HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-10, Page 7 (2)OS, ). ;• rite r „, t.'1th. 1;1'004. I.': t A rs , 3 accident. enn&ut expired!. shout. zn hour b*1f &fter, the'tregie eent. en -the Ateroesut - height et more then'500 feet the is ors were aniased to see small tongues of flame issuing from under •.1 , the bftg. One* felt withAtte:Irani, e of los' Lura &nd;when the spectators reachecl him he was lying under_it 1.44 a.viarter of * mile from the fair grounds. The gaS beg, which fell 'nearby, was completel$ destroy- ed. r leen, t ro 3 CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS . • RAPPENING'S FROM ALL OVER TIIE GLOBE. '44004.4ik- ",000!;'; Telegraphic Betas From Oise 0 a • and -Other Couatrice of Recent Events. CANADA. Mr- I. A. Cummings *Talked off' tritin in his sleep at Kama and killed. . Milton Hersey of Montreal .1401)4.14e4strsingstssii' A A The" Railway Conimissiort is con.sidernA regulations for carrying explosives on railways. Swift & Co. of Chicago aro said to be interested in an extensive etoekYard and abattoir scheme at Winnipeg. In a row among drunken Italians Fenelon Falls one Man was slaah- iter0e$ the abdomen, and his al- leged assailant was arrested—; AT hortiAtiiief is alleged to have stolen a horse and buggy from By- ron Boomer of Lincoln township, and tet fire to the barn to (ewer tho theft jt,, Beamer lost Ids bun machinery, horses and other stook and crvs. $ GMAT IlltITAIN. . -Prince Bolotoff, sttemptsteetreesstheeE nel with an Aeroplane. The British hark Amazon was eked - .tosff..,,, Welsh coat and 1 of her crew re drowned. he Berl of Bosse, one of Ire- land's representadve Peers in the Mouse of Lords, is dead. . Great damage has been done in Viiglifid'ind *Ions the coast b terrific storms•during the last two • A Mielmaii caused a panic on the • London Stock Exchange on Wed- reiday by firing three shots from his revolver in the building. -John E: Redmond, the Irish Na- Aimilitialleader, has debbired the Irish University act to be one of the greatest emaneipatipg measures or the century. 416.1116.1....01•• t * t. I UNITED STATES. The people of the northwestern States are agitating for the ftee-44- sion__of_Careidoin lumber. - Four -Seamen on the British bark ?uHtan were �uEocateJ in the hot ef the vessel near Boston - Eight trolley cars loaded with ex- rinonists were stalled by potato on the rails near Bristol, almloslmemi.04•10 GENERAL. An edict issued in the mimeo of the Emperor promices the Chinese cople a constitution in nine years. The Japanese steamer Bankoku Sorne men, seem to extend lifprirsirts$ sunk or Plitha Prefecture stending offer to the public to sit with a Logs of twenty-eight lives., cloven on them. , •wiclespreed politiesd conspiracy including plans to murder Lord to and other high offieials, lies e revealed in India. The rat Oil Are, near, Pmmpi- co which.' burned for two months, consuming $3,000,000 worth of oil, has been extinguished. , LAND POR WAR VETERANS. oommeriol Militia, Department Has Issued Form of Application. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Militia Department has• issued Aletatfintslesettet °unties under the Act of last ses, Bien.- The forms provide -for the cases of officers, for non-commis- sioned officers and men who were+ enlisted in Canada, for men who were not mentbers of corps raised Canade, but who otherwise servs esi in South Africa, &lad for officers and men- who served in the eerie* which did not reach South Africa before the those sre the war. The epplieanteehstvtssinsthererireisisf-nons ..cseniesandspervatess-to-sensl-instheii discharges, which will be returned. All the applicants have to be sworn to before a coniroissioner. The forms of applieation can be obtains e4 either from the Militia Depart - went or from any district officer commanding. Early application es advissble Lin order that the appli- cations may be p43sed upon by the Militia Department and forwarded to the Departmeret of the Interior, which wilt iestieethe-warrentio to the individuals concersted. .•••••••...,•••••• 40 • BRAKES TAMPERED WITH; Rubber Tubes Under The •Car Found to -he Cut. A despatch from Montreal esys A trimmal attempt to interfere with a railway, tram was made ,o ue niOt_by--jokrt" Ail a train of freight ca s was pull- ing out of the C. P. R. yard in liochelaga it was noticed by a brakeman' that the pneumatic brakes were 'licit working properly. The train was stopped, and it wass found that about 50 rubber air tubes had been maliciouely cut un- der the Cara. If this had not been noticed in time the train crew be- lieved it wduld have been the cause of a serious.wreck, with loss of life. Detectives have been notified, and airests are likely to folios?. • rir, SECTION HAND WAS SHOT." Boy Carrying Ride Accidentally Diseharged It: ' A despatch from Kingston says: James Ferguson, a section hand on the Grand Trunk, was accidentally shot in the left arm on Weduenday morning by a boy named Henry nox, -Knox, was itrineitpr, a rifle into the city to have repairs made. p..wss-varrying-it with -thesbarrel wards the tracks when it Accidents ally exploded, hitting Ferguson the arm. The bullet, tuthred just above the elbow, passing through the muscle and entering his side. Fortunately the force of the bullet was spent when it entered ,:thes man's side or fatal ieeults might have followed. Mistress (angrily) --'"How dare you talk back to mein that way / never *air such impudence. You 'have a lot ofnerve to call your- self a lady's maid." New Maid-. 1,1 don't cell myself that now mattitti i• but 1wan 'a lady' S inaid before, I got this job." . If • unitg the, B. C., ofthe post ave aorkedable but extrissesi the hue for weeks Oowklion dis. ward the litert ouser laland.The fire ten. f the Mount hero all save British Oolnt Season !irked up bv the fires, and the. B., the Ykt& and 'Chetnnut- US Lumber Cornpany,and the Cowl'. chart and Ladysmith Limber Coins 'ponies are heavy sufferers, their losses running far into six figures. It is estimated that forest fires thus far this season 'throughout British Columbia have eenied less - et approximating 425,000;000. The heaviest Of thee lo.v witt1' the 's Nett Sectitin, where the 4' AND u 6 the # Q le .12 ; 0thi , i*ttcking caged bird *04 • ei *rkin i.f 40,000 psaseugers at the cther day, WAS * recrd , he ielAhd. - .,Several 00444 Egyptian quidlo worth about $8,00, were •biirut to death iu it"fire at an aviary &VI/V.0d Green. • Another unsuccessful attempt ha* recently. been made to raise the, sunken cruiser 'Gladiator off Yar- mouth, Isle of Wight. For sleeping in th.e -open air at Stowuplaud a man was sentenced to A InOntiegi hard labor at Stew - market on Friday. Much damage has been done to larch trees on, the Manchester wat- plague of saw' 0lei, sof/0011' -At present more thirissmomsesies men' are engaged in factories and workshops in London, 8,000 of them in the clothing, and allied trades. Rats collected in Sunderland for the period ending with July are $40,000 lower than the amount re- ceived in the corresponding period ef Istet year: The Nottingliani City Council has - .-iirtTrAtIte r tsavorks4esigitedstosat- leviate the. unemployed may be proceeded with. General Booth says he is going to South Africa in search of a new Canaan, in which the unemployed of this country can receive a- wel come and a home. Over sixty members of the Dr:s- tol Crimean and Indian Mutiny Veterans' Association were enter- tained by the Duke' of Beaufort ut Ilarhninton on Friday. • * The winning bunch of wild flow- ers in a, petition among the pupils ttra Thomlinsoz-Chist:„. Grammar # O 14 0 •• MARK 14, C('flt Patents, de f&r r f4.• r Aorthey at , °IA No, 2 at . and old 2 at Eat, Now No. 1 Northern, $1.13, .v1 itt $1.11, leke' ports. - Wheet---No, 2.white anil red ted at 48 8.0%c. outside. Oats --Ontario,. - new, No. -2 White, 390 ontruk; liountoba 2o. 3 quot. ed At 4430,. and reiect90, 43.1(se to -tee lake port*. Rye ---Buyers at 73e outside.Peas-8.c outsido., Corn -Price; At 88e -for No. American yellow, and at 87c for No. 2 American OR track, Toronto. Barley -No. 2 barley quoted- a SS 9 -Brim re -are -quote 18,in bulk *outside. Shorts quoted at 421 to $22 in bulk ovitsioie. COUNTItY PRODUCE. Beens-Primo, $2 to $2.10, and hand -Picked, , $2.20' to 412.24. * Honey -Combs, No. 1, $1.50 to $1.75sroor dozen, And No. 2/. in 60- 1)estni-tilletsegei No. .1sfilletk,41), " ti a o to' ton en..track here, and No. 2 at $0.50 to $7. Straw -'--$0 to $7.50 in car lots. Potatoes -New Canadian quote 1 at 55 to. 05c per bushel inlarge lots; New Brunswick potatoes, $1 per bag, on track. Poultry -Chickens, spring, dress. ed, 13 to '14c per pound; fowl, set to 12c; ducks, dressed, 1.0 to 'tic; turkeys, dreeeeds..._13 te_sittespAr pound, THE DAIRY MARKETS, , School, Wigton (Cumberland), emis Btitter.'"?°und Panto*. 22 to 230* 1 tamed 229 different specimens. tubs, 20 to 211.6rct5erinierior-, A party of Liverpool motorists leo. Creamery rolls, 25 to 240, and passed through the village of Ast- ey, in South Lancashire* Where reckless motoring is causing/much elignatien,,:wero pelted with see - •ten -During the last few months lour cases of cattle maiming have been reported to the Grimsby police. In each instance the outrage was com- mitted atnightin mysterious cir- cumstances. A Fulham mother, to keep her baby safely in bed, tied a band round the little one. The child must have moved or fallen as the band tightened round its throat and strangled it. The Phoenix Assurance Company, Limited, of London, recently' re- ceived $260 "conscience money." "The money was sent in an old mus- tard tin' and there was not the slightestclue as to the identity of the sender. . At an inquest on the body- of Thos. Hooper, 73, a greengrocer, cf Beth street, City road, London it was stated that he lived for 10 cows after breaking every rib and his *collar -bone .in fell down the stairs. - ....,-••••••••••••••••••••••31L. itp QUEENS' AND IICLLFIGATING, Victoria of Spain Mopes to Win Even If Others Did, Fail. Queen Victoria a Spain is, it is !Aid, anxious to 4'6°114 in he cairn - try the enormities of bullfighting; she has hitherto consented to at- tend at this favorite national *port, but the last time she went, shortly before Don Jaime's birth, what,the eitnessed filled her with horror said grief. "So shehas caused t& be revived the memory of the fact that the great Queen Isabella?, when she re- turned from conquering the Moors, deelared that it was her wish to bolish bullfighting as a cruel sport Which, she asserted, had been in - reduced by the kaynint Moors ad *fah was unworthy of a Christian It the Spaniards of today are rel. incled that the Queen whose' likes ory they' adoie *se only preient- by her death front putti down e Cruel sport it it he the ins allow 'their )reaent Queen tt. a eat at le*At nnfaJajonable to lisdie1`10 attend on sub sights. Queen Christie*, tried todo so n the early days of her rule.** widowed Regent, says the London Illustrated New*, but she haa so uch else to otnitendotith tbat she sa to abandon this unpopular re. orm. It seemed impossible not *4o. for duelling ever to he abohidied * Meth* tot mottling personal dis- pute* and wiping out inmate among gentlemen. but Quiron "letotilit i *thieved t. Acting 'through her *USA,. *lie so arranged that duel- Ishould never again be restorted to by men in the srzny to end their 4 defend solids at 24 to 2440. Eggs --20 to 21 per dozen in case lots. Cheese pound, and -twins 3 to I cheese, 15 to 15,4c. V, ROG PRODVOTS. Bacon, long clears, 113i, to 11%e per pound in ease lots; mess pork, *19 to $10.50; short cat, $23 to ittf4liats--Light to medium, IA% to 15c s.do„, heavy, 12 to 12c; rolls, 10% to 1134e; shoulders, 10 to 1034e; backs, riy, to 18c; breakfast bacon, 15 -to 14.0. tard-Tiertest, 12,Y ; tubs/ 12340 pails, ISric. BUSINES• S AT MONTREAL. , - Montreal, Sept. 8. - Grain Manitoba NO. 2 white at 48c, No. 3 at 47c and rejected at 480 per bush- el, in cur lots, ex /Store. Flour ' Choice spring wheat patents, $6 to $0.10; se0Onclo, '0 $5.50; Winter wheat patents, $5; straight rollers, $4.30 to $.4.50; do., in bagsss$2 to $11.75. MM - fed -Manitoba bran, $22 to $230 • is; lo25-,---Ontsrify-branr$21--to 422; middlings, *20 to $27; *bort* $20 per ton; including hags; pure -stein mouille, $30 to $35, and mill - cd grades, $25 to $28 per ton. Fin- est westerns isg to 1$34e, and east - erns, .12!,4 to 12ge. trutter --- 25e foi finest creamery, and round lots are quoted at 24c. Eggs -Sales of selected stoek Were made at 24c, I at 900 and No. Vat 150 Per dozen. • Provisions -Petrels 'short cut mesa 422.00; belt 411,50; :clear fat' becks, $23; .dry salt cleat backs -01e; barrels plot"' betti $17.- 50; half Wit., lo., *9. 00; compound lard, ey.; eXe;., pure le rd,21„;*e to 13e; kettle rendered, 13 to 13%03 hems, ;12% to 14e; breakfast bacon, 14 to 150; Windsor bacon, 15 to 10c; fresh kilied abattoir dressed hogs, $0.75; live, $7 to $7.10.„ LTNITEI) MAUS MAI:MET, S. fluffalo, Sept. $- -.Wheat--Sprrig higher; Witer ier; No. * cod, trs ked, e7'e; No. $ 0. k muted 96e. me Pirzner . 3 yellow, 84c; No 4 yellow, 830; No. 2 white,'830. O,s', -Esaier; No. white, 53 tfltz; white, 52 to 330; 41`1`6, 4 ▪ 1$”4 to to malting, Mt to Minneapolis, Sept. !test - Dec., $i; May, $1.03,24, *A No, hard, $1,03%4 NO. 1 No-thp'i. .ft'; No Northern. WI to .004; No. $ Northern; 31 to 0t4e. at. -414 hulk, Es fo 0814 !PI ir irst patents, $5.05 to 154/5; sec - a petonts, $6.50 to .00; first $4.0$ to $4.46; -stet ord clear' .50 to 3.00. AY *yet 3 t inufaen n* t': e projeeturigi he Trade and Patett ('oflgrt 0 lro4n u delegates ongress,':insittd; fr thoe from the LTnited StAtei, 04PreAtted. theopinion that. radical measures were necesearYs to 4r1,11$ Great Britain to terms. It was lae; Cidea that this could . be "attained' by the • vioriouit nations passing te,c re restrictive patent laws, and Dy isegotiating patent treaties be- tween nations which will waive the o *Pi *tent !sws sock enAeuts 'fir UulOn m i.ongre ,s Pot A!. rie.an Patent tet wilL iso. an. e , ter t I n , , o , ter *ill by Sprig vprogresed pmt wheze Great Brit*iu will be cffectually itobeted., It is b&hev- ed QUA Dtiti!gt nAlienntatetUrerti will r. t en be isempelled to press the Govs ernmentlo repeal the Act, or make /treaties With other countries, Ger.. many intends to repeal her present i p$tent law, which s not enforcthe rigidly. She will then be in & po- sition to combine with other nations egitinst Great Britain. TIlE FUTURE BATTLESHIP seSS A A "•#, off Two Meister Sbipa BegiaT Tear, One of 12,200 Tons Witk Turbine Engines. The coming of the Dreadnoughts, 4 all the world knows, has :neap naval officers the future is to tiu Power whichpossesses'. most of these ships and can use them well, writes It W. Wilioon in the Londoa Daily Mali. - ItwillOf intere.st, then, in view of the pause which has been made during, the present year in shipbuilding, to examine how the 'British navy stands in this latest ttpe of ship and what are the de- minieresifuttouerielt.hetri°18"trgerAelldopted letsvhIps c4onmhe'd- t will scarcely AO bait*. tier w°1414 it, be wise to do so in view of the t that almost all foreign Powers arefoltitta, g British de- signs. For the present year two mo ships -a battleship and a cruiser - g t 4.11 ** 4 if W 11 such on experimental ship is to he built with great speed to obtain experience the orders for her guns,i bzirbettes and machinery will bre gi*-ssieltellevlebTalece d t e may be, plaeett m t e s he IMYSEnt-"Yelits-slarnem,raltz_=------- AS followed in the ease Dreadnought. The new ship will not improbably carry a new monster gun, the 13.5 'Mete -eight or ten of which may be mounted, and will 'thus carry out the s'licy of "out-Drze.adpsn, ughting Wive been building for some months and the employment of them in the St Vincent class is known to have keen considered and only reluctant- ly abandoned. All the details are confidential, but the German naval handbooks will supply the nubile witli what is certainly an intelligent guess and poseibly accurate Infor- mation. According to them the new 13.5 inch gunawillore_weittn86 tons ottl tho ex- iting 1 inch weapon; will be about 52 feet long, and will fire a shell .eeighing about .1,300pounds or 1,. 400 pounds, as against the 12 inch sbell'e 8.50 pounds. Such huge pro- - jectiles would pierce five feet of iron and tear their way through the modern arrnOr at battle range. T7$ Ufl5 of the en'sn T'iV,r‘r‘ es' -,A6?"..st 4•144"CV, C. t'tf contrary to the reports circu will be similar. in all important re- spects to the St. Vincents. That se to ease she will displace 19,209 tens or thereabouts, will carry ten or twelve lirinch guns, and will he propelled by- turbine engines actu- ated by steam. Thus she wilt anake up the group of four St. 'Vincent! and when she is completed for se the British navy will possess two groups, each four strong, of all big gun battleships. The other veseel will resemble the Invincibles, with improvements and will complete -the group of four 24 -knot cruiser battleships. SO MUCH FOR THE PRESENT. It will be seen that there is no- thing soussitional in the design of the ships for this year which aro meant to fill gaps in the existing organization. But next year it is jiosaible that there may' be new and startling departures. Froin hints which Ministers - and, - others have Tiro- ped, the Admireltrwill be corn - f. five monster battleships. More may he, needed, but this must nec- essarily depend on the progress whieli foreign sbips, make in the next,few months: Germany it Inuit be remeinbei* hes to- ay building or auctiou- cd seven battlesliips o res nought type (against the British and two, or, possibly thiee; cruisers of the Invincible type (against the British four);. And un- der her fixed programme she will lisst down three inore,moneter bat - y WI ftr� on * r broa. of extreme • damenity SO long zet funnels remain. But there is some here of getting rid of them an 1 thus giving A CLEAR FIELD OF FIRE The Belleville company is said to be essighing a boiler which needs o funnel above water to discharge._ le waste pFoducts pf combustion and there Is the hare possibility that producer gas engines might be adopted. The firm of Vickers -Max- im has prepared designs for battle- , ships driven by producer ge•s, and it is undieetood that it is ready to turn out a Dreaduought using gas forthwith if it finds any. power Ads venturous enough to try such an experiment. The Admiralty, how- ever, is not at all likely to install the gas engine in battleshipsuntil it has been thoroughly tried in merchantmen and smaller cruisers-. But that it will finally eonns may be taken as certain. • 'rher British battleship of 1010 may htet-be--ss--veseels-of--25s000-tonr,- mounting eight or ten 80 ton guns, Which will be 60 arranged as to fire on either broadside. She will re. seinble the -new Brazilian ship!: in carrying twenty.,4.7 inch or 0 inch gotta for defence sgainst torpetlo. atteck, and will thus be exempt from the most serious tailing of the original Dreadnoughts -the entirs absenet of s niedium battery. IMMIGRANTS BARRED OUT: 4.010.11 *ships and more monster cruis .222 Were Itch/sled Admiesion Ur: ser.belrt year, the battleships, it is, Catadn. btlieved,, displacing 21,00(3 tons or eveii. more. A British programme oi five • battleships and one truiser would bring the Brinell, total of Dreadnoughts upr toonly eighteete, at agitinst the (lerms,ra total of thirteen or fourteen. The Etritish triarssin of -four or five *hips. vrhith, it would. give, WoUld be les* then what the, Lltrict two, "P. owei 'standard tlen10400., 11, then, we .a,ssuzise: that tbe Brtish programme consists of lis- battleehips and One, iroroved vintible-And nothing-fras will isfr the clairria of rkati)ital seettri't 'it is prebable thet the Admiralty ill las' down one group flour im. proved St. Itineents-four battle. ships, Oust is to rty. nth tarrying twelve 12.inch "runs. But the fifth bettleship,m‘y (vitt rpssilily he MT EXPERIMENTAL Slin), WSW type, 'built rapidly and test. with the, °Nett, of gaining experi. enei for * new tlese whit+ willJ figure in the prgratmenes (4.4010 and 1011. Here teneh will obvioris. ly depend ort.th etion of foro_iga Powers and whether the rei.lprt* o which ert.lit the tie. si .`'`,$)'"1,) • • • A' despatch. from Ottawa says:' On.the first of April last inspe.ptors were placed along the international Loundary and for the three nionthe ceding 30th jiine last 323 pcOple were refused admission „into Cam... *id* from the United 'State*. FrOm at 3anhary to 20th lune ,4*.t lan nira,nt3 were Aeltised landing' at r.trtr,„ awl during the triirfie r • " s -87a Werc retnri0 to 'the , • es whence,they tateel by the 1 *Limy Depart.thent, B RIM ALSO MINX %V Witte it 39 Pitntirtil At the pre- rit moment on the sh5res of14ket Maggiore from the +village of 'Sri.. one to 0;seline, Switzerland, °lot 111* given- freely to, tramps or a drink. The poorest p' 0 si",--e a, bowl of wino on .,the win 1 U3x. 411 routers. It is freqUent. isnil 'even the birds 'harts th»Ite.Titeltty. The tariiiiere, la order ralk* voont for the, e,tteleer vittsge, are totting rid of their' tors einsire seine at nosetinal price. itc.phive-,e-Ailk",-,44:4041110,01010 .1•••••••,..••1••• ,