Exeter Advocate, 1908-09-10, Page 6 (2)'004.4"
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•Creme • t • • , „ .. . • „ .„ . . v e le -pitoneunce‘e g, ,
• :- 40 • .t,,,,(fl oto ..,hati, ther2,4:,,,,v,, , „41,..lotte.tt,tLetisei" a ... 1a,4, rY.lngetueuSe .0:04tri tqt..tt. . -...gOld -alone WaS.4. .
.....4e. nceal „the teal , rf4xpoift. ' or. li.
4,0*13- tee eteee ellleialepaech . *Stine 0.4.1e1Y.tiloae Carl$‘ -states-,
, Which he '-had' explained were to C4Otik• an. -.I. remarked', this,' and my -IneleA-for-thetr-reitcetkato.-tikoas4;'
ttssima,ebtaiiiedlroni rtiiiece ' ea ow a . thte---PrineWri:.e ,nfidere. cOuspaufoui-----1.aughi4Ity - ii•AttY,- tion. -Nars,,g,rti..,,,,, the yellow ,7310;03.
uldiartn4Ahda:(1°!h:Bpeun115, 4thr4e:meTall:Tit„,PC:74,--_. 4g:41° t4°tiaer'''itizta:LIn°11:111:11fr 144131'4Ceit' 4- 414cliCe°r4klit to sme' 'citmt-t. IS istruletto-thaVfar xkorthbOade widt et the famouS Olue• Stem and Club tion Of the world.. Coneereatiee e
Mile ereueellightitieW;"'' i ',lc' '---- Wati diseovered, there came an aged ,,' were planted' in Melds ..by. the 'elide.-
. .
wevo.te..tontztegs ' t o-- wheat ?)Z du
- ..ing to rtte the greater 'part. ed the . 041 • uisalioAr 1 intpoied.., „ 6:1,0,'"'r:y$:0;!:11e, t's. "r:r in 'Ildieate tlek., took back to the States the basis wheat grown, in that eection. Watch- tintates place the crep. at fram
. enormous' profits whieh I had Op- ..
FarentlY untde wititin the past five "Yes'.. I left Sofia. a week ae ),' The dilscovery that. the.nsYsteriou; :frwieh.ei tclitit.ltiht: 'g.holisaccitru:ifailbeyhtit. setin,dtie .i}dgatil,rprievendtpki.cirpativ.:4,gioxit; 31,4. aoe to 75,000 bushe,leet grain"; whi,
lears was certainly surprising. ' noied to piece the inatt,er in the lii4cl froni ine,--was aetually* a se,
sbe answered. "It 'wee et lira pro- wornane-whose name 'size heil"with- .ie river_heos sbouhe pale into in green head$ of Gleb wheat And
, etasneee-the . day of my, departure
"On the day* I recovered eeneci.
Lende of 'Mee -heft our diplomatic cret agent of the autonomona Prim- Day
representative at the Court of St, cipality created ' litiP 'the Berlin -signicatice, writes OSear F- G- gren heads of his Alas.ka wheat,
n the' Saturday-„Bvening poot. the latter 4501 many times larger than sel/ to farmers at ine a buil e.-dthe presen
from 'Denhury--I was ehown some It was in 1003 thet Abraham Ad- the ordinary .g Geuments, but too* bu Irittlo heed Sereue ,iligliness, knowing that With ly -notable for.-the:aesassination of a-14 "
riareC878, but, on coutdderatia, Ilia Tre.ety-etitat.ttlrbulent State. most-
rtt a native- of -Kentucky, whe .wheat Seemwheat theft the Club mote than one buehel gointo:each
You Admit, however, that thed hardlSt. buer.
of tliem," I said. the nt state of high feeling 7 ' II its Miniaterseestas 'entirely unlook- had gone with the "titter of Emy artedy
pire" 'Adams acquired a tract of land
•employpient ,of British capital in
e Sobranje a, single hint, leaking ed. for. ..„-On. :the. night when excel-. to the great Weet to' farm it, --
Bulgaria has reelizej. ver and
might• prove disastrout to the dent had thrrn...nsuu
: '.,04 takenwith a desire; to trv, his in the Gem State six yearsago-and
, e Pe' , ,
tt -40 ;lc Re
, 4441011441#4,414ftiatiWith*t . c.te„;',,,,.,4%,. -
e o -e a tif .,,, e,.., lin eel baud,- r had believed .her to be
to the '41.'1'114:: keaVng down the ordinary ,....,tv,,V,V0.144fittthi't
Iv e .1 Club tind :atliee carieties from :very
h, a
'part of it has gone 'into your own iieT_Ne 1 in oil .ril 'a r4olibs: Illnitifilis'tri,
, ,The Prince a young girl who' bad taken pocmeity , th it was not fit to * hariest. The cre under cultivation. • kets."
le . honor of referring:in upon ''-me, in my helplessnesp
s; but but nothing came of his attempts farmer, discouraged, Went out to "One day early in 1901 he reeds?.
•, a. 7 n1.1V.414W4441"r9nrallWattrailMa , . of -praise te me previous deal- 'the tevelittione she had made dur- at diseoveree. Turning hie attention his Alaska wheat...fields and 4aw ed a single stalk of wheat, picked
e . "It is .to you that 1 am in s with you, and instructed me ing that half-hour •slowed that there then to exploring-, he drifted along by a friend in one of the fertile val.
• debted for those concessions l''' ' t lase no time in seeing you oncl' had,heen some firm purpose under- . .
leys tp Alaeka, and sowed . the, ker-
that the sturdy Ste1118. had partly
the coast (A eastern Alaska,. lihereiliithstood-lhe storms, and he fleetly
ertainlY." invoking your .aid." lking it all. * the Japan . curren Bows near thee harvested 53,000 pounds of seed. nets in his back " garden. A .crop
,.1 "Are you, then, an ambassadress tdeme and makes of the land, from Now was the time to make his fin- 4,f seven poueds reeult-cd the follow.
of the Principality of Bulgaria?" "In what direction I" ..Shoolone knew the truth. et that coast 'to. mountain et-ernal epring. al test. ' He had enough for a 'test ing summer. :This Adams plant -ed
"Well, yes -if you choose to put awake from my years *of.. uncons.ek
Was it not amazing that I should trag..c
and I saW that in this matter lited
occurreece at The Boltons, Many miles he explored. investigate from winter -grown. Taking this to in the spring of 1900, harvestinit
it. so."
zi .2:s. toor_frilmlf Tal.:701...., tt, ,oth, a very.:vleverAnd itt,,_,for rt , 1 . Aiszmintr::,.,,,w1;,:*,,
ing t.he possibilities of that country perimental station,- he acion. 4515 pounds of grain in Jul; or
"Then 48 I understand, it- '
it_ - • .P,flieteteleitr ,I. -
t*"' 4 4 : 41-
1 .-- c.
• a •-riow -a doliblefiurpose in the armers of his Commueity.
et f t .7.iiiiiilltereptiir ' t.4..fi_Z*6etri°11.11F-,64:1-tria-4 Ec.,:,.`c4iinirle,, .1;:je, .ed-ebryorliii. Cecik7retTlies1/7'ed le en-
ing? ou av foliar mt-u.s eve
_ "I have here a letter- from -Kiel ' • 4‘ ver letab,01,..and to, eiti„
..ti.,-,Li‘sitia n. . „ :,....._ ........______
i .
thing worth giving to the public. Pr in. the. fall of 1900, an 1
rene Ilighness;" .anct she !tondo:II ietiere+, t° 'ailw° He found lnanY ' beautiful beYs, The station chemist wret.e: ., last glummer cut enough grain to
' "This latest development of the al -
intit a. note which bore the' Iltilgarian '
Towords that end 1 intended to
tnYetery of the ciim. ,.e. splendid beachea, sweeps of.. timbet, tcw 790 acres of lend, from, which -
•'fair was certainly most remarkable. "Yal. ar1345, ittid had. , apparently and raeailowli heavy with juicy, "The kernels from the fall -sown is now being cut what is believed
• strive. and as I sat side iny. glance gra/me& Here end there were trace leheat 'were plump and sound *rid. to be 'the world's record yield." '
I had never dreamed. that to this been written, by the P4 .4ee'a • +own fixed ueen those mystereous greY es et geld, hut not of. Proinising doubtless will grade No. le Judging
, Vet, froth, the facts she subseqttent-
. that it wre5 at her '48--gati°1.1 that. area e, follows: The, throne of But- tgifitt-
• hitherto unknown woman 1 had
1 first dabbled in finance: - She, 'or
rather her agents, had obtained -for
ly placed 'before irtoz_it would seem
success. which hid attended xuy. ca-
reer during thee list six years.
been indehted for, the unparalleled
garia. never Very safe owing to the
proposals which would be pieced be.
fere me • by the bearer. -
read it. Explaen." '
asking me to consider the aecret I
band. It was metely a formal nate
• egiritix;f:,
"Well?" 1 inquired, .when 1 hid
: 1 4.. i 4 t t t
t t.
of eourse; I had quite,. forgotten. that here a .
ent corificlence in me to tell me your Lodged in a nook under ptotectbue
name, I regret that I can place no rock, sheiteted from. the winds, eves sown . wheat showed__ by ehemical
lean of action.
eves, I eacleavorect to form some
"as you appear not to place auffici.
"Madam," I !said gravely, at last
"My name!" elle laughed. - "Ah, at puce, he investigated 'tend. found
ence in these clocutuents." '
on -
quantitY, and then he chanced up-- troee.the chemical, and physical eon,.
JO hi -wilier patch. Interested--
pateh -of . Wheat was .. its . ro .
., ; ... gt or
of Blue .8tem for flour. . ,
at; ac'etlirankislw geihei bet ewi1.1g1)arge-
• "The samPle grown from spring- take out -a policy on his hatum. Af-
extreme danger of fire consum'ng
ter listenintc-to-elnin for att.-hour,
while he painted in vivid colors the
induce a _hard mean to deal with to
An inedrance agent was trying .to._ .
me the negotiation of a substantial eternal 'bickering between Bt. Pet- There is TV secret about i;" and i growing, far from any living hu- mak-ng 'purposes). - I .am inclined with said:
• bread- the house, the hard man to 'deal. '
loan to .Prince Ferdinaed, and this ershurg and the Porte, is, ,A.t..this
from her purse, elle drew forth 4 man that p,ould. have planted it. Oni tee think that 'the wheat that. you ,
had been .followed .by. 'an, sorts a moment in imininent danger. The
"Do.. you really ,think it kkete
folded, much -worn blue Paper,' hands and kneel'', be pillied away the have here is the , equal, if not the
„ conce.ssions. , not one of which . bad. People's *Party' .in the .Sobranje
which she. bonded to Me.- matted -straws. Yes, it wee certahte that my house) will burn down With-
tureed-, out badly. .. .bave been defeated, and tbe Police it was•an English paseport„ (beak. I b wheat that WaS *fit „ripening. in the time „ that the ,poticy will.
superior,. of . our Blue Stem for
The e -steripus Edna, whom 1 had have learnt of a, projected peptila,r
log the, novice of "Lucy Ednai Grain- 'The -explorer sought ' -th -1- ---
I flour-makingepurposes. I •sh.ould .
•- bTouse-and-bicycle girl .of the true aver br---iii-i **ern le, t tk agitation ger." • .
"Grainger !i.vre.„,_' I, ro,Peat±..7!..._,„, - iiita,--vviitiiiit-A-bout -to givt tp-iiv en ''- mil"
alwaka.- elieved. ' to-, .he _a,. - - uprising againttt His Iii hnets in . thick stems for some beads, but the 1 Vou•can send me a sufficient quan- "Certainly,". replied the agent.'
, , i e to 'make a mill test whenever
reeliensin.,gtenetype,eicas.ac heitio, of - course; cauied 4 „paid ,.. A ,,,,Then wild. game had beenjeforehim, ina!iii,6:..,LN.t, jcilat litupse..,„,_. .,, not hefty -trying alteitite '
4 1111011 that I ' (TO t"'
--,-,-_-.. ........,...,..,
41-6-ntt- - (-if 14tg44iiC-lr is *Ii '0,P6-4
"'Then," '. said the Imrd 'Man to
' litieal ag-ent of that Moe :lent - "Yes, I am legally a British sub- he discovered one ' head of wheat Th. ese are the facts about the won- '
of Alt the European States., secrettitat /tussle,- at the first sign
deal with, ."why- is your company
ment, She pdssessod a euperb car,
f sat looking at her in wonder-
arnek the eountry. hetNe the .posi. •
of . an outbreak, 'would endeavor to
lish, 1 was, however, born ahrbad,. '
% awitrotAillaiourA in' gtanticonbgeVitt will soon be talking. Formers do will nott" ,. •
ject, because . my lather wag& Err -
so anxious to bet rite nioney that it .
derful %beet of •which the world
A silence fell between us. The .48 rOugh . Plirding* and bro4d in net believe it t wheat epeeulators -,
riage,ta smtirt, well-dressed figure Ilan- of the 'throne growS exteix ince
proportion. . , -The agent was sileutted thought -
a • smiling intelligent . face, white Trent more perilous. Fear of .giv. rear of the traffic in, Piccadilly 'come _
ful for "a moment, thedlifeedrew tho
do •
nOt belieVe it; hilt those wbo
•vp from below; the summer inght racking the. bead cerefull* awaY, .bave traveled to see it de, bOieve it.
•- even . teeth, a complexion just a ing 'offence to, RuSSia, prevents or -
mi. Adama , had his fields surveyed
the old- man brought it babk with other -.apart into an unfrequented
.trifle dark, but- betraying no trace ders being issued for the serest of Was , wartn, told the evindow -stood I
I hint to hie ranch at juliaetta, Ida- place, and whispered in his earl
ef foreign birth. Her English Wae the, s-.ecret agitittorS, and it seems open. At last / determined upon
ho. Not ii,..word . did. he .6 -ay to his front each field.. TO has tried his "My fri4nd, I will impriet to you .
aod has absolute proof -of -the yield
perfect; her manner purely tha.t ot therefitre as though a revolution a bold course. .
you one or two queSe -
all the fines
tact e of onwheat to ether lands, and in some a dark secret. Years ago the cove-
d -eighhors of his find. Whether it • . . '
the 'patrician,. while her. surpriemg cannot long be delayed. • It ist your "Now that we have met," I eel , r*
as, wild wheat or not he could not pla.ces it did 'better than in Idaho. pa.ny diegraeeil roe before mY sweet -
t. ,eeessect s. aid /Us, Serene 'Highness seeks "1 wish to ask you . Alabama raised wheat (tofu it wiei heart. Under. an aesumed name I
say.. Perhaps,. isome wild bird had i
accomplished diplomatist., .
"I confess that I have all along a, millio, n sterlinge,- • knowing the • whereabouts of Mrs.
your aid to 'negotiate a bean of half' bons. i Firet, ' 1 am desirous of
unknown region, whpre it gtew rta-
lie its crop . with. the grains in ani leaves seven -eighths of . au hich
broad . „ have weenie,' myselt into its ser-
- . been in entire ignoran,ce of nil in- "lIalf a million l't I ejactilated. e-Anitort, and her daughter."
tive, and coming to Alaska deposi.! . , viee for, revenge, an as there is a
debtedness to youe'f .i. said, .after "A large sum!" It seemed incred- I was 'watching het narrowly, and
• ted.the seed in a fertile spot. And ,GROWINW LIKE CORNSTALKS. heaven a•bove us, I will have ite
7 listening to her while she ee-lain- millions. " ".. ' , • -
ible -that 1 should _he e, dealer In saw her, give a. distinct start at my
yet it was only curiosity that moved -As 'al lest test, Mr. • Adams sent
. eit how obediently I had krovved mention. of the name. Next instant,
Abraham Adams. Heneverdream- single heads of wheat, to other parts heart's blood!"
,, . •,
the iestructions contained .in the "A. large slam! certainly, but you however, she recovered herself, and
ed of his find' being. of any value of the coiintry where he hael'inen
letters signed "Ave'," ..and -how I can easily obtain, it," <she (wieldy erith marvellous tact repeated--- ea
as an experntent for his be could trust to piteird ascer- Marlts--"Say, old man, did I
bad so materially advanced the in- assured tine. "1 beim alt the neees- "Anton 1 Anson 1 I have eto ac-
oivn pleasure. .tain 'the result.* .Reports aro o1904Mr. just ever tell you about the awful fright
terests of the PrinciRality that the sary preliminaries. of the securities quaintance with any person of that
name." , ,,.._ -In, hll f * 'Adams -coining to him, and he find* that in
thanks of the Bulgarian President, beret' and she pointed to the pile
' I timiled.. - pltanted e hfais head of Alaska wheat other, States his Alaskawheat-d
, oes I got on my wedding day'r,f
or Sobranje, had been tendered to Of papers at her side.. on` high andeall-too-drk land - the! better thittt on its lion* soil. In.Ala. Parks- '8 -8 -h -h I No man eltould
me, and the Prince himself had. a "I take it that, 'the money ire re- "1- think it unnecessery that_ you
natural soil of Idaho.' It grew rap- hams a- head was planted Deeeni-
.. . • - . ' I , , epeak that way about his wife." .
, every-plainsueleelbeervedesareose
.rfotnits, ',iiiir;-'-iii:Thier4uniiiier-hi-had ' lg ' -_7pat ',•-Avit,_ - lOtri_itt_flint 1 heir .:pur gapoment
,, ow z p-
..,cenple_of„yeare ago . conferred! u on quiried- for the Pritice's priva,to should deny this, when the truth,its
14Y,141.,e4--the ISPr!2,.L..._i00.2e..4„.itc.ber_411,.:',was,..iip-Jantiaty-204-;.* ' '
v -- frit power.- --- -
• _„,..
enie the,..ingttest dietinetion-
_._••....._ e
.- _Xo.e.solelet.,for-clefeneet- ,_. -ii ,.. ritexily-- 'Toe' -Wilt -perliapi- 'Vett-
seveir-peit ef.--of- wheat 'froth: thisreighthit,of -in ineh broad, and july r 'BOltOIt showed to hfriend,
Ity-tittilet-twaitence-ifir -
Yet it was mere than strange thott base arms. end amtriunitio-n ;•
SO deny that a yortng man was foully
e hd.,,,,,e. WThat. was ittartling. Il'e was, har
7 ets_tecte e e lee.
,dre got mad beatuse / stolo
while this shrewd grey -.eyed woe pay the array the .-arrears due, nsurfieredmitliin. that house in .The onIiiiillY eadiliiell.a llarruee of it hard wheat of .4. fine 'quality, ond " '"''''''''
man, the posseesor of the secret of as to secure their support in ,,ettat3 titt;,that you were present, and examined the. Itereee. Four times the ,0,11% bead yielded the same aa"1 don't see why that
that puzzhng crime, held aloof from ef on outbreak,. *aid 'to pay certain that you -are aware of the identity tia e fi. in o. ' a ould provoke her---sehen you were.
a -
me, she had ingeniously contrived heavy sums as secret -service money. of those ' who comniitted the erimer. largas ordinary wheat, and in the rsthead planted Idahengaged." "Well, you ce,I dote
of my lost - .'
• that I should beconie the unwitting All' tbi8 is imperative in order to The pallor of. herr cheek* showed febttersty of wheat of conimerce calor -instead of the homely browneonditions this Itiss from another gieV!
,• Under ordinary soil . . ,
eatspaw of an unstable State- save. the. country from falling into plainly th*t / had recellect unwel- the new Wheat - will yield two 'hurt-
Iwas. thinking of Mabel -My 'the hands of Russia. But it mustcoMe memories. • ...•._ •
the prettiest cream color Without a drett'hu
thoughts were ' aittayee
shele to the *ore, under ex. .Only one . couxile . out :Of eveiyt.
. :. .
be done, of course, in eteiCtetst sec-. , •'
The unfortunate affair' is 411 of darker :spot. . tra„,conditions above that. - ' . housand •live to' eelebrat-e these
recy. Ms Itighneste as 1 have , al, the4ast," *he said boariely. "Why BEVIS r.01110$ or tvoztv 'What will' be the eutcomol -Had golden wedding.,
lev-e-and I was ' wedderiiii how I
from one fierid„ iand.the finest -look-, aft, .Aintries had Mask* wheat to ,
yin'ght obtain from this 'woman the ready explained, hesitated,' to, ,enz, 'need. we diacussit,1" *. •, .
• In the interests ' of justice,. I leg wheal nioetal' ,had . ite-er seen!. 'seed this; year, the American crop We must .grow. , more produc st
_ secret of ter whereabouts. minister here heeittiee the spies of,
trust the mitter to his recognized.
answered, with grin 'determination... Abraham. Adams began to- dream; ' slani, . would have :been 'fiVe billion*: than we 'eau tell. Too many farm-
• unstig, are everriner.e,„ loaf if isni' "ifitiVe YOU not agreed to reniain 'Mooing' teSted the grains. AS Witt.. ,..if billithebt. Does that not.raean a. eis are content ta. grow senough. to
CHAPTER, XXVI. , knowledge of Ms intentions leaked silent i- gave you' ,not,', •ali retain.
.. . _.
ter wheat, Str. Adami saved his revoltitibri in the Ivheat ixidtistryl .fOrnish '. the family ''supplies, and
1 inquired -At It'et ; "and
out it *mild' be. fittot to his plans.'" 'Penile,. reCeived Vika xour iiglic.: seven pounds to try as . Spring Will- the . food of the Poor" 'become feed what little live Stock they.may .
. "And 86 be- trues .ine,!'. r Etta, 150,011641) 0114 there will be no (tow have. The income tram ft. few heed.
your r.eison- for seeking me this smiling. . . ,, and becOrne :enriched beyond your Wheat, and in 100G he planted the ieese . or will farm property tiger of li•ve stoek will not fill the pur$0 •
'esteniugr . ; wildest dieanittl fhtrely -yen, at ivliole wren popunda. Sturdily, it
".IIe does,: absoluteli."' • , 1
_east, should ,not complain..." •• grew, .40)4 when it ',WAS harvested lel •vidue with the 'capaeity for the eery full. Is it not probable that .
' She l'esitate4, as .tb°agl: u,,,,tneliet. ' "And where doei ' Itie 'Sightless "I complain . of the. Mariner in to? weighed 1644 pounds; Ois Alas. .1 three out Of every fiVe fanners'
• eldt All, this is eenjecture,. but tain in Wilat rammer' to p.ac..; ,..er oink .that‘ r Eli to gd boat a ton. tvhielii, tlus secret of 'the crifae* Imo , ki find ha# trakep the ,world's . end& -with, 4 little e� t, grow'
.r-relezt before me,. She moved' un- imeSe.things are certain: , ,g
ir hot cord. for *heist -veldt re, ItoreLtlian. That Whet .Alaska bits given ii• ,
„ ean:ty, and : riSing,, drew • forth a Hon of Monet, from at a moment's bve4 ',PrO!sevirtttIP I141t1.: • atiouble.thetatuount of whetiti eorn,
• ltIrc,te despateh-box. front its leatt, notiee. prarl" katired with* smile. , determined, however, that ,it *halt Litoliiindred and wtwo/441)1i push., will withatand hail if not too lieavy. Totatoes,` beans or Small fruits the
.. It will stitostanct frost. •
teiniti$ year:that ther.did this log
• prci it
va!,,y. end Owed ' upon the *.tWith 4' thee in. !tofu, poseessiees remit(' seertt..9° loner*" .- • 'el* to the ' act* l". th&rati'OPL It grows hard" -wheat from fill,
table. : I noticed.. hat , the ode' -, win be no donctiliv,,, miie, ee- "Tou would 'inform the &lice * i yield, arid that:iwithout, alOr.Veklat Vhatever. itne 'finds to 'bring in fits.
obaltlit, •in,kathig, titi, pok, 'the.** . (hilioi the..mouleatuta Pettinot(rSznaniPtilatiocti;Vitit t
tone ,,:w-
k I q 1 irlielti*.ii,t42. vitliehto tee luolit tags at tfte lead expenee 4
., ,. 'There ix ,not a ilnaineial 19,icilo ),ber 'ill'hilt"., ' wears' Oor:40 yield 12.1r ibashe
a. the AUtet, and atlaie Add br'e '11',.' the, thing 'io tie to.
. '4 t r
• %ins orae.
• ...1. "ji:'\
Ur '4 ' ts, :then X intend • ..grade; up. Iis., 11.6., I hard..
i ' " . 1 1 1
tiray goM Master -key Witi'.!h lino '
the bc./41 liidl-- tilct tot be may. too delighted to, eptionifiland of twenty bushel* An, : igtt, god, bowor alt, .it will The presence of weeds, vs
Int in the, eityl'\of, tomAoti Who - r- 400.6 ' 0 wnovde
vitheilt. its.. .5nteptions being "ke t -'11i4 of '00-otland----YAlt a ere: WIttlhelfr#"Ped',4)f *mititie; ring-- 'bsek wheatraiiiin* to ., the i/ilt$''.: tag --*:°-01't 111--'14
a latcr bratelet, the -drew 'fort ,
, wx-i:.:, ofilaal•leaking .papers,- and !maims , . , order fo, rliaeover her." revolueon .20 the wheatindustry:
tsleit • returned to her chair. - lltitiati-Say it la' all * seerete (T0i-be-trerititiiieiL) f-tho World. But still thtitt WIL /Itattrt4litIt farms -of the •.East-Wherti ten011-11dirlt-luan7lt6W5.
ObgerVOLL "no* do youIliink it something that 'might dash every with: itheat.yi-elds two 'huralred teilk and butO!i-dttring arid 4 a
LT•7,0 have already be. eitrust- Ahri 41,,,4 T „,.,,,. s‘,4 -‘-‘.----1bops .of a, wheat miracle. Was this ford to. me zramortg and theraeilc :hot and the poor animal ix torn en
r bushel* to the *ere, farmers can at. midsumnier. While the weather is
.eg vitli a secret, whieh, ioir have t r1 .11VithOlt it% illittitiOtt* litillg Are 4
ii'l' 1" jk '''" 4'.44'‘" 811°11 * ' The shortest aos. of *11 the zee Alaska- wheat of #seod luality iirid ii*W.;:si .1.)
ivir,:t. illetrnyel--_,-tiv.) steret of tbat nn-, wrii" ' . -Would it reakt. tend 'tsresolt
*. he laughed ,outriglit. . With this 144 Aloe*, in mita „,_ If all Ainpler:fieto:aitl'ited- with: the r rlerl:Yilline:t tljtitT:tAellae'altleiYto- lig!
-14,1ttant.,, Ge•eurrente On: I.Tie evert- Ats.Ote r SPewl with 'you ,.
-,:',1 whai 'V fit .first brAfght, US 0... dear. . , , ' ' Ewe ' ' *10.4 it would'. at ' ()ply fifty. lect -die more tlelicat, grass and re-
.'n'Llt,e.r,"' she imattencett gravely. °The inoney„...sou will And from .4:." 1"e" darx. lite 4400#. 460, iPqltienting fartatr tarried iditg * but‘10, *441 tioarlv. ,t-±wo *Act )c.ct. that %h Ca a.'S .0:04r0 4114 fa.'
Ofttlitriettht hero, is ostensiblv ..,,„, _ i heart, °., .., ' . ,
*z::',...,,•,,z3 / ,fc(1,1 cett-vitle fhat l'. _II trootton of 4 new rail-- wn'tetl"itnicri -mut 1)6 ailia:' milt 40.0,ititritt lrig: itleAf -1- ff ft .billions of dollars r„.to...the feiiiiiiiriliat-She dcr.e.'s earlier and
aho-r.e*Peritnent---*Lation -at
!.mt. eonlidence ' 4.131ae,A ..„.:, , ti' ""l':-. . . ' ,
g.,i 7 1
, He, knew he had -or Wheat alth of the farinei?c every year. later iii. the teitttiii.- Ti'e tnrt,t, tlfk-
t,ue,A." . ,,4v, ram i sppt:pollx, Ithe Ship Be sire iin life your aim 1* hithi ,
4 tIod. pit4 any belief; He ' ow airoN tO' do- is .to' fill k 014 f ' rap.,
to think, sne&ra . .0 Ittisichrik. The planS are here,, ,.:44l_nd„, -0!,a *004313' pitch; .,. li Y-IX)IaLliit VIIEAT. tlly with Ariie and :weeds, and then
. ething :_marvelou* *in, :* *he above artiele viiis
, .., iittltztita ,.&•u• • fiptrly prepared, so that :von need .1.04N tooting upward., ate tbet..yor hot yielded eqttaliy at welt planted , ie down itt the, •shaele. wltere the
- :to, h, itattom in shoWiag thelty Don't till, Into 11 'ditch. - 11,00vititc ltesPiktell hall es will be less trotibItr;m1. it
re ' n'ot. , 'water Or *print. Did he flare
-ty,ch railway ensirser." . '
it t . .. • 4 ,
. good wheat The then:sista, and e Irom SPrix*ne, via% dit4cult to make lint 4.11),,fs but
. , that elle ,had been train' . r in stidsull'itt.t. *rot ir,np,3-ible '
li,':.11 . o,f eleyer diplosniey., Midi .0 - . iit' the. *Latin"). *004 it .
, 4 3'41i:tett* less Ilie P4tittreii • Alret' trice fri,w,
,,„ i,,,,,- ,
,• .
say :that oturity- wilt e '.
7 4..
FOR, TUE« 11.