let.concessloee
ef thaTornaship of Stephen. two miles from Grand
Bead. The land to in first -chins condition. well
dremed and been wen coltivited. Good brick
kosiorege hank hag* with powerroUL Good water,
good orchard on each Vie% seven acres hardwood
hue*. Conveniemt to .chool and church. For
tenni rood particularceppy to
Cestralla Ir. O.
PLEMENTS. on Lot 18, Con. 8,
en On Tuesday, Sept. 20th.108,
at 1 ol'elZek Sharp, by' the undersign*
ed auttkineer.
Ilkarsiref--Draaght mare, 6 years old. Ieappas54
3 te is 1%1)1 draught Mare, 7 year' Old; g
aatutp,$ pita old, coed sire ,)• !nod *udders hien;
'ha/eel/emit. Violet 3, (sired by College Cams); heavy'
riistrt (geed by Prior'a two,. -allow filly,
Oaf* 1.4,_fetted. hy .Gartley Goid);-:drielag- erdt,-,
years old th3W. fall. • ,
cany,..,41come. **vetted to be let calf. nit, dim
in.cnitellittet,entd of this orloattlj:6 two.yearnid
'teem at yenvoM heifers. 3;:f.tuoiemolt Ada klfera,
* we; rot veto. 4 Spring Write. caftan, tkres
amain* okl; thoronghbrid kall. 16
5P1k.1r**14trttita7odttnketiw fi*COW).I ata-Troet
it Wood hay loader, marl
141 1.0041 grill.'11001V new; sIW1.lfsirIq
• Mk% Dialitthitt mew% mewl
• Plats. Suet Solo. Pair le Om we,
' mellow warromand bot, opal bsgxy, reethiardcat
pea firgramet„ awilky reke, ladder, fase
te crosier .eperafoe, rasi pairter,
loth, ellna.'ropIe,pulkya and care.
of , tee bss-a, Of dent*
, I *ter,
MW; eag*r ler el
a too
,tb. above
0 MeLe'od; Bartlett, 8 Crich, Mrs, J.
UeiWoOdi Washington, A Alcott.
Brook jr; Duane, purple, 3 A Stevrart
T Drock Jr; Lombards, Mrs Sweet, A
Alcott; Grand Duke, Ross Taylor Co;
rttipi Claude, A Ale*. Grapes -Moors
etirlY. Rev. Mat -tin; Niagara, Mrs White
A Alcott; Concord, Smile, A ?defter-
sOn ; Delaware, Prier, Hogartii:Itogevs
15, Dyer Hurdon; Roger* No 19, 31?si.
lieriterson, C Staiiiiike; Boors- No.4,
0 McLe0d, Rev. Martin; Rogers 140 9
Ara. Sternerso4, Smale; RoSer_s1 N.
22; ttev. Martin ; Peitelies-,Early qratv,
ford. Weekeii tiros. r any variety. mrs.
McPherson, liVockes Dios.; Col. canned,
fruit, 3 Deichert .sr, Mrs. 3ser1ereal
koriey in comb, and'IoneY in jar, A W..
Pilei1011. Mts.. MGPitersiOtt b0.1110 made
wines, 'Mies Ferguson; bottled °pickles.
!Ars MePhersoht,3 Deithert;„
:1*. • Ntra t
-R 8 Ups,
ziAMOlikettritt:S• • .1,1N0
s'OCir.estie cloth. War. C2 esineY Nano -
Chesney,;. horse tilanlze4;„ Mos
W -
J. A. Stewart; 1-)enteatie cottazit wverp. •
Wes. Brethentr. Oheerne2 f Sowing .
linaclanc. 8.Martin * Son 1aud 2; Or-
gan. S. martin & Son; StiatZed
A.Zierhersou; L1Lt ;salt. 4.xetcr
13avria salt, Exeter Salt CO.; Merl; zoode
taller*" goOda, 111,11Inery, grotter a.
boots and phoen, tweeds, flannels, lad-
ies' boots, gents" bOOts.., J. A. Stewact ;
Blankets. J. A. stowart 1 & 2, Cured
ham. N. Tom, T. Prior ; oozed rue.tts.
T Prior tin work and eamperwo.re, W
Heckman ; Etaltero' bread. W Statilam,
E A Follicle cakes. Mrs. Stephenson
hand Made boot or shoe, J A Swart;
uflaurverey'stheurapc; csiapet.1 rbrobcea.:.ciArdal.4nee.
Mtmree 1 & 2. II lIuston, W Harding.
wheelbarrow, home-trildo plow,
murray and . 2. •
11,,4101.1;:talsTr_oe%.:riEtit.:40zr7;4:410.;;.araEst.-:07::17,13t:01.4:74.-0--t-#.? -
Jr;6bllou;ahretitiE; tinecipiErei,:gtatteiLTJB, EtrafitbJerrL,
Sr.. J Deiehert, Jr; winter cabbage.
Mrs McPherson, A Deavitt; blood
beets, M Bretbour,G Anderson; Globe -
'Wet*, 0 Stanlake T. Smale; ugar
Niin-rdzto's!3123s.110r111;a' ude-e-lire,'"V4711:ask"natt'-stn1 :bare -; "--
intermediates, taSanders; early born
carrots, A Deavitt, Rev. Martin; Nan-
tes carrots, A Deavitt. T Sinaiu;• red
carrots, G Anderson, J Cottle; field
carrots, E Reader, 0 Sanders, sweet
- (Continued on Page 5)
Fall Fairs.
Ansa Craig, Sept. 2-1 25
Blyth, Sept. 29-30
Parkhill, Sept. 29-30
Therlford, Oct. 0-7
Kirkton, Oct. 1-2
• emor..........444.4.46.111111114.444.4..........•
W Boyle In 1 Middlesex
I 1 I • • • .1 .1 • • • •
• Aliso, Craig, Sept 18.-3, W. Doyle,
ot Lucan w rai
Conservatives of North bilddWatx at the
convention held here to -day. There walk
a splendid attendamce of delegates and
the meeting' was characterized by aline
spirit of enthusiasm. C. C. Hoiginn,
fotanerly 3r. P. P. occupied the clalr
and the meeting was addresas,:_ci by J.
E. Armstrong, the well-known rirar de-
livery advocate, and a number e other ,
gentlemen. The following were nomiri-
ated-.Tarnes Doyle, NfeGlinvray.
Hutchison, McGillivray ; J. H. Luh.
ton, Parkhill ; Dr. Laois, Granton; W.
H. Bartram, Parkhill; John Sharritt,
South Huron; G. A. Stanley, Len•an ; 3.
111:!rumfavinor".odt. Mr. Doyle.
ay. All retired
FOLLICK-In Etensall, on Sept. 10th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Follick, a ilaugh-
Copeland -Berry -In Inannhard on th0
ISth, by rtev. •Levir,a. Alb2rta
Bern' to H.. W. tareland. woodhain.
'Murray -Baird -1n St. Marya on Sept.
15t/a, Miss Della Baird to Dr. W. 0';
ay, „, of Herkimer, N. Y.
• Andre*._2.. loynt Mrs,..Franclo-
Shields, both of Seatortn.
White--CoMbs-At• rKirnondville, on the
16th. Ralph It. White of Tustereasaltli
.to Janet D. Combs of Mortiliop.
MininicroN-11-Arririt—At Gmenway,
• Sept. 16, John Middleton of Goder-
• ich Tp.,_ to Miss Bertha, daughter of
Mts." Martha Haytet, Greenway.
TAIT In Detroit, on, Wednesday,
Sept. 220d, Mrs. Tait.
11,013,fiffie Exeter. on Sept. 23rd, -
son, of Riebard Robbins,
16 months.
In Creation, on , Sept. ,18th,
bevies, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Job Sims, aged 2 year*.
13arr-In Clinton On Sept. 1.3th. Samuel '
natr• eged you,.•
CiOderldli 'Tpon sew.. 10• ,tal
Mr*, nearY 01,1050 aged 47 years.
snoxitT4In Exeter. on Se
110, r
;'• V 4.
•tri,4%;4 • • ' 4
4 •