HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-17, Page 5 (2)ou oo put under oar; tis annaotirira J ZR dory, *Meet °daughter 0t : . Burnlirim > axile a r� Baat�l � » fay Wow; e, the wedding tui.4ak etttaa `*pi* .. . e ms ' 1es orU7' et and Beaut The price isnot large and the tie are easy. 2 6 octave Organs cheap., 2 Pians ,.slightly used, at a (hat Reduction. w g acb:iues, 'Blvd ',"hildmin's Wagons, at*` rim that IH �, make you �ildlEl. TIN itt SON. 's Waw Root Cowpox& The greet Uterine Tae and' tato enbetu al efoutiar It ultrtoro which osn pssad.� la -three 1 sax st nict t --N0. 1.. , o. So y„ - LiiumiId Stewar�rt McQueen has returned , from Tprentoo ;Miss Anal* Horton is spend- ing a 'week with her sister Jennie at Z oledon---Jas, Broadatoot has sold his tellt -trtdU sure -'tot--" r f Wirt ab large.- acs. Morton and W. Bre k *old two er a Of horse* for $1040. One of Wiese teams took let prize aaa t the +Cain- ton spring above Psi the hgricuitural class. They always' keep the best in the horse ins.-. Don►ld Brlutnell threshed forty six load of grain taar \Gordon Dol ten one day laat Week. It takes Dant aid to roll adieu throW3h.--Misr . Aliso Dougall of Hensall -spent Sunday , with hiss. M'argeret McQueen. -Quite a num- ber of the young people ;attended the , s ane on Sunday. Roger Mee,. Gorden k Bolton sarkd to 1 Horton: • spent. a day at The London Pail•. Clinton. --As Rarvey Danis was In the act:. at leading a Bolt a few days ago, the animal became frightened and put. fie Mr. thea. out of the buggy, falling oh his Be was unconscious for some ttnri and narrowly escaped fatal' injury. As Alt is he will nurse a very more neck for some time. to tilt t< t 'Without' Lydia . kluldukin'* Vagetabl Oom- pound, I ° woo*-1be ahive. , For mouths T suffered with ptinfai end irregular periods and inf'iazaation of the feminine organs. motor* could do nodding for me, and said I moat sutb- t to sn openition as I bad' a tumor. One of • my coueina advised > take Lydia. E.. inkbam's Vegetable Cotepound as it;`liaai Wood: tier. "so and now I Imo o pmt end tun entirely cpred. Tour remedy iideserving of greatpralie," Pear tib'Lydia E. rink. banes VegetableCompound; mde from roots and herbs, has been the standard reify for female andhaspositivelyct thousandsof women who_AlaVie been troubi'with disPlatcements, Hexon e ulcera- tion, � rain tumors, y kali e, doown l ,drainess or= rvo• "' Via, aaaaaar ealtagta4 ala teIesaar.t"a n °; ' f Kip n b,. ►t the b 4 z etu :�.•�a M r. 'Wilson *uial 'a.'a4' oraytrlia rooks , 1 N. "•,.tet° the. hot ;t 0. nth defer Alive well ,f, p!brD---.I ' quite.: w.eddin. took" la *t w'e igton St,,. Stretford. on mit,16th, when Mi Mabell youngest daughterof ea. 't •. `iiu toff', Awes.* united in in*rrla to .'r. • John Welsh of Ilensall, Rev. G. F. Seal - ton.' The bride Wore a rinses Bowe of whits silk and carried a bouquet of white � Two little niece of the Him EdithMcArthur and ranee Welsh of Henan =acted as ewer girl and ring bearer. Only the intimate relatives of the contracting parties were present. The bride's go- ing awa>i, .dress was brown cloth, trim- med with satin, with bat to Motel'. The bag can . le le ^�" . . r a „ , � ;�. -WO '- On t'heh return they will reside , in .'.' ALx,, apable, fun. of %irtueg t omit aft • lC z a arld "in ,tie :'. >aatvfih. � °a o + r •t ►.1 daaftt: of ll .lea tc►4o+ , "` a to ? ed iaar ° ( - rich laat.,b " k,•_to Mise Ala i rr.itIgIe. • 'tars �-Tiia death w ~r w.,. t .:; . .. R•...A.nF y . .�i � ��. a's Years In aatertb ,tire going West, 8 a niers.-' Mitiet J'en ?ic,� •daughter. oa; ,aunt recently married to Ma, 1r'isariey...- of Detroit . They . lett from Druce fehl Tor Dctroit where:they they wilt reside. Bay • I. Fuce of �Seaaiorte and Galt' wail Appointed by our chincl nae Townaatdp' l ngineer under the 1'rosl'alons of tiro D. & W. Act in the place tot' J. L. Thome of London. Council will meet again on Oet. nth, at one p.m. Cro:oi#4rty.; 4T,iae funeral- ot the lithe Child of Ur. and Mss, iruee took place o>na i►ionday of bast week. The sympathy o the whole community has bees` deep, ihls ittla child haaas had tear It. life. and. duringthls 16,4 t number of week* to succumb so quickly with pneumonia seemed so unusually and. Chlselhurst.--Win. Mooney of London las rented- Mr. Chars r's farm on the 10th conceaasion of Hibbeirt, lately oc cupled by Albert Iiyckman.' We welco e 1r .la'Mooney, but do not like to lose as good neighbors as Mr. Itycknua.n, and Cannily from our m!dst.-Mr. O'Brien has a ten acre ,field which has produced. 50 loam of hay,. ail tonus on first crop and the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John W. Patterson, con. w, McGill vraa>,y, his only daughter, • Margaret J., was un- ited n marriage to Mr. John Needham, of St. Johns, the marriage ceremony 1*. irlg conducted by ,the tev.:W'. Ii, Geddes of Ailsa Cragg. The bride was- attended by i�ttaaes Y, olet Charlton and and Mise Nellie Foreman, alae- groom by Mr. C. Carmich- ael anq the bride's brother. Lohes. grin's wend ng march wasplayed by Patterson. .er► , 'Z..att1Tlch1 , ..Rdighasifer, barber, has been laid up with a sore flagon -Mies Nora Schnell has returned from a visit with friends in ich%►n.---N. M. Cantin of St. Joaenh entertained a number of distin shed visitors fa;o,n Ottawa, B u and -New -York last wreek.--1 . . - „ .: l to itaager act lit, «: y1 aw..... .z .,.W t.a,' :., -•. n c , w`ria- arri in town In the evenli g. They spent the week with the latter's moth- er, Urs, Henry Wuirm.--Zurich's Lab- or Day sports were a big success. The horse races end bicycle race being keenly contested and the attendance very 'fie. -Thai Jubilee Vaud will Ilaely be one of the dive bands to at- tend the Laurier Demonstration at Clinton, on the Ma -Mss Bertha. latrs. F. t . • ibramt of Detroit' is visitin relatives ,.,, v. - e . r sc 1 ear a :n , a funeral off ` Mr* Rev. Grenzetlbach of :intoned. -14110 Era Williams un- derwent an operation last week for appendicitis, et the bends of Dr. Gunn of Clinton, assisted by the local medi- cal mete. The patient is doing fairly e elL Tn�day was the 90th anniver- sary of the day when J. J. Merner started clerking for D. . Steinbach. . Merner Is now living in the : same house wittr here put in first night's wi a exception oof a few short in - tam* a resident slnc a that date. Sept. Stb 1.�, `times Johnston of t Town Line near Baku*,and one of the early settlers of this section died on Sept. . ha ►ing.reacbed the age of 80 years. He leaves two sons, l on the homestead, John on the next' faartma alar d *argon Hobert, who _ was last re- ported to be in the Status. The funer- al was held on Tuesday to '' Bsyfe cemetery. WxDDED--The home of ,Mr. and Mrs.. Jacob Sar►ar aa, Blind Line, wag- they. scene of a ,happy event. when their y:yaungest•daaughter, Adeline, was un. ited iin marriageto Valentine Neeb of Hampstead. he ceremony was per- formed by Revs. Maaarss. The bride looked pretty inra gown .of,cream aiik,. carryin ,t -a bo t of white can*. t€on.. The � Mice Emma Neeb, wore a dress of White organdy. while W. 'Wolper ably supported the m. Mr. and Mrs, Neeb will make t it home on the groove s fine farm, aeear Hampstead. d. Omen to write her tor: advice. She has d+ tb�ax ds to heairlt ..: &t� 10=4 .aasw• , Olandeboye, Quite a number from here are at Lon- don F, r this weeks-Hrs. Iliac cwtit of Toronto iso renewing old acquaintances in Ciendeboy►e and y1cinity4,- - itort wws the g`at*t cot s. Dr. .Tone* belt, it+e over iilunc ay.-41is ei Write Simpson; Ethel Wilton and ,stir Lewis left here on Mon! F to continue their studies in the Normal at London.-.1tey., ,leer. Nein; of swine ie visiting his *beer, bra. v. Neil, of till, •�» is«faux. Cunning.: .ham spat-sundaaay bi f onsborough. :41r.,: and Mrs. Mennesax+y sunt Sunday in Parkhilla-aa are sorry to hear that Mr. Allen is nodal- the doctor's care at the present time , ' 8tanloy .. ".A 1 attias.__ai1a =months _ old chit of SdintiereTtionhoon breilott Ito leg by the carriage running, et the verandah. Oianton.-In at frlenndlr gall* of base ball played here Qlt Saturday°_ Granton defeated Motherwell by a .core of , 8 to 7. The game was fast and *keit ng frons start to tin cab, being on* of the best ever plaa yed on 0ranton diamond. Morgan's pitch, ng was a feature of the game - It la laaaaranaailr laaaporisat Slat ysva stook, list ail tii,as latormaktiaa *tem a col"eagt bettor* yoo 0644 sus astuddent. YAM' suenestt.a.. pawls -span gest slwaaisaa. i�saarr..Trim .C.t.t ' aaa.a'�$sibli.7aia,r,Mr, ow Me ..J..1 ToottAlut"'wIyr _not 4014 oto o odan onio kis h .4pa,.tws the COW sail 44041+0+ u** cr0 .intens. '.S10s+a etke •,.440 ria•otaa•Ctiviator-aAtiatakeda s Dire.... Asa till, fitheinkt.410.4wia,l....Ito IW Mont a .,.d crbe wag %.shift ea 'per wanoo soli aaNal 604.40tiaassaa4 awry ea lipssialOrwiag � owl Jemmy Ike setse Clio +la+i amai Sbartikaaff Grip jag �r LONDON'. OXTAXIO n Tile' cc Beck" m 'Fuy c is the only J1urnac• wih Fwd ,sin.. d Tittle oints afire made byfusin ,the steil and cast iron parts togs t ., �at*°�r kite f eat titer making an indestructible joint.' Fused Joints are permanently airtight. ' Even after 20 yea use they will not Work loose or -leak—. 'They insure absolute freedom * roi ' dust,, smoke and gas. bene Pot used on the « lift tx ;+.Much radiatin sine It will save fuel fiir It elttriitts fox the that would otherwise go up the thititSikow you tvoll *ad latest iss „ . The.'St L. i Furse i ►ti **any other 1 n and give you more 04: n�y�"., Tbsre is more Catarrh In tbisoeetioaa of true conga try than alt Other diseases put together, and until tb.lut few years was supposed to be incurable. :For *great many yr. edoetors pronounced It s local dui use arid i' prMcri ie+�etl are>xaeari and by a•`oama�aaart• ly jailing to cure With local treatment. pronounced 1 Science has era catarrh to bee * egeo i� dhow and therefore seeluires eonett- utioeaaal treatment. i Curt. ananufaaa.. K s tared by F. o o t3. Mosey k Toledo. Ob1 1* t't �r ca the market. It A, ata aeufly la dowse from to drupe to a1 It.et di recti .on the 'Mod and au't z tka, over on a bundred dollars for an as . to erre. is four circulars and tet There. hi an ornaiipresent feeling in the air that times will be harder this win+ ter than ever _ttfure.,.especialiy,xor.,.,t e poor people. The fact that labor is not tfndtxng employment Is given as an ins= dicatlon that a hard winter is ahead.' 14Tsanufaactut- rs and employers of labor declare they have neirer . before received such a deluge of applications for pos. Mons. - Thanksgiving Day tnira. year ,will be held Monday the 10th day. of October. It was decided some time ago that here-' after, for convenience Of commercllr1 travellers and Thera who spend oniy Sunday at home. • Thanksgiving . Day should be celebrated on Mondays. fly giving' thanks this year on October 10 the Iraaterferen.e with the election and with' the rush occasioned br the .etelaz g' of acavlgatiOn gift bat avoided. • The open season for gate is is tot. lows, North of O. P. B. Moose caribou, Oe -toter 15, to November 13. South rof G. l'. • It. --Moate. caribou dyer. Na vem- ber 1 to 15. Pheasant. pralr e , fowl; partridge, wockleock, Sept. to Deo.15 i j a , Quail. wild turkey, Nov. 1 to Dec. 1; Srhrars&. geese. &pt..15 to Aprlt .30; Ducks &pt. 1 to Dee. 31; linipe, 'rail, *lover and ail ashore birder Sept.- .1.10 15. Capetcaillzle protected 1111. SePt"ua- ber • X1000. 13asailn Lake( $rie *reit of roirlt Pelee, July 16 to May Alt; Dat. and Illaskinong, Jane td to AprJl ckeanl. May 1d to April 14; Spekitel trout, -May 1 to empty 2,g ; .Salmon\trout 1 and wxefteUeh, Dec. 1 16 Oct. . icaortb: Abr*.n Crich 'burn*ly' �► aa►ear'ia s injury yr by is ' nit rater- Ing ash pia it into Iris buoy. r syr s031.114a1 *ate ilNiie' �r►pwrnt thrown out. l"a lb: bar base hail team its �a tetra ot Wyk iwo ounes here lot week re. 'assrltIng 13.10 In tarot,erBatt*, sod 5-4. lar favor of the borne tannin. �A*��� l itcl i; * dent Jnr in bogs%% resq1tfnaWI:te fry Waura berg >ag An *r_H was tbra , lei thefarces of a, itdek aairbile 'snood In aa►Illa the slate vthirtt dittos the eylindee etinA1►t, l'n the lam` and ba ' for lit he, `„ baa. raeraas iia`. d. -t tiara. #a co . Toledo 0121e;% &idly Druggists, :b casts, Take Yell's faarallyrpllit for eonatiplation. �'. .•�»':•"°n}`i. '9K`vF n"w!✓'. /44‘,!' 1>. 40, ��. ,1�rE ;•:�f: '^Fy t„(i••• `M 7,R..exstR N`: *ad 'bloodpu f+ sere iese, Whitt you must do is cur theIfidaoys. Take Gin .'ills .act directly op t'heee vital, ;a + ao oirect di*eaee---neut izo eaeid---purIfftbeblood--rdttrethe pain anal reduce swelling hi hands and tett., .'Sdc. a_ box ; d for $2.50. At ail - - dealers or sent on receipt of +c0. aNr work. severe straining' raaeining a>uuaaidetll Wall fax brrattght. aaara; s► douse^yen tai When x w lard the would beomue a4aa�►ere Sod .I Wee' Olten laid up toe a ,weak ` awn Ily h ►stpei$io! a aainy Lut Id 1C 1. u e$ced tRi iC `"szdacto rs as itle thie`day my boot esiceelne why I was oft work so ma and i tcald blm +Xe'Tn.inede li.Ho adrledaeto consult Dn, Rowdy_ a y,shed to ntreatmenttram them himself and imew were *gummid skillful. I wrote Mini and gotiasNawyap a, Tam vn,. My program was omewhiat slow and during the first .month's treatment I was sawanevarhatHowever. I eon- Untied lent for thr.e months longer sounds rewarded with a complete ewe. I eosin only rarer s a week la a Mak* s fors eta, Dun i am ol as sad never loss dlr. `w all va ferera kalew ofyourr tam RY 0 LOCUST. . HMV YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? moo 1'Oi34 are previa tat ca d meet dlaradw saaaaepthe life ... • K, f th* Otos and Imbue +antlral endlated froaaa the aayra era �J"ite scar sa 1.1W - YO GOA 14IDDIX AOED .--Im t acts or Ittbir exCesol as love bro ees dealt. your. asysarasaa. You feed the arltiaaaap i starling' over your Mesta cath. sad vitally you are not thae MAX you mad to be or should be. Will you eigualat PER wrybloa dYltibteen1' A8ae nus illlgaerte typeet3 �Are yrouabndigny#o Neara n Tin= will's you. what it Iaas doing for others Itrariil do aro. put. .:F . Nur matter IOW haatrested you, matte for an honest opinion frarae0 of a trsaeaep, g Faa'a o..,'"'i' Ookitsme ,'” ( )onDi eesesott Ken.- NAllit511wtrnotn' ofit '#"'1'f.iai Cotisti '.IVATL �! " asssat :olid r : p and`: rib aina n .� . a.. . %, Viti� ,3 w�l�rafse— evenly -ked crust. • • " Mother says . such - buns require a steel oven, scien- tifically constructed, . unif"os my heated, peer(ectly ventilated 4'`AN►' OVEN EXACTLY." Itar When yea see a ' "Pandora' Range the sale is maie..