HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-17, Page 7 (2)„ Pe '0',4Ust went VQthI*cay 'n. wAs •ina,King .0k pinge into,. ,ot ftarncs.s Mt night tbit Pt.Utleitci'n heavens ,showed...reit une people bere.deelkee' aidAefiggleaSeeseliteros, n'ougr the air,earning from either the trkken settlements ou the 4 TV a, OBS eY. or the last week there have me stories of burning forests. The whole south side of Mount Mc- Kay has been burned over and on ;Wednesday morning a telephone message from Hyman says that the people of that -settlement are very uneasy. Only a few miles south of them the fires are burning and one !Pettier has already been burned out. In the unsettled portions of M ” °Mier irtitr Seblete-sinall tires are Aelierniinowbarktlitt*Atati WM)* V.: • waoe to Cheek them' except a heavy rainfall. The fire back of the UMW - ar e n tfle. 4o'..., el lent. up ,to • bed,OICY of the ett1 inent Verslt OF 11 itolid.-wall of flames tisetite'-00 'Miles in length le old "to stretch ,...g!ionitstarlooty-chito on .the i„nterriational boundary The Pigeon River Lumber 00m- PAR1194k110,44WJAi4144gR to be destroyed: The e' are now approaching -close to Ilyiners on the Gunflint branch of the Ca, eadian Northern and the settlers are said to be very anxious. The flames are devouring everything in the White Fish Valley. There is a bad firesat _Silver Mountain and Genffint. Two -Pigeon -Jr lum- ber camps on the International boundary are destroyed. The fire in the Indian reserve is still burn- , but the Indians—have-it in lerefiriiriif6ffiiiiorflifkir fir& burning on Thunder Cape, near" Silver Island. '0 QOt • ONDEN VS fTEMS filE WORLD'S MARKETS OM A,LL .0V1414 PIEFQRTS' FROM T — TAAPR- , le$r.1)ft1e Fropil Our OWD ihliter:COnntrif$ •Jotn Ioyd, recentiyargeitrA •We1eha4n,„ eumitted.iwiejde at YorktOn, ,he hanging. '.. ' The Grind **Auk* eleeiseimeati•ettsialeitee le04 reatet on record.' "likashin(c• shows better results than anticipated in the- west, and =mole elp. Pero, Nettleton, who used •a knife in a boys' fight at Fenelon Falls, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment at Lindsay. Zarossi, Moittrears fugitive Itali- an banker, has been given his lib: exicot,— proceedings having failed. There are many complaints at Montreal of a lake' shipping com- bine to widely, juac,rease rates and mfigtietWIPOWItfAcnkr rence route. ORKEEN READ FOR BRE 511117.1114.2. . — •te a ki its i 6;111 .• Glasgow Streets. 'A despatch from Glasgow, Scot- • land, saya: A remarkable scene Was witnessed at the offices of the City Council on Thursday after- noon. Crowds of the unemployed gathered in George -S e convened, and a dole- • Letitia -of twelve was admitted to the meeting. The Councillors re- ceived the delegation by rising from • their seats. The spokesman of the unemployed said that never before • had there been such distress in Glasgow. • "Every human unit," said this man, "is entitled,to food. r on rageous request; We are only bere to plead for the souls of men and women. They demand work." • The Chasoberlain of the vity_re plied with deep emotion. He said • the Council had received the dele- gation in a spirit of brotherhood, • and that it would do all in its pow - to help tbo who needed work. Large bodi of troops were held I C. Dynes. of Sapperton, B. O., was burned out on Wednesday morning, and in the evening was killed by a street car at New "West- minster. The reported settlement between the Grand Trunk trainmen and the company is not a fact. The nego- tiations will be resumed in Novem- engineering staff of the University of British Columbia, died at Regi- us, on his way from England with hir bride. Several new fruit inspectors have 'been appointed by the Government, and it is proposed to have ship- ments via the Niagara River more carefully looked after. Dr. Helen MaeMurehy has core- , , 1 # 14 •e_r••••., a in reserve in anticipation of rioting and attacks on property. The men, however, have -decided to refrain from demonstrating for one week, in order to give the Council an op- portunity to adopt measures for the 0 .1.11• it of the situation. The police arrested a Socialist who in- cited a rnan to resist arrest. He threw pepper in the eyes of the con- stables before they. secured him. On Wednesday inglit three thou- sand of the- unemployed organized a midnight march to one of the best quarters of the city. Mounted po- lice scattered the crowd and frus- 'ntentien.----4everal-iir-- rests were made. • Estimates of the number out of work in Giasgow and in the towns iig4he 01de ritii=lts high -as 186; 000. This is the estimate of the So- cialist orators, and men in a posi- tion to know e -all the figures ab- surd, but the mot conservative ad- mit that the number must reach 25,000 t • • MAKES TILE OLD YOUNG. Sir '..laittes Grant ileseribes His • Wonderful Nenrostone. - A despatch from London says: Before the physiological section of • the British Associatione,Sir James • Grant, of Ottawa, on Wednesday,. delivered a full account of his neu- • rostone, which, acting on inactive nerve centres which become poisan- ed by noxious gases in age, clean- ses them by. ells tricity. Sir James said he would be enabled to aban- don spectacles and also increase general activity in consemence of -thesetine V the instilment. 'me istissverysisisthe -first Sineagful ap- , plietition of electricity to humor di- gestion. LIEUteGOVERNOR OF ONTARIO •non. 1. M. Gibson's Appointment • Finally Announced. A despateh from Ottawa ea.ys: By the Oovernor in Council on Wed- nesday afternoon an order was pessed appointing Colonel the Hon. J. M. Gibson of Hamilton to be eaten.ant-Covern"or or Ontario, in saccessioc to the retiring Lieutene ant-Gove?nor Sir Mortimer Clark, wlic;ste five•;year term of office e• - pired last spring. • .# BITTEN BY A SPIDER. Sir C.- 11. Tupper of Vancouver Laid Up Temporarily. A despatch from ,Vancouver,' B. C., says: Sir C. H. Tupper le CCII". fined to his house suffering from the effects of a bite of a spider ile was at Banff a week or so ago, and was out among the trees, when he felt a sharp sting. As the pan was only momentary, he thought little of it at the time, but by evening a large lutap had formed, and he has been suffering ever since. Ile is un- able to bear t_he _cowed _of eletle mg, though no serioua effectsare beipected,- as the trouble is merely local. AERONAUT AND LION FELL. Former Fatally Injured, but the Cub Escaped. • A despatch from New York says: In vier.? of 7,000 persons at the • Richmond County Fair, held at Dongan Hills, Staten Island, on Wednesday,. Wm. Cohy, a youthful balloonist, of Milwaukee. 'Wis.' fell • from an -exploded balloon andwas mortally injured. A bay lionr whieh Coby had takein Am with him, also fell, but landed on the prostrate form of the aeronatit and escated unhurt. 0 Ti The DistribiJI s\ Boil% • With Water. A deepateli from Sydney, sN. S. $IVA: No. 1 colliery of the Nova Seotia Steel and Coal Co., on Wed- rteeday, had a serious reminder of • the,bil colliery fire of 1E31, when • Ulf the mine was drowned out. • About 2, o'cloek fire was diceovered Is the extreme soutlieen part of cee- • tton'and a message was sent at • ome to the surface for aid. Sup- ordnt John Johnson, Manag- aes,ateerawell, Inspector 114Zieholson tad sosciral 4:Afitials were toickly \ no the repute and found the ettetiott %ith smoke that it va 4411,0 or he" miners af as w , le me fire e 20A, tgad. after 1 •- Idbded turning frem !with were Unable to put out the fire,end et it .obtain headway b:efore eallin for aseist- trice. When the offieials: arrived. with a number of heroic velenteers nothing could' be done to prevent the spread of the fire; anti they fin.• ti opal Board that the steps on street cars in Toronto and other Ontario municipalities are too high. The Great Northern Railway has approved plans for its proposed Vancouver terminals, and will ;spend about half a million dollars in wharfage facilities on Burrard Inlet, as well as make expenditures fox arda e. GREAT BRITAIN. The Minas-Geraes, the mostepow- Hal warship -'--ever •huilt, -was- launched at Newcastle -on -Tyne on Thursday. She was built for Bra- zil. A Socialist leader in Glasgow threatens to eveal all the Masonic secrets unless the municipal au- thorities do something for the relief of the unemployed. John E. Redmond and Joseph Devlin were given a remarkable ovation at Queenstown on their leaving for America, to attend the convention of the United Irish League. it .iirlilti-Lit:Ve;:e ° -; Toronto, Sept. font On- tario wheat .414 peinicenttent3, 103.35. to 3.4O. in buyer' iseekii Outs eide for export. 3&ani)ba flour, tritts,P,4***01101rvetvrittr PROt $3.40, and strong bakers' Wheats—Manitoba wheat is easier,, with old No. r Northern ,quoted at 434(444444. -41a4Yia`calid old No. 3 At *1.12. New No. 1 Northern easier at $1,12', Ceorgian Bay porta. °aerie Wheats—Nee-2 white and red quoted at 88 to 80c outside. Oats—Ontario new No. 2 whites 39,3c outside; Manitoba rejected Peas -88 to 80c outside. Corn—Prices at 87%c for No. 2 American yellow, and at 67 for No. 3 ArneriLeau, on track, Termite,. 10-BAltigaitt444411- 58 to 590, and No. 3 extra at 5 outside. Bran—Oars are quoted at $18 to $19• in bulk outside. Shorts (vot- ed at $21 to $22 in bulk outsia. "/. . i•••••••••••••••••••••• COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beans—Prime, $2 to $2.10, and hand-pieked,_$2.2e_to_$2.25.. dozen, and No.-2Tin pound tins, 9%c ; No. 1 extracted, 10 to 110 per pound. Hay—No. 1 timothy quoted $10.50 to $1-1.50 a ton on track here, and No. 2 at 47 to $9. Straw—$7.50 to $8.50 on track. Potatoes—New Ontario quoted at se to 75c per bag in large lots, and Delewaros at 85 to 90c per bag on track. 'ckensr-springr-dre ed. 12 to 13c per pound; fowl, 10 to 11e; ducks, dressed, 10 to lie; turkeys, dressed, 13 to 160 per pound. t, • THE DAIRY MAR/MTS. Butter—Pound prints, 22 to 23c1 tubs, 20 to 220; do. inferior, 18 to 19e. Creamery ro114,,. 25 to 23. and 1 o 20. Egg -S.-20 to 21c per dozen in calm lots. - -Cheese—Large-cheese-,-13 to 1 per -pound, and--twres- /3X, to-13X c. PRODUCTS. Ba•con, long clear, 11% to 12c per pound in case lots; mess pork, $19 to $19.50; short cut, $23 to $23.50. Rams—Light to medium, 14% to 150; do., heavy, 12% to 13e; mile, 10% to 113'c; shoulders, 10 to 103c; , backs, 17% to 18e; breakfast bacon, .115 to 15%c. Lard—Tierces,' 12%o; tubs, 13d; pails, 13%c. UNiraD STATES. Several Japanese were killed in. a fight with Portuguese in an Alas- kan cannery. - • - Five children at Brighton, near St. Paul, Minn., ,were suffocated in • fire which broke out in their home. John Tuck rescued a mother and child from., a burning house in Bro6k-lyn, but was himeelf burned - to death. Angelo Mazzo was stabbed to death in Cleveland by a man who had followed him from. Sicily seek- ing his life. An express pastel worth , $00,000 has been stolen from the Wells-Far- gExpress CainianY at Portland, Ore. At Washington, on Tuesday, Or- ville Wright broke all aeroplane records by remaining in the air ee minutes and flying 8iii4 miles. In the Supreme Court at Roches- ter, N. Y., the injunction' restrain- ing the Independeat .Order of For- esterS from increasing their as- seesment rates Was sustained. Dr. F. T. Ruslin, who was found dying from a bullet wound in Onia- ba a week ago, hadbeen attempt - nig suicideforx three years, even in- jecting tetanus and typhoid germ into his inysteed. 5 L. , ' GEN! t. f soiland has IVA. Pregident tias- It-fiat helifust revtilite 'his ti erce g against (luiaeao before November A man tas been ar reeled- dt 5tt:104100e oli O. charge of attempt. int! to asstosinate 'the Sultan '-f? Turkey in 1001 Miss Annie S. Peek et Providence, . I., has_ succeeded in scaling Mchirat ituasearan, rn Pau, the ighest peak in America. Unable ,to, nye in an atmosphere fled with rumors of p2 -t-, the dow. ger QOM Maria Pia is preparing o flee from Portugal. to Italy; Special tests of motor pr -sin cud ammunition waggons are being *ade in the Gerrialth ariny's grand mano`euvrea in AlsateeLerraine. ' J( Dclagrange estahfi41cd *new rld's record with his aeroplane *600 fl fi elly deiced to floed that reetion of s the mine from the surface hymeansi t of air linen leading to the burning thstriet at the rate of 1440 gellons per minute. It will take about 49 Four s to flood this, district. There are about eight fords to he drowned rut lx,fore the depth is roittlacti te maniple", I• P tWr3 that ht c nte di ion •T in le.A.1....1111."4".111104110* " o ler with an in Lofl has teen *IT timtgel of as 1116.•••••••••••••••• • BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Sept. le.—ifanitoba • No. 2 white oats, 47% to 49e, No. 3 at 46% to 47c, and rejected at • 45% to 46e per bushel, ex store. Flour—Choice Spring wheat pat- • ents, $6; seconds, $5.50; Winter • wheat patents, *5;' straight rollers, $4.40 to $4.50; do., in bags, $2 to 2. NI; -extras, 411.65 „to *L78lead— Manitoba bran, $22 to $23; shorts, $23e,r Ontario bran, $21to'$22; mtd 426 to $27; shorts, $26 pt3r ton, inctudieg • bags; pure gram mouille, $30 to • $35, and -milled grades, $25 to $29 per ton. Pro- visions—Barrels short cut mess, in2.50; haif-harrels, $11.50; clear fat back, $23; dry salt long clear backs, 11c; barrels plate beef, $1750; half -barrels do., $94 com- pound lard, $8% to 9%10; pure lard, 12 to 13c; kettle rendered, 13 to 13%e; hams, 124 to 14e; breakfast bacon, 14 to 15c; Windsor bacon rx to 16c;_ fresh killed abattoir droned hogs, $9.75. alive $6.85 to $7. Eggs—No. 1, 19'rtb 20c% selects, 23 to 210 per dozen. Cheese 'Western, 12% to 12Ne; eastern, IC to 12c. ll'uttei-.25c in round: lots. •• adaelamewa.aeacal 1TNITED STATE'S MARKETS. uffatoii Sept. 15—Wheat-r-Spring , No; 1-, -Northers.r, parlosoll store.( ; Winter 4wkyt; Xo. - red,.,9334,13 to 40 ;No. 3 extra rd, ▪ ' -Co reel -Firm Oats Easy; No. 2 White, 03 to 5 No. 3 white, 523fs to 52?4e; . 4 white, 5111 to Sl'i4e. Barley eti to malting, Gi to 70e. Minneapolis, Sept. 15 ---Wheat. September, to..03-74c; Deeeni- Ler, ON to 09e; May • $1.03%; No. 1 hard, $1.01% to $1.:0;t7'. No. t northern, $100% to $1.0e N'04 S northern, 9S,%, to 99e; ' nilthern, 90% to Or -‘e. Flour Virst patents, $3..65 to ii5.124; ste- tnd patents, $5.50 to $5.60; firs' dears, $'1.:b to $1.45; sceond eats, 3.50 to $3.t0; Bran—In hulk, $18.M. * 04 tiVt Mot MAIMET. To1otit9, ,Sept. tx1J3rt, tteors 1P4'1411ZYkn elet il- it ; ,•4,1 ur u tha 1 0‘ sin the,, afternoon -hero lig' ‘ , .1,,, Peil',Itir 'Whit e *'*g14 r:ileadt'441"°1ene;;Vt*Ite'lias;4,*,111°1;13'iwnAgsi' $:f#4.: vrt 'c'cuntr,f. At 0 0,1°4 a.m., tax mules west of White *River, the.firet section of he C. P. R. Atlenge-es,wreasi;,,rielger te 4"44140Pannie3ig the chasm being in flames.. The passengers -were all Ohinamea, passing through in bond from the coat, -and they escapetinjury, Engineer Nice, of Schrieber, was •••••••,,......,...••••••••••.•••••••ailE jobab1y fttsIIy'ininierk and ilia riNpith suffered kg. The; liggne turitedeoier'im its f$14e) anct the 'xiiail and haggage ears' were burned. _Row the gassengers es- tp.u» somsaanhinirso bridge as- (;00 -rect. long. Tronto trains will take the Soo-Minneapo- lie route uotil the bridge is repair- ed, as will the Imperial Limite i'WeifirEnileis: The origin of the fire is a rays- tery, and incendiarisuris suspected, although the continued dry spell may have caused -ignition from a falling cinder of a passing ,engine. &.41Vetee4MBittscomtee f2 to $3 per cwt. -Advances arereported in the prices of light stockers. Their quo- , tations ranged. from $,, t per 1Y . . .fm , na 'prices iiin e 3 to 60 per pound. Though the deliveries of sheep and larnbs were heavy, the calves held steady. Select hogs were firm in price at $6.70 per cwt., off cars, Toronto. #8 Ate heuse a week, and I'm sure you can't even guess who 1 am." Tom- my -J-1141 bet you one thing." Visitor—."What t" Tommy — "rn bet you're no relation of father's." Appear to Prefer This Country to Any Other, Despite Poll Tax. • it -despatch -from Ottawa says: etieWilti~e0ihterlineertififteleee,:eve.14Nsee buten to the revenue of Canada. • During the fiscal year 1907 there ese' *re 1,481 Chinese who entered Canada for the first time, and each paid a head fax of $500. This made the total for the year of $744,635. Arrivals of Chinese show no sign of deminution, but are rather on the increase, for durilig the first - ere -1m - to the number of 1,095 who haye paid into the Canadian Treasury $552,696* or at the rate of over ene hundred thousand dollars per month: r ..czy,7*CfaT,r,,I,XF044r,44 STILL }HILES W Greit Britain's Largest and Heaviest • Warship Launched. • A despatch from Portsmouth, England, says: The St. Vincent, the arges and comes es p ever built for the British navy, was launched successfully here on Thursday. Thee weather was -Tule andtheget, smooth, -sand a great crowd saw the vessel take the water. As the warship slipped from her blocks she was christened by the Countess Beauchamp. Counting the three cruising bat- tleships of the Invincible class, the St. Vincent is the eighth vessel of the Dreadnoughtstype to be launch - o1 in this country. The Admiral- ty has observed its. usual reticence with regard to the details of the design and construction of the St. Vincent, but from certain figures that were given out it is manifeat that the experience gained from the fildion of the Dreadneughb has been utilized in this vessel. It is believed that .4 -eine of the addi- tional 'Weight of the St. Vincent is o be accounted -for hy heavier ar- mament for protection against tor- pedoes, and by improvements giv- mg greater security to those con- trolling the movements of the ship while in action.- A number of for- eign naval attaches attended the launching, on the invitation of the Admiralty. The St. Vincent was laid down in December of last year. She is sup- posed to be of . about 10,250 tons and her cost has been given at $9,e 500,00. SCALED THE JAIL WALL. Prisoner at Brantford Makes Ws Escape. A "despatch frOm Brantfoid says: About a, Month ago Wm .° Parker was convicted on a charge of horse - stealing and seetenceel to jail here. flOrVOLL.11..e.atrb7-11- month's_ time. Wednesday forenoon about— clolocklie escapeirrealing the jail wall, • and officials are now searching the country for him. anwameara.•••••latka•AmeamemoralawAt MAY BUILD TO PEACE MM. C. P. R. HAS Surveyor Pearce ite- portiat on North Country. • A despatch from Winnipeg says: William Pearce, railway' surveyor, of Calgary,, was sent north some time ago by the C. Pr R. to look into the conditions of the country in the Lesser Slave Lake and PeaCti 'River districts. He travelled through that 'count*? and will now take a report to his company. it 18 stated though not officially, that this is the first.move of the e. P. It. towards building a line into the 'north country. , It f HORSE HOIADS TRAIN. Dashed Aeross Gravid Trunk Steel Arch Ilridge at Falls. A despatch from Niagara Falls, N. Y., says: On Thursday morning a runaway horse, which started its mad flight in the Central freight yards, on the American side of the _ neestereasse—traass,, over -ess and—out -u-pon .the—upper deck of the Grand Trunk steel areh bridge. It crossed tielhe Canadian side where it fell into a cattle guar's!, .stopping traffic. It was res- cued with difficulty. . arerapgeato'—'...1grAirlAMNAgeneimearem IINDESIBABLES APPLIED..: Immigration•Bratieli Deported Over .1,31 People. - A despateh from Ottawa .says: A. return issued by the immigration branch of the Interior Department shows that from the ist of January to the 31st of July .1,051 people have been deported from ,Canada to the ceuntries whence they came. Dur- k* the same period, ,tZ people. , were refired admission t nada it ocean OpposinQounsol Charged Lying, and He Tried to 11 4 despatch 'from $t:, Jolla, N.B., "Refore judge Ritchie on netday i remarkable tourt. row scene wo, enacted. Wlite the .court was giving judgment in tbe case of t.11g,e striking 1St printers against iltury charged with tiiolating the alien La. tor tlget by bringing 41-41e.a. from the States to repl4wcf4e, ctrikcv:1 r. Melte?, 'counsel.for Oar( terjected remark, t .„ It? te, rourt A5 * i13 did," was 4.41 d• tried to Qmo,ntit the o .reat3/4 Jk orent but he ilished ttround the end a tic* llaxtcrr. An attenkbed • police Lergeant ret,overed eft-gt,Th to re8eive frart ttee efkct of the ...Wow as he rushed ;!,etteee,a the cacti. 1 Baxter uzcrolly sznitecl allad cT- 1s Uhl up at, gt.1r4rd., jotigc. ItitehL'e - e5,ked an apoll.,7,,y to the c,,art from r. Mullett., and it rode: The I a firi , . ioutdniitt rtcnc, Court, ,,rcpted kr Ilactlyt •'8 P- d •